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Joseph’s The man who raised Jesus

sets an example for us all.

Yes Angelo Anthony, C.PP.S.
change in their life- truth before our eyes and in
time. I image that our hearts others will give
there have been their lives to this unique call
times when they felt from the heart of God.
like Joseph, asking “How can The celibate call to min-
n December Br. Joe Fisher

this be?” They may have said, istry finds its source and pur-
and I went to see the movie “This is not what I had pose in the life and teachings
The Nativity Story. I was planned, Lord.” Or, “The life I of Jesus and in the most
impressed with the way the thought was mapped out for ancient traditions of our
director portrayed the various me is so very different than Church. This call is an impor-
characters involved in this what I started with so many tant gift from the Holy Spirit.
very familiar Scripture years ago.” It is not the strong institutions
account. These men have experi- marking the glorious history of
So often when we reflect enced changes within the religious congregations in this
upon the birth of Jesus we Mass, from Latin into English, country that are important.
reflect upon Mary’s response from having their backs to the Rather, it is the simple, pro-
to God’s plan. While this was people to facing them in found “yes” of a person, who
present in the movie, we were prayer. Closer to home, they like Joseph did not fully
encouraged to spend some have experienced the major understand what was happen-
time with Joseph, the husband transformation of St. Charles ing yet trusted that God did
of Mary, and to see him as a Seminary into the Saint and that was enough. Is that
model for our call to selfless Charles Senior Living enough for us?
giving and reconciliation of Community. Today we see that I am proud of all our
head and heart. many of the ministries we did members who remain commit-
In a recent letter, Fr. exclusively as priests and ted to the journey even though
Dominic Izzo, president of the brothers have evolved into they do not know the end
Conference of Major Superiors partnerships with the laity. results. This is what faith is all
of Men, reflects upon the life Change abounds. about. Your faithfulness and
of Joseph, husband of Mary. Recently I was asked, “Fr. selfless giving is a source of
“Joseph did not have to recon- Angelo, do you think religious hope and strength for me and
cile groups of people. He had life is going to go the way of so many others.
to reconcile his head and his the dinosaurs?” My response When we look at the life
heart. We can imitate Joseph was to say that some of the of Joseph we can see that his
by facing our struggles or things that marked religious actions are rooted in the Word
crises, reconciling our minds life as we know it will pass of God. The Lord speaks to
and hearts in a peace that will away. That’s the reality of life Joseph through an angel in a
open us to the new things God this side of heaven. Yet, the dream telling him that Mary's
is doing for us, with us, and mission of congregations such child has been conceived
through us.” as ours will die only if it dies through the Holy Spirit to ful-
When I think of this kind in our heart. God will never fill the words of the prophet.
of reconciliation I think of the abandon the cry of the poor, That would be a tough thing to
lives of our older members, the needy, the ill, the outcast, wrap your mind around! In
who have seen so much the stranger. As we keep this spite of his inner struggle
Joseph says “yes” and creates a
home for the Holy Family.
I pray that you greet
tomorrow and every day
through the eyes of Joseph.
May we tend to reconciling our
heads and hearts so that God’s
plan for us will not be stifled,
but rise out of the struggles of
our inner doubt and darkness
to a place of acceptance and
trust that God’s Word will be
fulfilled in ways we cannot yet


1. Can we think of an exam-

ple of a living “Joseph” that
we have known in our lives?
Share stories about these
special people who say
“yes” to God.

2. What things has God

asked us to do that have
been difficult or unsettling?
How did we find the
courage to say yes, and
what was the result?

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