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Winter 2016

2016 Tuition Assistance Auction

A party with a purpose.
A way to make a difference.
Dr. Valaida Wise, NCRC Head of School

ake a second to recall some of your own earliest memories, maybe

when you were four or five years old. What are the special moments? The moments that even today, decades later, you can still remember? Memories are interesting things. We create them constantly.
The preschool years are special for children in a variety of ways but they
are also a special time for parents as well. Its a time to create the kinds
of memories that will last a lifetime. During this time in a childs life, they
are eager to share everything with you. They want you involved in their
lives, they are eager to have you come to their classroom. And for them,
whatever you do is amazing, even if your singing is a bit off key. Your
child looks forward to walking to school with you, holding hands that will
soon be separated, receiving goodbye kisses fleeting moments, soon to
be eschewed in favor of being seen as big boys and girls.
The relationships youll form with other NCRC community members, including families, teachers and staff, are also unique and can last a lifetime. Your child is at the center of your universe and for many of you,
these early - challenging and amazing - years are uncharted territory.
Together, with others in our preschool community, you reveal tips and
tales of this stage of life. Its a shared experience, not ever to be replicated. Sure, there will be other friendships that grow out of your childrens
relationships, but youll probably never again gather on the steps of their
school, watching your children interact with others in the community,
growing in so many ways every day.
So many NCRC alumni and their parents have commented that their most
treasured friendships began at NCRC. In fact, I know of a group of grandparents who met at NCRC when their own children attended and they
continue to vacation together every year to this day. And parents constantly tell me that while they love their childrens new schools, they
cant seem to capture the feeling of community and camaraderie of
The memories you create today at NCRC will be relived for many, many
years to come. The preschool years are such an important bridge between a childs reliance on his or her caretakers and their necessary next
steps toward independence.
So, do not squander this time because it wont last forever. Enjoy it.
Immerse yourself in it. Breathe it in. Make memories.

Your generosity and participation allows

NCRC to continue to make a meaningful
impact in the community.

The Auction on Saturday, February 20th at the U.S. Chamber of

Commerce raises hundreds of thousands of dollars to help students who would otherwise not be able to attend our amazing
school. This years theme is a celebration of the wonderful foundation our children receive at NCRC and recognition that given the
opportunity, all children can blossom.
During the live auction we will ask folks to raise a paddle to Fund A
Scholar, the evenings main fundraiser where attendees are
asked to make a donation directly to Tuition Assistance Fund. Year
after year, the participation is overwhelming and is a direct reflection of our communitys strong support for our mission and values.

Parents rarely let go of their children,

so children let go of them.
They move on. They move away.
The moment that used to define them are covered
by moments of their own accomplishments.
It isnt until much later, that children understand;
their stories and all their accomplishments,
sit atop the stories
of their mothers and fathers,
stones upon stones,
beneath the water of their lives.
Paulo Coelho

Family Work Day

Pumpkin Party

By Dayna Grayson

When my son was a Bunny, he

thought the Pumpkin Party would be
a party for pumpkins. Well, by all
accounts, the pumpkins at the Pumpkin Party this past October had a
great time. They left NCRC bedecked
in all sorts of colorful and glittery
finery, while the human guests
claimed for themselves the pony rides
and hay maze and bounce house. The
joyous perspective that our young
children bring to the Pumpkin Party,
in combination with the participation
of so many families is what makes the
Pumpkin Party feel a little magical.
Our volunteers did a wonderful job
coordinating, working with the children in class to create party decorations, and, of course, helping during
the event. A big thanks goes to Suzanne Badoux, Carleese Dixon, and
Troy Richardson, who manage the
infrastructurethe equipment, the
logistics, the supplies, the decorations. My fellow organizersKimberly
Lohuis and Sue McNeilland I are
grateful to all those who pitched
in. We are so glad all of you came to
party with the pumpkins!
By Susan Laws

The Winter Celebration this year had two key highlights. First, it was a wintery WARM celebration on a balmy day
in early December. Secondly, Mr. Lilo was the main attraction, leading us in songs from his soon to be released CD
and a variety of fun holiday favorites. For the Winter Wonderland theme, each class decorated an animal that
brightened the walls of the Motor Room during the sing along. In between sessions, children and parents filled up
on coffee, cider and donut holes, as we all kept the cold weather away for another month!

Oh The Places Well Go

Child Development Through the Seasons

February 26th

By Jen Dryer

March 11th

It was probably three days into my older sons first year at NCRC as an AM Rainbow that I distinctly remember a
quiet moment after drop off. I climbed into my car and sat silently as tears of relief rolled down my cheeks. This
was Zacks third school in as many years, and I was truly awed by NCRC. The staffs deep comprehension of child
development, thoughtful interventions and child-led curriculum was far beyond any preschool I had seen. The
gratitude I felt, and continue to feel, for having found this amazing little school tucked into this charming Cleveland Park neighborhood is hard to describe. Having already been recruited as a room parent, I felt warmly welcomed into the community, and I often joke that I not only sipped, but gulped the NCRC Kool-Aid.

April 8th
May 13th

As busy parents you cant always come to us, so NCRC

comes to you through our
downtown brown bag lunch
Fast forward two years later, Zack is a happy and well-adjusted kindergartener at our local public school, and I am program. Once a month, School
drinking ever more heartily the NCRC Kool-Aid. I have no doubt that during Zacks past two years as a Rainbow
Counselor, Judith Wides, and
and an Explorer, I learned as much as he did from NCRC, from tips to help him pump his legs on a swing more
Dr. Val Wise speak to parents
and their colleagues on a wide
effectively to effective strategies to help him self-regulate when feelings became intense. I can confidently say
variety of topicsfrom talking
that being a part of the NCRC community has made me a much happier, more supportive and better parent.
to children about the difficult
When the NCRC staff counseled me into enrolling my younger son, Max, in the Early Beginnings (EB) program this questions they ask to executive
function in the preschool child.
year, I had mixed feelings. I felt profoundly sad that his developmental and learning differences were so significant that he could not be with his age-level peers. With the benefit of hindsight, I now see that NCRC was right.
Judith, NCRCs guidance counselor, explained all that we (me included) would be getting from this program. Im
not sure that most NCRC parents realize the depth of EB and how it serves children with developmental and
learning challenges so uniquely and comprehensively.

1725 Eye Street, NW

Suite 300

EB includes weekly supplemental group support sessions every Thursday for the four Early Beginnings students
and 45 minute sessions with Becky Marquez, NCRCs Speech and Language Therapist, and with Marian Brice,
NCRCs Occupational Therapist. Parents get to sit in for a 30-minute session in the Bunny room and then the parents meet together with Judith to talk, share, and learn in order to better address the issues with which our children grapple. But wait, theres more! Roughly one Tuesday a month, the Bunny teachers actually come to our
house to support the work Max is doing in class and help me see how I can best support this work at home. I
havent heard of any other preschool that offers this level of support. Learning to heed the suggestions of NCRCs
expert staff, I again had that moment about a month into school this year, when I sat in my car quietly and cried
tears of gratitude that Max has had the opportunity to be part of this program. His growth since September has
been truly remarkable.
It bears noting how unique NCRC is as a parent advocate for those with children with developmental issues
ages 0-3, Ive spoken to many parents and they are consistently astounded by the level of support that NCRC
offers children. That NCRC creates regular opportunities to address the struggles, stresses and weight we bear as
parents is just one of the myriad ways NCRC supports and develops the whole family and community. Between
the Grandparent Scholar series, drop-off discussions in the playhouse, Downtown Brown Bag lunches for parents,
and all the many opportunities for parents to get to know one another, NCRC is in a class by itself in the ways it
educates, develops and nurtures the whole family community. Enjoy the Kool-Aidthis one is actually good for
you and the whole family!


Fathers, Grandfathers,
& Fatherly Figures
Breakfast Series

March 4th
April 29th
May 14-15:
Dads Team Camping Trip

Started in 2013, this monthly

breakfast series invites adults
and children to come together and explore daddying
and the role of father figures
in our childrens lives.

Theres still time to get involved!
Volunteering Is a great way to connect with
parents and teachers. There are several fun
NCRC events still to come this year and we
would love to have your help! Please contact:
Laura Desai:
Debbie Foster:

A spiral is a snuggling shape coiled tight, warm and safe, it waits for a chance to expand.
A spiral is a growing shape it unwraps itself one soft curl at a time.
It is a strong shape A spiral reaches out exploring the world.
It is graceful and strong it is bold and beautiful forever expanding Joyce Sidman, Swirl by Swirl

This fall the Explorer classs interest in snails involved getting up close to group of snails they hosted in the classroom. They spent time learning about the different parts of a snail with one particular detail sparking a whole new
dimension in their learning a spiral. They first observed this shape on the snails shell and explored sorting shells
during their weekly Loose Parts investigation into groups with and without spirals.
This detail from the snail study suddenly began to appear all around, especially as the Explorers read Tomi
Ungerers captivating book, Snail, Where Are You? A child watching a millipede noted to a teacher, He is making a spiral! as the insect coiled up along the
side of a bug catcher. Another child discovered a spiral in a chrysanthemum growing on the playground. A spiral was spotted in the design of a metal planter in the classroom. One by one, the spirals appeared and it was a joy to see this wonder inspire a love of learning in the children. In response to the Spiral
Detective assignmentfind as many spirals as you can at homemany parents wrote expressing not only how much their child enjoyed this activity, but
also the joy many parents took in sharing this experience of school-to-home learning. It made for a week of rich conversations and delightful discoveries at
school and at home!
Connections, partnerships, and knowing what others needthis is the NCRC experience. From the Bunnies learning to recognize emotions to the Explorers
discovering the secret lives of living things, we are pondering how we are all connected.
Our students depend on their teachers and their parents for learning facts and developing social language to communicate their wants and needs, to express their thoughts and ideas, and to relate knowledge they have all learned. Navigating social and emotional needs is complex, but with everyones input
and support, our classes are successful.
Author Joyce Sidmans eloquent text about spirals in nature could easily describe the journey of NCRC students. This is a time to celebrate and nurture
each childs unfolding of social-emotional development, independence, motor skills, and cognitive skills. We envision the school year as a spiral that
offers a warm safe place with opportunities to connect with one another, nurture relationships, expand self-esteem, nurture creative thinking, and build a
love of learning that will last forever.
By the Explorer Team
Lisa, Julie, Patrick, and Kate

By Michael Korns

This year the NCRC Advancement Team and the Annual Fund Committee set a new goal of
100% Parent Participation in 100 Days, ending on December 31, 2015. Previously, the Annual
Fund was solicited throughout the entire academic year; however, the decision was made this
year to wrap up the Annual Fund early to give the school more clarity on its finances for the
upcoming year and allow us to spend the rest of the year thanking you for your gift, and
demonstrating how were putting it to work.
We are very happy to report that we reached 94% parent participation. We are all very proud
of the wonderful NCRC community, and appreciate your support in raising these much needed
As you may know, the $300,000 Annual Fund is included in the annual NCRC operating budget,
and is the single most important source of revenue aside from tuition (which accounts for
about 80% of NCRCs costs). These funds help support the SOS Team and music, library and
motor programs; provide competitive salaries and professional development for our wonderful faculty and staff; purchase much needed classroom supplies; and maintain the schools
buildings and playground equipment.

With everyones support, there is still time to reach 100%

parent participation by the end of the school year.

As third year parents at NCRC, Katherine and I are continually grateful that we found such a
wonderful environment for our boys, and for our family as a whole. The greatest testament to
what a magical place NCRC is for young children is watching our boys bound up the stairs each
morning, eager to see their teachers and friends, smiling from ear to ear.


Grace Chen, Robert Davis,
& Jen Dryer
We welcome all contributions and
suggestions, big or small.
Thank you!

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