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of Saint Johns in Pine Meadow

Saint Johns mission is to nurture all people in their spiritual growth, in their Christian
education, and in their relationship with God.
February 2016
Dear Friends,
As the season of Lent approaches, it is important for us to hear again the words from the Book of Common Prayer inviting us to
participate fully in this holy season:
Dear People of God: The first Christians observed with great devotion the days of our Lords passion and resurrection, and it became the custom of the Church to prepare for them by a season of penitence and fasting. This
season of Lent provided a time in which converts to the faith were prepared for Holy Baptism. It was also a time
when those who, because of notorious sins, had been separated from the body of the faithful were reconciled by
penitence and forgiveness, and restored to the fellowship of the Church. Thereby, the whole congregation was
put in mind of the message of pardon and absolution set forth in the Gospel of our Savior, and of the need which
all Christians continually have to renew their repentance and faith. I invite you, therefore, in the name of the
Church, to the observance of a holy Lent, by self-examination and repentance; by prayer, fasting, and selfdenial; and by reading and meditating on Gods holy Word.
I would like to share some of the many opportunities available for us to respond to this invitation:
The NWR7 Mardi Gras Jazz Concert - J oin us at the Chur ch on Tuesday, Febr uar y 9th at 7pm for this special pr esentation by the Northwest Regional 7 Jazz Bands followed by an Ice Cream Social in the Parish Hall.
Ash Wednesday Services - Wednesday, Febr uar y 10th at 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. the Ash Wednesday liturgy with the Imposition of Ashes and the start of the Lenten season.
Ash Wednesday for Children & Families - On Wednesday, Febr uar y 10 th at 6:00 p.m. the young people of the parish will
gather to mark the start of the season of Lent by burning and preparing the palms and sharing the Eucharist.
Meals of Hope - J oin us in suppor ting NWR7 to help feed the hungr y in our communities. MoH and NWR7 will pr ovide
four meals for those who are hungry for each $1 donated. Your generosity is appreciated. See Christian Johnson for more information!
Lent Madness - Complete your br acket & lear n mor e about Saints of the Chur ch. See Ryan Patch for details.
Praying in Color for Lent - Daily inter cessor y pr ayer for Lent that gets the cr eative juices flowing. A br ief intr oductor y
session will be held on Thursday, February 11th at 7:00 p.m.
Lent in a Bag - A treasure trove of items to help you engage in prayer during the season of Lent. Bags are provided by the Godly
Play Program and are found in the Narthex. See Linda Snyder, our Christian Formation Specialist for more information.
Dwelling in the Word - Thursdays in Lent at 10:00 a.m. the Gospel reading for the following Sunday is broken open and explored by a community of believers. Please join us!
Lenten Luncheons - Potluck luncheons on Thur sdays in Lent at noon following Dwelling in the Wor d and Office Helper s.
Please join us!
NOOMA - Video explor ation of Chr istianity for young people & adults star ting Sunday, Febr uar y 7 th between the services.
Holy Week Services - Palm Sunday, Maundy Thur sday, and Good Fr iday Ser vices mar k the final jour ney towar d Easter .
May this Lenten season be a time of renewal and growth for all of us!

The Rev. Sandra L. Cosman

Annual ECCT Mission Conference is drawing

To learn more about what you and your parish can
do in Gods global mission we invite you to attend
our annual ECCT Mission Conference: Walking Together: Living Gods Mission on Saturday March
5th, from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm at St. Pauls Church
on the Huntington Green. Registration and addit ional
inf or mat ion
f o und

Commission on Ministry Discernment Day

ECCT's Commission on Ministry (COM) has organized a Day of Discernment for all the baptized.
Come join us for a day of reflection and learning
about call and discernment! professionals. We
hope you will join us for this day of discernment!
COM Discernment Day
Saturday February 13
9:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m
The Commons
290 Pratt Street, Meriden

Bits & Pieces

Dec. 2015

Operating Income:
Operating Expenses:

$ 30,386
$ 14,512


Operating Income:
Operating Expenses:

$ 186,887
$ 189,745

Dec. 2014

$ 37,094
$ 8,445

$ 178,422
$ 171,846

Prayer RequestsIf you wish to have prayers for

any reason, intercession, thanksgiving, etc., please
contact Anne Hall (, with the
names and all the information. Prayer is part of our
concern for one another. For pastoral emergencies, please contact the Parish office at (860) 3793062 or
Winsted Food Pantry - Please dont forget to bring
in non-perishable food items for the hungry that live
among us.

Larry Espinet, Treasurer

Annual Appeal Results
Pledge cards mailed

Church Office Hours Office hours are 8:30 a.m.

1:30 p.m., Monday through Thursday.


Pledges received








Total amount pledged to date: $156,949

SCRIP A way to help Saint Johns and simplify

your life! The Scrip Program is a simple way for
Saint Johns to benefit from your regular purchases
at select retailers at no cost to you. Here is how it
works: If you purchase a scrip card (gift card) here
at Saint Johns in the amount of $50. You receive a
gift card for $50 for that store and our parish receives a percentage of your card purchase. The gift
card is the full value of your purchase and we receive a donation from the retailer. It is that simple.
Stop & Shop cards are available on Sundays for purchase and a listing of many other retailers is also
available. Easter gifts, birthday presents and everyday expenses can all benefit Saint Johns and you
can save a trip to the store!

Coffee Hour Hosts

10:00 AM Service
A sign up sheet is posted in the parish hall. This
is an important part of our ministry of hospitalityto visitors, to children, to one another. Coffee
supplies other than cream are available in the
kitchen. Baked goods are terrific, whether home
baked or purchasedwhatever works for you. All
parishioners who attend the 10 a.m. service are
requested to host at least once this winter. See
Candy Flaherty for more information.

Next IngatheringFebruary 14th

Bring coins anytime. We will keep them safe.

Parish Register(Broadly

Let the office know about happenings in your own

life and in the lives of other parishioners, especially
hospitalizations, so Mother Cosman can contact
those in need of comfort.
Gray Horn
(Husband of Susie Horn)

Rhythms of Grace
Worship for Families and
Individuals with special needs
Our monthly next worship will be on Sunday February
7th at 1:00PM. We are looking for worship leaders
AND par ticipants. All people ar e welcome to join
us in the service. Rhythms begins with a gathering activity then on to storytelling and response activities.
We re-gather and process upstairs to gather around the
table for Eucharist and receive a blessing and then dismissal. Worship is around an hour. If you would like
to learn more about this experience speak with Linda
Snyder, visit the website:
If you may know of someone who might be interested
in joining us please take a brochure in the back of the
church or give them our contact information above.

Thanks to those who help.!

Hands On Hartford

HOH Center for Community

Volunteer Opportunities for residents at
55 Bartholomew Avenue
(Peters Retreat)

Special thanks to Ron Caine, Tom Chappell,

Bruce Wearne, Bob Osborne for cleaning the
Special thanks to Joanne Ritchie, Betty
Castonguay, Ginny Hoffmann, Winnie Pratt,
Howie Martin, and Nancy Gibson for their volunteer work for folding all the weekly programs.
Thank you to Anne Hall for providing the
weekly Prayer List.
Thanks to our Soup Kitchen Crew for their hard
Thank you to Pat Sepples for snow removal and
sanding the walks.
Thanks to everyone who helps with the mission and ministry of St. Johns.

Appalachia Service Project

Sunday February 21st - 11:30, St Johns Parish
Presentation of the
Appalachia Service Project

Potluck Luncheon
Our projected participation is for: Summer of

Please contact Laura & Bruce Wearne at or at 860-307-3031. More Information and Sign up for Potluck lunch to follow!
See information and sign up sheet in the narthex.

To Bring Prepared Meals to H.O.H every other month

on the 2nd Sunday of the month
Lunch on the2nd Sunday every other month
Volunteers arrive to serve at noon.

at or at 860-307-3031 to sign up or for
any questions . Thank you!! Please see information
and sigh up sheet in the narthex.

February Collection for The Open Door and

The Gathering Place We are in need of donations; shoes, boots, mittens and hats. There
will be bins placed in the narthex. Please contact Laura Wearne for further information at

New Vestry Members Elected

At the annual meeting on January 24th the following people were elected as Vestry members
and officers: John Gargiulo, Junior Warden,
Beth Coates, Peg Budny and Kevin Case AtLarge Members.
Gordon Ross is continuing as Senior Warden,
Larry Espinet is continuing as Treasurer and
Anne Hall is continuing as Clerk. Jill Healey
and Donna Colavecchio are continuing to serve
as At-Large members. These are your representatives in the leadership of the parish. If
you have a matter of concern or idea to be considered, please contact a Vestry member or
Warden, as well as Mother Cosman.

Safe Church Training Certification

Ice Cream with a Musical Topping
Saint Johns Mardi Gras Celebration
TuesdayFebruary 9th7:00 PM
Jazz Bands from Regional 7 - Ice Cream
Donations at the DoorProceeds Benefit
Bands & Outreach

Here is a link to the schedule of upcoming Safe

Church Training Certification and Recer tification
dates. The local sites are Tariffville and Collinsville
which are wonderfully close! These sessions are valuable training for lay leaders.

P. O. Box 27
Pine Meadow, CT 06061
Phone: 860 379-3062

Address Correction

The Episcopal Church

Were Here For You
Sunday Holy Eucharist
8:00 a.m. & 10 a.m.
Thursday Holy Eucharist
With Healing Prayers 6:30

Two special events will be happening in late Epiphany/Lent.

Pretzel Sunday- Feb. 7th our children and youth will be once again making pretzels for coffee hour.
Ash Wednesday Family Friendly Service- Feb. 10th, join us as we Burn the Palms for Ash Wednesday
and bury the Alleluia for Lent.
As we enter Lent Godly Play will begin the traditional lessons called The Face of Easter. This unit looks
at the different faces of Jesus (baby, young boy in the Temple, Preacher/Teacher, Healer, in the Eucharist, in the Cross, in the Empty Tomb).
We also want to thank the Gargulio family for the donation of the story of Joseph in December.

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