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Chemistry, the study of Matter & its Changes.

Matter (not Energy)

- Defined as any object that has mass and volume.
- Another name for matter is called Substances.

(matter & substances have the same meaning)

- There are 2 main types of matter or substances; (Refer to diagram below)

1. Pure-substances are called, Elements & Compounds
- Elements & compounds are chemically combined (bonded together using electrons).
2. Impure-substances are called, Mixtures (2 types = homogeneous & heterogeneous)
- Mixtures are physically combined (non-bonded together, called mixed or blended)

Matter is divided into

several major categories.

3 types of Compounds:
1. Covalent (molecule)
2. Ionic (salt)
3. Metallic (alloy)

3 forms of an Element:
1. Atom
2. Ion
3. Isotope

Mr. Wilsons Guide to What is an Element?

Pure Substances, can be Elements


or Compounds.

- Something made up of one kind of material (unique chemical formula) and also have unique properties.
- All substances are made of atoms, if all the atoms are the same type, it is called an Element.
- All substances are made of atoms, if the atom types are mixed or different types, it is called a Compound.


(only one type of atom)

- All elements are named(listed) on the periodic table.

- Elements are named according to there Atomic
- All elements begin as

#, which is the number of protons found in the nucleus.

atoms turn into ions (by changing their electrons)


atoms turn into isotopes (by changing their neutrons).

Atoms, are what all matter is made of (called the smallest piece


particle of matter & elements).

Important to remember about an atom!

- Atoms are called the building blocks of matter.
- Atoms are individual(or singular) Elements, which mean they only have one nucleus per atom (see pictures below).
- Atoms have no charge (neutral), because they have equal amounts of protons (+) & electrons (-).




Inside an Element


an Atom

Inside an Atom

A. Composition of an atom

(means, what it is made of, or the parts).

- Atoms have 3 parts Protons, Neutrons, & Electrons

- The table below contains the important information (you should always remember!) about P+ , n , & e- .

B. Structure of an atom

(means, how the atom is put together).

- Protons and Neutrons are found in the nucleus.

- the Nucleus is in the center of an atom, it is very tiny & dense (when compared to the entire atom)
and the nucleus contains almost all the mass on an atom.
- Electrons are found moving around the nucleus (moving at almost the speed of light).
- the space surrounding the nucleus where the electrons are found can be called the electron cloud.
- the electron cloud takes up most of the space (size or volume) that an atom occupies.
- the electrons have very specific paths & movements. A better way to describe an electrons location is in
Energy Levels or orbitals or shells surrounding the nucleus.
- Electrons are the cause for chemical reactions and bonding, so atoms can become stable.
(Atoms commonly gain or loose electrons to become stable, this causes them to turn into ions.)

Electrons moving in Energy Levels

Electron Cloud

John Dalton developed the Atomic Theory, which says all matter is made of atoms and atoms are the building blocks of matter.
1) All elements are composed of tiny particles called atoms. Atoms cannot be divided into smaller parts (indivisible).
2) All atoms of the same element have identical properties. Atoms of different elements have different properties.
3) Atoms combine in whole-number ratios to form compounds.
4) Chemical reactions take place when atoms rearrange. Atoms of one element are not changed into atoms of another element.
Daltons theory was modified when
1. Subatomic particles were discovered, atoms are divisible into protons, neutrons, & electrons.
2. Isotopes were discovered, all atoms of the same element are not exactly alike, they can have different masses.
Daltons atomic theory helps explain the Law

of Conservation of Mass.

States that mass is neither created nor destroyed during a chemical reaction it is conserved.
Also, in a chemical reaction the mass of the reactants is equal to the mass of the products.


Atoms can become (turn into)

ions & isotopes

*Ion, means has a charge.

I. Ions are atoms that have gained electrons (becoming negative) or lost electrons (becoming positive).
- Ions have electrical charges because they have unequal protons and electrons.
- Never change the amount of protons, Only change the amount of electrons!

2 types of ions;

Cation(s) have positive (+) charges, because the atom looses electrons.
Anion(s) have negative (-) charges, because the atom gains electrons.

- Metal ions always have a positive charge.

Metal elements loose electrons, and the amount of electrons they loose is equal to their positive charge.
Examples: sodium loses 1 e- becoming +1 , magnesium loses 2 e- becoming +2 , aluminum loses 3 e- becoming +3
- Non-Metal

ions always have a negative charge.

Nonmetal elements gain electrons, and the amount of electrons they gain is equal to their negative charge.
Examples: chlorine gains 1 e- becoming -1 , oxygen gains 2 e- becoming -2 , nitrogen gains 3 e- becoming -3

Example of an
Atom becoming an ion

the 2e- will most likely

be taken by
a non-metal element.


II. Isotopes are atoms that have gained or lost neutrons, which changes the atoms mass #.
Atoms become isotopes by adding neutrons becoming heavier or loosing neutrons becoming lighter.
The mass of an isotope is equal to the amount of protons + the amount of neutrons.
Isotopes are atoms(elements) that have different Mass Numbers, than that listed on the periodic table.

Ways to write isotope names, called isotope notation, is the element name is followed by the mass #.




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