Sandiway Primary School: Looking Ahead

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Number 18

Spring Term 2016

Wednesday 3rd February 2016

01606 883298


Thursday 4th February

Conway Residential Parents
Meeting for Y5 parents/children
The meeting starts at 6.00pm and
should last no more than one hour.

Monday 8th February

Year menu...
...including a choice of vegetable
noodles or sweet and sour chicken.

Year 2 have been working hard to produce some

wonderful art work in the style of Picasso...dont these
look lovely?

Thoughts from the week

This week, I have focussed the newsletter
on the safety and safeguarding of our
children, with some reminders about
some of the ways that we can work
together to make sure our children are
safe in and around school. I feel that it is
my role as Headteacher to remind all
parents of the joint responsibility we have
for the safety of our children.
On Monday, in assembly, I talked to the
children about some of these issues and
they were very keen to share their stories
of accidents and near misses that they
have seen on our roads. We discussed
the need to look after ourselves, as much
as possible, to stay safe.
You will be aware that we place a very
high importance on the pastoral care of
your children. We take pride in knowing
the children very well and being there for
them if they ever need to talk or if they
have any worries.
It is always helpful if you can let us know
if anything is troubling your child as this
can help us when working with them in

Thursday 11th February

Fox Howl Residential Parents
Meeting for Y2 parents/children
The meeting starts at 6.00pm and
should last no more than about 45

Monday 29th February

school. Please contact teachers through
email or by having a quick word at the
beginning or end of the school day.
On a separate matter: Mrs Forster has
reminded me that any uniform orders/
payments are due by Thursday 11th
February. Mrs Tucker would like all
members of the school choir to look
smart in white school polo shirts at the
Weaverham High School Music Festival these can be ordered from Mrs Forster, if

Young Voices Concert Manchester

Please note the date (the above is
correct) - I know I have written it
incorrectly in some letters - sorry!

Friday 12th February

PTA Disco
We are looking forward to another
wonderful disco - we hope lots of
children will be there! Tickets goon
the 10th, 11th and 12th February in
the library before school and and
will be available on the night.
Break Up for the Half Term
Children and sta return on Monday
22nd February.

More news...SAFEGUARDING special...

Medicine in School
Can we remind you that if you would like us to give any
medication in school, you must first complete a permission
form (available from the school oce or in the School Oce
Useful Documents section of the school website. We can
only give medicine that has been prescribed by a health care
Use of the Zebra Crossing and Speeding Trac
As you may have seen in the Parish Round Tower Magazine,
it has been reported that there have been near misses on the
zebra crossing on Norley Road. This is often by cars not
stopping whilst children are crossing or cars not stopping
whilst children are waiting. Mr Alvin (who stands on the
pedestrian Millennium Gate each morning) also witnesses
children and parents crossing the road and not using the
crossing. We ask that you please set a good example to
children by always using the crossing, even when you are in a
rush in the mornings.
A number of parents are
working with the Parish
Council and undertaking some
monitoring work themselves
to see how the crossing is
used and collecting as much
information as possible to
determine the level of risk. I
am sure that you will all agree
that by simply raising
awareness, safety can be
improved. There is an online
petition to try to get a
permanent speed indicator.
You can add your electronic
signature to this by clicking
the following link: http://
Parking in the Parish Car Park/Church Hall Car Park
Please park safely and responsibly. Although there are no
lines for the spaces, please use your judgement to park with
sucient space between cars to allow children (and car
seats) to get in/out of cars. It is safer to reverse into a space
and drive out forwards, particularly outside the Church Hall reversing into a main road is not advised in the Highway
Code and can be dangerous for other road users.
Drop O Zone
Please only use the drop o zone for dropping o your
children - it should not be used for parking. Doing so means
that cars have to stop in the middle of the car park and
children are forced to cross the car park, rather than use the
Packed Lunches
It is great to see more healthy lunches for the children. Can I
remind you that the children should not share their lunches
with anyone, in case children are intolerant or allergic to the
items. Additionally, please do not pack any nuts as this is a
serious known allergy that could cause children to become
very ill. I note that some children are having their grapes cut
in response to the recent chocking incident in the news.
Accidents in School and Informing You
If your child has an accident whilst in school, we will look
after them and give them the necessary first aid, care and

attention and help that they need. The majority of the school
sta are trained in first aid (from Emergency First Aid, to
Pediatric First Aid to First Aid at Work level). Plasters will be
applied to wounds that are bleeding to prevent infection and
safeguard all members of the school. When first aid is given,
sta complete a small record form which comes home with
your child (a green slip). A record of this is kept in school.
Where a child has a more serious injury, such as a bump to
the head, a fully-qualified first aider takes over the care. An
additional letter will also come home indicating some
possible signs for concussion (as a precaution). Your child will
also have a sticker on their school sweater to indicate that
they have received first aid. In cases of a more serious head
bump, we will attempt to contact you to inform you of what
has happened and the treatment given - this also helps ease
the shock of seeing your child with a bump on the head
without knowing about it, which we know can be very
Hats, Gloves and Coats
As we have previously said, we try to get outside as much as
possible during our morning breaks, lunchtimes and if the
teachers choose to give the children a comfort break in the
afternoon. Please ensure that the children have (named)
coats, hats and gloves so they can enjoy being outside, even
when the weather is cold or wet.
Illnesses and Spreading of Infection/Diseases
We are very grateful to sensible decisions made by parents to
keep children o school when they are ill. Any incidents of
sickness/diarrhoea should follow with 48 hours o school to
prevent infection from spreading. Whilst we appreciate that
this can cause diculties for child care, it is a rule enforced to
protect both the poorly child and other children/sta in the
school. There is a very useful document produced by Public
Health England which details infections/diseases and
conditions which demand time o school and those which it
is safe to attend school. I have put a copy on the school
website (School Oce -> Attendance/Illness).
Dates for the next term
Friday 12th Feb
Monday 22nd Feb

Monday 29th February
Wednesday 2nd March
Wednesday 9th March
Monday 14th March
Thursday 17th March

Tuesday 22nd March
Wednesday 23rd March
Thursday 24th March

Tuesday 29th March
Friday 1st April
Monday 18th April

Break Up for half term holiday

Children and sta return
Please make sure your lunch/
snack accounts are in credit
Young Voices Concert (pm/eve)
Y5 to Conway Centre (2 nights)
Full Governors Meeting
Y2 to Fox Howl (1 night)
Information evening for parents
(curriculum and assessment) from
Parents Evening
Parents Evening
PTA Easter Egg Hunt
Easter Service led by Y3/4
(2.00pm) in church
Break up for Easter Weekend
Children and sta return
Break Up for holiday
Children and sta return to school

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