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alliteration n.

use of the same consonant at the beginning of each stressed

syllable in a line of verse
altruism n. the quality of unselfish concern for the welfare of others
amphipod n. a member of taxonomic order Amphipoda of small, shrimp-
like crustaceans
antithesis n. the juxtaposition of contrasting words or ideas to give a
feeling of balance; exact opposite
apostrophe n. the mark (') used to indicate the omission of one or more
letters from a printed word; used to show a possessive
relationship between the word with the apostrophe and the
following word or phrase; address to an absent or imaginary
apprehension n. the act of apprehending (especially apprehending a criminal);
painful expectation; fearful expectation or anticipation; the
cognitive condition of someone who understands
aromatical adj. having fragrance or smell
ascribe v. attribute or credit to
brusque adj. marked by rude or peremptory shortness
buttress n. a support usually of stone or brick; supports the wall of a
v. make stronger or defensible; reinforce with a buttress
circumscribe v. draw around; restrict or confine
consort n. the husband or wife of a reigning monarch
n. a family of similar musical instrument playing together
contemplative n. a person devoted to the contemplative life
adj. persistently or morbidly thoughtful
credulous adj. disposed to believe on little evidence; showing a lack of
judgment or experience
deductive adj. involving inferences from general principles; relating to
logical deduction from a series of premises
deicide n. the killing of a god, goddess, or similar deity
didactic adj. (excessively) instructive
dubious adj. not convinced; fraught with uncertainty or doubt; open to
doubt or suspicion
elegiac adj. expressing sorrow often for something past; resembling or
characteristic of or appropriate to an elegy
elicit v. to derive by reason; to call forth emotions, feelings, or
engender v. to bring into existence
enigmatic adj. not clear to the understanding
fanciful adj. indulging in or influenced by fancy; having a curiously
intricate quality; not based on fact; dubious
gestation n. the period during which an embryo develops (about 266 days
in humans)
imperious adj. able to deal authoritatively with affairs
interstices n. a small opening or space between objects, especially
adjacent objects or objects set closely together
intrinsic adj. belonging to a thing by its very nature
juxtaposition n. the act of positioning close together (or side by side); a side-
by-side position, used to create a comparison or contrast
limpets n. a slow-moving animal with a large, flat, muscular foot, and a
hard shell into which the animal can withdraw
metaphysical allusion n. a reference to some part of the branch of philosophy that
investigates reality beyond any science
muse n. the source of an artist's inspiration; in ancient Greek
mythology any of 9 daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne;
protector of an art or science
v. reflect deeply on a subject
obstinate v. persist stubbornly
adj. resistant to guidance or discipline; stubbornly persistent in
wrongdoing; tenaciously unwilling to yield
onomatopoeia n. using words that imitate the sound they denote
parody n. humorous or satirical mimicry; a composition that imitates
somebody's style in a humorous way
v. make a spoof of or make fun of
pelagic adj. relating to the open ocean
pervasive adj. spreading or spread throughout
plumule n. down feather of young birds; persists in some adult birds
predecessor n. previous person or item
predilection n. a predisposition in favor of something; a strong liking
pretension n. a false or unsupportable quality; the advancing of a claim;
behaving or speaking in such a manner as to create a false
appearance of great importance or worth
punning n. a humorous play on words
rebuttal n. the speech act of refuting by offering a contrary contention or
sacrilegious adj. grossly irreverent toward what is held to be sacred
speculative adj. showing curiosity; not based on fact or investigation; not
financially safe or secure
stave v. burst or force (a hole) into something; furnish with staves
subordinate clause n. a clause in a complex sentence that cannot stand alone as a
complete sentence and that functions within the sentence as a
noun or adjective or adv.
validity n. the quality of having legal force or effectiveness; the quality of
being logically valid

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