Agenda - Midtown Phillips Neighborhood Association, Inc. (MPNAI)

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Agenda - Midtown Phillips Neighborhood Association, Inc.

Regular Monthly Members Meeting -- Tuesday April 13, 2010; 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
LOCATION: Andersen United Community School -- Andersen Lane between East 27th and 28th Streets
(Andersen Lane is one-way going west, off of 12th Ave. S.)
Midtown Phillips - 24th to Lake St, Chicago Ave. to Bloomington Ave. S.

1. Adopt tonight’s agenda

2. Approve minutes from March 9, 2010 regular monthly members meeting
3. Police Report -- Don Greeley, Community Crime Prevention Specialist, 3rd Precinct
4. Rental Group Approval: Approval of Scope of Services contract with Southside Rental
Property Group - Bill Bryant (He will give his report at approximately 6:15 p.m.)
5. City Council Report – Council member Gary Schiff will report to our neighborhood.
6. Task Forces for MPNAI
a. Confirm current task forces
b. Motion to begin a Communication and Public Relations Task Force with Todd
Rasmuson as its chair.
c. Discuss board membership for task force chairs. (A by-laws change would be needed if
we have more than 2 task force chairs on the board.)
7. Update on Excel power line meetings
8. Update on Phillips Pool and Gym
9. Update on Bloomington Ave. Bike Lane
10. Update on NRP Phase 1 reallocation
11. 1204 E. Lake Street - request for extended hours for restaurant
12. Housing Task Force/NRP Visioning Report and consent items from March 23, 2010
a. Recommendation that MPNAI preserve as much housing as possible and
minimize demolition of properties that could be rehabbed.
b. Recommendation that Housing Task Force continue its on-going goals as adopted
in the current plan.
c. Recommendation that 2 separate task forces be re-established for 2010 – a
Housing Task Force and a NRP Visioning Task Force
d. The Housing Task Force elected Jennifer Naglak as it chair tonight and forwards
this recommendation to the April 13 MPNAI meetings for its approval.
e. The NRP Visioning Task Force elected Shirley Heyer as it chair tonight and
forwards this recommendation to the April 13 MPNAI meetings for its approval.
f. It was moved that the chair of Midtown Phillips sign the Lead RFP that is being
prepared by the group as soon as it is done by the 4 PM deadline.
13. Announcements
a. Next MPNAI regular monthly members meeting is Tues., May 11 at Andersen United
Community Schools, 6 to 8 pm, Board meeting follows, Chuck Steddom, 2010 MPNAI
b. Next Housing/NRP Visioning Task Force meeting

MPNAI Board Meeting 8:00-8:30 p.m. (following the regular monthly meeting)
1. Approve actions from tonight’s regular monthly members meeting
2. Approve previous board minutes
3. Monthly financial report
4. Payment of current expenses
5. Expenditures for coming month
Voter Information: Voters must be at least 18 years-old, live in or own business property in Midtown Phillips and show a photo
ID from one of the following:
• Minnesota driver’s license
• Minnesota ID card
• Military ID card with a local utility bill or rental agreement
• Business ID/business card if you are a representative of a business property located within Midtown Phillips,
• A consulate ID or passport with a local utility bill/rental agreement if you are an immigrant from Mexico or any other
country and don’t have a Minnesota ID.
Votantes deben ser 18 años en adelante vivir or ser dueños de casa in Midtown Phillips y traiga una identificacion con fotografia:
• Licencia de manejar
• Identificacion de Minnesota
• Identificacion military con su direccion (recibo de pagos de luz, gas or recibo de pago de renta)
• Si usted es un representante de negocios/una tarjeta de su negocio
• Si usted esun residente de Mexico u otro pais traiga su tarjeta consular o pasorte con un prueba de su direccion (recibo
• de pagos de luz, gas o recibe de pago de renta)
Cod bixiyah waa in da’diisu tahay 18 jir, kuna noolyahay ama ganacsi ku leeyahay Midtown Philips islmarkaana aad tustaa
aqoonsiyadan mid ka mid ah oo sawir leh:
• Ruqsada baabur wadida ee Minasoota
• Aqoonsiga Minasoota
• Aqoonsiga milatariga oo wata biilasha meesha aad deggantahay ama qandaraaska ijaarka guriga
• Kaarka goobta ganacsiga/aqoonsiaga haddii aad tahay wakiil goob ganacsi eek u taal Midtown Philips
• Baasboorka ama aqoonsiga qunsilyada ooy wadato biilasha meesha aad deggantahay haddii aad Meksiko ka timid oo
aadan laheyn aqoonsi Minasoota.

MPNAI Website:

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