Process of Orgnisational Development & Intervention

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PowerPoint Presentation to Accompany

Prepared By

Mohit Singh
Mohd. Abubakr
Raj kumar gupta

Organisational development is a collection of change
method that try
improve organisational
effectiveness and employee well being.
Organisation development encompasses a collection
of planned-changed interventions built on humanistic
democratic value that seek to improve organisational
effectiveness and employee well-being

Features of organizational development

Planned Change
Comprehensive Change
Long-range change
Dynamic process

Participation of change
Emphasis on

Emphasis on action

educational process

Role of organizational development

To place emphasis on humanistic values

To Treat each human being as a complex

To increase the level of trust among

To increase the level of enthusiasm at all

To increase the level of self & group
responsibility in planning

Problems in organizational development

Discrepancy between ideal and real situations
Lack of open system concept
Resistance to change

Lack of motivation among members

Costly programmes

Process of organisational development

Problem identification & diagnosis

Planning strategy for change
Intervening in the system

Managing the OD Process

Three basic components of OD programs:


Continuous collection of data

about total system, its
subunits, its processes, and
its culture
All activities and interventions
designed to improve the
organizations functioning
All activities designed to
management ensure success of the

OD Interventions
Organization Development (OD) interventions techniques are the methods created by
OD professionals and others. Single organization or consultant cannot use all the
interventions. They use these interventions depending upon the need or requirement.
The most important interventions are,
1. Survey feedback
2. Process Consultation
3. sensitivity Training
4. The Managerial grid
5. Goal setting and Planning
6. Team Building and management by objectives
7. Job enrichment, changes in organizational structure and participative management
and Quality circles, ISO, TQM

Process of OD Intervention

Sensitivity training
Team building
Survey feedback
Behaviour modification
Grid organization development
Career planning
Job expectation technique
Organisational renewal process

Structural OD Interventions
Job redesign
Work schedule option

Process consultation
Decision centres
Collateral organisation

Definition of sensitivity training

Sensitivity Training is a form of training that
claims to make people more aware of their own
prejudices, and more sensitive to others.
According to its critics, it involves the use of
psychological techniques with groups that its

Definition of team building

1. High interaction among team members to
increase trust and openness.

2. Team building uses high interaction group

activities to increase trust & openness among
team members, improve coordinative efforts, and
increase team performance.

Process of team building

Problem sensing
Examining deferences
Giving & receiving feedback

Developing interactive skills

Follow-up actions

Survey feedback
The use of questionnaires to identify
discrepancies among members
perceptions, discussion follows, &
remedies are suggested.

Process of Survey feedback

Data collection

Feedback & information

Follow-up action

Process Consultation
The basic content of p-c is that the
consultant works with individuals and
groups in the organisation to help them
learn about human and social processes
and to solve problems that stem from
process events.

Process Consultation
Initiate contact
Define the relationship
Select the setting and the method
Gather data & make a diagnosis
Reduce involvement & terminate

Grid organisational development

It is a comprehensive and systematic OD

programme which aims at individuals
groups and the organisation as a whole.
It utilises a considerable number of
instruments, enabling individuals and
groups to assess their own strengths
and weaknesses.

Blake & Mouton

Process of Grid organisational development

Managerial grid

Teamwork development

Intergroup development

Developing ideal strategic corporate model

Implementing the ideal strategic model

Systematic critique

OD Effort
is a planned change
involves the total system
managed with total acceptance and
commitment of the top management
is designed to improve organisational
makes use of behavioural science knowledge

Summary- Contd
is in terms of intervention at the task or
structure or technology or people level
is an ongoing process and long term process
relies primarily on experiential learning
uses an action research intervention mode

Summary contd...

OD can make
a difference
Good understanding
Proper response

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