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Human Resources Management

Name_________________________________________________________________ Mark___________________
Section I: a) Read the text and answer the questions that follow . Points (1x3=3)
Human Resource Manager
Similar to other department managers, a human resource manager has two basic functions: overseeing department
functions and managing employees. For this reason, a human resources manager must be well informed in each of the
human resources disciplines compensation and benefits, training and development, employee relations, and recruitment
and selection. Core competencies HR managers have are solid communication skills and decision-making capabilities
based on analytical skills and critical thought processes.
Human resource managers have strategic and functional responsibilities for all of the HR disciplines. In large
organizations, a human resource manager reports to the human resource director. In smaller companies, some HR managers
perform all of the department's functions or work with an HR assistant that handles administrative matters. Regardless of
the size of department or the company, a human resource manager should have the skills to perform every HR function, if
Human resource managers provide guidance and direction to compensation and benefits specialists. Within this discipline,
human resources managers develop strategic compensation plans, align performance management systems with
compensation structure and monitor negotiations for group health care benefits. Examples of human resource manager
responsibilities include monitoring Family and Medical Leave Act compliance and adherence to confidentiality provisions
for employee medical files.
1. What are the purposes of the Human Resources Department? ________________________________________
2. What are the main competences of the HR manager?
3. Despite of size of the company, what are the abilities that a HR should have?

b) . Provide a definition for the following terms:

points (1.x3=3)



d) Choose the correct word to complete the blank spaces below.

points ( 0,5 x 10 = 5,5)

development ,
trade unions ,


early retirement, voluntary redundancy, lay off,

skills ,
unemployment ,

If the economy in weak and business are doing badly, companies may (1).workers. There will be an
increase in (2). Sometimes companies ask older staff to volunteer to stop working: this is called
taking (3). Other staff may volunteers to leave: this is called taking (4) If
the economy recovers and business are doing well, then companies (5).more staff. Part of HR is
staff (6) This helps to improve the (7)...........of the workforce and so helps the
organization. Most good companies spend money on (8)their employees. In Europe there is a
long tradition of workers joining (9).. In the European Union, many large and medium-sized
companies have established work counsels. These are committees of works and managers. They discuss company
___________________, especially issues which affect employees.

b) Then put the lines of the informal email in the correct order

points(0,5x8 = 4,0)

a) Im attaching the draft agenda here for your information ________________

b) Best wishes ________________
c) If theres any point youd like to add, please let me know. ______________
d) Many thanks for your latest mail and your useful ideas about our investment options. ____________
e) Dear Rick and Sandra, __________________
f) Looking forward to seeing you both on 14 June. ______________
g) Our investment plan will certainly be the main focus of our next meeting of 14 June. ___________
h) Liu Yan _________________

b) Choose the best alternative.

Points: (0,5 x10 = 5,0)

1. _______________ you got any special reason to learn English?

a) Do
b) Are
c) Have

d) Does

2. A) What ________________________ at the moment? B) I am writing my English Exam.

a) do you do
b) is you do
c) does she doing
d) are you doing
3. _______________ your English exam difficult?
a) Does
b) Do

c) Is

d) Can

4. My responsibility in my company is to _____________________ of the employees pay roll.

a) look after
b) make sure after
c) to be in charge that
d) deal with
5. It seems my computer is broken, _____________________________borrow yours?
a) will I
b) would you
c) can I

d)shall you

6. Sheila _______________________ ill that is why she is not coming to school.

a) have been
b) is being
c) has being

d) has been

7. My company has ___________________ some money for the new investments.

a) Set aside
b) set up
c) set on

d) set in

8. The interview was ________________________ because of the weather.

a) turned off
b) turned out
c) called off

d) blacked out

9. Geddes said he would study Human Recourses in Brazil if the fees _________________cheaper
a) would be
b) are
c) were
d) will be
10. Tamika invited me round for dinner last night. Her husband is a wonderful __________________.
a) cooker
b) dish
c) chief
d) cook

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