Potpourri - Vol 1

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Silver oaks the School of Bangalore

Silver Oaks the School of Bangalore

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Silver Oaks the School of Bangalore

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I am very happy that an initiative taken by
Mrs. Mangala Ganesh, Librarian to encourage reading has
taken a bigger dimension as a fabulous medley of stories and
We, the staff of Silver Oaks, have decided to publish the best
collection in a book format to encourage our young authors
and illustrators.
Our sincere appreciation to our teachers Ms. Rachana,
Ms. Sarika for the untiring effort put in editing the work of
the students, and Mr. Harish for cover page artwork.
Mr. Kartheek effort at formatting and making it print ready is
I am positive that this will be a Landmark event each year
which will evolve into a Silver Oaks lit fest.
With tons of good luck and enormous happy writing wish to
all budding writers and artists,
I, cherishing this high privilege sign the first milestone.
Mrs. Shanthi Badrinarayanan
Silver Oaks, the School of Bangalore

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We, Authors and Illustrators,
Do solemnly declare that the work i.e., the stories and
the illustrations are original and have not been
adapted or copied. We understand that as
authors/illustrators, we have a moral responsibility
that we will not encourage plagiarism.

Story Name:
1. Golden Advaita
2. Adventures of King Thimby Thimb
Clipart for these two stories have been taken from the

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Authors & Illustrators


Advaita Mehrotra
Ananya P Reddy
Shreyansh Ravi
Aniruddha RJ
Aanvi Sharma
Inika Mayank Talati
Nikhil Jagannathan
Hitha Sathish
Vishnu Shastry Heddese
Nehaa Joshi
Siddharth Arun
Aarush Mehrotra
Anvit Kelkar
Shankar Subramanian

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Page 5

Name of the Story




Golden Advaita


Ananya P Reddy

The magic pebble AVI

Shreyansh Ravi

Aniruddha RJ

A day at the beach

Aanvi Sharma

Inika Mayank


The man of greed


Hitha Sathish


My journey as a 1 rupee coin


Nehaa Joshi


Dimension 1 - Alien attack

Siddharth Arun

The adventures of king

Thimby Thimb III


Aarush Mehrotra


Horror night at the

demon's house

Anvit Kelkar

Anvit Kelkar &



Rain (Poem)


Inika Mayank


Monkeys (Poem)


Inika Mayank


Silver Oaks the School of Bangalore


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Page 7

Once upon a time, there was a person named Advaita.

He was poor and lived in New York City. One day his
best friend said, If you find gold you can do lots of
stuff and become rich. So he went far away to the hills
and tried to find gold but he could not find it for 10
days. But then, he finally found the gold! He felt very
happy and thanked his friend. Then
he bought lots of planes and made his
own airline called Gold Air.
Each plane was luxurious and it
became a popular airline. So Advaita became rich.
When he became so rich he started helping poor
people. Then he started thinking of making an airplane
museum called World on Air and dreamt that it would
be famous .Then suddenly lots of his planes crashed
one after the other .He felt sad but still he worked
hard. Then he finally became rich again. He started
helping others and made a new airline called Golden

World on Air
Author: Advaita Mehrotra (Grade1)
Illustrator: Ananya P Reddy (Grade 1)
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pebble and Avi
Avi was a boy who studied in Silver Oaks 1A. One day
he found a magic pebble while playing in the school

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He played with the pebble for some time But soon he

understood that the pebble granted wishes and was
magical. He was very, very happy and started thinking
of all the things he wanted but couldnt get from his

First, he wished for puppies and birds. And his house

was full of playful puppies and chirping birds.

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He had fun playing with them. Then he wished for his

house to become like Disney Land.

And what happened?

Soon, in place of his house there was a big amusement

park with Mickey, Minnie and all the other characters.
They were running in his house castle. Avi was very,
very happy. He went on every ride in Disneyland. He
had a wonderful time playing with his favourite Disney
characters. He had so much fun. He was very, very

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Hours passed and he had kept on playing. Now, he was

hungry, so he wished for a giant cake and a mountain
of chocolates.

He ate and ate and was happier than ever before. After
everyone had eaten their fill, they all played many
more games. Life seemed wonderful. He thought that
his parents would have never allowed all this. He
wished that he could live like this and never have to go
to school again. He walked to school and saw that
everyone had forgotten him.
The wish had worked! He saw that
everyone was busy studying while
he could have fun.

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He took out his pebble and looked at with joy. To his

surprise, he noticed that his stone looked a little

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Thinking that it was just his imagination, he wished for

all the toys of the world. He got a mountain of all the
toys of the world, but he also saw that his stone
became much smaller now. He understood that every
wish he asked for made the stone a little smaller. So,
he kept the stone away to ask for one last wish later.
Suddenly, he felt hungry again. He looked at the cake
and chocolates. He missed his mummys roti sabji. Just
when he was feeling quite sad, he heard loud barking
outside the window. He looked out to see that the
puppies had made a mess of Disneyland and now were
growling loudly hungrily. They wanted food
immediately. They ran after him and chased him
everywhere till he hid in a room. He felt very sad and
scared. He missed his home, his friends, parents,
teachers he cried!
Finally, he took
out the stone and
with all his heart,
he wished for
everything to turn
back to as it used
to be before. The
stone vanished
from his hand but,
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nothing changed.
Now, Avi cried very loudly and started shaking. He
could hear his Mummys voice in his head. She was
saying Get up. Suddenly, everything changed and he
woke up. He realized that this had been a dream.
He hugged mummy and said I love you. He dressed
and rushed to school very happily. His mummy was
surprised to see him go to school so happily.
That was his secret.

Author: Shreyansh Ravi

Illustrator: Aniruddha RJ
Grade 1A

Silver Oaks the School of Bangalore

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A Day at the Beach

A day at the Beach
Today Max and Emma will be going to the beach today.
They are so excited! They eagerly finish breakfast and
go upstairs to their room to pack. They pack sunscreen,
books, toys, swimsuits & towels. Mum tells them to
change and get into the car.
It is a long journey with pretty sights. Max and Emma
sleep all the time! Finally, they reach the beach. This is
the first time Max & Emma have been to the beach!
The beach is really hot! The sea is calm too! Mum takes
a lot of pictures of the beautiful beach! They are quite
amazed to see the waves and sand!
They play at the beach all day! They take a surfing class
for kids! They learn agility, balance and take risks.

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Then they swim, build a sand castle and play with a

ball. They observe that other kids are playing happily
They see the sun setting over the horizon. Mum
reminds them that nature is beautiful and makes us
calm and happy.

On the way back, they are grateful for an unforgettable

day at the beach.

Author: Aanvi Sharma

Illustrator: Inika
Grade 3

Silver Oaks the School of Bangalore

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The Man of Greed

The man of Greed
Once upon a time there was a child
called Aiden. He was very greedy for
gold. His right hand thumb was made
of gold. His thumb was made of gold
because he was cursed that whenever
his right hand thumb would touch
anything it would turn into gold. One
day his father was having a feast with
his friends. When Aiden heard the
news, he spied. When his dads friends
came inside, he couldnt wait to play his prank. As soon
as his father welcomed his friends and brought them to
the dining room, Aiden got ready.

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When they started talking and eating, Aiden came in to

the room and said, Im feeling very hungry When his
dad was just about to give him some food, he played
his prank. He touched the food with his right hand
thumb and turned it into gold. His father was very
The next day when he woke up, he went to his friends
house and started playing with him. There were other
boys too. When his friend started talking to one of the
boys, Aiden slowly sneaked and tip-toed to the
swimming pool and jumped in. Then he turned the
pool full of gold.

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He got stuck in the pool. Then he realized the pain of

others. Then his friend came in the pool to pounce on
him because Aidens friend was very angry. When he
got in the pool he also got stuck. Then his friend did
not want to talk to him or play with him anymore.
---------------Author: Nikhil
Illustrator: Hitha
Grade 3A

Silver Oaks the School of Bangalore

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My Journey as a 1-Rupee Coin

(Hi!), I am a shining, brand new

minted coin from the bank, in the
hand of a young man walking on the
road. He did not notice that his
wallet was sticking out of his
Oh, I am falling down. Can
somebody catch me?
A thief sees me and picks me and runs away feeling
happy. He runs so fast that he ran into a policeman.
Frightened, he drops me and runs away. Thank God! I
am metal I did not get hurt!

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The police man takes me in

his hands and starts walking
dreamily, he drops me into a
drain, I happily slide through
the water pipe and dive into a
Whoa! I really got some exercise. Before I could relax in
the cool water, a gigantic fish gobbles me up! It was
very stinky inside the fish! I was tired and sleepy.
Suddenly it gets wobbly inside and I realize the fish had
been caught by a fisher man. I cant wait to go back on
land! I am getting sea-sick! The fisher man finds me
when he cuts open the fish.

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He gives me a nice hot shower and I am shining again.

He takes me for a walk in
a crowded market and
exchanges me with a big
fat cucumber.
The shopkeeper is
amazed with my shine and gives me to his son who is a
famous cricket player. He uses me as a toss coin in his
matches and wins all the games. I have become his
lucky charm.
One day, when he was coming back from his train
journey he drops me right under a train track and a
train comes and flattens me like a chapathi! Then he
picks me up and took me home, and guesses what? He
made me? He keeps me on his desk as a favorite
---------------Author: Vishnu
Illustrator: Nehaa

Silver Oaks the School of Bangalore

Page 23

Dimension-1 Alien Attack

This happened in the past of the future's past's
future of the past. This alternate-time dimension
was created due to overuse of time machines. In
this, the world is a wasteland, purple and black, save
one place.
The Town!!!
Everyone in the Town was holding their breath and
staring at the TV. The Mayor had gone out to meet
these extraterrestrials that crashed into the wastelands
surrounding the Town.
The mysterious metallic cylinder was unraveling
itself, with tendrils of electricity pushing apart the two
halves. As they watched, the Mayor, with his
bodyguards, went close to the cylinder.
It was instant. It was dreadful. And it was so scary
a child fainted watching it. A blue-white, streaming
particle came from somewhere inside the cylinder at a
ridiculous speed. It hit the Mayor, went through him,
leaving him to collapse, and circled back to do the
same to the bodyguards.

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The cameraman was not shot, however, as he was

not close to the cylinder, but he did run away, leaving
no commentary.
Meanwhile, the first sign of life has shown itself. A
large long arm, about a few feet long and half a foot in
width, jet black, stuck out of the cylinder. Then a small
torso, a second arm and two similarly oversized legs
came. The arm ended in a kind of vice. The last any
were to see of that creature were its eyes.
If I had to explain how scary it looked, I'd be still
talking about this in the page after the next, so let's
move on.
Its eyes were pure green, just floating above the
torso, with no neck or face. The eyes were having so
much pure hatred, it looked at the camera and the
camera melted. Nobody was watching, though, so it
didn't matter.
The thing spoke. It had a deep, drawn-out,
booming voice. And it said exactly this:

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The War between the Worlds had begun.

Similar capsules fell, circling the city, with similar,
but smaller, aliens. Meanwhile, everybody in the Town,
excluding children and mothers, were gearing up for
The moment it was 12 hours after the first capsule,
a small grenade was thrown into the outskirts of the
Town by the aliens. It exploded, but instead of a
normal explosion, a bluish-greenish circle expanded
from the middle of the ball, destroying anything and
everything within thirty feet.
In return, the humans fired a single laser at a
capsule. Then the fight fully began. Every person
rushed out from their hiding places and ran full steam
at a capsule. The aliens were waiting, their eyes
literally boring into people. The aliens were, however,
evenly matched against a group of a hundred to each
one. The fight went on, with the people ducking and
rolling to avoid particles, the aliens throwing grenades
and taking away the nearest people, and so forth until
the leader alien came into the fray.
He now had a hood draped over something that
was probably an invisible face, shading the eyes, and
had a large, tri-barreled gun. He shot wherever he
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could, topple buildings, killing people, and so on. The

humans were losing. Then a miracle dropped out of the
A meteorite hit the center of the city. The impact
shocked the humans off their feet, but it did more than
that to the aliens. The aliens were pulled towards the
meteorite. When an alien touched the meteorite it
vanished, and the respective capsule exploded. Only
the leader could oppose the force, but even he was
losing to it. At last, he touched it too. And then the
world changed.
At first, I explained how this took place in the past
of the future's past's future of the past, right? Now,
due to this meteorite's absorption of the aliens, the
time paradox reversed, and the world of 1665 was
brought back. Ask Newton. He'll tell you it's true.
What? He's dead? I don't really care.

Author: Siddharth Arun


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The Adventures of
King Thimby Thimb III
A compilation of his greatest feats

Most of the days in King Thimby Thimb IIIs Grand

Palace are just another normal day. No one in the
palace knows that a day can be interesting. For all they
can guess, its just another day working for the greatest
king alive.

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One crisp, sunny afternoon, the Grand Palace was

bustling with activity. The kitchen had just caught fire!
The Palaces firefighters were trying their best to get
the fire under control, but it was spreading too fast for
them! The chief firefighter went up to King Thimby, to
take permission to turn on the dangerous emergency
sprinklers. Knowing how desperate the situation was,
King Thimby hesitantly said a yes.
Since the fire was spreading toxic fumes, King
Thimby had no choice but to abandon the palace.
Running out, he raced past countless people, mostly
firefighters. He did not realize the true extent of the
damage until he got outside. Smoke was rising from
the center of the palace, and there were many weird
crackling sounds coming. He spent the night going
around the castle and checking the fire. Finally, in the
morning, the smoke ceased and the sky was clear once
Smiling, King Thimby Thimb III went inside his
palace. Thanks to the brave firefighters, the Grand
Palace was saved from what would have been a
devastating fire.
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The next day, all of the firefighters in the kingdom got a

raise, a new car, $1k, and a medal from the great King
Thimby Thimb III himself!
The day of the Grand Palace Fire, as it is called, is
forever remembered as Firefighters Day in King
Thimbys Kingdom.

On yet another great spring day, King Thimby was

meeting with his court, to decide whether or not he
should attack King Lindberghs neighboring kingdom.
Finally, the long-awaited decision to attack came!
King Thimby's army was soon marching of to the
nearby King Lindbergh's kingdom. Within an hour, the
First Lindbergh War had started. While 75,000 (a small
force!) of Thimby's men created a distraction for
Lindberghs men, a medium force of 250,000 men
marched behind Lindbergh's men and started attacking
from the behind. Losing badly, Lindberghs army was
forced to flee, thus losing the first battle of
the First Lindbergh War.
Fresh with this victory, the first attacks
men marched on towards King Lindberghs
palace. The force of 325,000 men soon met
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The ill-fated Lindbergh

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up with more of King Thimbys men. Together, the

force of half a million men started off towards their
first challenge, to the heavily populated city known as
Lindbergh City.
Resistance in Lindbergh City was fierce, as more
than a million of Lindberghs men were already in good
hiding spots, sniping all enemy soldiers. King Thimbys
army didnt fare too well in Lindbergh City, thus making
Thimby call for 750,000 more men. The reinforcements
did their job well, and within a month; half of
Lindbergh City was in control of King Thimby Thimb the
The first Battle for Lindbergh City ended with a
joyous victory for Lindberghs army. The battle left
123,456 soldiers from King Thimbys Army and 56,789
from Lindberghs army dead. Lindbergh City was half in
ruins, and King Lindbergh is still working on rebuilding
the damage.

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One day, in King Thimbys private suite in his grand

palace, Thimby was playing one of his favorite
computer games, Minecraft! He was working on
finishing his city, which was already huge but barely

A Minecraft modern house

While he was building it, he said, I wish I could go

there, and suddenly there was a loud POP! And King
Thimby Thimb III vanished, just like that. The guards
heard that sound, looked at where King Thimby had
been, and saw nothing. They panicked for a while
before realizing that they should probably look at his
computer. When they did, they saw something
amazing! King Thimby was in the Minecraft world and
was telling the guards what happened using the chat!
The guards realized what had happened, though it
sounded unearthly. This stuff had happened before,
right? The guards agreed to relentlessly search for a

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Inside the Minecraft city, King Thimby was working

hard on building his city since he was stuck in
Minecraft. When he looked up at the screen, he saw
his guards. Thinking of a way to tell the guards of his
plight, he remembered there was a chat screen that
was used for communication in servers. Using that he
communicated with the guards, hoping they would
understand what he was saying. Though King Thimby
did not know it, the guards had understood and were
trying to find a way to get him back to the real world.
Since King Thimbys city was made in Creative
Mode, King Thimby could build with whatever
materials there were available there. With that being
said, it wasnt too hard to guess that the roads were
lined with decorative blocks. The buildings were
grandly designed, and had many amenities.
King Thimby was currently working on the City
Hall, which would be one of the
grandest buildings in the city. Soon
enough, it was night in the city. King
One of the buildings in
Thimby made a bed and slept the night in
King Thimbys city.
his bed. In the morning, he went on to
building his city.

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Suddenly, the world started to whirl. It spun faster

and faster. King Thimby barfed. The world continued to
spin. King Thimby barfed again. And again. Then the
whirling slowed down. Soon the world was still as a
statue. King Thimby looked at his surroundings. He was
back in his suite!
Though this incident is highly unbelievable, King
Thimby says it actually happened. His guards agree to
King Thimbys story, but who knows if they just did it
out of respect to the King or are afraid to face the
wrath of his now 25-million strong army. I guess this
story will (if its not already) become a legend with no
proof to support it.

Never had King Thimby been in a better mood.

King Thimby was going to go skydiving for the first time
in his life! King Thimby was a natural daredevil, so he
was more than happy to go skydiving. I mean, think
about it: you go 14,000 feet in the air, jump of an
airplane flying at 155 mph, and free-fall 9,000 feet
before opening a parachute and landing in a field!
Which daredevil wouldnt like that? So there isnt one...

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Finally, the moment Thimby had been waiting for

arrived. Time to get to the airport!
Since Thimby had gone through all the necessary
training, he was soon on the plane and was impatiently
waiting for the door to open so that he could jump of
the plane and enjoy his fall.
After what Thimby thought was centuries, the
door finally opened and the greatest king alive jumped
of the plane. Boy, what a feeling that was! Air whipping
your face, falling tens of feet a minute, staring at the
ground, an indescribable feeling by far!
King Thimby had never experienced such
ebullience. Sure, he had been in wind tunnels, but this
was a completely new level of awe-inspiring! Suddenly,
there was a khsht sound. As the Great King looked up
to where the sound had come from, he saw that his
parachute had opened. That meant, to his dismay, that
King Thimby would be slowing down and soon reaching
the plain, flat ground.
Sure enough, King Thimby was soon on the
ground. Normally, crowds would have thronged King
Thimby, but since he had wanted a private skydive,
there was no one to greet him, which was all right by
the King.

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The one thing Thimby did not like, however, was

his landing. Despite all his warnings, he had not
prepared himself for the shock of his landing. Since
that caught him off guard, he fell and again landed
hard on his bottom. Good thing nobody had been
So, once he was done, the great King Thimby went
home satisfied with all he had done.
King Thimby later told his story to all, in such a
great way that all his words were recorded and turned
into a short story. Skydiving is now King Thimbys
favorite sport, and does it as often as once a month. He
has recommended the sport to all, and hopes you will
do it sometime soon.
Sorry if the descriptions of the sport were inaccurate,
but I havent yet skydived.

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One day, while the great King Thimby Thimb III

was listening to his peoples problems, he suddenly
realized that he had promised to do something for the
poor in his kingdom.
While he was thinking what he could do, he
remembered that his treasury was still bursting with
wealth, so he ordered his workers to give 5 gold coins
and currency worth $150 to all the people who lived in
poverty (in his kingdom measured as a person who
lives on currency worth less than or equal to USD 5
every day) across all the places his rule was recognized.
This great act of goodwill was widely famous and
another one of those honors King Thimby Thimb III is
credited with. Not so long after the gifts were given to
the poverty-struck people, the residents of Thimbville
(the second-largest city in Thimbys kingdom) erected a
statue showing King Thimby giving gold to a poor man
as a memorial to the great King Thimby.
Author: Aarush Mehrotra

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Night at the demons house

Having a feeling that something is chasing me, I started

running for my life. I was out in the fields running, but
out of nowhere I get into a house. Then instead of
running I was at peace. Suddenly, I heard a bang of
kitchen vessels against the ground. Thinking that it was
a cat, I just stayed where I was. Even though I didnt
want to go the kitchen some supernatural force pulled
me there. When I reached the kitchen, a weird-invisible
creature kept stabbing me. I slowly started to
faint..Then I wake up and realize it was just a
My name is Jack Callahan but everybody calls me Jade
because I like green a lot.
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I head up to my office, Creytons Books, the most

famous kids publishing books in Texas, and as you
would have guessed, the head of the company and my
boss is Creyton. Today he had called me to his cabin for
a special reason. When I entered his cabin, there were
a few other people in dark blue suits. They wore a
badge on their left side of the shirt. I looked closely at
their badges, and they were the sponsors of our
company! Then my boss stood up and said Ah, here
he is! Jack, I would like you to meet our sponsors.
Suddenly, lowering his voice, he said Dont blow this
up, we need this publicity. Then he turned towards
our sponsors and started praising about me. I tried to
give a tiny smile while my boss went on saying As you
can see here is the employee of the decade! And some
of his achievements are that he graduated from college
his at 16, he has written about three-fourths of our
published books and I assure you he is the most
imaginative person we have in this company.
After the day ended my boss was quite pleased with
my performance, so, today, he promoted my rank and
gave me a months holiday! Happily, I took the earliest
bus home. When I boarded the bus nobody else was in
there save me and the driver. Bored, I looked outside,
but again nobody was out playing or swimming. When

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reached home, I checked my holiday-map and decided

to go to New York.
After driving for a while the sky started getting cloudy.
It was night and I had still not found a place to sleep.
Right then, I see a little girl in the backseat, I turned
around to check, but she was gone. When I turn back,
out of nowhere a car hits me. Lying there
unconscious... I wake up coughing and unable to
breathe. Since the headlight was ON, I thought the
people in the car would need some help, so, I get up to
see if the people in the other car were okay. When I
reached the car, there was no one!
As I was trying to check damages to my car suddenly a
white spirit had formed out of the headlight. I ran to
hide but the spirit seemed harmless after it repaired
the damages to my car and since I had nowhere else to
go, the white spirit was my only hope was the white
spirit, so I tried to stalk it. After a long walk, the spirit
turned at me as if it knew I was there all along! It
pointed at a house and just disappeared! The house
was abandoned and graveyard-like. I entered the
house; heard a little girls laugh near the vent. I pointed
my torch-light at the direction of the voice, yet again
no one was there. Almost everything in the house was
broken or worn out. I see a few muddy foot prints on
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the ground which lead me to a room; the room was

intact but weirdly decorated
I make my bed and try to sleep. I wake up at midnight
hearing a small wind-up chimes song. I follow the
music and see the same girl who was in my car! When I
went near her; her eyes colour turned blood-red! She
attacked me with a knife! I ran as fast as I could, and
hid behind a curtain. As she approached near me, I
snatched her knife. I came out from behind the
curtains to kill the little girl. I stabbed her and she fell
on the ground. I noticed a word on the knife saying
Renascentia. When I looked down at the little girls
body on the ground, I thought it was over but alas!
Even though it was there, was another body standing
right behind me! Every time I tried to kill her, she
returned with more number of knives and greater
speed to outrun me. I started to think that the girl
could create copies of her own body
After using up all my hiding spots, I finally ran to the
kitchen when I saw another demon The demon had
glowing red eyes, a red aura of energy with dark blue
energy blasts, black hair and black-purple fire all
around his aura; he wore a red coat with a black shirt
inside. The demon was so obsessed about killing me
himself that he killed the little girl with an energy blast!
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Right after that, the demon looked at me, and I

understood he was about to kill me too! I ran for my
life but wherever I ran he kept teleporting near me!
Finally, I confused him somehow, and ran inside a
room. Even though it was no use, I locked myself in
that room. He blasted through it; he flew over to me
and charged his next blast. I threw the knife in selfdefence but instead of making the demon angry or
hurt, his energy channelled through the knife. Now, I
just gave him a better way to kill me!
Right then, the sun rose and the demon screamed in
pain and disappeared. I stayed back one more night
thinking it was just me hallucinating but every night he
returned to try and kill me. He had also locked the door
to not let me escape!
One day when I was hurt badly and the demon had
arrived, he charged a blast, and whispered a word, and
then the blast turned green instead of blue. Thinking
that the new blast would be stronger I closed my eyes,
ready to meet the lord but the blast healed me
instead! I thought there must be some humanity left in
him, or so I thought because a moment later I realized
that he just wanted to torture me.
The fear drove me crazy and I started to see him
everywhere! Then I just decided to leave this house
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and return home, I tried to break the lock but nothing

worked, so I was stuck there even longer. The next day
I again tried a shot at the lock-breaking. Then I noticed
somethingThe lock said that it could only be opened
by the knife of the girl; which was now with the
demon! Later that day, I went face-to-face with the
demon to get that knife, when I fought the demon, I
was definitely out-matched, but suddenly I remember
the word on the knife. When the demon charged his
blast I quickly spoke out Renascentia and it worked!
The charge turned green so, there was my chance I
grabbed the knife out of the demons house when he
dropped it to charge his blast. I reckon that
Renascentia actually was in Latin and I think it meant
rebirth. I survived the night by using the magic-word
and healing myself. Once it was morning, I frantically
broke the lock, packed everything and left this haunted
house for good...
Once I reached home I tried to have a good nights
sleep. I woke up again in midnight due to a screeching
I check my wooden wall and there was a
message written.
I have followed you.

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To be continued
Author: Nightblaze (Anvit)
Illustrators: Anvit (Gr.7) and Vaijayanth (Gr.8)

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I dont have pain,
When I look at rain,
And I look at the green meadows
Which fills my heart with glee.
Rain does a lot of things,
And helps to grow seedlings.
Then I go out and shoutYEAH! And get wet in the rain.
When it rains rainbows form,
And on it are leprechauns.
Carrying a pot of gold.
Across the rainbow,
High and low,
They lie down beneath an oak tree,
With a mountain of gold.

Shankar Subramaniam Gr.5

Illustrator: Inika Mayank Talati

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They jump on me
They play on me
They are just monkeys all the same.
They make fun,
And eat some bun.
They talk with me,
Day and night.
Fooling around,
All day long,
Causing a racket
In the hall.
Theyre just monkeys,
Not to worry,
But sometimes they get too much in a hurry.
They move room to room,
In a very quick flurry.

Shankar Subramaniam Gr.5

Illustrator: Inika Mayank Talati

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