The Five Dimensions of Grace

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1 Corinthians 15:10
Grace is:
1. Unmerited favour;
2. A privilege;
3. A divine advantage;
4. Close to mercy but is not mercy (when you are given something you don't
The dimensions:
1. Salvation Grace
We are saved by grace. The first level of grace is justification:
Which means "just as if". This is a legal term that declares you "Not Guilty".
When we came to the LORD we were guilty but Jesus declared us Not Guilty.
We were accused by the devil. God is the judge in whose presence we must
appear. Jesus is our lawyer, our Chief Advocate. This is similar to a court case.
Scripture says that when He saved us he deleted the handwriting which had
been written against us. When the devil was leading us into sin he recorded
every single sin that we committed in order to have a proven case when we
appear before God. The mystery lies in that when Jesus Christ's blood was
shed, dripping from his hands and feet, in the spiritual realm your sins were
wiped from the devil's own books and records. When we appear before the
judge he will flip through his records in search for evidence and find that there
is nothing. Why? Jesus deleted it all!
Now there is therefore now no condemnation to them who are in Christ, they
are not panel-beaten materials but new creatures altogether.

2. The grace of personal discipline

You have a responsibility to confess your sins AND live a life worthy of the
calling. This is a life of purity divine, victory over sin and the power of the
Holy Ghost. The Holy Spirit is not dirty, therefore before you speak of Him,
make sure you speak of holiness. Nowadays we are as loose as cities without
walls. May the LORD raise a peculiar, holy generation. "Be ye holy as I am
a) Repentance
This is a total shift of mindset. Everything begins in the mind. Holiness is a
mentality, therefore living an impure life is also a mentality rather than
actions. Let this mind which was in Christ be in you also. We are all a result of
our thoughtsl. Don't make a huge effort to change your actions but make a
huge effort to change your mind by thinking right.
b) Perception
Your emotions are in your hands, not television. What you watch does not
determine what you see.
3. The grace of results
Christianity without any practical results is religion. Speaking a lot with
nothing to show is religion. People who speak of great things about God but
what they live is not reflective of His greatness are religious. The devil does
not listen to your prayer, he only watches the results. When the grace of
results is in your life God enables you to do great things. Like Paul, even
though you work the hardest, you have nothing to show for it but have the
grace of results. "I planted, Apollos watered but God gave the grace to grow."
You can never fight grace. Once that person's door another will open - this is
divine grace.
"I declare in 2015, may the grace of results be in your life."

For me this is also a year of academic results. (This has come to pass by the
way, I performed well in the modules I passed and I am a degree holder now)
Unproductive people just keep talking. Productive people at work, in ministry
have their results to speak on their behalf. Where you have results you really
don't need to do much talking.
"I prophesy, may those who have heard of your old story hear of your new story.
May your friends be shocked. God is Jehovah Shocker!"
4. The grace of serendipity
A group of migrators passing through an island - Sri Lanka, found some precious
things and then said, "We were just passing through and found some things we
were not even looking for". Therefore they named the place Serendipity.
The God of grace, as you serve Him with all faithfulness and without seeking
attention - May He, looking at you from a distance, pour in your life things you
were not even looking for; precious things. Saul went into the jungle looking
for donkeys and the prophet of God said to him, "The donkeys you are looking
for have been found and I am about to announce a new season in your life."
What were you were not looking for has found its way to you in 2015. God is
full of surprises. May your ending of 2014 see the LORD load your 2015 with
the grace of serendipity. You will be called to an interview you never even
applied for.
I see Sarah laughing because she thinks that she is too old for a child. GRACE
VIOLATED LAW. Sarah fell pregnant. "I prophesy on this holy altar in the name
of Jesus: May the LORD cause you to laugh."

Sarah said, "I will call him Isaac because the LORD has caused me to laugh."
Trevor Noah, Kevin Hart or any other comedian you know won't be able to give
you God's kind of laughter. May those who laughed at you hear you laugh.
5. The grace of sustenance/survival
The Bible says that after the flood "Noah lived". Prophecy: Life brings floods
(financial and marital breakdown) but before I descend from this pulpit may
God give you the grace to survive the floods of life. "Peter I have prayed for
you that your faith may not fail." God makes a way through the just for Israel.
Over every Pharoah over your life may God cause a breakdown. You are out of
Egypt but Egypt keeps following you.
The waters if Marrah are bitter but you have to survive, the LORD will give you
sweet water. He will give you manna. You will not die a premature death.
Even if I am retrenched and other people fall on my left and right, I will not
fall - I will fear no evil. I will survive. Others may have high blood pressure or
cancer but I will survive. When people at work are coniving against you they
will fall into the pit and you will survive.

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