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FICHA Primer Parcial

Actividades Ingls mdulo 4 1er parcial.

1. Write the affirmative, negative and interrogatives using the future WILL. (Escribe
la afirmativa, negativa e interrogativas con WILL)
a) Mark (pass) the exam
b) he (work) the morning
c) We (win) .................................... the lottery.
2. Write the affirmative, negative and interrogatives using the future TO BE GOING
TO. (Escribe la afirmativa, negativa e interrogative con TO BE GOING TO)
a) I (brush) my teeth.
b) They (travel) .to Oxford.
c)I (prepare)........................................... dinner for my guests.

3. Put the verb in brackets into the future WILL or TO BE GOING TO. (Pon el verbo
entre parntesis en futuro WILL o TO BE GOING TO)
1) I havent got any money.
Well, dont worry (I /lend)------------ -------------you some.
2) Why are you filling that bucket with water?
(I / wash) ------------------------------------ the car.
3) The ceiling in this room doesnt look very safe.
No, it looks as if ( it / fall ) ---------------------------- down.
4) I have a headache.
Wait there and (I / get) ---------------------- an aspirin.
5) You have a ticket for the play.
Yes, ( I / see) ------------------------- it on Friday.
6) The phone is ringing.

FICHA Primer Parcial

OK, ( I / answer) ----------------------- it.
7) Did you buy this book?
No, Nancy did it. (She / read) -----------------------it on holiday.
8) Tea of coffee?
(I /have) ------------------------- coffee, please.
9) I have decided to repaint this room.
What colour (you / paint) --------------------------it ?
10) I dont know how to use this camera.
Its quite easy. ( I /show) ------------------------you.
4. Choose the correct answer with the future WILL/TO BE GOING TO. (Escoge la
respuesta correcta con el future WILL /TO BE GOING TO)
a) Perhaps they will be/ are going to be in London.
b) Everything is planned, she will travel/is going to travel around the world.
c) He will have/is going to have a party for his birthday.
d) Ithink you will get/ are going to get the job.
5. Fill in the correct question word. (Rellena con la particular interrogativa correcta).
1. __________ sits next to Dries? Mo.
2. __________ does the boy come from? From Madrid.
3. __________ old are her children? Three and five.
4. __________ is Lolas birthday? In March, I think.
5. __________ much is the shirt? Its twenty euros.
6. __________ is best at playing tennis? Johann.
7. __________ are you going? To my parents.
8. __________ much is an soda? Its one euro.
9. __________ does the restaurant open? At ten oclock.
10. __________ can I get some ice cream? At the snack bar.
11. __________ are you going to order? Pasta.
12. __________ are you going to do on Monday? I dont know.
13. __________ has got my sunglasses? I have got them.
14. __________ is your name? Rita.
15. __________ is Helens party? On Friday.

FICHA Primer Parcial

6. Make questions with the following interrogative particles. (Haz preguntas con con
cada partcula):
E.g.: Why do you study?

7 . Past Simple or Past Perfect? Read the sentences carefully and circle the correct
options. (Rodea la opcin correcta, pasado simple o pasado perfecto)
1. The robbers left / had left the bank when the policemen finally arrived / had arrived.
2. When the rain started / had started , the Atkinsons finished / had finished planting
3. By the time Rebecca went / had gone into the store , she got / had got soaked.
4. Darcey saw / had seen this castle before she came / had come again last Sunday.
5. Mr.Palmer didn't speak / hadn't spoken any Chinese before he moved / had moved to
6. Sonny got / had got fainted by the time the ambulance reached / had reached the
7. When my mother brought / had brought me an apple , I finished / had finished my
8. Mrs.Wilkinson refused / had refused to drive the car because she had / had had a
terrible accident on the highway about a year ago.
9. I didn't think / hadn't thought of having a new house before I saw / had seen that ad on
10. My uncle didn't try / hadn't tried Italian food before went / had gone to that restaurant
8. Complete these sentences putting one verb into the past perfect and the other
one into the simple past. (Completa las frases. Un hueco va es pasado simple y otro
en pasado perfecto)
1. When the police (arrive)---------------the car (go)------------2. When I (get)------------to the shop it (close)-------------------3. They (eat) --------------------everything when I (arrive)--------at the party.
4. I (try)--------------- telephoning her several times but she (leave)-----------the country.
5. When I (find)---------------- my purse someone (take)------------- the money out of it.
6. The car (go)---------------- when I (look)---------------into the street

FICHA Primer Parcial

9. Use must o mustnt. (Utiliza must o mustn`t )

The milk is sour (agria), you
drink it.
That flat is very cheap (barato), you
buy it
The film is very good, you
watch it.
Firemen: This is very dangerous (peligroso) you
do it at home.
Father: You
spend (gastar) you money in sweets (caramelos).
10. Fill in the gaps. (Completa los huecos)
Im going to tell you your obligations in this job. ____________ you must be on time
everyday. ____________ you have to answer the phone. ____________ you have to be
polite. ____________ you have to wear a uniform.
11. Write de simple past form of the following verbs.( Pon en pasado los siguientes
1. drink
5. go
9 find

2 eat
10. give

3. write
11 gete

4. read
8 swim
12 buy

12. Read the text and answer the following questions. (Lee el texto y contesta la
siguientes preguntas)
Hans is the king of Denmark and a big soldier. He has many treasures. One day he
decides to construct a wonderful palace. When he finishes the palace, he offers a
banquet. When the party finishes, his soldiers go to sleep. In the morning the servants see
a dead man on the floor and the soldiers arent there. Hans hears a noise, a monster is
behind the table. He fights with him and kills him.

Who is Hans?
What does Hans decide to construct?
When do the soldiers go to sleep?
Where is the monster?

Ten en cuenta la presentacin, hazlo en folios solo a una cara, a boli azul o negro
respetando los mrgenes, buena caligrafa (escritura) y sin faltas de ortografa. Se
valorar la originalidad de la portada y se entregar siempre grapado (ni fundas, ni
clasificadores). Recuerda, es un trabajo individual y se te valorar en consonancia
a tu esfuerzo.

FICHA Primer Parcial

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