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Satya Yuga

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The Satya Yuga (Devanagari: ), also called Sat Yuga, Krta Yuga and Krita Yuga in Hinduism, is the
"Yuga (Age or Era) of Truth", when humanity is governed by gods, and every manifestation or work is close to
the purest ideal and humanity will allow intrinsic goodness to rule supreme. It is sometimes referred to as the
"Golden Age." The average lifespan in the satya yuga is 100,000 years. The goddess Dharma (depicted in the

form of cow), which symbolises morality, stood on all four legs during this period. Later in the Treta Yuga it
would become three, and two in the later Dvapara Yuga. Currently, in the immoral age of Kali, it stands on one

1 The cycle

2 The Satya Yuga according to some holy texts

3 Brahma Kumaris

4 See also

5 References

The cycle
The yugas are said to succeed each other almost endlessly. After the perfect Satya Yuga, a decline marks
the Treta Yuga. Further decline brings about the Dwapara Yuga, and after it comes the final and dark Kali Yuga,
a time of wickedness, when man kills another man. At the end of the cycle a Divine Being is said to take birth
and reestablish righteousness, thus beginning a new Satya Yuga.

The Satya Yuga according to some holy texts

Amongst the four eras, the Satya Yuga is the first and the most significant one. Knowledge, meditation, and
penance hold special importance in this era. All the pillars of religion are present in totality. The average life
expectancy of a human being in Satya Yuga is believed to be over 400 years. During Satya Yuga, all people
engage only in good, sublime deeds. Ashrams become devoid of wickedness and deceit. Natyam (such
as Bharatanatyam), according to Natya Shastra, did not exist in the Satya Yuga "because it was the time when
all people were happy". described in the Mahabharata, a Hindu epic:
[...] there were no poor and no rich; there was no need to labour, because all that men required was
obtained by the power of will; the chief virtue was the abandonment of all worldly desires. The Krita
Yuga was without disease; there was no lessening with the years; there was no hatred or vanity, or evil
thought; no sorrow, no fear. All mankind could attain to supreme blessedness. [...]

This era began on Sunday, Vaishakh Shukla Tritiya day which is also known as Akshaya Tritiya. This
extends up to 10,00,000 years. God incarnated in four forms i.e. Matsya, Kurma, Varaha and Narsimha in
this era. Knowledge, meditation and penance would hold special importance in this era. The average
height of people was more than what it is today. Every king would attain the pre-determined attainments
and would experience bliss. All the four pillars of religion i.e. truth, penance, yagya (religious sacrifice) and
charity were present in totality. The only text which was considered credible and was followed was Manus
Dharma Shastra. Satya yuga shall be established by Kalki again after the Kali yuga. The average life
expectancy of a human being in Satya yuga was approximately 4000 years.
At the end of this era when the Sun, Moon, Jupiter together enter Pushya Nakshatra that is the Cancer
Zodiac then the Satya yuga shall begin. During this time the stars/constellations shall become auspicious
and radiant. As a result it shall accrue in the well being of all creatures and the health will ameliorate. It is
during this auspicious time that Vishnus Incarnation Kalki shall take birth in a Brahmin family. This
incarnation shall be mighty, intelligent and valiant. He shall engage in good of all benefactors. At the spun
of the moment, no sooner he thinks he shall be armed with all the weapons, armours and an army, he shall
be coronated king who shall know no enemy. He shall be benevolent and a radiant Brahmin and shall be
the one who shall emancipate the ones in misery.
He shall be the one and only one to destroy the Kaliyuga and initiate the holy and divine Satya yuga.
Bhagwan Kalki in the Satya yuga shall destroy all the dacoits and robbers. He shall perform
the Ashwamedha Yagya and shall donate this entire world to the Brahmins. His success and deeds will be
divine and sublime. He shall establish the auspicious ideals and principles propounded by Lord Brahma
after which he shall go to the forest to practice penance.
After this all the generations to come shall follow the ideals established by Bhagwan Kalki and shall
engage in religious activities. Accordingly on the advent of the Satya yuga all people shall engage
assiduously in good, sublime deeds.
One shall witness the emergence of beautiful gardens, Dharmashalas (Resting Inns) and majestic
temples. One shall see the execution of many a huge yagyas. Brahmins, sages, ascetics according to their
nature shall be absorbed in penance. Ashrams shall be devoid of the wicked and the deceits. This era shall
usher better agriculture and one shall be able to grow all foodgrains in all seasons. People shall
generously donate and will follow all the rules and regulations mentioned. The kings shall protect their
subjects and earth very sincerely.
The Vaishya (traders) of this era shall engage in trade and business very justly and honestly. Brahmins
shall be engaged continually in religious sacrifices, study, teaching, charity etc. The Kshatriya (warriors)

shall be inclined towards exhibition of valiance and might. The Shudras shall sincerely serve the Brahmins,
Kshatriyas and Vaishyas. This form of religion shall remain intact and absolute in the Satya yuga.
One shall witness the total establishment of Sanatan Dharma (eternal religion). During the Satya yuga, the
child was not ruined when the father or mother expired. All the gods, demons, Gandharvas, Yaksha would
give up their hatred and differences. The Rik, Sama and Yajurveda were not separate and demarcated.
This era was devoid of agricultural activities or rather any other type of activity. Just by mere contemplation
one would beget desired results. The only religion that was relevant was- the renunciation of vested
interests. People in this era would never fall ill. No one would try to point out faults or demerits in anyones
personality. The personality was not plagued by demerits like ego, sorrow, violent thought (aggression),
jealousy, hatred, backbiting, fear, anger and lethargy.
At that time, the colour of the Supreme cosmic soul that was situated in the heart of one and all and the
saviour of all the sages was white.
All the people that are Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas and Shudras were embellished with all the good
qualities. At that time, the only saviour of all the people was God. People would practice austerities and
penance to attain God. All would be inclined towards the supreme knowledge and all actions performed
would be in the intention of attaining celestial bliss.
In this way all these divine people would be bestowed with sublime faith and piousness. Albeit, people
were segregated on the basis of Varnashram method, they would all response their faith in the Vedas and
the Sanatan Dharma.Because these people were devoid of selfishness, they would effortlessly attain
sublimity or union with God, which is a salient feature of Satya yuga.Very valiant, mighty, intelligent and
people gifted with all good qualities would take birth in this era. They would surprisingly give birth to
thousands of children. Great sages embellished with divinity would take birth in this era.

Brahma Kumaris
According to the Brahma Kumaris and Prajapita Brahma Kumaris, there are also five ages or yugas in a
single cycle of 5000 years in which the heavenly Sat Yuga, or Golden Age, is first and lasts for 1250 years.

Treta Yuga
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Treta Yuga (Devanagari: ) is the second out of four yugas, or ages of mankind, in the religion
of Hinduism. Treta means , third in Sanskrit. The first yuga is Satya Yuga of perfect morality and the one after
Treta is the Dvapara Yuga. The most famous events in this yuga were Lord Vishnu's fifth, sixth and seventh
incarnations as Vamana,[1] Parashurama and Ramachandrarespectively. The Dharma bull, which symbolises
morality, stood on three legs during this period. It had all four in the Satya Yuga and two in the later Dvapara
Yuga. Currently, in the immoral age of Kali, it stands on one leg. The average lifespan of the Treta Yuga is
1,296,000 years.[2]

Hindu Time Chart



1 Avatars of Vishnu during Treta Yuga

1.1 Vamana

1.2 Parashurama

1.3 Ramachandra

2 See also

3 References

4 External links

Avatars of Vishnu during Treta Yuga[edit source | editbeta]

Vamana[edit source | editbeta]
Main article: Vamana
Vishnu incarnated as the dwarf son of Aditi to stop King Mahabali of the Asura race, the grandson of Prahlada,
from completing a sacrifice which would allow him to overshadow Indra in power and splendor. The jealous and
worried Devas persuaded Vishnu to send Bali, a bhakta of his, to Patala, the underworld. Vishnu did so by
taking advantage of the King's kindness and refusal to go back on his word, but allowed him a luxurious
dwelling and sovereignty in one of the lower worlds. He also gave him the boon of being able to visit his
subjects once every year which is celebrated in onam festival.

Parashurama[edit source | editbeta]

Main article: Parashurama
Vishnu incarnated as the Brahmana Parashurama in this era because there were too many
warlike kshatriyas plaguing the Earth, and he therefore had to wipe out most of the world's warriors. However,
some of the Kshatriyas survived or more were created, and their population grew again. Eventually, the avatara
of Vishnu in Parashurama ended, though it is said that he continued to live on as a mighty warrior-hermit. He
confronted Ramachandra angrily years later, before acknowledging the latter's supremacy and retiring. He lived
on in the Dvapara Yuga, having a great duel with Bhishma for Amba's sake (and losing), and he
taught Karna how to use the Brahmastra and cursed him when he found out that he was not a Brahmin but a
kshatriya. He had vowed not to teach or be a Guru of Kshatriyas. He is said to be still alive today, meditating on
Mahendra mountain or deep in a forest.

Ramachandra[edit source | editbeta]

Main article: Rama
The hallmark of this era was the rise of evil in the form of the demon king of Lanka, Ravana. He conquered the
three worlds namely, earth, heavens and the netherworlds (patala) and terrorized everyone. Even the Devas
were subordinate to him - his son Meghanada had earned the name of Indrajit by defeating Indra, the King of
heaven, in battle; and even the Sun had to obey therakshasa king. In this scenario, Lord Vishnu incarnated
himself as the son of King Dasaratha of the Sun Dynasty or Ikshvaku dynasty and was named Lord Rama. Due
to a stepmother's jealousy, Lord Rama was sent away to the forest in exile for 14 years, during which time he
confronted and killed Ravana for having kidnapped his wife, and thus restored peace on earth. He is said to
have afterwards ruled the Kingdom of Kosala from Ayodhya for an eleven-thousand year golden age known as
the Rama-rajya or Rama's Kingdom, before eventually returning to his Mahavishnu form with his three halfbrothers- Lakshmana, Bharata and Shatrughna- who were "minor" incarnations of Vishnu or the great serpentgods
In Treta Yuga people had 75% interest in God. Shesha.

Dvapara Yuga
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Hindu Mythology

Dvapara Yuga or Dwapara Yuga[1](Devanagari: ) is the third out of four yugas, or ages, described in
the scriptures of Hinduism. This yuga comes after Treta Yuga and before Kali Yuga. According to
the Puranas this yuga ended at the moment when Krishna returned to his eternal abode ofVaikuntha. According
to the Bhagavata Purana, the Dvapara Yuga lasts 864,000 years.[2]
There are only two pillars left of religion in the Dvapara Yuga: Compassion and Truthfulness.
Lord Vishnu assumes the colour yellow and the Vedas are categorized into four parts that
is Rig, Sama, Yajur and Atharva. During these times the Brahmins are knowledgeable of two, sometimes three
Vedas, but rarely have studied all the four Vedas thoroughly. Accordingly, because of this categorization,
different actions and activities come into existence.

Hindu Time Chart



1 The roles of the classes

1.1 Brahmana

1.2 Kshatriya

1.3 Vaishya

1.4 Sudra

2 Dvapara Yuga in fiction

3 Conclusion of Dvapara Yuga

4 Notes

5 See also

6 References

The roles of the classes[edit source | editbeta]

All people in the Dvapara Yuga are jealous, valiant, courageous and competitive by nature and are engaged
only in penance and charity. They are kingly and pleasure-seeking. In this era, the divine intellect ceases to
exist, and it is therefore seldom that anyone is wholly truthful. As a result of this life of deceit, people are
plagued by ailments, diseases and various types of desires. After suffering from these ailments, people realize
their misdeeds and perform penance. Some also organize Yagya for material benefits as well as for divinity.

Brahmana[edit source | editbeta]

In this Yuga, the Brahmanas are involved in Yagya, self-study, donation and teaching activities. They attain
celestial bliss by engaging in penance, religion, control of senses and restraint.

Kshatriya[edit source | editbeta]

The duties of Kshatriyas are the protection of their subjects. In this era, they are humble and perform their
duties by controlling their senses. The Kshatriyas honestly execute all policies of law and order without being
angry or cruel. They are devoid of greed and consequently attain bliss.
The king avails the advice of the learned scholars and accordingly maintains law and order in his empire. The
king who is addicted to vices will definitely end up defeated. One or two or all from Sma, Dna, Danda,
Bheda and Upeksha is/are brought into use and help attain the desired. Kings are diligent in maintaining public
decorum and order.
A few of the kings, however, surreptitiously plan a conspiracy along with the scholars. Strong people execute
work where execution of policies is involved. The king appoints priests, etc. to perform religious activities,
economists and ministers to perform monetary activities, impotents to take care of women and cruel men to
execute heinous activities.
There are two kshatriya dynasties, namely 'Surya Vansha' and 'Chandra Vansha'.

Vaishya[edit source | editbeta]

Vaishyas are mostly landowners and merchants. The duties of Vaishyas are trade and agriculture. Vaishyas
attain higher planes through charity and hospitality. Krishna, eighth Avatar of Vishnuwas brought up in a
Vaishya family though he was a born Kshatriya.

Sudra[edit source | editbeta]

The duty of Sudras is to perform tasks that demand highly physical work. Although their form of labour is
different from the other three castes, the Sudras are not discriminated against. In fact Vidura, the famous Prime
Minister of Hastinapura was born in the Sudra community and attained the status of a Brahmin due to his
wisdom, righteousness and learning. All other three sections namely Brahmana, Kshatriya and Vaishya
protected Sudras and contributed for their safety and happiness.

Dvapara Yuga in fiction[edit source | editbeta]

In Namco's Soul series, Kilik, the wielder of the Kali Yuga staff, also possess the mirror sash by the same
name. In the end of the battle against Inferno, he uses the mirror to extinguish the flames. In Soulcalibur
II, Soulcalibur III, and Soulcalibur IV he wears a necklace that includes a piece of the Dvapara Yuga used as a
pendant for rituals.

Conclusion of Dvapara Yuga[edit source | editbeta]

According to the Srimad Bhagvatam, Age of Kali comes after the Dvapara Yuga. Age of Kali begins
immediately when Lord Sri Krishna has left planet earth This incident also marks the start ofage of kali[3]

Kali Yuga
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For other uses, see Kalyug (disambiguation).

Not to be confused with Kali.
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Hindu Mythology

Kali Yuga (Devangar: [kli ju], lit. "age of [the demon] Kali", or "age of vice") is the last of the four
stages the world goes through as part of the cycle of yugas described in the Indian scriptures. The other ages
are Satya Yuga, Treta Yuga and Dvapara Yuga.
Kali Yuga is associated with the apocalyptic demon Kali, not to be confused with the goddess Kl (read as
Kaalee) (these are unrelated words in the Sanskrit language). The "Kali" of Kali Yuga means "strife", "discord",
"quarrel" or "contention".


1 Current Yuga

2 Attributes of Kali Yuga

2.1 References in the Mahabharata

2.1.1 Prophesied events during a Kali Yuga

3 10,000 year "Golden Age"

4 Personification

5 In Sikhism

6 See also

7 Notes

8 Further Reading

9 External links

Current Yuga[edit source | editbeta]

The duration and chronological starting point in human history of Kali Yuga has given rise to different
evaluations and interpretations. According to the Surya Siddhanta, Kali Yuga began at midnight (00:00) on 18
February 3102 BCE[1] in the proleptic Julian calendar, or 14 January 3102 BC in the proleptic Gregorian

calendar. This date is also considered by many Hindus to be the day that Krishna left Earth to return to his
Most interpreters of Hindu scriptures believe that Earth is currently in Kali Yuga. Other authors such as Swami
Sri Yukteswar,[2] and Paramhansa Yogananda[3] believe that it is now an ascending Dvapara Yuga, indicating
levels of cycles within each major Yuga period as each being a development, the smaller cycles within cycles
eventually leading to full development of the qualities of the ages. Aurbindo Ghosh has written that Kali Yuga is
now over. The Kali Yuga is sometimes thought to last 4,32,000 years, although other durations have been

Attributes of Kali Yuga[edit source | editbeta]

Hindus believe that human civilization degenerates spiritually during the Kali Yuga, [5] which is referred to as the
Dark Age because in it people are as far away as possible from God. Hinduism often symbolically represents
morality (dharma) as a bull. In Satya Yuga, the first stage of development, the bull has four legs, but in each
age morality is reduced by one quarter. By the age of Kali, morality is reduced to only a quarter of that of the
golden age, so that the bull of Dharma has only one leg.[6][7]

References in the Mahabharata[edit source | editbeta]

The Mahabharata War and the decimation of Yadavas thus happened at the Yuga-Sandhi, the point of
transition from one yuga to another. The scriptures mention Sage Narada to have momentarily intercepted the
demon Kali on his way to the Earth when Duryodhana was about to be make him an embodiment of
'arishadvargas' and adharma in preparation of the era of decay in values and the consequent havoc.
Prophesied events during a Kali Yuga[edit source | editbeta]
A discourse by Markandeya in the Mahabharata identifies some of the attributes of Kali Yuga. In relation to
rulers, it lists:

Rulers will become unreasonable: they will levy taxes unfairly.

Rulers will no longer see it as their duty to promote spirituality, or to protect their subjects: they will
become a danger to the world.

People will start migrating, seeking countries where wheat and barley form the staple food source.

"At the end of Kali-yuga, when there exist no topics on the subject of God, even at the residences of
so-called saints and respectable gentlemen of the three higher varnas [guna or temperament] and when
nothing is known of the techniques of sacrifice, even by word, at that time the Lord will appear as the
supreme chastiser." (Srimad-Bhagavatam (2.7)

With regard to human relationships, Markandeya's discourse says:

Avarice and wrath will be common. Humans will openly display animosity towards each other.
Ignorance of dharma will occur.

People will have thoughts of murder with no justification and will see nothing wrong in that.

Lust will be viewed as socially acceptable and sexual intercourse will be seen as the central
requirement of life.

Sin will increase exponentially, whilst virtue will fade and cease to flourish.

People will take vows and break them soon after.

People will become addicted to intoxicating drinks and drugs.

Gurus will no longer be respected and their students will attempt to injure them. Their teachings will be
insulted, and followers of Kama will wrest control of the mind from all human beings.

Brahmans will not be learned or honored, Kshatriyas will not be brave, Vaishyas will not be just in their

10,000 year "Golden Age"[edit source | editbeta]

The Brahma Vaivarta Purana (related to Rathantara kalpa) mentions a ten thousand year period, starting from
the traditional dating of the Kali Yuga epoch (for this one it is January 14 or 2:27 AM on February 18, 3102
BC/BCE), during which bhakti yogis will be present.[8]
Lord Krishna foretold that Kali Yuga will be full of extreme hardships for people with ideals and values.
A special 10,000 year "Golden Age" period within Kali Yuga occurs only in this Maha Yuga Cycle.

In the Brahma-vaivarta Purana has words spoken by Lord Krishna to Mother Ganga just before the beginning
of Kali yuga (the age of quarrel and strife). Kali yuga began approximately five thousand years ago, and it has a
duration of 432,000 years, leaving us with 427,000 till the end of the present age. Within this 4,32,000 year
period, there is a period of 10,000 years that will be a golden age. That golden age is being described below by
Lord Sri Krishna. Proof that Kaliyuga happened before.
Predicted in Brahma-vaivarta Purana 4.129. The fourth part of the Brahma-vaivarta is called Krsna-janmakhanda. Chapter 129 is called Golokarohanam, because it describes how Krishna returns to His abode. This
specific dialogue is between Lord Krishna and Mother Ganga. Verse 49 is a question by Ganga, verses 50-60
are Lord Sri Krishna's answer.
This text is taken from the Brahma-vaivarta Purana [14]
Text 59:
kaler daSa-sahasraaNi
madbhaktaaH saMti bhu-tale
ekavarNaa bhaviSyaMti
madbhakteSu gateSu ca
"For 10,000 years of Kali such devotees of Mine will be present on earth. After the departure
of My devotees there will be only one varna, Outcaste."
The above is supported in 4.90.32-33:
kalau dasa-sahasrAni
haris tiSThati medinI
devAnAM pratimA pUjyA
sAstrANi ca purANakam
"(Sri Krisna said:) Lord Hari will stay on this earth for the first ten-thousand
years of Kali-yuga. Till then gods will be worshipped and the Puranas and
scriptures will also be present."
The great Vaishnava Saint Chaitanya Mahaprabhu exhorted, "Krishna
Nama Sankirtan" i.e. the constant chanting of the Lord's name is the

supreme healer in this age. It destroys sins and purifies the hearts through
Bhakti ensures universal peace.
We are in the 10,000 year Golden period as stated by bhagawan Krishna.
5115 years have elapsed as of 2013 AD taking into account the start date
of kaliyuga as 17th Feb 3102 BC which is also the day Lord Krishna left
this material world for his vaikuntam (Spiritual abode). As bhagwan pointed
out that the 10,000 year golden years should begin after 5,000 years are
completed in Kaliyuga which means that the Golden period started
approximately 115 years back since 5115 years have elapsed, which
makes the date of the Golden period as 1898 AD.

Personification[edit source | editbeta]

Kalki and his horse, Devadatta.

Main article: Kali (demon)

Kali is the reigning lord of Kali Yuga and his nemesis is Sri Kalki, the tenth
and final Avatar of Lord Vishnu. According to the Vishnu Purana, Kali is a
negative manifestation working towards the cause of 'the end' or rather
towards eventual rejuvenation of the universe.[9] Kali also serves as an
antagonistic force in the Kalki Purana. It is said that towards the end of this

yuga, Kalki will return riding on a white horse to do battle with Kali and his
dark forces. The world will suffer a fiery end that will destroy all evil, and a
new age, Satya Yuga, will begin.

In Sikhism[edit source | editbeta]

In Sikhism, it is believed that one should meditate on God as much as
possible because of the world being in Kali Yuga. Because of Kali Yuga, it
is stressed that one should meditate as much as possible to reach the
state of Nirvana and be liberated or be one with God. Guru Granth
Sahib Ji on Ang:1185 says:
ab kaloo aaeiou rae
Now, the Dark Age of Kali Yuga has come.
eik naam bovahu bovahu ||
Plant the Naam, the Name of the One Lord.
an rooth naahee naahee ||
It is not the season to plant other seeds.
math bharam bhoolahu bhoolahu ||
Do not wander lost in doubt and delusion.[10]

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