Abstract Example2

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Template for the Two-Page Extended Abstract for the Second International

Conference on Acoustic Communication by Animals

Marie Curie, International Institute for Bioacoustics, University of Biology and
Acoustics, Tokyo, Japan, curie@bioacoustics.edu [provide email address only for
the corresponding author]
Linus C. Pauling, Ava H. Miller, and Linda Helen, Department of Chemistry and Peace,
Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, USA [list multiple authors from the
same institution this way]
Albert Einstein, Patent Examination Office, Berne, Switzerland
This is the template for extended abstracts. These abstracts will be collated, printed, and given to all
attendees at the conference. Please use this template in making up your document, by removing each
section of text and replacing it with your own writing. For instance, select the whole title above and type
in your title; then select the first author lines and type in the name, affiliation, and email address; then
select the second author and type in the name and affiliation; etc. This will preserve the formatting. Delete
any material that you dont use, including these paragraphs and the figure and caption below.
The first paragraph immediately above has special formatting (12 points of space before it, and no
indent), but successive paragraphs are all the same and you can select them all, delete them, and type your
text as needed.
The paper size is Letter (8.5 x 11), and the page margins are 1. The first paragraph of text is not
indented, but successive paragraphs are indented 3/8, as has been done in this paragraph. . All fonts are
Times New Roman. The title is 14-point, figure captions are 10-point, and all other text is 11-point.
Except for the institutional affiliations after the authors names, italics and boldface are used sparingly if
at all. Text is in one column and left-justified, except for the title, figures, and figure captions, which are
centered on the page.
Figures are centered on the page, and whenever possible, are placed at the top or bottom of a page.
Figure captions have margins that are 1/2 wider on both left and right, so that the text is 1.5 from the
edges of the page. Figures are in black, white, and gray, as that is how they will be printed.
Please submit your extended abstract as a .doc or .rtf file, not as a PDF, as it will aid us in collating
all of the abstracts. Make sure that your extended abstract is no longer than two pages!

Fig. 1. An eastern meadowlark (Sturnella magna) and a tricolored blackbird (Agelaius tricolor).
The latter is a colonial species that may well have complex and interesting aspects to its acoustic
communication. In a figure caption, the font is 10-point, unlike the 11-point font used elsewhere,
and the page margins are narrower than other text. [Note that common names of bird species
may be capitalized per AOU convention, but other animal species names are not.]

This is text after a graphic. Leave one line of blank space between a figure caption and the text (or
other graphic) following it, or if there is text immediately before a figure, leave one blank line before the
Again, please make sure that your extended abstract is at most two pages long!

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