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Application form 2008 for
School Partnerships




LLP Sub- Comenius Action Type Partnerships

Call 2008
Working language English
of the partnership
Title of the
National heroes - cultural and international
identity to get active citizenship.
Projecto financiado com o apoio da Comissão Europeia. A informação contida nesta publicação (comunicação) vincula exclusivamente o autor, não sendo a Comissão responsável pela
utilização que dela possa ser feita.
Acronym (if
The application  Multilateral Partnership
concerns a  Bilateral Partnership


Name of applicant

The applicant  The coordinator

institution is A partner


Please note that this section must be completed jointly by all institutions participating in the Partnership and must be identical in each
copy submitted to each National Agency.

Summary of the planned Partnership. This description may be used by the European Commission and/or the National Agency when providing information
on selected projects, so please be clear and precise and do not exceed 200 words.

The aim of the project is to extend the knowledge about the history of one’s own country which will be based on the
character of national heroes. Students from five countries are going to collect information concerning the chosen profile of
characters who played a leading role for the national identity inside the framework of United Europe. The project will help
the students evoke feelings of active citizenship through learning about themselves as growing individuals with their own
experiences and ideas as members of their communities opened to Europe. They will become more independent and self-

Projecto financiado com o apoio da Comissão Europeia. A informação contida nesta publicação (comunicação) vincula exclusivamente o autor, não sendo a Comissão responsável pela
utilização que dela possa ser feita.
confident developing their sense of social justice and moral responsibility and understanding that their own choices and
behaviour can affect political and social institutions. Moreover, it will teach tolerance towards other cultures. The project
work will also help improving the students’ language skills thanks to the opportunity to use their knowledge in authentic
situations- in contacts with their mates from partner schools. Another aim is the promotion of European cooperation among
groups of teachers, students and parents as well.
The culmination of our cooperation will be a guidebook in the form of a brochure and a multimedia presentation presenting
the national figures from all the countries.


a) What is the general context of each institution involved in the proposed Partnership? Is there a specific context as for example: Are the participants
in disadvantaged areas? Do they have specific needs for pupils, staff or other groups, e.g. pupils at risk of social exclusion, pupils with special needs,
migrants, refugees? If so, please explain.

b) Why do the participating institutions want to take part in European cooperation activities such as this Partnership? What do they expect to gain from
European cooperation?

a) General Context

Public Gymnasium nr 21 ( Publiczne Gimnazjum nr 21) is situated in a big city

– Lodz, which has about 800,000 inhabitants .
It is attended by young people who vary in terms of social status. There is a
group of students that requires financial assistance. The students with special
needs are dyslexic and dysorthographic ones.
Among our students there are not only the finalists of subject competitions, for
whom the participation in an international project will be another challenge,
but also those weaker students, for whom the project will be a great
motivating factor to get involved In the school life more actively.

Specific needs

Projecto financiado com o apoio da Comissão Europeia. A informação contida nesta publicação (comunicação) vincula exclusivamente o autor, não sendo a Comissão responsável pela
utilização que dela possa ser feita.
The students with special educational needs – dysorthography and dyslexia-
will be given the opportunity to use the computer when writing.
All the students, regardless to their social or economic status, will be provided
with such conditions that will enable them to make use of the facilities
available at school and necessary for the project realisation (computer rooms,
access to the internet, digital camera, fax machine)

The group of students working on the Project will consist of girls and boys
equally . As far as the teachers are concerned - the dominating group are
women. However it is due to the fact that women dominate in Poland in this
particular job sphere.

b) The whole school community will benefit from the European project relating
to the following points:

 foreign language skills improvement

 promoting foreign languages learning
 increasing intercultural awareness
 the preparation to European Union extension
 evoking citizenship feeling as well as the sense of national identity in
the united Europe - strengthening of the contribution of education
throughout one’s life in social integrity, active citizenship, dialogue
 strengthening of the role of education throughout one’s life in creating
European citizenship spirit that is based on understanding and
respecting human rights as well as democratic principles.
 shaping the attitudes of tolerance - encouraging tolerance and respect
towards other nations.
 stimulating learning through cooperation
 effective use of communication and computer technology
 contribution to a wider participation of people at different age in the
process of learning throughout one’s life by involving in the cooperation
parents and institutions supporting the school development.

Projecto financiado com o apoio da Comissão Europeia. A informação contida nesta publicação (comunicação) vincula exclusivamente o autor, não sendo a Comissão responsável pela
utilização que dela possa ser feita.
 incorporating parents and units supporting school development in the
 increasing the level of education
 encouraging students’ and teachers’ creativity
 incorporating the project in the pedagogical school programme.

a)General Context

MOUSIKO SCHOLIO KARDITSAS is situated in the centre of city (capital of

prefecture), however the majority of students come from rural, middle class
families of the region.
The low social, economic level of families of our students does not strengthen
what we with particular care try to achieve in the frame of our strategy to give
equal opportunities in the education and during the process of the transition
from school to the job market and life itself.
The students with special needs are dyslexic and dysorthographic ones.

b)Our objectives for European cooperation:

1. Foreign language skills improvement

2. Contact with colleagues of other countries and educational systems
3. Exchange of experiences on issues such as education and culture
4. Communication between students of European countries, growth of
5. Development of intercultural awareness
6. Promotion of information and communications technology in the
educational practice
7. Managing and social improvement for the participants
8. Introduction of the European dimension in our school.
9. Shaping the future active European citizenship

Projecto financiado com o apoio da Comissão Europeia. A informação contida nesta publicação (comunicação) vincula exclusivamente o autor, não sendo a Comissão responsável pela
utilização que dela possa ser feita.
a)General Context

BURAK BORA ANADOLU LĐSESĐ is located in a rural area called Kartal which is
a county with 400,000 inhabitants, in a big city-Đstanbul which has about
10,000,000 inhabitants totally. We have a variety of facilities such as Science
labs, computer labs, conference hall and gym. Lunch is served in our school
canteen. Our students are from different counties of Istanbul. The extra-
curricula and social activities are limited because of service buses leaving just
after the classes. There are students from different economic and social levels.
The students take an exam after primary school. They are placed to the schools
according to their exam results. After first year, the students choose their
subjects as Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Math etc.), Social science
(Geography, History, Literature etc.), Language etc. in our school. According to
their studies at school, they take a state university exam. It’s the 8th school in
Đstanbul due to the success at university exam.
Because, we want to get information about European Countries’ Education and
share our culture and also learn theirs. We wonder what the similarities and
differences are between their and our culture. We also want to learn about
what the instructional methods they use in their education systems and how
much technology they use. We want our students to use their second language
(English, French) in social life to express themselves in English. We would like
to emphasize the importance of European citizenship among groups of
teachers, students and their parents. While working in a team, members see
different views and learn to be more tolerant to other ideas and thoughts.
Therefore, such studies are the best way to incorporate with different cultures
and to promote European cooperation.

a) General Context

“Vito Capialbi" Secondary School is in the capital town of the province of Vibo

Projecto financiado com o apoio da Comissão Europeia. A informação contida nesta publicação (comunicação) vincula exclusivamente o autor, não sendo a Comissão responsável pela
utilização que dela possa ser feita.
Valentia which has about 35,000 inhabitants. The province consists of 50
villages and towns spread over an area comprising mountains, plains and
coastal resorts. Many of the students in the school are commuters and travel by
car or by bus every day to the town of Vibo Valentia from the outlying villages.
Public transport is scarce in the afternoon so extra-curricula activities are
limited.The school is situated in the town centre. It is not a really
disadvantaged area but students have not great economic possibilities since
they come from rural and agricultural villages and that is why we would like to
give them the possibility to meet European friends and let the students know
new places and cultures sharing a Project which can link different countries.
We would like to help our students acquire the basic competences necessary
for their personal development, for future employment and for active European
citizenship since the region itself, Calabria, which is located in the south of
Italy has the highest unemployment rate in Italy. About 1,175 teenagers from
14 to 19 years old - including some pupils with special needs and a few at risk
of social exclusion - attend the school which is subdivided into four major areas
of study: languages, psychology, sports science and social studies. All four
areas consist of a five-year course finishing with the State Exam which gives
access to University Faculties.
The realization of the project will give the opportunity to all the students
involved to participate in spite of differences due to socio-economic reasons
and in the complete respect of gender equality. Particularly, activities such as
“circle time” will be planned to help students who are shy to acquire self-

b)We want to take part in European cooperation activities because

International Projects are very useful to broaden the idea of Europe, they help
us to be really in touch with different cultures and extend our knowledge
through learning European values.
Moreover they will help:
• to raise motivation in our students, staff, parents and local community
evoking feelings of active citizenship as well as the sense of national

Projecto financiado com o apoio da Comissão Europeia. A informação contida nesta publicação (comunicação) vincula exclusivamente o autor, não sendo a Comissão responsável pela
utilização que dela possa ser feita.
identity in the framework of United Europe;
• to give the opportunity of exchanging opinions assisted by respect,
curiosity, passion and intelligence;
• to emphasize the concept of diversity while insisting on equal
• to reflect on moral, social, and cultural issues, using imagination to
understand other people's experiences;
• to resolve differences by looking at alternatives, making decisions and
explaining choices;
• to learn about a wider world and the interdependence of communities
within it;
• to take more responsibility, individually and as a group, for the students’
own learning;
• to encourage the learning of foreign languages since we are a school
specializing in the study of European languages ;
• to support the development of ICT knowledge through the
communication among teenagers belonging to different European
• to improve the quality of the teachers’ professional training through
European experience;
• to integrate and corporate the theme of the project in the school regular

a) General Context

ESCOLA SECUNDÁRIA DR. JÚLIO MARTINS - We are in a disadvantaged area for

socio-economic and geographic reasons, with pupils from poor families.

b) taking part in a European Project will help us

to improve the learning/teaching procedures. The first aim is the change of

Projecto financiado com o apoio da Comissão Europeia. A informação contida nesta publicação (comunicação) vincula exclusivamente o autor, não sendo a Comissão responsável pela
utilização que dela possa ser feita.
educational experiences and the encouragement of teaching methodologies


- What are the concrete objectives of the partnership?
- Explain what subjects or problems you intend to address.
- What approach will you take to achieve your objectives?

1.Concrete objectives of the partnership:

Main objectives:
• Evoking the feeling of active citizenship in Europe through deeper knowledge about the national hero from one’s own
country and from other partner schools’ countries
• involving students characterised by social, cultural and economic disadvantages in order to reduce cases of drop out
• to improve the key competences in the learning process to give students the right basis for further occasions of
learning or future job particularly referring to
-communication in the mother tongue;
-communication in the foreign languages;
- digital competence;
- learning to learn;
- communication in social and civic competences;
-cultural awareness and expression.
• the project is meant to elicit creativity and innovation
Detailed objectives:
• creating the opportunity to extend one’s knowledge about the students’ own country and the Partners’ one on the
basis of chosen characters
• evoking active citizenship feelings- getting to know the influence of the chosen character on the ho story of one’
Projecto financiado com o apoio da Comissão Europeia. A informação contida nesta publicação (comunicação) vincula exclusivamente o autor, não sendo a Comissão responsável pela
utilização que dela possa ser feita.
• developing knowledge about the variety of European cultures as well as understanding the importance of such
knowledge among students and teachers;
• getting to know the Partner schools as well as their local environment;
• understanding European values by both students and teachers;
• shaping tolerance;
• promoting cooperation , exchange and mobility among the Partner schools that represent different kinds of education
• motivating students and teachers to share their competences with people coming from different social realities;
• extending knowledge about the variety of cultures and European languages;
• improving the traditional methods of teaching
• improving the ability to use Information and Communication Technology in Education;
• improving foreign language skills in real communication;
• raising students’ motivation as well as making the process of learning more attractive and appealing.
• helping our students to gain basic skills that are essential in their private lives, future employment or active
European citizenship;
• improving the quality of teacher training by increasing work motivation;
• getting parents and associated partners involved in the cooperation.

A student can:
-work in a team or in a group of young people at the same age;
-put the gained knowledge into practice;
-make decisions and solve problems;
-use the foreign language in an authentic communicative context;
find proper information in the sources .

2.Explain what subjects or problems you intend to address:

• History of one’s own country and analysis of national figures who contributed to the creation of the national identity
widening the perspective to get active citizenship.
• Through the main theme of the project which is getting cultural identity and active citizenship students will learn
about themselves as developing individuals and as members of their communities, building on their own experiences
and on the early learning goals for personal, social and emotional development. They will learn the basic rules and

Projecto financiado com o apoio da Comissão Europeia. A informação contida nesta publicação (comunicação) vincula exclusivamente o autor, não sendo a Comissão responsável pela
utilização que dela possa ser feita.
skills for keeping themselves safe and for behaving well in their environment and the European one alternatively on
the Internet or in full immersion in the European countries during mobility. They will have opportunities to show they
can take some responsibility for themselves and their environment. They will learn about their own and other
people's feelings and become aware of the views, needs and rights of other children and other people. As members of
a class and school community, they will learn social skills such as how to share, take turns, play, help others, resolve
simple arguments and resist bullying. They will begin to take an active part in the life of their school, of the local and
European community .
3.What approach will you take to achieve your objectives?

Use of modern teaching methods which refer to a laboratory approach with activities relating to “circle time”, to
promote students’ self confidence.


Please explain the distribution of tasks between participating institutions and the competences required from each of them. Also explain how you will
ensure the active involvement of all partners in common partnership activities.

All partner schools will equally carry out the project tasks that will be connected with the selected character and at the
same time keep the deadlines formerly established. The schools will contact one another via e-mail. The coordinator of the
project will be the 21 Public Gymnasium in Lodz, Poland. During the planned workshop meetings, the partner schools will
work out the material formerly collected and they will share their knowledge and skills. Also, they will summarise the
given stage of the project. Each school will start by preparation (in any form) of the project. This will be a presentation of
their institution. Then, each school will organise an exhibition that will present information on partner schools and
information about the stages of the project.
Each school will organise a competition for the best project logo at each school. Next step is working jointly on the project
logo . Each school will select a character to work on ( a survey distributed among the students) and then present it to the
partner schools. Students will prepare artistic works connected with the selected character as well as they will search any
traces that are connected with the character (statues, streets or schools named after the character in the partner schools’
countries). The effects of their work will be shown in the form of a presentation. We have also planned to create a special

Projecto financiado com o apoio da Comissão Europeia. A informação contida nesta publicação (comunicação) vincula exclusivamente o autor, não sendo a Comissão responsável pela
utilização que dela possa ser feita.
project website. Each partner school will create a brochure including information on the given hero. The final effect of the
cooperation will be a guidebook produced jointly as well as a multimedia presentation “Following our national heroes”.
This will present the selected characters and the places connected with them. Each partner school will stage a scene of
their chosen character’s life. There will also be a musical concert dedicated to the characters chosen in each of the partner
schools. Finally, there will be an evaluation survey distributed in all participating schools and the results of the survey will
be presented during the last meeting of the schools.
All planned activities will be divided into local and international ones.


Please explain how effective cooperation and communication between participating institutions will be organised.

The cooperation and communication among the schools will be maintained via:
Internet mail
Chat conversations
Partner schools meetings outlined in the schedule


What impact and benefits of European cooperation do you expect Partnership activities to have on persons (pupils and staff) and on the participating

The involvement of five countries in the Project that vary in terms of culture, history and geopolitics will guarantee the
promotion of intercultural integration – the cooperation of students from different cultural zones. Such makeup of partner
Projecto financiado com o apoio da Comissão Europeia. A informação contida nesta publicação (comunicação) vincula exclusivamente o autor, não sendo a Comissão responsável pela
utilização que dela possa ser feita.
group will allow to look at the project from different points of view. It should also influence the elimination of any religious
, gender or race prejudices.
Getting to know the national heroes who are very important for the history of the countries will affect the shaping of civic
virtues in our students. It will also evoke the feeling of tolerance and respect towards others.


Please tick in the table below, the objectives of the Comenius programme that your Partnership will address, in addition to
the first two (if any – leave blank if none):

X To improve the quality and to increase the volume of mobility involving pupils and educational staff in
different Member States
X To improve the quality and to increase the volume of partnerships between schools in different Member
States, so as to involve at least 3 million pupils in joint educational activities during the period of the
x To encourage the learning of modern foreign languages
x To support the development of innovative ICT-based content, services, pedagogies and practice in
lifelong learning
To enhance the quality and European dimension of teacher training
To support improvements in pedagogical approaches and school management

Please tick in the table below the European priorities set out in the 2008 Call for Proposals that your Partnership will
address (if any):

Projecto financiado com o apoio da Comissão Europeia. A informação contida nesta publicação (comunicação) vincula exclusivamente o autor, não sendo a Comissão responsável pela
utilização que dela possa ser feita.
x any of the eight key competences set out in the 2006 Recommendation1

overcoming socio-economic disadvantage and reducing early school leaving

awakening and reinforcing creativity and innovation

extending participation in educational opportunities through sports activity

If you have ticked an objective (5.7) and/or priority (5.8) above, please explain in detail the concrete measures or activities you intend
to take to address it/them:

Encouraging foreign language learning- in today’s Europe it is becoming more and more difficult to function properly
without the knowledge of foreign languages. The employees with good command of other languages and having
intercultural qualifications are more and more wanted in the European labour market. They are highly competitive, which
contributes to economic growth and the creation of good work positions. Multilingualism strengthens the social unity and
promotes intercultural dialogue, thus, giving the opportunity to discover new values, beliefs and behaviours.
The participation of our students in the programme will undoubtedly be the promotion of foreign languages learning. A
foreign language here is not only a tool to convey necessary information for the project, but also it constitutes an essential
factor, that is needed during partner meetings, chat sessions or e-mail correspondence. Thus, strengthening foreign
language competency is an obligation without which we cannot function properly.
The working language will be the English language. Nevertheless, we will encourage our students to make use of other
languages (German, French) in their contacts with students from partner schools.

Making use of information and communications technology in the process of learning throughout one’s life - computer
science competence of the students and teachers will be used in all stages of the project work- starting from communicating with

Recommendation 2006/962/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2006 on key competences for lifelong learning, OJ L
394/10 of 30.12.2006.
The eight key competences are: Communication in the mother tongue; Communication in foreign languages; Mathematical competence and basic
competences in science and technology; Digital competence; Learning to learn; Social and civic competences; Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship;
Cultural awareness and expression.

Projecto financiado com o apoio da Comissão Europeia. A informação contida nesta publicação (comunicação) vincula exclusivamente o autor, não sendo a Comissão responsável pela
utilização que dela possa ser feita.
each other (e-mail, chat sessions, webblogs), creating joint projects (website, multimedia presentations of all kinds) to the final
project-the guidebook (in the written and multimedia form) _”Following our national heroes “ Web tools based on information and
communications technology are easy to use, relatively affordable and more and more common. They make it easier to share the
knowledge and distribution the results of the work. Their wide availability affects the increase of social awareness.
The materials, which will be created during the project work will then be very useful didactic tools-not only for history and languages
teachers but also for a wider group of recipients- in various libraries.

Civic and social competences- during our two-year cooperation we will work on the topics such as: the history of one’s
own and partner schools’ countries, analysis of the national characters, who played a great role in creating national
identity. We will study how far they influenced the history of our countries and at the same time our present lives. The
theme of the project with its focus on gaining cultural identity and achieving active citizenship will help the students get to
know themselves through getting new experiences.

How will you evaluate whether the aims of the partnership have been met and the expected impact has been achieved?

During the project work, we will assess what we will be doing by different kinds of surveys which will be distributed among
students, teaching staff, parents and associated partners. Depending on the level of advancement, the work on the survey
project will focus on various themes. For instance, first survey to be carried out in each of the schools will set a question “If
you were to choose a national hero/ a figure meritorious for your country, who would that be and why?”
During the workshop visits, the students involved in the project will prepare together a presentation “Let’s meet” (they will
introduce themselves, say where they come from, what they liked best during the visit and what could be improved). The
summary and evaluation of the first year of cooperation in front of the international public comprised of partner schools can
take place during the first workshop visit in Portugal (June 2009)
We can present here the results of evaluation survey previously carried out among the students, teachers and parents.
:”What did we like best in all-year cooperation/what could be improved in the following year?” The evaluation will also take
place in the second year of cooperation in the partner schools, and then its results will be presented during the workshop
visit in Greece (June 2010). The evaluation of each step will include its influence on the students, teaching staff and the
local environment. We will discuss the aims we managed to achieve and the influence of the project on our lives and the
school organisation.

Projecto financiado com o apoio da Comissão Europeia. A informação contida nesta publicação (comunicação) vincula exclusivamente o autor, não sendo a Comissão responsável pela
utilização que dela possa ser feita.
Deferred evaluation- each school after finishing the project work will carry out an evaluation survey whose results will be
presented during the meeting in each of the schools. The students, teachers, parents and associated partners will take part
in the meeting.


If your partnership focuses mainly on pupil involvement, please explain to what extent they will be involved in the planning, implementation and
evaluation of project activities.
If your partnership mainly deals with pedagogical or management issues, please explain how all relevant staff will be actively involved in planning,
implementation and evaluation of project activities.

The dominant subject of our activity during the project work will be students. Therefore, they will participate actively in all
stages of the project work : in the planning- they have sketched the main theme they wanted to explore, in the
implementing- they will be the actual doers of the planned activities , in the evaluation- they will work out and fill in the
survey, thanks to which we will be able to assess strong and weak points of our cooperation. The teachers will be there to
coordinate the students and at the same time they will take advantage of the possibilities that an international cooperation
gives: improving the qualifications of using the foreign language, familiarising themselves with education systems in other
countries, making use of Information and Communication Technology in Education .
Both students and teachers or associated partners will take part in various evaluation surveys- varied in terms of the
advancement of works on the project.


If the project focuses on pupil involvement, please explain how the project will be integrated into the curriculum / learning activities of the participating
pupils in each of the participating organisations.
If your partnership mainly deals with pedagogical or management issues, please explain how the project will be integrated into the ongoing activities of
the participating organisations.

Projecto financiado com o apoio da Comissão Europeia. A informação contida nesta publicação (comunicação) vincula exclusivamente o autor, não sendo a Comissão responsável pela
utilização que dela possa ser feita.
The theme of the project itself allows us to incorporate it into the educational programme of all the schools. Terms such as
national figure or patriotic values are current on history or native language lessons. The students will be able to carry out
particular tasks also on the subject lessons – Art (the logo of the Project, the national figure portrait) Computer Science
(New generation of platforms and net tools based on Technology and Communications, multimedia presentations, chat
sessions, video-conferences, websites, weblogs, virtual meeting spots ), Music ( verbal and musical dramas) and finally on
English lessons (translations for the guide book or multimedia presentations, creating webblogs, communication among
the partners. )
The contact with from other countries and making use of the latest technologies will influence the increase of students’
motivation and will make the learning process more attractive

As it is clearly seen, the main theme of the project is not only universal, but also interdisciplinary.
The key concepts of our cooperation, such as a national hero, cultural identity, active citizenship, tolerance or cultural
variety of European countries are discussed on a number of lessons in each of the schools. Undoubtedly, or project can be
included in the educational plans of all the schools.


How will you disseminate and use the results, experiences and, where applicable, products of the Partnership?
- in the participating organisations?
- in the local communities?
- in the wider lifelong learning community?

The results of our cooperation will be distributed and used both on the project level, but also in the activities going
beyond the school’s scope.

The ways of popularising and distributing the results of the project cooperation , gained experience and final products:
- Displays and multimedia presentations summarising particular stages of work aimed at the students of mother

Projecto financiado com o apoio da Comissão Europeia. A informação contida nesta publicação (comunicação) vincula exclusivamente o autor, não sendo a Comissão responsável pela
utilização que dela possa ser feita.
- Multimedia presentations, verbal and musical scenes presented internationally for partner schools, posters, leaflets
created during workshop meetings.
- Websites open for general use concerning the project
- A guide book : “Following our national heroes” distributed in the local environment (lessons making use of it, open
lectures for parents and the housing estate residents, open lectures for the local primary schools and gymnasiums in
the school building or supporting institution, e.g. Palac Mlodziezy)
- - popularising the project on the websites of the City Council as well as on partner schools websites
- - participation in competitions, festivals, and seminars promoting international cooperation (presenting the project,
sharing knowledge and experience, promoting such cooperation)
- Supplying the local schools libraries and local library in the copies of the guidebook “Following our national heroes”
- Sharing our project work experience with other schools
- Involvement in promotional activity and the activity aiming at raising social awareness


Please list the main thematic areas (maximum 3) of your Partnership or complete under "other" if it is missing from the list

Nr. Topic ( maximum 3) [Table E - Topics]

1 Tpc-12 Cultural heritage
2 Tpc-01 Active citizenship
3 Tpc-34 Learning about European countries


Please list the main educational fields in which Partnership activities will be implemented

Nr. Field (maximum 3) [Table F – Educational fields]

1 1014 - History

Projecto financiado com o apoio da Comissão Europeia. A informação contida nesta publicação (comunicação) vincula exclusivamente o autor, não sendo a Comissão responsável pela
utilização que dela possa ser feita.
2 1018 - Foreign Language
3 1027 - New Technologies



Educational activities

Please summarise in the table below the planned Partnership activities and mobilities for all institutions in the Partnership. Please
present the activities for both academic years 2008/09 and 2009/10, in a chronological order. The eligibility period of activities starts on
1 August 2008 and ends on 31 July 2010.

Please note that mobility activities can only take place between organisations receiving funding to participate in the Partnership
(including associated partners), or to events organised by Lifelong Learning (or predecessor) Programme projects or networks (e.g.
Comenius Network conferences). Mobility can be undertaken by staff and pupils of the participating institutions, representatives of
associated partners and - in the case of mobility involving persons with special needs - accompanying persons such as parents, guardians
or carers. What is counted as "a mobility" is one trip abroad by one person. Only transnational mobility2 (i.e. travel abroad) counts for
the calculation of the minimum mobility numbers.

Approx. Activity/mobility description Destination country (for Which partners involved

starting mobility only)
October  Preparing multimedia presentations/Project  the students and
2008 presenting individual schools- local activities teacher from all

"In-country" mobility to or from Overseas Countries and Territories and ultra-peripheral regions of the EU will also be considered as transnational
mobility, e.g. mobility by a beneficiary from mainland France to a partner in Martinique.

Projecto financiado com o apoio da Comissão Europeia. A informação contida nesta publicação (comunicação) vincula exclusivamente o autor, não sendo a Comissão responsável pela
utilização que dela possa ser feita.
participating schools
Novemb  Project presentations- the meeting of partner Poland  the students of the
er schools host school and
2008  Getting to know the partner school and the teachers
local environment- the meeting of partner participating In the
schools meeting of partner
 Devising the detailed plan of action for schools
2008/2009 – the meeting  the teachers
participating in the
meeting of partner
 Observation and joint discussion over the schools
lessons conducted by the Polish teachers.  teachers from
partner schools
participating in the

Decemb  Organizing exhibitions in all of participating  all students from

er schools that will present information about partner schools, Art and
2008 – partner schools as well as all the news Computer Science
March concerning the project work teachers
2009  Working on the project logo- the competition  all students from
for project logo in all partner schools-local partner schools,
activities teaching staff
 A survey among the students “ If you were to
choose a national hero, a person meritorious
for your country, who would you choose and
why?” –local activities  the students from
 Organizing an international chat session partner schools,
/video-conference among the students- local teachers
 Students create a webblog concerning the
project realization

Projecto financiado com o apoio da Comissão Europeia. A informação contida nesta publicação (comunicação) vincula exclusivamente o autor, não sendo a Comissão responsável pela
utilização que dela possa ser feita.
March  Getting to know the Turkish school and its local Turkey  the students and
2009 environment- the workshop visit teachers participating In
 The presentation of the project logo for the meeting of partner
international partner schools’ audience schools
 The students present their selected hero  The students
 The students participating in the project will participating in the
prepare and show together the presentations project
making use of their own photographs- they will
introduce themselves, will tell where they come
from and what they liked best in Turkey.
 Observation and joint discussion over the lessons  teachers from
conducted by the Turkish teachers. partner schools
participating in the

April  The students create artistic project- „Our  all students from
2009 – national heroes” partner schools, Art and
June  Following our national figures- we are looking for Computer Science
2009 monuments/streets/schools named after our teachers
national figure in our cities/countries. We visit  all students from
the monuments and museums-local activities partner schools,
 Preparing multimedia presentation – “Following teaching staff ,
our national hero” associated partners
 Organizing an international chat session / video-
conference among the students-local activities  all students from
 Participation in competitions, festivals and other partner schools,
events promoting international teaching staff
exchange(presentation of the project, sharing
knowledge and experiences, promoting such
 Summarizing the results- summary and
assessment of the first year of cooperation in

Projecto financiado com o apoio da Comissão Europeia. A informação contida nesta publicação (comunicação) vincula exclusivamente o autor, não sendo a Comissão responsável pela
utilização que dela possa ser feita.
each of the schools by making use of evaluation
survey – local activities

 Organizing a survey to be distributed among the

students: “What did you like best during the all
year’s cooperation/ what could be improved in
the following year?”

June  Getting to know the partner school in Portugal  The students and
2009 Portugal and its local environment teachers participating In
 Students’ multimedia presentations the meeting
“Following our national heroes”- the meeting
of partner schools  the students from
 The students participating in the project will partner schools
prepare and show together the presentations participating In the
making use of their own photographs- they meeting
will introduce themselves, will tell where they
come from and what they liked best in
 Summarizing the results- summary and  The students from
assessment of the first year of cooperation on partner schools,
the international forum- the meeting teaching staff,
 Presenting the results of the survey “What management,
did you like best during the all year’s associated partners, the
cooperation/ what could be improved in the Portuguese students ‘
following year?” parents
 Inviting parents to familiarize themselves
with the results of our work in 2009 – 2010
 Observation and joint discussion over the  teachers from
lessons conducted by the Portuguese partner schools
teachers. participating in the

Projecto financiado com o apoio da Comissão Europeia. A informação contida nesta publicação (comunicação) vincula exclusivamente o autor, não sendo a Comissão responsável pela
utilização que dela possa ser feita.

October  Creating the Project website-local activities.  the students from

- The project website will be created in English. partner school, teaching
Novemb Each school will add a link including the same staff, particularly
er 2009 information in their mother languages- Computer Science
Polish, Italian, Turkish, Portuguese and Greek teachers
Novemb  Getting to know the partner school from Italy Italy  the teachers
er 2009 and its local environment- workshop visit participating in the
 The students participating in the project will meeting of partner
prepare and show together the presentations schools
making use of their own photographs- they will  the students
introduce themselves, will tell where they come participating In the
from and what they liked best in Italy workshop meeting

 Devising the detailed plan of action for  the students from

2009/2010- the meeting of partner schools partner schools,
 Joint presentation of the websites done by the teachers
students from the partner schools-the meeting
 Observation and joint discussion over the lessons  teachers from partner
conducted by the Italian teachers. schools participating in
the meeting

Decemb  Working on the guidebook / brochure  students from partner

er concerning the chosen hero -local activities schools, teaching staff,
2009 – associated partners
2010  Organizing an international chat / video-
conference among the students – local activities  all students from
 Participation in competitions, festivals and other partner schools,
events promoting international teaching staff
Projecto financiado com o apoio da Comissão Europeia. A informação contida nesta publicação (comunicação) vincula exclusivamente o autor, não sendo a Comissão responsável pela
utilização que dela possa ser feita.
exchange(presentation of the project, sharing
knowledge and experiences, promoting such
March  Working on the joint guidebook -”Following  students from partner
– June our national heroes” schools, teaching staff.,
2010  Preparing the students for the presentation of associated partners
a scene from the national figure’s life/ parts
of artistic work -the choice of appropriate
sources, parts of artistic work Preparing the  all students from
outfits necessary for the stage adaptation partner schools,
 Summarizing and assessing the international teaching staff
cooperation in each school-local activities
 Prepararing and carrying out an evaluating
survey among the students from each
partner school

Projecto financiado com o apoio da Comissão Europeia. A informação contida nesta publicação (comunicação) vincula exclusivamente o autor, não sendo a Comissão responsável pela
utilização que dela possa ser feita.
June  Getting to know the Greek school and its Greece  the students and
2010 local environment - workshop visit teachers participating In
 The presentation of the joint guidebook- „- the meeting of partner
”Following our national heroes” schools
 The students participating in the project will  The students
prepare and show together the presentations participating in the visit
making use of their own photographs- they
will introduce themselves, will tell where they
come from and what they liked best in
Greece  teachers from partner
 Observation and joint discussion over the schools participating in
lessons conducted by the Greek teachers. the meeting

 Students’ presentations- scenes from the  students and teachers

national figure’s life/parts of artistic work participating in the
etc.-the meeting of partner schools meeting of partner
 Preparing a musical concert dedicated to our
national figures-the meeting of partner  the students and
schools teachers from Greek
 Summarizing and assessing our cooperation school
on the international forum- presenting the
evaluation survey results. The students and
teachers present the strongest and weakest
points about their cooperation the meeting  the students from
of partner schools partner schools,
 Inviting all school community, the parents teaching staff,
and associated partners to acquaint management,
themselves with the results of our work in associated partners, the
2009/210 students’ parents

Projecto financiado com o apoio da Comissão Europeia. A informação contida nesta publicação (comunicação) vincula exclusivamente o autor, não sendo a Comissão responsável pela
utilização que dela possa ser feita.
June/  Supplying local school libraries and the local  the students, teaching
July library in the copies of the guidebook staff, associated
2010 “Following our national heroes” partners, the students’
 Deferred evaluation- each school after parents
finishing the project work will carry out an
evaluation survey whose results will be
presented during the meeting in each of the

Add rows if necessary

(=persons taking part in Partnership activities, both local activities and/or mobility)

Name of participating organisation Country Total nr of pupils Total nr of staff

involved involved





Add rows if necessary

Projecto financiado com o apoio da Comissão Europeia. A informação contida nesta publicação (comunicação) vincula exclusivamente o autor, não sendo a Comissão responsável pela
utilização que dela possa ser feita.


Nr Approx. Description
1 November  Multimedia presentations/project showing each of the schools, presented during the
2008 meeting of partner schools in Łódź, Poland
 The meeting of the teachers participating- settling the dates of partner meetings,
school calendar (days free of school, holidays, vacations)
 The exchange of materials -students’ presentations among the school representatives
 A detailed plan of action concerning the project work for 2007/2008
2 December  The exhibition of students’ work presenting the partner schools
3 January  „Comenius Corner”- a place to present the news concerning the project work
4 February  International ‘chat’ / video-conference among the students participating In the Project
2009 from partner schools
 webblog concerning the partner schools’ cooperation
 The project logo- suggestions from each of the partner schools
5 March  Common project logo. Selecting the best work/creating a new logo making use of all the
2009 suggestions from each school
 The choice of Our National Hero
 Students’ presentations “Let’s meet”

6 April 2009  The exhibition of students artistic work - ”Our national heroes”. The students artistically
talented can present here their skills
7 May 2009  Letter/the photographs of statues and monuments/streets/schools named after the
Projecto financiado com o apoio da Comissão Europeia. A informação contida nesta publicação (comunicação) vincula exclusivamente o autor, não sendo a Comissão responsável pela
utilização que dela possa ser feita.
selected figure in our countries, cities and towns
 Deepening the knowledge concerning the history and culture of other European

8 June 2009  Multimedia presentations- ”Following our national hero” (In our country and In partner
 The evaluation survey results :’What did we like best about the all year’s
cooperation/what could be improved in the following year?’
 Students’ presentations “Let’s meet”
 Improving the English language skills among students and teachers as well
9 October  WWW websites concerning the Project
10 November  A detailed plan of action concerning the project for 2009 / 2010 –Assigning tasks and
2009 duties to each of the partners, settling the deadlines
 Students’ presentations “Let’s meet”
11 January  International ‘chat’/ video-conference among the students from schools participating in
2010 the project
12 March  Guidebooks / brochures /multimedia presentations / about the national characters
2010 chosen by each of the partner school

13 May 2010  Broadening the knowledge about the history and culture of other European countries

14 June 2010  The evaluation survey results :’What did I like best in the second year of cooperation
and what would I like to change’
 Students’ presentations “Let’s meet”
 Common guidebook ”Following our national heroes’ -in the form of a book and in the
multimedia form

Projecto financiado com o apoio da Comissão Europeia. A informação contida nesta publicação (comunicação) vincula exclusivamente o autor, não sendo a Comissão responsável pela
utilização que dela possa ser feita.
 Students’ stage adaptations- scenes from the national hero’s life/ parts of artistic work
 A musical concert dedicated to our national heroes ( provided by a Greek school)
 English language skills improved among students and teachers as well
 Shared experiences gained during the two years of cooperation
 International friendships between the students and teachers
15 June/July  Deferred evaluation results

Projecto financiado com o apoio da Comissão Europeia. A informação contida nesta publicação (comunicação) vincula exclusivamente o autor, não sendo a Comissão responsável pela
utilização que dela possa ser feita.

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