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January 28, 2016

Mr. Maurice O. Green, Superintendent

Guilford County Schools
712 N. Eugene Street
Greensboro, North Carolina 27401
Dear Mo:
The purpose of this letter is to outline the transition you will make from
Superintendent of the Guilford County Board of Education to the private sector. I
write this letter with the authority of the Board of Education. The following
matters will facilitate your transition and will address essential contract items:
1. It is agreed that your last day as Superintendent will be March 18, 2016.
We recognize that between now and that date you may use leave or
vacation days to be absent from GCS, and that you will follow your usual
process to assure that an acting Superintendent is in place in your absence.
You have given ample notice as provided by your contract and the Board
appreciates your considerate handling of the transition.
2. Your contract provides two benefits which require you be employed on
July 1 of the year after the benefit is earned. Because you have forgone
your contractually described annual increase this year as in the past years,
you have earned more than the value of the benefits we address herein. In
recognition of your excellent and steadfast service to the Board, the
provisions requiring you to be so employed are waived and you will
receive the full value of those benefits for the 2015-16 fiscal year. The
provisions are amended as follows:
Section 3.f.
Although the parties have previously agreed that the
Superintendent must be employed on July 1 of any year in order to
be eligible to receive an annual contribution to a qualified
retirement plan, the Board agrees that the Superintendent has
proven his value and dedication to the system and has foregone
raises in compensation required under his contract and therefore

Mr. Maurice O. Green

February 1, 2016
Page 2
has earned and is entitled to have GCS make its annual
contribution to a qualified retirement plan 2015-16 year in full by
April 1, 2016.
Section 3.g.
In addition to the vacation days allotted to the Superintendent by
the State, The Superintendent is entitled in this provision to an
extra 20 days of vacation, 10 of which can be compensated for if
unused. The parties agree that the Superintendent shall be
compensated for the full 10 days of unused locally allotted
vacation to be paid to the Superintendent by April 1, 2016.
3. Provisions in your contract requiring the Board to defend you in the event
that any legal action is filed against you for duties arising out of the course
and scope of your employment as Superintendent of GCS will continue to
apply to protect you after you complete your transition.
4. The Superintendent has been provided an older model smartphone and
laptop computer which are of minimal value and beyond their useful life
to GCS and you are entitled to keep those devices for your convenience.
We look forward to your continued support of GCS and we thank you for
your laudatory tenure as superintendent of the Guilford County Schools.
Very truly yours,

Alan Duncan

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