Greater: Thursday 10 March 2016 Gainsborough Golf Club, Lincolnshire DN21 1PZ

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Building on the success of our 2014

flagship event you are invited to the


to 2pm

10 March

Gainsborough Golf Club,

Lincolnshire DN21 1PZ
2.30pm - 4pm site tours PING / EMINOX (optional)

Co-hosted and delivered by NatWest and Lincolnshire

County Council, we will be providing businesses in Greater
Lincolnshire with opportunities to hear about the size
and scale of supply chain opportunities available, how to
compete for contracts and routes to market. In addition
we will also consider future labour resource and local
skill supply, plus provide the opportunity to share best
practices, network and make new business contacts.
The event will feature
presentations from leading
industry speakers, supply
chain opportunities, local skills
presentations, exhibitors, Made
in Greater Lincolnshire Awards
launch, networking and a
complimentary buffet lunch.
Places are limited and booking
is essential.
To register your place or for further
information please CLICK HERE
or contact us on the email
address below.

Upon booking please state if you

would like to join one of the factory
tours. In order to facilitate greater
networking opportunities please
can you provide your contact
details and 200 words about your
business / product offers to assist
with the development of local
supply chain. This will be shared
on the day.
Closing date for registration
4 March 2016

T: 01522 550590

8.30 Registration, Networking,

Opportunities for Growth :

Cllr Colin Davie,
GLLEP Director and
County Councillor


Support for the

Manufacturing Sector :
Steve Middlebrough,
GLLEP Director & Siemens
Director of Engineering
Turbine Services


Productivity Improvement /
Lean : Patrick Lee,
Manufacturing Growth
Lead, EEF

9.45 Manufacturing Sector

Support Overview :

Lisa Yau, Automotive &

Manufacturing Team,
10.00 Refreshment Break
10.30 HS2 Supply Chain

Opportunities (TBC)
11.00 Influencing and Accessing

Local Skills :

Prof Tim Gordon,

University of Lincoln

Dr Rona McKenzie,

Principal UTC


Offering two 18 hole golf courses and
excellent value for money membership
packages, Gainsborough Golf Club also
offers exceptional views across both courses
and the Lincolnshire countryside beyond,
making it an ideal venue for weddings,
special occasions, parties or events catering
for up to 200 guests or delegates.
PING is a family-owned company founded
in 1959 in the garage of Karsten Solheim.
Karstens frustration with his putting inspired
him to design a putter, which made a
pinging sound when striking a golf ball.
Today, PING is synonymous with innovation,
quality and service in the world of golf.

*The programme may be subject to change

11.20 Growing through


Gary Headland,

Chief Executive

Lincoln College Group
11.30 Refreshment Break
12.00 Jaguar LandRover

Automotive Supply Chain :

Michael Mychajluk,

Supply Chain & External

Engagement Manager

Jaguar LandRover
12.50 Made in Greater

Lincolnshire Awards Launch
1.00 Lunch Networking
2.00 Close
2.30 Company Visits

Places are limited, please

book in advance:

Session 1 | 2.30pm - 3pm

Session 2 | 3.15pm - 3.45pm

Session 1| 2.30pm - 3pm

Session 2| 3.15pm - 3.45pm

Eminox is a privately-owned company,
established in 1978, with head office and
manufacturing facilities in Lincolnshire.
They are a leading European designer and
manufacturer of exhaust after treatment
systems for heavy duty diesel vehicles and
equipment. Their manufacturing capability
has been designed for flexibility, combined
with rapid prototyping and quick
turn-around. Eminox have made significant
investments in advanced cell manufacturing
capability, focused on zero-defects and cost
efficient manufacturing.

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