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8 September 2015


Ateneo de Naga University
Dear Fr. Viray:
Greetings of Peace!
It is with deepest regret that I would like to elevate to your kind attention the situation I am
currently facing, as one among your students in the university. It took time for me to prepare this
2nd letter because of the feeling of disappointment and anxiety. The 1st letter was addressed to
the Academic Vice President, receiving copy herewith attached dated August 14, 2015.
In that letter, I expressed on how I was given an INC in GCEM529 Structural Design 4 after I
took the subject last summer 2015. I was asked to retake our final exams in June and was
ultimately told to have failed again. This was all after I've already enrolled and paid for my
formal review class in the CE licensure exams and after the 1st semester have already started.
This is also taking into consideration that this is the only subject pending me from receiving my
transcript of records and graduating from the university. I had been in your university for more
than 7 years.
Fr. Viray, may I enumerate for your understanding and appreciation the incidents that transpired
after my letter of appeal to the AVP.
1. On August 14 after the letter has been received by the AVP, I followed up several times from
the AVP office the result of my letter. However, when I followed up again on Aug. 15 I was
informed by the staff not to follow up anymore and that she will just text me.
2. Later that day, Aug. 15 I learned that my letter had been forwarded back to the dean.
3. On August 17 the Dean set a meeting with Engr. Bien. It was decided to let me and my
classmate (Rolly Vinas) to retake exam (for the 3 rd time) on August 25. The Dean said that
ayaw na nga sana ni Engr. Bien mag pa exam. I left for manila that same night to attend again
to my review classes and prepare for that retake exam.
4. On August 25, I travelled back to Naga to take the retake exam. After the exam, I asked Engr.
Bien when results may be received. His reply: depende kun nuarin ko macheckan. I was
already looking forward to know my results since I am missing so much of my review class in
Manila, my original plan was to travel back to Manila that same night.
5. I was so confident that I will pass in his exam. With eagerness to know the results, I kept on
following up.
6. On August 26 at around 9am, I texted Engr. Bien about the results of my exam. He replied
thru text: Bagsak kamo 47 lang nakua nindo.
7. I texted him back requesting to see my test paper so that I can review. But, he did not reply
that whole day.

8. I tried to look for him in AdNU campus that day and finally found him in the INECAR office
around 5:00pm and when asked about our test paper, his simply replie that he did not have them.
And so again I knew that I cannot go back to Manila yet that 2nd night.
9. I appealed again thru text begging to see our own test papers so that we can recheck, and
there he replied: ok.
10. On August 27, he told me to meet him at 3:00pm. I saw the test paper now marked 50%.
11. As I reviewed the test paper, I noticed that Engr. Bien checked only the final answer, very
sternly, and not the solution. I found out that two (2) items were wrongly checked (difference
was only in decimal points caused by myself using fraction numbers while Engr. Bien computed
using decimal). Anyone would have noticed and checked my answers are correct.
12. Also, the teacher was wrong in 1 item though he insisted that the answer in his key was
correct. I rechecked from other books and even from the book the teacher said he took it from,
and can prove that my answer is correct.
13. If checked properly, I may received 71%. When I pointed it out to Engr. Bien, he replied:
Mayo na akong magigibo. Bagsak na yan. Nasa registrars na yan.
14. I requested for my test papers to have them rechecked and reviewed by other structural/civil
engg teachers. Since in one problem, I felt like his question had a missing given and I may pass
if that may be rechecked. But he refused to give my test paper and told me that it was for his
15. We went back to the Dean to seek help but the Dean said she cannot anymore do anything
about the situation since if our question was that the checking was wrong, it (CE) is not her
expertise. The Dean however mediated to get us a copy of our test paper. I did not know
anymore what else to do after that, since even the dean did not have a way to help me. That 3 rd
night I was finally able to travel back to manila, but with no good news with me.
When I wrote the AVP Dr. Fabay, it was already a letter of appeal since we already consulted the
Dean and we were told in our previous conversation that she cannot do anything if we still failed
the 2nd retake exam. When I appealed to the AVP, I was already looking forward that my grades
be looked into by other authorities and that I be given passing mark since I felt that it was
already too unfair to fail me because it was already too late and personal. I was looking forward
for other requirements to be graded by other teachers or any other way to mediate on my grades
that will not involve him anymore. I knew that I already deserve to pass. I knew that I've already
done my part and have performed my best as to his standards and teaching capacity. I also know
of other students who perform same as me but were able to pass his class before, how different
am I? I knew that what I was missing was consideration and flexibility.
Father, we perceive that the teacher would not want us to pass the subject. Else, he would have
checked our papers correctly, reviewed and had been more transparent about our grades
breakdown and should have conducted post evaluation of the exam results after we took them so
that we can perform better in the retake exams. This is a typical approach and procedure a
teacher would do. Where do I feel the Ateneos cura personalis?

Personally, I felt no heart, consideration and concern from him. He was also unapproachable and
intimidating, and every encounter with him during the course of our appeal was traumatizing.
There were no test papers returned from the previous examinations we had. If there was a
perceived error in checking our 3rd exam and he had that arrogant remark on the results of our
review on the way our papers were checked, how can we trust that our previous examinations
were corrected accurately? It even makes me question how he graded me in class standing where
he has full control. And that class standing carry a big percentage in the final grade.
As a student, a teacher who is practicing sincerely his vocation to teach would find all means for
the students to pass the subject especially in our case, where we are graduating students already
enrolled in review and where we genuinely asserted and showed interest to comply the
requirements so that we receive the grades we deserved. When INC grade is given and retake
exams were administered, there is a great hope that students will pass. Otherwise, I understand
that it was clear for teachers that if the student is failing, then they should just fail the student
than delaying and giving false hope. I wouldve put on hold spending and enrolling my formal
review in Manila and wouldve reenrolled the subject during the 1st semester.
In the course of these events, I've already travelled back and forth Manila-Naga-Manila four
times, and my presence to you this time is the fifth. Fr. Viray, please do understand that I do not
come from a well off household to have much to spend on my fare nor do I have the means. I
would not want to be absenting from my review classes. I wanted to give focus to pass the
Licensure Exam.
The basic principle of teaching is that students should learn. We are only 2 students enrolled
last Summer in his class and we deserved to learn and pass the subject. To quote: the Ateneo
teacher has the right and duty to determine the academic marks and promotion of learners in the
subject they handle. Such determination shall be in accordance with generally accepted
procedures of evaluation and measurement. In case of any complaint, teachers concerned shall
immediately take appropriate action, observing the process. The Ateneo teacher shall recognize
that the interest and welfare of learners are his/her first and foremost concern, and shall handle
each learner justly and impartially. Under no circumstances shall an Ateneo teacher be
prejudiced or discriminatory against any learner.
Fr. President, I humbly appeal from your kind and generous heart that I be able to take the
Licensure Examination for Civil Engineering this coming November 2015. Attached is a copy
of my letter to AVP. I trust that I receive a passing mark in my subject so that I can submit to the
PRC the Transcript of Records required in due time.
Please understand that for me, you are my last hope. I am trying to be strong and still focus on
my review in spite of the anxiety, seemed to be insults I have been facing, disappointments just
so in order to take and pass the CE Licensure Examination. This will be my gift to the hard work
of my mother and to myself. All for His Greater Glory!
Respectfully yours,
BS CE Mobile No. 09204893118

Attachment: letter to AVP

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