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HARBOR - January 1990

Sherry Zekowski, Principal

A Waterways Publication

Barbara Fisher & Richard A. Spiegel·Co-Directors

Ruth Wangerin -Waterways Teacher Kim Yarrell - Site Teacher

Thomas Perry - CUNY Intern City-As-School Interns-

Richard James, Rohan Williams, Harry Taylor, Michael Fitzroy, Tanya Hamrick & Omar Muniz

Publication by The Waterways Project has been made possible with funding support from tlJe New York City Board of Education, New York State Council on the Arts and Can Edison

c 1990, The Waterways Project


3 Caprice.
4 Julia Rodriguez Rodriguez
5 Sansi
6 James Townsend
7 Milton
8 George Lewis
9 Sherita
10 Tremayne
11 Shatia
12 Marvin Townsend
13 Shatia Hardin
14 Peaches
15 Marvin Townsend
16 William
17 Daisy
18 Charles 19 Richie Rich Lorenzo

20-29 Pen Pals

Sansi and Mark Peaches and Steve Clay and Sherita Milton and Shaye

30-31 William


I don't imagine myselfbeing old,

because it is not nice to think about being old. When you get old you will be saying,

I wish I was still young,

about sixteen or something.

When I get old I think that

I am going to look kind of well and keep all of my jewels

and have grandchildren.

I will live in a well kept house and I hope not to be married. If I do have grandchildren they will not be running

all over my house.

I will have a back yard

and if they get on my nerves

I will put them in the back yard.




When I first met you I looked at your eyes and never thought that I would

love a man the way I love you

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This is going to be a story about a girl and her dream.

This girl named Sansi had a dream that she was a nurse and her job was to take care of babies in the nursery. Maybe I can help people

with their kids. I can be a woman who can work as a counselor in a day care.

I love kids and I am not having any, but I am thinking about adopting a baby.

I think that's best.

Anyway, I know how to take care of babies. I took care of them

ever since I was a kid aged 9.




My money goes for my baby's clothes andmilk and food and pampers and a crib for the baby to sleep in and a carriage

to push the baby in,

and the rest goes to my wife's clothes. My money goes for a lot of stuff.

IT goes for my mother and my two brothers and my bigger sister and me.


Well, I've got an uncle who does crack and he is really messed up. He used to steal from his own daughters' and wife's money to buy crack! I think that nobody should do drugs.




Don't use drugs Drugs can kill you People die of drugs

I wish drugs were never invented


I have a friend and I am always giving him advice because I think that he needs it. He is a very nice person and he doesn't need to do the things that he does. I try to tell him, but it seems like he doesn't understand what I am trying to tell him. He wants to understand, but he says he can't. I will keep on giving him advice until he understands what I am trying to tell him and help him get his life together.



As we walk down the hallway, holding hands

I wonder are you still my girl, am I still your man. We're together for the right reasons

and I don't know why I feel so out of place but when we're together

you leave a trace


Starlight first star I see tonight I wish I may, I wish I might

I have the wish that I make tonight.

I don't mean to hurt you

but wishes don't always come true

but I got what I wished for cause I'm with you (chorus)

Starlight first star I see tonight I wish I may I wish I might

I have the wish I make tonight (Interlude)

(Repeat chorus)

(Fade ending)



Here is something you girls should know that getting pregnant is not the way to go

You have the guys who charm the ladies

and turn their backs when it comes to babies

So listen to the message that I send because you'll be sorry in the end.


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Chicken steak spareribs pork chops rice

yellow rice pig feet

that's all the food I can think of now

I feel hungry just thinkin' about it!



Rain, rain go away

Don't come back another day 'Cause if I see your face again I will stomp you until the end,

So return to your home of peace and silence 'Cause if you don't there will be violence


Rain rain go away come again another day. Ifit stops I

will be so happy. Then we all .

can have a happy day. Noone will be upset and mad at

anyone for any reason at

all. So please, please go

away and come another day,




Please let me go home' and go to bed.

I am tired.' .


Let me go home .

. I have to go to a party

on Saturday night, Sunday night and tonight. Please let me go home

and now!

I can sleep on Monday and Tuesday. Please let me go home and go to bed. Yep

It's Friday and I want to go home.



I did a lot of crazy things but now I don't, But if my friends from uptown carne down to myhouse, I would still start doing crazy things again,




All children should stay in school. You'll learn the hard way by not Going to school.

Cutting classes all day long Standing on the street corner Which was wrong.

Hanging out with your friends Being cool doesn't win. That's something you lose:



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Richard is the best thing his mother ever had and she said that when he grows up he's going to be one of the best sons in her house.

Well, 12 years later, Richard grew and he said, "Mom 12 years ago you were right. But now I am a hoodlum. But I am going to make something out of myself and you are going to be proud of me."

N ow I am 17 and I am trying to be someone. I stopped being a hoodlum and this is the end of this story.



Dear Pen Pal, .

Hi. My name is Sansi. I go to Boys Harbor School. It's really cool. Teachers 'pay a lot of attention to students at the school. I really think you should want to go some day. It's nice. There's only two classes. I love this school. They even pick you up at your house. Sorry I changed the subject. The things I do are watch movies. I have all kinds of movies. I have \ Dead Calm \ Mack and Me \ The Seventh Sign \ and more, but I can't keep writing about movies, so ... I love sports like basketball, rope climbing and jump rope.

I love guys that are smart and cute. I like tall boys. I don't like to kiss too much and don't like quick boys. I would like to finish school first. Then I will start going out with boys. Then I'll have fun and party and hang out with the boys.

Yours Truly

Sansi, Call Me Sandy

Dear Sandy,

By the time you receive this letter I hope you are in the best of health. My name is Mark. I am 5'9". My skin color is brown. I am 154 lbs. Some people say I look like Bobby Brown. Maybe I'm not what you're looking for, but like I was told, this is not a dating service. I love to skate and I love guns. By the way, I am 19 years of age. I am a party fan, but all the parties I go to are Jamaican. (Yes, I am Jamaican.)

Don't worry about kissing because I already have a girlfriend. I have to go. See you later.



Dear Mark,

I'm glad you received my letter. I'm sorry, I don't like guns, but I'm glad you like skating. I know you have a girlfriend, but I'm still interested in you as a pen pal, so please, Mark, just keep onwriting to me. I hope your girl doesn't mind. I must say I enjoyed reading your letter. I'm Spanish. I have brown eyes and hair, and am



I must say I don't have a boyfriend. Right now I must say goodbye. Please write me back soon.

Dear Sandy,

What's up? Maybe one day we can go skating together. You sound like a really nice person that I would like to get to know. I wrote you a letter last week, but I don't know if you got it or not. Did you? So, Sandy, what's going on? Where do you live right now, if you don't mind me asking? Maybe we're neighbors and don't even know it. Anyway I have to go now so I will write to you soon.

Please reply.

Your friend, Mark

Dear Sansi,

I wrote to you but you weren't in school to receive it. I know Boys Harbor isn't like a regular high school, but I would appreciate you coming to school more often so you can get my letters.



Dear Sandy,

First I want to say that I'd like for you to come to school more often because I'm sure you want to get high school over with. The reason for me saying this is because you seem to be a very interesting person.

Second I would like when I write you a letter you are there to read it and to give me a reply, because I hate being here when everyone else is reading a letter and I'm just sitting here with nothing to do. O.K.

Well, I guess I will write to you another time:

P.B. I'll be waiting for your next response. Don't let me down.

Your Friend, Mark

Dear Mark,

Sansi hasn't been in school lately so I am writing as a sub. I don't know when she is coming back. My name is Daisy known as Druce. I hear you like guns. So do 1. You say you are Jamaican. That's cool. I hang out with a few. I also go to Jamaican parties. I would say I'm single for I haven't found someone I really want to be with. I am a reddish brown color, brown eyes, 5'6", and have long hair. I'm 16 as of Sunday the 12th of Nov. And it's time for me to go now. It would be nice if you were to write back.





Dear Penpal,

My name is Peaches. I would like for people to call me Champal. I'm brown skin, and also have kind of light brown eyes. I'm 5'6". My weight is 125 lbs. I would like to meet a guy that is nice, and have a nice personality, who is light skin with brown eyes, whose weight is 155-200 lbs. I would prefer his height to be 6'7".

N ow I'm going to tell you, jumping rope, and etc. The school I go to is C.E.C. Harbor. It is very nice. They help you get your G.E.D. too. They also put you in High School, and they only take kids from 14-21 years of age. The teachers are very, very nice.

I'm going to end this for now, but I'm hoping to hear from you again.

Yours Truly,


Dear Penpal,

My name is Steve. I am 6'1", fair skin, light brown eyes, 205 lbs. I have one dimple, one left earring. I like to go out and party and have fun. I feel I have a really good personality and would like the same in a girl. I have to go now. Hope to hear from you soon, Champal.

Yours Truly, Steve


Dea~ Steve,

'Hi. This is Champa} again. I am sorry that my penpalletter did not reach you. I enjoyed your letter. I would like to have a picture of yourself. That is if you write back. I would like if you did. You sound as if you were older than I am. I never asked you your age. How old are you? What do you want to be in the future? I hope it is the right choice. If you want me to send you a picture, I would be more than happy to do so. I have to go now so until next time. See you around.

F.S. Write back soon I hope we will get to see each other



Dear Champale,

Hello, it's Steve again. I was disappointed when I heard that your letter was lost, but happy to hear from you now. I don't have any pictures on me to send at the moment, but if you can wait til next week when Ruth comes back I will have one for you. But Ruth told me she will see you before me so I will expect a picture from you. As for my age, "call" me and you will find out. I have to go now. See ya.

P.S. My number is . Call me.




Dear Penpal,

My name is Sherita and I am 17 years old and my height is 5'2" and I like to go to the movies and see all types of shows. I am looking for a cute guy with light pretty eyes and about 19 who is very intelligent and who likes to do a lot of things. I also like to go out to lots of nice places to eat dinner, but most of all I like seafood. I like to skating even though I don't know how to skate that good, but it would be nice to have someone to teach me to skate better. I also like to go to clubs. Sometimes I go to the 100 club, and the Pasadena on Saturdays, but not every weekend--only if I have the money. Well I'm going to end this letter right now. Oh, I almost forgot-- I also like to go to parties.



Sherita P.S. Some of my friends call me Slice and some of them call me Sunshine,

Dear Sherita,

This is your penpal, Clayton. I'm 17 years of age. My birth date was this week. I'm a tannish brown "brother man" with brown eyes, weight about 1451bs. My height is about 5'11". I like to dress kind of G Q. I'm interested in someone who isn't into a guy who would spend money on a girl. I'm that kinda guy. I love fish and seafood, because it's very healthy. I've got to go. I'll write you later.

P.S. Don't write back unless you send a picture.



Dear Sherita,

I'm sorry if! startled you by writing you have

to send a picture. You don't have to send a picture if you don't want to. I just want to get an idea of what you look like. Tfyou'd like I'll send you a picture. To tell you the truth I'm finished writing to you. I'd like you to call me

sometime. This is my number, and if you call,

call around 7:00pm that is to 11:00.

Your Penpal, Clayton

Dear Clay,

I'm sorry if I haven't been writing you and no you didn't startle me, but it's just that I wanted to wait until I got a good enough picture to send you. You said something about your picture. You could see how I really look.

I meant to call you but something came up with my mother so I didn't. I'll

call you one day this week. Well I'm about to leave now so I look forward

to hearing from you soon.




Milton, I read the letter that you wrote to Bridget.

You seem to be very ,

considerate. Just the kind of person I would be interested in. My telephone-

number is 901- just kiddin', but you do seem

nice and respectful.

You "can't meet a decent guy anywhere anymore," so if you have a girl I am

sure you give her resoect, and treat her like a person. Unless your lettter was bullshit! "HONESTLY NOW" I am coming over there in December. I would appreciate your introduction.



. ·····"""""I1"/I////fBYE/////// .. · "'''''''''"''

,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,



Dear Shaye,

I have received your letter. I thought it was nice what you wrote. You seem to be very pretty even though I haven't seen you yet.

"Please" write back!


p.s. Send me a picture.


What's up Milton,

My name is Lysha and I'm writing for Shaye.

I think she 18 sick because she hasn't been in school. I'm going to call her tonight to see what's up. Shaye told me about you. To get off the subject, do you know George? I'm writing him. If you do know him, how well? Since you're asking Shaye for a picture, how about sending one of yourself over this way. Just to get to know you better, ten me your future goals and what you've accomplished in the past. I've heard you have a good sense of humor. So does Yours Truly. When you write to Shaye I would appreciate if you ask about me. If you don it, well, ask Shaye.

Until We Write Again Stay Cool,

Iysha sub. for Shaye

Dear Shaye,

Your friend Lysha wrote to me. She says you might be sick. If you are, I hope you get well soon. If you would like to contact me, my number is ----------.

Well I've got to go now. Give me a ring.

P.S. Say Hi to Lysha for me.


It's me again,

Shaye has been to school but she's out today.

Sorry for being rude -- how have you been? As for me, fine. Anyway, I was telling her that I wrote you and she was excited, I'm only joking. How's my friend George? I haven't heard from him. Is he alright? Well, I'm just delivering a message from Shaye. So take care of yourself and I'll personally make sure I give her your number in her hand or over the phone, and make sure you will be expecting a call from us or her as I know you want it.

Sincerely Yours Truly, Lysha

P.S. I appreciate you asking for me.


Muggins the 'Mouse in Space Travel William

Captain's log. star date 7:~O "Captain. Captain!"

"What is it. Little Wolf'?"

"It's the sensors. They are reading a U.F.O. two miles north." "Oh no! Captain. we are in big trouble with a capital T.

That U.F.O. has a cloaking device." .

"Go to red alert and take us to warp 3 north." "Yes. sir."

"Captain. one hour to impact." "OK I want..;"

"Captain. Captain ... Stop all engines. Crystals have been drained.

If you keep them on they will die completely and we'll fall in the black hole."

"Little Wolf. where is the nearest planet where we can get

some crystals?"

"3 miles southwest of the red planet on the right." "Captain. there is the red planet."

"Mario, 3 to beam down."


"Ready, Captain." "Energize. "

"Captain. where are we?"

"We are in a hole. Do you have rope?"

"Yes. I have it tied around a rock. Captain, will you

do the honors?"

"Thank you. This is a long hole."

"Hurry. Little Wolf. the rope is popping. Just in time." "Let's go get the crystals."

"Halt. who goes there?"

"I'm Captain Muggins of the U.S.S. Hudson. We are

looking for some of your crystals."

"No. but if you have money. maybe we can make a deal." "How much do you have in mind?"

"$300.00 American dollars."

(to be continued)



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