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Current Project:

Development of Train Collision Avoidance System (TCAS)

Train Collision Avoidance System (TCAS) is meant to provide protection by preventing
trains to pass signal at Danger (Red), excessive speed over turnouts / Speed restrictions
and to avoid the situation in which more than one trains are on the same track to cause
collision, in case operations are not able to control so. It also provides assistance to Loco
Pilots by means of real-time display of signal aspects in Loco Pilots cab. This includes key
features of ACD & ETCS TPWS at much lower cost. It is based on the determination of
location of Trains through distance traversed from RFID tags installed on track and
transmission of signalling related information from Stationary Unit such as Station
The specification for the first phase i.e. Absolute Block System has been finalized as
RDSO/SPN/196/2012 Version 3.1.1 through the process of EOI in the year 2011-12.
In the year 2012-13, the Concept Field Trial has been conducted (in Oct-2012) in
Secunderabad Division of SC Railway. Demonstration to Chairman Railway Board &
Member Electrical was made on 16.10.2012. Further, demonstration to Committee of
Additional Members from Railway Board was also made on 10.11.2012. Based on
successful demonstration , to undertake trials on 250 km. section, tender was opened on
15.01.2013 in which 08 firms participated. By end of 2012-13, few agencies have been able
to develop lab demo models. Trials in Lingampalli- Vikarabad- Wadi- Bidar Section of SC
Railway have been taken up for further development of TCAS.
Initially two field trials were conducted, first trial from 29.08.2013 to 05.09.2013 and the
second trial from 24.09.2013 to 30.09.2013. Major breakthrough was achieved during the
second trial, in which basic inter-operability between two vendors was tested successfully
involving loco equipped of M/s Medha equipment could inter-operated in the station
provided with RFID tag and station equipment of M/s Kernex and vice versa. The same was
witnessed by DG/RDSO also. It was also possible to test basic functionality of equipment
developed by both the vendors including display of signal aspect, movement authority,
target speed and distance etc in the locomotive.
Subsequent to above trials, detailed technical discussion was held with both the vendors on
9th & 10th Oct 2013 at RDSO in which optimization of data transmission was finalized and
also all the issues related to interoperability were clarified and further course of action for
interoperability test in the lab and in the field was finalized.
Purchase Order for Contract Package-A & B was placed in June 2013 on M/s Medha and
M/s Kernex and for Contract Package C, it has been placed in November 2013 on M/s HBL
for development of Train Collision Avoidance System. With this, all the three Contract
Packages has been awarded.
Brake Interface Unit developed by M/s Medha has been tested in Air Brake Lab of RDSO
and observations have been advised for further improvement. Further, brake unit
developed by M/s Kernex has also been taken up for testing in Brake Lab at RDSO.
Detailed discussions have been held with the firms for meeting RFID tag programming and
also radio packets. Lab testing has been carried out in Micro Wave Lab of S.C.Railway at
Secunderabad in which two loco equipments and one station equipment was set up by both
the firms and inter-operability test was carried out by simulation of loco movement with the
simulator. It was possible to test various scenarios during interoperability testing. The tests
are likely to continue for testing limited changes which has been done in the programming.
Final trials with brake interface unit are proposed to be held in January, 2014.

Signal Aspect in Cab

Display during Prevention of

Display during Prevention of SPAD

with Emergency Brake Application

Development of Train Protection & Warning system

Train Protection & Warning System (TPWS) is a continuous supervision system that
provides safety in train operations by dynamically monitoring the speed of the train against
specified limits & eliminates risks arising due to cases of Signal Passing at Danger (SPAD).
The speed limits are specified dynamically based on signal aspect, route to be followed,
sectional speed limits, permanent speed restrictions etc.
Till 2011-12, the system has been commissioned on 51.75 route kilometers of ChennaiGumudipundi section of SR and was under commercial trial in Hazrat Nizammudin -Agra
section of NCR. Also, the existing specification of TPWS has been revised and finalized as
RDSO/SPN/183/2012 Version 2.3 incorporating the experience of SR.
Approval for revised TPWS South Onboard equipment Maintenance Guide has been given
vide this office letter No. STS/E/TPWS/SR dated 14.08.2013.
TPWS is being implemented in Kolkata Metro. All the installation and testing for trackside
and on-board equipment has been completed. CRS sanction is also obtained and Metro
Railway has started commercial trials of the system from 29th of September 2013.
Approval of brake & train interface for NGEF & BHEL rakes of Kolkata Metro TPWS project
was under examination of Carriage and PS & EMU Directorate of RDSO. After examination,
approval has been accorded by RDSO vide letter dated 25.11.2013.

Failsafe Networked Multiplexer (FNmux)

Failsafe Networked Multiplexer (FNmux) covers the technical and operational requirements
for exchanging both vital and non-vital signaling information using dual redundant
OFC/Primary radio communication media to replace signaling cables. It shall have safety
integrity level of 4 and will be used for vital signaling functions that can be used for proving,
control and interlocking.
FNmux will reduce the copper cable used in signalling at station and block and increase in
availability due to availability of alternate path. Reduction in cost and time of outdoor work
shall be possible.
Following the process of EOI, RDSO is working on development of FNmux. Twelve firms
participated in EOI to finalize the specification. Two meetings were held with all participants
on 19.06.2013 & on 10.07.2013. Finals draft is getting ready for uploading on the website.
After finalization of specification, it is proposed to invite a tender for development and
implementation at one station.

Development of Advanced Auxiliary warning system (AAWS)

AWS (OEM M/s Siemens) is installed on Mumbai suburban section for preventing SPAD.
So far M/s Siemens was supporting supply of additional quantity of equipment for new rakes
but since last one year they are indicating that due to obsolescence of some of the
components, it will not be possible to support on-board equipment and are not quoting for
the quantity invited by ICF.
Following the process of EOI, RDSO is working on development of Development of
Advanced Auxiliary warning system (AAWS) in which eight firms have participated. A
meeting with selected firms has been called on 3rd of October to discuss and finalise
specifications for the product.
Advanced Auxiliary Warning System(AAWS) provides following functions:
Providing train protection functions similar to AWS system in use in Mumbai suburban
Be interoperable with existing AWS system in Mumbai suburban section including use
of same driver interface as existing .
It is a microprocessor based control system, which continuously monitors the speed,
direction of travel, distance travelled, aspect of the signal passed and alertness of the
motorman and thus increases the safety of railway system.
It is a safety device preventing the unsafe situation due to the human failure.
It compels the motorman to obey the aspect of the signal and maintain the correct speed. If
it is not well acknowledged with in time AWS decelerates the train and applies brake to stop
In the meantime, one of the respondents has developed a proto-type which was tested in
Car shed of Western Railway and improvements are in progress.
Train Management System (TMS) /Centralised Train Control (CTC)
Train Management System (TMS) /Centralised Train Control (CTC) covers following two
categories of functions:
Centralized operation of signaling systems for a large section encompassing multiple
interlocked stations
Centralized real time monitoring of train traffic for enabling efficient decision making for
traffic control of large section.
On Indian Railways, some zonal railways (CR & WR) have implemented TMS carrying out
only second part (Monitoring of train traffic) of functions listed above.
Development of TMS & CTC is being undertaken through the process of EOI. Total thirteen
firms participated through EOI to finalize the specification. Two meetings were held with all
participants on 20.06.2013 & on 11.07.2013. Finals draft is getting ready for uploading on the
Modelling and validation of interlocking for railway signalling systems
Object is to develop tool to improve the reliability & safety aspect of present EI systems. With
this model, conversion and verification of safety rules for signalling system based on yard
plan, control table and generic signalling circuits shall be possible. Model for equations for
given yard for use of application data for EI to be generated and verification of above model
to check safety aspect by verifying parallel, conflicting movement and control of points etc..
shall be possible. Later in next phase, this tool to be used generate verified application data
for EI. MoU signed between RDSO & IIT/ KGP, work is progressing in mutual discussions
between IIT/KGP and RDSO.

Development of Online Insulation Monitoring (OLIM) System

Object is to develop alternative of Earth Leakage Detector with more reliable and efficient on
line insulation monitoring system for signalling cable. With this testing of cable shall be
possible without this connection. Through the process of EOI, three firms have been
shortlisted for the development. IITs are also being consulted for taking up this project.
Development of Capacity Optimization & Simulation Tool (COST)
The development comprises of design of basic software tool for computation of line capacity
of any Indian Railway section taking into consideration various parameters like type of block
working, block length, signal spacing, speed restrictions, and other parameters that would
have an effect on line capacity. The tool would be used for examining the effect on line
capacity of the technological improvements like Intermediate Block Signalling, introduction of
a new stations, doubling/tripling/quadrupling, etc. The tool would be used for examining the
effect on line capacity of changes in operational patterns like using mix of goods and
passenger trains, various loco load combinations, intelligent speed adaptation, etc. The tool
would assess the extent to which section line capacity could be increased and quantify the
impact of each capacity enhancement.
MoU signed with IIT/ Mumbai and advance payment of Rs. 10 lacs made. Meeting held with
IIT/ Mumbai in September 2013. Recruitment of Technical assistants for the project under
finalization. The development is in progress and basic model is likely to be developed by
end of this Financial Year.
On Board Display of Signal Aspect (OBDSA)
OBDSA is intended to provide display of lineside signal aspects inside Loc Pilots Cab. It
would be a portable device to be carried by Crew on duty with weight somewhat near to that
of a laptop. It shall be deployed in Absolute Block Section Territory and OBDSA equipped
Locomotive shall be interoperable in TCAS (Train Collision Avoidance System) equipped
section. On the basis of participation of various firms from industry through the process of
EoI, draft functional requirements were under modification by the end of 2012-13. Functionwise, OBDSA has been envisaged as subset of TCAS. Unlike TCAS, it does not have
braking interface to Locomotive and would be a portable unit for locomotive for use on
unequipped locos for display of signal aspect and will help driver during foggy season.
Design & Development of Electronic Interlocking (EI) System
With development of modern fault tolerant and fail-safety techniques, electronics and
particularly microprocessors have found acceptance in the area of Railway signalling world
over including Electronic Interlocking. The features like software based interlocking logic,
less wiring, easy alterations, self-diagnostic, in-built data logger etc. make it maintainer
friendly. Two types of indigenous EIs are being developed.
Now, new specification of EI for big yards (more than 200 routes) has been finalised in SSC
and approved by Railway Board as per SSC recommendations, have been circulated to
Zonal Railways for trials. One EI has been developed individually and other project is under

Anti-Collision Device
M/s KRCL has completed upgradation of software (version 1.1.2/1.1.2m) in all locomotives
of NGC and MLTT loco shed. RDSO, NFR and KRCL carried out joint evaluation
performance trial in Tinsukia division from 16.09.13 to 25.09.13. The analysis of data and
evaluation of performance parameters has been done and joint report prepared. The letter
for communicating the upgradation of remaining locomotive for other sheds is in process.

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