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The ultimate guide to quitting your

job and pursuing your passion

By Jamie Flexman

This eBook is for information purposes only

Copyright 2013 by Jamie Flexman. All rights reserved.

I have created this ebook to hopefully inspire and help you with eventually breaking free from the
shackles of everyday life and to pursue whatever passions and dreams that you wish to follow.
This ebook contains a mixture of my best articles and totally exclusive content that focuses on the
following topics;
Page 3 - Dont like doing something? Stop Now
Page 6 - Reasons why having a job is a bad idea
Page 9 You are NOT your job
Page 11 5 Reasons why time is more important than money
Page 13 - 7 Reasons Why You Dont Want to Quit Your Job (and how to ignore them)
Page 15 - Finding your passion
Page 18 - Do you have the courage ?
Page 20 - 6 steps to help you on your way
Personal experience
Page 23 Retail is evil Why I gave up my job
Page 27 6 Things Ive learned from 6 months without a job
Bonus content
Page 30 - How to hand in your notice (Exclusive content)
Page 32 - How to call in sick (Exclusive content)

Dont like doing something? Stop NOW

The alarm clock goes off, you reach over, eyes closed, groaning like a zombie, fumbling around in the
dark trying to find that damn button. You finally find it and press it down. Your finger says yes, the
brain says no. The relief of silence is your first victory of the day, yet the zombie returns as the
realisation of what this signals hits you like a hammer.
Yes it's Monday morning and you have to go to work!
Why would any sane logical person do this? I must be a masochist you think to yourself as you
struggle to get out of bed.
Yet this is the default start to the day for the vast majority of people.
The crazy thing is that most people start their day like this. Thinking negative thoughts and totally
dreading getting out of bed because they know their day ahead is going to be a chore. We have all been
there. We have all had a job we hated for whatever reason. So how do we change this?


Why should you go through your life being bored or fed up with what you do on a daily basis? Its
insanity, it really is. I think it was Albert Einstein who once said the definition of insanity is doing the
same thing over and over, but expecting a different result.
The problem is we fall into set patterns that are dictated to us by society. We are raised with the belief
that we should follow a particular path in life. You know the one. Go to college/university, get a good
job, buy a house, settle down and get married, have kids, grow old, retire, play bingo. I mean, who
wouldnt want to retire and play bingo?
We all have our own set of ideas and beliefs, dreams and aspirations. Not only that, we have dreams
that fall into two different categories. The first category is dreams we have had all of our lives, maybe
since childhood. Some people want to be footballers, astronauts, pop singers etc etc, which is great.
Then we grow up and somehow these dreams change to more realistic careers like lawyer,
physiotherapist or traffic cone maker. (seriously, who makes those things? Is there a traffic cone
factory or what?)
The problem again, is that most of us even fail to achieve the heady heights of the second category. We
end up sat in an office or in customer service jobs that suck the soul out of you quicker than a lonely

vampire. We are often unfulfilled and this creates negative emotions that linger with us pretty much
every day of our lives. This of course means we pass it on to our family, friends, loved ones. They can
see we are unhappy and over time, this can create problems with our relationships.
Stop doing these crazy things that are bringing you down. You know what you have to do.
I know what you are going to say, that you cant just quit your job. I mean who does that? Its
immature and reckless right? Maybe you will come up with a ton of excuses such as how to pay the
rent or bills. Or you might worry about what your friends and family will think of you. Its okay, I dont
necessarily mean that you must quit today, but put the wheels into motion today. Think about what
you really want to do with your life and take those first steps right now.
In early 2012 I quit my job. For as long as I can remember I have been a slave to the hourly wage.
Giving up my time for 6 an hour. Dealing with sociopathic managers and disillusioned people on a
daily basis can really bring you down.
For several months I considered handing my notice at my last employer, but those negative thoughts
held me back. Worried that I didnt have anything else lined up. Worried that it would take me
another 9 months to find a new job (my last unemployed period). Weeks of frustration finally came to
a head when over the period of a few days I was treated like a child by a couple of managers. The next
day I handed in a weeks notice and I can honestly say that I had no fear or apprehension about the
future. I felt so relieved and free.
My plan, my calling, is to travel. To live in different parts of the world and experience new cultures
and exciting adventures. Obviously I hope to make enough money through some online ventures,
including this blog, but I honestly dont worry about that. I just want to make enough to enable me to
live life on my own terms. That is my dream.
Shortly I will be doing something that I have always dreamed of doing but was too afraid to try. I will
be travelling to a foreign country by myself. To see what it is like not knowing a single person and to
see how I adapt to this. I chose Germany because I wish to put the last two years of German language
learning into some form of practice. That and they have good beer.
This is just the first stop. I eventually want to actually live, not holiday, but to live at least a few
months in every major continent in the world. I say major. I dont really fancy Antarctica for some
reason. Could be the Penguins, I dont know.
If you are already considering breaking away from the daily grind, then read on..

5 tips to help you on your way

Have a plan of action. The first step is to actually have an idea about what you want to do.
Go with your gut instinct here and just follow the one big dream you have always had but
were too scared to try. Think about how you can get started, no matter how small that first
step might seem.

Find people who have done it. This can mean speaking to any friends or family members
that have started their own business or maybe look online and send an email to any role
models you may have within your chosen field. Dont be afraid to ask questions, and if

possible, spend some time with these people. Just communicating and being around people
who are where you want to be is inspiring.

Surround yourself with positive people. This is a very important part of any big lifestyle
change. There will always be people willing to put you down for daring to change. If you can,
keep your distance from these people and instead focus on spending time with people who
actively encourage you and want to see you succeed.

Work hard. You may be quitting your job but that doesn't mean you can start slacking. This
is where the real hard work begins. Hopefully you are sufficiently motivated to really tackle
this head on and put all of your energy into making your new life succeed. The only one who
can do it is you.

Never give up. There will be times when pitches you make will be knocked back. When
funds can start getting a little low. When you will wonder is it all worth it?. Just know that
all successful people experience anxiety from time to time and it is perfectly natural. Focus on
your goals and everything will come together in time.

Start thinking about what your calling is. Think about it all day every day. Lets say you want to start
your own business. Go ahead and dream about it. Focus on what you want to sell or provide. Visualise
your customers, your surroundings, the money you will be making. Before we can put a plan of action
in place, we must first have the intention. Dont just wish for your dream, but truly believe that you are
already doing it. Look at these two sentences.
One day I want to be a successful vocal coach
I am already a successful vocal coach, I just dont have the students yet
There is a quote from the actor Will Smith. He said that when he has an idea or a plan, its over. Its
already happened, we just havent seen it yet.
This is a powerful mindset that all successful people have. To truly succeed you must already be the
person you wish to become. I know that sounds paradoxical but when you think about it, it does make
sense. To use an example, Successful dieters often have the mindset that instead of wanting to be a
thin person, they are already a thin person, just trapped inside a fat body. It creates the mindset that
our current reality is just temporary.
We have to believe that this isnt our lot. That we can do anything we set our minds to. Go anywhere
we want to go. Be anyone we want to be.
There is no us and them. There is nothing to differentiate those who are successful from the rest of us
apart from one thing. At some point they decided that they were going to take control of their lives and
start living on their own terms. It has to be that way.
What is the alternative? The 9-5 grind for another 40 years? No thanks.

Reasons why having a job is a bad idea

1. It is literally a waste of time
Great Ive got myself a full time job. Im so excited, I think we should all go out and celebrate. Well yes
that sounds like a good thing initially, until you break it down and it dawns on you what this actually
entails. Youre in essence trading 40 odd hours a week in exchange for money. That is the deal you
have with your employer. If youre lucky you may even get a decent amount of money as part of this
deal, but the chances are you arent getting enough to truly compensate you for giving up that much of
your life on a weekly basis.
The Holy Grail surely is to either have a job that earns you enough per hour so that you can greatly
reduce your working hours, or have some form of passive income. By this I mean an income that you
can earn without actually being there. One of the best ways to make a passive income is via the
internet. On the most basic level, having an eBay business is great for this and is something I used to
do as far back as 2005/6. A better way is to set up a website or a product that can earn you money
while you sleep.
Of course you need to put in the hard work initially, to create your business/idea and to get the wheels
in motion, but once in place you can start earning money without actually being there.
Im sure you can work out that this is better than turning up for your contract and clock watch until
you get to go home again. Thats madness.

2. You probably dont even enjoy it

If you have a job that you genuinely enjoy then congratulations. Youre lucky and nobody likes you!!
Actually Im just joking. Youre one of the few that sussed all this out years ago and you are probably
very content in your life.
For most people, enjoying your job is something that they cannot get their head around. How many
times has your employer turned around and said to you these immortal words; youre not here to
have fun, youre here to work. Urghh its soul destroying isnt it?
Why would any sane person want to do the example above and trade 40 hours a week for something
they hate doing? Its bonkers is what it is. Think of all the fun and satisfying things you could be doing
instead. Go and do that. Go on, now.

3. Say goodbye to your creativity

When was the last time you had the opportunity to really use your brain at work? Youre thinking
arent you... its okay you can stop now. Im not talking about boring stuff like how to solve x problem
or anything like that. Im talking about using your brain to be creative.
The chances are youre in a job that requires a series of steps and actions that have to follow a certain
pattern. Most jobs require you to do as you are told. Creativity and thinking outside the box is usually
frowned upon. This can and probably will lead to disillusionment and frustration.

What we want as human beings is to be challenged in such a way that we feel we can actually make a
difference based on our own decisions. This is why being self-employed or people that are musicians,
actors, writers, athletes or artists generally have a more content life. They are being challenged and
they respond with their minds and instincts.
Dont be trapped in your stifling environment. Get out there and do things on your terms.

4. Its very risky

How is it risky you may ask? Well gather round and I shall tell you a story.
One day you go to work, content in the knowledge that you are safe and secure in a job you hate (we
established this earlier). You get a call from your boss, he wants to see you in his office. Yes thats
right, youve already guessed it. You get fired! The contract that you signed for that deal to exchange
time for money, means nothing really. If you dont perform or you fall behind certain criteria, there is
a possibility than you can no longer earn money with that company.
Sometimes you may not have done anything wrong. Your employer might need to downsize and get
rid of some staff, and because you were the last one in, you are the first one out. Bit unfair really isnt
If you were your own boss or you earned money by doing it on your own terms, then the security is
actually greater. This is because using your own creativity, motivation and application to create money
is actually a skill. Once you know you can do it, you have the knowhow to do it again and again. You
dont need to rely on someone hiring or firing you. Your ability to generate an income is solely down to
you and how much effort you want to put in.

5. You have to beg for more money

Lets say that you do a damn fine job, wherever it is that youre a slave to. Actually lets say that you
are the best at your company. You are very proud of what you do and the amount of output you are
generating, but are you getting your moneys worth? Are you getting compensated for your efforts?
If you arent then you have to either wait until the end of the financial year for a pay rise that may
never come (or that everyone gets) or you have to actually go and ask your boss for it.
Sorry, beg for it.
Yes thats right, you have to think up what is essentially a sales pitch to try and convince your boss to
give you more money. This is if you are lucky enough to be in a job where you can get pay rises. A lot
of people are in minimum wage jobs where no matter what you do, you get paid the same as everyone
else in the country. How demoralising!

6. You probably work with idiots

This one is pretty self-explanatory. We have all at one time or another worked with people that we
genuinely dislike. For whatever reason, it could be something trivial like they cannot stop talking or
they slack off and let you do all the work. All we know is that being around these people day in day out
is very stressful and unfortunately you cant do much about it.

Well, you could moan to your boss and move departments but that just makes you beg again, and
weve already established that this sucks.
If you worked for yourself, you can control who you deal with. You can pick and choose business
partners, employees, clients that fit in with what you stand for. No more having to grin and bear it for
the sake of appearing sociable and normal, as last time I checked you couldnt shove a sock in the
mouth of your colleague without your boss getting moody. Shame really.

7. These will become your friends

An unfortunate aspect of the above example is that people tend to make friends based around who
they work with. Its somewhat natural to create social groups from the people we see every day, and
thats before I even get into (shudders) the works Christmas party.
You may not get on with the select few people you dislike in your workplace, but you generally have to
fake affection to a certain degree. The risk here is they can actually like you in return. Then youre
screwed. Then there are the work nights out and events that you are invited to, and you probably
shouldnt go to either. Why is this? Well alcohol and idiots dont mix well for starters. You spend 40
hours a week in a pressure environment with these people and now youre expected to get drunk with
them too? Not for me thanks.
While you obviously do create some good friends from work, it is generally advisable to keep work
relationships and actual relationships separate for the most part.
And for God sake, do not date anyone from work. Just dont even go there.
Not so great is it?
So there we have it. My own personal thoughts on why you should never get a job. I understand that
everyone needs an income and right now you may not be able to just give up everything, and thats
fine. I do say though, that you really do owe it to yourself to have a think about how you can quit the
rat race and start to have that freedom that you deserve.

You Are NOT Your Job

Most of us have had a time in our lives when we meet someone new and that dreaded question rears
its ugly head.
So what do you do?
Those words can have a crippling effect on our social interactions, to the point where we can even lie
and deceive for fear of being judged on how we make a living.
Have you ever seen an old school friend and purposely changed direction just so you dont have to
engage in small talk
you are not your job
Hey how are you? I havent seen you in years
Yeh I know, its crazy. Im good, how are you?
Yeh cant complain, so what do you do now?
Umm, well
10 seconds is all it took. 10 seconds to take a seemingly pleasant conversation and turn it into a very
uncomfortable moment. The fear of being judged by someone we hardly know and maybe a reminder
of how our life isnt panning out the way we had originally hoped.

A brief reflection
Its easy to believe that there is a stigma associated with minimum wage employment, especially when
we hold these positions later in life. It wasnt so bad when I was younger and everyone was fresh out of
college and about to embark on the big bad world. The problem arose when the years
started to pass and I was still slaving away for the soulless corporations that would eventually kill any
desire I had for regular proper employment.
There are only so many shelves that one can fill and only so many orders that one can receive before
insanity sets it. Minimum wage jobs are often thankless jobs too. Every day is Groundhog Day and
everything that you did the day before has been reset as if it never existed.
When you live this existence and you allow this world to become part of who you are, of course it is
easy to become beaten down with life. I remember starting one such job back in my early twenties and
I actually enjoyed telling people that I now had a full time job and decent regular income, well for a 21
year old anyway. This never became a problem until I changed jobs at the age of 25, but instead of
moving up in the world, I merely moved sideways into a similar company.
Actually apart from a brief 6 months stint working on Bournemouth beach, I stayed in retail until the
age of 31 and a time where most of my peers were doing something that society would seem befitting
of someone my age.
To be honest I grew sick of telling people what I did for a living. I hated their fake approval, oh well
thats cool, and the body language that betrayed their sincerity. It wasnt so much their approval that
I was trying to seek, but every time I would tell someone where I worked, it was a timely reminder of
how I wasnt doing what I truly wanted.

I always believed that what we do for a career doesnt define who we are inside. Yet social stigma will
always exist to a certain degree. Now I know that a little paranoia was responsible here and that most
people probably didnt really give a damn, but I have no doubt that social status exists and we judge
people based on this, even if its subconsciously.
This is where we imagine other peoples opinions and base our own on what we believe they think
about us.
I dont need to tell you that this is unhealthy.

How can we learn to detach ourselves from what we do?

Do not allow your job to get you down, no matter what it is you do and regardless of how bad your
days are. Many famous and successful people worked in jobs they hated before they eventually moved
on to a more successful career. It is in these types of jobs where your passion and your grit and
determination are formed. It is a test of character and life rewards those who pull through and
manage to escape the grind in favour of following their goals.
The next time someone asks you what it is that you do. Answer them with honesty and with your head
held high. If your tone of voice and your body language shows that you are comfortable with what you
are saying, it will carry more weight. For it isnt really what you say that makes the difference, its what
lies behind it that matters.
If you were a successful author but when it came to explain what you did to others, you did so without
confidence and portrayed that you were ashamed, then yes it will come across like you have something
to hide. Likewise if you told people you were a door to door cheese salesman, but said it with utmost
confidence and conviction, then people would probably think you were happy with what you did and
that it was kinda awesome.
The point is, dont attach yourself to what you do for a living and dont let it define you as a person.
The chances are it is only temporary and in the future you will be doing what you have always wanted,
so focus on that and treat your current job exactly for what it is, a simple way of paying the bills while
you work towards your future goals.
The opinions of others are worthless. It is what you feel that counts and never let the fear of what
someone else may think affect who you are and how you live your life.
You are NOT your job. You are far more awesome than that and you know it.


5 Reasons Why Time Is More Important

Than Money
If you work ridiculous hours and have no time to actually have a life then you are doing it all wrong!
Time is more important than money! There Ive said it.
The whole idea is that you work to live and not live to work but somewhere down the line a lot of us
get this concept all mixed up. Its like one of those catch 22 situations where you initially take a job to
enable you to earn more money and thus lead a better life, but it becomes a never ending pursuit of
more money and a promise that one day you will cut back the hours. So you end up basing your life
around work and the whole plan has flipped 180!
Its not right is it? Okay you may need the money to support a family or you may work in a profession
that requires long hours with little time off, but there are always ways to increase your earnings
without compromising your life. The first step is to actually realise that a change needs to be made.
So I am going to show you 5 reasons why time is more important than money.

1. We only have a limited time on this planet so make it count

There are various theories that with the advances in science and medicine many of us will live past the
age of 200, and possibly a lot longer than that. Age reversal, stem cell technology and the curing of
various diseases are just some of the ways this will be possible, but so far all of this is still in the
development stage.
We cant expect to solely rely on the idea that we will always be here. Most of us see death as a taboo
subject and we naively believe that we will be around forever, but we should be living our lives as if
there is a time limit.
That timer is counting down and we have no idea when it reaches zero, so why are we wasting most of
our time doing the things we dont want?

2. When you look back on your life, you never wish for a bigger bank
Think of your life like a book that is being written and will be published when your time is up. Im
fairly sure that you cant fill up a book with your bank balance so what else is there?
Each chapter of this book should be focused on a different aspect of your life and to enable this to
happen, your life should be as varied and eventful as possible. Spending countless hours every week
for years on end working yourself into the ground will not make a very good book, not unless you are
making a difference with your job and/or money.
When people look back on their lives they never wish they could have spent more time in the office so
take note of this now and do something about it.

3. There is no point having money if you have no time to spend it

There are many people out there who just love to hoard money away in the hope that one day they will
eventually have enough to retire. These hoarders actually have a scarcity mind-set and are afraid of


losing their hard earned cash. The truth is, no amount of money will ever be enough for them and they
see their increasing bank balance as a barometer of their success.
It would be unfair to call these people tight as a refusal to spend money can also be attributed to a
lack of hobbies or social life. Its certainly easier to spend 70 hours a week in the office if you feel like
you have nothing fun to do outside of work.
The solution to this is quite obvious. The more we have going on in our private lives, the less time we
will allow work to take from us.

4. Those who have time want money, and those who have money want
You know the funny thing is that most people want what they cant have and this is usually true across
both ends of the time/money spectrum. Those who are unemployed or have low incomes will strive for
more hours or a better paid job while those who are on six figure salaries often moan that they have no
time to spend with their friends and family.
Neither of these is desirable and both will ultimately cause unhappiness in your life so the trick is to
find a happy medium which leads me to my next point.

5. A healthier balance leads to a healthier life

Its almost like a cruel paradox. You can have all this free time but no actual money to do anything
worthwhile or you can have all this money but no free time to do the things you want. The trick is to
find a balance and earn enough money without sacrificing all of your free time.
Easier said than done I admit but if you find yourself out of sync with your work and amount of free
time then you should try to find ways of addressing this imbalance in your life.
Remember we only work x hours a week because that is the amount that society arbitrarily places
upon us all. This amount isnt set in stone and it is up to us to decide what we do with our lives.
If you are in a position where you have little choice but to work a lot of overtime or you dont have the
resources to free up a lot of your life, just take the opportunity to have some you time. Keep your
weekends free or have one or two evenings a week where you have the chance to do whatever you
Take that class, have that night out, practice that hobby, have a weekend away, spend time with your
friends/family/partner. Whatever it is that you daydream about at work, make some time during the
week to focus on that and I promise you that you will be far happier and less stressed.


7 Reasons Why You Dont Want to Quit

Your Job (and how to ignore them)
Youre probably reading this for one of two reasons. Either you have some kind of dissatisfaction with
your job or I bribed you with a promise of chocolate biscuits and copious amounts of alcohol.
Dont worry Im not stooping that low (unless it would work, let me know).
Anyway, if youre here because of the first reason then what Ive done is written an article detailing a
lot of the common excuses we can come up with when faced with the reality of change.

1. I cant quit because I have no idea what to do instead.

Come on of course you know. Think back to when you were a little person, running around wiping
your nose and tripping over unwanted toys. You had a dream, you had a plan. Ok you probably wanted
to be a monkey or something but a dream is a dream right?
Embrace that feeling but instead of trying to change your whole genetic makeup, focus on doing
something that creates such a fire in your belly that it makes you want to eat a thousand ghost chillis
just to cool yourself down.
We all grew up with an idea of what we wanted to be and the chances are you are not doing anything
even remotely as cool right now. Personalities and dreams change with age, I get that. But never allow
yourself to settle for something that just isnt you.
Remember Being realistic is the most commonly travelled path to mediocrity.

2. I cant quit because I wont be able to pay my rent

Well if you quit your job and just sit around on your backside for the next 5 years then youre totally
right, you wont be able to pay your rent. On the plus side, you can probably find a nice family sized
cardboard box and if youre lucky, a bus shelter with a non-leaking roof.
But lets assume youre not totally insane and you use your noggin, there is no reason why this should
even be an issue.
Before you quit you can find yourself a job that is far more enjoyable or if youd prefer to start your
own business then you currently have the opportunity to save up to make that transition far easier.

3. I cant quit because this is a respectable job

Says who? Ahh I get it. Youve got your sensible hat on, well done.
So youre trying to remember what your careers adviser drilled into you when you told them about
your monkey ambitions. Let me help you.
Stop being an idiot. You should get a respectable job that would make your mother proud. Try
working in an office or even better, tell disillusioned teenagers what to do with their lives.
Fantastic you did it, you have a respectable job but are you really happy? Dont just stay in a job you
hate because society arbitrarily dictates that its a respectable position. Your own self-respect is far
more important.

4. I cant quit because this job is my identity


Now this is even worse than the respect thing. If your self-esteem and your self-worth is attached to
what you do for a living then you have some issues my friend. Ill wait here while you go and slap
yourself in the face.
Done? Awesome.
It doesnt matter if you clean out toilets for a living or if youre a world renowned heart surgeon. We
are all human, with the same hopes and fears as each other. Behind that title we are all the same deep
down and we should all try to find peace with ourselves, not the person we present to the world.

5. I cant quit because Im worried about what people will think

Does this include me? Because I think you need to man up (woman up?) and take some responsibility
in your own life for a change.
Now stop crying and pay attention.
Were all wary about what our peers think, its somewhat natural but its totally ridiculous to live your
life trying to please everyone around you. The truth is, people rarely give a damn what you do as long
as it isnt affecting them directly. Nobody cares if you stay bored in your job or if you try to follow your
The only person that should care and the only person you should listen to is you.

6. I cant quit because Im not a quitter

Youre a stayer though, which in this context is even worse.
How does it feel to wake up every day and dread getting out of bed? You can change this feeling
anytime you want, all it takes is a bit of self-belief and a shot of courage.
No I dont mean Whiskey. Put it down.
It takes courage to make a big change in life and a lot of people struggle to find it, at least initially, but
try to remember that everything starts with a first step.
If youre too worried about handing in your notice thats understandable but for now focus on
researching your future. Apply for better jobs, rediscover your passions, save some money, get
everything in place so that when you do make that change, you have everything in place to start living
the life you want.

7. I cant quit because erm.

Ha! Youre struggling now to think of an excuse arent you?
Whats that? You cant quit your job because your dog ate it? This isnt homework.
Face it, it doesnt matter what you try and do, a million and one (or 6) excuses will do their utmost to
convince you to stay where you are. This is just a fear of the unknown, an attempt to make you stay
within you comfort zone. Its not real.
If you genuinely want to do something different with your life, regardless whether its about your
career or just your life situation, knowledge is everything. Do your research, plan it out, prepare for
any hiccups along the way and most importantly make sure you keep moving forward.


Finding your passion

Before I decided to quit my job I spent a LONG time worrying about what I wanted to do with my life.
I would rack my brain almost every day trying to work out something that I could do that was better
than facing hell every day.
Ill be honest, the thought of staying in bed eating jam doughnuts crossed my mind more often than
not, but I didnt think it was the most productive way to spend my days.
So I only did it once. Promise!
Anyway I am going to share some of the tips and ideas that I came up with that could help you find
your passion and how to pursue it.

1. Think back to when you were a kid

Now if you were anyway half normal you probably wanted to be a superhero or something, which
while ambitious is a little unrealistic. I was a little weird and told my careers teacher that I wanted to
work as a journalist for a computer games magazine. When I started to play the guitar at 17 these
ambitions subsided and obviously I wanted to be a rock star.
Kind of like a superhero but less (more) spandex.
Try to remember what you really liked in your youth and see if it is somewhat plausible to do. If you
still harbour similar ambitions then what are you waiting for? Embrace that inner child and go for it.

2. What do you do better than anyone you know?

This one should be easy to figure out. Most of us have a skill that our friends and family are slightly
envious of, but maybe a lack of confidence means we dont really consider it as an option. For

Do you play a musical instrument? If so maybe look into teaching and passing on your
knowledge to others. This is really easy to get started with and its what I currently do.
How creative are you? If you are an avid drawer/painter or if you enjoy making things
then this is a great way to start a new business for yourself.
Are you good at helping people? Maybe look into going to university and work towards
becoming a psychologist or therapist. A simpler option is to start a blog and offer advice and
tips based on your own life experiences.
Do you have any standout physical attributes? If you are still relatively young and you
have a natural talent then maybe sports is an area that you could do well in. Especially if you
have natural speed, strength, endurance etc. Maybe you are good looking and have great
genes. If so the modelling industry could be an option.

The point here is to find something you are good at that you can develop and monitise. In this day and
age careers can be made out of almost anything and the best part is, if the niche is a little obscure the
chances are there is little competition.


3. What have you always wanted to do but never had the chance to?
This is a great way to find your passion. So far we have looked at the past and at the present for
inspiration but now have a little look towards the future. Both the past and the present are based on
decisions made a while ago which may or may not be in line with the person you currently are.
So what have you always wanted to do? Some people really want to go travelling and that alone can
open up a crazy new world full of opportunities. Not only is it a passion unto itself but you can make
money along the way by teaching English as a foreign language or again, starting a blog and sharing
your experiences with the world. These routes are very popular are pretty easy to get started with.
Just because you havent yet done something doesnt mean that you cant make it happen. You would
be surprised by how easy it can be to pick up a new skill or to transfer your experiences over to a new

4. Thinking outside the box Go crazy with it

Think of the most obscure ways people live their lives by doing what they love. How did they come up
with their ideas? What steps did they take to get off the ground? Where does their source of income
come from? The next time you read or hear about an obscure job, have a look into it and see if it
inspires you to come up with something equally crazy.
Off the top of my head I can think of;

Work in a circus
Take up an obscure sport like Handball
Become a skydiving instructor
Singer? Play an instrument? Earn a living playing at weddings
Be a bartender on a cruise ship
Try your hand at stand-up comedy
How about becoming a life coach? Dating coach?

5. Remember, passion doesn't have to mean money

If you are determined to quit your job and find your passion it can be easy to just think of the money
that can be made by doing what you love. Sometimes passions dont involve monetary gain at all and
can be fulfilling in other ways.
Volunteering is a great way to give something back to the community and there are many programs
around the world should you fancy getting out of the country. The range of activities you can do here is
limitless. If you feel strongly about poverty you can help build schools and houses in the poorest parts
of Africa. Or maybe stay closer to home with the many organisations that help the homeless or the
A great way to contribute is to raise money for a cause you are passionate about. Some sponsorship
schemes allow you to do something crazy like climb Kilimanjaro while at the same time earning
money for you cause. Whatever your beliefs or passions there will always be ways for you to help.


Do what you can to find your passion and to give up that boring unfulfilling life that may be dragging
you down. Keep working on it, think, create, plan, discover, find, inspire and motivate.
Sometimes these flashes of inspiration can come immediately and other times they can take months
or years. Dont get disheartened or give up.
There will come a time, sooner than you probably think, when you will be able to live the life you want,
whatever your goals may be.


Do you have the courage?

There are times when we have the opportunity to do something different. Something new and exciting
that will dust the cobwebs from in front of our eyes and stimulate us. We know when this occasion
arises because the butterflies start in our stomach and we wonder if the ability to push past our
comfort zone can be found within.
It can be difficult to change something, I can attest to this first hand. For years I went from menial job
to menial job, largely without much thought. I would work for a particular company for a certain
amount of time and then the sledgehammer would strike and I would realise I had to get out. Only, I
would then seek out another job which was similar to the previous one. Madness!
I give you permission to slap me retroactively.
You can go ahead and slap yourself too if you have done the same.
So it became a cycle, and here is the worst part. When we keep doing the same thing over and over it
just becomes a habit, and one which is hard to break.

Why do we do this?
Simply the brain doesnt like change. It likes being in a comfort zone because it requires less effort
than pushing the boundaries. If enough time has passed, and the brain is too set in its ways then it can
be a monumental effort to break free. How many times have you wanted to search for a new job and
you kept putting it on the backburner because you were too tired or you had something better to do? I
think weve all been there.
It is one part laziness and one part fear I think. They both work together in tandem to keep those
shackles locked tightly. Laziness stems from a fear of doing something new and fear grows from the
laziness of not doing anything different. Like a downward cycle of depression and monotony which
just grows stronger with time

The arghhh moment

I believe that there will always come a point in our lives when we reach that arghhh moment. You
know the one. You wake up one day or someone says something to you and you just think to yourself
thats it, I cant do this anymore. Your life suddenly forks out into two pathways, sanity and insanity.
Which one you choose will often come down to the courage you have at that moment.
We all know the definition of insanity is doing the same over and over but expecting different results.
So that must mean sanity is the result of changing something. Choosing a different path from what has
gone before.
When we reach this make or break moment we must have the belief in ourselves that we can choose
the right path and leave our fear behind.
I have failed to take the right path on many occasions and each time it happened it was soul
destroying. I just knew I had the chance to do something different but I let my lack of courage stopped


me from even trying. I let fear win and every time this happened it became stronger. It feeds off your
negative emotions and the next time youre faced with a similar situation, its hold on you gets tighter
and tighter.

Break your comfort zone

Courage is always there, bubbling under the surface, teasing us with short glimpses of what is
possible. So how can we tap into it whenever we want? The trick is to recognise when it is there, and
then to act on it with conviction. The next time you get an opportunity to do something that really
pushes your comfort zone, embrace that initial surge of positivity and act on it before it becomes
crushed with fear.
Trust yourself that the decision you want to make is the decision that you should take. Go with your
gut instinct as that is rarely ever wrong. Force yourself to break from the fear that has been holding
you down. I know it can feel like walking in water at times but it does get easier. Like I mentioned
above with fear becoming stronger the more you allow it space. Courage also becomes stronger the
more you allow it to breath.
It is like a long lost friend who constantly leaves you answerphone messages, but you never phone
back. It is reaching out and all you need to do is meet it halfway. The title of this article is a bit
misleading. You dont really need to find courage, you know where it is. Just learn to give it a go.


6 steps to help you on your way

I have compiled a list of 6 tips that I think can help you to do this yourself. A lot of people want to
change their careers and their lives but they find it hard to gather the momentum required to do so.
Maybe it is a lack of knowledge or maybe it just seems a bit overwhelming to some people. This is why
I have compiled a list, and hopefully it will break down the process into more manageable steps.

1. Do the research
Great you now have your career or goal in mind, so what next? Well now comes the part where you
have to really do the research. If it is a new career then try and find out everything that you will need
to start it up. Does it cost money? Do you need any qualifications? Is it something you can start right
now or do you need to learn how to do it?
If it is something like travelling, then equally you need to seriously look into it. How much will it cost?
What route are you planning to take? Are you going alone or with someone? Where will you stay?
When starting something new, preparation really is key here. You need to know what you are letting
yourself in for. Be prepared for anything and everything. Can you cope with the challenges that may
arise, financially or otherwise? If you find it a struggle can you ride it out?
Another part of researching is to follow where others have been before. Seek out others who are where
you want to be and learn from them. Everything that has ever been accomplished has been
documented in a book or online. Read as much as you can and take in all the information you can
handle. Now that you have done the preparation..

2. Are you ready to succeed?

What do I mean by this you may ask? Well a lot of people are so focused on failing that should they
actually succeed they are totally unprepared for it. Success is a scary concept. How will you feel should
you start making double the money you previously made in your 9-5 job? How about quadruple? Ten
times the amount? I know this seems a million miles away right now but it is very achievable, and
people start doing this every day.
People by nature feel intimidated by others who dare to succeed, let alone actually achieve it. How
many people do you know that try to put you down when you have a great idea? The more successful
you become, the more these people will try to hold you back. There will be friends, family, partners
who may start off supportive but will resent you should success come your way. It is a sad fact of life,
but being wary of this will help you handle it should it happen.
Of course most people will support you and that is great, so dont worry about it too much. More
importantly, how will YOU feel when the good times come rolling? Being successful can take you way
out of your comfort zone so just remember to take a step back, relax and realise you are on to a good
thing. Discomfort is a sign of growth, embrace it.

3. Let people know


Okay you have sorted out everything in your own head and you are now mentally prepared for doing
this. Now is the time to come clean with your plans. Usually your actions will have some form of
impact on those around you. If you have kids or a partner then giving up your job is obviously going to
be something they need to know about in advance, as it can be scary for them too. Some people end up
moving back into their parents home as a way to save money while they start their new journey. You
need to ensure that those around you are ready to support you, both mentally and financially should
you need it.
Telling people is also a great motivator to get things started. Nobody wants to look silly after telling
everyone their plans. Muhammad Ali used to tell the press which round he would knock out his
opponent in. To many this was seen as brash and arrogant, and showing a lack of respect for his
opponents. In actual fact, he used it as a tool to help motivate him to follow through with his
predictions. He simply wouldnt allow himself to fail after such bravado.

4. Take the plunge

This is it. This is what you have been working towards. The moment you have been dreaming about.
Handing in your notice at work and finally being free. There is no going back now. Its done.
Actually, youre probably very nervous about taking the plunge. Wondering maybe if you are making
the right decision or if you have everything set up ready. This is normal and it is just fear holding you
back. Think about everything you have dreamed of and focus on what that means to you.
That first day when you wake up and you dont have to go to your boring job will feel awesome.
Honestly, just wait and see.

5. Work Work Work

Now you may have given up work, but that doesnt mean you give up working. Now is the time to
really put the hours in. Yet this time, you are working towards your dream and hopefully you will be
self-motivated enough to achieve this. Sometimes people can under estimate how much work is
needed to get a new project off the ground. We could be talking double the amount of hours that you
were used to. Yes this sounds crazy but nobody achieved anything without hard work. It has to be this
way or everyone would be successful.
To help you on your way, plan out your days in advance and stick to the times you have given yourself.
If you need to wake up at 7am, then get up at 7am. If you want to spend x amount of hours on
something, then make sure you do it. You are your own boss now, so learn to be strict with yourself
and take your new venture seriously

6. Trust yourself
This is the part where you have to keep the faith. There will be times when things get tough and you
start to question your ability to succeed. In almost all cases there will be a so called pain period. This
is when the novelty of pursuing your passion has passed but you have yet to really start making
money. There will be times when you wonder if it is worth it, whether you should just give up and go
back to the real world.


Stay strong and trust yourself. Trust the process. There will always be a dip and everyone will go
through it so try not to worry. You will come out the other side stronger and more determined than
ever to make it work. Keep putting the hours in and the results will inevitably come.
That day when you make your first sale or receive your first payment will be one of the best feelings
you will ever experience. Keep focused on that goal and remain strong.


Retail is Evil Why I Gave up my Job

It felt like I had just been hit by a train.
Her comment had blindsided me to such an extent that I stood there, open mouthed, struggling to
comprehend what I had just heard.
Her eyes staring at me intently; her ignorance was astounding but yet I couldnt respond. I was
rendered speechless.
I glanced over at my colleague who gave me the slightest shake of his head. He too couldnt believe it.
5 months of hard work, insane shift patterns, putting our bodies on the line and for what?
I looked at the metal bar just inches from my left hand. My fingers twitched; I felt an overwhelming
urge to pick it up and teach her a lesson.
This is why I gave up my job.

Phase one Incompetence

My previous job, as I have mentioned before wasnt exactly a bundle of joy.
I worked for one of the nations largest retailers, one of those stores where its small enough to know
everybody inside but large enough that you felt as though your identity has been stripped and all
youve been left with is a number.
The laughter factory as I liked to call it, with a touch of irony.
My job title was technically a general assistant, or sales assistant. Basically I was a minimum wage
monkey that wasnt being fed enough bananas.
I accepted a change in position just before Christmas that was supposed to be temporary. They needed
people to help with the refurbishment, and when asked, I happily accepted.
It seemed better than serving customers. To be honest punching myself in the face was a better option
than that.
If youve ever worked retail then you will know exactly what I mean.
The trouble being this job was the worst experience of my working life. They expected us to work 512
hour nightshifts in a row. To stay behind even longer if the work wasnt completed.
Well give you night pay they said.
Well give you extra days off they said.
For those 5 months I was underpaid by at least 100 per month. When youre on minimum wage that
is a lot of money but I suppose you cant reason with incompetence.
I stuck at it. I wish I hadnt. I simply lacked courage.
Every day I pondered whether I should ask to be transferred back so I could stand in front of the
unwelcome gaze that is the general public. It was a tough one but I always told myself that it will all be


over soon. These insane shift patterns will be replaced with normality and this nightmare will surely
I was half right.

Phase two Slave labour

Okay, the nightshifts ended and I started working with a new guy. My initial feeling of relief was short
lived as while I was happy to be working day shifts, the amount of work we were expected to do was
nothing short of brutality.
For 5 days a week between the hours of 8am and 6pm we were basically labourers.
The actual guys that were being paid 200 a day to do a lot of the work were astounded by what we
had to do. They couldnt believe it, especially as we werent being sufficiently compensated for our
We were given a task of clearing out a large room full of metalwork. That previous sentence doesnt
convey how much metalwork this room contained.
It was ridiculous. Tons and tons of the stuff, literally 2 weeks solid work. We had to clear it out, tidy it
up and put it all back again. If it sounds a bit pointless then youll be right. It was.
During this time my colleague and I would both injure our backs, cut our hands and arms on broken
glass, suffer badly bruised legs and all because they had trouble finding worthwhile jobs for us to do.
To be fair our manager at the time would check in on us and he was genuinely thankful for what we
were doing. The trouble started when he left for another store 2 days before the end of the job.
One of the senior management team, well call her The Dragon; took over until end of our contract.
She was someone who I had a good working relationship with. I genuinely didnt mind that she was
now my temporary boss.
Surely she had been paying attention to the work we were doing?

Phase three The confrontation

I paused.
Time slowed down while I imagined myself picking up the bar and beating her in the face with it. Her
assistant, a pathetic weasel of a man, would be next. I never trusted him, and I would later be proved
right with my instincts.
But I am not a violent, nor a stupid person.
Youve hardly done any work
Her words were so lethal. In my whole working life I had never heard such ignorance. The first time
she had even been to this room in weeks and she dared to question our work ethic.
Not to mention the sheer amount of floor space we had created.
This all happened in the space of a few seconds before she uttered her next gem.
I want all this completed in 2 days
No I responded, venomously. It cannot be done. Weve been doing this for 2 weeks and you have no
idea how much work this is


(Assistant) and I could do this easily. You have no excuses. She said.
I glanced again at my colleague who I could tell was doing his utmost to remain calm and silent.
You will stay out here and you will not go inside the store for any reason. You will tell (assistant)
when you go for a break, and you will tell him when you return
Thanks for reminding me, I thought to myself. Its been a while since I felt like a child.
Later that day in what I can only assume was an attempt to strip us of our dignity, she had her
assistant come upstairs and take away our phones (which were essential in our role) and to inform me
that I would spend the next week in the staff kitchen pot washing.
Oh its like that is it? I asked.
He smirked. I punched the box next to me in a fit of rage.

Phase four Interrogation

I took that week off sick. You see all that hard work had caused my sciatica to flare up and I needed
time off for a rest. The fact it coincided with my pot wash week was just a spot of good luck.
Anyway, I had spoken with my colleague not long after our little confrontation and he suggested that I
take a week off sick, to screw them over.
I wasnt totally sure if he was serious or not, but I commended him on his creativity.
You see there was a slight problem with this.
On my return from my totally legitimate back injury, I was summoned into The Dragons office. I
would say Dragons Den but sadly I wasnt going to get any money here.
So hows your back? She asked.
Oh much better now thanks, not great but Ill manage I replied.
So Ive been informed that you told (colleague) that you were going to skive off last week
Now Ill be honest here, I did not expect that.
She stared at me, looking for a sign of weakness, something she could latch on to.
I refused to show any.
Firstly I didnt say such a thing, so I can only assume someone overheard our conversation and added
2 and 2 together to get 4.1, but this is irrelevant. In her eyes I was guilty.
My mouth was dry. I could feel my heart forcing its way out of my chest.
Our eyes were locked in a stare down straight out of WWE. She wasnt flinching and neither was I.
Seconds passed.
It felt a bit awkward, but to hell with it. Im not letting her win.
More seconds passed. The tension was increasing and I felt I needed to end it.


I have no idea what you are talking about.

I see She replied. So are you saying this person lied?
I have no idea. I just cant remember such a conversation.
Take that Dragon.
She must have sensed I wasnt backing down so she moved on. She would inform me I would spend
the next 2 weeks doing pot washing and then I would work under her as a security guard. I put that in
brackets because I wouldnt actually have any responsibility.
In her words;
You will keep an eye out for thieves and then report back to security. You will not speak to anyone at
any time or you will face disciplinary action.
I had two lovely words for her, but I kept quiet. I had other ideas.

Phase five The end

A couple of days passed while I gave it a bit of thought, (not the job offer, stuff that) and I finally
decided that I couldnt work for this person and this company any longer. I handed in my notice and I
had never felt so relaxed and relieved in a very long time.
Yes the final two weeks of my job involved a lot of pot washing and sticking my fingers in various half
eaten pies, but I didnt care. I was free.
I had a vague idea of what I wanted to do but thats it, no idea how to get started but it was OK. This
was a watershed moment in my life and I knew I would never go back to the hell that is retail.
Almost 6 months on and I do not regret a second of my decision. I gave up my job and it was the best
thing I have ever done.
If youre in a job now where you are under appreciated or are being treated with a total lack of respect,
please consider your options. Get out if you can. It doesnt matter if you give up that industry
altogether or simply just try your luck at a different company.
Your dignity and your happiness/health are the most important things you will ever have.


6 Things Ive Learned From 6 Months

Without a Job
Im lying, its just short of 6 months but a post titled 5.5 months without a job doesnt have the same
impact. So yes, Im a little early but if I didnt write it now I would probably forget.
For those of you who have only just stumbled upon my site, I quit my boring crappy job at the start of
the summer and to be honest I didnt have an exact plan. Well I kind of knew that I wanted to start
teaching guitar but I had no idea how to get that started. So basically I did the very responsible grown
up thing of walking out of a job without anything lined up.
Go me!
If you havent yet seen them, I have written a variety of posts detailing both my story and various how
to quit your job articles which you can read by downloading my ebook over there on the top right
hand side of the screen. Quick, go take look.
Almost six months on I now give regular lessons and I have a fledgling secondary income which I
wont talk about just yet. Sadly its nothing exciting or dangerous, which is a shame. Anyway, I better
move on to the point of the article.
6 Things Ive learned from (almost) 6 months without a job!

1. Time flies by so damn quickly

I read somewhere, I really cant remember where it was but Im almost certain it was legit, that the
less new stimuli our brain receives the faster our days will appear to pass. Thats why as we get older
time seems to fly by and as kids those long awesome summers were, well, long and awesome. It was a
new experience.
Sitting at home glued to my laptop and teaching guitar can start to get a little repetitive. Nowhere near
as bad as sitting in a cubicle for example and Im certainly not moaning but a certain daily rhythm can
be set.
In one way this is good as it feels like I am motoring towards my goals that little bit faster but in
another sense, it also feels like there are only 18 hours in a day. So I quit my job and now I just cant
seem to find the time.
Take note Alanis. THAT is irony.

2. Money just seems to appear?

When I left my job I had a certain number in the bank. Im not going to reveal that number because;
A. It isnt any of your business and
B. It totally would be your business if it was an impressive figure. But it wasnt so get over it.
Anyway, it was a decent amount to live on for a few months but I was certain that sooner rather than
later I would have to dine out with the local hobos.
This hasnt happened yet, and Im not sure why.


You see pretty much every month since then, the amount in my bank account has remained pretty
constant. Every time it has taken a hit, within a week or two I receive a little windfall from somewhere.
I would take on a bunch of students or sell a few articles and everything gets back to normal. I dont
expect sorcery to be involved here, but that would be cool wouldnt it?

3. My motivation levels are all over the place

The first 6-8 weeks of my self-imposed workforce exile was insanely productive. I taught myself how
to build a website, how to market and promote myself and not just that but I went to the gym most
days and continued to teach myself German.
I was a machine.
The machine needs fixing.
As time went on my motivational levels started to fluctuate, and I suppose this is normal. Nobody can
keep up an insane work ethic 24/7 and I expected my output to falter at some point. The trouble is
that getting back into the groove is proving pretty tricky. I suppose that I am in a little bit of a rut but
every few days I hit my stride again and blast out some articles or do some promotion. I have just
learnt how to maximise these windows of opportunity and when I wake up without any energy, to not
fret about it. These feelings will pass.

4. I wasnt prepared enough for the pain period

Following on from the above, I think everyone at some point will enter what has come to be known as
the pain period. Doesnt it sound lovely?
The way I interpret this is that its the time when your motivation starts to waiver and you start
wondering if it is worth the hassle. Youre putting in all this effort and hard work but have yet to see
any meaningful results. Yeh okay, I am now making a liveable income doing something that I enjoy
and that is great and everything but its not enough money for a good quality of life (in case you didnt
know I chose to move back home before starting).
Ill be honest and say that every day I battle with the thoughts of whether I should get a job. If I did
this would I be a quitter? Or would I simply be sensible and normal?
Screw you sensible and normal. You will not get the better of me!
See what I mean? In the space of 30 seconds I pondered giving up and then decided not to. Its okay
though, these doubts are normal and I know that if I stick with this, I will be rewarded one day. I just
hope that day comes soon or Ill be hitting up those hobos. (Do they have phones?)

5. It becomes easier to tell people what you do

The funny thing with quitting your job is that you always meet people and they ask you what you do,
and it seems like life throws these people at you the VERY MOMENT you quit. Couldnt you have
asked me last week when I was a normal functioning member of society? Damn you all
To be honest, I felt a little awkward, both when meeting new people and catching up with old friends.
People responded with reactions ranging from; you crazy fool to wow I wish I could do that, and
everything in between.
Almost 6 months on I now make money from teaching guitar and writing, and while it isnt a lot, I can
tell people that I am a musician and Im a writer without feeling like a fraud. I have covered this before


in the article you are not your job, but it sure feels better when youre not a slave to the minimum

6. Having a job really sucks

It does, lets not lie to ourselves here. Okay most jobs suck. Mine did, so thats my story and Im
sticking to it.
If you have a job that you enjoy then good luck to you and well done for being the object of my insane
jealousy. Dont balls it up, keep it and good things will only happen to you.
Now back to me.
Yes my motivation levels go up and down and Im currently in the middle of the pain period but when
I sit down and think back to earlier this year, I was really unhappy. This wasnt a fluctuating level of
unhappiness either but a constant feeling of total resentment for where I worked and everything
around me. Right now I dont feel stressed at all. My blood pressure is so low its bordering on being
unhealthy. I dont have any feelings of dread when I wake up in the morning.
This is why I do what I do. Will it last? Who knows, I may be forced at some point to get a job if this
doesnt pan out the way I had hoped. I am doing my degree right now in computer programming as a
backup career to future proof myself.
So far so good, lets see what happens next.


How to hand in your notice

Surely the most satisfying part of quitting your job must be the day when you can finally tell your boss
the great news. You dream of it every day, you talk about it with your colleagues and you just wish you
could do it in such a way that you leave the office to rousing applause and legendary status.
Unfortunately that kind of thing usually only happens in the movies and the reality is that many
people actually dread handing in their notice. The last time I did it, I felt pretty nervous beforehand as
I anticipated an uncomfortable situation but actually it went smoothly, as they usually always do.
The only time when an issue may occur is if you have an important job that requires a particular
skillset that is hard to replace. Almost always these types of jobs have extended notice periods, and not
only that but leaving can really inconvenience your manager/company. But never fear, that isnt your
problem, they are paid to manage and that is what they shall do.
They need to earn their high wages right?

4 Tips to help you get through that awesome day

1. Do you have a notice period?
Hopefully you still have your contract to hand, but if not dont worry as you can easily find out your
notice period by phoning human resources. Usually if you work in an unskilled job you only have to
give 1 weeks notice by law. Yes your employer will generally ask for more, but that is because they
need time to find a replacement. If you have a position of power then this notice period may be
anywhere from 3 months to 1 year. Ridiculous isnt it?
If you break your notice period, the worst that can happen is that they hold back some of your pay but
if you need to leave for a new job before the notice period is up, then usually a compromise can be
reached. In this situation ask your manager/human resources for help.

2. What to actually write?

Again, what you have to write in your letter largely depends on what job you have. The type of job
where you only have to give 1 weeks notice, would usually only require a few lines thanking your
manager for allowing you the opportunity to work there and the date when you intend your last shift
to be.
For other types of jobs, where your resignation will have a negative impact on the company, it is good
practice to detail why you feel you need to leave. You never know when you might need this company
as a reference, so be as polite as possible.
This website has great examples of resignation letters that you can copy if you arent feeling inspired.

3. How to break the news

Now there is two ways in which you can approach this. The first is to just walk straight up to the
manager and hand your notice in an envelope and telling them the news. The second is to verbally tell
your manager that you are thinking of leaving and that you may be handing in your notice soon.
The plus side of the first option is that it is over and done with quickly. If you are particularly nervous
about leaving, then this could be the best option. It is the method I have used with great success.


The second option is generally used when you have respect for your manager and the two of you have
a good working relationship. In situations like this, they may even ask you to stay and you never know.
You could get a new improved contract out of it.
Remember though, whatever you decide to do, never be rude and never burn your bridges.

4. What happens if I just quit on the spot?

This is the dream and a lot of people actually do this, but generally only when they feel backed into a
corner. It is almost never a good way to leave your job and especially if you need a reference, as just
walking out will ensure this information will be passed on to your next employers.
Also by breaking your notice period, your employer may decide to withhold your pay and legally they
have every right to do this. If you get paid cash in hand, or you genuinely dont anticipate working in
a conventional sense again, then by all means just quit. Just remember that your actions can have an
impact on others so use common sense here.


How to call in sick

Sometimes we all have periods where we just dont feel going to work that day. Quite often these
reasons can be mental instead of physical and its usually when we feel down that we consider pulling
a sickie. The feelings of guilt and anxiety rage through us when we make that call but it doesnt have to
be that way. With my helpful tips, forged on my experience in these situations, I can guide you
through this process as painless as possible.

Is it ethical to call in sick?

The easiest answer to this would be, yes. Mental problems like depression and anxiety are just as real
as physical problems, but sadly very few people understand this. Calling in sick because you are
feeling down may come across like you are being lazy or that you are skiving, so thats generally why
sickies exist. Its a way to cover up the truth with something a little more believable.
Put it this way, everyone does it and if you havent done it yet, you will eventually.

Make sure you are a reliable worker

Taking the odd sick day here and there will be a much easier process if you are genuinely respected
within your company. Either that or your manager knows how hard you work each day. It is usually
the ones who take liberties or scrape through each day doing as little as possible that arouse suspicion.

Choose your time wisely

Within the company guidebook there will be a section about calling in sick. READ IT. It will detail the
best practices and there will usually be a specific time period before calling in. For example in many of
my previous jobs I had to call in no later than 2 hours before the start of my shift. Now that may not be
possible but always call as soon as possible. Doing so will cover your bases when you return to work.

Know your enemy

Its always best to find out who is on the other end of the phone line. Learn the patterns of the
managers. Who works what days and what times. The worst thing is expecting a certain person to pick
up the phone and then finding out its someone completely different.

Dont put on a voice and never ever cough (unless you have a cough)
The worst thing you can ever do is to put on a voice when phoning in. It is easily read by most people
and everyone will think you are just skiving. Dont do it, use your ordinary voice and everything will
sound a lot more authentic, because it will be.

Using a truth to cover up a lie

Like I stated earlier, one of the reasons we take a day off is for mental reasons, so we usually make up
something physical to make everything easier for ourselves. When doing this use common sense and
anticipate how long you plan to have off. If you only want to take 1 day off sick and you tell them you
have the flu, then you are expecting trouble. Use a physical ailment that is logical for your intended
time off. Common sense always wins.

They will want details - DONT GIVE THEM DETAILS


The basis for any white lie is to not go into elaborate details. The more details you give, the more
chance you have of slipping up and making everything a whole lot worse. If your manager starts
asking a lot of questions, answer them but keep them short and be a little blunt, without being rude.
Keep to the absolute basics and just state the facts. Example;
You Hi, Im just calling to say that I wont be coming in today, sorry about this. (Polite and to the
Manager Oh okay, whats wrong?
You Its a stomach thing, just a dull ache and its more comfortable when I lie down. (Vague but
explains why you cant come in)
Manager Oh dear do you know why? (Probing for details)
You No nothing comes to mind (Less you know the less you can say)
Manager I see, have you been to the doctors? (Standard question that comes up every time)
You Well if it doesnt clear up I will see if I can get to one, but just resting now. (Shows willingness to
visit doctor, but you make no promises)
Manager Okay, when do you think you will be back to work? (Another textbook question)
You I dont know, I will see how I feel later and I will let you know asap. (How can you know?
Always be vague but offer to keep in touch)
You see how the manager cycles through various questions to try and find out details? Dont play that
game and keep everything short and simple. Sometimes they may try and play doctor, but if this
happens just reiterate that you dont know what the cause is and you will see a doctor if problems
persist. Remember they arent qualified to give a diagnosis so pay no attention to it.
Points to remember
Calling in sick shouldnt be an excuse to hide away from the world. Sick days are designed for people
who for whatever reason dont feel like they can go into work that day. There is no such thing as a
stupid reason, as if you genuinely feel like you cant go to work then that that is good enough.
Remember that if you have any feelings that persist then please find someone to talk to about it.
Preferably someone who is qualified to do so, or failing that a chat with a friend can be a good
substitute in the short term.



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