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CHAPTER I: Introduction [30 MARKS]

This chapter contains five (5) components. It describes (a) an introduction and
background to the study, (b) the problem statement, (c) the purpose of the study, (d) the
significance of the research, and (g) the definitions of terms.
1. Introduction: The student introduces the topic of the study and the background
for the study. Background information should include community/agency
assessment information such as the incidence or prevalence of the problem, a
summary of what is known and the possible gaps in the current knowledge or
practice arena. It should also include why the problem of study and intervention
is important. In general, this section will have 1-2 pages.
2. Problem statement: This section expresses what concepts or variables were
examined. This statement logically flows from the introduction and background
above. This section will have 1-2 pages.
3. The purpose of the study: Research aim, research question or hypothesis, and
research objectives. This section will have 1-2 pages.
4. The significance of the research: This section serves as the justification for
conducting the project. For example, historical trends within the problem/project
interest, conflicts in existing literature, new technologies and methods, and any
other issues that have been used to develop and support the value of the project.
This section will have 1-2 pages.
5. Definition of terms: Placed in alphabetical order, all major project variables are
defined. This section will have 1-2 pages.
CHAPTER 2: Review of the Literature [30 MARKS]
In this chapter there is an exhaustive review of recent and related literature. Subheadings
of the review are suggested: (a) overview (literature related to the history of the problem,
concepts, viewpoints, etc.); (b) opinions of experts (compare and contrast points of view);
(c) review of research (compare and contrast findings); (d) present status of topic
including community assessment data, and how the present project extends knowledge
and practice; and (e) summary statements (how the present project is related to all the
above). Other organizational patterns are possible, as long as the various components are
included. The student MUST present a complete picture (based on the literature) of the
conceptual/theoretical basis, opinions/research to date, and the relationship of the present
project to the above. Citations of older classic works in the field are acceptable if they
are relevant. All studies cited, individually and collectively, are critiqued, and then used
to develop a clear and compelling argument for why the project was justified. This
section will have 10-15 pages.

CHAPTER 3: Methods and Procedures [30 MARKS]

In this chapter the methods and procedures used in the project are elaborated. Each
procedural component is explained in detail, and is related to the statement(s) of need. In
this chapter, the exact process used to answer the statement(s) of need is specified. The
procedures are specific enough that another researcher can replicate the project. This
chapter should include:
Study design (type of study)
Study population and sampling
Data collection methods and instruments
Data analysis methods if applicable statistical planning must be fully addressed,
or the candidate should provide evidence that statistics are not required.
Mechanisms to assure the quality of the study e.g. control of bias, safe storage
of data
Study period - Timetable for completion of the project
Participants in the study all people involved in the study, and the role they play,
should be identified.*
Ethical considerations
Resources required for the study, including budget if applicable
This section will have 7 - 10 pages.
The final section of the research proposal is the overall conclusion of the proposal. The
conclusions are a general summing up, reached by implications for information
practitioners and the importance of conducting the research. This section will have 1 - 2
The report must follow all guidelines for form and style as demonstrated in the 5 th edition
of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA).
Appendices (copy of questionnaire, consent forms, etc.)

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