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Oklahoma TWigk Option BASIC OPTION PHILOSOPHY Make defense respect fullback. Isolate decision keys - handoff and pitch. Be able to throw deep. Control flow (pursuit) with formations, misdirection, power and threat of pass. Stay on schedule - play field position. Think first downs. We like chains on our side. Be patient. [Crm TEEN DERISS flay No: (9-(@ This is our double a QuAPERBICE t: URES fo Ha SE SI0e- ot: mee Open lke IST ROE (nnd eee cae, “to keep of pire on combriva with waste 19-18 - Can FLARE ON Aa a oF [4-1§ -3 - OE pirctt with A SOFT eee ge [9-6-6 - FBNB CROs on O& -used whe t& 1S hanging (asOF To stop FB~ Also us. 33 Fie ce ge 4 “SHB Role ~ Same as 15-04 Tedhnigoe— Same as 1s.14 Coady Pout _ \ewors shah 18/9 eal ookwe With wo emo ky As + FR BSA 5 Role -Same as 18+)Y Tech wi E-SameE as 5-1/9 Conds; Pont ~ wow that 1¢-14 1S aubuehi oolsbee Bi, wo ewe by Q& ER ee T3HB- Role Bal *3 Tew pod — Same cos ste . Blod\ines Ee wr gue” Take heen pak lene, woh jwse Cesssouey shes ate Sop’ VEE SME Jono bleed blow) MiKeeE ew phy a nem yp pacer ee plays C fa, ~SF he sits on steps eo} tl. eae ~ TP he Gots + 90 tees LL 5S -@® Be aly oo SsHB~ Qe ~ SAE as 15-17 Tedwigar- Sant as 151% Cond. Prsk- ae.) trees off of FZ ee Cdoable Optiarc) Flas rs A Paine Play Fe Tae H's *sH@ -TeY - Span step wir, ph sree Foot, pivola oF ait backsive fot eb Ps, ae oe a éeehive- Be Lw ao Spadot TeX - Purl ow Frvlsipe foot eeossover | witt beckeme foor cer tow jaflseke 6 eeth at ovisie Voor oF Emor~ Releese owe Féhe + bed s¥S- Gvle Option Cooese doadk. Poad-s Your WwPloas ce eroln oper sp Crense Gon FB BSNB— ole Oplion Gorse Fechwigué - Opew step woth pleysibe Soo t prio bin FF foe ow backer Foot pushing © ww Spaiubers sdawek — get shoslew: yreenlie sth sicshwe Goat. Peder - Spent te wFlwe #2 Seeeceeeeeeecee FS- wenivtane (GF2 Sy? da, Bye wee) va pot! Pe ee ie Bela, Tewige®- Smee as 4B Coad Poddt —thia is Heol, bbl 1k rE Sto leas xs oh stvwd a eae you bod #2— “6 Blok" 3 the rensoe we Step + exossover witl eor wsmbe feet du easE of & h ro #3, | Bens Ee eh Socble phe BSNB Wile~sae es is-Y Thi poe — Sane 25 se doach., Poik- Kaow Pat QB 2 excel off ae oF #2. COosble optids) “SHR Role ~ Same as 15-14 Teehwigoe— a as 1sei4 Coady Po. 5 Serer eee ous tipues faa roe oswe With wo emo ky Qs FR BSA - Role Same as Is=19 Tech wi, C-SaKweeE As 1S5-/4 Coachiy Pout — Kweus thes 1@- 1G 13 avlomabic ookshoe Bi, wo ene by Qe Fs te FSHi3- Rule. Block 2d Yoo Srve Te ng ~ Mahe haves poi, at ising Foor of OF senniny ~: oosine fear. Attack. 8 St lgbhe Joment point of his oetsoe This t Shoul. be aw 5g rae oe Conlin Porc} ~ Ths 7s Apel « los? YAavase ele. 23d - Ryle Take awe off Tedwigse — open step oth owdoe Sor Aabn fake pany

get shouleer: pareaile ust, s106/we doathc, Pedt- Spearwt te rwhlomwe #2 ae +FS- maiv po (962 Sye de) Bye wie) ed pot - SERIES AND PROTECTION 4-6 PATTERN Ripe ele Qe? So 7 42 9 ta XWKOe WX Nie P.S.L.: _Sarenies. READ: Weak Conner _oror: Zgrers-can pully att Pattern Progression Wk:_A~X Progression Stg: Ow) & Receiver Adjs. vs H.C. = X:_(UONG T:_NIne Recetver Adjs. vs Different Coverages: - Fute SPEED Ce0sSimG fue gs man * Favorite Formations: RT-LT ScoT. Use of Movement if any: Nope COACHING POINTS: _ Pee-Reao sapenies Foa covermge » Theow A +o X old Yee weak “sive coanee. Us, ze conntr X will LAD tu underneath covers e Vs Has coner X will halal pds maw hewill eur Puce Speed chosing Baur A will SNS Late i Ce connie * pu FUNG gourd oe The Bareny us @ Beep. US B deep ComserT 7° Deep comebuk: US Man aun a FAG cours Check ming LBA To SS. Seaach Lignr ANO HELP on Tagg heer Rushes 2 fosr XU: 2000 The Carmen's WigwmenT then RUN hig opp (ATs De CVE anne Hien ules ws ie cooee man LAS OUT “fas Dall speed caossing @20uTe ~ Hano cornet told. Yee corver in i US tone corner RUN Ve manor Sump Vi Bek Hs ori SERIES AND PROTECTION G26 PATTERN Kip 7 ya ta X twee WX Noe Fenes, READ: Weak Cogwer prop: Zgreps-car pullap at Pattern Progression Wk: A~ Progression Stg: ow & Receiver Adjs. vs H.C. =X: ONE 7: VENT PS. Recetver Adjs. vs Different Coverages: SPEED CLOSING BuTE US Maw Favorite Formations: R7-LT ScoT. Use of Movement if any: Aose QOACHING POINTS: _ PierRtan sapeTies Fon Covers » Theo Ato X off Ya weak “stove coanee. Us, zoe cornea K will LAD te neder woah coocres 6. Vs Head cower %wyill holed US maw hewilleuw Fd eee et oe cere eee TS cannes * Quand FUAG aouns OFF The BAPETY US 8 Detp. US 3 veep ComerT 7 Deep amebup: UF man aun a FLAG ours 8: Check meiog LBA To SS. Seaach Lignr AnO AEP On Toy gheae Rushes 2 fesr WU: ead 11 enes’s wh gunene hey RU (ioe opp (tine 10e CBUEL MAM Hide wwless ws 10 cover man LUNs OUT. “Paws Dalleperd casting 20 ure. A Us Haar concn bold Ye conver US zone corner RUN Ye mayo Sump Vi Breck 13 iV. frogry Seeres | LAV Ne. Y1-Y6 This is pw OF dackle powee ply WAT CAw bt RU STAG R werk ang Lies QunareR bck: Reveese pivot aT Sop? oeleck, and get Yo. balideep xo WB. Coey ou Bootleg Fake. 72 gb <_ t ee 4-46 FucL Rack: Pure: Aim our tnswe Heer or TE. Cy) Kick. our Derewsive EXO- You must GET movemenT, “Note. TAIS PLAN fu To TRE TLE. Sines Jecinique: Srer WITH owsipe Foor, Aisaiwe Ar Tie INSIDE HEEL OF THE TibtT END Ce). arrack THE DEFENSE END With Yous OUTS/DE hen ¢ SiveneR. ATTA His WSiDE THibH ,KeErime YOR HoAo UPFIELD. Bie vl Ano THe AND "RON THRU Wim. Mou must GET movemanss. Ger Youe Fest oo or THE Hove. PLAY NO, 19-18 (@) ‘TIGHT. END: Same as 15-14 G) RULE: IO: TECHNIQUE: SPLIT: ‘AIMING POINT: STEPS: GOAL: COACHING POINT: cae ——e FSHB-2le BE.) Stout Sopp} Fehsigoe a Tae step i colsise Foot ow “path at oulsve Bot of ve AHeck 3 Seewann supp wit Ab Ow jas 0E hip oF Dleway Den, ia : - oo e = oe ust eubsioe Sl ppex Coaching Zt ~ Mele so2e jpove Lewes belwe BOG at ba caenere « CSHB ~ Role. Tale Hewe aff + Rin at eoteioe kip oT, Tehwigoe- Crew olep Sith austen foot ~~ aq gath et eotsrwe Font. of O7- Combi Pont Fo Hlows pollo Go wey we Bace Wl a vese center Ba SE 4B Basie sidé (Bat eo) ase Put! fs Play iné cé 8st Rasé #28 ve Downy B10 Wiad meer Vs Racilsio€ ~ Cree pret at 7% get batt chesp be WE ouk Bth gat, path at YS haben out 1% to Sens, psig Run > Pru - Pato dE hbk out 42 Reig Bader fee fetby gn’ ul] nda | COACHING POINTS, Fst Down Bloud re Plul Tight Re 18 center Base #@—Sesop !No #0 FS GP 7% RBS 28, ass Base 8/ -Seeo? ast Base “2 vy Cleae 43 Dewofieds @ OPEN @ Bn 9 Celik - Cree utr plip® FR aul Mend ra Grew Crossrvec Ast Chites faru Gute OTS Bleck sue. Cun F Conte Ghee LB Mm Way Th safer, Bswe- OPtiers Prtepe Grnter x Rluc * / COACHING POINTS THB Role Blol 3 a s+b Ted poe — Samer as - : i Bloclinery FE er gee Take heea pak lenony work | Tes Ee Cacssouer shey, at'C Cop’ | USE SME Ion block ble) | MiKeE ew Phi ex noe Ceyp oa A Posh Reno Movement of pigs we ¢ fae —2F he sits ce Steps est bh ae ~ FP his Goes tanh.) Shoo} FO Hess Lode ‘& ~® Be Aleed fe to 1S oe PS re, Cone Bate She a SsnB~ Ble -~ Sank as 15-24 oe a Tedwigar- Sane as 15 Concho, Post Qe .:,)) exces of of FZ Ovble Optiar) “SH Role ~ Same as 15-04 Tedhwigoe— ay as 1S.94 Coaddy Pouw aL \ewon aah 18-/G 2 astound, okies With joo eno by QS +FR BSA - Role - Same as 1S+14 Tele -Same as /5-/4 Coach’; Pout ~ Kwses thas 1-14 1S aubwahi oolsme BU wo ewe by QR ER SHB Role ~ Same as 172-76 Tedwigus Same as 17-76 Coady fomt- leven Hat a @ be the Split he waist- Sheer Herovsh Yo a ae prt lyo beyown posto of ated APina. cavhect gare cembol bceah Yyns Bhoww Fels tb pik ve + \ate poessvt, Contain Pook 73, aélonsios, autaine We Seely — Be soaz youe loo pak is wioe aueugh Laswins a aole DE w,)) wrede wth ys E/E BEAB ~Optie~ eth CooesE WehnigoE - Sane as 1S-1Y Cond. int ease a yooR. pak ww), Cone off oF QB optiowins eZ £ Sawerran Tue % Z aan. Juwerion THE M 2man, Bows Block Rute, 2 a Down Broce Rure, bad (fe) TED Block THE DEF END. Tescweme THE elle TeScneme THE Fant Sloe BACKS unre A 6e0e TECHNIQUE, Sumcrion #2 maw, a\-~e | Tee C-El OMT dis is A Peds PL Hall Foe HRs 5A BH Role- Aneon 6 2% 4 path Techuig of —Te Ys sine Jeno st=p wit, ausiee Got te twhlewer bE - Relense ont Ansa) - Fick owe block SYS. -Te X sioe Jean with, offsi0e Sied > “wilopuck 2mot os ~ Cé&lase clowatigl thloek sys Coadider Ports ~ or inFloeuce eovlo cavsE BE OF Emoe te have giving FE tink breal - EMOL Cm Not Come owrer Mot a mrke tedlde BSWR — Bole - Row OP drow qooesé Tewigvé - Ipew step wrth plysiog Got gett Sholoees pane with sie oe, prot with backsive Toot ave posh OFF vIn iw Sparokys areccélerati Ear Main dado peel rElabne Pree ue ae Gy Azep + 3yo wine - 459) Sait Evert Ang Lb anvse 72 to hemes qeae poss) der cAvse FS Deaw LT CQ-Pass-R Tiger-G Fst = BREE “2 ow Live sone Nidesns Yin Walked DR sees 0) om Lin jC Cte “emmme” Dine NG Be Bom Saud mit “ court Rise NG - Nowe “O 2 Chaehe he w/es £6 G (Breas o asc Wate 2) - (Chaalie on eae aatis) Rase HQ C ree Grrrye Gall £ 42 wads you, ast Daa y Day Rase ON IZ putode zy Drevn Daw Pesws ) és One (Exeewte ODay — 8 cs ce Cale’ Bleek Row t lan adnate FB: Bei oiatey fet Laseipt Pegs ‘os ie Negi mn Nabe “ tb, Skene Pho PSs a Le YY oudh Arche of 2 Ma Catt ei ew COACHING POINTS S3-354 _ ieaanunet 2007 SEE FsH@- Role - Sption Counser Tih igo ro Same as 4S-194 Condn, Pera b. Spuiwt ew eptiow cours | + |e Aroy BSAB- Role — Aecapt ase- o6F Trak wigve - Take hans gab tap wh oF cac Ret hosing shooloe te YE" wole 5: F bacle ? Prve A en Cou whey ote, on path Throws. FBS Feel ot yo fre- Rene Acfouse + Recept bal, Row of sé. blak Ceadawe Po uF Play Ags pueo Loe Ov erpsne Be ow Ophdw : Dewe AT Burt oF CewreR Sree uta Rieut Foor ow (0, LEFT Foor ou Il. Beene OF Cewrees Block. Nore: WE Wile Rum Tus Peay To THE SHADED Nose swe So BE Rane TO cut BAK. QB. Wier OPEN To CAL SIDE. BSE Eee cea 3Aa2B ole Bb) #2 Bleed, Teed gue — Sacre as S+B Code fok thes is teow bel reswelless oF what stood a letec you bed #2~— “e Ble" 13 the rewsow we Step + ceossover wit oo wshe Loot Ov ease of & h rr #3, ’ Fe on ah aeobl= Sphing SSNB Wile ~sare asis-Y a Thwipoe Sane as (1% te ofF cu - tan Het Qe 2 ued) tench Post oF #2 COoable optids) “SH2 Role — Same as 15-14 Tensor = BS ISIY Coady Pow oe Kewows ahak 18*/G iB cusmnd, ome with ws eno ky Qs FR BSA - Role Syme as IS719 Vedwigye Same as )5-/4 Coachs, Pot ~ Kwa thas 1-14 1S anbmahe oolshe BU. wo reno by Qe es THB = ele Bal. 73 Tel. s+ Tepe — Same aS 5 . ee Take heen pal& leno vith TwENE eeossougr step ate. Sep" SE SME leo bleed ble) techie ow pha a noe Sy neh Pow g - df PAO Mover of plays O fag — 28 he sits ce Steps oot ot ~ =P he goxe 7° tes L de PI BF Moet Bees PN Sener, Cra tS Sy « 8588 ~ Ble She as 18-14 Termnngsen Same as 1514 ond Pista.) txeesle oF of FZ cee Option) This rs A PRive Play Ye Tre HR's =8HO -TeY - Open step wrth ploy stag Foot, pivot, om backsive foot otto, shoolot< parse le wal ees FE steclios- Be Lo oo Spadot TeX - Prot ov Froobsiee Pat exzossover j wit badkeme Sor cee toe jaflsee © path at ovtsme Foor oF Emo Relense dows Fiche + ble SYS ole Optin~ Cecese doadrig Pods Your WP leas ce aooln ope sp crensE See FB BSNB— Bole Opler Gorse ehosigu€ — Opew stee ee pling sie Soo t prio i ow backer Foot poskoey off sen / Tw Speintevs staonel oF sheosleer! paeralle unt sics/we ; et toath., Paid Sparel te whlewe nan +FS- waibedo yo Bye dz Bye wise pL pe FST Bose #2 (LB ow Yon re Gall) ess Base #/ Clohire” cushy comen Block, 20 ~ Shoop NE IMO Lenonleide gap batiwe # ase Gta “/ of Scoop NO 4 PSE. we TEE GS ack re keyfeG oe we anh I ot 4 Seber sg ore. Jf Bette te, Gig th fd. , plagocks Good | bors of 120 Foe wep. Ruse Flow “ie ce SE SIDE FAKE. Block, yey 2Bu8- Lin Cpl Bid path, x- Book #/ ‘COACHING POINTS, Gee faclonsiig. Aeged!: C1EEN SERIES flatwo, I7-lb ceease. This 18 due SE SE OuTswE vet Thar AHews us: Vy: hudle - B gap Yackle. QURTERLALE? pon, rowsand THE Hoc W207 A, She svéP at Bor Go block, ceass over, back Ho He FE ow 8° sre att Yor bablecks and tKecute Read, GRanple 16 cease. &. s le a ° Cramp s [7 CLOSE PLAY NO, 17-16 C3ense) TIGHT END: fy RULE: TO: Bron #4 (Fam Seiry auny : we #3 Glock cows Ree UA: 3 TECHNIQUE: PLAY_NO, 17-16 Caense) LIGHT END: RULE: 10 Buen, & HA Creme #3 BLock pewwrico TECHNIQ IE: SPLIT: AIMING. POINT: STEPS: GOAL: COACHING POINT: PLAY NO. sve C5) : LGHT_END: hd : TIGHT END: n re eoom eo ove ry eco Clean. C- Gar mo Gioce Downe mio: Yy. RULE: TO: Broce £2 maw. AWAY Tecantque: (SPLIT 3 reer) OPEN unTH LEAo STEP FCAT Dew! THE Los. Ave TAKE Ane PATH OR S$ PATH £y Dereroing ured winter THE 2 man Ces. a TE Te 2 mad HENTMTES on FORE THRE Py) Ad. OATH AD TSuncria His Sersoe Force. eee Ate Parr on THE Taw eTioy BULK IS You c TAME Atm Ao SHeucom. THeswew THE #2 Morty OUT SMe Numba TO Hie, STAY UF Aes Run THe Mad JF You cad, DE we FeRces You To THkew GE tune you m GET Him Dawd. Te He Reeces Hans You may Kite Him Our Gut KESuRe Te MAIN TRIM CONTA. THis fy THE S bron I Rereane To Adee. PLAY NO, ts-1¢ GS) TUSHT END; eee Wore Guo Srusr ! 5 n TE @SDo eo s T = y @oooe ej @eoa o—l Brock * 2 maw MUN: CLEAR C-GaP Ano Blo Oemmeiso moce \y TOMI: uMeTOd Buock on #2 SPL; Breer. AMMING POINT: Pore” oursiog 2 maw To Tuncnon THE 2 2 man, STEPS: OREM WHITH FUT CERO STEP CROSSOVEK. Ade REO F2 Fan REMAiNCEL cf PATH TALE. Caosustmer) - ane GOAL: TO BLocte THe #2 man GrHen Sy Tuver OR Ieiem out DEFElOUic on H's AOTUSE MET COACHING POINT: GET ENoucd wie TO ExecuTe THE Buc cacéo Fan. Dow’ Geo up xNtiGe our ON A #2 man THAT WE Sitiuco Adc. S3- 54 = FsH@- Role - Sptiow Covnsar Thehwigoe — Same as 4S-19 Lond. Porabe Spatwt ow option cours | +t» be Arcy BSAB- Role — Aataret Haso-obF Teakwigoe - The han Feb step WA FP siog Boot toening shosloe +t Yee o~sle, prot bach On Cow ste ew parr throws FBs Feel at Tyo AeFause + fecept bal, Row of F rsé'5 black. Coadnue Po: t= Pag Assignee Tee even. LBe ow Ophidn fe- Rew Fourgack: Rue: Dewe At Burt oF Cewteg Sree wit Rout Foor on (0, LEFT Foor ov \L. Brea oF CéwTeeS Bock. KNoTE! WE WiLL Run THs PLAA To THE SHADED Nose swe So BE Renny TO cut Bact. QB. wit OPE TO CALL SDE. Deaw tt CQ-Pass- FR Tiger-6 Fst = RABE 42 ow Lite ‘Mou -Mkers fn Cathet DE pats 2) m Line 5C Cette “emer” Die NO boo come Rese NG - Nowe “0 a og AE eld wf Ase ORRSET % Pla oss Wate YY - (Chale 02 Geotce ae tis) Base Ht Cer Grarye Call f #2 toda yon, ast Dawe y May Rase ON 2 IE puto Le 5 Bl a iy a Se fet Rant igun ogc 2S Ee sDeaut 4 Oe Pe htm 8 Tus Q BFSug a. LQ Youb ate OF z Nun nde Cott wow COACHING POINTS ges Sy a my A tw Ss Stack Tiger-¢ — _—_ FST Coutud : Butt Mav on SPin bid ma ar) Untrnd: Has? tnssste abeg 28 72” “oe = va Pde Putt Ares and Dead m Coins til, Beotky, CENTER Base NG — OWE! (Uach Play sine - Thin jahedly alah, wad ABS 86. Base WH) mle Chice &5-84) st Base’ 2 mm fbeow (a ~ 2d : Pade Min, Y lideder Pelee - Dowrngeel Fs ditt 8 Ex2eute 19-18 Buoy Pree TD WR mechs y BS HB re Fact 15-14 Rink LR (Ok, BS-84 Pro) SUR OPT Pred Comer - Steg cleep w ne $e Pren Back et Sandu a Bale - Toto, Sr x peobbnes Lao ee thane SS Byisonars ~ Tein COACHING POTN! (et Ge Prat Rallemnda Qo O00 FOUVO Tiger-6 Fst- BASE “2 ow Live JOE - Nekeane Ka Wathed Je Md) om Lind jC Crue “eam” Diane NG BE Ben. Sauce nie CENTER mR se N@- Nowe “OO a Charhe he w/B8G be (begseT Cnet ALep Urnh vS OFFSET 1 Play asc Wit, 2) -(Chaelie on Gestee Q+ils) ast Daa Rase HF C wer Grrye Call o£ 42 Udy yor, y May Rase ON 1 Il outothle w@ € Step Ore (eveude QDnns — £8 Ma Daw Peoes : Bast ot Man HHS ales RBlek ey & avs a i pPemet of ages Ob Poses aetiph Pass Hd eras a. ated be Ke nears oft Skew Pha a Mnwde Cott COACHING POINTS PLRY ND? 235-34. Thes 18 ao counter ee Ye take advantage ot Rea OPE TO FB: " and goe Ye ball aby. Lene Fake wee Boolfey. my Tiger-6 Fst Drs Boeck M2 C Te Oally su Naee ATTA 756 Dhaw Rbk #1 CC ae “me! Blok, ofgest NG) center Rave NG w/evteae Tad (WO NG Blok MLB a Play 5108 za) User “me cg NG OFputs urbe you Can gat Plogoate 18) 86 Base #) (Stace Carl of meteas ate) ast fgase “2 © Hear “Sraud’ Catt) y Daa Bare #3 (Qseg OF mame if? Naud lun vs. % Tad) ge Spee Qway bo ER Like IB-14 - for + Rone bart Does de tle - ULI b alan oe Bele 15-1 Y, path - Look 1ST Geclets OT. FOHB- Run OPrion Prec Gu Reh. Ty be Atndl slop te, tebe din beck “Aeeept rE fuck oh frend Mf E ® Rink “/ COACHING POINTS ) de Call Yr aulup Plage ples 75 PLAY NO. C10) Tigit np: FS Thee on Enes camery | a! 7 gnc E no oom ve s as Qo om US STAC ee ae vs Gon Treen, RULE: TO: Qoveneo - INAUGKE And Black SAFETY UNLEVERED = CLEAR & GAC Wnio THRass Ont SAFETY. Mere: VE STACK THRs ON STACK. UWERacKee! Same as ace. ‘TECHNIQUE: (Y Four Secir) STEP wiitn Tnsioe Foot, Rie outsioe Aem THesed | THE INSIDE ARMET OF THE ENO, COM AS Qurcity AS POSSIOCE TA 66 TREN GN THE SACETY . Du TAME ON SAPETY Aim AT BaTTerA af His MumBGes Aue TRY To KN: Hina OFF His FEET. BY ALMINS THIS HioN IT bie PRSOABLY P You Anant THIGH HGH ZF 3 /CMEPANT THAT WE GOT HIn ON THE Gaouwo QP. Agowo Part Te Otscn miooce ¥2 On Sagert 1S Tanawcd THE CO" Agee TO SAFETY BS ot Suse BY Awd omen OM INFLUENCE ARE HOOK Gistk BY Aiming AT BEF, ENDS oUuTSee FINO SAPETY, THREW IE You Cad. eo [Ox leew SRS | flay wo: (9-8 This is our double option Mike. 1F1G ROE ane explode. ott mee ae keep ok pred sudeur on) Combet fo Hh SE SOE. A SOFT SECOMDAEY ¢ 14-19 -3 - OE pirelt witht [9-08-6 - FEHB ce0s o dS hanging asi oe EZ eee 5A Role Bol #3 Blan, Ted gue — Same as S+B Condes Pook ~ This is Heal Ld reswelless F wo { stowd a terer you bod #2— “‘e Blek" 2 thE rewsow we Step + exossover witt oor wembe Fost Ou anse of & rr #3. : Peedi alosbel Opt SSNB Wle~sae asis- VW Teheipos - Sane 25 — wel ofF Pome eames Bat QB B ern ee oF #2. COosble ophds PLAY NO. 19-18 GD) TIGHT END: Same as (5-74) RULE: TO: AWAY: TECHNIQUE: PLAY NO, 19-18 @) TIGHT eno: WUE: 10 Beock IF Suepoanne Der Back AWAY: Queaa © GAP Downes Bick on SAFETY TECHIES Jeawer SUT: 3 eee Buc AUNEEOIMT: Tuanerrans TRiawcee akg Doo SHES: OPEN wiry LeAo STEP AND REAP SupPERTING BAK By 380 Stee R on Te Block THE FIBT SuPPERTING BACK OW THE TON. KNOCK Hi, Bows 1 PesteGee, COACHING POINT: Par to 14F Suerse@ring Rack De Peve ON His Resenin To Foow. PLAY NO, 19-18 (8) TIGHT_END: s oe oes Gone Live AE 1 Base mani on Creo stocx) AWAY: Crean t 3 CRIP our Gene tre ST Vos.) TECHNIQUE: —TEO Brock (BASE Brock) SPLIT: 2% -3 ceer AIMING POINT: UNOGR OPPONENTS GAGE SEES: 2NSIGE Foor Keerine my Tait BEHND MY SHoucem. Paras ~ Gray Squace) A a= a 7 THis Met THis, TO Block ENO/ Wor aucune Peweraariin KOCK OR Feom GnSeurine OfTiGn OUT Sipe. conceins porn: STAY Giueo To OCF ENO DENT LET Him Come OFF Cima, THE BACK TS DESENEO TS Go Oursiog. GOAL: PLAY NO. 49-78 (3) < TIGHT END: s yaa ae ES Pra , i ré af \ AE: To: Buoen Il Sureoarie Der. Back AWAY: Q@eenn @ GAP Downie BLock 0% SARErY TECHNIQUE: PLAY NO. (2-8) TIGHT END: fs To Away Mae | < T asa aet @eooec vs. FréeH, &: - Ss pasapangeyy @aoo us 6 TEecH. Broce * 1 mad FEARS 5 AWAY: Crema © Gre Ane GLotk, Dees an SAFETS + TeOUNIOUE: (Breer stir) Seam. O58, Enos INSIDE Hack FoR (ool THES REESE TO BS SAFETY DOOIN AS. THE A Gee fara THtsusu LGR Ate TO GOT Swat OW SAFETY OX BAcKSI0E CORNEL. Arie Poet Fac Stann Tecuiane ‘SHoud GE OF. ENOS ZNSIOE NamsGn WITH out curse FinGatm Chau cede Pao. STE WITH N@AR FOIT wsricHt a out sag aor, Help Fe 140) tHe QELEME ANOS Aso Fite Saray . TF Sarery 1S Tee Fit Remence Cook Bock quer Yur ournse stecomr, ur ereiy, ave PO THE BACKSIDE CRMs. . HE Becomes MEI SAFETY OM TH Boamanny, GP. expec sarery ro Fun! co wiene ue wie BE Nor news ne ih Uneo UF, UTE CREE THES Pecren, Lene To OF BACK. PLAY_NO. 19-08 (8) TGHT END: RULE: TO: s T & ¢ ose t/ s < a efe aul £/ Gear cnt Base Man Creo ouce) + Qrenn. &3 (pie our Gone Line Sur. vos) Tecuntque: (24%-Sreer) Aimine Poor is ous, cace UNnoer. CP. THE OfPonerTS CAGE. sree wit INSIDE RET STAY Squmee Tu Gas. Dew acce Peveraried AND ALSe Caner atten OPPMET Te ESCAPE You Block our side, Remennan, Maint Contach RAD TRE END if Wer Ad GFRECTIIE THEKLER. . TWS Glock 15 uses Te COMBAT MAmmeR STUNTS. Grtecr THE ENO, BY Is INSWE Aulcum evr, TO THE THe insiog. Ger Coop Suacace uit Youu Rami AsO urete Bcey, THiS #8 aPoarnnr Is SUSTAINING Your Brow, e Rase “2 Curae" Unde” - : Goa) 76 Base W/( & 4 n CENTER Famtectty or - Bace #] i Seoqp ase Rast 4) — Senop 2 Stack st Base vg- ST 7 sing: Chas #3 - mtd Yo Te Cemtialint Cate (993. 3 ) ® - Open Dike 18-14 - MR, VY dy ploke to Leagan Pires Kay Aepenductk mm adn Gelig, ti ot IS-1¢ Path + mike Prreme takle You BSHB. Blok Crbuiatn., Cott ( 4-8-3) Bsun- lu. Berion / Aires! Crtee, 1 Row COACHING POINTS Teo Blom THE PEF END. 8 tk s T scweme THE FROMTSIOE OAC o (7) < : SJ) a Ss s 5 TeScuene THE FRENTSIOE BACKER wire 4 600 TECHNIQUE, cs (7 reare) ¢ S 2 x b e Junerion 42 maw. s iu o> Sawerrw THe * 2 maw, Junerion THE * 2man. Dows Glock. Rue. mM ge Es Down Bro Ruce, so PLAY NO, issi¢ (5) ¢ IGHT END: 7 : TEGAT END: wn Te 2e2oo oe s c € @ el & eceoom RULE: TO: Buoce £2 man- MAY: Cogam. C-Gar mo Biome donee mio- Ys. recumque: (SPeir 3eEeer) OPEN UNTH Lene Sree FEAT Dew: TUE Let. AN® TAKE Ane € OerenOIng Uted WHAT THE ecie, o TF Tue 2% mined HENTATES on FORCE THRE J Ace PATH AD Juncrea Hit Corse Force. eoo Aum Patron THE TowcTin BOK IS You co TNE Atm flo Seog. THeswen THE #2 € Wits OUT See Nu ¥ Soe { ee MbGe TO Hie STAY UP Hrs : Run THe ares JF You can, "re Snowe Keveo! esHar #2 is Ounce on Te? 3 a0 Sree! Pat of § Part +2 man aes, TE HE Fences You To THkew GE suKe you GET Him Dowd. Te M2 eces Has You may Mette Mim Our Bat BESO Te MAINTAIN CONTAD. THis fh THE S bron T Rereene To Adae. PLAY_NO, is-14 G) 7 TIGHT END: 5 n TE : @a@oo s Qeone te T ae Mere Ewo Srunr! @faoo re ooo RULE: 1 = Bock * 2 man Cree C-Gap ano Block Dewweisin mace Jy TEOMIUE; Tumeriow Buock on $2 SPL] Beer. AIMING OUT: Pose” outsioe 2 maw TO SuweTiOnd THE tt 2 man, STEES; OPE wiTH FuNT LEAO STEP CROSSOVER. Ade AERO #2 Fan REMAINDER oF PATH THLE. Cao sustmcwr 7 are GOAL; TO Biock THE 42 man GrrHen By Tuven oR Kiem our DEPeiOG on HIS AOTUSrmeNT COACHING POINT: Ger Enoucd wieTd TO Gxecave THE Rud catego Fan. Oow'r Gro uP ONDE OWT ON A 2 mat THAT WE SHuuo ARC, (Ther SERIES PLAY ND: 35-34. Thes 1S a counter play PATTERN Zs Rg | ig 93 2d, Ja 2k PS: SAFETICS READ: _Sigone FAT Macq oROP: _Tste?s -caK ruc ars Pattern Progresston Wk:_Vov]e Progression Stg:_Y- Z Receiver Adjs. vs H.C. = X:_Vd0c 3s Bun dG US Doeep Recetver Adis. vs Different Coverages: Zau0 Nos os 0c Doarsm Favorite Formations: QT - CT SUdT Use of Movement ff any: None GDACHING POINTS: Pae-seag SAFETIES FOR coverage. Thtow tok. Us A AND commen. BE ie be a short Lecp FF aewen, YS Zone Kee FAT cwerage YZ. As Quan FLAT Cano ap ib yor Don't get He ball) : Clack merge cotta to #3 « Sontch fight ow we tagherr aaler VS zome corner tun (6-l1 yawn curl. US Kato comek OF man Man & DPOB. wu: Post ¥> FLAT Route yee NY ee FOND Wle ~ Bled 2B Tednigog -Same as 5 4 TE Condy Posh - Foece Bleek Sf 28-TF oR hes hrcA coteF Plan - 90 te Shh ~ B® male soe LB hus take. hase ool oe Phe BSAR Cole ~ Same as i S-1¥ Tahgot ~ Same as sy Grad Port ~ encour tak QB sxerrle3 easing Ne iae lige: FurcBack ; Rye: Aim AT oursme HIP OF OFFENSIVE TaCtLe, OPEN WITH ONSIDE Fook, Coss oveR od SECOND STEP, AND OW YOUR BD STEP SQUARE YOUR Shou YO THE Cie oF Seung. TEGAN QUE. OREN CROSSOVER AWD SQUARE our SROULPERS (Rom At Oorside Hie OF TALE. Dk 1%-\2 heXe ) 3-\2 PLAY Wo: 33-32 This |S AN WwsiDe power play Yo coustenact duerpursurt by Vk fj Quacrer gace * Stet THE Bates, ARe Ruse S14, Ba PlusT Reach, STEP. Boll as Peep as per Bee: Caw er hex Coattenret FP Op tise fake 08 Ctne stzarght Bak 33 4o/ QE Footwork + ett-(33) Ls Shoot srep Air? boo?) 2. Bocence Stee CLeeT FooTS, B, deveese Poot (OFF LAT FOS) 4, heack COLE LERT Fost, £. Rise OF Riser £007) @ Amer S$ owom s ye a Fao 32 ‘ = OB Footwork Yo RightC L. Short seep Leer Foot 2s Relanceciep RGMEooT B, Reverse pruar Core AGM FDa7), 4. REACK RGA Poor) S. Rie CDEP LEP Foer)) — ‘FSHR - Role. Talee Jdawe ~0FE Techwige®- Taba shog step with Tasod Foot grining a /itle 7eernid Mececpt Foor ba// with shoolee Prritile Jo Los. fre euno Avewse + aut oFP of 3! COVEVED Live mAn Comins Poh. The plag 1s Aesigues Soe OVE NSS a. z s. = Twernr ee ESHB- Role ey & apvasé Twsine ov sy Tehwig oF - Same as 15-14 b PA Royr =~ yore Pa sys F hifouh ate open it or Fi ye o Onewey Fucsace Bure: Fave 1S on 82 (Ion 82), pcren Fate Buck 18! Person ourside THE OFFENSIVE TKK. MNoTE ON ALL 30S You Go Away Flom THE CAL. TEMMIQE: Face 1S 08M Aviay From rhe hole called. Broa 180 Tetcon ovr sidé THE oFFeNsme TAULLE, ITA HIS ISIE THEY RiP UP AND THE wrth You oursipe AQ AND Bon thu HIM. PLAY NO. 33-32 TIGHT END: s nN T eco a s T a & Rue: Jo: Base ¥ 3 AWAY: Seam Recemse 1001 foor Porevna Curoe TECHNIQUE: Base Broce SU 3-3. eer AIMING FONT: ya Gen] teem, yee RULE: TO: Covenco - INAUGHCE An Buse SAFETY QU CAVERED = CLEAR © ORC fraso THRaBS GM SAFETY. NOTE! US STACK THRs ON FTACK LwenacKee ! Same as AGeE. TECHNIQUE: (Y four Secir) STEP untH Tusive Foot, Rie cuTsi06 Rem Theuied THE INSIDE ARMET OF THE ENO, CLOME AT Qircity AS POSSIOCE Ta 66 THREW GW THE «Du Taste on SAFETY Aim ar Ba7Tar\of His MUmBEAS Ado TRY To KM Aina OF Mis FEET. BY Armies THIS HIGH IT Bee PREGROLY Yeu Aout THIGH HIGH «ZF FS SMPLETANT THAT OE GETHIN ON THE GReowe GP. AGowo Path Te Beack miooce ¥2 On Sacert (5 Taneccn THe LG® Aca TO SAFETY “re eco OM IMEiuENee Fake Hook fleck BY Aiming AT BEF. Enos ouTsiee Sers€ BY ANO wesen Tp FINO SAFETY, THREW IE You cad. eoo SERIES AND PROTECTION 43-44 PATTERN (Yne Yeorner) af S71 P.S.L.: __ safeties READ: _Fint, support DROP:__‘[ Step 3 Pattern Progression Wk: ~Y Progression Stg: ‘1? or Corner Lie} Receiver Adjs. vs H.C. =~ X: _ (ost corner Z:__ Post corner Receiver Adjs. vs Different Coverages: Comer or t 0 Favorite Formations: Rt Use of Movement if any: Twins Ere Zi Zoe COACHING POINTS: QB: Pre Gad Safeties for coverage. Good Pras vs hand corner, Cheek cut of 7 VS blitz, but siny with T Gh. v3 any blitz. “TEL. 1% Only used 1A . Short yardage ar Gh. situations. BD 9S-aH Cotection Br 95-ay Protection Z: Post corner x/u: fist commer, if safety or corner overpinys X, QB wll pull K to the oundry. 1 Gh. WL ]K will Stry ti and. block. eee ee o£ S yrds hooking 3 yands outside opposite. hash One a. re th Plat, No one i Phe, Yiyy contirue to the flat. Block 8 counts ana tun Ciné hk 2 aa 1 | sekibs any FRULeeLsuS ao A ( curt P.S.L.: _SAPETLES: READ: STPDMG ELT DROP: Pattern Progression Wk: ___none Progression Stg:_Z-) Receiver Adjs. vs H.C. = X: _none 2:_deq vs He. Receiver Adjs. vs Different Coverages: Z Run Pog us NC of Tey maw Favorite Formations: _ Rf b, (CA Use of Movement if any: _ZiN COACHING POINTS: gp: Cercute HEAT Faken ger peptH- READ sTAoWG PLAT CovenZg e YZ HB 48-44 Crotecticn B: 95-44 Protection Z: We yard curl. V3 hard corner run dog route. vs Degman Dog /Us tnke ff Ys Fit: Syprd. SERIES AND PROTECTION __ 49-14 FALLERN _ SITORA f. 000Q00: °o09000 a 4 Strenk OG Streak P.S.L.: DAfehas, READ: Sarery. pROP:__ ‘7 Step. 7 Pattern Progression Wk: __Y¥-Yf Progression Stg:_Z-¥ Receiver Adjs. vs H.C. = X: _Nowe Z:__nowe Receiver Adjs. va Different Coverages: AWE Favorite Formations: kh Tt. Use of Movement if any: owe COACHING POINTS: gp: Ceeure Uber YT Fake, get depth Reao sarery TO Ye S10€ OF Theow. Y well vatnares closest hash He 95-94 Protection B: 95-44 Protection Z: Bur O STAcak KU: Rux @ STReAe : poate , meDOLe OF £1EeD ee fe Thenten Ua nenceet bask wR wake 0 Op tooaros & OF FormaTion cace SERIES AND PROTECTION __ YS -“t4t FALLORN 4 Uup snes DL X dep Cross * P.S.L, safeties READ: _FLAT APcA. DRoP:__“7 see : Pattern Progression Wk: howe. Progression Stg: Y-C-H& Receiver Adjs. vs H.C. = X: None. z,_Nowe. Receiver Adjs. vs Different Coverages: 7 Favorite Formations: __“Tushs. <"yse of Movement if any: _wung Zac. COACHING POINTS: ge: Crecute Hout? Sake 1 gor Dap th geno rust aken quer TIGHT ED, ALwsys checlt Vdeep (FF Hen come back 2-NB& HB -96°94 Paohedion 3: 95-44 Probchon Z: lo route Weyard cress xu: Post - te Take oe ena THragh dap 4s SERIES AND PROTECTION _Y>-‘147 rALions cure o00 4 cur. Fscarl. - P.S.b:: _ Spfeties READ: _ FLAT Aged prop:___“] Step Pattern Progression We: _X 7 Eel Stg:_none Receiver Adjs. vs H.C. = X: __dog d Receiver Adjs. vs Different Coverages: vanes doped sn nae d Favorite Formations: _ “Tw3 Use of Movement if any: _wOwt COACHING POINTS: 7 ga: Fxeeure. bor 4q take, get thy pean Fla anea, IF Z iS Open caaly can pull up and Lit TeARly OS Scall go back 70 ¥ dw Mpren post 22 PLAS MB 95-44 Protection B: Q5-44 Protection 2: Typeo aannw Roar’, 3200 1ST step K/U: Ibyd curl route Vo He deg route YT: Opticn fost/Fing SERIES AND PROTECTION _“1>-"T¥ PATTERN __wheed 7 G os Qt thet ag whet P.S.L.: __Sareqi€S __READ:. SateT yy Jo Cotnee. DROP: lee Pattern Progression Wk: _Z- Progression Stg: seat yi Receiver Adjs. vs H.C. = X: __none Z:__nene. Receiver Adjs. vs Different Coverages: AONC. Favorite Formations: _Twh ee of Movement if any: _AUAc_ COACHING POINTS: QB: fecure Ybor ¥] Fake get Deptt Reae PuaT aren To corner ov Sky, ie corres betes ow curl hit when US 6 o AB IS: 14 Peorection 8: 45-44 Peote ions Zs wheal - 50 behine Mane commen or sasery Thar goes FAT R/U: Weyd curl - Stay with route, Ys $57 BLAS Optiow SERIES AND PROTECTION __¥l- Bo PATTERN _‘-fost J Ytme t / CODA PT x o‘vona0 Be Y Rest 31 YF Ing P.S.L.: __SAPETIES: READ: FS. DROP: 342 Sheps —sAfenes __t Pattern Progression Wk: one. Progression Stg:__Q Receiver Adjs. vs H.C. = X: _hone Z:__none. Receiver Adjs. vs Different Coverages: Favorite Formations: _ Right ¢ Left Use of Movement if any: = COACHING POINTS: QB: Fratsac: ( Poth block OE B: (5-14 Fake Lonk for 18 belive: Tight Bich Gth beck Arst to show ontsicle HB block (secondary hiete| R/U: “Take OFF % Rat | ring » \ ‘oy ye We x Bet aie fet P.S.L.: Swfiches, READ: _F:S. pROP:_3% 9 SePs. Pes Pattern Progression Wk: % Progression Stg:_none. Receiver Adjs. vs H.C. = KR none a none Receiver Adjs. vs Differene Coverages: none Favorite Formations: Rught. é padt tse of Movement if any: Ripe te Sram wang COACHING POINTS: COACHING POINTS: QB: Pre Read satetiis for coverage. Fake 13-1X, sale, three mow Steps dewn Ha. line of serimmase “to one yard Minto rt et ya outside OF rncKle, and. drop tw» steps back erdvsias lo Path block DE Bi IS-1f Fake hook fr LS tevin: block 30 protection Pek uP secondary blitz - Then OF toe Fat /U: Resting Ye Fing | fost SERIES AND PROTECTION _3'I- 3b PATTERN HS circle. t . f tl oan Oo W09ga0° oonugo ST HB cide Be HBciieke Safeés READ: Fs. prop:_ 328 Pattern Progression Wk: 8 t X Progression Stg:__nont Receiver Adjs. vs H.C. = none Z:__none P.S.L. receiver Adjs. vs Different Coverages: _t#né. Favorite Formations: Ryht Left tee of Movement if any: MONE _ COACHING POINTS: | Ae eead soreries FOR COVORAGE « Te lx of SeRimmgge TD OMTSIOE 126 of Tackle Take 35TH: HB HOR rinse: Run article route Ceinele) eu 4 S par woe + Cxecure, [HAS Fake) take Bmoee srs Pow? pbacle ame Vigo B: Block 15-1 Look for L& pact sites Tight pitch Bath AIRE up curse rash, X/U: tmke OFF - car also Que AN DAT Roate peperd-ng pw game plan w Run or Deeg pux Rowre SERIES AND PROTECTION __¥5S- 84 PATTERN _ Quy” 400090 2090006 P.S.L.: Sifehés READ: Flint Support _ DROP:_S I Steps Pattern Progression Wk: %-A Progression Stg:_none Receiver Adjs. vs H.C. = % oid 2:___none receiver Adjs. va Different Coverages: dog man — nun thd gi Use of Movement if any: —warig Rip ba COACHING POINTS: act to we: Ponrtead Sareries POR epveeace. Execute IES Fake; take Se He 4 pe Nt B is mage To Oursio€ ey of Vadele and dare | ste aR thew RET wow te X'S Roure « WIL ComveeT To RAVE us Aang corner. 2% hog man. Frovfuuts: Flare path look for fectball Favorite Formations GB: ISTH Fake, Mook for LB tactile: “Trt Prich Path - Plete up vids rash R/U: (0-1 speed eur ¥: Bock SERIES AND PROTECTION _¥'1- 96 PATTERN FA Cros$ t. 7OoO 8000 oo0a9vo TT FB cross P.S.L.: __ SAfetes READ: _STPog0 ELAT. pRoP:__ 3=R shes Pattern Progression Wk: __fVone Progression Stg:_Y To Receiver Adjs. vs H.C. = X: _ Nome Z:_wone, Receiver Adjs. vs Different Coverages: owe. Favorite Formations: Right + Lefr use of Movement if any: Nowe _- COACHING POINTS: 1p, fhe Rand SaPeTiGs For copeanes. Ereeure (1S Fake, TARE Smodw sreps Bowe Q oes ob sctummae® TOMATSIOE (29 OF TE, Tate Ssreps back and Thhow to B Fronts: lo Path block QE B: Fake IS-vp then run crossing route me deeper than & yards, Aatisies tight Pitch Mth Glock. 1% 4o show oursine HB block Csecondury bolitz) X/U: twh-oFF ¥: Flag PATTERN _£/ 28 EI — Reno cane Bee PS.L.r SACETIES READ: fucka Me prop :_ S STEP © pattern Progression we:_X> HB. Progression Stg: Yo R BE Receiver Adgs. vs H.C. = %:_MOWC Tz_NONE ero 3 Receiver Adjs. vs Different Coverages: Y pes Lull spent exrssing court v8 mart Favorite Formations: TC Toh Er verge yovenent Hf ay; {908 COACHING POINTS: SOACHING POINTS: / we: 59" ‘DROP pean ve Backe ovek WG, me Fe 'Y shnos canly Dum it fo baw ee on 4-310 de, goes wert Az Hot belease ott will, Sy. 5 Cermaele Be djeck LB‘er to yt wing, seagch HGHT sree oat ae qnaritto Teehwigut th COVErAZE and, work 40 open Oren: ive W.gaad hook -#08? andarnea Tp bait us not Yesour 42 Yr fort aod block 44 ¥ Bs _Tuse back swe IF yt wsroe neless® G8 gers over WE aeea. Te yon don't get ball - SERIES AND PROTECTION 35-34 PATTERN ___Heok 35 et 5 000go 7 RG00e BH hook 35-Hook, P.S.L.: __ SAFETIES. READ: Fist, support prop:__3#1 Pattern Progression Wk: Yo A Progression Stg: None neceiver Adjs. vs H.C. 7 X+ Vor 2:__pon€ Receiver Adjs. vs Different Coverages: fa man X go Sade 7 Favorite Formations: Right ¢ bel tise of Movement if any: Wt od be 7 COACHING POINTS: eA @Q Set Le glares ge: Pa Rene Seitis Bor coverage. Finke WEE AMEE trea enone steps dawn On te ee cerinmage. and. de. ready t ‘hres ta. ball at the trisitla leg oF tackle, rented: Finre. Path Look for Football B: IS-H Fake Look for LB beckite : Tight Prteh Gath Pick up wre rash xyu: FA yard. hook y: block SERIES AND PROTECTION YS BA t Se 06. | 73 Vdanpbnek PATTERN Lumpur oonuge eg pyar p.s.t.: __ SAfches __RBAD: 2 Strongsioe_ 18 _ DROP: _3™ _ 3th Pattern Progression We: none. Receiver Adjs. vs H.C. = X: Nene. Receiver Adjs. vs Different Coverages: Favorite Formations: ht LT w Use of Movement if any: 5 Progression Stg: ee “8 2: Bones up, wing up, wile idee TL and LER _ COACHING POINTS: QB: Ha nugeine pecersee will kum & hege Raut es Freatubile Prch Dlock OF B: IS 1 fake book foe 16 aexeee: from Bone. anc wing hun bomb route. [ from wot A/V: the OFF Ys qursibe fate iiaioe release up Meld, ‘Pee Swap READ sarees. Execute 1S Prakey Come back [step y Theow Yo KB- te pe iswalledodd Ait HB. Us & Eove OF haan cosnce Peon & wide format sm Backes resTectios mee 4 AIK CS de tun hele route SERIES AND PROTECTION B5- 34 PATTERN Stop £ Lateral Soougo Cc Bet P.S.L.: _SpfeTieS READ: FLAT AREA Pattern Progression Wk: XA Progression Stg:_Apws prop:_3- Receiver Adjs. vs H.C. = X: owe Z:___ Aone Receiver Adjs. VS Different Coverages: Dore Favorite Formations: “eT vse of Movement if any: _NOve _ COACHING POINTS: aot to yar p, Qecwre IIS abe 2sreps Prmw tee rl schimmase TO dursiee vey oF TTURLe Take [step back aad hit bom hook prot sita: flerepath - up Sield. look for vail from %& B: [5-14 fake Look fer LS fascarda, “Teght rich pth - Piel up wide rash K/U: 210 }6 ype hook route Cut opus Obigidl, YX: bleck amcor sexres ano Protection _3- 82. PATTERN Best | Eing a 93, Rat) Fag p.s.t.: __Safehés READ: FS. DROP: 3+3 pattern Progression Wk: X To HB Progression Stg:_nont peceiver Adjs. ve H.C. 7 Ri _NOWE 2: pone. Receiver Adjs. vs Different Coverages: Nowe Favorite Formations: _ geet Use of Movement if any: Newt ——~- COACHING POINTS: Cor.-Reao SArETIES FOE cayerage - Fake MIS, take Hee mune shes don Ur love QB: of OF A Tee ie Bo or cee of TIENT END s Desp back Sguuks reps Fonte: A block. Bp: IS-1e Fake Lear for 16 tac, “Tate “hue SHaps plays then check backs, secondary blitz. nyu: Post] Fhe Ys qursing release HO complementary route SERIES AND PROTECTION Joba PATTERN __1nowORck - new Pack ee 000 sy 07000 = ae Fart oe gh Thee P.S.L-: Safches. READ: Flat support. prop: 3 ¢ 3 steps pattern Progression Wk: Ko KS Progression Stg:_NOoe receiver Adja. v8 H.C. = Rh ons 2:_wone Receiver Adjs. vs Different Coverages: Wont Favorite Formations: Tt Use of Movement if any: pone. _ COACHING POINTS: 7 B feng SRELTIES FOL eoversbe « Fake 14-05, Take Smoee STS down Yu lise ABs ee cnmage TO InsiBE HE BETIS) ad deap bask 3steps andl How XA dng uncovered [we nan worl pall on S$ cae” pat Factitet] block On 1% men outsine TES Bock Br Fate (5-eh beak for 1B pecrutss Take two step pleyside. chen check backsid, Secondary bitz, on & Flare path xyu: 1A yt hook y: “Ted Steck SERIES AND PROTECTION YS: 84 PATTERN __A-U1033 Ae eoonge goo eee ~~ Ga Xeross + $F Xeross P.S.b.: _SAceTies READ: epaT AACA _ DROP: Band 3 pattern Progression We: Now 2 Progression Stg: y-%-HB Receiver Adjs. v8 H.C. = % one 2:_NAN& Receiver Adjs. vs Different Coverages: Sone Favorite Formations: ar-et Use of Movement if any: NINE —- COACRING POINTS: gp: Reto sarertes poe coueeasé Fake (iS) tabs Bmore steps Awa the lie of Scaimmaye +0 aftade leg pe tackle. asl deep 3 steps back aud throw Y¥o Xt Mt Feootsile: le Ath block OC B: 15-14 Fate book for Gack side: Tae #00 Steps plnysi ide -ftan chick backside Secondary blitz, x/U: dap cressing route, yy: Take OFF ROAT Ee lene og outsi0d % SERTES AND PROTECTION 33-32 PATTERN _[AKe OFT 83-32) 0 PAE __Saiehes__ oeaoo p.S.L.: __Seehes ead: __ Deep “A> beep’ paccern Progression Wk: 2 =H Progression Stg:__noné. peceiver Adjs. va H.C. = Xi nent 2:__nene Receiver Adjs. vs Different Coverages: MOUS Favorite Formations: QT-eT tse of Novenent if any: MONS + COACHING POINTS: Pee feao sanecies Foe eouerage Fake (4-18 ake Save reps Dou he Lak QB: of'scaramase TO fysibe Lee OF 1, beep pack BsTeps and theow Ate dB. Front sate: block Br ISI Fate boot Gr BS nck sila TA + Ke two steps playsida then check packside Secondary bit, X/Us Tre oF Ys Tak Off RE SERIES AND PROTECTION <> PATTERN 47 ZLOSS ah Co ORCO LY Ps.te: Sareries pean: Bee doce WC prop: 7,stEP Pattern Progression Wk:__X - AZ Progressfon Stg:__2009- Recetver Adjs. vs H.C. = X:_j0ve __7s__ None Receiver Adjs. vs Different Coverages: A can he Mot it Bee phas Favorite Formations: _@ T° CT - wo 7 Use of Movement if any: 200/02 COACHING POINTS: : fin tene sanevies « Ceao LBier over 2G Throw high-low of f hur. QB: TF Stews UB'te plugs Cam Fhrow het te Ay CROSSING ROUTE. Caw Be het ip sTeene COCR plugs : + aacker, be Check smsioe 2%¢ 76 #3 » Seach Maht av He Toughest AAC AF Be Chess ng aoute Ws Sqaace 19 ib yaeDs Lg Rum rake oR TRROMG the Deep MiDDee- / [OK SckIE® Play we: al s/& plack aud yet Peviace pret Gor FS whe ball deep to Hb- Ser up ee [OSS RETER paol-oF¢. #4. 2 RE 2 eo G&-4z Fue Rack: R puTsiPe Ruce: Aim ar HiP oF CAeLse GUARD. Brock. ising (AP To Line BACKER. | TBuiniqe: Stee wore Cause Foot AIMING AT Outs | Wie OF GUARD. Broce Insipe GAP To Lanegacke®, ATTA BACKER WTA wsiWE SAOULPEL ARO ARM. Rie THRU WIS OUTSIDE TRIE AND Rod TAR BING 43-42 FucRace: Z R patsit Ruce: Aim AT Hi? oF CASE GUARD. Beock insine GAP TO Une BACKER, TBuiniQue: STEP wiTH Case Foot AIMING AT OuTSIE, | Wi? OF GUARD, Broae INSiPE GAP To Linspaceé®. ATTA BACKER WTA WsiDE SAIVLPEL AND ARM. Re THRU WS OUTSIDE THI AND “Bun TRAY BIG FSHi3- Rule. Blok 28 JOom Si dé Teehwsg ve~ Take Laren pet at iwsine Foor of OT Inainy with Psing Sea7~— Attach o8 So babhe Jost point oF his oetsoe ar Ths b Shouke be aw agg rezsbe bode. Conlin Pe ~ Ths 7s Fpeall < alee? yarns E ple. aN evle Tale tawo off EAwisoe — pan step with owsoe Gor ako Rowoer path at @siog Foor oF OT, TALE Lanoakf me males YR Dee WEEE , Cones Pot Bet de pet oF aheck bee makin ~ et: wt Blow Qa Lite (aleer se Blo BH] m Live C # 5 a Blok 4O (tau Call Chaatie) ce Bloc #/ C Charlie) st Block 4A Fert Side ooo Paces roe ~ Race #3 okeyo 6 ocho y+ ee ‘¢ : ae yan path ab Gus 0 - Rledl€ mater 4 8 Este Blow LB you oebe(Harw t Bloc ¥ 3 m Le 7b Bside Bast cathe, at S-% Gf O6F BledlK. it © brew &/ ae COACHING POINTS ) Canta 13-47 Ca Gonglecs, Weey Howes - Cot (a0t foack + hate Shekel NO PLAY_NO. 43-42 S$ q TIGHT END: Nn ss J SP . : + ee Tare ovr Ord awe: 10: Breck * 3 on Line Cora Os cals J Bate. Away: Buck #32 Tecuntoue: SPITS =z yy-Fymser) STEP WITH NOM Fort To Glock Sow bwe 1F #2 is DEF BACK LEAD STEFANO WAL Him OUT StdC, aot Wee arocmine “2 on Une Arm AT IMSIOT Alama AO Ger MavemeT” OedT TRy Te Tuad Him Toe Sean, PLAY_NO, 93-$2 ae toes” s atid WUE: To, Broce 3 on lune (Me 3 Ocack Conner) guar, Broce #3 Tecunique, Bare Deve Brock Bu. 2h 3h AIMING POINT: EN SOG NUMDET STEPS; NGAR. Foot cer mavemeT = 2 yoo THEN TUK Hin out SL TO open THE TNSIDE Ruwmiile cane FOR HB aio Keae #3 owr of IT, COACHING POINT: Done TRY Te Tutn athenteT Tou S60 HE wis Rear Yeo TNs. NO PLAY 00. 43-42 bnktey EL hanoee CALE whek we Reverse peer at Lio lock. ad get : we ball deep to HB-ser op Che 40 EE fa5S RETER faod-oFb. 4. ¥2 Ss ef oof 2 oe FSHiB- Rule. Bleck L& your sine Techwig v6~ Take Laren pot. ad insion for of OF /mpins wih oolsing fear. Attack ¢8 SS lgbhe Jone point of his oot soe FF. Ths b Shouhe be aw 45g res bE 2 ae Combing Porn} Porn ~ Ths 7s Apel « alee? paaoas ely. ane Ryle Take Umwo off Tedwigoer — paw step with owsoe Gor tahre Rowoen pat at sive Foor OF OT, Take Lageelf ane male YR ie weep. Conchig POM Fel Ja pete oP attack bRer malin 7, e 7- wT Blow #2 a Live (al€er x Bloc Hm Live C gz # ” Bre ~ J a a Block #O (cau Call Chachi) e Blouc HI C Chaelie) st Block 2 Blot BQ ov Liné- Paces 106 - Race #3 B- Tate path ast Este BlotC U6 yout odie Bseg- Ras! cathede at 3-2 © Bleck #/ COACHING POINTS: ) Caney 3-47 Cota (ant foack Fert side _ Rlelé mate & 8 (Hans t Bloc #3 rm LE oY be PA 06% Block. iad bo Gn flies Be, Rood do hard Stetit NO PLAYNO. 47-46 TIGHT_END: 7 s aE ao RUE: 1 Dowd Busch wa, Conn & 3 TECHNIQUE: Dowa Broce SUL ZY, RT AIMING POINT: ouTsroe HIP OF OGE TACKLE STEPS: NGM. Foot GOAL: To Glock “TReMce NSCOR TH Ceere A Ruin CANE OFF TACKLE, COACHING POINT: - You must S€cance THE TACKLE MENT. PLAY NO. 47-46 TIGHT END: s eoos Tals awe: 10: Down Brock muy: Cogan, #3 Tecwroue: Down Pusce (Snir 2 ye Feer) sree wirn meer Foor armete Peer BGG DuTswe AIP OF TRUCE. SECURE TACREE DRIUC Hin AS FIR YS You Cad! Often Cows (Same as 16-17) ti- the FurLrack: Ruse: Aim our inswe Heer or TE. dy Kick our Dereusive Exo. You must GET Movewenr, Note. TALS PLAN fun To TRE T.E. Sees Jeuiniqve: Srer with owsibe Foor, AlainG AT —= TWe INSIDE HEEL OF THE TleHT END Cr), ATTACK. HE DEFENSIVE END WITH Yous OUTSIDE Nm | SHovideR. ATTACK His WSiE THibH ,Keerine YouR eae UPFIELD- Bip uf Ano THEY AND Ron TACK va. Mou mus GET movemasy. Ber Youe eer ovT oe THE Have. FSH B- 2ole Boch Sarovar Soppnt Tichwigvea Take slap ith exlgiee Fool on ~path at oulsve Bot oF Y AHock re Serewering suppat wit hean Ow jas OE hip oF Nelaoey Pr, aa ene u a oe wilh eubsice Sl. pper Con segR uke io s0nE fora leno s het use Kescer ae ba// camer CSHB ~ Bole-TaLe Have off +n a} oust hip or. Jehwigue- pew ley Sah wus be- foot oON~ a path a+ codsme Foot of 07. Coming Ronit - T/L pollo Se nny Lay n2. Y71-¥6 This is pw Ot Yackle powec pls Waar Caw be Raw sreing ae peak Ang ee Runetenbret: Reveese prvor aT Sar? block end get Yo balideey ro Wb. nergy on Bootleg Fake. 72 #6 | 2 eee PLAY ND- 1-16 This ig que DuTsOE VEER OpTiod To TE 510 QUARTERBACK -fge 7 Oper toward the hele twit as leer step - ak Zor % o'clock caass oueey STEP back fo ve FR ow 3 step act Yor € otlect an& execcte AD Benn maw of line Of sce ummng® - tL a NE | PLAY NO, 17-16 Cseac) LIGHT END; s i n> : od VS Pune —_— ma RUE: 12. Down Bure wa: Crear © 3 ane Down rece TECHNIQUE: Down Buck SPU C2 Yz - 3 FEET) AIMING POINT: THCKLES MiP SIE INSiog Fuot FRAT AT TACKLES HIP CO: To SECURE THEKE Buty Her 1 You cau! s COACHING POINT: v AR Dew’ Ler treme Tame Aceat? Your ce ee Face omrsife use Geoo Suche Te Keer Bismeos Your Tackeg |S TAKING A PATH THricuen PLAY NO. (16-17) TIGHT END: s aw E 2S ~ Ke 7 Pine BY Bacnen eaatetvaas OM DNs T Ee Geo = aur: CoBar. "3 awo Down eco RULE: TO: Down Brock TECHNIQUE: (SPLIT 2 ¥,-3 Feet) Aranrice Borer 19 TIVE MON A OF THE DEE. TACKLE. STEP ONT THE ANSOE FoIr Pur YOUR GAGE OM THE NEAR HIP AMO DRIVE Hin AS FAR OF TNE AALL AS You CAM. IF THE TARE WS ALIGNED IN A 4 EVE OR B GAP ALIinmaT Be sune racKcE IS BUcKSO TH BOTW your Par ro THE Backsi0€ UMEBACKER.. CUT BACKSIA LIMEAACKEL Pei BESURE Yeu GOT Min. 1 Fee SIE LINEBACKER. TUES TO PLUG TAKE Htin ont You fare va BSL, TH como AAPA ont Y-3, CP. Rememace Yauk Fee Reeodseiciry of A Dem WOK, 1S Te SECURE THE THLE. DE CeRTRIR Ther we fs Beacneo. oe as Fst - Down ~ wae "¢-S-brrlak Onl “(Aen pete vs. V-3) ssa Facet Onel Stork £8 (latch Yn “Seat” Geel 0 OF fetta) center - Fr Zuecke pap bachutet& Cocop” us ve) asa - Gace “/ - Scoop WF. ast - Gace Calif ad Bleck Ube Or ‘y-5 Lr hl Cail fr Aehrgias} hind at Ba 9 OCkak - Career aaa ee rae Ly PB And Dead tered pretense lon FB. Gee Curse nee Lo Lesgy prioritise Open a a (ath ak er 4 Of: Teche BSHB ~ Lun 3, Gniree. trans. Lan *B dria CSenl -Btet, Lovcto- tee, %- Alot 4) botbnle (Ove fodder blak. */) COACHING POINTS y= Down 4 (-ve .SAB- Role - Pal #z TéehwwigiE - Tale shee Sth owstoe eet lhe ynes pose TES codsiog FooT— Path is the @ Blade ke Dest Je conwn alee path te Safel, - Attach 2 cokers ie Deepen shoot, eh a (a SH. hen up ~ wks. + cenb & Feesen Gade Coton | bod | Ye ewe Fics te Cdn Paiek> - 902 er oe eit eee tose Degen Sp Gy off coloem F Gene, 2B polling oa ote 48, bot eo 4 y E& 1S nwo Joos fP BSNB Bie -~ Sore as 15-14 vous! Tlie Sane as (17 Coady, Pon Pea) put aB 1 petite 1 — oF #3 3 AIT Func Back. : Bure: Aim AT oursine HiP oF OFFENSE TACKLE, OPEN WITH OWSiDE Fook, CRoSs oveR soir SECOND STET,AND OW YOUR Be STEP SQUARE YOUR Shou YO TRE Lite oF SeAumnteg. TECANI QUE + OREN , CRosSovER AWO SQUARE YOR awe SROVLPERS (Row Ar Ovrsine Wid OF TACKLE. FOND Role - Ble 23 Tahwigse - Sant aos & db TE Coach Post ~ Wee Bled oF 28-TF eR onequceeete eee tee te eee 0 te SiR ~ B® Male sock LB hue talee. resent ool oF Phe BSR tole - sane as 1O-1 Teng ob ~ Same as 1 srs/y Aradkin Port ~ vn tal QB exert? eae rs: ae Fucreact: Bure: Aum av ourswe Hie or Cause Goren. Kyow THe Guakns Caw.C1;2.3, Boar) Leacc: STA oN MOU PATH {IF Nou GET TRE BAL Beene TO pAYUCHT- Lea SAM on Mook PATH, IF Mou GE T THE TALL Be Renor TO Ben Eitwer war. BoA: On Peeone ISW you wi GETTAE BAL Cur-oFR TREouARDS BuckRun To SCORE. BEAR? Run Your PAtH. Be Keno TO Row Wsseo % GAP TAKE. Peotecr ME BALL. IF You Do Nor eT THE BAC you SHouUs SET TAMED. LE you DONT GET TACKLCOs WoRK TO SE wo UBUEL Amd Bote BAKE LINE RACKER. TECHNIQUE $ STEP With onsioe Foor, S74 Ww AND Sao Alun AT TRE OUTSIDE HIP OF THE CALSIOR GUARD. BE THRKING You wie GET THE BACL, PLAY_NO. ts-14 Gs) s TIGHT_ENO: 5 xn TE o @ooe s eee T 7 Were Exo Srunr! Banoo ¢ Sir 7 @eoo o—l fue: TD Beock © 2man Muy: €LEaR C-Gae ANo Blo Oewaweien moa \y TENE: TumeTion Buen on 2 SPL; Breer. AIMING POINT: Porm” oursioe 2 maw Te Steriod THE #2 man, SIEPS: OPEN wiTH FuNT Céno STEP CRossovER Ade READ Se Fan REMAINDER OF PATH THLE, Caovustmerr) i are GOL: To Bisct THE #2 mand GrHe By Tuver OR Kiem our DErsioic of HIS AOTUSTMET COACHING POINT: Ger EnNoucd wieTH To Gxecuve THE usc cacéo Fen, Oow'T EXO uP ZNtIGE OWT ON A M2 man THAT WE Sitduco Ane. ges 5-4 (14-9) C7) c0(6) Tiger-6 Stack ers ST LB yeue Side C "7" veer Bleck se Base Y/ CTH Gombmatiew alle) cenrer Base “7 ca Scoop Ces Gap te RS ca) ass Race #/ C Scoop 0% Straeit) ast Base HAC dra) i 4, Baucsiog : alear 3 ~- middle 4% v Baccsied f pyyuc Canbinariow CaUeb (tre 2 on Baee, ass we @pen 3-7 ofc fete «fede re t Cdk 6 gap 0% Qub sind - Wo Zire Ex cette Anvble oplen ouTsz9 FB Run Seg te audsroe Aep 06 - Fu Ars Fech Cat] un To Seece! posh Bloae Coubre atin Called (4-7- 5-8 3) Bsus. otrew Prre Uneeke % Bhi 4% eee mt C. 9 Ted TsdB- Boke. Cher ow FZ Téclwigue- Oper = ot, 5ee-Seet yor, ort ae ees weak oF 7 with shoolvers paresi/s( Fath sis fou | leenke #2 ow sewee <5; — Sra oo 5 yaxe high wa aad yoo havi abilt to dive sulstae poation >~ #2- Start on path I, ynav ovtda m2- TH to step ov hie ootsion be: Artec his ostsiog lip wi tl oe. eee Flippee + shoot Heol wot, eee hen vp ~ whew Davee is yoo ke a Twsoe— As soow a P & O00 Calvo + aenb 4 oe ol for. Amy late poasovk ated doacdds fort The socexas ofF TLE HBs gen, pelsmme depaens ow hows we ~s & grooe imevie A ane BSHB- Bole Opting Coase Telwiqoe ~ prew step UAC plagise Fattyuelin offsipe Real Cee ee Eg sline- heart bal) Feo) AB remmlern fo tihie yooe bes eS ‘y Peace bell + Row OFF of wher HBS: Con ot Force the OAE- Ute. oNer HB as Athen eh jo, sysiwe + whew te yo evinennat Vow PLAY NO. Cis-14) (4 TIGHT END: AWAY: To: s e@ TeE @e2oom s s Awad: é @ea2oo Brock * 1 man Crean O-Gar AND BUCK Sarert TecuNIQue: (3 Foor Seu) OPEL HTH Lene sve TS Ourstde, GETTING ON Age PATH Te GO SUNCTHA THe #1 mad. Raw ctav on Yuu Feer Ano Ger Your INsie shou Ost HY course Shense SusTav Your BeoeaLF Tr Sarert (S$ A @acR (NSOe OUT supreet SARErY Ye mer Tide on ais cuTIde ANP, BUT BE Sune You 6é Uke ow THE GRourto , DOw'T LET Hin Chass Your Fe oot aoe 3 eoo @e2oo 7 (Funerioe y ¢ Pera a (ae PATH) PLAY NO, os-14¢ @ TIGHT END: FS ang s € g Te aon | FS s e J aco RULE: To = Buocw #1 mand auY:, Crea Gr GAe An? Bick SAFETY TECHNIQUE: Tune rie Beem SPU @ reer) ys * AINING POINT: Tt four 4 vos Deer 4 os Garsipe Your Ruse Ana AOSaAT Vout Para Te THER! mas, s ws rer eco we STEPS:few Sree wit NEAR For Oe curse Feet on RAT Couasé To GET Mase ARC OATH. OW 3 RO Sree AoTust Youd earn u@ cies To Tuwcrion Pernt OW ©) mas. COM: Te Kuoce rue #1 mad on THs GRCUNO COACHING POINT: oy aac PATH GE sue TO GET Pare toiore as You GET You DEPTH us Fie rm ps Bs € « @ J eco @oo Y @oo PLAY NO. 1s- 14 C7) TIGHT END: 7 ¢ s—» ow [tr je ws 2b (oven) oe ~ s-> N T Ee vs sTaAG eoeo “teor RULE: 10: Brock tinceackea Your siae AWAY: CLARA C~ Gar Ano Block mone ¥2 TECHNIQUE: (3 Foor specie) STEP WITH INSio€ Fear, Rip amo OI Yo OUTSION FUREAEM AND SiHeutsce PAD THASUEH THE *StaE Adm PIT OF THE OE END, Stra Coo! Ano Reaar GET Katecned GFE Couas€ . Work STRAIGHT Ulheo TS A Pett OF INTERCEPTION ON THE LINEA You mast cur THE CWE Backer ger. You may Ties ON dim witd You Alert Bawr EeNG THE Load MiP To THIGH ANO SE SURE You GET Hix on Crow 0.0. Woan REWite Youn SHencam Paos on A T-StHene Bracks, Go wHeRe LG Wie AE ort Foi NOT use HE LINES UF, RE @ on THE coer Bucm Tare Tent oursioe REE eooe ma Looming Quien OVER WHEE FHoULAeE FUN BAC mes To SCRA, Dene TAKE Teo wice A atl PLAY NO. isi¢ (5) ¢ TIGHT END: $ vv an TE eoom o ae] 37 2es2oo Broce FS man - AWAY: CLema. C- Gar Avo BLOCK Den REO mio V3. TECHNIQUE: € = ood 2 a “ne! Sreuue Kerew canar #2 is Osler on TE”? 3 a0 sven! Grur 3reer) OPEN with Leno Cree FLAT Dow! THE Los. Ane Tace anc PATH Of S$ PATH Dereuoing Urot waar THE 2 maw goes. IF THe 2 mal AGNTATES 06 FORE THRE Aee GAT AD Tuncred Hit oorsioe Force. Atiade Pane on THE Tuwetioy BOK IS You Taree Ata Ato SHoULog THitonce THE ME tres OUT TBE Numece TO Hie, STAY UP fete Run THe mad JF Vou cad, TE HE FeRces You To THkew BE sake you GET Him Dowd. Te #2 Geces Hens You may eit Him owt Gut BESue Te MAIN TRIM ConTED. THIS fh THE S trom I Rereenea To Asse, PLAY NO. 35-34 TIGHT END: pee a sues 1 Block 0€ OR BAKEE Gr ey) AWAY, TECHNIQUE: SPL 3-3 Ye FEET AIMING poINT: DWS1OG HALE of 0€% ENO on woof NEA RK OuTsioe 4 Cause LANE) sues: Pass Dawg TRetne INE HALE Away Fite Arto UP FeO. GNo, Fume Him Our sot co: To Keep GVO ouT or Peay BY sects Pass on «Bice LB BY Hog. COACHING POINT: See PAD | SHew AND Go BLOCK - *ATeATZOe33e vOTAdO unz 09 AQTITGe SuTutequtew oTTYA sesuesep speerds pue owes Gurssed soaocsdwy vesuazjo styq esn sotuepeoe soTares 9743 [Ty ‘oUCqUSTM pue g GUTH oy} UseMj0q ObeTITEW e st STL - UOTIdO peoads SONEUL INABIND +uMop sesuejep rom 03 spusz UoTZEUIO; OWES Woy ATyOTN epTsqno 396 pue deb 9 03 deb 9 youngzo 03 ARTTTaW *¢ *sowoyos UOTIOeZTPSTW sn 03 eaey JOU Op Nok SPTSINO 426 O] “epTs xVM eyR UO ydezIe HuTUUNI epTsyNo pue eptsut pooh e 10J moTTe ouCqYSTM Jo no seusyos uoT3do *h sTooyos | uoTsTATa doa WaTM ejeduoo Ueo soTUEepeoe eotares Aus st stu - - Agtttqrsuodsez wata Aatttae oTeTyIe sestwoxrduos uotqdo Jo 380743 oy, - ZezTTeENbg yweID OU “¢ *suvyd soqq0e1d peurou ydnzstp 0} sues; sesneo (ATTIeuTId uoTzdo) esuezjo enbqun *z sesuezep peouete AeTd 03 sueeq seosog “1 SHOWDNVAGY NOTIWWYOS ‘sessed uotqoe Aetd pue uoT}OeATpSsTU ‘TeMOd ‘SeUIEYoOS TSeA YRTM SOT TOTQUOD O32 SUOTReTIEA puE UOTZEUIOs SUOGUSTN OTSeq sn - AQTTequOU YanoW YseUs WIH MaL coy and way Sa'siao yho, HM Nyklevy ga diy “PAUL Saisn} S'W ayy “LO abl Bt/s20o Noseed yl WMO. “WIND STIS WOId hyumy pleosl Fav4d /30QTNWAL ‘JIMNY? BIS FA ~wos huey 09 SOS TH NO BON x “Spnwl ahswasso BL gaising Nossad Fel wg 2avy yalay (Sere pi) hE mest FAVA 7M AN PLAY WO TAY WO (5-14 Ths is oue TRiple opto and most basic plen [as due oFFense. QB READS 1% dodeasive Lune mae? OuTso€ FSG InBGnp our. QUARTERBACK : Open ar Yo F otleck , RIDE THE FB ark sean vit man iv 8 ip Tp outsme Tackle On vba. [ve OF SCRMAAIE THOM @ : iw whe hts AB and perc? ry opTen We ma Do evengvhens you caw vo pith, F Gee chad gve yo FB. ws SE caus TEA 18-1F PARR scheme.-piTEn oF3 SEAGF = wilt Bleck 7 E+, Reso THE PEAY ~E CANNOT Corer Bgen #ogite - 2B or arose monedl vue ee ad? eno Aalaides onesie JSUCE Caner conrtoe Tackle 2B or wose Mmved OueR, Reap TNE Depeneer ours /0e The tacicle. [Sle 7 Conner contere 28 04 nose pwourd vee, Reno THe befe O03 we THE TAULE, Beall block eH0 Ophea ot. =v 7 eee eelee Blok @3) Tedwipue ~ Srune as J bok Coad, Poot Lemos slat sf bel moked Y ble. “wsiwe - Adgust qoue. park ad dome fer oF yo Th %S _oseo as & thacge iS bled be trhve} pursue. BONB~ Role- aplion HLL Covese Tednuigoe ~ SHE as ISY doadsin Pers SmaecE as 4 f c pat Fle b. & Jot wy ee MBHB- Ble - ZL 28 ae = — i Di )Gue} perk is et Coaching Foret” Wa erbimdne, Llee). & poesvén LEK IF 18 las cone phil helen \Waaséle ou} of play relewse te S0feh - ® Be carledy 12 hns tale Wiaesele cot oP Play « CBHB~ QNE Sane 45 1S-]y Teele? poe ~ Same as iy Coad bout - Sane as @) LL le ye Kwoe Rat yi 7 #2 4 Qa iS txeevhey off ay fag phy « & ox e 704 eo? O O AO Mo e Qo oé e 1 3HB Role Blo maw cesporsble fee QB G2) Tedhvigut - Take dnen lean ety oA) plnysio€ Foot amines, at Y3 outsre faer Atlack(# 3 wh INSIDE Filipe at {ee ve ha waist- Sheez Phyevel ba - preat lye beyown posok A abeche Abt eavtect Fate Certro! + cea 4 Yyns dewwFelp de pile vp ay \ate poesey b, Condny Pook - Yr 2éloasius, outs ee Be Safety, ~ Be soek yous dono poh is wioe auevgh wos, Phat . DE 25) wien with y's ré/asé Role BEAR ~ Colin PLL Comese Fadwigoe - Sarre 25 15-)Y Lomk’, Roiub- Varous tugt yoo pik wi), dome off oF QB ophianins, eZ Rwease prvor af s7& op nlock aud ge ce Whe ball deep to Hb- ser up Gee Fhor mE [HSS RETE Aavcl-dFb. #2. ¥2 208 2 PLAY NO. 43-42 Ss

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