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was waiting at gate six at recently, especially those who of Mary, and that I know in
Bradley International now check baggage because of what place and what time I can
Airport in Hartford, hold- the new rules regarding carry- find you,” Rahner wrote.
ing a boarding pass with a on bags that has resulted in a “That’s all true, of course,
large “A.” Since I am still learn- rash of lost luggage. Lord—but forgive me if I say
ing my ABCs with a certain no But about the time we that this coming of yours
frills, low-cost carrier and am were scheduled to board, one seems to me more like a going,
of the ground crew more like a departure than an
members arrival.”
announced, “I’ve got As Rahner explores the
some bad news.” great mystery of the incarna-
The plane was at the tion, of God coming into the
gate but the problem world not to clean up the mess
was the pilot. we’ve made of creation but to
Because of numer- redeem the mess through the
ous delays through- blood of his Son, he points to
out the system that the place where hope begins.
day, he was timed “Slowly a light is beginning to
out. So they had to dawn. I’ve begun to under-
fly in a pilot from stand something I’ve known
Philadelphia to for a long time: God, You are
Hartford to fly the still in the process of your
plane to Chicago and coming.”
then on to Seattle. This is where I find hope
At the time, my today: God isn’t going any-
patience was worn where. God is eternally, pas-
as thin as a razor’s sionately, perpetually, and
edge. But later the patiently in the process of com-
experience of wait- ing in our lives. Evidence of
ing at the gate this hope is in each of you who
offered an Advent are reading this reflection, in

Waiting at lesson—one that has

less to do with
patience and more to
the creation that surrounds us,
and in the bread we break and
the wine we pour at every

the Gate do with hope.

In the hustle
and bustle of these
Eucharist when we boldly pro-
claim that all of us, old or
young, black or white, Catholic
Advent is a time of weeks preceding
Christmas, many of
or Protestant, Muslim or Jew,
straight or gay, woman or man,

audacious hope. us find ourselves

saying, “I don’t
all of us are and will always be
children of a living and loving
know if I’m coming God.
Joe Nassal, C.PP.S. or going.” The great
theologian Karl
Sen. Barack Obama of
Illinois captured the quality of
Rahner tapped into hope Advent advises in the
this condition when title of his latest book, The
usually relegated to the “B” or he wrote about the coming of Audacity of Hope. He credits his
“C” group, I was feeling about Christ that Advent
as good as an English major anticipates. “You
passing a physics exam. I was tell me that you
in good shape, even given have already
some of the horror stories I’ve come, that your
heard from other travelers name is Jesus, Son
pastor in Chicago for the title cious and tenacious. With ten- mism. It is not the conviction
of the book. The first time I der tenacity, we see how that that something will turn out
heard the word “audacious” for which we hope is already well, but the certainty that
ascribed to hope was also in a present within ourselves. The something makes sense,
sermon, not in Chicago but in German poet, Rainer Maria regardless of how it turns out.”
Berkeley a few years ago. The Rilke, had the audacity to Hope is quiet, steady. Hope
homilist credited a liberation write, “I believe in the night.” quietly goes about her business
theologian for the idea that He believes in it because by and the business of hope is to
hope is audacious when we act being aware of the darkness keep dreams alive even when
as if what we believe or hope that surrounds him, he looks all evidence that dreams of
will happen has already inside and senses a “great peace come true seems to be
occurred. For example, auda- presence stirring” within him. buried beneath every increas-
cious hope is living in such a “I want to free what waits ing body counts of those killed
way that our daily prayer, “thy within me,” the poet writes. in war and violence. Hope
kingdom come,” has already This light within—a light that keeps dreams of peace afloat
been answered. will in time overwhelm the even when the tidal wave of
Living with audacious night—waits to be unleashed, terror threatens to drown truth
hope means we live as a king- set free. and the harsh rhetoric of
dom people now—people who This is the place where revenge and retribution causes
believe that Jesus Christ inau- hope stirs in the dark, in the the “tender compassion of our
gurated the new creation when delay, in the waiting, the won- God” to sound like an empty
he lived and died and rose dering, and the longing for promise.
again. Jesus, though he was home. As the writer and Hope is mandatory for all
crucified and died, carried the stained glass artist, mother of who work for reconciliation.
resurrection within his body, three and teacher of many, Unlike her distant relative,
his spirit, and his soul. When Gertrude Mueller Nelson, optimism, hope is there for the
he rose from the dead, he no wrote, “The recovery of hope long haul. Optimism is flighty;
longer needed the body as the can only be accomplished hope is steady. Hope is what
vessel. His spirit infused the when we have had the courage we need as we wait at the gate.
bodies and souls of his follow- to stop and wait and engage Hope stays awake and sees
ers to live in such a way that fully in the winter of our dark even in the dark.
what we hope for in the future longing.” And sometimes, even
is already present today in you This is the audacious hope sings. For as the Sufi poet
and me. we nurture during the season Tagore reminds, “Hope is the
Audacious hope means we that stretches from Advent to bird that sings while the dawn
can make a difference as Epiphany. In our comings and is still dark.”
peacemakers even as the world goings, we wait at the gate of
is at war. God’s grace and hope in a
Audacious hope means we slow-growing light for a world
break the endless cycles of vio- that has grown so dark and Discussion Questions
lence by beginning to form cir- dangerous because of violence
cles of listening, of healing, of and fear. As we wait, we draw 1. Waiting is one of the most
hope where both victim and strength from knowing that difficult activities of human
perpetrator can find a safe hope is not a fleeting feeling life. Why are we so impatient?
place, some common ground but, in the words of poet/presi-
for justice and mercy, for truth dent Vaclav Havel, “is an ori- 2. How can we use this Advent
telling and peacemaking. entation of the spirit, an orien- season to nurture audacious
Audacious hope means we tation of the heart; it tran- hope?
play the role of John the scends the world that is imme-
Baptist as sirens in the night diately experienced, and is 3. How do we demonstrate
signaling the coming of the anchored somewhere beyond hope to those around us, who
one who will save the day. its horizons. Hope is definitely sometimes seem to be in
Hope needs to be auda- not the same thing as opti- hopeless situations?

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