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Lysa Perkins
Final Project My Sociological Portrait
Professor Amanda Eaton
January 24, 2016


As, my final project in SOC-112, I have chosen to discuss family as a social

institution. There are many reasons which inspired me to talk about my family. (Family
can be defined as a fundamental social group in society typically consisting of one or two
parents and their children). Family, as a social institution has truly impacted my life,
primarily because of my father. His strong will, determination, lack of selfishness and
most of all his commitment to my family are just some situations which allowed me to
exist within society. With a strong family The nuclear idea associate the traditional
American family is the male the breadwinner and the female is the homemaker). By,
author Stephanie Coontz.
For example, the foundation, structure, and discipline expected by my father.
Although, there were times when I felt my father was mean and strict. On a few
occasions I would catch a glimpse of him looking at me and wondered what I had done
wrong. The fear of disappointing my father always kept me on guard. However, as I
matured and questioned myself why my father did these things it became quite clear to
me. Realizing, my father was only trying to protect and guide me in the way he thought
was best. The role of my father was the head of my household. He basically had the final
say in what we could or couldnt do. My family was truly the traditional American
I have always known my father was a good man due to his upraising. Meanwhile,
looking back I really need to thank my father because if it wasnt for him being hard on
me theres no telling what may have happened. My father participating in my life has set
goals, in which Im still trying to accomplish. Furthermore, growing up seemingly my

father made sure I knew what was important and what wasnt. As, I look deeper into my
familys background, I remember my mother as a stay-at-home mom or (domestic
engineer). Her main responsibilities were to make sure our home was clean, eat properly,
and on some occasions disciplined us. Furthermore, my father being the head of
household, meaning he was solely the bread winner. With his dedication and lack of
selfishness for his family has allowed me to have nothing but the up most respect for him.
As we know, teaching and establishing morals and values early in childhood
factor on how we fit into society. As society, place certain expectations upon individuals.
It is important for individuals to follow the rules and norms to be accepted.
My parents; mother and father raised us stressing the importance of our family. I
was taught family is all you have. Even though I had friends, I was reminded time after
time, you think your friends are your friends but when it boils down your family is and
will always be there for you. I learning at a very early age was to respect everyone. This
learning experience came from both of my parents; however my father was quite stern
about this.
One important aspect about my family was; my three older sisters had a different
mother. My mother married my father and raised my sisters as she births them. It wasnt
until I was 21 years of age I found out my mother was not their mother.
Knowingly, my fathers upbringing was influenced by his father. The youngest of
twelve kids 5 males and 6 females and one child still borne. His father, a strong proud
black male which provided to his family as a farmer and owning his own ranch. Both, my
grandfather and father demonstrated strong male qualities.

[Ones class is most easily understood as ones position in the class structure in
society. Ones class position depends on economic criteria, the two most easily
understood being income and wealth]. (Charon & Vigilant 2009). Although, my fathers
job was consider as working class; owner of a gas station and repair shop. However, his
business knowledge and reputation in our community resulted in him making a good
amount of money. My father well respected and hard-working obtained a State contract
with Caltrans, where State of California vehicles fueled up. Although, possessing
outstanding characteristic qualities; kind, caring, and generous he still experienced
obstacles mainly because his skin color.
However, social stratification is evident on a daily basis my father was able to
adjust and fit in. Sadly to state men of color still face opposition in todays society.
Unfortunately, African Americans and Hispanics males over populate the prison system.
Why is this so? I personally feel slavery may still exist today, not allowing certain
individuals abilities to be recognized and contribute to society.
Therefore, sociologists not clear on race and ethnicity but know similarities and
difference exist between the two. Race and ethnicity is powerful. [Distinguishing and
labeling individuals black or white, without specifying just which groups are ethnic and
which are racial]. (Manza & Haney 2013). I find it very disturbing when a particular
group of individuals make judgment against another group of individuals. In my opinion
stereotypes are simply ways for inequality to exist throughout our society. Therefore, I
dont understand the time and energy people put into what they may think that an
individual may or may not be. Besides, stereotypes can make individuals to feel insecure
or inadequate simply because of what some individual may assume.

As, far as myself my upbringing from my father has made a responsible, honest
and caring person. I have been able to make positive choices in my life to better myself.
All social institutions; family, religion and education are very important to me. Although,
I never married or had any children those who could not or would not aspire to the
Ozzie and Harriet ideal. By author Stephanie Coontz.
Regardless, whats considered as a traditional family, time has changed? Today,
families now of days could consist of two males or two females raising children. Modern
families are no longer structured with society. In society today, single mothers now take
the role of mother and father. More importantly, regardless of an individuals family type
families stick together whether through kinship, or adoption. The main focus of family is
to nurture children in being productive individuals in society.
In my conclusion, I can truly state my family was and always be an important
aspect of my life. Having, the structure, care, and discipline provided by my father have
given me hope to a better life.



Manza, J., Arum, R. & Haney, L., The Sociology Project: Introducing the
Sociological Imagination (2013).
Charon, J., Vigilant, L.: The Meaning of Sociology (8th Ed.).
Coontz, Stephanie: The Way We Werent: The Myth and Reality of the
Traditional Family

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