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Kathleen Anne M.



Mr. Edwin Sybingco

Data Storage Institute

On the first day of our ECESEMS, we visited the first of the 3 companies we were to
visit in Singapore. The first company is the Data Storage Institute. The Data Storage Institute
is an institute funded by the Singaporean government. Its mission is to establish Singapore as
a Research and Development center of excellence in data storage technologies. And a goal of
developing and transferring research capabilities and talents.
DSI has highly qualified researchers and state-of-the-art equipment and facilities in
able to achieve its goals. DSI is made up of different researchers in expertise of different
fields. In their institute, they hone every researchers skills by giving them proper training to
be able for them to contribute well. The researchers are consolidated into different research
groups: Data Center Technologies (DCT), Non-Volatile Memories (NVM), Drive Systems and
Technologies (DST), and Advanced Concepts and Nanotechnology (ACN). Each research
group has different fields of specialization. During our tour inside the DSI Building, we were
able to see some of the things they do in the institute.
For my group, our first stop was a short orientation where we were briefed on what the
Data Storage Institute was all about and what they do. The person who oriented us was a
Filipina who graduated in University of the Philippines, mentioned to us how each of us can
have a chance to enter their institute, they do not only offer a career but also offers
scholarships to deserving people. It is interesting to know that there are institutes like DSI that
would not only offer a career but also offer post-graduate education. After the orientation, we
were now toured in the building where we were presented different activities and processes
they do.
The second room we visited shows us one of their ongoing research on hard drive,
where they are trying to improve the performance of a hard drive, by reducing its size,
improving spin of the disk and etc., without affecting its overall performance, thus improving

On another room that we visited, we were able to have a peek on their clean room
where they fabricate devices. That kind of room which I only saw in videos during
MATRENG class, were seen with my very own eyes that day.
The next room we went to was where the silicon wafers proceeds to, where it
undergoes ion implantation. They have this machine that does this process which can also
detect defects on the wafer. The product of this process will then be transferred to another
team to the next step of device fabrication.
The last room that we visited was focused on lasers, which I cannot really relate to.
The researcher was explaining on how the laser beam travels from lens to lens, through a
crystal, through a splitter, etc. which was arranged in a manner I cannot fully understand since
it was really complicated. The positioning of the lenses and crystals took him a few months to
All in all, the visit in DSI was a new and one of a kind experience for me and is worth
saving in my memory.

Kathleen Anne M. Almendral


Mr. Edwin Sybingco

Marina Barrage
On the second day of our trip, we visited the next company on our itinerary which is
the Marina Barrage. We were toured inside a small museum which shows different ways on
how Singapore manages their water. The Marina Barrage is overlooking to the sea and the
artificial water reservoir where they separate seawater from freshwater using a mechanical
One of Singapores dilemmas was water. Singapore once had very polluted waterways
and river. It was shown in the museum how they have improved these rivers and waterways
through time. Unlike the Philippines, Singapore has very few water resources so they have to
make ways on resourcing on what they have. And they have thought of the Marina Barrage.
The Marina Barrage is like a catch basin where they gather rainwater to have freshwater. In
times of strong typhoons when there is a very large rain downpour and the water level in the
freshwater reservoir is getting high, the barrier between the reservoir and the sea is opened to
avoid flooding in the city. In Singapore, water from the reservoir undergoes series of
treatments so that it would be potable and safe for humans to drink.
The Marina Barrage is one good way not only to store freshwater but also to avoid
flooding during heavy rains and typhoon. If only the Philippines would build structures like
these, flooding during natural calamities would surely be lessened.
The Philippines do have lot of water resources but are not taken care of. Many bodies
of water in our country are very much polluted. In Marina Barrage, the discussion on how
they cleaned up Singapores water resources made me realize that it is not too late for the
Philippines to clean up our own water resources too. It takes discipline and proper movement
not only from the government but also the citizens. It can be observed that not only the
waterways, but also the surroundings are very clean because they do not lack discipline and
laws are well implemented.

Kathleen Anne M. Almendral


Mr. Edwin Sybingco

After the tour at Marina Barrage, we proceed to the third company we were to visit,
Gemalto. Gemalto is an international company for digital security. In Gemalto, they produce
products such as sim cards, banking cards, ID cards, electronic passports, and tokens which
are embedded with operating systems. Their expertise is to ensure that their customers and are
safe digitally by making sure that their products and services they offer are secure and
When we arrived at Gemalto, we entered a room where we were presented some of
their advertisements and presented with a PowerPoint presentation. The presentation was
about the companys management, mission and vision statements, etc. The processes on how
they manufacture their products were also discussed as well as the different materials used.
During the discussion, I thought that the presentation was the company visit was all
about. I did not expect that they will actually tour us inside the factory where they make the
actual products. Before the tour, were asked to surrender all our things to avoid
documentation inside the factory because what we were about to see are confidential. Before
entering each of their facilities, we were asked to wear overall suits every time we enter a
clean room.
In the first room we have entered, we were able to see how each card is printed. They
make sure that there would not be excess in printing since it is printed on a big sheet of
plastic. After printing, the cards can now be cut and ready for the putting of the chip like the
ones on a sim card. In this room, we were also able to see how the antennas are embedded on
the plastic for non-contact cards. A small part of the plastic card is carved out to put in the
In the second room is where the chips are created. The chip is like the heart of each
card they produce. A circuit from a silicon wafer is glued on each chip using a specific
machine. The procedure on creating the chip is the most delicate part in creating their product
that even the tiniest bit of dust can destroy the chip.

Kathleen Anne M. Almendral


Mr. Edwin Sybingco

Land Transport Authority

On our third day in Singapore, we went to visit the fourth and last company we were
to visit, the Land Transport Authority. The Land Transport Authority is an organization under
the government which is responsible for the planning, operation, and maintenance of different
land transportation systems in Singapore. Their aim is to provide public transportation
commuters and motorists their quality service and ease in transportation.
Since Singapore is a small country, the volume of land vehicles in their controlled. It is
known that owning a car or any land vehicle is very expensive in Singapore, this is one way
of controlling the number of vehicles. To have ones own vehicle, he is to bid for it, and the
highest bidder would be eligible to own a car. Having this said that very few private vehicles
are allowed, the volume of commuters would be very large. To be able to accommodate the
commuters, Singapore has the SMRT. SMRT is a private company that provides different
means of transportation for the commuters such as the MRT, buses, and taxis.
The MRT is the railway system in Singapore. Unlike the train in the
Philippines, the MRT in Singapore is very organized, clean, and timely. The MRT has
different lines to provide access to different areas in the country for the commuters. Their bus
system is also very organized with designated bus stops and bus schedules.
These kinds of land transportation is not only good for the commuters, but also
good for the environment since there are less car, therefore there would also be less air
pollution. The congestions in roads are also minimal since number of land vehicles are in
moderated number.

Kathleen Anne M. Almendral


Mr. Edwin Sybingco

GATR Technologies
For the first company from CommunicAsia, I have chosen the GATR Technologies.
GATR Technologies is an American company on satellite antennas. GATR Technologies
offers the most portable satellite antennas in the world.
GATR Technologies produces inflatable antennas so that it will be easy to transport to
different places. The GATR antenna looks like a giant ball with the transceiver inside. Given
that it is inflatable, the GATR Technologies makes sure that the antenna will still offer
functions and the rigidness of that of a common satellite antenna. The GATR antennas are
used by the U.S. military, foreign military, intelligence and homeland security, as well as
NGOs and commercial organizations. The antennas can be used at Ku, C, and X-band for all
type of voice and data transmissions.
The antenna can be set up within 30 minutes. The whole antenna can be packed in
only two cases compared to those traditional antennas which are packed in six cases. This
antenna is also fifty to eighty percent lighter and less bulky than the traditional ones. The
antenna could also withstand extreme temperatures.
Their antennas were also used in areas affected by the typhoon Yolanda in Visayas as
means of communication, as said by the person in charge at the booth. It is also environmental
friendly since it uses minimal materials.

Kathleen Anne M. Almendral


Mr. Edwin Sybingco

Leyard Optoelectronics Co. Ltd.

For the second company from CommunicAsia, Ive chosen the Leyard Optoelectronics
Co. Ltd. Leyard Optoelectonics is a multinational company which originated in Beijing
China. The Leyard Optoelectronics focused on broadcasting solutions. They offer products
such as LED displays for studios and for other events.
Their booth in the CommunicAsia exhibit was an eye-catcher since they are
showcasing their product which is a very large LED screen. From afar, it does not appear
pixelated but once you come closer to the screen, each pixel/piece of LED can not only be
seen but felt too. They have products which can be used indoors and some outdoors. Their
products are used by different known companies such as NBC Sports (USA), RTVE (Spain),
CCTV (China), and more. The LED screens are not only flat ones but they also have those
The large screens are composed of several panels. In times that some LED gets
broken, the whole screen would not need overall replacement, only the panels. Their product
is very helpful for advertisement. These LED screens could replace the billboards for better
viewing experience.

Kathleen Anne M. Almendral


Mr. Edwin Sybingco

NXT Showcase
Last from CommunicAsia, I chose the NXT Showcase. Under the NXT showcase is
the Smart Transportation whch are composed of three innovations; the Electric Car, Fuel Cell
Bike, and the 3D Printed Car.
The Electric Car is a lightweight urban vehicle that has smart telemetry system and
active battery management system. It is also GPS and GPRS-enabled. Having these features,
the electric car has a better navigation and is less costly compared to previous innovations.
The Fuel Cell Bike is a personal commuter which is lightweight and has a compact
body design. This bike is very environmental friendly since it does not produce substances
that can be harmful for the environment. The bike is also very easy to use which makes it
Last but not the least is the 3D Printed car which is developed by the Nanyang
Technological University-Singapore. The car is constructed using 3D Printed parts. Since
most of its parts are 3D printed, the car is really light. Since it is lightweight, the car would be
able to move faster. Being lightweight doesnt mean that is not sturdy, the car is still rigid
even if it is made with thin material. The car is also covered with silicon solar cells for energy

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