Exercise - Week 2: Create A Persona

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Exercise - Week 2

Create a Persona

Design Thinking is a design methodology all about creating innovation by

combining diverse people, creative space, and an iterative approach. The idea
is that seemingly complex problems can be addressed effectively if broken
down and iterated upon.
For the purposes of this openSAP course, a broad overview of this methodology
was presented throughout week 2. The purpose of this exercise is to give you a
chance to use what you have learned about Design Thinking to work through
the first two components required for the final assignment (which will be
discussed in more detail in week 4).
Please note that this exercise itself is not graded, and whatever work you do
here does not have to be used as part of your final assignment. This means
that you can reuse your work here as part of your final assignment or you can
choose to submit a different story and persona as part of your final assignment.
The choice is yours.

1. Use Design Thinking to tell a story

Try to follow the Design Thinking process presented throughout week 2, refine
your initial idea for your Fiori app, and always keep in the back of your mind
these two questions:

What am I trying to accomplish with this app?

Can I explain clearly the context and need for this app in two minutes or
with just a few paragraphs?

Write out the story behind your app and try to keep it to three paragraphs or
less, definitely less than one page of text. Make sure your story includes
specifics about segmentation, targeting, and positioning:

Segmentation: Identify which industries or group of customers this app

could be for
Targeting: What industry or group of customers will this app serve
Positioning: How will this app be optimized to appeal to the target chosen

To the extent possible, consider sharing this short story with one or more
friends who are unfamiliar with the specifics of this industry and are also
unfamiliar with SAP systems. Get their feedback and refine your story so that
its more easily understood without any prerequisite knowledge. It should be a
self-contained narrative free from esoteric references or unexplained acronyms.
If this initial story is coherent and easy to understand, it will effectively set the
stage for additional details captured in the next part of your apps story: the
Try to write your story here:
Case 1:
Creation of Project by a Project Manager:
Creating a project requires lot of inputs especially in a project builder
transaction like CJ20N.
Usually SAP clients build their own application to this end to make it more
simple and easier.
Either they use a custom Z transaction or they develop an intranet / portal
based solution to capture the minimal inputs from the User (project manager or
admin) and use the standard project creation transaction with validations and
Hence a requirement for a Project Creation UI will be a widely bought solution
by all project based organizations across the board.

Case 2:
Creating an estimate for a project based sales enquiry where a quick cost
estimate using a Easy Costing Planning can be utilized.
For example a Engineered to Order company that manufactures Elevators of
different specifications to its various customers can provide a quick estimate by
entering the basic specifications of the required elevators like the dimensions,
capacity, the number of floors the elevator has to operate etc.
A simple user interface to input these characteristics and the system uses
these values of the characteristics to create the estimate based on the
predefined unit priced cost templates.

Case 3:
Project Centric businesses need Project Metrics and Analytics for monitoring
and controlling their projects.
In a customer based projects billing Milestones are very important in reflecting
a Project Score Card for Revenue Flow.
Hence a Program Director or Manager or Project Sponsors will be interested in
tracking the project billing milestones.


So the need to see the Milestone Trend Analysis is a Key output that would be
of great interest to projects people.

2. Create a Persona using a template

Personas are fictional characters based on real data to represent user types.
They are extremely useful when considering goals, desires, and limitations of
your apps users and can help guide design decisions. Personas put a personal
human face on otherwise abstract data you have about your users.
Once you have completed your apps introductory story including
segmentation, targeting, and positioning, to the extent possible, you should try
to engage potential users of your app to understand their business reality.
Document the organizational structure: Who are the stakeholders? How do they
collaborate with each other? What do they want to achieve? What tools are
they using? Based on these insights, create a persona for your app and keep in
mind the following question: Does my persona clearly and credibly represents
the apps target users?
Other supporting questions to consider: What are the characteristics of the
users who will use this app? What are their tasks on the job? What IT
touchpoints do they have? What are their goals in the context of the scenario
covered by the app? What triggers them to even start this scenario?


See below for two versions of a persona template you can use to illustrate who
your app is for. Template 1 includes text boxes so that you can fill it out directly
inline. It also includes X icons in the Competencies section, which you can
use to place anywhere along each competencys spectrum to illustrate if the
persona is more like the left-side competency or the right-side competency or
somewhere in the middle (e.g., Casual User vs. Power User).
Underneath Template 1 is a text-formatted version of the same data
represented more visually in the template. Dont feel constrained by the space
limitation in the template. If you need more space to explain certain
characteristics, fill out more details in this section below the template.
Template 2 is the blank template without text boxes or icons. This version is
provided if you would prefer to print out the template and then fill it out by
hand. You only need to capture the details behind your persona one time, and
you can choose whichever format is best for you.


Template 1 Persona with text boxes and competency check marks


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