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Report Study

Name: La Nane (M1)

Student number: B5AM1138

As the world population continues to grow geometrically, great pressure is being

placed on arable land, water, energy, and biological resources to provide an
adequate supply of food while maintaining the integrity of our ecosystem.
According to the World Bank and the United Nations, from 1 to 2 billion humans
are now malnourished, indicating a combination of insufficient food, low incomes,
and inadequate distribution of food.
This is the largest number of hungry humans ever recorded in history. In
China about 80 million are now malnourished and hungry. Based on current rates
of increase, the world population is projected to double from roughly 6 billion to
more than 12 billion in less than 50 years (Pimentel et al., 1994). As the world
population expands, the food problem will become increasingly severe,
conceivably with the numbers of malnourished reaching 3 billion.
Indonesia as at tropical area has the power for food suply for many kinds
of food whis is growth all of the year. But totally of the human consuming for food
was just conncentrated to rice for staple food. In addition rice consumer is very
high and dominant at all of the area except east of indonesia such as Papua
region and Maluku which is has different staple food. To see this oppottunity to
develop their staple food to spread out the function of nutrient and habit of the all
human indonesia to subtitue the rice to cassava, papeda or other resources. So
indonesia will be stably from food crisis.
Therefore at the time, I will introduce the potential food from papua and
maluku region which is very important to planting or subtitue the rice food or meal
for human in indonesia or asian region for to keep the human population from the
crises of food suply. Crises issue on food is a world problem. Global warming
effect causing decreasing of food pruduction by disease and also followed by
consumptive behavior of human. This reasean was become main problems for

the deacreasing of food stock. So cultivation and planting have cecome a long
programe of government and leader of the world to create collaborative working
to each other, diversification in food and create prospective food for the future.

Kasomi is one of traditional staple food at Maluku region of indonesia. Before

rice introduced to that areas. Traditional people or aborigin ethnics have
consumed kasoami as their staple food. But because the food processing
was still traditionally and very poor techno;ogy. People which life in moderen
was not take care again with this food. They like instant processing such as
rice. Because it is simple and easy in serving.

Wood worm is also a traditioanl food from papua, estern of Indonesia. It is a

famous food in the area. The consuming of the food was well known. But not
for the wetern of indonesia. This food was not still consumed. Meanwhile 60

percent of indonesian population was concentrated at the west area because

is located at around of the capital city and crowded area.

Papeda is also a traditional food from papua and maluku, eastern of

indonesia. This staple food was very popolas since 1940s ago. The raw
material of this food is sago. Although sago was alive all of the area of
indonesia, but the preference of the human consuming at western indonesia
is not as good at eastern indonesia. Consequently the concentration of this
food was just found at eastern indonesia.
Leak of food technology for processing was a problem to promote
this traditional food widely. Moderen people was prefer like an intant food or
quicqly in service. But for the future this traditional food is very important to
promote for subtitue the crises of the food stock in indonesia such as corn
and rice which are still be a problem for indonesian strength of food.
Now adays government have promote these 3 staple food of
eastern of indonesia to adopt at other region. Diversification in food is very
important for the future. Increasing of human population is twice a year in
developing country. So efforing of the food must be focus of stakeholders to
create or finding a new prospect food to promoting for huamn needs. If so we
will be strength in food stock and will be never crises in food stock for the
future. Minimal we can supply the demand of our region and nation.
Yogurt is a widely enjoyed dairy product that is essentially an altered form of
milk containing waste products from fermentation. The lactic acid that is

produced from the fermentation of lactose contributes to the sour taste of

yogurt by decreasing pH and allows for the characteristic texture by acting on
the milk proteins. Yogurt has been continually studied for its health benefits,
particularly from the addition of probiotics. Current research has been
investigating how to improve yogurt both in terms of its potential as a healthy
food and as an appetizing product that appeals to the general population.
Yogurt production can occur both on a large scale as well as at home for
individual consumption. starter culture is added. These starter cultures most
often include Lactobacillus delbrueckii subspecies bulgaricus (known simply
as Lactobacillus and Streptococcus salivarius subsp.
Meanwhile for the milk production from cows, sheep, goats and
humans is also rich in microorganisms. Lactic acid bacteria, the most
abundant microorganisms found in milk, facilitate dairy fermentation and
promote health. Other microorganisms in milk cause spoilage and may lead
to illness. Pasteurization kills most or all of these bacteria, so commercially
processed milk contains few beneficial bacteria. Fermented milk products and
raw milk are abundant in healthy bacteria.

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