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Newsletter of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing Ahmedabad Chapter

Volume: 23, No.1 & 2

January - July 2011

Special Issue on
Industry Contributions to Remote Sensing Activities

Newsletter of the In
ndian Socie
ety of Rem
mote Sensing Ahme
edabad Ch
ume: 23, No.1
& 2, January
- July 2011

ecial Is
ssue on
dustry Contriibution
ns to Re
emote Sensin
ng Acttivities

ed to

Dr. Vikrram A
A. Sara
Father off Space Sciences in India
on his 92nd birth anniversaary
12, 2011
ng celebratted as thee
Nationaal Remote
e Sensing Day

Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011

Inside this Issue

1. Messages
2. Preface
3. Acknowledgements
4. From the Chairmans Desk 4
Theme Articles
1. An Interview with President, ISRS 5
2. RS Applications Software & Services


a. Industry Contributions in International Remote Sensing Activities of Antrix 10

b. Industry Participation in Remote Sensing, Scanpoint Geomatics Limited


c. Increasing Role of Private Industry in Remote Sensing Activities, Mr. Jiping Li


d. GIS and Remote Sensing Applications Related Services from CompuSense Automation
e. Using Commercial Software to Enhance Commercial Imaging Acquisition, AGI



Services and Innovative Technology Development by Globaltech India , Ahmedabad


3. RS Payload Hardware
a. An Interview with Managing Director, Centum Electronics Limited
b. Electro-Optical Sensors




Multispectral and Hyperspectral Sensors for Remote Sensing, Teledyne DALSA


Hyperspectral CMOS Imager, e2V


Latest Developments in Infrared Space Detectors at Sofradir


3000 Pixel Linear InGaAs Sensor for the Proba-V Satellite, sInfraRed


Single Photon Detection Using InP/InGaAs Avalanche Diodes, Princeton Lightwave


SAGEM REOSC contribution to Indian Remote Sensing Programs


Overview of Teledyne Judson Technologies Contribution to Remote Sensing 72




c. Microwave Sensors

Industry Role In ISROs Microwave Remote Sensing Payloads, NM Desai


Real-Time Spectrum Analysis Reveals Time Domain Characteristics of Microwave Signals, Tektronix Inc.


Digital Radar Receiver System (DRRS) - A case study from Mistral Solutions Pvt. Ltd.


Contributions of K.V. Microwave Materials, Ideal K.V. Microwave Products and Sahajanand Laser
Technology Ltd. to Remote Sensing Activities





Measurement the Quality of Chirp Radar Pulses using Impulse Response (Time-Sidelobe), Tektronix


d. An Interview with Managing Director, Astra Microwaves Products Limited

e. Electronics Subsystems for Electro-Optical & Microwave Payloads 110


Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011

Design, Development and Delivery of Space grade Modules and Subsystems for Remote Sensing
applications from Centum Electronics



Contribution to Space Projects by Astra Microwave Products Ltd.


The ever increasing complexity of PCB layout, CMR Design Automation Pvt. Ltd.


Komolines Journey into Indias Space Sector



Ambimats Contributions in Space Activities



Integrating Relationships



Engineering Capabilities of Spur Microwave Inc.



Data Patterns Participation in Space Programme



Xilinx FPGAs: the X-link of Space Applications



FPGA & ASIC Design Services from CoreEL Technologies


Digital Signal Processing Unit for Space Use

f. Product Development Tools






Product Development System With PTC Windchill, Adroitech

4. RS Satellite Launch & Test Facilities




a. Taking Part In Indian Space Dream, Shell-N-Tube


b. Upgradation of Instrumentation Control & Data Acquisition System for 5.5m Thermal Vacuum Chamber, by
Prima Automation (India) Pvt. Ltd. 158
General Articles
1. Payloads for Resourcesat-2, H. K. Dave 161
2. Microwave RS Signatures of Precipitation and its Retrieval over Land and Oceans- R.M. Gairola 167
Regular Columns
1. Member News 181
2. Readers Views 181
3. Chapter News:

A Brief Report on 12th Prof. Pisharoty Memorial Lecture by Prof. A. Jayaraman

A Brief on World Environment Day Celebrations 176

New Members of ISRS-AC

Forthcoming Chapter Activities 178


4. ISRS Updates January-June 2011 9

5. Forthcoming RS related Conferences 165
6. Snippets on Naturally & Historically Remote Sensing 31/26
7. News: DOS adopts Remote Sensing Data Policy (RSDP- 2011)
8. Signing Off 182



Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011
List of Advertisers
3-D Plus


Jaymin Engineering Pvt. Ltd.


Adroitec Engg. Solutions Pvt Ltd.


Komoline Electronics Pvt. Ltd.




Labsphere Inc.

Aerotech Nanopositioners

Liberty International



Agilent Technologies


Maharshi Electronic Systems

Alligator Designs Pvt. Ltd.


Mistral Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

Ambimat Electronics


Optimized Solutions Pvt. Ltd.


Amphenol Interconnect India Pvt. Ltd. 184

Pranaav Tele-Ventures Pvt. Ltd.


Andhra Electronics Ltd.

Princeton Lightwave


Antrix Corporation



frontcover (I)



Astra Micowave Products Ltd.


Sahajanand Laser Technology Ltd.

B.K. Consimpex Pvt.Ltd.


Scanpoint Geomatics Ltd.


Bryka LLC


Schott Glass India Pvt. Ltd.


Centum Electronics Ltd.





SIP Tools

CMOS Sensor Inc.

Backcover (I)


Spur Microwave Inc.


CMR Design Automation (P) Ltd.


Surelia Wire-Cut Pvt. Ltd.


Compusense Automation


Syratron Marketing Pvt. Ltd.


Connekt Electronics Pvt. Ltd.


Team Technology


CoreEL Technologies (I) Pvt. Ltd.


Technocom Dies & Precison Products








Teledyne DALSA


General Optics (Asia) Ltd.


Teledyne Judson


Globaltech India


Texas Instruments


Innovative CAD/CAM Services


TTL Technologies Pvt. Ltd.



Xenics Infrared Solutions


INO/AGV Systems Pvt. Ltd.

IRYS Elec. Engg Services (P) Ltd
IT Globe Inc.
Jaivel Synergies Pvt. Ltd.


Xilinx India



Zetatek Industries Ltd.



Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011
ISRS-AC Office Bearers

From the Chairmans Desk

Shri D.R.M. Samudraiah,

I have great pleasure in reaching out to

you all, the members and well-wishers
of Indian Society of Remote Sensing
Ahmedabad Chapter once again
through Signatures. I convey my
greetings and best wishes to all of you.
In the intervening period since the last
issue was released, we had conducted

Prof. Anupam K. Singh,

Smt. Parul Patel,
Dr. Indrani C. Singh,
Jt. Secretary
Shri K.P. Bharucha,

ISRS-AC EC Members
Shri Kashyap N. Mankad
Smt. Arundhati Misra
Dr. Abha Chhabra
Dr. Rahul Nigam
Shri R.P. Prajapati

ISRS-AC Office
Room No. 4372,
Space Applications Centre
(SAC), ISRO, Ahmedabad380015.
Phone: +91 79 2691 4372

ISRS Headquarters
C/o Indian Institute of Remote




Dehradun - 248 001, India.

Fax: +91 135 2741 987

Dear Members,

two events namely the twelfth Prof. Pisharoty memorial lecture & the World
Environment Day with very good participation from members.
This issue of Signatures focuses on the theme: Industry Contributions to Remote
Sensing Activities. Signatures Editorial Team has compiled a number of
interesting articles of topical interest on this theme. Several professionals from
the Industry have contributed to this special issue through their brief and vivid
articles on the focal theme. The technological & R&D efforts have come out very
well in their articles. This issue also contains an Interview with Dr. Ranganath R
Navalgund, President ISRS & Director, Space Applications Centre, ISRO,
Ahmedabad and interviews with some of the industry leaders, apart from the
regular Columns. I thank all the authors, industry leaders, well wishers and Dr.
Navalgund for their contributions to Signatures. I believe that ISRS Members
and industry professionals will be extremely benefited from the information
given in this issue.
Oceans play a crucial role in the seasonal variations of the Earths atmosphere
through their contributions in wind circulation, thermal currents, cloud
formation, etc. ISRS-AC is planning the next issue of Signatures on the themeAtmospheric & Oceanic Remote Sensing. I request all members working on
this theme to contribute articles for the next issue.
I take this opportunity to invite all of you to actively contribute to the objectives
of ISRS by taking part in the Chapter events and contributing to Signatures.
Wishing you all the very best,
DRM Samudraiah

Theme for the forthcoming issues of Signatures:

Jul Sep 2011: Atmospheric & Oceanic Remote Sensing
Oct - Dec 2011: Remote Sensing - Astronomy & Planetary Sciences.

Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011

An Interview with
Dr. Ranganath R. Navalgund, President, ISRS
Navalgund, thank you for
sparing your time for this
interview. At the outset,
how do you foresee the
proliferation of the use of
geo-spatial information in
India in particular, and
the world in general,
considering the recent
Remote Sensing, Navigation and the ICT technologies?
RRN: It is actually a very comprehensive question
that you have asked.
Remote sensing, communication and also navigation,
all three are coming together in providing a large
number of services now.
In addition to that,
developments that are taking place in high-speed
broadband internet services are in fact facilitating
greater use of remotely sensed data in many of the
applications. Remote sensing, of course, has been
progressing into very high-resolution images. It has
also progressed in the area of hyperspectral remote
sensing, and also in many aspects of microwave
remote sensing. But very often, we tend to think in
terms of the growth of remote sensing only as
applicable to the land. Whereas, if you see over the
years, remote sensing data/observation abilities in
the area of atmosphere as well as oceans, has also
considerably advanced in the last few years. It
provides a large number of measurements, which are
very important not only for weather forecasting,
ocean state forecasting but also in making certain
benchmarks for climate change. Developments that
have taken place in these areas are also being utilised
in defining some of the sensor capabilities for
planetary missions.
There is a tremendous increase in the versatility of
GIS services whether one talked about 2D, later on
2 D, later on 3D, web based services and network
analysis. I mean a host of advances that have taken
place in GIS have greatly benefited Remote Sensing

also. Broadband internet services have greatly

A large number of services which are location based
services are the ones which are going to play a very
important role in the next few years. The situation is
not very different in the world and in India. But may
be in certain parts of the western countries, it has
already reached a level where individuals are using
these location-based services in a big way, whereas
that might be just picking up as far as India is
Signatures: Generally the applications of remote sensing
have been in aiding the Govt. and large industry sectors in
the decision making process pertaining to their geospatial
assets. What is your considered opinion about the
proliferation of context-aware common man geospatial
solutions to the day to day problems faced by a city dweller
or a tourist or a villager?
RRN: It is true remote sensing, to start with, has been
providing information at a much larger scale, in the
sense for larger areas and also perhaps at a scale at
which it was only useful to the decision makers or
the planners at the Govt. level or at the private
industries, large infrastructure projects etc. But as I
mentioned earlier, because of the advances that are
taking place in the high resolutions, as well as
because of the advances that are being made with
respect to weather and ocean state forecasting related
things and the availability of the GIS advances in
terms of technology and the ability to convert these
things and reach it to the common people that is
what has made a difference now, whether it is a
fisherman or it is somebody who is an urban dweller,
who wants to do network optimization. It is still true
that remote sensing by and large is a true aid for
natural resources survey, monitoring and which is
generally used at the Govt. level or at the private big
players level, but I think now it is transforming itself
where it could be used by the people per se. As far as
communication is concerned, it is at a personal level,
but as far as remote sensing, one didnt think that

Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011
way. The convergence of the synergy of the other
technologies are enabling remote sensing to become a
useful thing for the common person as well.

but also the likely further areas. Emergency

communication is provided by satellites. In the
whole gamut of disaster related activities, role of
space technology is yet to completely master early
warning/forecasting methods.
And the other
important aspect relates to policy that makes sure that
the value added data products reach the concerned
stakeholders in a very short period of time. Third
relates to policy level again, of whom to give or who
should have the access to this information, is also
very important.

Signatures: What about GPS based navigation?

RRN: GPS has revolutionised navigation. A large
number of applications/ services which require
precise knowledge of position & time are centered
around the use of GPS. Many nations are planning
their own space-based navigation systems.
Signatures: What particular use do you foresee for the use
of geo spatial information prior to, during or after a
disaster in the country?
RRN: Remote Sensing has many roles in disaster
situations. Pre-disaster, you would like to see the
hazard zonation, areas which are vulnerable to
disasters. You would also like to see and assess risk; a
particular area may be hazard prone, but only if there
is a habitation in that hazard zone then it becomes a
risk. So all this is possible using remote sensing and
GIS and this has been done for different disasters viz.
floods, landslides, earthquakes, cyclones, or even
drought. So hazard zonation, vulnerability analysis
and risk assessment are something which are done
using remote sensing and GIS that are very useful
during pre-disaster. In addition to that, to a large
extent Remote Sensing data of land, ocean,
atmosphere put together and the modeling exercises
have helped in early warning methods, forecasting
methods; although the level of maturity of the
forecasting methods is not necessarily same in all
It has been useful in cyclone track
prediction. It is done on a routine basis. On the other
hand earthquakes are not something on which we
have good early warning methods.

Signatures: Coming to the theme of this newsletter, ie.,

industry contributions to remote sensing activities, how do
you assess the significance of the role of industries in
promoting remote sensing in our country vis--vis the
world scenario, as of now?
RRN: The way the private industries in India have
helped the growth of remote sensing and the allied
services is very important. In the initial years, I think
industries mostly were engaged in small jobs like
digitization of the data or perhaps in making some
small equipment for visual interpretation etc. But
soon the industries went forward and got into value
added products.
Some of them developed a number of software both
in the area of remote sensing, GIS and image
processing, put them into a product including a
computer system etc. These efforts have greatly
benefited application related activities. As far as
building of the payloads and spacecraft themselves
are concerned, I think to a great extent they have been
benefited by fabrication/manufacturing related
contributions. In the recent years, development of
sub-systems; optics related, or sub systems of
electronics or even communication subsystems, earth
stations has taken place. In fact the setting up of the
international ground stations has been one of the
major areas where industries have played a role. Endto-end turn-key projects, they have been able to do. If
you go beyond this field, they have also helped
greatly in many of the satellite main frame structures,
sensors, attitude sensors. Then there are large number
of efforts in case of launch vehicles.

As far as post disaster is concerned, it is essentially

for mitigation measures, that means how do I make
the effect of the disaster less when the next disaster
occurs. So what are the mitigation measures one
needs to take, whether it is floods in terms of where
to put the embankments etc. So in fact in disasters we
have three major things. One is pre disaster, during
disaster and post disaster. During disaster, it is
useful for warning the people not only of the extent

Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011
Industries are playing an extremely important role.
But, I would say to a large extent, it is still within the
scientific organizations that we do many things in
India compared to the western world. For eg., if you
go and see outside, the entire payload itself is made
by an industry, including design and development.
In fact the space organizations restrict only to
conceptualization, design, quality control, assurance,
testing and may be at some level of integration. In
India, it is not still true.

Signatures: As President, ISRS, do you have any

particular suggestions for reducing the timeline involved
in the Government-Industry engagements, or are you
satisfied with the current procedures in place?
RRN: You know one aspect perhaps relates to data
policies. They have to do many of the things under
the supervision which perhaps takes a certain amount
of time, which is perhaps hindering. If we have more
open data policy so it would certainly help. Recent RS
Data Policy-2011 (See Page 179- Ed.) is a step in this

So, Indian industries have a large scope. Industries

will survive only if they have necessary
infrastructure, and sustainability over a period of
time. That is likely to happen in future because now
Indian space programme has reached a certain level
of maturity and there is going to be a sustainability of
services in both communication, remote sensing,
including navigation. So that would result in having
the industries to take up a greater role. I would say
that so far what industries have done is good, it will
do much better in the years to come because of the
sustained programmes. In addition to that, India is
also now in a position to provide its expertise and
services to other countries in the world. That itself
will give a greater scope for the industries.

Second, we need not look at only satellite data as far

as remote sensing is concerned. There are a large no.
of activities which need to be done using aerial data
particularly, aerial stereo data, which are required for
development related activities. All those things can
be taken by the industries and the time can be cut
down provided we have more facilitating methods of
doing these things under the overall policy umbrellas.
Signatures: Could you tell how ISRS is facilitating the
interaction among the Remote Sensing industry,
government and other stakeholders in the RS domain?
RRN: Right from the beginning ISRS has been
promoting the industries by inviting them to our
symposia and workshops, where they not only make
presentations on their abilities but also they display
what they have to offer. That is one way in which we
are promoting. We have also held commercial
applications of remote sensing CARG symposia only
for the industry etc. Third is we have also promoted
industries by doing their certification process. This
didnt get completely concretized. But one of the
suggestions was that the ISRS can take up and qualify
which vendor is qualified to do a particular work.

Our industries will be competitive in terms of the

availability of a large scientific and engineering
manpower and our cost of manufacturing itself. So
we should be able to take a larger fraction of the
market that exists in the world in all aspects of the
space missions and their applications.
Signatures: Could you broadly categorise the domains in
which the industry contributes to the remote sensing
activities in India, at present?
RRN: It is providing in (i) value added products &
services. (ii) It is also engaged in development of
software. (iii) Then in the area of data acquisition
systems, international ground stations, etc.; (iv) in
providing subsystems, the fabrication of electronics,
mechanical assemblies, etc.; (v) then in some of the
communication subsystems.

Signatures: In your considered opinion, what does the

future hold for the industry contributions to RS activities?
RRN: I think there is an enormous scope. There is an
increasing role as far as industries are concerned,
with the kind of growth that is expected in Remote
Sensing, GIS plus location based services.

Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011
Signatures: What is your future vision for the Indian
Society of Remote Sensing?
RRN: My vision for the Indian Society of Remote
Sensing is that it should make an international
imprint in the field of remote sensing and that should
be the motto of the Indian society of remote sensing.
How can it do this?
Number one is the quality of research which is being
done not only in this country but also elsewhere
should be reflected in the papers, that we publish in
the journal of the Indian society of remote sensing.
That is my first suggestion. So that when the standard
of the journal or the quality of the papers which are
published in the journal of ISRS is enhanced, it will
bring a larger attention to the work that are being

Signatures: With respect to the industries, future RS

symposia whether we can have one session for
RRN: Definitely, we can have one particular technical
session of innovations done by industry. May be we
can call it Innovations Forum. Earlier, we were only
giving them one session for presentations (more as an
advertisement). Instead of that, if they present what
innovations they have done, I think that would bring
attention of the overall delegates to them. Right now,
not many people go and attend these particular
sessions and we are also looking at them only
perhaps as sponsors. I think that mind-set should
change. We should look at them as equal partners, in
technology development, value added services etc. I
think that should be reflected in the technical session.
I think that would help.

Second is that we should also play a very meaningful

role in the international societies which are associated
with RS; that is we become a major player in the
Photogrammetry and RS, may be in the International
Astronautical Congress related activities, also may be
in some other RS related Societies which do exist
elsewhere, IEEE, etc. In addition to playing a major
role in these international societies, we should also be
very active in the Asian region. For eg., we have the
Asian Association of RS, AARS. There we at the
moment are not playing a very prominent role. So,
that is where, we should play a prominent role.

Signatures: More industrialists should become part of the

RRN: True. If you see IEEE and all similar societies
they have greater participation of industry
Signatures: Dr. Navalgund, we the editorial team of
Signatures and the office-bearers of Ahmedabad Chapter
thank you for sparing your time and sharing your views
with our readers. Do you have any other final comments or
RRN: You know at present the Indian Society of
Remote Sensing which was established in 1969, is a 42
year adult. So it has reached its middle years or a
matured state. ISRS is still considered largely of
professionals who are engaged in the science and
applications of remote sensing data. Whereas, I
would like to look at the ISRS, not just of the
professionals who are in the science and applications
but also of technologists, contributing greatly to the
growth of this society.

Third is through the individuals. Individual members

of the ISRS should make their mark, in positions of
international societies. And the fourth one I would
think that ISRS should bring out certain very special
volumes, monographs which actually bring about the
particular culture of the RS activities in India which
are driven by applications, success stories of RS in
actual applications in the society. If we do that, that
will bring home our society to the attention of
international audience. Then I think the Indian
society of remote sensing will become a major force to
reckon with or a body who is respected in the
international arena. Not that, it is not there now, but it
will be much more than what it is. These are a few

The second thing that I would also like to look at, is

that the ISRS should not be only a society of remote
sensing, but should also be a society for
Photogrammetry and spatial sciences. I think it
should encompass or embody all aspects of the

Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011
technologies of GIS related things, then it should
become much more rounded not only in its
composition, but also in its professional content. I
think we should move towards that.
Signatures: Lastly, do you have any message to the
members of Ahmedabad Chapter?
RRN: Ahmedabad Chapter has always been a leading
chapter of the ISRS right from the 1980s or so.
Ahmedabad chapter should provide a lead in the
conduct of the professional activities to other chapters
of the society not only in the scientific programmes

ISRS Symposium, 2011

that we do, but also in managing the chapters

activities, its financial resources etc. I think it should
become the role model to all the chapters.
Signatures: Thank you very much. We shall strive to do

ISRS Updates January-June 2011

ISRS Annual Convention and National Symposium, 2011 will be conducted during November 9-11,
2011 at Bhopal on the theme Empowering Rural India through Space Technology.
There are three pre-symposium tutorials on Introduction to Open Source GIS, Satellite
Navigational Applications and Crop Area Assessment: Mapping and Modeling to be organized
at Bhopal during November 06-07, 2011.
Details are available on website

There will be an ISPRS WG VIII/6 and VIII/8 International Workshop on Earth Observation for
Terrestrial Ecosystem on November 08, 2011 at Bhopal. Details are available on website
Other Important News

ISRS has become an ordinary member of Asian Association of Remote Sensing. ISRS plans to
organize Asian Conference of Remote Sensing in near Future.
The Nominations for ISRS awards, 2011 are invited. The last date for nominations is September 30,
ISRS has launched its new website:

ISRS plans to bid for 2016 ISPRS Congress. For this a bidding team has been constituted. Dr. V. K.
Dadhwal, Director, NRSC has been designated as Team Leader and Congress Director (nominated).
ISRS Symposium, 2012

ISRS Annual Convention and National Symposium, 2012 will be held in Delhi.

Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011
Remote Sensing Applications - Software & Services

Industry Contributions in International Remote Sensing

Activities of Antrix
Dr. Murthy Remilla
Dy. Director, Business Development (Remote Sensing),
Antrix Corporation Limited, ISRO HQ, Bangalore

An Indian farmer standing in his field, opening

his mobile, touching few tabs to know the
weather information and about the seeds before
starting the sowing using precision farming;
another farmer, using web-based GIS on his
mobile for locating the nearest market for selling
his harvest or searching for the best market

hardware/ software developments, supply of

components/sub-systems, fabrication/ test/
realization of parts for ground or onboard
systems, data reception, data processing,
applications on ground support/consultancy etc.
Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) is one
of the leading agencies in the field of spaceborne
remote sensing with a host of communication and
remote sensing satellites in the orbit serving
different user needs. The Indian Space Agency,
ISRO has a rich heritage in space systems and
services and includes an impressive array of
remote sensing satellites and their utilisation.
India enjoys a leadership position in remote
sensing with the largest constellation of state of
art remote sensing satellites with versatile
capabilities. Antrix Corporation Ltd., the
commercial and marketing arm of ISRO reaches
the services of ISRO and the Indian Space
industry to the global customers. These details
are given in the later section.

This may be an imaginary situation today but

may soon become a reality. Today, we are already
witnessing wonders in our daily life brought in
by advances in technologies. The days have gone
when people were finding difficulties in locating
addresses and directions. Today, web based
mapping/GIS services are becoming popular and
bringing convenience. No wonder, these
technology based services will be converging
further in the near future, with the launch and
spread of affordable tablet PCs.
All these developments are made possible, more
with the active role of private industry and end
users besides the advancement of technologies.
Though the advancements were happening
continuously in Information, Communication
and space technologies for several decades;
reaping their benefits and empowering the
people has been a major contribution of the
industry through customised solutions and
When we look at the industry contribution to the
remote sensing activities in general, we can make
out that today industry is participating in

1. Satellite building/ launching: Traditionally,

research and development in space technologies,
building/ launching of satellites has been the
hallmark of only a few governments across the
globe, like India, US, Japan, Europe, China.
Today the commercial industry partners like
Digital Globe (USA), Geo Eye (USA), Imagesat
International (Israel) and SaTRec (South Korea)
are some of the fully commercial agencies
involved in developing and operating remote

Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011
partners who receive, process and distribute IRS
imagery are in-turn enabling the growth of
industry chain locally for value addition and
advanced services.

sensing satellites. Antrix Corporation Limited

and Spot Image, though both are part of the
governmental systems are promoting remote
sensing activities on a commercial basis like
members of the industry.

Antrix/ISRO have taken many industry

partners as stakeholders in building/realising
International Ground Stations (IGS) for
receiving IRS data. These industry partners
contribute in the development of satellite
specific hardware and other ground station
related hardware supply to Antrix for
establishing these IGSs.

ISRO transfers several technologies to the

industries and provides necessary training and
hand holding to the licencee with a guaranteed
buy back in majority of the cases. ISRO uses the
services of several of these technology license
holders and other industry partners in fabrication
and supply of satellite hardware/subsystems in
structures, electronics, optics, power systems,
reaction/control mechanisms etc., and also
several software activities. Though the design is
by ISRO, the development, testing and system
level validation are actively carried out by
industry partners.

In the field of data processing, Antrix

Corporation is liaisoned with the image
processing and Photogrammetric software
industry for developing advanced products
from the IRS data. Specific examples in this area
include the role of industry in processing stereo
images, digital elevation model and digital
surface/terrain modeling etc using Cartosat-1
stereo pairs. The industry contribution in this
has been in enabling users of different COTS
software packages for using IRS Cartosat-1 data
through six levels of stereo processing support.
Such an understanding with the industry has
enabled IRS readiness of commercial packages
like LPS, ENVI, PCI. Many of the Indian
Geospatial industry players are successful not
only in the Indian market but are making their
presence felt globally.

Similarly, Antrix has launched satellites of several

international customers on commercial basis
using ISROs Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle
(PSLV). ISRO utilizes the services of several
industry partners in the fabrication and supply of
subsystems for launch services as per the existing
2. Satellite Data Reception and Processing:
Antrix Corporation has a network of 22
international ground stations spread across all the
continents receiving data from several IRS
satellites including Resourcesat-1, Cartosat-1,
Cartosat-2 and Oceansat. Out of these 22, half of
the stations are owned, operated and managed by
private industry partners in those markets. Some
of the private industry partners include Euromap,
Germany; Beijing Earth Observation, China;
EOTec, USA; ScanEx and Sovzond, Russia;
Seaspace, USA who are making good business in
the market segments and also bringing wider
awareness and acceptance for IRS services. These

3. Utilisation in Applications: Remote Sensing,

observation of objects and their features without
coming into contact has the advantage of
providing synoptic, detailed information about
the land condition and land use etc., to the user
community. For a long period, use of Remote
Sensing has been confined to applications like
Natural Resources Management, Mapping or
Disaster Management mostly by governmental

Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011
implementation/ monitoring activities, Indian
Space Research Organisation in collaboration
with industry has developed an Integrated GIS
and Image Processing Software called IGiS. The
collaborator in this effort for ISROs Space
Applications Centre is an Ahmedabad based
private company M/s. Scanpoint Geomatics
Limited (SGL). The collaborator has been selected
by ISRO for the development of IGiS after
considering many offers which include offers
from MNCs.

agencies/decision makers. With the improvement

in the information content of the images use by
private and individuals is expanding in addition
to the core group of scientific and government
users. Today, information revolution the
combination of required information and its
timely delivery is made possible by the active role
and involvement of private industry bringing the
benefits of the technological advancements to the
common man. The kind and level of information
being provided is witnessing rapid change and
also the demands/expectations by the users is
also ever increasing.

The software consists of three key components

namely (i) IGiS Desktop software, an integrated
suite of advanced GIS and Image Processing
tools, (ii) IGiS Geodata Server Gateway, an
interface for managing spatial data in a Relational
Database management System(RDBMS) and (iii)
IGiS Web Applications software, Internet-based
GIS for distributing data and services using Map
Browser. This package was specifically developed
with the heritage of ISROs long experience in a
variety of applications and also through a
carefully chosen industrial collaborative effort.
The software is also accompanied by advanced
modules including network analysis, terrain
analysis, 3D modeling and neural network
analysis. The IPR of the product lies jointly with
ISRO and Scanpoint whereas, Antrix is
supporting the marketing of IGiS package. After
an encouraging feedback from several user
segments in India, Antrix is planning an
international launch of this product for reaching
the benefits of integrated and cost effective IP +
GiS suite to the global community.

Google Earth, Microsoft Virtual earth and other

services are some of the examples bringing
Spaceborne Remote Sensing Imageries to the
desktops of common man. Bhuvan is a Geoportal
Showcasing Indian Imaging Capabilities in Multisensor, Multi-platform and Multi-temporal
domain. This is a one stop versatile web based
Earth Observation visualization platform that
provides access to information valuable for
engaging various developmental activities at the
grass root level.
While recognising the massive market of
agricultural sector in India and the potential use
of remote sensing in agriculture as well as allied
services/ products, some software/consultancy
firms are coming with new ideas to launch
several service packages. These IT enabled
services envision clubbing the advances in IT and
communication with the benefits of Remote
sensing technology to serve the range of stake
holders in agricultural sector. Once this is
successful, this may expand to other sectors
which are not traditional users of remote sensing.

Coupled with the advances in smart phones,

Location Based Services (LBS) are gaining
popularity and importance with several sectors of
the economy embracing the new technologies. To
meet this market potential, many industry
players are coming up with innovative, user

Taking cognizance of the increasing role of

Geographical Information System (GIS) in several

Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011
friendly and cost effective packages/solutions
that utilise the benefits of remote sensing
imagery, GIS and GPS.

ISRO to their applications on the ground and also

in reaching the services of IRS to the Earth
Observation community in the Global market.

4. International Marketing: In addition to the

network of IGSs, Antrix has expanded its
presence and availability of IRS products and
services to several national customers in the
international market through a wide network of
20 resellers. Needless to mention majority of them
are from the private industry hoisting the flag of
IRS in their market segments.
Thus, it can be concluded that several national
and international industry partners are associates
of Antrix Corporation in international remote
sensing activities, right from satellite building for

With the advances in the technology, increasing

user demands and higher inclination from the
industry to join the remote sensing and other
space based technology services, the future may
witness increased level of industry participation
as well as expanded scope of activities in which
the industry becomes an important stake holder.

Call for Articles

Readers are requested to contribute short articles for publication in the forthcoming issues in their own
words, preferably as per the editorial calendar given on page-4, either as a brief survey of state of the art or
as articles on specific work carried out by them, or as novel concepts related to the specific theme(s). The
deadline for inclusion in the next issue on Atmospheric & Oceanic Remote Sensing is Sept 20, 2011.
- Editorial Team


Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011

Industry Participation in Remote Sensing

A R Dasgupta
Scanpoint Geomatics Ltd, Ahmedabad
Geospatial technologies in general and Remote
Sensing in particular are driven by industry, though
this may not be apparent to most persons. While the
design and development of the sensors, the satellite
and the launcher and the ground segment are
spearheaded by ISRO, a government R&D institution,
the material, components, subassemblies, tools, test
equipment, computers and software are all
contributed by industry. This is not to downplay the
contribution of ISRO in designing and operating a
programme that is one of the most innovative and
economical in the world but to highlight the fact that
Industry is an unsung but very important partner in
this national effort. The story of the collaboration
between Scanpoint Geomatics Limited, Space
Applications Centre, Indian Space Research
Organisation and Antrix Corporation illustrates the
win-win solution that is possible when government,
public sector and private sector come together.

In 2004, as remote sensing activities burgeoned the

then Chairman of ISRO, Dr. Madhavan Nair felt that
the time was ripe to take another stab at indigenizing
image processing and GIS software because if the
usage of IRS data was to be enhanced then it was
necessary that Indian users should have access to
image processing systems which were economically
priced. ISRO had already developed and marketed its
IRS data processing software (DPS) globally through
the tie up of Antrix with EOSAT (later Space
Imaging). Therefore it was felt that this expertise
could be applied to the field of image processing as
well. As it was Space Applications Centre which had
spearheaded the IRS DPS development it was
decided to entrust SAC with this responsibility.
SAC had earlier experience in joint development of
software with industry when it took up the
development of GIS software called ISROGIS under
ISROs Technology Transfer programme. However,
this effort also had faced the problem of marketing
and after sales support and had failed. This time
around SAC decided on a model in which it would
provide the specifications and the verification and
validation support and leave the development to
industry. A RFP was released and 13 industries, many
well known MNCs included, were shortlisted after
the initial screening. Finally, Scanpoint Geomatics Ltd
was the company that could satisfy all the
requirements of the RFP and win the contract.

As India entered the era of operational remote

sensing through its Indian Remote Sensing Satellite
series in the 1980s, ISRO realized the importance of
image processing software for analysis of remotely
sensed data. However, image processing systems
were expensive those days. Therefore, ISRO set up
five Regional Remote Sensing Centres in different
parts of India equipped with the latest image
processing systems imported from France which
could be made available to regional users in the states
for a modest fee. Simultaneously, development of
indigenous image processing software was revved up
and two systems, SIPS and ISROVISION, were
developed jointly with Indian industry and placed in
the market. Though cheaper by a huge margin the
marketing efforts of these systems floundered and by
the time IRS was into its third satellite, IRS-1C the
country was once again depending on imported

SGL worked very closely with SAC over the next five
years and the beta version was tested by an ISRO
wide team for one year before the software was
released formally on July 29, 2009 by Dr. Madhavan
Nair, thus fulfilling his dream and desire. The
product, named IGiS v1.0, for Integrated GIS and IP
Software, is a state of the art system incorporating all
the features required by projects being conducted by
ISRO and its collaborators and also available in
expensive imported software. SGL is assured

Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011
continuous support by ISRO and a proof of this
support is that IGiS v1.1 could be released within 18
months of the release of the version 1.0. Version 1.1
went through the same rigorous testing by an ISRO
team and was released by Dr. R. R. Navalgund,
Director, SAC on January 27, 2011.

Aperture Radar imagery analysis and a suite for

photogrammetry. For this again SGL is in discussion
with ISRO-SAC for the transfer of technology
developed by them. In fact the suggestion to add SAR
imagery analysis came from Dr. Navalgund, Director,
SAC, illustrating the degree of support and goodwill
that SAC-ISRO has for the product and the industry.

Being sensitive to market needs, SGL is not satisfied

by just selling boxes of software but prefers to take up
turn key projects and provide customised solutions to
end users. Looking at the opportunities emerging
Development and Reforms Programme, R-APDRP,
SGL has added the Power Line Package PLP to IGiS.
Similarly, seizing the opportunity provided by the
National Land Records Modernisation Programme,
NLRMP, SGL has developed a Land Records
Information Management System, LRIMS. Apart from
these, there are customisations of IGiS for
applications in mining, urban planning and defence.
IGiS is the only Indian software that has been
certified by the Open Geospatial Consortium as
compliant with its specifications for Web Map
Services and Web Coverage Services.

In terms of marketing SGL has entered into an

association with Antrix Corporation under which
Antrix and SGL work together to provide solutions to
customers. Under this association Antrix is now a
registered GIS Solution Provider under the R-APDRP
programme with SGL providing the technical back
office support.
In conclusion, the story of SGL and IGiS illustrates
how private industry, public sector and government
R&D laboratories can work together to produce and
market world class products at very economical
prices. Further, Indian industry is much better placed
to service Indian users by providing total solutions as
opposed to shrink wrapped boxes marketed by sales
representatives of MNC suppliers. ISRO has done a
significant service to Indian users of remotely sensed
data by providing IRS satellites and software like IGiS
to analyse this data. Scanpoint Geomatics is proud to
be a partner in this effort with ISRO and Antrix.

Keeping in mind the current trends and the need to

support ISROs future IRS satellites, plans are
underway to add advanced modules for Synthetic

Call for Articles

Readers are requested to contribute short articles for publication in the forthcoming issues in their own
words, preferably as per the editorial calendar given on page-4, either as a brief survey of state of the art or
as articles on specific work carried out by them, or as novel concepts related to the specific theme(s). The
deadline for inclusion in the next issue on Atmospheric & Oceanic Remote Sensing is Sept 20, 2011.
- Editorial Team


Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011

Increasing Role of Private Industry in RS Activities

Jiping Li
General Manager, Beijing Earth Observation Inc.
In recent years, the remote sensing industry has
(better than 2.5 m) and along track stereo imaging
become more and more prosperous in China market
capability for cartographic applications.
thanks to the growth of demand and the high speed
development of economy. Beijing Eastdawn
Secondly, Apart from the stereo mode, the satellite is
Information technology Co., Ltd. (EDIT) is an
also equipped to operate in the wide swath mode.
international geospatial data production and remote
When operated in this mode the satellite can be
sensing company, with headquarters in Beijing,
maneuvered such that image strips will fall side by
China. EDIT has a Data Production Center, with a
side so that wider swath images of 55 km are obtained
capacity of more than one thousand and a half
by the cameras.
operators and managers. EDIT is one of the largest
privately owned geospatial data production
Thirdly, the precision of elevation/plane imaging is
companies in China.
very high, due to the fixed B/H ratio of 0.62 of stereo
pairs and the across track resolution of 2.187 m (at
Remote sensing business which is the main part of
Nadir) of the Aft camera. So the derived DEM can
EDIT has a big growth in these years. EDIT is the
meet the demand of scale 1:25000, while the single
exclusive distributor of CartoSat-1(IRS-P5) imagery
image can meet the updating task demand of
and RapidEye imagery, the master distributor of
topographic maps of scale 1:10000.
IKONOS, GeoEye-1 imagery, and has a sole
marketing agreement for COSMO-SkyMed imagery
Fourthly, the platform can be tilted up to 23 degrees
for the entire China market. Among all of these 12
in the across track direction, thereby providing a short
optical and radar satellites, CartoSat-1 is the first data
revisit period of 5 days, which can meet the special
that EDIT distributes in China market, and up to now
needs of an urgent task.
it is also the only one that EDIT receives the data by
its own ground segment. The receiving of CartoSat-1
CartoSat-1 is widely used in areas of cartographic
data in China by EDIT started from 2006, distributed
applications, urban management, disaster assessment,
to domestic customers, which provides a solid
relief planning and management, environmental
support for the remote sensing business of EDIT.
assessment and other GIS applications. Here after are
CartoSat-1 helps to cultivate many important clients
some examples. EDIT also releases value added
and ignites the prosperity of remote sensing business
products and services, such as Image Earth 2011,
of EDIT. CartoSat-1 is an advanced 3-axis body
which is true color DOM product merged with
stabilized remote sensing satellite, which was put into
CartoSat-1 and other multi-spectral bands of other
618 km Sun synchronous orbit on May 05, 2005. It has
available sensors. Image Earth 2011 is 2.5 m spatial
many advantages comparing to other satellites of its
resolution and gives a seamless cover over whole
China. It has a capacity of updating 5,000,000 sq km
area annually. It can meet the plug-and-play data
Firstly, CartoSat-1 has two panchromatic cameras
demand of GIS users. Due to the moderate resolution,
mounted with a tilt of +26 degrees (Fore) and -5
pointing accuracy, data quantity and reasonable price,
degrees (Aft) from yaw axis in Yaw-Roll plane, which
it has become ideal base map for large GIS systems of
can provide data with enhanced spatial resolution
many industries.


Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011

Fig. 1 Beijing Capital International Airport, DOM product merged by IRS-P5 and IRS-P6

Fig. 2 Beijing Olympic venues, DLG product of IRS-P5

Telecom base station
Fig. 3 Constructing digital 3D community, building height extracted from stereo pairs of IRS-P5
Fig. 4 Building heights extracted from stereo pairs of IRS-P5, for the locations selection of telecom base


Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011

GIS and Remote Sensing Applications Related Services

from CompuSense Automation
Established in 1997, CompuSense Automation is
Ahmedabad based, GIS and Remote Sensing
Applications service provider company. Apart from
providing services to ISRO, for their important and
national level projects like NR Census, Coastal Zone
Information System, Glacier Inventory, Glacier Mass
Balance, Snow Cover mapping, Lunar DEM etc.
CompuSense Automation has been involved in Urban
Planning projects of Government of Orissa, for
Preparation of Comprehensive Development Plan of
Sambalpur region. Company has also undertaken

about 50 land use mapping projects for Environment

Impact Assessment Studies. For different industries
like chemical, pharmaceutical, cement, ports,
infrastructure and mining. Specific remote sensing
studies like mangrove mapping and monitoring,
studying impact of water conversion activities,
assessment of cultivable land for bio mass based
power project and change analysis studies are some of
the areas in which CompuSense Automation has
provided its services.

Using Commercial Software to Enhance Commercial

Imaging Acquisition
Adam Gorski, Analytical Graphics, Inc., Exton, PA USA,
This paper documents the ways
commercially available software from Analytical
Graphics, Inc. (AGI) can improve the acquisition of
remote sensing products by reducing the time and
cost required to procure new imagery from remote
sensing satellites. The method uses the industrystandard STK desktop software and software
development kits and the new Standard Object
Catalog (SOC) library of satellite platforms and
sensor models. AGIs STK and the STK Engine
software development kit are commercial software
packages with more than 22 years of history in the
remote sensing market. The SOC is a new effort from
AGI to create a community-driven library of
spacecraft with accurate and thorough descriptions
of mission capabilities. SOC entries can be searched
and the data automatically loaded into STK for
simulation and planning.

1. Commercial Remote Sensing Challenge Everyone

can benefit from remote sensing. As anyone who has
used Google Earth, Bing Maps or Bhuvan can attest,
seeing the Earth in high resolution from above
provides a unique perspective that empowers
decision-making and planning on scales never seen
before in human history. However, getting new
imagery is a complex job. Satellite tasking (or
requesting a satellite operator to take an image of a
specific place) is a costly and time-consuming
endeavor. Tasking for some satellites is free, while
other satellites cost $10,000 or more per image
request. Furthermore, it may take days or weeks for a
single satellite to pass over a target in such a way that
its sensors can retrieve an image of a specific area
(assuming there is no cloud cover during that pass).
For response to flooding, fires, storms or other
disasters, this duration is often not acceptable.
However, with commercial software tools outlined

Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011
below, that process can be greatly improved by
providing knowledge and choice to individuals.

data can be procured publicly. Fig. 1 shows the

growth of this market along with the distribution of
countries contributing to it. With so many publicly
available sources of data, resolutions varying from
tens of meters to less than 1 meter; satellites with
different agility (the ability to change orientation and
point at a target); sensors with different swaths (the
area on the Earths surface it can cover); payloads
with different operating frequencies and satellite
orbits with different revisit rates, it becomes
challenging for someone who is not a rocket scientist
to know which satellite is really best for getting an
image quickly and affordably. Fig. 2 shows this
challenging problem in STKs 3D environment
populated with the active imaging satellites.

2. Commercial Remote Sensing Industry The

satellite remote sensing industry has seen a dramatic
change in the past 20 years. In 1991, there were only
five nations that had access to satellite remote
sensing assets: the United States, Japan, Russia, India
and France.[1] Since then, the world has seen the
impact of low-cost and micro-satellite technology
spread around the world with a current fleet of 62
satellites with optical payloads from more than 19
countries. [2]
civilian/commercial programs, and most of their

Fig. 1: Number and distribution of commercial remote sensing satellites [1]

4. Software modeling of remote sensing platforms
orbits (such as the times when they will fly over a
Fortunately for the global remote sensing
certain point on the globe). STK also includes an
community, AGI has been producing software with
interface to the United States Strategic Command
the ability to answer these difficult questions for the
(USSTRATCOM) database of satellite orbits using
past 22 years. STK is a robust and highly accurate
Two-Line Element (TLE) sets that allows the software
simulation software that predicts the location of
to predict the locations of actual satellites in orbit.
satellites and performs time-based analysis on their
Additionally, STK includes the capability to model

Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011
the sensor characteristics of satellite payloads and
analyze their line of sight to targets on the ground.

AGIs data management and collaboration software

package. The ADF stores, manages and disseminates
remote sensing assets in much the same way as a
geographic information system (GIS) collects, stores
and disseminates geography.

Recently, AGI embarked on a new initiative to make

searching for this information easier for our
community of 40,000 users. The company created a
service called the Standard Object Catalog (SOC) that
contains a library of accurate and thorough
descriptions of satellite payloads. [3] The SOC also
contains STK-formatted objects for use in image
collection planning and other analysis tasks. The SOC
data is available from a web portal at as well as built in to the STK
software through the AGI Data Federate (ADF),

Together, STK and the SOC allow users to search for

any set of active remote sensing satellites and
accurately predict the times when any of these
satellites sensors will be able to acquire an image in

Fig. 2: Screenshot from STK 3D environment using SOC satellite orbit and sensor data


Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011

Fig. 3: STK equations for modeling sensor resolution from STK desktop interactive help documentation
5. Remote sensing for the GIS customer The
integration of GIS into remote sensing systems is
requirements, in that GIS is used by many industries
including transportation, the environment, commerce

and security. To best serve these industries, remote

sensing systems need to tie directly into the
authoritative content of GIS systems. AGI software
meets that requirement by interoperating directly
with GIS through modern

Fig. 4: Satellite Overflight Portal, an AGI implementation of web-based satellite imagery planning system
built with AGI software development kits and SOC sensor data

Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011
geospatial standards. The features housed within the
GIS can be used as input parameters to the remote
sensing system, and the features geography and
associated attributes can optimize collection and
overall performance of the system.

target location and set of criteria (date, image

direction, image elevation, etc), and the software will
return a time-based list of satellites that meet those
7. Conclusion The satellite remote sensing industry
has become a complex and challenging market to
enter for those who are not already experts in the
field. However, recent advances in software
technology and data distribution allow anyone with
the right set of tools to face this challenge easily and
quickly. AGIs commercial software and SOC data
library are examples of such software/data
combinations that empower users to save time,
money and effort in the acquisition of remote sensing

6. Benefits of remote sensing prediction With the

combination of AGIs commercial STK software and
the content of the SOC, anyone can now determine
which satellites will cover a target in the shortest
amount of time and allows users to go to the right
imagery provider for their request. Additionally,
users can look back at historical satellite orbits to see
which providers could have taken a particular image
under particular conditions such as lighting, weather
and image direction.


The true benefits of these capabilities are realized

when a user combines the analytical power of STK
software with weather data, large lists of targets and
robust scheduling algorithms to optimize the
collection of assets based on resolution, priority and

[1] Stoney,
Opportunities? Earth Imaging Journal, September
[2] AGI Standard Object Catalog April 2011.
[3] Kaslow, David, COTS Implementation of a
Sensor Planning Service GetFeasibility Operation
- Interim Status #2, 2011 IEEE Aerospace
Applications Conference Proceedings, March 512, 2011.

Moreover, AGI has used our software development

kits to showcase the flexible nature of these
Overflight Portal, you can select a list of satellites, a

Call for Articles

Readers are requested to contribute short articles for publication in the forthcoming issues in their own
words, preferably as per the editorial calendar given on page-4, either as a brief survey of state of the art or
as articles on specific work carried out by them, or as novel concepts related to the specific theme(s). The
deadline for inclusion in the next issue on Atmospheric & Oceanic Remote Sensing is Sept 20, 2011.
- Editorial Team


Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011

Services and Innovative Technology Development

Globaltech India, Ahmedabad
1. Introduction: Globaltech is providing Outsourcing
services to Space Applications Centre (SAC) for
Electronics Engineers and Software engineers since
August 2010. At present we have 48 Engineers are
working at SAC in different divisions. We also
provide similar Technical services to our clients in
Canada, Israel, Belgium, Germany, United Kingdom,
Italy, Taiwan etc. for development of their products.

expertise in Software solutions for
business Application, Embedded solutions, FPGA &
ASIC designs and Network/security solutions ,
having 900 + man years of experience since 1999 .
services to Global customers
through Global Business partners , to Israel , Europe ,
Taiwan , USA , Brazil , Canada etc. GlobalTech
always ahead in technology by partnering with world
leader in technology like Microsoft,
Mentor Graphics, Microchip , Texas .

that while doing development work, we need

to develop new circuits boards (Hardware) for
different trials. In this process we were
spending lots of time, Money and resources in
development for hardware & testing of its
We thought of developing one Platform where
different programming Technology : VLSI ,
Real-time Operating system , and Embedded ,
can be done Seamless
, eliminating
requirement of new board , and also testing
can be done using various interfaces, so that it
becomes Multipurpose system, where All sort
of Development can be taken care off.
Our ProSys is the result of this thought, and it
is completely in house designed
GlobalTech Investing almost 200 Man months.

In last one decade of our existence, we have delivered

more than 100 projects in different domain, on
different technologies globally.
We started development of our product for
multitasking. Multiprocessing platform for complex
controlling. so we came out with Prosys1000. It is
Platform where FPGA, 32 bit controller and 8 bit
controllers are interconnected.

ProSys1000: 1st of its kind having three different

programming technologies on one platform with built
in soft components.
This year PROSYS had been awarded by
GESIA for best Innovation in ICT Industry.
This has been selected by CBI, Nederland
Government to promote to Europe for next
five years.
This product reduce Time to Market for OEM
in complex controlling field , as we observed


ProSys: Salient Features

Powerful Million Gate Xilinx Spartan FPGA ,
Concurrent Processing
32-Bits and 8-Bits PIC Microcontroller for
RTOS and Embedded.
Onboard Memory.
Multiple 16-Bits ADCs and DACs for
Analogue peripherals
80 Multipurpose Input/output Ports on
boards, Expandable upto Over 400 ports for
Sensors and actuators, motors etc.
Interfaced to 5.7 LCD TFT Touch Panel for

Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011

Industry standard peripherals such as USB,

Ethernet and UART for connectivity with
local/Remote PC
JTAG and PIC Kit programmer to program
FPGA and Microcontroller Compact size
ProSys: Application:
(1) Industrial Control.

(2) Wireless communication

(3) Data acquisition
(4) Educational Institute
(5) Robotics OEM


1. The glass was discovered by the phoenicinas around 3500 BC while cooking on sand.
The first lens was shaped from the glass after 5000 years, which led to the invention of
a simple telescope by Hans Lippershey of Holland. The first astronomical telescope
was invented by scientist Galileo Galilei of Italy.
2. In 1704, Sir Issac Newton gave new concept in telescope design whereby instead of
glass lenses, a curved mirror was used to gather in light and reflect it back to a point
of focus. This reflector telescope had opened the door to magnifying objects millions
of times--far beyond what could ever be obtained with a lens.
3. A binocular is an optical instrument for providing a magnified view of distant objects,
consisting of two similar telescopes, one for each eye, mounted on a single frame. The
first binocular telescope was invented by J. P. Lemiere in 1825.
4. Winds provide information about the weather and aid in its forecasting. In 1450, the
Italian art architect Leon Battista Alberti invented the first mechanical anemometer.
This instrument consisted of a disk placed perpendicular to the wind. It would rotate
by the force of the wind, and by the angle of inclination of the disk the wind force
momentary showed itself.
5. Historically, the first photos were taken from a small rocket designed by Alfred Nobel,
at a height of about 100 meters, and launched in 1897 over a Swedish landscape.
6. On October 24, 1946, the V-2 series U.S. launcher which housed a motion picture
camera in its nose cone acquired a series of views of the Earth's surface as it proceeded
to a 134 km (83 miles) altitude.
Compiled by: Amit Shukla


Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011


Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011

An Interview with

Shri MV Appa Rao, Managing Director, Centum Electronics Limited

Signatures: Shri. Appa Rao,
at the outset, ISRS-AC is
thankful to you for sparing
your time for this Interview.
Could you tell us briefly about
M/s. CENTUM Group of
companies and nature of its
AR: Thank you so much for
giving the opportunity to
share our views. Centum started its operation in 199495. Today, we have three distinct business units (BUs).
Strategic Electronics BU is involved in Design,
Development, Manufacturing and delivery of
qualified Hi-reliability Electronics hardware such as
EPCs, Sensors and Sensor Electronics, Data
Acquisition Units, BLDC Controllers, Missile Interface
Units, Onboard Computers for Space, Defense and
Aerospace applications. Electronics Manufacturing
Services BU manufactures Build to Print BTP
products such as STM4, STM16 units, flame analysers,
Gas chromatography products, Metering and Meter
Interface units for Industrial, Medical and Telecom
markets. The Frequency Controlled Products BU
Designs and Manufactures Crystals and Crystal
oscillators mainly, for Telecom, Defense and Space
markets and is one of the top three OCXO
manufacturing company in the world. As a group, we
are more than 1000 professionals located in Bangalore
and our Sales offices/Sales partners are located in
Europe and USA.

satellite bus systems related hardware delivered by

Centum comprise of dc-dc converters, EMI filters,
reaction wheel controllers, Earth and Sun sensors,
relay drivers, signal conditioners and multiplexers.
applications are in the area of Inertial Navigation
subsystems, accleration sensor data processing and
1553 interface units. Some of the products find dual
application in launch vehicle and satellite bus
systems. We are proud to be associated with
Chandrayaan-1, where we had several modules in
Inertial Navigation area performing extremely well
during transition from Earth orbit to the moon orbit.
In the defense segment, Centum has products like
Missile Interface Units, Onboard computers, power
supplies, BLDC controllers in missile & torpedo
electronics. Centum also builds Flight Data Recorders
(the black box of an Aeroplane). About 70% of
Centum groups business comes from turn-key
contracts. Most of our business with ISRO is also on
turnkey basis. We have a strong design team that
understands the quality requirements of components
and materials. Ability to have a strong supply chain
management with vendors from all parts of the
globe, Incoming Goods Inspection procedures,
manufacturing, testing and reliability screening are
key to successful execution of turnkey projects. One
also has to be financially and commercially strong to
be able to buy materials with Government and
Statutory compliances in place.
Signatures: CENTUM had worked on many projects and
programmes of ISRO. Kindly let us know about its
contributions in the field of subsystem delivery, electronic
fabrication and qualification and subsystem development
for ISROs programmes.
AR: Centum has a strong Design and Engineering
team which has been associated with various ISRO
centres in Designing and Developing products for
Space in three distinct levels viz., Subsystems,
Modules and Niche Components (like Microcircuits
and Oscillators). ISRO is one of the key customers for

Signatures: M/s. CENTUM has created a niche space for

itself as a leading industry in Indias Aerospace sector.
Will you share with us some of your major achievements?
AR: Starting in a small way about ten years ago in
aerospace sector, today we have some major
achievements that we can proudly talk about. Some
of these are the modules and subsystems in Payload
Electronics like Met Payload modules, power
supplies for RF subsystems in C and Ku bands,
Power processing units and Tile Control EPCs. The

Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011
our Strategic Electronics Business Unit and hence, we
also serve ISRO with Fabrication and Screening
activities in Build to Print - BTP mode.
We have designed and developed and delivered
Power Conditioning and Processing Units (PCPU),
Tile Control Unit EPCs and TR Controllers for
RISAT-1, Customized multi-output EPCs for Ku- and
C-band payloads for GSAT missions, Power Supply
trays for Met payload in INSAT-3D, Custom built
EPCs for IRNSS satellites, Standard dc-dc hybrid
microcircuits for housekeeping systems, Data
Acquisition Units for launch vehicles, Reaction wheel
controllers and SADA potentiometers for satellites.

as well. Reference sample given by SAC had a

volume of approximately 100 cubic mm and weight
of about 700 gms. The challenge that was given to us
by SAC was to reduce the weight and volume by
50%. Centum used various technologies such as thick
film technology, planar magnetics (first time for
ISRO), SMT technology and also used materials like
Magnesium alloy to meet the challenge given. Each
of these technologies had to go through rigorous
qualification process and at the end, we were able to
meet the requirements. This can be an excellent case
study on how ISRO and private industry can work
together to develop new technologies and deliver the
space grade products for Indian space programmes.
Also, unlike most of the space hardware, where the
quantities are mostly in single or at best double digit,
in this case we had to deliver more than 350
subsystems which itself was a challenge. Going
through the regular design and QA reviews, ramping
up the production to a steady state supply of ~35 per
month necessitated thorough planning, co-ordination
with SAC. At each of the crucial stages, SAC team
provided considerable guidance and support.

Signatures: CENTUM has contributed significantly in

development of space grade Power Supply modules for
ISROs Remote Sensing, Communication & Navigation
payloads and satellites. Will you throw some light on your
major accomplishments in this segment?
AR: Centum is extremely proud to be associated with
all the programmes of ISRO and have already
delivered qualified Flight EPCs customized for
Remote sensing, communications and Navigational
payloads and Satellites. The recent deliveries for
IRNSS and GSAT series of satellites comprised
design to FM delivery of many types of EPCs and in
substantial quantities. Recently, for INSAT-3D Met
payload, due to a risk mitigation strategy of ISRO, we
were asked to design, develop, qualify and deliver
power supply trays within a time span of six months.
The on time deliveries, in my mind was due to a
great team effort between Centum and SAC, as
developing these high end products in such a short
period is extremely difficult and rare. Apart from
this, we also deliver standard DC-DC Converters to

Signatures: Why are only very few private industry

players involved in building space qualified subsystems in
AR: Space business cannot be everybodys cup of tea.
It needs lot of patience and tenacity to be in this
business. The reasons why you see limited private
industry players in space business in India are: (1) It
is very high-tech (It is rocket science! Ha..ha..)
business which needs highly qualified technical
experts (2) Huge investments are required in
infrastructure for production and reliability testing of
the product. Quantities required may not justify the
investments and hence Private industry has a
challenge. (3) The approval cycles to be space
qualified take many years without a return, which
discourages the private industries. (4) Continuous
investments are required in R&D in developing the
new technologies and products (5) Government of
Indias procurement policy of not having long term
contracts with private industry makes it difficult to

Signatures: What were the challenges involved in the

realization and delivery of Power Conditioning and
Processing Unit (PCPU) for ISROs RISAT-1 Synthetic
Aperture Radar (SAR) Payload?
AR: This particular program was the first single
largest program for Centum in the space arena and I
also think, one of the large programs for SAC/ISRO

Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011
invest, not knowing whether the business continuity
will be there or not.
Inspite of all these constraints, we are definitely
seeing a lot more private industry participation in
Indian Space programme and I am sure this will
increase with increased outlay of ISROs budget.

team members actively participating and asking

highly technical questions. We are able to design and
manufacture many complex and technically
challenging subsystems for SAC/ISRO, thanks to
their constant encouragement and technical
guidance. This gesture of SAC helped Centum to take
up low volume, long gestation products/projects for

Signatures: You have been responsible for bringing

CENTUM to its current status as industry leader in
aerospace sector. What was your motivation and
inspiration in developing such advanced fabrication and
testing facilities? Will you share some of your experiences
during this long journey?
AR: At Centum, our vision has always been to create
value by contributing to the success of our customers
and by providing the best-in-class Electronic Design
and Manufacturing solutions. We have always
looked for opportunities in high technology
segments. As a company, once we decide to be in a
particular product or a sector, we thrive to be world
class. To achieve this, we have no choice but to
continuously invest in our people and infrastructure.
Being in Bangalore has certainly been an advantage
and our initial association and success with ISAC has
also helped.

Signatures: What types of Infrastructure and R&D setups exist at CENTUM? Are there any plans for
diversification and augmentation?
AR: I think our infrastructure and R&D can be easily
compared with any of the space suppliers in Europe
and USA. We have been continuously augmenting
the infrastructure and keep adding new machines to
address new process requirements. This year we
have set up a class 1K clean room to enhance our
capabilities. Last year we established a brand new
oscillator factory that will also address the space
requirements. Today, we have almost everything that
worlds best EPC, Modules and Subsystem suppliers
have, with technologies ranging from thick and thin
film, quartz crystal processing, high end oscillators
and SMT/Mixed PCBA besides qualified and
motivated techno-managerial team.
We are also evaluating other products and
technologies that we would like to enter, but I cannot
elaborate at this point.

Signatures: SAC/ISRO has been credited with putting

untiring efforts and encouraging the indigenous Indian
industries and industry participation in Indian Space
programme. Kindly share CENTUMs experience with
SAC/ISRO on this.
AR: ISRO has always treated its suppliers as
Partners in true sense of the word. Centum is a very
strong case study for this. Centum started as only a
hybrid supplier to ISRO and SAC/ISRO encouraged
us to take up the development of more complex
products. SAC team provided helping hand to
Centum in achieving better results. SAC also shared
their vast experience in procurement of components
to establishment of complex test facility like thermovacuum chamber. My team tells me that SAC and
ISRO teams design and technical reviews are an
excellent learning platforms for Centum Engineers
and Managers. It gives both width and depth since
the reviews are always done with cross functional

Signatures: Where does CENTUM stand today in terms

of technology capabilities in the International competitive
scenario? In what way the association with ISRO enabled
CENTUM to compete in the International market?
AR: We are currently being viewed by some of the
European space customers as a serious potential
supplier for them. We are in advanced stages of
negotiations for some of their projects. Association
with ISRO enabled Centum to develop right
technologies and products and helped us have space
heritage. The experience of the team working in
Strategic Electronics business unit in following space
standards for workmanship and quality management
systems definitely played a dominant role in Centum
competing in the International market.

Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011
country and highlight the gaps required to be
addressed when it comes to establishing the
capabilities and capacities. ISRS can play the role of a
catalyst in Industry bridging the gaps to reach self
reliance in Space and Defense systems and also for
India to become a leader in International space
scenerio. ISRS can also help Industries to address
some of their commercial issues that are making the
private Industry participation in Indian Space,
Defense and Aerospace difficult, by representing the
Industries point of view with the Government, ISRO
and the DRDO labs.

Signatures: What role can professional societies like ISRS

play for increased industry participation in government
bodies like ISRO, DRDO etc.? Do you have any
AR: Societies like ISRS can play a very crucial role in
bringing the Indian Industry participation in a
mission-critical projects for Indian Space and Defense
sectors. ISRS having members with vast technical
experience in various technology fields, can arrange
seminars and workshops on the latest trends in the
technology for realizing some of their complex
missions. They can focus on Indias standing as a

A Brief Profile of Shri Appa Rao Mallavarapu

Shri Appa Rao Mallavarapu received his Masters degree from Dalhousie University in Canada and
Bachelors degree from Bangalore University. He is also a Ford foundation scholar. Shri Appa Rao is the
founder and Managing Director of Centum Electronics Limited, which designs and manufactures Hi-tech
electronic subsystems, modules and components. Centum has received many quality and export awards
from customers, industry bodies and the Government including the Platinum award for excellence in
manufacturing from Frost & Sullivan.


1. The cloud toads are able to detect environmental changes missed by people - such as the
release of gases or charged particles from the ground, before seismic events. Thus, they reach
the safe places much ahead of actual struck of the earthquake.
2. The shark can smell a drop of blood diluted in 100 liters of water and coral fish also have a
smell memory of the reef where they came from.
3. Lions often hunt at night because their eyes can see about seven times better in the dark than
4. When the humidity starts to build, millions of Earth-bound ants seem to miraculously sprout
wings and take to the skies. Ants grow wings just before the first rain storm of summer.
5. Birds are able to hear low frequency sounds bouncing off mountains.
6. Desert ants have evolved special eyes that detect skylight polarization, which they then use to
find their way around their sandy habitat.
Compiled by: Amit Shukla


Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011


Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011
Remote Sensing Payload Hardware: Electro-Optical Sensors

Multispectral and Hyperspectral Sensors for Remote Sensing

Sukbhir Kullar, James Miller, Andrey Lomako, Nixon O
Teledyne DALSA Inc, 605 McMurray Road, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, N2V 2E9
Introduction: Teledyne DALSA has developed
Multispectral and Hyperspectral sensors using
advanced Charge Coupled Device (CCD) fabrication
processes combined with high performance dichroic
filters. These sensors have been designed to be
radiation hard and to be able to withstand harsh
environmental conditions typical of remote sensing
applications. Multispectral devices contain multiple
imaging zones within a single silicon chip. These
spectral zones are sensitive to different wavelength
regions. Advanced dichroic filters are bonded onto
the cover glass directly in the imaging path of these
spectral zones. Teledyne DALSAs Hyperspectral
sensors are typically developed with split frame
transfer CCD architecture using back side thinning
technology that provides very high quantum
efficiencies (QE) over a wide wavelength range.
Teledyne DALSAs Multispectral and Hyperspectral
technologies are capable of producing sensors with
dimensions as large as six inch diameter silicon
Mutispectral Sensors: Teledyne DALSA has
developed a unique process combining patterned
Multispectral filter technology with multi-segmented
line scan / Time Delay and Integration (TDI) CCD
technology within a single package to realize a
compact Multispectral sensor. Fig. 1 shows a fully
assembled Multispectral device and device crosssection showing dichroic filters and CCD.
CCD: The CCD design of Multispectral sensors
developed by Teledyne DALSA includes a high
resolution Panchromatic (P) zone with pixel sizes in
the range of 7 to 13 microns, and four (or more)
Multispectral (B) zones with relatively lower
resolution (depending upon the ratio of pixel sizes
between B and P zones). The exact resolution is kept
confidential for proprietary reasons. However,
typical resolutions for this application range from 4k

to 16k pixels. Higher resolutions featuring pixel sizes

as small as 2.5 microns are envisioned in the near
future1, 2, 3. Most of these Multispectral sensors are
based upon TDI CCDs but sensors with Line scan
CCDs have also been developed. In the case of TDI
CCD-based sensors the number of TDI stages is
selectable between 2 to 64 for B zones and 4 to 128 for
P zone. The key requirements for these sensors are
high dynamic range, tolerance to ionizing radiation
and a small overall package size. Dynamic ranges as
high as 8000:1 have been achieved. Noise levels of as
low as 32e- have been achieved at 25MHz readout
speeds. Radiation tolerance has been proven up to
doses as high as 80 krad(Si) (Gamma ray). The
spacing between adjacent zones is of the order of
millimeters. Fig. 2 shows a schematic of the CCD
architecture for a Multispectral sensor.
Dichroic Filters: The Multispectral filters used for
these devices are multi-layered thin film dielectric
interference coatings that enable very high
transmittance and bandwidth selectivity. Measured
results for a 5-band filter are presented in Fig. 3. We
typically achieve in-band average transmitances of
>90% and out-of-band average transmitances of <1%.
Further suppression of out-of-band transmittance is
achievable with increased number of coating layers.
These filters are precisely aligned to the imaging
zones of the CCD. The dichroic filters are deposited
on a single glass substrate and involve a few
hundred coating depositions to get the required high
performance. The filters are patterned using a
lithographic process. A black coating with low
reflectance and low transmittance is deposited
between adjacent colour filter coatings. Completed
filters are tested for robustness to environmental
factors such as humidity, temperature, ionizing
radiation and overall mechanical strength


Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011

Fig. 1: Five Band Multispectral Sensor (Left - fully assembled device; Right - device cross-section).

Fig.2: CCD Architecture

Fig. 3: Measured Filter Spectral Response

Hyperspectral Sensors: Hyperspectral sensors

designed at Teledyne DALSA offer high QE, high
frame rates and low smear. To achieve high QE these
sensors use back side thinning technology.
Hyperspectral sensors are typically based on frame
transfer or split-frame transfer CCD architectures. A
typical split-frame transfer sensor architecture is
shown in Fig. 4. The frame transfer architecture
allows for a shuttering functionality to be
implemented in the device. The shutter efficiency is
also related to the exposure time in comparison to the
time it takes to shift the image into the storage region.
Teledyne DALSAs expertise in designing sensors
with short vertical transfer times (<250ns) helps in
reducing smear to low levels. Typically we achieve a
smear performance less than 1% even at frame rates as
high as 300Hz. Other important considerations for
these devices are anti-blooming, low noise readout,
and multi-tapped output architectures. Multi-tap
architectures allow for high speed readout and
consequently high frame rates (>300Hz) as well as
allowing for slower clock readout circuits per tap with
resulting lower noise. The dynamic range for these

devices approaches 80dB due to low read noise and

high full well capacity.
Typical QE performance of Teledyne DALSA back
side illuminated (BSI) sensors is shown in Fig. 5. The
need of Hyperspectral sensors for high QE typically
translates into the need for BSI, which requires special
fabrication and packaging. These sensors are also
designed to be radiation hard. The sensors are housed
in ruggedized packages with high reliability capable
of withstanding the harsh environmental conditions
typical in the space environment.
Conclusion: Teledyne DALSA has developed high
performance Multispectral and Hyperspectral sensors
for remote sensing applications. Multispectral sensors
are produced by efficiently combining CCDs with
dichroic filter arrays. These sensors are compact and
highly reliable. Teledyne DALSAs back side thinning
process allows development of Hyperspectral sensors
with very high QE, high frame rates, low noise and
high dynamic range.
These sensors have been
designed to be radiation hard and to be able to
withstand harsh environmental conditions typical of
remote sensing applications.

Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011

Fig. 4: Hyperspectral CCD Architecture

Fig. 5: Typical QE of a Hyperspectral BSI Sensor


L. Wu, N. O, C. Draijer, J. Bosiers, H. van Kuijk

and H. Stoldt, Stitched mk x 96 7m Pixel TDI
Sensor, CCD & AIS Workshop, Karuizawa,

[1] Brian Benwell, Nixon O, Gary Allan, Jonathan

Huras, Melanie Ledgerwood, 12k 5 m linescan
CCD sensor with 320 MHz data rate, Presented
at the IEEE Workshop on Charge Coupled
Devices and Advanced Image Sensors, 2005.

[2] Nixon O, Lei Wu, Melanie Ledgerwood, John

Nam, Jonathan Huras, 2.5 m Pixel Linear

CCD, Presented at the International Image
Sensors Workshop, May 2007.


Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011


Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011

Hyperspectral CMOS Imager

P.A.Jerram1, M.Fryer1, J.Pratlong1, A.Pike1, A.Walker1, B.Dierickx2, B.Dupont2, A.Defernez2
1e2v technologies ltd, 106 Waterhouse Lane, Chelmsford, CM1 2QU, UK.
2Caeleste CVBA, Generaal Capiaumontstraat 11, 2600 Antwerp Belgium
1. Introduction: CCDs have been used for many years
for hyperspectral imaging missions and have been
extremely successful. These include the Medium
Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MERIS) on
Envisat, the Compact High Resolution Imaging
Spectrometer (CHRIS) on Proba and the Ozone
Monitoring Instrument operating in the UV spectral
region. ESA is also planning a number of further
missions that are likely to use CCD technology
(Sentinel 3, 4 and 5). However CMOS sensors have a
number of advantages which means that they will
probably be used for hyperspectral applications in the
longer term.

Fig. 1. The satellite scans the ground with the

spectrum from a narrow strip being split across the
imager. The row data from the device then provides
spatial information and the column data provides
spectral information. Wavelengths of interest
generally range from the ultra-violet to near infra-red.
Hyperspectral imaging differs from multispectral
imaging in that the entire spectrum is distributed
across the device and may be divided into bands as
required, whereas in multispectral imaging discrete
spectral bands are viewed using separate linear

There are two main advantages with CMOS sensors:

First a hyperspectral image consists of spectral lines
with a large difference in intensity; in a frame transfer
CCD, the faint spectral lines have to be transferred
through the part of the imager illuminated by intense
lines. This can lead to cross-talk and whilst this
problem can be reduced by the use of split frame
transfer and faster line rates, CMOS sensors do not
require a frame transfer and hence inherently will not
suffer from this problem. Second, with a CMOS
sensor the intense spectral lines can be read multiple
times within a frame to give a significant increase in
dynamic range.
Fig.1: Schematic of Hyperspectral imager

We will describe the design, and initial test of a

CMOS sensor for use in hyperspectral applications.
This device has been designed to give as high a
dynamic range as possible with minimum cross-talk.
The sensor has been manufactured on high resistivity
epitaxial silicon wafers and is back-thinned and left
relatively thick in order to obtain the maximum
quantum efficiency across the entire spectral range.
2. Design Requirements: A hyperspectral sensor is
effectively an array of many linear imaging devices
each targeted at a different spectral band, as shown in

The challenge for Hyperspectral imaging is that there

is a large variation in intensity between the different
spectral bands that may be defined across the spectral
range, as shown in Fig. 2. This causes two significant
problems; firstly the detector must be able to operate
with a large range of signal intensities and secondly
care must be taken to avoid cross-talk of the high
intensity spectral bands with those which are less

Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011
This difference in intensities between the spectral
lines becomes significantly more sever if shorter
wavelengths are used (for example in Sentinel 4).

optical and electrical components. The electrical

cross-talk is a much less significant issue for CMOS
imagers where there is no frame transfer required as
part of the read-out process.

Additionally the spectral response of the detector also

tends to be lower at the edges of the spectral band
which gives a further increase in the ratio of the
signal level obtained in different spectral bands. A
typical plot of quantum efficiency (QE) of silicon
sensors is shown below in Fig.3. This difference in
signals means that the device must cope with a large
dynamic signal range and is therefore very
susceptible to cross-talk. Cross-talk can have both

3. Design: The intention of this development was to

produce a generic CMOS hyperspectral imager that
could be readily adapted for different applications.
The main specification targets are as shown below. A
brief description of the design is included in Table 1

Fig. 2: Ground Reflectance spectra.

Fig. 3: Typical Back-thinned Silicon QE curve

Table 1: A Brief Description of the CMOS Hyperspectral Sensor Design Parameters

Number of rows (spectral
Number of olumns (spatial
Pixel size
Frame rate (full frame)
Windowing (ROI)
Peak signal, full well
charge, QFW
Shutter type




Any multiple of 512 columns can be made

24 m square
250 fps
Spectral direction
100k or 300k
Global pipelined
snapshot or
rolling or row-byrow randomly

Windowing can allow faster rates.

Rows can be randomly selected
Run time programmable, either global or row-by-row.

Snapshot gives best motion-stopping. Rolling shutter can

include include CDS to reduce kTC noise. Row-by-row
allows both read-with-reset or NDR (non-destructive


Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011
Charge to Voltage
conversion gain at
100k electrons QF W
Output type

13 V/electrons

10 V/electrons at imager output pin.

Analogue .

12 bit external ADC recommended

Number of output

One output channel for each group of 128 columns.

Fig. 4: 7T (8T) pixel design

any pattern of high and low gain rows. All actions
from reset through integration to driving Vsample
can be simultaneous on all pixels, giving a snapshot
shutter. Levels will stay on Vsample nodes to allow a
rolling readout of the stored image while the next
image is integrating. If preferred the pixels can be
read in a rolling shutter mode by setting line-by-line
operation of the pixel controls in place of global
operation. This mode can include CDS to reduce
In addition rows can be randomly addressed and so
rows where the signal level is high can be read out at
an increased frequency.

A. Pixel design: There is some debate as to whether a

global shutter is required for a hyperspectral CMOS
imager. As the conclusion is somewhat unclear the
pixel for this device has been designed to operate as a
baseline in global shutter mode but with an option to
run with CDS with a rolling shutter.
As a low cost 035 m CMOS process was chosen for
this imager, the snapshot shutter must be
implemented by using switches and capacitors rather
than a pinned photodiode and transfer gate. This
leads to the use of two source followers in each pixel,
in turn requiring a level shifter to give an output
voltage range suitable to read the desired full-well
through the analogue chain. The circuit of each pixel
is given above in Fig. 4. An n-well in p-epi diode is
used for the photodiode PD and to give the choice of
two conversion gains, extra capacitance can be added
by setting GAIN to high to connect
parallel with PD. This gives a 3 factor on maximum
charge and a 1/3 factor on conversion gain. Each
row of pixels has an individual GAIN signal to allow

For example the sensor could be operated with an

overall frequency of 100Hz for faint spectral lines but
at 500Hz for the most intense spectral lines giving a
further factor of x5 (or more if required) in the ratio of
the peak signal in different rows. When combined
with the capacitance switch this would accommodate
for a peak signal ratio of x15.


Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011
4. Manufacture:
A. Wafer Fabrication: As the pixel size is relatively
large and there is not high speed digital in the device
this sensor was made using 0.35m technology. In
order to be able to obtain good quantum efficiency at
the NIR end of the spectrum thick epitaxial silicon
with a resistivity of approximately was
used for the device manufacture with standard material as a backup. This enables the silicon
to be depleted to a depth of greater than 10m

design requirements. These tests so far are with front

illuminated operation which is non-ideal as the
sensor has a full mirror over the front surface to give
maximum response when operated in back
illuminated mode.
A dark frame shows a good uniformity with a
Gaussian distribution (see Fig. 5) with few defective
hot pixels. The total Dark Signal Non Uniformity
(DSNU) is approximately 9% of the mean dark signal.
Preliminary measurements indicate that the mean
dark signal is approximately 100 electrons per pixel
image at 250Hz and 20C. Fig. 6 shows a histogram
from a flat field image (with dark image subtraction)
to give an indication of photo response non
uniformity (PRNU). As can be seen the total PRNU
including both gain and photo response non
uniformity has a standard deviation of 2.7%. As the
front surface of the device is covered by a reflecting
mirror giving very low detection efficiency this result
seem surprisingly good.

B. Back Thinning: CMOS sensors have already been

successfully thinned [3] and these sensors will use a
very similar process.
Backthinning has started
although results are not yet available. The
material has a starting thickness of 14m and is being
thinned to approximately 10m
C. Assembly: Devices have been assembled in simple
PCB packages as the main objective of this
programme is to determine the electrical and electrooptical performance.

The variation of dark signal with temperature and

with integration time is as expected for a non-pinned
surface. Plots of dark signal variation with time are
shown in Fig. 7 at +20C and +25C. An increase of
dark signal of 50% between these temperatures is as
expected. Also note that at these signal levels the
linearity appears to be reasonably good although
detailed measurements of this have not yet been
made. One count corresponds to approximately 1.8

5. Test: A custom test set has been manufactured with

the control signals provided by an Altera FPGA
through a Visual Basic interface. Data collection is
carried out using Labview software via a Cameralink
interface. The test set operates all 8 analogue channels
in parallel at 11MHz each giving a total data rate of
88MHz to enable a maximum frame rate of 250Hz.
6. Test Results: Preliminary testing has been carried
out which shows that the sensor functions to the

Fig. 5: Dark Image Histogram; Fig.6: Photo Response Non-Uniformity; Fig.7: Variation of Dark signal with


Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011
6. Conclusions:
A Custom CMOS sensor has been designed for
hyperspectral imaging and shown to perform as
expected, although further characterization is
required. It is anticipated that this type of sensor

once fully proven will take the place of CCDs for

hyperspectral imaging applications.
7. Outlook: Further customization and modifications
are expected to meet specific mission requirements
the best possible way.

Call for Articles

Readers are requested to contribute short articles for publication in the forthcoming issues in their own
words, preferably as per the editorial calendar given on page-4, either as a brief survey of state of the art
or as articles on specific work carried out by them, or as novel concepts related to the specific theme(s).
The deadline for inclusion in the next issue on Atmospheric & Oceanic Remote Sensing is Sept 20,
- Editorial Team


Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011

Latest Developments in Infrared Space Detectors

at Sofradir
SOFRADIR, 43-47 rue Camille Pelletan, 92290 CHTENAY-MALABRY, France
Phone: +, E-Mail:
Sofradir is one of the leading companies that develop
and produce infrared detectors. Space applications
have become a significant activity and Sofradir relies
now on 20 years of experience in development and
production of MCT infrared detectors of 2nd and 3rd
generation for space applications. Thanks to its
capabilities and experience, Sofradir is now able to
offer high reliability infrared detectors for space
applications. These detectors cover various kinds of
applications like hyperspectral observation, earth
observations for meteorological or scientific purpose
and science experiments. In this paper, we present a
review of latest Sofradirs development for infrared
space applications. A presentation of Sofradir infrared
detectors answering hyperspectral needs from visible
up to VLWIR waveband will be made. In addition a
particular emphasis will be placed on the different
programs currently running, with a presentation of
the associated results as they relate to performances
and qualifications for space use.
1. Introduction: Sofradir is involved in the
development and manufacturing of 2nd generation
detectors for more than 20 years. This activity started
with the development of the infrared detector for the
French military satellite Helios II that was completed
beginning of the previous decade by the deliveries of
the flight models. Following this program, Sofradir
space activity has increased with the completion of
numerous other programs. As a result, end of 2010, 28
flight models have been delivered, 5 of which are
currently in operation on board satellites. Such an
activity requires mature, robust, high performances
and reliable technologies. It requires also powerful

and accurate manufacturing and test means in order

to manufacture space detectors and to answer the
need of extensive testing and verifications generally
required in space domain. Thus, this paper, presents
the technologies and the test means developed at
Sofradir for space applications. Then, a review of the
last developments conducted in visible and SWIR
applications) is made. Finally, this paper presents the
last developments made for applications in LWIR and
VLWIR wavebands as well as the associated results.
2 Sofradir Space Activity: Technology and Means
2.1 Sofradir technology for space applications: As
for detectors for tactical applications, Sofradir
detectors for space applications are constituted of
hybrids of a detection module made of MCT (Hg(1x)CdxTe) material and a silicon readout integrated
circuit (ROIC) integrated in a dewar packaging. The
detection module is made by hybridization technique
which uses indium bumps technology. In particular,
the choice of the MCT material as a detection material
has been made in France by Sofradir and LETI-LIR, as
it presents unique properties that make it an ideal
candidate for most of the needs in infrared detection
in all the IR spectral bands. Firstly, the band gap can
be tuned by just controlling the xCd/xHg ratio of the
alloy, making possible the entire infrared band to be
covered from visible to very long wavelengths (Zero
band gap for xCd : 0.15). Secondly, fundamental
parameters such as lifetime are relatively high leading
to low dark current and large quantum efficiency
(near 1) photodiodes. Moreover the performances of
detectors are only limited by the physics and

Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011
predictable by validated models in a large domain of
temperatures and compositions.

Using the same technology for both kinds of

applications, space activity is pushing the
performance of the technology trying to reach the
better level of performance and reliability. Production
benefits from this situation as the performance of
Sofradir infrared detectors in general is pulled up. At
the same time, production is pushing the
manufacturing capacity and is bringing a large
number of infrared detectors manufactured and
delivered. Space activity benefits from this situation
also as manufacturing of space detectors is based on
proven, reliable and mature processes and production
brings a large panel of detectors produced which are
used as a reference for statistical analyses that are
necessary in space activity for reliability prediction as
an example.

The very large flexibility of these alloys makes

the fabrication of a large variety of infrared
detectors , in particular multicolor detectors
which need multilayer epitaxies.
to adjust the composition of the alloys to the
useful infrared band to get the ideal
composition xCd / operating temperature
couple to get the optimum performance for the
focal plane array.
Among the other advantages recently pointed out
we can mention:
an optimum light collection in backside
illumination from the cut off of the detector to
the near UV, including the entire visible
spectrum, without any decrease of quantum
A unique specificity in the semiconductor field
for MCT avalanche photodiodes that can
exhibit very large gain at moderate bias,
without any excess of noise (F(K) strictly equal
to 1).

As a matter of fact, building blocks that are used for

the development and manufacturing of infrared focal
plane arrays dedicated to space applications are:
MCT detection layer deposited by liquid phase
epitaxy on CdZnTe substrate as large as 2.5 wafer
Hybridization technology with indium bump
down to 15 m pitch with detector format up to
1280x1024 in production
Silicon readout circuit (ROIC) implemented with
Sofradir design using advanced technologies with
resolution as low as 0.25 m and 0.18 m

For space applications, Sofradir relies on the MCT

technology that is used for production of tactical
detectors. In particular, the same production line is
used and specific controls and process check points
are added in order to meet the quality assurance
requirements that are stringent for space applications.
This strategy enables to offer a real synergy between
production activity and space activity. This synergy
can be illustrated by the following scheme:

Based on all these building blocks, Sofradir delivered

in 2010 more than 4000 infrared detectors for tactical
applications and 16 flight models for space
2.2 Sofradir means for space applications: As
explained above, infrared detectors are manufactured
using industrial facilities. Besides manufacturing of
the detectors, another stringent requirement for space
activity is the need to provide extensive testing of the
detectors during development and during final flight
models production. For that purpose, through its
activity, Sofradir has developed powerful and very
accurate tests means.

production activity calls for production constraints

like : large quantity manufacturing, production
capacity as well as increase of yield and
space activity calls for high performance
technology and high reliability

Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011
2.2.1 Spectral test benches: Spectral tests are made at
Sofradir according to different main ranges : visible
(0.4 m 0.8 m) and SWIR (0.8 m 3 m) spectral
range on one side and MWIR (3 m 5 m) up to
LWIR (8 m 12 m) and VLWIR (12 m 15 m and
more) spectral range on the other side. Thus, Sofradir
has implemented a spectral test bench adapted for
measurements in the visible and SWIR spectral region
(Fig. 2.1). This bench is composed of the following

The Source is a quartz tungsten halogen

stabilized lamp which provides high level of
radiance from 0.4 to 2.8m.
A Czerny-Turner Gratings Monochromator
composed of three different gratings to cover
the whole spectral band, order filters, and
variable width slits to adjust the compromise
between radiance level and spectral resolution.
The slits are motorized and fully controlled by
Optical chopper combined with a lock-in
amplifier to reduce the noise influence and
enhance the detection limit.
Integrating sphere with a specific coating to
have a high reflectance in the whole spectral
band. The role of this element is to provide a
lambertian and uniform source.
Reference detector (Pyroelectrical detector) for
radiance control: the signal of this detector is
recorded at the same time of the DUT in order
to check the radiance level and to make a post
treatment if necessary. This post-treatment
ensures reliability in test conditions of +/1.5%.
Acquisition system linked to a computer
which besides drives the monochromator (slit
width, gratings position,
order filter

2.8m. This test bench covers a spectral range from 0.4

m up to 2.8m.
Above visible and SWIR spectral range, Sofradir has
implemented a spectral test bench based on InfraRed
Fourier Transform (IRFT) method for measurements
of infrared detectors performances (Fig. 2.2). The
methodology of measurement for this bench is based
on the comparison of an interferogram of signal
registered from a calibrated detector and from the
detector under test when both detectors are
illuminated by a light of a black body source through
a Michelson interferometer. This test bench enables to
obtain the following performances:
Spectral range: 2 m up to more than 14 m
with possibility to make multi pixels
measurements (several thousand at the same
Resolution : 0.145 m at 13.4m (8cm-1)
Wavelength repeatability: < 5 nm
Relative response: 2 %

Fig. 2.1: Visible SWIR spectral test bench

The combination of the light source, the

monochromator and the integrating sphere acts as a
tunable uniform lambertian source between 0.4 and

Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011
high BRDF and surface homogeneity. As a matter
of fact, irradiance relative accuracy is 0.15%,
irradiance absolute accuracy is lower than 2.5%
and blackbody temperature stability is better than
5 mK.
This test bench allows measurements of the following
radiometric parameters: max charge handling,
responsivity, dark signal, 1/f noise, radiance
response, linearity, saturation and blooming recovery,
quantum efficiency.
3.2.3 Modulation transfer function test benches: In
addition to spectral and radiometric tests benches,
Sofradir has also developed an extensive test facility
around MTF measurements which are always
considered as a critical performance to be addressed
for infrared space applications. Two test benches are
available : one which has been initially developed for
measurements in MWIR (Fig. 2.5) and which
capacities have been extended in SWIR and visible
spectral ranges and one for MTF measurements in
LWIR and VLWIR spectral ranges (Fig. 2.7). MTF
measurements are made on a single pixel at a time by
moving the image of a knife edge in X and Y axes on
the detector sensitive area. The illuminating source
may be a blackbody (max 600C) or a high flux lamp
(Ceramic composite core at high temperature >
1500C). Spectral filters can be added before knife
edge to select the spectral band pass. Thus, Sofradir
has a complete set of test benches enabling to measure
MTF of infrared detectors from SWIR spectral range
(and even visible) up to VLWIR spectral range.

Fig. 2.2: infrared spectral test bench with Fourier transform


2.2.2 Radiometric test benches: Extensive radiometric

measurements capabilities are required for answering
space applications needs. Thus, through its space
activity, Sofradir has settled different powerful
radiometric test benches. According to the addressed
waveband, different test means are necessary. First of
these tests benches is a radiometric test bench that
enables to measure detector performances in visible
and SWIR waveband (Fig. 2.3). This radiometric test
bench is composed by the following main elements:
a lamp mounted in an integrating sphere and
controlled in radiance,
a cooled chamber with baffles to prevent stray
This test bench allows measurements of the following
radiometric parameters in a large spectrum of
radiations (0.4 m up to 2.8 m) : defects, detector
sensitivity, photo-response non uniformity, offset and
dispersion, linearity, dark current level, low frequency
noise. The second kind of test benches that Sofradir
has implemented concerns high performance MWIRLWIR-VLWIR radiometric test benches (Fig. 2.4). This
radiometric test bench is composed by the following
main elements:
a lambertian black body with very fine regulations
of temperature
a vacuum chamber containing the blackbody.
Vacuum allows reaching negative temperatures
with the black body. These tests benches comprise
black bodies having a temperature range from 30C up to 100C with an emissivity of 0.99 and a

3 Developments for Space Applications From

Visible To Mwir
3.1 Visible SWIR detectors for imagery and
hyperspectral applications: Sofradir has acquired a
large experience in the field of SWIR detectors for
hyperspectral applications thanks to the first
developments of its Saturn 1000x256 CTIA staring
array in the early 2000 in the frame of an ESA contract
[1]. This experience has been extended to the visible
spectral range, thanks to a technology developed by
Sofradir, called VISIR [2]. Thanks to these
developments, Sofradir is now able to offer a complete

Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011
range of products, fully qualified for space
applications concerning imagery and hyperspectral
needs. The proposed products are named either
Saturn with a format 1000x256 (pixel pitch of 30 m)
or Neptune with a format 500x256 (pixel pitch of 30
m). Both detectors can be proposed in SWIR spectral

Fig. 2.3 : Visible SWIR radiometric test bench

range (0.9 2.5 m) and with extension to visible

spectrum (0.4 2.5 m). Main characteristics of these
products are described in the table below (some of the
characteristics are common as the MCT technology
and the readout circuits of the detectors are the same
for both products).

Fig. 2.4 : MWIR - LWIR - VLWIR radiometric test bench

Fig. 2.5: Visible, SWIR and MWIR MTF test bench; Fig. 2.6: MTF test bench principle; Fig. 2.7: LWIR and
VLWIR MTF test bench


Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011

Several configurations are available for Neptune and Saturn detectors : airborne configuration, space flight
configuration, space flight configuration compatible with passive cooling (Fig. 3.1).

Fig. 3.1: Neptune and Saturn detectors available configurations : a) airborne configuration of the Saturn detector with a
dewar and a cooler; b) Space configuration of the Neptune detector (500x256) with a dewar and a cooler adapted to space
constraints; c) Space configuration of the Saturn detector (1000x256) compatible with passive cooling system


Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011
Figure 3.2 :Cross-section=f(LET) and corresponding fit with a Weibull model for latch-up on two biases, showing a SEL
threshold above 20 MeV/mg/cm.

More recently, Sofradir has completed the

development and the qualification of the Saturn
detector with a passive cooling configuration (with
both versions of the Saturn detector: VISIR and SWIR).
This detector is sealed under neutral atmosphere
(He2) and is compatible with passive cooling, thanks
to its high thermal conductivity on the backside of the
package. The electrical interface is provided on the
two sides of the dewar, as shown on the pictures
above. The package can be screwed on the interface of
the passive cooling system thanks to four holes. A
window with a specific anti-reflective coating ensures
the optical interface with the IRFPA.
As a matter of fact in the frame of the various
programs using these detectors, Sofradir has fully
qualified its 500x256 (Neptune) and 1000x256 (Saturn)
detectors for both SWIR and VISIR wavebands versus
radiations according the following levels : dose rate
up to 20 krad and protons fluency up to 2.6 1011
p/cm with energy at 30 MeV and 60 MeV. An
example of qualification measurement versus protons
irradiation can be found in [3]. Single event upset and
latch-up sensitivity have also been studied. For that
purpose, heavy ions tests were performed with a
multi-particle cyclotron with variable energy.
Measurements were performed at room temperature
(worst case compared to cool down temperature). Fig.
3.2 shows typical cross sections obtained on two
biases of the ROIC, at different energies. A Weibull
model has been used to extract the Latch-up
threshold. The detector has been demonstrated free of
latch-up and single effect up to 20 MeV/mg/cm and
up to 75 MeV/mg/cm, the number of occurrence of
these effects is very low.
Finally, the detector has been qualified according to
shock response spectrum for a level of 800 g up to
10000 Hz (Fig. 3.3) and random vibrations for a level
of 1.5 g/Hz in the range [100 Hz 2000 Hz]
representing a total integrated energy of 54 g rms (Fig.

Fig. 3.3: Saturn detector qualification versus shock

response spectrum

Fig. 3.4 : Saturn detector qualification versus random

All these tests have been passed successfully with full
operation of the detectors (both SWIR and VISIR
versions) before and after the tests. Manufacturing of
SWIR and VISIR flight models was made in parallel of
the qualification presented above and as a matter of
fact, Sofradir successfully achieved the realization and
delivery of more than 8 Saturn flight models (with
both versions VISIR and SWIR) in 2010 for different
hyperspectral applications like the Italian PRISMA
mission for example. An example of the performances
measured on one of these SWIR flight models is
shown in Fig. 3.5. The detector exhibits a mean signal
to noise ratio (SNR) of 383 to be compared to a BLIP
SNR of 406 considering input flux and 100% quantum
efficiency. Operability of the detector is also excellent
as presented in Fig. 3.5 (operability is higher than
99.94% with very few clusters of defects).
Sofradir has also delivered Neptune SWIR detectors
for many space applications (more than 6 flight
models). This detector benefits also of all the

Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011
qualification tests results presented above and is
therefore available as an off-the-shelf flight model
product fully qualified. An example of the
performances measured on one of these SWIR flight
models is shown in Fig. 3.6. The detector exhibits a
mean signal to noise ratio (SNR) of 957 to be

compared to a BLIP SNR of 990 considering input flux

and 100% quantum efficiency. Operability of the
detector is also excellent as presented in Fig. 3.6
(operability is higher than 99.99% with very few
clusters of defects).

Fig. 3.5: Saturn SWIR flight models characterizations (at 8 MHz, integration time = 4.4 ms, operating
temperature =180 K, gain 30 fF, well fill = 25%) : a) SNR, b) operability (criteria = mean SNR/2), c) normalized
spectral response

Fig 3.6: Neptune SWIR flight models characterizations (at 8 MHz, integration time = 3 ms, operating
temperature = 150 K, gain 128 fF, well fill = 35%) : a) SNR, b) operability (criteria = mean SNR/2; output
signal outside 30%)
Finally, a last example of the use of the Neptune
detector with Sofradir MCT is the Phobos grunt
mission. Sofradir delivered recently for this mission a
Neptune flight model detector with the same
definition as presented above but with an extended
cut-off wavelength up to 3.2 m. In particular,
Sofradir benefits from all the space heritage of
Sofradir MCT technology as well as the qualification
heritage of the Neptune and Saturn detectors so that
the flight models were delivered in a very short term
(less than 8 months).

the design and definition of this detector has been

made previously [4]. The detector that has been
developed is composed of two MCT arrays with 15
m pitch pixels hybridized on a custom ROIC (Fig.
3.7). Cut-off wavelength of each MCT array has been
optimized versus the following trade-offs : reduction
of dark current, optimization of the spectral range
versus the mission need and operating temperature
between 180 K and 200 K. One MCT array has a cutoff wavelength of 2 m for band B10 (imagery at 1375
nm with = 30 nm) and B11 (imagery at 1610 nm
with = 90 nm) and another one with 2.5 m cut-off
wavelength for band B12 (imagery at 2190 nm with
= 180 nm).

3.2 SWIR imagery applications: Among the different

space programs conducted by Sofradir, the
development and the realization of the SWIR
detectors for the Sentinel-2 satellite as part of the
European GMES can be highlighted. Presentation of


Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011

Fig. 3.7: Topology, photography of the MCT SWIR FPA developed for the Sentinel-2 mission (size ~21x12 mm), view
of the FPA integrated in its packaging

The ROIC has been designed with CTIA input stage

which is well-adapted to low fluxes encountered in
SWIR in general and in this application in particular.
It uses a 3.3V voltage supply with a 0.35 m CMOS
technology. The ROIC operates in a snapshot mode,
with 3 independent integration times (one per band).
Redundancy at pixel level, operated with a serial
interface, has been implemented in order to optimize
the operability of the detector and to guarantee a 0
defect detector for each channel. During integration
time, each pixel integrates the photodiode current and
converts the resulting charge into voltage (CTIA input
stage). A single output amplifier provides the output
level of the selected pixels at a frequency close to 2.4
MHz. The ROIC uses Integration While Read (IWR)
mode: the signal of frame N is read during integration
time of frame N+1. The MCT detector is integrated
into a sealed housing filled by helium to ensure
protection and reliability of the FPA during its lifetime
(Fig. 3.7). This SWIR elementary detector is planned to

be cooled at 180-200K by passive cooling. The package

design is robust to vibration and compatible with the
launch vibration constraints (first vibration mode of
assembly is around 3.8 kHz whereas the maximum
vibration frequency at launch is 2 kHz). In order to
optimize thermal conductivity, the MCT retina is
mounted directly onto the ceramic multilayer
package. Two diode temperature sensors are included
to provide the MCT detector temperature. Electrical
interface is provided by a flex cable including a D
connector, plugged to the metal pins of the ceramic
package. The MCT retina is connected to electrical
lines by gold bonding. After the first design phase
concluded successfully in 2010 by the CDR of the
project, Sofradir started the manufacturing and the
delivery of the flight models. First models were
delivered in 2010. Fig. 3.8 presents the typical
measurement of SNR of one of these flight models in
function of the different channels (using TDI function
with two pixels for B11 and B12 channels).

Fig. 3.8 Sentinel-2 flight model SNR characterizations (at 2.4 MHz, operating temperature = 190 K, well fill = 60%) for
the different channels B10, B11 and B12

These measurements show the high quality of the

performances reached with no defective pixels across
each line for the 3 different channels.
4 Developments for Space Programs from LWIR To
VLWIR: The need in LWIR to VLWIR development in
space activities is mainly driven by imagery,
meteorological and scientific applications. Regarding

meteorological applications two kinds of systems can

be identified using imagery or spectrometry. These
two kinds of instruments require detectors operating
in high wavelength bands (up to 15 m) while having
high radiometric and imaging performances. The
challenging issues in these long-wave spectral bands
concern the quality of the material (Cd1-yZnyTe
substrate, epitaxial layer of Hg1-xCdxTe alloy) which

Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011
is a critical point to obtain high-quality detectors with
few defects and low response dispersion in bands
LWIR and VLWIR. The optimization of the
parameters at the material level is thus crucial. In this
paragraph, results of Sofradir MCT technology for
VLWIR needs are presented and then architectures of
the detectors that have been developed are presented
with their associated results.

dependence on the dark current density imposes low

operating temperature in order to get acceptable dark
currents: typical operating temperature range is 5060K for such low band gap detector. In order to
manufacture these demonstrators, a readout circuit
has been chosen among already existing ROIC. The
goal was to have a demonstrator array with
representative dimensions of the main missions
requirement in VLWIR waveband, thus leading to a
staring array with dimensions around 1 cm.

4.1 Latest results of VLWIR detectors development:

Sofradir is currently conducting several space
programs using VLWIR MCT technology. One of
them is the development and manufacturing of the
detector for the SGLI mission for the Japanese space
agency. Another one concerns pre-development
activities conducted in the frame of the development
of the next generation European meteorological
satellites MTG with the support of ESA. Through
these different programs, studies have been launched
in order to develop and improve VLWIR MCT
technology and to manufacture demonstrators
enabling to test and to evaluate the performances of
the technology. For the demonstrators, the exact
composition of the MCT alloy has been defined to
reach a cut-off wavelength of about 15 m at 50 K.
Such wavelength implies to work with very small
band gaps (band gap energy: Eg 80meV) and thus,
brings severe constraints on composition control of
rich mercury MCT layer (alloy composition x=0.2) and
on operating temperature control. The temperature

Thus, taking into account the needs especially in term

of charge handling capacity, the readout circuit that
has been is a 320x256 format with 30m pitch, with a
36Me- gain. Fine electro-optical characterization of
this demonstrator has been led at 50 K [6]. Particular
performance that has been checked carefully is the
MTF. Thus, MTF measurements in the X and Y
direction were performed by using a vertical and
horizontal slit module with a 9m narrow filter
(FWHM 0.18m). As the bench operates at the
diffraction limit, the MTF is obtained by
deconvolution with a theoretical spot. Fig. 4.1 presents
the average MTF on three pixels which is 0.57 at
nyquist frequency. This excellent result is achieved
thanks to the Sofradir silicon-like planar implantation
process which provides a well-controlled junction and
diffusion lengths and enables sharp edge diode self
limited by its neighboring diodes even with cut-off
wavelength as high as 15 m.

Fig. 4.1: VLWIR MCT array (320x256 / 30 m pitch ; 15 m cut-off wavelength) average MTF on 3 pixels and theoretical


Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011

Fig. 4.2: Evolution of the dark current on the VLWIR FPA and of the diffusion limit model vs. temperature

The quantum efficiency was measured to be about

65% for this demonstrator, indicating a good
technology mastery of the diffusion length and layer
for the VLWIR band.
Considering dark current, a challenging issue on the
technological development at such cut-off wavelength
is to obtain photodiodes whose dark current is
dominated by diffusion current at such low
operational temperature. For this measurement, the
retina is covered with a 0 field of view cold shield
(closed cold shield) at detector temperature to reduce

drastically the photon background. Obtained results

are given in Fig. 4.2 regarding the evolution of the
dark current and the comparison of this evolution to
the diffusion limit model versus operating
temperature and in Fig. 4.3 regarding measurement of
dark current and pixel map in dark current conditions
at 60 K. As a conclusion, standard Sofradir
technologies allowed the fabrication of VLWIR
detectors exhibiting excellent behavior with no excess
of shot noise and dark current down to 50K.

Fig. 4.3 : Dark current density histogram and pixel map at 60K for VLWIR FPA (320x256 / 30 m pitch ; 15 m cut-off

4.2 Specific architectures of LWIR and VLWIR

4.2.1 Multi-hybridized structures for imagery
applications: Applications for meteorology or
imagery require specific architectures. For example, in
meteorological applications which need imagery,
several spectral bands are necessary, corresponding to
solar channels. This can lead at FPA levels to the need

of having several detection circuits hybridized on the

same readout circuit. This can be achieved thanks to
the indium bumps hybridization process used at
Sofradir, based on a unique reflow technique.
This technique allows the MCT array to be accurately
and automatically self-aligned on its silicon read-out
circuit, and gives a perfect connection yield, enabling
simultaneous multiple arrays hybridization on a

Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011
single silicon chip. As an illustration, two kinds of
realizations are given hereafter with several detection
circuits hybridized on the same readout circuit.

performance, each super-pixel is made of n x n square

subpixels and the readout circuit enables sub-pixel
deselection. Realization and evaluation of such a
structure has been made in the frame of the space
programs run at Sofradir in VLWIR waveband (MTG
pre-development studies and SGLI program).
More in detail, Sofradir has designed a detector test
vehicle in order to evaluate the potential
performances of detector for VLWIR sounding
instrument in the frame of MTG pre-development
studies. This test vehicle is an FPA composed by a
specific readout circuit hybridized with an MCT array
constituted by 66 x 66 super-pixels with a pitch of 90
m, each super-pixels being composed of 3 x 3 subpixels with a 30 m pitch. The cut-off wavelength of
the test vehicle is 13.3 m at 55 K. Regarding the
readout circuit, it has been designed in order to
answer the main need of sounding applications : high
charge handling capacity and high pixel frequency.
The main characteristics of the ROIC are the following

Fig. 4.4: SGLI VLWIR MCT detector (size 6.25 x 5 mm)

Fig. 4.5: Sentinel-2 focal plane array (SWIR FPA with 1298
pixels with 15 m pitch)

The first one represents FPA manufactured for the

needs of SGLI program (Fig. 4.4). This retina includes
two detection circuits for detection at 10.8 m and 12.0
m, hybridized on a single CMOS readout circuit.
Each detection circuit is made of 20x2 square pixels of
140 m. The MCT material and the photovoltaic
technology are adapted to maximize response for the
requested bandwidths: cut-off wavelengths of the 2
detection circuits are 12.6 and 13.4 m at 55K. Another
example of multi-hybridized structure is the Sentinel2 focal plane array presented previously in this paper
(Fig. 4.5) which is implemented in this case for a SWIR
4.2.2 Large pixel size and sub-pixel technique:
Among imagery and meteorology applications for
LWIR and VLWIR spectral range, lots of applications
are based on sounding instruments which principle is
to perform an interferometric image of the scene to be
observed. For this kind of instrument, large pixel size
is necessary and high operability is required. As this
requirement becomes difficult to achieve when
operating in very-long wave spectral bands, a way to
overcome this issue is to use a super-pixel structure.
This means that, in order to optimize the overall

Fig. 4.6 : Impact of deselection on responsivity and RMS

noise for 11 super-pixels constituted of 9 sub-pixels

The readout circuit has been designed to enable subpixel deselection through a serial link in order to
improve operability of the test vehicle. This feature
has been tested in order to validate the operability
improvement expected. Impact of sub-pixels
deselection is illustrated in Fig. 4.6, for 12 chosen
super-pixels : defective ones, to see potential
improvement with deselection and good ones, to see

Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011
performance change with deselection. The gain in
terms of operability is significant as it can be seen that
performance of super-pixels with high noise and/or
low responsivity can be significantly improved.
In addition of this analysis, the following table
presents the operability improvement that can be
reached using the deselection function presented
above. A maximum of 3 sub-pixels deselection per
super-pixel is allowed in order to maintain a high
super-pixel quantum efficiency and signal to noise
ratio. The results presented in this table show a high
detector operability which can be significantly
improved thank to the deselection function.
Another parameter that is important to consider is the
MTF. Indeed, it has been seen above that the MTF of a
30 m pixel pitch detector in VLWIR waveband is
close to the theory but the question concerns now the
MTF of a superpixel of 90 m pitch made with 9 subpixels of 30 m sub-pixel pitch (see Fig. 4.7). Fig. 4.8
and Fig. 4.9 presents the measured MTF of a superpixel with 90 m pitch. These measurements exhibit
an MTF higher than 0.55 at Nyquist frequency (5.56
mm-1) which is very close to the theoretical value for
a square pixel of 90 m pitch. This result confirms the
ability of Sofradir MCT technology (ion implantation
and planar technologies) for VLWIR detectors so that
the MTF of the detector is the highest performance.

Fig. 4.7: cartography of 30 m subpixels for a super-pixel

of 90 m

Fig. 4.8: MTF of a VLWIR superpixel with 90 m pitch

along X axis

Fig. 4.9: MTF of a VLWIR superpixel with 90 m pitch

along Y axis

5. Conclusions: The development and the

manufacturing of infrared detectors for space
applications is demanding regarding several items :
mature, high performance, robust, reliable and
producible technologies, skilled people, powerful and
accurate manufacturing and test means. Last
developments concerned the qualification of space
detectors for visible and SWIR hyperspectral
programs. In addition, the development of the SWIR
detector for the Sentinel-2 applications has been
completed and the program has come now to the
qualification and the manufacturing phase for the
flight models.
Regarding the other part of spectrum in LWIR and
VLWIR wavebands, most of the developments
concerned the extension of the cut-off wavelength up
to 15 m at least as well as the analysis of the
performances of the technology. The results presented
in this paper have shown the high level of
performances which are reached for such detectors in
this waveband. As a result, several programs are
currently run with this MCT technology and such
long wavelength. For example, Sofradir has
completed the development phase of the detector for
the Japanese space agency mission SGLI (using MCT
with cut-off wavelength of 13.4 m operating at 55 K)
and is currently manufacturing the flight models for
this program. As a conclusion, Sofradir has developed
a large expertise for space activity covering all
wavelengths from visible up to VLWIR. As a result,
up to end of 2010, Sofradir has delivered 28 flight
models which 5 of them are currently operated on
board satellites.


Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011
Acknowledgments: The authors thank all the Sofradir
teams, dedicated to quality work and won challenges,
which made Sofradir become a top-ranked key player
in the infrared field for space applications. The
authors would like to thank also the European Space
Agency (ESA), the French space agency (CNES) and
the French MoD for their support through the
different programs where Sofradir is involved.

[3] Latest results of Sofradir MCT technology for space

applications, L. Vial, P. Chorier, O. Gravrand, proc.
SPIE, vol.7106, p.71061L-1 (2008).
[4] Development of a SWIR multi-spectral detector for
GMES/Sentinel-2, Aurlien Dariel et al., SPIE Proc.,
Berlin 2009.
[5] Development of a long wave infrared detector for
SGLI instrument, A. Dariel, P. Chorier et al, SPIE
Proc., Florence 2007.
[6] LWIR and VLWIR detectors development at
SOFRADIR for space applications, B. Terrier, A.
Delannoy, P. Chorier et al., SPIE Proceeding Vol. 7826,
Toulouse 2010.

[1] Sofradir infrared detectors for space applications,
P. Chorier, M. Vuillermet, SPIE Proc vol[5978-42].,
Bruges 2005.
[2] From visible to infrared: a new approach,
P.Chorier, P.Tribolet, G.Destefanis, SPIE proceedings
vol[6206-01] Orlando April 2006.

3000 Pixel Linear InGaAs Sensor for the Proba-V Satellite

Raf Vandermissen, sInfraRed
1. Introduction: The Belgian Proba-V min-satellite,
currently under development by Qinetiq Space NV
(Kruibeke, Belgium), will carry a multispectral Earth
observing instrument based on the push-broom
principle and is intended to deliver data from four
wavelength bands in the visible and short-wave
infrared infrared (SWIR) bands over a wide swath of
2250 km. The four wavelength ranges will be imaged
through the same Three-Mirror-Anastigmat (TMA)
telesocpe, currently under development at OIP NV
(Oudenaarde, Belgium). Due to the very large swath
and corresponding field-of-view (FOV) of over 100,
three identically equipped telescopes will be used,
imaging three partly overlapping parts of the full
FOV. In this paper, we will describe the design of the
SWIR sensor developed to image the 1610 nm
wavelength band in the three telescopes.

between the lines may be minimized by orienting the

center PDA chip in the opposite direction of the two
outer ones. Hence, while the pixels are not on one
single continuous line, the three lines of the
individual PDA chips are still located within 1.4 mm
in the along-track direction, and a small overlap of
2*75 pixels is provided in the adjacent regions. The
assembly is realized in a custom-designed kovar
package of ~103 mm length with 72 pins shown in
Fig. 2 (left). The large number of pins is required to
operate and read-out the three ROICs independently
for improved redundancy in case of failures during
mission. Due to the tight pitch, two rows of wire
bonds on a 50 m pitch are used to connect the ROIC
chips to the PDA fan out, shown on the right hand
side of Fig. 2.
3. The Photodiode array and read out iC: The SWIR
band of the Proba-V mission is defined with a center
wavelength of 1610 nm, which makes InGaAs, with a
quantum efficiency (QE) of more than 60% at that
wavelength, the preferred choice of material for the
sensor. The response spectrum of InGaAs has a
temperature dependence of ~0.9 nm / K and the
slope of
the QE is only ~0.1% /K at room

2. Device Architecture: Due to the required imaging

length of over 2700 pixels, it was decided to make the
device in three sections, each consisting of a Read-Out
Integrated Circuit (ROIC) chip and Photodiode Array
(PDA) chip with 1024 pixels on 25 um pitch. The
ROIC chip has been custom designed for the mission
as is illustrated in Fig. 1, the photodiodes on the PDA
chips are placed off-center, so that the distance

Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011
temperature for this wavelength. The signal chain of
the ROIC (Xenics XRO-3508) is illustrated in Fig. 3
and consists of several steps.
The photocurrent to voltage conversion is done in
a Capacitive Transimpedance Amplifier (CTIA)
stage with selectable capacitors (capacitances
ranging from 5fF to 830fF), yielding a total of 16
different gain settings. The optical intensities and
integration times to be imaged were known

within an order of magnitude at the beginning of

the design phase and a possibility for fine tuning
the gain in flight was requested.

On-chip correlated double sampling (CDS) is

applied in a separate gain stage, which also
increases the internal signal swing with a factor of
about 1.6. The purpose of the CDS is to reduce the
influence of kTC noise from the resetting of the
CTIA amplifiers [7].

Fig. 1: Outline of device in package without lid and window. Left: The three ROICs and PDAs placed inside the
package. Right: Partial overlap between the PDAs. The horizontal dotted lines show the off-center location of the line of
photosensitive elements, their distances and the overlap between two PDA chips.

Fig. 2: Left- The complete populated package without lid. Right-fine pitch wire bonding of PDA to ROIC in overlap

In order for the chip to be able to operate in

Integrate-While-Read (IWR) mode, the next step is
the Sample-and-Hold stage (S/H). This is a
passive stage in this device, containing only
switched capacitors. In this stage, the signal is also
converted from single ended to differential.

The last step inside each pixel is the column

buffers, which multiplexes the signals onto two
output buses.

Finally, a strong output amplifier is used for offchip connections.

An important feature of this design is that for all steps

inside a pixel, an Auto-Zero (AZ) cycle is applied
during reset in order to reduce CMOS offsets that
occur in every gain stage. The AZ functionality is
implemented by extra switches in the CTIA feedback

loops. Each gain stage and the S/H stage need

reference voltages, indicated as the inputs on the
positive sides of the OpAmps of the gain stages.
These voltages may be generated by an internal
bandgap-reference subcircuit inside the ROIC chip
itself, or applied externally. For the Proba-V mission,
they are applied externally so that each of the three
chips receives exactly the same reference voltages.
The planar nature of high-fill factor InGaAs image
sensors makes them susceptible to blooming, a
phenomenon where the charge form one over
saturated pixel transfers to its neighbors which in
turn saturates and transfer their excess charge to their
neighbors. To avoid blooming, we have implemented
an anti-blooming subcircuit for each pixel in the
design. Without anti-blooming, the pixels adjacent to


Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011
the one being over saturated would have increased
their apparent responsivity.

Despite CDS, the noise per pixel is a function of the

gain, as shown in Fig. 5:5, where the output referred
noise per pixel is plotted against the size of the
feedback capacitor for two different integration times.
The gain used in the Proba-V mission will be near
500fF, where the measured noise is below 1mV. With
a full differential signal swing of over 2.2 V, this
means that the dynamic range is over 1:2000 after
correction for the dark current.

4. First Results: An Engineering-Ground-SupportElectronics (EGSE) system has been constructed that

can read out the image from the three ROICs in
parallel while at the same time providing a common
trigger pulse for the simultaneous snap-shot
integration mode. Fig. 4 shows the image of a rolling
world map with a few added test targets.


This image is completely un-corrected. The AZ and

CDS subcircuits provide this image sensor with
remarkably low non-uniformities, both in dark and in

This sensor was designed and manufactured under

ESA contract 3-12441/08/NL/EM. Several partners
contributed to the work and we would like to thank
the following persons Alex Short, Luca Maresi and
Matteo Taccola from ESA, Tanja Van Achteren and
Stefan Livens from VITO, Wim Dams and Lieve De
Vos from OIP for many fruitful discussions Georg
Israel and Hakan Sakman from Cmosvision for the
help with the design of the ROIC Yvan Paquin of PNL
Innotech for the help with packaging solutions, and
finally, Peter De Ruytere , Peter Hooylaerts and Koen
Vanhollebeke for the help with the EGSE and

For the dark signal non-uniformity (DSNU), we

measure 0.1% of the full signal swing and for the
Photo-Response Non-Uniformity (PRNU), a similar
small value of 0.2%. The dark current per pixel is here
approximately 0.4 pA with a reverse bias of 160 mV.
The signal non- linearity is below 0.2% when
calculated over the 10% to 90% range of the full signal
swing. The reason for such good values of the
uncorrected image is first that the internal amplifiers
are very powerful and secondly that the AZ and CDS
subcircuits provide on-chip image processing.
However, this comes at a cost of high internal power
consumption. The full assembly as shown in Fig. 2
requires nearly 1W of driving power.

Fig. 3: Overview of signal chain in ROIC XRO-3508


Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011

Fig. 4: First light image from Proba-V sensor and EGSE setup. The three partially overlapping sections of the
image are clearly visible, as is the difficulty of illuminating the 1m wide object uniformly.

Fig. 5: Noise (in [V]) as a function of feedback capacitor size.

[1] Ettenberg, M.H., Brubaker, R.M., Blessinger, M.A.
& Burzi, V.J. (2005). Infrared Technology and
Applications XXXI 5783, 21-31.
[2] Brubaker, R.M., Ettenberg, M.H., Onat, B.M.,
Masaun, N. & Dixon, P. (2006). Infrared Technology
and Applications XXXII 6206, 620604+.
[3] Dixon, P., Masaun, N., Evans, M., Mchale, J.U.,
Trezza, J. & Ettenberg, M. (2009). Airborne
Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance (ISR)
Systems and Applications VI 7307, 730706+.
[4] Lucke, R.L. (1998). APPLIED OPTICS 37, 72487252.

[5] International Standards Organisation (ISO) (2007).

[6] Enz, C.C. & Temes, G.C. (1996). Proceedings of the
IEEE 84, 1584-1614.
[7] Oliaei, O. (2003). Circuits and Systems I:
Fundamental Theory and Applications, IEEE
Transactions on 50, 1198-1202.
[8] Pimbley, J.M. & Michon, G.J. (1991). Circuits and
Systems, IEEE Transactions on 38, 1086-1090.
[9] Hopkinson, G.R. & Lumb, D.H. (1982). Journal of
Physics E: Scientific Instruments 15, 1214-1222.

Call for Articles

Readers are requested to contribute short articles for publication in the forthcoming issues in their own
words, preferably as per the editorial calendar given on page-4, either as a brief survey of state of the art or
as articles on specific work carried out by them, or as novel concepts related to the specific theme(s). The
deadline for inclusion in the next issue on Atmospheric & Oceanic Remote Sensing is Sept 20, 2011.
- Editorial Team


Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011

Single Photon Detection using InP/InGaAs Avalanche Diodes

Mark A. Itzler, Mark Entwistle, and Xudong Jiang
Princeton Lightwave Inc., 2555 US Route 130 South, Cranbury, NJ 08512 USA

2. Fundamental SPAD performance: SPADs are

operated at an excess bias Vex above the breakdown
voltage Vb in the so-called Geiger mode, in which
avalanche breakdown can give rise to a readily
detectable macroscopic pulse of current in response
to the absorption of just a single photon. Larger Vex
will increase the photon detection efficiency (PDE)
but at the expense of inducing a higher dark count
rate (DCR). Managing the tradeoff between these
two parameters is one of the fundamental challenges
of SPAD design. Through device modeling and

design improvements [4, 5], the two dominant

mechanisms determining the DCRi.e., trap-assisted
tunneling in the InP avalanche multiplication layer
and thermal generation in the InGaAs absorption
layerhave been reduced to provide lower DCR at a
given PDE. In Fig. 1, we illustrate state-of-the-art
DCR vs. PDE performance for our commercial
InGaAs/InP SPADs. The best of these devices
exhibits sub-kHz DCR for PDE as high as 25%,
which is the highest performance reported to date
under comparable operating conditions.

Dark Count Rate (Hz)

1550 nm
T = 218 K



Dark Count Probability (ns-1)

1. Introduction: The detection of single photon at

short-wave infrared wavelengths near 1.5 m is a
critical requirement for many photonic applications,
and significant progress has been realized in the
performance of InP/InGaAs single photon avalanche
diodes (SPADs) to provide this capability. The basic
tradeoff between dark count rate and photon detection
efficiency is now adequate to support many
applications such as quantum information processing
[1], free-space communications [2], and single-photon
imaging [3], and timing jitter associated with SPADs
has also been demonstrated to provide very good
Historical limitations on photon
counting rates caused by the afterpulsing phenomenon
in SPADs are being circumvented, with commercial
products now supporting count rates of at least 50
MHz and lab experiments demonstrating the viability
of GHz count rates. SPAD device technology has
evolved to the point where large-format imaging
arrays can be fabricated with excellent yield and
uniformity, and these devices show tremendous
promise for further scaling in pixel count and pitch.
Finally, recent work on monolithic self-quenching
SPADs has provided much simpler device operation
by eliminating the complex electronic circuitry
generally required for SPAD operation, and these new
devices promise a low-cost, easily deployable platform
for photon counting at short-wave infrared




10% 15% 20% 25% 30%

Photon Detection Efficiency


Fig. 1: DCR vs PDE for PLI InP/InGaAs SPADs.

Another important attribute of SPAD performance is
the accuracy with which the photon arrival time can
be determined, i.e., the timing jitter. The principle
contribution to the jitter is generally fluctuations in
the amount of time required for the avalanche
amplitude to build up to a pre-set threshold for
detection. InP-based SPADs can provide 100 ps
timing jitter fairly routinely [6], and <50 ps
performance has been demonstrated with good
devices and well-designed circuitry [7].
The last of the basic SPAD performance parameters is
afterpulsing, in which carriers trapped by material
defects during one avalanche event can be detrapped
at a later time and induce dark counts that are
correlated to the initial avalanche. Afterpulsing can
be eliminated by waiting for all carriers to detrap
before re-arming the SPAD, but this long hold-off

Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011
time leads to low count rates.
Since many
applications for SPADs now require higher count
rates, afterpulse mitigation has been a dominant
focus of recent work.
3. Higher frequency SPAD operation: There are a
number of possible strategies for afterpulse mitigation
at higher count rates, but the only recent efforts that
have proven successful are those that have focused on
reducing the amount of charge trapped per avalance
by minimizing the avalanche charge flow. One
effective method for reducing avalanche charge flow
is to use extremely short excess bias gates. This
approach is conducive to high frequency operation,

especially when photon arrival times are known, as in

many communications applications. However, fast
gating poses the challenge of suppressing the large
capacitive transients that result from sub-nanosecond
rise and fall times required for rapid switching of the
excess bias on the SPAD. We have performed recent
work to extend a method of transient cancellation
using matched delay lines [9], illustrated in Fig. 2, to
provide 1-ns gating at higher rates than possible in the
past. With this approach, we can now achieve 50
MHz photon counting with modest afterpulsing of
2.5% at 10.8% PDE, representing a 510X increase in
gate frequency relative to past results with this

Fig. 2: Matched delay line concept (at left) for cancellation of capacitive transients caused by highspeed gating of the SPAD. PLIs turn-key single photon receiver (at right) employs this concept to
achieve 50 MHz photon counting.

Other laboratory schemes have shown the feasibility

of much higher counting rates. One approach invokes
a self-differencing circuit for transient cancellation.
The signal from each gate is put through a 50:50
splitter, and one-half of the signal is delayed by one
gate period and subtracted from the non-delayed half
of the signal from the next gate. In this way, identical
transients from each gate are cancelled, leaving just
the signal produced by an avalanche. The most recent
results of this technique have shown ~1.4%
afterpulsing at 11.8% PDE for a gate repetition rate of
2 GHz [8]. Another recent scheme has been to avoid
transient generation altogether by gating with a
purely sinusoidal gate signal that can be eliminated
from the output signal by narrow notch filtering,
leaving just the avalanche signal. 2 GHz sine wave
gating has most recently shown 3.4% afterpulsing at

10.5% PDE [10].

Both of these high frequency
techniques rely on periodic gating and fairly narrow
frequency ranges of operation for a given hardware
implementation. It is significant to note that even
these highest SPAD operating frequencies (~2 GHz)
are being achieved with PLI devices of the same
pedigree as those used in earlier experiments limited
to vastly lower repetition rates (e.g., ~1 MHz). While
high quality devices are a prerequisite for high-speed
operation, circuitry and signal processing approaches
are also critically important in determining end
4. Single-photon detector arrays of 3D LIDAR
imaging: An area of dramatic recent progress with
InP/InGaAs SPADs is the demonstration of largeformat focal plane arrays (FPAs) with excellent yield

Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011
and uniformity. We have developed 32 x 32 FPAs for
single-photon 3D LIDAR imaging at 1.5 m in which
all 1024 pixels are operable and provide <50 kHz
DCR (see Fig. 3) at an average PDE of ~22% with
modest cooling to -20C [11]. These FPA modules are
comprised of a number of critical sub-components,
including a photodiode array (PDA) incorporating
SPAD pixels; a CMOS readout integrated circuit
(ROIC) for pixel-level electrical interfacing and FPAlevel control; a GaP microlens array (MLA) to ensure
high fill factor; and various packaging subcomponents to define electrical, mechanical, and
optical interfaces to the overall hermetically sealed

Independent time-of-flight counters in
every pixel provide 13-bit time-stamps indicating
when photon arrivals are sensed, and framed readout
of this time-stamp data allows for the generation of
3D point cloud data and associated high-resolution
3D imagery. Because each pixel records only a single
time-stamp per frame, we have designed ROICs with
very fast readouts to provide frame rates
approaching 200 kHz for LIDAR range gate
durations of 2 s. With such high frame rates,
intensity data from multiple frames can be rapidly

Fig. 3: Dark count rate (DCR) performance map (left) of all 1024 pixels of a 32 x 32 InGaAs/InP (1.55 m)
GmAPD FPA operating at 253K, with DCR in kHz. The array has 100% pixel operability, with all pixels
having < 50 kHz DCR, as seen in the histogram (center). The inset (right) shows the packaged FPA.
5. Self-quenching negative feedback avalanche
diodes: In a recent effort to reduce the complexity of
SPAD operation, we have developed self-quenching
SPADs that will execute the entire Geiger-mode
operating cycle of arming, avalanching, quenching,
and re-arming with the application of just a simple
dc bias [12]. This performance is accomplished by
using the chip-level monolithic integration of
negative feedback elements that counteract the
inherent positive feedback of the avalanche
photodiode impact ionization process; we refer to
these devices as negative feedback avalanche diodes
(NFADs). In return for the very simple operation of
these devices, a key trade-off to manage is the
inability to limit afterpulsing by imposing a userselectable hold-off time between quenching and re-

arming. To constrain afterpulsing, we must rely on

the negative feedback and the elimination of chiplevel parasitics to reduce avalanche charge flow. The
NFADs are particularly attractive for their potential
scaling to configurations of large numbers of
multiplexed devices that can act as a solid-state
photomultiplier, analogous to a microchannel plate.
In Fig. 4, we show a micrograph of NFADs in a 4 x 4
configuration with output lines connecting the
common anodes of all 16 devices; the substrate
provides a common-cathode connection.
The highly reproducible avalanches resulting from the
negative feedback provide discretized signals from
each active region that are added when multiple
photons are sensed simultaneously. This behavior

Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011
results in photon number resolution that is not
possible using discrete SPADs.

Fig. 4: Micrograph of 4 x 4 NFAD array showing

common-anode electrical connections
[1] N. Gisin, G. Ribordy, W. Tittel, and H. Zbinden,
Rev. Mod. Phys. 74, 145 (2002).
[2] Special issue on Free-space communication
techniques for optical networks, IEEE LEOS
Newsletter 19, 6 (2005).
[3] M.A. Albota, B.F. Aull, D.G. Fouche, et al., MIT
Lincoln Laboratory Journal 13, 351 (2002).

[4] J.P. Donnelly, E.K. Duerr, K.A. McIntosh, et al.,

IEEE J. Quantum Electron. 42, 797 (2006).
[5] X. Jiang, M.A. Itzler, R. Ben-Michael, and K.
Slomkowski, IEEE J. of Sel. Topics in Quan.
Electron. 13, pp. 895 (2007).
[6] A. Tosi, A. Dalla Mora, F. Zappa, S. Cova, M.A.
Itzler, and X. Jiang, Proc. of SPIE 7222, 72221G
[7] M. A. Itzler, R. Ben-Michael, C.-F. Hsu, K.
Slomkowski, A. Tosi, S. Cova, F. Zappa, R.
Ispasoiu, J. Mod. Opt. 54, 283 (2007).
[8] D.S Bethune and W.P. Risk, IEEE J. Quantum
Electron. 36, 340347 (2000).
[9] Z.L. Yuan, A.W. Sharpe, J.F. Dynes, A.R. Dixon,
and A.J. Shields, Appl. Phys. Lett. 96, 071101
[10] N. Namekata, S. Adachi, and S. Inoue, IEEE Phot.
Tech. Lett. 22, 529531 (2010).
[11] M.A. Itzler, M. Entwistle, M. Owens, et al., Proc. of
SPIE 7808, 7808-10 (2010).
[12] M.A. Itzler, X. Jiang, B.M. Onat, and K.
Slomkowski, Proc. of SPIE 7608 760829 (2010).

Call for Articles

Readers are requested to contribute short articles for publication in the forthcoming issues in their own
words, preferably as per the editorial calendar given on page-4, either as a brief survey of state of the art or as
articles on specific work carried out by them, or as novel concepts related to the specific theme(s). The
deadline for inclusion in the next issue on Atmospheric & Oceanic Remote Sensing is Sept 20, 2011.
- Editorial Team


Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011

SAGEM REOSC contribution to Indian Remote Sensing Programs

Eric RUCH, Sagem Dfense Scurit, REOSC High Performance Optics Department
1. Introduction : SAGEM REOSC has been
contributing to the development of the Indian
Remote Sensing program for more than 20 years and
will be described in this article by four relevant
projects, the lens objectives LISS and OCM and the
off axis telescope IRS 1C and IRS P5.

+15C and +25C and lenses have to withstand

storage temperatures between 30C and +60C. The
Fig. 2 shows the optical design. Each lens assembly is
composed of ten lenses, made of very different
glasses, and two filters

2. Lens Objective Systems

2.1 LISS: SAGEM-REOSC delivered to ISRO the high
precision lenses for the LISS camera that have been
operating on board of IRS 1A, 1B and 1C.
The main requirements of these lenses are the

Focal length
Field of view
4 Spectral bands

Image quality
: MTF > 0.7 at 50 line
pair / mm
Distortion, image formats registration and image
format stability below 1 m

: 350 mm
: F / 4.35
: 10
: 520 590 nm
620 680 nm
770 860 nm
1550 1700 nm

2.1 Ocean Color Monitoring : In 1998 and 1999,

SAGEM - REOSC supplied to ISRO two sets of eight
lens assemblies to be used for the Ocean Colour
Monitor mission (OCM). All lenses have a 20mm
focal length and operate over a very wide field of
view angle (86). Each set of lenses covers the visible
range using eight narrow spectral bands, one for each
lens, distributed from 412nm to 865nm. The eight
lenses of one set are matched: focal length better than
0.01%, image format better than 2m, distortion
better than 0, 45m for each point of the field of
view. All these requirements must be kept within an
operating temperature range comprised between

Fig. 1: LISS Objectives

In order to achieve these very tight requirements,
REOSC has included in the design a dedicated
spheroparabolic lens and developed a micropolishing technique allowing the polishing of the
parabolic surface with a very accurate and repetitive
quality, detailed in Fig. 3.
3. Unobscured Mirror Telescopes
3.1 Three Mirror Anastigmat IRS-1C: In 1995,
REOSC delivered a Three Mirror Anastigmat (TMA)
telescope for a high resolution space camera of 1
meter focal length, F/4 relative aperture and +/2.125 by +/- 0.425 degrees object field angle.


Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011

Fig. 2 : Optical Layout of the OCM objectives

Before micro-polishing
Surface error 3m RMS

After micro-polishing (final state)

Surface error 20nm RMS , radius error <
Fig. 3: Interferogram of the front parabolic surface
Final Obtained Performances

EFL values

Min = 20.0068mm
Max = 20.0080mm
Max = 0.02% 1

20.0 0.1mm
< 0.02%

EFL matching
Format matching
Distortion value
Distortion matching

< 0.3m

Central wavelength

8 specified values 0.5%

Spectral bandwidth

20nm 2nm (B1 B6)

40nm 4nm (B7 B8)
B1 : > 57%
B2 : > 64%
B3 B5 : > 68%



0.45m 1
Compliant values
0.1% < difference w.r.t. spec.< 0.45%
18.3nm < bandwidth < 20.6nm
38.7nm < bandwidth < 37.9nm
B1 : 65%
B2 : 71
B3, B4, B5 : 80%, 78%, 81%

Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011
Non uniformity of
Veiling glare
MTF at 50lp/mm
Change in

B6 B8 : > 70%

B6, B7, B8 : 82%, 83%, 84%

< 15%

12.5% < measured values < 15%

< 2%
B1 B5 : > 60%
B6, B7 : > 55%
B8 : > 50%

Compliant values
B1, B2, B3, B4, B5 : 66%, 63%, 65%, 63%, 69%
B6, B7 : 64%, 64%
B8 : 56%

< 1m

Compliant values

Fig. 4: OCM Lens Assembly (left) and front parabolic lens (right)

Fig. 5: TMA Mirrors (left) and image of Washington DC taken by IRC 1C (right)
The entrance pupil of the telescope was 250 mm in
3.2 Three Mirror Anastigmat IRS P5: The following
diameter. New techniques such as direct off-axis
step was the manufacturing of the TMA of IRS P5
computer controlled polishing and interferometric
with optics about 2.5 times larger than those of IRS
assisted alignment have been developed and
successfully used for producing these optics in less
The main requirements of the telescope are the
than 15 months. The mirrors were not lightweighted
and delivered to ISRO without the interface fixations
pads. IRS 1C was launched on 28 December 1995,
Focal Length
: 2 meters
just one year after the delivery of the mirrors and
: 500 mm
provided image with a ground resolution of about 5
Field angle
: 2.6 x 0.3 degrees
Image Quality
: 40 nm RMS WFE over
the whole field of view

Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011

Fig. 6: TMA Mirrors (left) and TMA during integration phase (right)

Call for Articles

Readers are requested to contribute short articles for publication in the forthcoming issues in their own
words, preferably as per the editorial calendar given on page-4, either as a brief survey of state of the art or
as articles on specific work carried out by them, or as novel concepts related to the specific theme(s). The
deadline for inclusion in the next issue on Atmospheric & Oceanic Remote Sensing is Sept 20, 2011.
- Editorial Team


Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011


Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011


Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011

Overview of Teledyne Judson Technologies Contribution to RS

Joseph Kimchia), Kai Songa), Henry Yuana), Mike Sullivana), Gary Apgara), Mark Sedivaa), Joe Changa), Varsha
Nalavadea), Joyce Laquindanuma), Louis Kilmera)
James Beleticb), Richard Blankb), Jagmohan Bajajb)
a)Teledyne Judson Technologies, 221 Commerce Drive Montgomeryville, PA 18936 USA
b)Teledyne Imaging Sensors , 5212 Verdugo Way Camarillo, CA 93012 USA
This paper reviews Teledyne Judson Technologies
contribution to remote-sensing. For over 30 years,
Teledyne Judson Technologies has developed stateof-the-art infrared sensor technologies and supplied
many types of infrared sensor products to a variety
of space remote sensing programs, covering almost
the entire infrared spectrum from near-infrared to
very longwave infrared. These sensors are based on
various infrared materials, including HgCdTe,
InSb, InGaAs, InAs, Ge, Si, PbS, and PbSe. These
sensors may be single elements, linear arrays, and
two-dimensional arrays, all integrated with the
most advanced packaging, cryogenic cooling,
optics, and electronic technologies.
1. Introduction: Teledyne Judson Technologies
infrared sensor products contribute to remote
sensing by detecting signals emanating from the
earths surface (land and ocean) and atmosphere.
Our infrared sensors are used in a variety of
remote sensing instruments onboard space-borne
satellite platforms and airborne platforms (aircraft
and balloons).
For more than three decades, Teledyne Judson
Technologies (TJT) (formerly known as Judson
Technologies, and prior to that EG&G Judson) has
been advancing infrared (IR) photo-detector sensor
technology and producing high-performance
infrared detectors, linear arrays and focal plane
arrays (FPAs), as well as packaging and integration
technologies, for space and airborne remote
Technologies offers custom designed IR detector
arrays that cover the IR spectrum from 0.75m to
22m. Fig. 1 shows spectral detectivity (D*) plots
for TJT standard IR detector product lines of

various material types, operated at various

temperatures and with various cutoff wavelengths.
The photo-detector materials include Ge, InGaAs,
InAs, InSb, HgCdTe, Si, PbS, and PbSe. Focal plane
arrays are produced from InGaAs, InSb, and
HgCdTe to cover the near-infrared (NIR),
shortwave (SWIR), mid-wave (MWIR), long-wave
(LWIR), and very long-wave (VLWIR) infrared
spectrum. These detectors operate in a wide
temperature range, from room temperature for
NIR and SWIR, thermoelectrically cooled
temperatures, such as 1 to 4-stage TE coolers
(TECs) for SWIR and MWIR, to cryogenic and
closed cycle cooler temperatures for MWIR and
LWIR. Fig. 2 shows TJT FPA products covering a
broad range of spectral wavelengths, operation
temperatures, and material types. The IR detectors
are integrated with optics, cold shields, electronics,
cooling, and packages to form the IR sensor
Teledyne Judson Technologies has developed
many types of detector arrays utilizing a variety of
detector materials for remote sensing applications.
Depending on the remote sensing mission, spectral
wavelength band of interest, sensing target size,
distance, signal information and image resolution,
TJT can match the spectral band by using the
appropriate IR material, and design the IR detector
to meet the format and performance requirements.
This includes single-element detectors, linear
arrays, variable size arrays, quadric arrays and 2-D
small pixel arrays. This paper presents a highlight
of TJT selected space programs on space-borne
instruments for weather satellites and atmospheric
monitoring, as well as airborne remote sensing
instruments. The remote-sensing work at our

Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011
sister division, Teledyne Imaging Sensors (TIS), is
also briefly reviewed.

administration (NOAA), see Fig. 3. All the detector

types are photoconductive HgCdTe operating near
100K. GOES satellites are in a geosynchronous orbit,
which allows them to hover continuously over one
position on the surface.

Teledyne Judson Technologies Spaceborne and Airborne Remote Sensing Highlights:
Table 1 lists some of TJTs previous space programs.
Teledyne Judson Technologies has demonstrated the
full capability of flight hardware design, prototype
development, qualification testing, fabrication and
assembly technology to meet space mission

The geosynchronous plane is about 35,800 km

(22,300 miles) above the Earth, high enough to
allow the satellites a full-disc view of the Earth.
Because they stay above a fixed spot on the
surface, they provide a constant vigil for the
atmospheric "triggers" for severe weather
conditions such as tornadoes, flash floods, hail
storms, and hurricanes. When these conditions
develop, the GOES satellites are able to monitor
storm development and track their movements.
GOES satellites have been operating over the past
two decades.

IR Instruments for Weather Satellites

2.1.1. Geostationary Operational Environmental

Technologies developed high sensitivity water
vapor imagers and sounder sensors [1] for GOES
satellites of National Oceanic and Atmospheric

Fig. 1: Spectral D* of Teledyne Judson Technologies Detector products


Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011

Fig. 2 Teledyne Judson Technologies FPA products

Table 1. Selected Remote Sensing Programs at Teledyne Judson Technologies
GOES Series
TIROS Series



Weather Satellites
Civilian Weather Satellites
Meteorological Research
Japanese Weather Satellites
Weather Research
Remote Sensing
S. Korea Weather Satellites
Atmospheric Monitoring
Ozone Research
Greenhouse Research
Atmospheric Chemistry
Earth Resources


Meteorology/Climatic Studies
Study of the Mesosphere
Atmospheric Chemistry
Planetary Science Missions
Jupiter Probe


Mars Surface Probe

X-Ray Telescope


Asteroid Spectroscopy
Asteroid Spectroscopy
Mars Resources
Comet Spectroscopy
Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter



HgCdTe /InSb/InGaAs


HgCdTe /InSb
HgCdTe /InSb/InGaAs
Pyroelectric Lithium
HgCdTe, Ge, Si

NASA Langley
Orbital Sciences

Pyroelectric Lithium
Pyroelectric DLATGS
Pyroelectric Lithium
Multiplexed InGaAs 256E
Pyroelectric DLATGS
Multiplexed MCT FPA
Multiplexed MCT FPA


Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011
IR Instruments for Space-borne Atmospheric
2.2.1 Halogen Occultation Experiment (HALOE):
Teledyne Judson Technologies supplied InAs
sensors for the HALOE instrument on board of the
UARS satellite. In 1991 The Upper Atmosphere
Research Satellite (UARS) began its study of the
chemistry and physics of the Earth's atmosphere.
UARS data is used to create global maps of ozonedestroying chemicals and to better understand the
processes related to ozone depletion. By 1994, UARS'
comprehensive data set provided conclusive
responsible for the annual Antarctic ozone

Fig. 3: Teledyne Judson Technologies provided

sensors for GOES Satellites for remote sensing the
Earth's weather, flooding and storm [2]
2.1.2. Indian National SATellite (INSAT) Series
Weather Satellite: Teledyne Judson Technologies
supplied to Indian Space Research Organization
(ISRO) IR sensors for the INSAT series Satellites.
Over the past decade TJT supplied MWIR Imager
and Sounders utilizing InSb, LWIR Imagers,
Sounders and Water Vapor arrays utilizing
HgCdTe, and SWIR arrays utilizing InGaAs.

2.2.2 Interferometric Monitor for Greenhouse Gases

(IMG): The Interferometric Monitor for Greenhouse
Gases (IMG) Program was an earth observing
instrument on the Advanced Earth Observing
Satellite (ADEOS) for Japan. The instrument was a
space-based FTIR which incorporated three
Teledyne Judson Technologies wavelength channels
(3-4m, 4-5m, and 6-14m). The detectors were
cooled by a closed cycle cooler for operation
between 80K and 90K. The assembly includes
three detectors in a single hermetically sealed
housing with a narrow field of view and cold filters.
Short wavelength channels are InSb with a cooled
FET and reduced background while the long wave
channels use HgCdTe photoconductors.

2.1.3 Television InfraRed Operational Satellite

(TIROS) Series: Teledyne Judson Technologies
developed and qualified IR Imager for the AVHRR
instrument and IR Sounder for the HIRS instrument
for the TIROS series satellites [1] now called Polar
Operational Environmental Satellite (POES). TJT
delivered all the required TIROS HgCdTe sensors
over more than 10 years. We remain the qualified
vendor for these assemblies. NOAA contributed
AVHRR and HIRS Instruments, with IR sensors
delivered by Teledyne Judson Technologies for the
European Meteorological Operational Satellite

2.2.3 Sounding Atmospheric Broadband Emission

Radiometry (SABER): Teledyne Judson Technologies
built both photovoltaic and photoconductive
infrared detectors for Sounding Atmospheric
instrument [3] [4], see Fig. 4. The SABER is on board
Energetic and Dynamics (TIMED) space craft. TJT
developed IR sensor assembly which consists of 10
channels, including HgCdTe, InSb and InGaAs
detectors, each with integral narrow band filter. The

2.1.4 Multi-function Transport SATellite (MTSAT)

Series Weather Satellite: For the Japanese weather
satellite, Teledyne Judson Technologies supplied
fully space-qualified HgCdTe infrared sensors for
Water Vapor band, and long wavelength detector
arrays for the multiple imaging bands.


Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011
InSb and InGaAs detectors are coupled to a cooled
integral JFET as the 1st stage hybrid amplifies.
SABER was launched on December 7, 2001 and
began operations on January 22, 2002. TIMED is in a
625 km circular orbit at an inclination angle of
74.0745. SABER is one of four instruments on
NASA's TIMED Mission. Its goal is to explore the
Mesosphere and lower Thermosphere globally and
achieve a major improvement in our understanding
of the fundamental processes governing the
energetic, chemistry, dynamics, and transport of the
atmospheric region extending from 60 km to 180 km.
SABER's mission is to perform measurements of
temperature, ozone, carbon dioxide, water vapor
and other trace gases to learn more about the
complex relation of energy transfer between the
upper and lower atmosphere.
2.2.4 Solar Occultation For Ice Experiment
(SOFIE): The Solar Occultation for Ice Experiment
(SOFIE) [6] is one of three instruments onboard the
Aernomy of Ice in the Mesosphere (AIM) Satellite.
SOFIE performs solar occultation measurements in
16 spectral bands that are used to retrieve vertical
profiles of temperature, O3, H2O, CO2, CH4, NO and
polar mesospheric clouds (PMC) extinction at 11
supplied HgCdTe, Ge, and Si infrared sensors to
cover 14 infrared spectral bands.
2.2.5 Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment (ACE):
The Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment (ACE) [7] is
a Canadian Space Agency mission. The ACE mission
objective is to monitor and analyze the chemical
processes that control the distribution of ozone in the
comprehensive set of simultaneous measurements of
trace gases, thin clouds, aerosols, and temperatures
are being collected by solar occultation from low
earth orbit, including detection of more than 30
molecules such as O3, N2O, HNO3, H2O, HCl, Hf, NO,
NO2, CO, CO2, CCl3F and N2O5. Teledyne Judson
Technologies supplied the InSb sensor for the

Fig. 4: SABER mission is to explore the mesosphere

and lower thermosphere [5]
Airborne Linear Detector Arrays in
Midwave and Longwave Infrared: Over the past 20
years Teledyne Judson Technologies supplied custom
designed InSb and HgCdTe linear array sensors for
airborne remote sensing applications. The MODIS
Airborne Simulator (MAS) [8] is an airborne scanning
spectrometer that acquires high spatial resolution
imagery of cloud and surface features from a NASA
ER-2 high altitude research aircraft.
provides multispectral images for the purpose of
validating algorithms for remote sensing of clouds,
aerosol, water vapor, and surface properties from
space. Nineteen (19) of the bands correspond to The
Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
(MODIS) that was developed as part of the Earth
Observing System (EOS). Recently, Teledyne Judson
Technologies successfully delivered to Enhanced
MODIS Airborne Simulator (E-MAS) a midwave longwave IR linear detector array sensor assembly
with a special detector layout design for an airborne
remote sensing application.
3. Teledyne Imaging Sensors contribution to
Remote Sensing: Teledyne Imaging Sensors (TIS) has
also been advancing the state-of-the-art technology in
the area of Infrared detector for remote sensing. TIS
has extensive heritage in remote sensing and
successfully delivered detector assemblies for both
astronomy & planetary and earth observing [9] [10],
see Fig. 5. Table 2 summarizes TIS detectors utilized
in major missions.


Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011
for both cooled and un-cooled detectors. The
detector packages are integrated with cold optics
inside the detector package, including cold shield
and cold filters. Multi-band spectral or hyperspectral
remote sensing imaging can be realized by
implementing multi-band spectral spatial filters in
front of the FPA.
TJT has also been advancing the integrated dewar
cooler assembly (IDCA) technology for airborne and
space-borne remote sensing. The obvious advantage
of IDCA is that it integrates the cooler and detector
sensor together in a compact volume size. A high
reliability, small size and low power consumption
IDCA is an attractive direction for both airborne and
spaceborne remote sensing.

Fig. 5: Teledyne Imaging Sensors selected remote

sensing programs
4. Future work on Advanced Sensor Technologies:
With the IR sensor technology advancing, there is
more demand for large coverage areas, high image
resolution and multispectral imaging, as well as fast
data rate and analysis in space borne remote sensing

5. Conclusions: We have presented a brief overview of

Teledyne Judson Technologies and Teledyne Imaging
Sensors heritage detector arrays in remote sensing
applications developed over the past decades. These
detectors were produced in various spectral bands
ranging from near infrared to mid-wave, and to long
wavelength band utilizing InGaAs, InSb and HgCdTe

To meet such demands, Teledyne Judson Technologies

and Teledyne Imaging Sensors have developed 320 x
256-30m pitch and 1K x 1K-15m pitch InGaAs focal
plane arrays [11,12], and are advancing the state-ofthe-art for even smaller pixel larger format InGaAs
FPAs [13], as well as linear arrays for un-cooled SWIR
remote sensing. These new technologies can ultimately
improve image resolution and image coverage, while
supporting analog and digital image data through
ROIC output. Teledyne has developed the most
cutting edge technology for HgCdTe 640 x 512, 1K x
1K, 2K x 2K, and 4K x 4K pixel format SWIR, MWIR,
and LWIR focal plane arrays. These products operate
at 37K or higher temperatures. Some have been
implemented in space-borne and airborne remote
sensing imaging in recent years.

With the high demand in remote sensing, Teledyne

continues to advance and lead in various new detector
development and implementation in airborne and
space-borne remote sensing.
Acknowledgements: The authors are thankful to
many Teledyne Judson Technologies colleagues for
their support and assistance to this work.

TJT has developed state-of-the-art hermetically

sealed detector assembly techniques and products


Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011
Table 2. Teledyne Imaging Sensors detectors utilized in major missions



Hubble WFC3
Hubble SM4 (ACS Repair)
Wide Field InfraRed Survey
Telescope (WFIRST)


Launched 1990
Launched 2009
Launched 2009
Launched 2009


In development (Launch TBD)



Space Qualified (Launch TBD)



Rocket failed on launch 2010

AURA (TE & IR FT Spectrometer)

Deep Impact (IR Spectrograph) NASA
1. NIRCam
2. NIRSpec

Launched 2004
Launched 2005
Launched 2004
Launched 2002
Space Qualified (Target Launch 2018)



Space Qualified (Target Launch 2012)



Space Qualified (Target Launch 2015)





Rocket failed on launched 2009/

Target re-launch 2013
Launched 2008



Space Qualified (Target Launch 2013)

MRO (CRISM spectrometer)

LEISA (New Horizons)


Launched 2005
Launched 2006

[1] J.R. Frederick, J. Kimchi, T. Wong, High
Detector Assemblies for Space Applications,
Proc. SPIE Vol. 2812 (1996)
[2] NOAA Satellite and Information Service, Office
of Satellite Operations, National Environmental
Satellite, Date and Information Service
(NESDIS), [online]. Available at: http:// /goesstatus/
[3] J. Stauder, R. Esplin, L. Zollinger, M. Mlynczak,
J. Russell III, L. Gordley, T. Marshall, Stray
Light Analysis of the SABER Telescope, Proc.
SPIE Vol. 2553, (1995)
[4] S. Brown, M. Jensen, S. Jensen, G. Hansen, L.
Zollinger, R. Esplin, J. B. Miller, Sounding of
the atmosphere using broadband emission






performance, and lessons learned, Proc. SPIE
Vol. 6297, 62970U (2006)
GATS, Inc. Atmospheric Science, [online].
S. Hansen, A. Shumway, C. Fish, J. Peterson, P.
Mace, J. Cook, J. Nelsen, D. Hooper, Q. Young,
S. Wassom, J. Kemp, L. Gordley, M. Hervig,
SOFIE Instrument Model and Performance
Comparison, Proc. SPIE Vol. 6297 (2006)
M.A. Soucy, F. Chateauneuf, C. Deutsch, N.
ACE-FTS Instrument Detailed
Design, Proc. SPIE 4814 (2002)
M. King, W.P. Menzel, P. Grant, J. Myers, G.T.
Arnold, S. Platnick, L. Gumley, S. Tsay, C.
Moeller, M., Fitzgerald, K. Brown, F.
Osterwisch, Airborne Scanning Spectrometer

Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011
imaging technologies for x-ray, UV, visible and
near infrared, Proc. SPIE Vol. 7021 (2008)
[11] H. Yuan, G. Apgar, J. Kim, J. Laquindanum,
V. Nalavade, P. Beer, J. Kimchi, T. Wong, FPA
Development: from InGaAs, InSb, to HgCdTe,
Proc. SPIE Vol. 6940, 69403C (2008)
[12] H.Yuan, J. Kim, J. Kimchi, J. Bajaj, G. Ding, J.
Hwang, D. Lee, W.E. Tennant, Development of
Large Format InGaAs 2D Photodetector Arrays
with Very Small Pixels, 2010 meetings of MSS,
Special groups on Detector Materials, February
22-26, 2010
[13] H. Yuan, J. Kimchi, L.C. Kilmer, J.T. Getty, E.
R. Glaretas, Recent Progress in Developing
Very Small Pixel InGaAs 2D Photodetector
Arrays at TJT, 2011 meetings of MSS, Special
groups on Detector Materials, February 28March 4, 2011.

for Remote Sensing of Cloud, Aerosol, Water

Vapor, and Surface Properties, American
Meteorological Society (1996)
[9] R. Blank, S. Anglin, J. Beletic, Y. Bai, S. Buck, S.
Bhargava, J. Chen, D. Cooper, M. Eads, M.
Farris, D. Hall, K. Hodapp, W. Lavelle, M.
Loose, G. Luppino, E. Piquette, R. Ricardo, T.
Sprafke, B. Starr, M. Xu, M. Zandian, The
HxRG Family of High Performance Image
Sensors for Astronomy, Astronomical Society
of the Pacific Conference Series, Volume 437,
Solar Polarization 6, edited by J.R. Kuhn, S.V.
Berdyugina, D.M. Harrington, S. Keil, H. Lin, T.
Rimmele, and J.T. Buino.
[10] Y. Bai, J. Bajaj, J. Beletic, M. Farris, A. Joshi, S.
Lauxtermann, A. Petersen, G. Williams,
Teledyne Imaging Sensors: Silicon CMOS

Call for Articles

Readers are requested to contribute short articles for publication in the forthcoming issues in their own
words, preferably as per the editorial calendar given on page-4, either as a brief survey of state of the art or
as articles on specific work carried out by them, or as novel concepts related to the specific theme(s). The
deadline for inclusion in the next issue on Atmospheric & Oceanic Remote Sensing is Sept 20, 2011.
- Editorial Team


Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011


Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011

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The TX-USS Series Tungsten-Halogen Xenon Calibration Sources are designed for use as lambertian
solar simulators or UV radiance calibration sources. Our conventional L/R Sources have spectra very
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Labsphere's space-grade Spectralon reflectance material has gained wide acceptance as a reflecting
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Mumbai - 400042, India. Email: Phone : 022-32657126


Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011
Remote Sensing Payload Hardware: Microwave Sensors

Industry Role in ISROs Microwave Remote Sensing Payloads

Nilesh M. Desai
Space Applications Centre, ISRO, Ahmedabad
1. Introduction: Under the Microwave Remote
Sensing Programme (MRSP), Microwave Remote
Sensors Area (MRSA/SAC/ISRO) has been involved
in developing and enhancing the capabilities of
ISROs Earth Observation (EO) missions involving
microwave sensors. Subsequent to the launch of a
Multi frequency Scanning Microwave Radiometer
(MSMR) payload onboard Oceansat-1 (IRS-P4) in
1999, payload developmental activities related to four
major EO missions involving microwave sensors viz.
Radar Imaging Satellite (RISAT-1) Synthetic Aperture
Radar (SAR), C-band Airborne SAR for Disaster
Management (DMSAR), Oceansat-2 Ku-band Pencil
beam Scatterometer and passive imaging radiometer
(MADRAS) for Megha-Tropiques (MT) have been
completed in the last decade.

industries in helping MRSA address the challenges of

microwave SAR and other payload realization.
2. Recent Missions involving Microwave Sensors:
Table-1 gives the major mission parameters of
microwave sensors for which development activities
were completed recently with industry participation.
Airborne and Spaceborne SARs are basically imaging
sensors with numerous land and ocean applications.
Scatterometer is utilized for local/global wind vector
retrieval over the ocean while radiometers estimate
and monitor a number of geo-physical atmospheric
and ocean parameters like water vapour content,
rainfall, cloud cover etc., which are important for
global weather forecasting and climate studies.
RISAT-1 satellite, scheduled for launch in 2011-12,
consists of an active antenna based C-band
multimode, multi-polarisation SAR, having Stripmap,
ScanSAR, Spotlight and Sliding Spotlight SAR modes
[1][2]. The Ku-band Pencil beam Scanning
Scatterometer payload onboard Oceansat-II has been
successfully launched in 2009 and is currently
operational [3].

One major feature of these developments is that the

hardware for these microwave sensors have been
developed with core radar electronics concept. The
other important feature is the participation and
involvement of the local indigenous and a few foreign
industries in realization of portions of various new
and challenging technology elements of these
payloads, based on MRSA provided designs.

Megha-Tropiques (MT) mission, a significant

collaborative science project between ISRO, India and
CNES, France, carries Microwave Analysis and
Detection of Rain and Atmospheric Structures
(MADRAS) imaging radiometer, and is scheduled for
launch in 2011. ISROs C-band Airborne SAR has
been replaced with an airborne SAR for Disaster
Management (DMSAR).

Moreover, all the planned follow-on and near-future

microwave sensors are also envisaged to follow a
similar approach of core radar electronics and
industry participation. The sections below describe
the role played by mostly local and a few foreign


Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011
Table-1: Major Specifications of ISROs recent missions involving Microwave Sensors
Platform Velocity
Off Nadir Look
Swath Coverage
(Range x

5.35 GHz
B-200 aircraft
8 km
120 m/s. (Nom.)

5.35 GHz
IRS bus
610 km
7.5 km/s.

13.5 GHz
IRS bus
720 km
7.46 km/s.

18.7-157 GHz
IRS bus
865 km
7.417 km/s.

65 to 85

9 to 47

43.6, 49.0

45 (Scanning)

6-75 km.

10-240 km

1450-1800 km.

1700 km.

2-10 m x
2-10 m.

2-50 m. x
2-50 m.

2 m/s (wind speed)

20 rms (dir.)

0.5-2K (Temp.)
6-40 km



For RISAT-1 SAR, various flight model subsystems

like active antenna and tile electronics consisting of
Transmit/Receive RF Modules (TRM) and ASIC based
TR Control (TRC) units along with onboard central
electronics like I/Q Digitizers based Data acquisition
and Signal Processing system (DAS), Digital Chirp
Generator (DCG), Radar Payload Controller (PLC),
Frequency Generator (FG) and Receiver (RX) units,
have been designed, fabricated and qualified. One
major feature of these developments is that the
hardware for RISAT-1 SAR has been standardized.
Standardization of the hardware has enabled industry
participation in design and production of these
hardware modules.
Development: The major striking feature is that
Payload development involves local indigenous
industries in a substantial manner in their realization.
The proof-of-the concept and Flight Models of various
new and challenging technology elements for RISAT-1
SAR have been realized with the active participation
and collaboration of local and indigenous public and
private sector industries.


Check-Out units for all payloads, Quick look and

Near-Real Time SAR digital processors for DMSAR
and RISAT-1 SAR [9][10][11] etc. have also been
realized with the involvement of private and public
sector industries.
Table-2 gives an overview of industries and their
contributions in fabrication of RISAT-1 SAR and other
microwave payloads related subsystems and
components in the last decade. Most of these high-end
technology developments were possible only with
active industry participation and close interface. The
success of the industrial development of new design
elements was possible because of the emphasis on the
following aspects:

Indigenous MMIC fabrication line has been qualified

at GAETEC foundry. The developmental models of
onboard baseband subsystems, Electronic Ground
Support Equipment (EGSE) elements like Ground

Vendors were selected carefully after analyzing

technical competence of the managers/personnel
and their willing attitude towards developing risky
new technologies.
Partnership approach was adopted in which inhouse capabilities both in terms of human
resources and facilities were provided to industry
partners to fill up the gaps.
Educating the vendors with ISROs quality
approach with practical demonstration, process
and human resource qualification and constant
guidance in quality audit.

Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011

The necessary laboratories, clean rooms and other

environmental facilities have also been set-up and
operationalised at many of these industries.

Fig-1 gives the photographs of the various

standardized subsystems and support equipments
& facilities developed by industries for microwave

Fig. -1: Contributions of Industries in microwave missions

Table-2: Details of space hardware developed by industries for Microwave Payloads
Solectron Centum,
BEL, Ghaziabad
Bryka / Aeroflex

Hardware Contribution in last decade

7 types of MMICS
TR Module, TRC, RF Power Distr. NW , Power amplifier modules, High power
SPST switches, Integration Blocks, Etching of Antenna
Power Conditioning and Processing Unit (PCPU), Transmit-Receive Controller
(TRC), EPC for Tile Control Unit (TCU), TCU, Harness
Power amplifier module
TR module characterization System
Onboard Controller ASICs for Tile Electronics

Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011
& CG-Corel, Blr.
SLT, Gandhinagar
CMC, Hyderabad
Bombay Machines,

DVM fabrication & testing

GCU Chassis (EGSE)
Antenna Fabrication, Assembly & Alignment Of Antenna Layers
Antenna PCB (1m x 0.33 m) & Other PCBS-MLBs
Digital subsystems for Design Verification Models
3-Axis Scanner for Near Field Measurement

4. Development Strategy for Follow-on & Future

Microwave Missions: RISAT-1 follow-on mission
will carry a L-band Multi-polarization SAR [4]
operating in stripmap mode and will mainly cater to
applications related to agriculture and soil moisture
analysis. In consonance with various application
requirements and projections, ISRO has also planned
a number of other missions involving microwave
sensors [5] for LEO orbits. The digital and RF
subsystems are being upgraded, miniaturized and redesigned to meet the challenges of these follow-on
opportunity in development and realization of these
microwave payloads.
5. Conclusion: This paper describes the challenges in
the involvement of industry in spaceborne microwave
remote sensing infrastructure development in the
Acknowledgements: The author would like to thank
Dr. R.R.Navalgund (Director, SAC), Shri A.S.Kiran
Kumar (Associate Director), Shri S.S.Rana and Shri
V.R.Gujraty (Ex-DDs, MRSA) and Shri Tapan Misra
(DD/MRSA) and Shri R.K.Arora (DD-ESSA) for their
guidance and active encouragement to industry
developmental activities. The author also wishes to

acknowledge the contributions of all their colleagues

in MRSA, Scientist/Engineers and other staff
members of SAC/ISRO and other ISRO centres, who
are involved in the developmental activities related to
Microwave Remote Sensors.
[1] SAR Payload of Radar Imaging Satellite (RISAT)
of ISRO, by Tapan Misra, S.S.Rana, V.H.Bora, N. M.
Desai , C.V.N.Rao and Rajeev Jyoti, 6th Europ. Conf.
on SAR, EUSAR-2006, 16-18 May, 2006, Dresden,
[2] Advanced Digital Technology elements of
Synthetic Aperture Radar Payload of RISAT, by
Nilesh M. Desai , J.G.Vachhani, B. Saravana Kumar,
V.R.Gujraty and S.S.Rana, 6th European Conf. on SAR,
EUSAR-06, 16-18 May-06, Dresden, Germany.
[3] Digital Receiver with FPGA based Signal
Processor for ISROs Oceansat-II Scatterometer, by
N. M. Desai, B.SaravanaKumar, S. Gangele,
International Radar Symposium, IRSI-2007, 10-13
Dec., 2007, Bangalore.
[4] Advanced Onboard Technologies for ISROs
RISAT-1 Follow-On L-Band Polarimetric SAR
Mission by N.M. Desai, B.Saravana Kumar,
J.G.Vachhani, V.R.Gujraty and S.S.Rana, 7th Euro.


Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011
Conf. on SAR, EUSAR-08, 2-5 June-2008,
Friedrichshafen, Germany.
[5] A novel digital receiver concept for ISROs
future Remote Sensing Radars, by Nilesh Desai,

J.G.Vachhani, Rinku Agrawal, CVN Rao, V.R.Gujraty

& S.S.Rana, 5th Asia-Pac. SPIE Intl. Remote Sensing
Conf., 13-17 Nov, 2006, Panaji, Goa.

Call for Articles

Readers are requested to contribute short articles for publication in the forthcoming issues in their own
words, preferably as per the editorial calendar given on page-4, either as a brief survey of state of the art or
as articles on specific work carried out by them, or as novel concepts related to the specific theme(s). The
deadline for inclusion in the next issue on Atmospheric & Oceanic Remote Sensing is Sept 20, 2011.
- Editorial Team


Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011

Real-Time Spectrum Analysis Reveals Time Domain

Characteristics of Microwave Signals
Thomas Hill,
Tektronix, Inc. P.O. Box 500, M/S 50-317, Beaverton, OR 97077, USA
1. Introduction: Spectrum Analyzer technology
and design has changed as techniques for
microwave transmission have become timevarying, and as advancements in microwave
measurement technology have become available.
The earliest form of microwave analyzer was a
manually tuned filter and detector combination
which simply indicated the signal level at the
frequency to which it was tuned. A wave meter
is the simplest example of this.
The introduction of electrically tuned signal
conversion circuitry created the swept-tuned
microwave analyzer. A CRT was used to display
the amplitude of all incoming signals as vertical
deflection, with the frequencies spaced
Analog-to-Digital converters, along with Digital
Signal Processing, (DSP) are now used to capture
a much wider band of spectrum which may
contain many signals simultaneously. Analysis is
performed after the signals are captured.
As time-varying signals have replaced the more
traditional modulation forms, the Real-Time
Spectrum Analyzer (RTSA) was developed to
show these time-variations and separate multiple
time-varying signals overlapping in frequency.
2. The Need:
2.1 Discovery of Problem Signals: When the need
is to characterise a microwave signal that
contains transient time-varying events, or
characterise a signal where it is unknown if the
signal contains such time-variations, then the
analysis of the RF spectrum must include a full
amplitude representation of these transient

If interference is being experienced in an RF

environment and the analysis tools used to discover
the interference do not have the capability of
triggering on transient RF, or cannot distinguish
between signals that occupy the same frequencies at
different times on a short-time transient basis, then
the interference cannot be discovered.
2.2 Capturing these Problems for Analysis: Simply
discovering the existence of a time-varying or
transient signal is not sufficient. Such signals must
be reliably captured to allow for further analysis.
There is a need to trigger on the time-varying
frequency nature of modern microwave signals and
the interference they may be subject to, or may even
cause to other services. Traditional methods can
capture continuous time segments of a signal, but
these recordings may or may not contain the timevarying transients if there is extended time between
such events. The need is for a trigger that can use
continuous time-transform processing without
losing any of the incoming signal.
3. The Underlying Problem - Gaps in Analysis:
3.1 Swept Analysis cant see Time-Varying Signals:
Swept frequency analysis inherently only detect the
total power contained within the bandwidth of the
detector, as this detector is slowly swept across the
frequency band of interest. The detector is tuned to
only one frequency at a time. It is blind to all other
frequencies at that time. Therefore, as the detector
sweeps, such an analyzer will miss transient signals
of duration less than the entire recurrent sweep time.
There are gaps in the time that any one frequency
can be seen. These time gaps are almost as large as
the sweep time itself.
3.2 Real Gaps in DSP: A Vector Signal analyzer
(VSA) digitises an entire band of signals at once, and

Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011
examines these frequencies with a Discrete Time
Transform (such as an FFT.) However, during the
display of Microwave Spectrum, the time gap
between one FFT and the next is usually the same as
the length of time that the display requires between
display updates. These time gaps between FFT
processes, as seen in Fig. 1, are real gaps with
complete loss of the signal being analysed.

Effective Gaps created in the incoming signal.

The proper functioning of an FFT requires that a
filter be applied to the time samples before they
are passed to the FFT process. This time filter
reduces the samples near the beginning and near
the end of the time record to zero value. An
example of such a filter is in Fig. 3.

If the DFT process repeats less often than the time

occupied by one frame of input data, then there are
inherently gaps in the coverage of the incoming
signals. Such a situation is depicted in Fig. 2. The
upper trace is the incoming signal which has an
unexpected anomaly, of duration less than one DFT
frame, within the left half of the drawing.
Fig. 3: Time-window to be applied before the
The lower traces represent the time-windowed
samples delivered to the DFT process. The anomaly
of interest happens to fall in the gap between two
DFT frames. If the frame repetition rate were less
often, the probability of intercepting this signal
would be proportionately less.

Given that this filter is applied to all FFT

processes, the result creates the Effective Gaps
where the end samples of one FFT record are
adjacent to the beginning samples of the
subsequent FFT. An example of how this leaves
parts of the incoming without analysis is seen in
Fig. 4.

Fig. 4: FFT processes immediately following one


Fig. 1: Gap between FFT frames due to compute


These Effective Gaps also cause complete loss of

the incoming signal. There must be no gaps at all if
the small transient signal is to be discovered, or is
to trigger a capture for further analysis.
3.4. The need for Triggering on specific Frequencies:
While many VSAs can capture continuous signal
data for extended periods of time, they can not be
assured of the pre-determined capture of a specific
frequency event. A signal that varies on both
frequency and time, or even more importantly,

Fig. 2: Real Gaps between FFT frames.

3.3 Effective Gaps in DSP: Even if there are
contiguous and continuous FFT processes one
immediately after the other, there will be

Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011
multiple such signals that overlap, requires
triggering that is frequency selective and
amplitude selective at the same time. This includes
circumstances where a signal of greater or lesser
frequency (regardless of amplitude) will not cause
a false trigger. There are also circumstances where
a signal that meets these criteria, but is lesser or
greater amplitude at the same frequency also does
not cause a false trigger.

The Solution

analyzed within the active portion of at least one

FFR frame.

Fig. 5: FFT processes overlapping one another by 50%.

5. Results

4.1. Digital Signal Processing Without Gaps:

Advances in FPGA processing power now allow
simultaneous parallel processing of multiple FFT
or Chirp-Z time transforms.
To meet the requirement of no gaps in the analysis of
the incoming signal, the FFT processes must overlap
by at least 50% from one to the next. This is
illustrated in Fig. 5. Here it can be seen that even the
small transient frequency disturbance will always be

5.1. Display of Time-Varying Signals: With FFT

processes always overlapping at least 50%, an
analyser has been built that is capable of acquiring
110 MHz of bandwidth and processing more than
292,000 spectra every second without missing any
data. To view this many spectra, they must be
compressed so that the display, and even the human
eye, can see the result of every one of the spectra.

Fig. 6: The Bitmap compression process.

One method of compression is shown in Fig. 6. Each

spectrum is made into a bitmap as if it were to be
sent to the display. These bitmaps are accumulated
into one bitmap by adding the number of times a
bitmap pixel contains spectrum data. When the
display is available for an update, the combined
bitmap is converted into colours or intensities that
represent the number of times a pixel was hit. This
display now shows the time-varying nature of the
incoming signal. Even if the signal has a transient
spectrum that occurred only once, this will be shown
on the display.
Fig. 7 is a display of multiple microwave signals in
the same spectrum. There are three WiFi signals and
a Bluetooth with overlapping spectra. Ordinary
spectrum analysis can only see the strongest signal
at any one frequency.

But here, the access point, with nearly

continuous transmission is seen as dark, but the
nearby laptop has much stronger, but less
frequent signal on the same channel. The
Bluetooth, with its 4 sets of 4 carriers each, is
overlapping with the aforementioned WiFi, and
also overlapping the WiFi channel just one lower
frequency than the first one.
5.2. Triggering on specific Frequency &
Amplitude: Another capability provided by realtime FFT processing is the triggering of
measurement processes based on events in the
frequency domain as well as time domain. Prior
to the development of real-time processing, a
trigger could be generated only if the detected
power changed. If the FFT is processed at least as

Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011
fast as the incoming data from the A/D
converter, then the output of the sequential FFTs
can be compared to a frequency "mask"
representing the particular signal of interest.
Then when the FFT output matches the mask, a
trigger is generated immediately. Overlapping
the FFTs removes the same effective gaps that
result from the spectrum windowing as was the
case for the histogram display.

above their current amplitude. This frequency

mask triggers on events at specific frequencies
even amongst other, much larger signals.
5.3. Triggering using the Histogram Display: The
Histogram display now also provides a method
to draw a Trigger Box on the display. This box
allows triggering on the time-density of signals.
In Fig. 9 the box can read out the percentage of
time that a signal is within the box. This can now
trigger on this percentage, providing triggering
on a signal within a signal. This is a true
trigger on the time-varying nature of the signal,
or of interference to a signal.
5.4. Analysis of Time-Varying Signals: Using the
multiple continuous overlapping FFT processes,
distinguished. Fig. 10 has one wide chirp signal,
with two overlapping smaller chirps inside it.
There are also several pulsed signals. Again, FFT
processes with gaps can only see the strongest
signal outline, and may miss several signals

Fig. 7: Multiple Signals sharing the same spectrum.

Fig. 8: Frequency Mask triggered by one small


The frequency mask can be drawn as another

trace on the spectrum display. The internal
numerical representation of this mask is
compared to each of the DFT results as they are
generated from the incoming signal data. If any
X location of the DFT has a Y-value which
exceeds the Y-value of the corresponding X
location of the mask, a trigger is generated. Fig. 8
has a display representative of the frequency
mask. The spectrum has nine RF signals across
the spectrum of interest. A mask has been drawn
between two of these legitimate signals. Any
signal that appears in this mask will generate a
trigger even if it is 33 dB below the large signals.
As this mask is drawn, the large signals will not
generate a trigger even if they increase 3 dB

Fig. 9: Histogram Trigger Box

Fig. 10: Multiple signals overlapping each other.


Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011
5.5. Probability of Intercept: Guaranteed triggering
on short transient signals is met by the overlapping
of FFTs. The minimum length of a burst that will be
triggered at full amplitude is calculated as an
example of a practical application for triggering an
RTSA with 110 MHz bandwidth:
Decimated sample rate of 150 MHz, = 6.67 ns per
Triggering uses FFT frame = 1024 points = 6.83
50% overlap is 1.5 frames = 10.24 us minimum
burst length.
The display of a transient signal at full amplitude
also requires that at least one complete FFT frame
must intersect the signal burst. A calculation for the
histogram display of an RTSA with 110 MHz
Histogram CZT = 523 points = 3.49 us.
CZT process time of 20.48 s forces gaps.
3.49 s + 20.48 us = 23.97 s min. burst length.

6. Conclusion: Spectrum analysis of Microwave

signals can no longer ignore time variations of the
signals. Parallel DSP processes operating in real-time
are required to trigger or analyse signals without
introducing gaps.
Acknowledgements: The author wishes to
acknowledge the assistance provided by Shigetsune
Torin and Marcus DaSilva in the preparation of this
[1] "Fundamentals of
Phosphor TM
Technology in Real-Time Spectrum Analyzers"
Tektronix, Inc. application note.
[2] T. C. Hill, Real-Time Spectrum Analysis Reveals
Time Domain Characteristics of Frequency
Domain Signals, Automatic RF Techniques
Group (ARFTG) Conference, December 2008.

Call for Articles

Readers are requested to contribute short articles for publication in the forthcoming issues in their own
words, preferably as per the editorial calendar given on page-4, either as a brief survey of state of the art or
as articles on specific work carried out by them, or as novel concepts related to the specific theme(s). The
deadline for inclusion in the next issue on Atmospheric & Oceanic Remote Sensing is Sept 20, 2011.
- Editorial Team


Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011

Digital Radar Receiver System (DRRS)

A case study from Mistral Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
1. Introduction: The organization is a center for
hardware abstraction layer. The system, based on
vehicle research and control. It is equipped with
VPX technology was modular in nature with a
Telemetry, Tracking, and multiple other facilities
capability of being upgradable with advancement in
essential for control of the sub-systems. The center
technology. COTS components were considered in
has various ground systems in place which enable
realizing the system with the application being
them to track vehicles. As a technology development
developed by the customer's in-house team.
initiative, the customer has launched a program to
Based on the specification provided by the customer,
upgrade their radar receivers with newer technology
the Mistral team proposed a hardware and software
to enhance their tracking capability. This technology
solution using a combination of COTS products
also needed to ensure that future advancements in the
available from our various partners. The following
technology could be implemented through modular
are the COTS modules and software tools that were
up-gradation, with little or no change to the basic
chosen for the system.
The single board computers were based on PPC8641D
and built around the new VITA46 technology with
the capability to deliver up to 16 GFLOPS. It also has
provision for module insertion which allows the card
to realize sensor interfaces. This is implemented in a
modular manner to ensure that an enhancement to
the overall system can be implemented by changing
the modules.

2. The Requirement: The customer saw a

demonstration of a Radar Receiver solution
developed by Mistral and contracted Mistral to
provide a custom solution to meet their requirements.
The customer has installations of Radars, but the
back-end receivers and signal processing systems had
little or no dynamic computing capability. This is a
feature of the radar receivers (Radar Signal
Processing) that is currently actively sought, to
provide a wider range of operations.

The Radar Receiver (Fig. 1) was implemented with

three IF modules mounted on the base of the two
single board computer cards. The IF Modules enable
the implementation of logic IP Cores like a Digital
Down Convertor as well as any other mathematical
models like Filters, Pulse compression, Fast Fourier
Transforms and more.

The industry has seen newer technologies emerge,

like the new VITA 46 standard, which enables a
multi-processor based computing environment with a
capability to have high-speed inter-processor
communication as well as Processor to I/O
communication. It was an automatic choice for the
customer to narrow down on a Radar Processing
System comprising of Digital Signal Processing
hardware and Intermediate Frequency (IF) modules
which were based on the newer technology.

This combination allows the whole system to work as

high-end and modular Radar Receiver, a system
which receives radar inputs, decimate the digitized
sensor information to the bandwidth of interest,
apply mathematical models to extract target
information and also store the scenarios through a
high speed storage media Interface with a fibre
channel module.

3. Solution Provided: Mistral provided a solution

that was built in a modular structure with a Software
Development Environment that would ensure that
the customer could focus on the application
implementation rather than at the driver or the


Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011

Fig. 1: Radar Receiver

The chosen RTOS for the application VxWorks, was

an automatic choice considering the time critical
operations. VxWorks ensures a hard real-time
performance and thereby a time deterministic
application implementation.

4. The Challenges
The specification provided by the customer
were generic and we had to provide the
customer with multiple iterations of
application demonstrations, and thereby
establish that the specification of our proposed
cards as well as our services would meet their
Integration of various cards as well as
establishing the interoperability to operate on
the same platform was a challenge. This
involved porting of module drivers from
earlier versions to the newer versions of the
Real Time Operating System, as well as other
Board Support Packages
Development of complex test cases to
demonstrate the capabilities in-line with the
actual application
Sourcing and integrating the components
from different vendors and providing support
for these components to the customer with
Mistral being the single point of contact.

Additional software tools provided for the SBC


Digital Down Convertor core in the FPGA of the

IF module,
Low latency deterministic Communication
between various nodes using the IPC library.

Signal processing algorithms using the Vector

signal processing libraries
Profiling of processor cycles and event analysis to
assist rapid prototyping and application
implementation through Profiling and debugging
Implementation of logic blocks through the
Firmware Development Kit for the IF module
with Virtex5 FPGA

5. Key Achievements
System Implementation with the new VPX

Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011

A Multi-Channel receiver (12 IF Channels)

mathematical models before implementation
Implementation of the mathematical and
compute intensive models in the final system
Validation of Time Correlated Algorithm
Winning the customers confidence with the
new technology.

6. Customer Benefits

End-to-end system, enabling the customer to

focus on the application implementation
A modular approach with the capability to
scale the computing elements for future
Platform which can be used even in the event
of the front-end receivers undergoing an upgradation
Platform with the capability of handling a
change even if the Radar elements were
Got Mistral as the system integrator, who has
the ability to provide end-to-end services for a
quick execution from concept-to-deployment.

A High-end Radar receiver solution based on

up-to-date technology

Call for Articles

Readers are requested to contribute short articles for publication in the forthcoming issues in their own
words, preferably as per the editorial calendar given on page-4, either as a brief survey of state of the art or
as articles on specific work carried out by them, or as novel concepts related to the specific theme(s). The
deadline for inclusion in the next issue on Atmospheric & Oceanic Remote Sensing is Sept 20, 2011.
- Editorial Team


Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011


Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011

Contributions of K.V. Microwave Materials, Ideal K.V. Microwave

Products & Sahajanand Laser Technology to RS Activities
Dr. Kanhiya Lal, Executive Director
RF & Microwave Division, Sahajanand Laser Technology Ltd.
During this period (1978-till date), we contributed in
the following remote sensing activities:
1. Black Body Target (BBT) For Ground Calibration
Radiometer (MSMR): MSMR and Ocean Colour
Monitor (OCM) were the two payloads that were
flown on board Ocean set-I (IRS-P4) on May 26 1999
from SHAR, ISRO. Two BBTs were designed and
developed by KVMM for ground calibration of the
MSMR. These BBTs were designed with a goal of
achieving very high emissivity ( .999) which
corresponds to very high reflection loss/absorbance
in the operating frequencies of 6.6, 10.65, 18, and
21GHz having low thermal gradient from top to
bottom. Prior to full scale model, a scaled down
model was made by KVMM with required
measurement test bed. To achieve this, absorbing
material (coating) was tested in thermovac condition
for TML, CVCM, Thermal Diffusivity, Specific Heat,
Thermal Conductivity, Sample Density and Return
Loss over the full operating range. The scaled down
model of the BBT comprising 3x3 absorbing material
coated pyramids was tested by return loss maximum
and minima method. Subsequently, as further
confirmation the emissivity of BBT was tested at
Defence Lab, Jodhpur. The emissivity of the BBT
Sample was better than the designated value of 0.999
at all frequencies. The thermal gradient test on the
sample was also carried out.
Based on the above, 3 full scale BBTs (One Earth
Target, One Sky Target-1 for 6.6 GHz and 10.65 GHz
and One Sky Target-2 for 18 and 21 GHz) were
successfully developed whose performance met the
specification laid down by MSMR Project.

Tapan Mishra was also published in IEEE Trans

on Geosciences and Remote Sensing Vol.
40,No.2,pp504-508,2002 on the subject.
2. Planar Near Failed (PNF) Anechoic Chamber for
Space Antennas Characterization: KVMM assigned
job to design supply and installation of Microwave
absorber in the PNF range and its validation. Design
parameters of the PNF range were:
1. Size of PNF: 12.65x10mx11.5m.
2. Scanner a) Make M/S Orbit FR Israel; b) Type:
A-1-4953-1-9m-6m-v; c) Scan Area: 9mx6m.
3. Antenna Positioner: Supplied and Installed by
SAC which includes Mounting Bracket Metal
tower, azimuth positioner and Z axis slide.
4. Back-Up Structure Construction: By SAC.
5. Quiet Zone Volume: 9m6m3m (LHW).
6. Quiet Zone Performance: -40 dB throughout at
frequencies 2.0 GHz.
The room reflectivity, which is one of the 18 error
sources in PNF range and directly related to KVMM
scope of supply, was evaluated by free space VSWR
method. The worst value of room reflectivity at
various locations / heights of PNF range was found
to be -53.3 dB, -61.6 dB and -57.6 dB at 2.0, 5.0 and 8.0
/11.0 GHz, respectively against the designated
performance of -40.00 dB.
Antennas tested in the PNF range were used in
MSMR, Ku band scatterometer and Radar Imaging
3. Movable PNF Range: As Ideal K.V. Microwave
Products PVT Ltd, We supplied absorbers for
movable Planar Near Field Range under clean room
conditions were supplied to test antennas for Radar
Imaging Satellites.

An article entitled Ground Calibration of Multi

frequency scanning Microwave Radiometer by

Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011

4. CNC Base Electro-Mech. Multifunction Machine

For Multi Layer Patch Antenna: CNC base
Multifunction Machine is one of the Special Purpose
Machine designed & manufactured for Fabrication /
Assembly of the Multilayer Patch Antenna for
different application by SLTL.
Clean room facility.
Alignment of the Duroid /dielectric substrate
PCB with accuracy.
Resolution /Repeatability of 10m.
Inspection of the RT Duroid / any dielectric
substrate PCB at high magnification CCD
vision system with
120x which is in-house design
Pick& Place using Vacuum (80 to 210 milibar)
used for gripping of substrate.
Measure Planarity of Substrate by Point Laser.
High Speed drilling at 60000 RPM on RT
Duroid at Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastic.
Software control the whole automation of the
Machine like Positioning, Alignments,
Inspection Planarity Measurements High
speed drilling and Pick &place of the different

Size of PCB up to 0.4 mtr x 1.2mtr (can be

made for 1mtr x 1mtr)

5. Design & Development of Scaled Down QM of

Black Body Source For On Board Radiometer
Calibration: From Jan. 2007 all the activities started at
KVMM were shifted to Sahajanand Laser Tech. Ltd.
E- 30, Electronics Estate, Sector-26 GIDC,
Gandhinagar (SLTL) (Gujarat)
From SLTL we participated in design and
development of QM of BBT for on board calibration
of Millimeter Wave Sounder Project. The BBT had to
be space qualified including vibration and thermal
cycling. In addition to the specification of BBT for
ground calibration we have successfully completed
the QM of BBT with following deliverables.

Black Body Source

Mobile Target
Control Panel and
Tx/Rx feed system with interface.

Call for Articles

Readers are requested to contribute short articles for publication in the forthcoming issues in their own
words, preferably as per the editorial calendar given on page-4, either as a brief survey of state of the art or
as articles on specific work carried out by them, or as novel concepts related to the specific theme(s). The
deadline for inclusion in the next issue on Atmospheric & Oceanic Remote Sensing is Sept 20, 2011.
- Editorial Team


Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011


Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011

Measuring the Quality of Chirp Radar Pulses using Impulse

Response (Time-Sidelobe)
Thomas Hill
RF Products (RTSA), Tektronix, Inc.
Beaverton, OR 97006 USA
1. Basic Radar Chirp Measurements: Modern Radars
often use one form or another of Compressed
Pulses. Such a pulse is actually a modulated pulse,
which can be compressed in the Radar receiver signal
processing. One common form of compressed pulse is
a Linear FM chirp. (LFM) Traditional measurement of
the quality of a linear FM chirp has used Frequency
linearity or Phase Linearity. The linearity of frequency
or phase of the chirp tells only part of the story. If a
reflection, as in Fig. 1, or other time-related
mechanism results in a delayed copy of the intended
pulse (a secondary pulse) added to the main pulse, the
linearity measurements may not easily discover the
problem. This type of distortion or error in a
transmitted pulse does not exhibit changes in linearity
across the time of the pulse. If a chirp pulse has
amplitude modulation), such an error may also very
difficult to determine. The frequency or phase
linearity measurements are not able to measure
changes which are restricted to variations in pulse

a forward transfer measurement. The Network

Analyzer supplies the swept RF stimulus in addition
to measuring the resultant output signal. A
measurement of the quality of a complete radar
transmitter can be made using the FM chirp from the
radar's own exciter as the swept RF source. In this
manner, the quality of the generated chirp as well as
all modules that the chirp passes through will be
tested together as a complete assembled radar.

Fig. 2. One example of a reflection.

The most obvious measurement is of a reflected and
delayed copy of a chirp included with the main
pulse. Such a secondary pulse can be simultaneously
measured for both time delay and relative amplitude
by plotting the impulse response of the main chirp
pulse. This is functionally equivalent to a TDR using
the chirp itself as the excitation signal.

Fig. 1. One example of a reflection.

Another defect, which this process can easily

discover and measure, is incidental periodic
Therefore a time-domain measurement is required to
modulation. Incidental modulation adds sidebands
discover and quantify such chirp pulse errors.
to the sweeping RF carrier. These sidebands
effectively create lower amplitude copies of the chirp
2.. A Time-Domain Measurement: Impulse
that appear as pulses both preceding and delayed
Response has commonly been included in the
behind the main chirp as shown in Fig. 3. All of these
measurements made by vector network analyzers. As
defects would appear as false responses in a radar
such, it is performed on components or assemblies as

Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011
The multiplication de-chirps the acquired pulse.
After dechirping, the Inverse Frequency Transform is
performed to transform the result back into the time
domain. This is now the traditional Impulse
Response of the incoming chirp signal which passed
through the radar system [1].
B. IPR Results for a reflection meassurement. In Fig. 5 the
amplitude measurement result shows the secondary
pulse (time sidelobe) as 42.40 dB below the main
pulse (main lobe).

Fig. 3. One example of a reflection.

3. The Impulse Response Measurement: A powerful

measurement of these defects is the Impulse Response
Measurement (IPR). It is also called a Time- Sidelobe
measurement, as it shows a main lobe representing
the main pulse, and in similar fashion to a spectrum
plot for a frequency domain measurement, the IPR
shows smaller lobes for each time-delayed copy at the
side of the main pulse. The name Impulse Response
comes from the mathematics of the measurement,
which represents the output result from the network
under test if it had been excited with an impulse. The
name Time Sidelobe is more representative of the
effect that such errors have in the Radar receiver.

Fig. 4. Block Diagram of the IPR measurement including

amplitude correction.

A. The basic Impulse Response (IPR). The RF chirp is first

digitized. The windowed set of time samples is then
transformed into a frequency-domain spectrum. This
can be accomplished by any of several Discrete Time
Transform processes, including the Fast Fourier
Transform (FFT).

Fig. 5. IPR with secondary delay of 47% of the Pulse


A reflected pulse will be displayed as one time

sidelobe separated by twice the path delay from the
main lobe.

This spectrum data is then multiplied by the complex

conjugate of a representation of an ideal chirp as was
expected to have been transmitted. In a practical
implementation of a measurement tool, this ideal
chirp can be mathematically estimated using the
actual incoming signal, or it can be entered by the
equipment operator for increased measurement

C. IPR measurements for other pulse defects:

Measurements which include a secondary reflected
pulse are one use of this measure of quality. There are
other pulse conditions that also can be measured
using this method. One example is a chirp pulse that
has incidental sinusoidal modulation.

Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011
The relationship between the impulse sidelobe delay
time and the frequency components of the chirp is
given in (1).
Where T is the time difference between the time
sidelobes and the main lobe, Fm is the frequency of
the incidental modulation, Td is the duration time of
the chirp, and Fd is the frequency sweep width during
the chirp.
Such a pulse exhibits modulation sidebands on both
sides of the carrier in the frequency domain. For a
chirp pulse, this effectively has a secondary pulse both
preceding and following the main pulse in the time
D. IPR measurement time resolution: The time
resolution in the measurement is determined by the
width of the main lobe of the impulse response. The
lobe width is primarily the inverse of the frequency
width of the chirp. Additionally the required time
window function will increase the lobe width [1]

sides of the main lobe. A plot of frequency versus time

for a chirp will reveal only gross errors. The plot in
Fig. 7 shows no indication of the amplitude
modulation sidebands present at all frequencies. It
also cannot show any amplitude variations

Fig. 8. Plot of frequency error versus time.

Fig. 8 is a more sensitive measure of frequency errors.
There is still no indication of the amplitude
modulation sidebands. This measurement is produced
by subtracting an ideal chirp waveform from the
measured pulse, leaving only the errors from a
perfectly linear chirp. This plot has been expanded
revealing only the noise included in the measurement

Fig. 6. IPR measurement of chirp pulse with modulation


E. Comparison with traditional measures of chirp


Fig. 9. Plot of phase versus time.

Phase is always a more sensitive measure than
frequency. In Fig. 9 the phase also shows no indication
of the amplitude modulation. The sidebands due to
Fig. 7. Frequency vs. time plot.
the modulation are not visible.
The example displayed in Fig. 6 has a chirp width of
Phase error, shown in Fig. 10 is produced by
100 MHz, time duration of 10 microseconds, and
subtracting the ideal phase parabola from the
incidental AM modulation at 15 MHz rate. This
measured phase. Even in this most sensitive
results in time sidelobes at 1.5 microseconds on both

Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011
measurement, there is a long-term phase error seen
due to other errors, but no effect from the amplitude

FFT frame. This is approximately 13 microseconds.

This cannot resolve the 1.5 microsecond delay time.
The available frequency resolution is also insufficient.
This limit comes from using the FFT without the time
compression resulting from the impulse response

Fig. 10. Plot of phase error versus time.

Fig. 13. Plot of phase error versus time.

A Time-Sidelobe plot of incidental Frequency

Modulation at a 1 MHz rate is shown in Fig. 13. This
lower modulation frequency is representative of
possible power supply switcher modulating the chirp.
Fig. 11. Expanded plot of amplitude versus time.

Only a plot of pulse amplitude versus time in Fig. 11

shows any indication of this low-level AM. Since the
modulation is only a few dB above the broadband
noise, it is difficult to measure the character of the
modulation. It is unclear if this is a single-frequency
sinusoid, or is largely noise.

Fig. 14. Plot of Frequency error versus time.

Again, the frequency error is not sensitive enough to

see the modulation within the noise.

Fig. 12. Spectrogram of the chirp with modulation.

Using a Spectrogram (Fig. 12, a set of FFT spectra over

time placed one above the other to show time
vertically, frequency horizontally, and amplitude as
color or intensity) is limited by the FFT process. For
the 110 MHz bandwidth used for these
measurements, the available time resolution is one

Fig. 15. Plot of phase error versus time.


Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011
[1] Charles E. Cook & Marvin Bernfeld, Radar
Signals An Introduction to Theory and
Application, 1993, Artech House.
[2] Walter G. Carrara et. al., Spotlight Synthetic
Aperture Radar, 1995, Artech House.
[3] Alan Oppenheim & Ronald Schafer, DiscreteTime Signal Processing, 1989, Prentice-Hall.
[4] T. C. Hill, Measuring Modern Frequency
Chirp Radars, Microwave Journal Magazine,
Vol 51, No. 8, August 2008.
[5] T. C. Hill & Shigetsune Torin, Amplitude
Measurement of Radar Pulses, Unpublished.

The phase error is sensitive enough to see that this is

FM and not AM. This is how the determination is
made, as the IPR plot shows only the sidelobes, it does
not show either they are AM or FM.
These traditional measurements of chirp quality can
be compared to the IPR results to demonstrate the
superiority of the impulse response measurement as a
measure of the quality of the linear FM radar chirp.
4. Conclusion: Impulse Response is an improved
method of measuring the quality of FM chirp radar
pulses. This can be implemented as a signal analyzer
measurement utilizing the radar chirp itself as the
swept frequency excitation signal.

Call for Articles

Readers are requested to contribute short articles for publication in the forthcoming issues in their own
words, preferably as per the editorial calendar given on page-4, either as a brief survey of state of the art
or as articles on specific work carried out by them, or as novel concepts related to the specific theme(s).
The deadline for inclusion in the next issue on Atmospheric & Oceanic Remote Sensing is Sept 20,
- Editorial Team


Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011

An Interview with Shri Malla Reddy, Managing Director,

Astra Microwaves Products Limited, Hyderabad
Signatures: Shri Malla Reddy, at
the outset, ISRS-AC is thankful to
you for sparing your time for this
Interview. Could you tell us briefly
about your company, M/s. Astra
(AMPL) and nature of its activities?
MR: Thanks for the opportunity.
It is my pleasure to interact with you. Astra
Microwave Products Limited (AMPL) is a company
Professionals in the year 1991. Today, we are a public
listed company with 700 + employees and a turnover
of 160 Crores. Since its inception, AMPL has focused
on design, development, fabrication and testing of
R.F. and Microwave Components & Subsystems that
Telecommunication and Meteorology. Our operations
are based out of Hyderabad and we operate from four
world class facilities, including one dedicated facility
for Research and Development. An exclusive facility
for design and development of Space Components
and Subsystems has also been set up in the same
location. We are an ISO-9001 certified company and
recently one of our special project divisions has been
certified to be compliant to AS9100 standard. The
facilities boast of state of the art infrastructure for
assembly and test of RF and Microwave products
including environment test facilities. This combined
with over 500 man years of relevant experience in RF
and Microwave domain for our key personnel has
helped us to grow to be among the leaders in this
segment with the ability to offer a one-stop solution
for our customers.

systems for prestigious programs like RISAT-1,

Indian Remote Sensing Program and also for various
GSAT programs. We look forward to continuing our
relationship with ISRO and to deliver more products
for the upcoming programs at ISRO.
Signatures: AMPL has contributed significantly in
development of Microwave and RF subsystems for ISROs
Remote Sensing payloads and satellites. Will you throw
some light on AMPLs major accomplishments in this
MR: The first product delivered to SAC was an SBand 8x8 Switch Matrix for GSAT-4 wherein we had
delivered 2 FM and 1 Qualification model. Then, we
were involved in the development and fabrication of
various RF Sub-systems like TR Modules, Power
Distribution Networks and Antennas for C-Band
Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) payload of RISAT-1
project. During this, we have also carried out upscreening activity for RF devices. We also delivered a
4x4 switch matrix for the GSAT-7 project, X-Band
QPSK, S-Band QPSK and BPSK Transmitters as well
as a number of other subsystems to ISAC. For VSSC,
Thiruvananthapuram, we have carried out fabrication
& assembly of various Power and control modules as
well as screening of active and passive components.
Recently, L-Band TR Modules with 200 watt output
are developed for MOTR project for SHAR. Today,
we are working on fabrication of Ku-Band Receivers
for the GSAT Program and in the process of
delivering V/UHF-Payload for GSAT-7.
Signatures: ISRO has been developing RF & Microwave
subsystems for its communication and remote sensing
satellites since mid-1970s. Why did it take so long for a
private Indian industry like AMPL to be set up and reach
to its present maturity levels for effective contribution in
ISROs programmes?
MR: During initial years after establishment in 1991,
AMPL concentrated on development of RF and
Microwave components/sub-systems for Telecom
and Defense. In 2001, AMPL participated in the

Signatures: AMPL is a major and dominant private

player in Indias Aerospace sector. Will you share with us
some of your major achievements in last decade or so?
MR: AMPL started interacting with the Aerospace
Sector, especially ISRO starting from the year 2004.
We have been working with various divisions of
ISRO and are proud to have supplied our sub106

Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jun 2011
Industry meet conducted by ISRO, which helped us
understand the needs of Space Industry. Accordingly,
we invested in creating an exclusive facility for space
segment. It was ready by 2003 after which it went
through various stages of qualification for the facility,
clean room and assembly line including test
infrastructure. Certification of operators and
inspectors followed next. AMPL also took initiative in
qualifying vendors, both in India and abroad for
special activities. Getting into space business needs a
lot of investment to build up the facility and qualify it
to meet the stringent reliability expectations.
Production volumes are low and reliability
expectations are very high. It took us more than 2
years to complete the qualification activities and thus
from 2006, we started executing orders for FM
fabrication. ISRO slowly built confidence in our
abilities and now we are getting opportunities to
work with ISRO on critical sub-systems.

towards the indigenous development of critical RF

and Microwave Components and Subsystems. DRDO
was dependent on imports for such modules and thus
we set out in the pursuit of creating a company that
could bring together skilled workforce along with the
right infrastructure to develop these modules
indigenously. This was the main motivation for us in
starting AMPL and today, with the support of DRDO
and ISRO, we are able to meet some of the critical RF
and Microwave needs for advanced systems
development within India. We are happy that we
have been able to contribute towards self reliance of
the country and I hope that we would continue to
receive opportunities to work on cutting edge
technologies with DRDO and ISRO in making India a
fully self reliant country in these fields.
Signatures: What were the challenges involved in
realization and delivery of Transmit-receive Modules
(TRM) for ISROs RISAT-1 Synthetic Aperture Radar
(SAR) Payload?
MR: Development of a Transmit-Receive module is
very critical as both transmit and receive chains with
high gains have to be accommodated in a small
For this objective, AMPL proved the
concept with a prototype using commercially
available components. Taking inputs from each stage,
the design and development of the final TR module
was carried out over six iterations. Thereafter,
fabrication and testing of 701 TR modules was
completed in reasonably less time. During
production, the total number of units fabricated by
AMPL was 703 as against a requirement of 701 units,
which conveys the consistency in assembly and
testing of these modules. In the interim, AMPL was
also asked by SAC to reduce the weight of the TR
Module using Magnesium housing in place of the
conventionally used aluminum housings.
Signatures: Apart from RISAT-1, your team at AMPL
had also worked on other space projects and programmes
during last many years. Kindly also let us know about
AMPLs contributions in the field of telecommunication
and meteorology.

Signatures: Today also, why are only very few and limited
private industry players involved in building RF &
Microwave subsystems?
MR: Working for space requirements requires a lot of
commitment, patience, dedication and focus to meet
stringent reliability and quality requirements. High
investment and high lead time for realizing products
is expected as no compromises are allowed due to
mission critical nature of systems. This means that
very few industries venture into this segment
considering the long duration for getting business
returns. Our past experience in realizing MIL
qualified products was one of the major factors that
gave us confidence to venture into space business.
Signatures: You have been responsible for bringing
AMPL to its current status as industry leader in aerospace
sector. What was your motivation and inspiration in
developing such advanced RF & Microwave subsystem
development and testing facilities? Will you share some of
your experiences during this long journey?
MR: During my service tenure at DRDO, I had
realized that Private Industries can contribute

Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011
MR: Apart from RISAT-1, AMPL has worked for
GSAT-4 and GSAT-7 projects. The Ku-Band receivers
under fabrication will be used in the upcoming GSAT
programs. The Ku-Band Outdoor units giving an
output of 5W and 10W for GSAT programs have been
fabricated and delivered successfully. This apart,
AMPL has developed many products for ISAC. We
have also fabricated a C-Band Transponder for the
IRNSS program as a design verification model, which
is meeting the requirements of RF performance, size
and weight. For Meteorology, AMPL has worked
with ISRO to develop and install Automatic Weather
Stations in various remote areas of India, helping in
data collection and transfer of weather data using
INSAT/Kalpana Satellite. AMPL has also developed
disaster communication systems called Mobile
Satellite Service (MSS) Terminals with technical
know-how from ISRO. These are briefcase terminals
that can be carried by personnel for communication
using a specialized MSS Transponder in INSAT.

bonders, die bonders, parallel gap welders and reflow soldering system is available in-house. Apart
from these, a Dicing system for dicing the wafers and
Alumina substrates and a seam sealing system for
hermetic sealing of metal packages are also available.
All required facilities like DI water, pure Nitrogen,
Vacuum and Compressed Dry Air are also made
available. Our operators and inspectors are qualified
for all the activities like dicing, sealing, fabrication etc.
We have experienced Design engineers who work on
various space-projects with the help of advanced
software like Agilent ADS. The test facilities includes
a number of Vector & Scalar Network Analyzers,
Synthesizers, Noise Figure Analyzers, Spectrum
Analyzers, Power Meters, Oscilloscopes etc., that
work from DC to 40 GHz. As part of diversification,
we have initiated action for installation of in-house
Laser Welding facility, which is expected to be
functional in next six months.
Signatures: Where does AMPL stand today technically in
terms of Microwave, RF and Radar technology capabilities
in the International competitive scenario? What could be
the future frontiers of technological challenges and
advanced R&D efforts in the field of RF & Microwave
development? What types of R&D efforts are put-in by
In terms of Microwave, RF and Radar
technology capabilities, todays requirements are high
efficiency, miniaturization and lightweight modules
without compromising on performance. This involves
new processes like LTCC, dev. of Multi-functional
chip for RF applications, use of high efficiency GAN
devices for power and improvising on packaging
techniques using laser welding etc. AMPL is
developing devices with the state of the art
technologies upto 40 GHz for high power output
along with good noise figures. We have started
working with many reputed companies from Europe,
US and Israel and are trying to expand and learn
further to keep pace with the global requirements. We
hope that using all our learning, we will soon be able
to adopt the best practices available across the globe
leading to more value addition for our customers.

Signatures: ISRO has been credited with putting untiring

efforts and encouraging the indigenous Indian industries
and industry participation in Indian Space programme.
Kindly share your experience with ISRO on this.
AMPL has learnt from SAC/ISRO
methods/procedures to be followed right from
material ordering, incoming inspection, chemical and
consumables and various testing/inspection criteria.
We have also learned to qualify a material in case we
do not get the required information from the vendors.
Wherever there is lack of sufficient information on
any aspect, right from assembly to testing, SAC/ISRO
gives us directions to fulfill our requirements. The
audit carried out by SAC on both electrical and
mechanical fabrication always provides us with
insights on continuous improvement.
Signatures: What types of Infrastructure and R&D setups exist at AMPL?
Are there any plans for
diversification and augmentation?
MR: Our Space group has a dedicated Space
Qualified Class 10,000 clean room with a plinth area
of 6000 sqft. An assembly line consisting of wire

Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jun 2011
Signatures: What role can professional societies like ISRS
play for increased industry participation in government
bodies like ISRO, DRDO etc.? Do you have any
MR: At the outset, we are happy to know about the
initiatives that are being taken by ISRS, Ahmedabad
Chapter to interact with the Indian Industry. We look
to societies like ISRS to organize events, which can act

as a platform where Indian industries with different

expertise can get together and share information on
their capabilities for achieving a common goal, for
eg., fabrication of systems for a particular payload.
This will also give an understanding of industry-wide
capabilities, thereby reducing the dependence on
imports as far as possible.

A Brief Profile of Shri B Malla Reddy

Shri B. Malla Reddy, aged 64 years, acquired Masters in Engineering (Automation) from the Indian
Institute of Science (IISc.), Bangalore. He has over 23 years of experience at the Systems Division, Indian
Space Research Organisation, Bangalore and as a Scientist in the Defence Research and Development
Laboratory, Hyderabad. Subsequently, he worked with OMC Computers Ltd, Hyderabad as in-charge,
Software development and Head - Research & Development. Mr. B. Malla Reddy has also had the
opportunity of being trained at leading companies abroad.

Call for Articles

Readers are requested to contribute short articles for publication in the forthcoming issues in their own
words, preferably as per the editorial calendar given on page-4, either as a brief survey of state of the art or
as articles on specific work carried out by them, or as novel concepts related to the specific theme(s). The
deadline for inclusion in the next issue on Atmospheric & Oceanic Remote Sensing is Sept 20, 2011.
- Editorial Team


Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011
RS Payload Hardware- Electronics Subsystems for EO & MW Payloads

Design, Development and Delivery of Space Grade Modules and

Subsystems for RS Applications from Centum Electronics
Vinod S Chippalkatti, Centum Electronics Limited, Bangalore
1. Introduction: Indian industries are trying to
leverage design strengths, manufacturing assets and
best management practices to deliver the space
electronics hardware to achieve greater customer
satisfaction [1]. Centum Electronics Limited
Bangalore is the leading Indian company with focus
on design, development and delivery of high
reliability electronic modules and subsystems for
defense and space applications. This paper explains
the contributions made by Centum Electronics
towards the realization of space grade electronic
modules and subsystems for remote sensing

other sub-elements, SAR payload comprises TR

Modules (TRMs), TR Control Units (TRCs), Tile
Control Units (TCUs) and Power Conditioning and
Processing Units (PCPUs).
Centum Electronics has delivered more than 360
flight model PCPUs after qualifying the specially
designed and developed hybrid micro circuits and
planar magnetics. PCPU is a very complex multioutput dc-dc converter that delivers around 100W of
peak power and around 10W of average power [Fig

Established in 1995, Centum Electronics initiated its

line qualification to space standards in 2000. After a
rigorous four phase qualification of hybrid micro
circuits line, Centum started delivering microcircuits
to remote sensing and geostationary communication
applications since 2001-02. Subsequently, the SMTMixed PCB assembly and Box build lines and
Oscillators lines are qualified by ISRO Centres along
with the operators and the inspectors [2]. The
reliability screening facility is also approved for space
applications. These approvals are based on ISROPAS-206, ISRO-PAX-300, MIL-PRF-38534-Class K,
MIL-PRF-55610 and MIL-STD-883 guidelines. This
paper gives the details of the subsystems developed
for various remote sensing satellites of ISRO.

Fig. 1: PCPU developed for RISAT-1

This unit has several first-time sub-elements which
are qualified and realized for Indian remote sensing
satellites. Three hybrid micro circuits developed and
qualified for fly-back topology [Fig. 2].
HMC of size 1X1.5 covering PWM chips,
primary MOSFETS operating on 70V bus, optocoupler in closed loop operation, TM-TC
HMC of size 1X1 covering linear regulators for
two outputs of the PCPU and two regulated
voltages for control circuit
HMC of size 1X1.5 covering the switching
circuits including the MOSFETs for delivering the
large peak current switching outputs.

2. Radar Imaging Satellite-1 (RISAT-1): RISAT-1 is a

new class of remote sensing satellite distinct from the
established IRS class and uses an active radar sensor
system. It carries a multimode C band Synthetic
Aperture Radar (SAR) as the sole payload. Amongst

Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jun 2011

Fig. 2: Hybrids qualified for PCPU;

Fig. 3: Planar Magnetics qualified for PCPU

conformance to expected patterns. Assembly of

specially designed ASIC by SAC-ISRO using dam and
fill techniques and PROM programming are the
important features of the TRC which is a part of the
Beam Steering Electronics [Fig. 4]. Around 200 Flight
units have been delivered for RISAT-1.

Process qualification for large size bare die

attachment and 0.7mil & 2 mil gold wire bonding.
Planar magnetic components for EMI filter
inductor and fly-back transformer realized using
specially designed 18 layer and 16 layer PCBs
respectively, with copper thickness of 105 microns
for inner layers. These planar magnetic parts are
qualified at component level and also at
subsystem level [Fig. 3].
Large scale use of Magnesium alloy for weight
Heat sink assembly for high power PWM Hybrid
Micro circuit to flush out the heat from the hybrid
to the chassis.
The TRC (Transmit Receive Module Controller) is
used to control RF modules (called TR Modules),
which transmit and receive RF signals. The digital
portion of the TRC produced at Centum receives a
multitude of digital signals consisting of timing
windows, a clock and serial commands (on RS422)
and an analog input. The unit generates several
digital bit level and word level outputs. Using the
automated Ground Checkout Unit (GCU), the inputoutput relations are checked for integrity and

Fig. 4: TRC for RISAT-1 Beam Steering Electronics

TCU-EPC [Fig. 5] is a single output dc-dc converter
capable of supplying 3W (5V/0.6A) power to the
digital loads of Tile Control Unit. This houses main
and redundant power supplies in one housing and is
designed to suit the mechanical dimensions of TCU.
A specially designed hybrid micro circuit with size
1X1.5 covering the PWM chip, primary MOSFETS,
Opto-coupler and TM-TC interface was qualified for
use onboard the EPC for TCU. Centum has delivered
such 32 flight units for RISAT-1.

Fig. 5: EPC for powering TCU of RISAT-1


Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011
3. INSAT-3D (Satellite for Meteorological
communication payload. It features a 19-channel
sounder, a 6-channel imager and a DRT & SAR
payload. Centum has developed six different types of
hybrid micro circuits and qualified them for use
electronics. HDC-1, HDC-2 [Data command interface
hybrids], HCS [Control Section], HGSS [Gain
Selection hybrid], HIRPA [IR preamplifier hybrid]
and SWIRPA [Short Wave Infra Red Pre Amplifier
hybrid, [Fig. 6] are the modules used in met-payload
electronics and contain circuits in analog, digital and
mixed mode domains [3].

Fig. 7: Power Supply Unit for Met-Payload application of


Fig. 8: Power supply stack for Electro-Optics Payload

5. Conclusion: The maturity of the space industry has

resulted in increase in the number of organizations
that can provide subsystems and systems for many
missions than before. These industries are able to
deliver the reliable and cost effective hardware. The
projects undertaken by Centum are turn-key in
nature and cover concept to prototype development
and subsequently qualification model hardware to
flight hardware delivery. Centum procures the space
grade electronic components with necessary element
evaluation and screening data.

Fig. 6: Short Wave Infra Red Pre Amplifier (SWIRPA)


Centum has also designed; developed, qualified and

delivered five output 40W Power Supply Unit [Fig. 7]
for Met payload application of INSAT-3D in a record
time of six months. Four different types of Hybrids
were developed and the dc-dc design underwent
detailed structural, thermal, de-rating and reliability
analysis followed by actual environmental test
complying with qualification and acceptance levels
[4]. Five flight units and one qualification model have
been delivered by Centum.

Excellent infrastructure, supported with best

manufacturing practices has enabled Centum to
design, develop and deliver world class electronics
hardware used in space application for the remote
sensing area. Apart from the subsystems mentioned
in the previous sections, Centum has delivered
hundreds of hybrid micro circuits [multiplexers, relay
drivers, dc-dc converters] and crystal oscillators
[VCXOs, TCXOs and Clock oscillators] for
housekeeping subsystems of remote sensing satellites.

4. Resourcesat-2: ResourceSat-2 is an advanced

remote sensing satellite and designed for the study
and management of natural resources. Centum has
manufactured and tested the Power Supply stack to
ISRO design and has delivered nine stacks for
different applications. One such stack [Fig. 8] is used
in powering Electro-optics payload of Resourcesat-2.

6. Acknowledgements: Centum Electronics is

thankful to various centers of Indian Space Research
Organization (ISRO) for providing an opportunity to
develop space electronics hardware for remote
sensing applications. Thanks are due to the

Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jun 2011
subsystem design teams and quality assurance teams
of ISAC, SAC, LEOS, IISU and VSSC for their
constant support and guidance throughout the
execution of the contracts and in ensuring that the
flight-worthy hardware is delivered by Centum.
Realization of space products is not possible without
the support of the Operators and Inspectors
certification committees of SAC, VSSC and ISAC for
conducting the theory and practical tests for Centum
operators and inspectors and certifying the
technicians. Thanks are also due to the management
team of Centum for their support and
encouragement. The contributions from the Design
and Engineering team and entire operations team at
Centum are also highly appreciated.
[1] Vinod S Chippalkatti and G Vedprakash,
Towards Design, Development and Manufacture of
Space electronics hardware by Indian Industries,
Presented in 20th National Convention of Aerospace
Engineers NCASE-2006, at IE(I) Trivandrum in
October-29, 30 2006.

[2] Vinod S Chippalkatti, Vedprakash G, Sandhya

Thyagarajan and Gopal Joshi, Design and
development of space grade electronic modules for
inertial systems ISRO Industry-meet at IISU
[3] KG Domadia, JV Bhale Rao, JH Bhatt, Vinod S
Chippalkatti, Gayathri Kumari MB. Development of
a 4 channel 200Meg-ohm trans-impedance amplifier
Hybrid Micro Circuit for space application,
Presented in IMAPS-2006 held in December 2006 in
[4] Bhoopendrakumar Singh, Santosh Joteppa,
Satyanarayana Prasad, Vinod S Chippalkatti,
R.N.Garvalia, K.G.Domadia, R.M.Parmar, R.K.Dave,
DRM Samudraiah Design and Performance
Verification of Space Grade Multi-output Medium
Power, Electronic Power Conditioner under ThermoVacuum Environment, Poster presentation in IEEE
International Vacuum Electronics Conference IVEC2011 held in Feb 21-14, 2011.

With Best Compliments from

Surelia Wire-Cut Private Ltd.

Mahendra Industrial Estate,
Tagore Road,


Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011


Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jun 2011

Contribution to Space Projects by Astra Microwave Products Ltd

Astra Microwave Products Ltd (AMPL) started
working on Space Related projects in the year 2003
and a separate working group was created for this
purpose at its Research and Development facility
located at Hardware Park in Hyderabad.

the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), and

they have been qualified for all the activities like
dicing, sealing, fabrication etc. We have experienced
Design engineers who work on various space-projects
with the help of software like Agilent ADS.

AMPL space group provides a total solution from

components/subsystems under one roof.

Test Facilities: The test facilities includes a number of

Vector & Scalar Network Analyzers, Synthesizers,
Noise Fig. Analyzers, Spectrum Analyzers, Power
Meters, Oscilloscopes etc., that work from DC to 40

Facilities: The group has a dedicated Space Qualified

Class 10,000 clean room with a plinth area of 6000
sqft. An assembly line consisting of wire bonders, die
bonders, parallel gap welders and re-flow soldering
system is available in-house. Apart from these, a
Dicing system and a seam sealing system are also
available for dicing the wafers and Alumina
substrates and for hermetic sealing of metal packages
respectively. All required facilities like DI water, pure
Nitrogen, Vacuum and Compressed Dry Air are
made available within the facility.

Quality control: The quality processes followed are

adapted to Space requirements. Inward inspection is
carried out by inspectors with experience to carry out
inspection of mechanical hardware, electronic parts,
raw materials and consumables. The facility includes
high accuracy Metallurgical Microscope with 1000x
magnification, Inspection Microscope, XRF for plating
thickness measurement, Nikon profile projector with
0.01 Um accuracy, Dage Die shear and bond pull
tester for the integrity of the Assembly, Sheet
Resistivity tester, Adhesion Tester, pico Ammeter for
IR measurements and Surface Roughness Tester for
4Delta measurement etc,. For screening, AMPL has
set up climatic chambers, burn-in ovens, vibration
Pressurization, Fine & Gross leak detectors
AMPL takes up orders for design, development and
S-level fabrication as well as built to print fabrication
as per requirements specified by the customer.
testing/screening are followed as per ISRO

Qualified Man power: The group has completed

qualification of the assembly line for MIC and MMIC
fabrication and that of the sub-systems in accordance
with requirements for carrying out space projects.
Most of our operators and inspectors are qualified by

Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011
AMPL has rich experience of working in the Space
domain, having developed and manufactured
components and sub-systems for SAC, ISAC, VSSC
and SHAR (brief details included), and we look
forward to take up more challenging work in the

L Band TR Modules working over 1.2 to 1.4 GHz with

200 watt output are developed for MOTR project for

Products Supplied for Space Use: AMPL has

developed Flight models S Band 8X8 Switch Matrix
with least power requirement and in smaller size for
G Sat- IV.
Band TR Modules, High Power PIN diode
switches, Power Distribution Networks, Calibration
Net works, Integration Block, TR control unit and Tile
control units are fabricated for RISAT by AMPL.
AMPL has screened the RF Power devices for this
AMPL has fabricated and screened the Ku Band
Beacon sources as per SAC document.
AMPL has developed Mesh Processor at VHF range
for the GSAT applications.
AMPL has supplied number of MMIC based systems
to SAC.
Apart from the onboard sub systems and components
AMPL has developed the Ka Band outdoor units with
10 watts and 5 watts power to SAC.
Number of data Transmitters for X Band and S Band
are supplied to ISAC for use in different satellites.
This comprises of QPSK and BPSK with data rates
ranging up to 200 MBPs.
X band 2 watt Amplifiers were developed for ISAC,
AMPL also has fabricated X band Phase shifter
Amplifiers for ISAC.


Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011


Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011

The Ever Increasing Complexity of PCB Layout

CMR Design Automation
In the Design world today, it is up to the designer to
be the master of the board layout, just as the engineer
is the master of the circuitry. One of the ways a board
designer can exhibit that mastery is through quality
placement and routing techniques gleaned from
reading and understanding the manufacturers data
sheets and application notes.
PCB Design was carried out with Visula earlier.
Visula was the masterpiece of PCB design and ran on
3 mips Apollo workstations with 128M Memories and
500 MB Disks. In hindsight to get most of the features
available today in such limited hardware capability
looks like a miracle. DOS machines were ruled out as
PCs were too weak with 640K memory.
As time progressed and PC hardware power
increased and Windows became available, engineers
shifted lower end PCB design software to PC based
Cadstar. Cadstar was simpler, easier to use and
cheaper than Visula, though at that time it did not
have all the features of workstation softwares.
However due to these features, Cadstar was rapidly
deployed throughout various departments and till
date forms the cornerstone of quality PCB design.
In the past, when frequencies were low, rise times
high and components large (non dense boards),
designers used data sheets for gate and footprint
information and wanted little else information. As
long as the layout and the routing met the
requirements it was a job well done. But today, the
role of the designer is more important due to the
increasing complexity of signals, the layer structures,
the changing board materials and a variety of
manufacturing issues. Thermal considerations have
also become important due to density of the chips and
their small package sizes. Designers must know how
the signals behaviour and analyse and control it.
They must understand how one seemingly
insignificant issue will affect other aspects of the

Electronics Industry is constantly pushing the edge of

technology in three directions
faster clocks for more throughput
smaller packages for smaller sizes
lesser power consumption
All three are most relevant to satellites process more
data, reduce the weight of the satellite, decrease the
power requirement in the satellite.
These pushes of technology have had their direct
impact on PCB design, in one to one correspondence:
faster clocks means lesser rise times and less
leisure time available for signal to walk along the
High density design and thermal issues
lower noise margins
Faster rise times means that there are higher
frequencies on the board. A 1 ns rise time implies 1
and 2 Ghz signals. As signals move from 10 Mhz to
100 Mhz and 1 Ghz the design process moves from
wires to transmission lines. Transmission lines need
specified impedances. This changes the total
paradigm of PCB design. The new paradigm requires
that manufacturers be searched who can produce a
range of impedances in their processes.
Less time for the signal to walk the track means that
delays need to be controlled. Delays controlled to 0.1
ns is now common. Lower noise margins require that
signal qualities be maintained very good. A little extra
noise can inject the proverbial one in a million
wrong data and crash the system totally
unacceptable. The noise margins should be such that
the board should work for 10 years without a signal
wrong 1 0 being clocked during this period. As
technology has got complex, so has PCB
manufacturing and testing. PCB designs must now
meet new challenges in manufacturing and testing. A
testable design is a fundamental must. With higher

Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011
frequencies, both due to faster clocks and faster rise
times, has come the sin of EMI (once the darling of
Marconi who around the turn of the last century
created super excitement in the electronics world by
creating EMI over the Atlantic). A most unwanted
but omnipresent devil, EMI is limited or minimised
due to a legal requirement for equipment on the earth,
and for higher reliability in the sky. On the one hand
EMI affects other electronics in the vicinity and on the
other hand EMI is energy taken away from the board
which has it own serious implications.

model generator is not only easy to use, accurate

and fast; the wizards create detailed 3D models for
almost any electronic component. For design teams
working on boards where space is tight this
functionality has become mission critical. CAD
softwares like Cadstar have kept momentum with
the constantly changing technology and are able to
meet requirements on PCB design. Various aspects
of the design can be continously monitored and
corrrected as the design proceeds. This leads to a
correct design where all aspects are taken care of.
Most of the PCB Design jobs are done using the
CADSTAR PCB Design software. One Example:
Onboard card: This was a challenging job in
selecting the right stack up by doing Pre Layout SI
analysis to finalize the trace widths and spacings
for differential pair and length matching signals.
The differential pairs and Length matching signals
were routed using Cadstar HS router. Post Layout
SI analysis was done to check signals for reflection
/ ringing and cross talk. Amends were done where
needed. It was also very essential to carry out the
thermal analysis since this card goes into
subsystem of the satellite. With the export option
from CADSTAR for Thermal Analysis, the
Thermal analysis for this board was done using
COOLITPCB software. Coolit uses the most
advanced techniques of thermodynamics for
accurate analysis, namely computational fluid

Reliability: CAD softwares are not only meeting

design challenges they are also enhancing reliability.
Using advanced thermal analysis softwares using
CFD techniques, temperatures of the components can
be predicted accurately. Moving the components
around the board, making intelligent compromises
between thermal and route requirements, operating
temperatures of components in some cases could be
brought down. In the case of active components and
semiconductors this could have a bearing on
component MTBF.
Mechanical: The integration of
ECAD with
MCAD has led to another benefit in PCB design.
Components of various heights are used in any
PCB, and space being a costraint, the placement of
components can be checked upfront for any
mechanical constraints. It is not only useful, but
important to check all constraints (routing, signal
integrity, noise, thermal, mechanical) upfront and
arrive at a consensus before the design is done.
CADSTAR has a module called Board Modeler
Lite which allows users to create detailed 3D
models of components with the 3D model
generator. (The creation of detailed 3D models by
MCAD teams can be time consuming and the only
alternative is to source the data from the internet,
where only a handful of component suppliers
provide detailed 3D models). This unique 3D

Conclusions: CAD softwares like Cadstar have kept

momentum with the constantly changing technology
and are able to meet requirements on PCB design.
Various aspects of the design can be continously
monitored and corrrected as the design proceeds. This
leads to a correct design where all aspects are taken
care of and a successful design from all aspects is
realised in the minimum time.


Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011

SpurMicrowave Inc
#414, Church Road
New Tippasandra, HAL III Stage
Bangalore 560075
(T) 0091 80 25272653/25213640
(F) 0091 80 25284223,


Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011

Komolines Journey into Indias Space Sector

Komoline Electronics Pvt. Ltd
Komoline was established in 1990. It has in-house
Terminals, MSS-C Terminals, Distress Alert
design, development, test and manufacturing facility
Transmitter and Automated Weather Stations.
of hi-reliability Space and Defence applications.
We have contributed in Remote sensing projects
Komoline has accumulated experience of almost 15
starting from building custom build Test Setup and
years in the fabrication of sub-assemblies for
calibration unit for first TRModule. It was done
Communication and Remote Sensing payloads
before TR Controller came into existence.
onboard ISROs satellites like INSAT-4A, INSAT4B/4C, INSAT-3D, GSAT-3, GSAT-4, GSAT-5, RISAT1, OCEANSAT-2, etc.
We have capabilities of fabricating space grade MICMMIC based Ku, C, S and UHF Band RF
subsystems like LNA, Driver Amplifiers, Receivers,
LOs, Beacon Source, Beacon SSPA, HYBRIDs, UpConvertors etc. We also fabricate Hi-reliability
Analog and Digital PCB Assemblies for Payload
having Through Hole, SMT and Fine Pitch

TR Module test & Calibration unit for RISAT-1

Automated ASIC Test Setup (AATS): Komoline has
developed Automated ASIC Tester System (AATS)
for OBC-1 ASIC for TR Controller for RISAT-1 radar.
All the TR Controller ASICs were tested before lid
cutting and bending using this AATS.

Our Hi-rel certified team is also qualified for

Crimping joints, Multipin Co-axial R.F. connector,
Harnessing of wires/cable, Local potting of
component, Radiation shielding of component,
Connector fitting (D-type, OSM etc), Panel fitting,
Gasket Application, Thermal tape application,
Araldite application, Conformal Coating, Epoxy
application and Inductor/transformer winding for
Payload Fabrication.
We have delivered custom made Automated Test
Equipments and Simulators for Payload test and
check-out. Some of these equipments are GPS
Simulator, S-Level ASIC tester, DDS based 16
Channel RF Synthesizer, INSAT TelemetryTelecommand Simulator (TCTM) and TR Module
controller Check-out system.

GPS Simulator: GPS Simulator was build to simulate

all the conditions of GPS indoor and had provison of
connecting Real GPS to offer actual GPS data.

We have also delivered Satellite Ground Application

products like L-Band SatCom Modem, L-Band Image
Demodulator, Ka Band Indoor Terminals, MSS-D

Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011

TR Controller (TRC) for RISAT-1 Radar: Complete

production (fabrication, assembly & Environmental
Testing) of TR Controller (TRC) for RISAT-1 was also
done at Komoline.

FPGA based Test Jig: FPGA based design and

development tool was built to be used as test jig for
various digital subsystems for projects like RISAT-1,
Oceansat-2 etc.

Degaussing Set-up for Dam & Fill: Custom made

vacuum chambers and pumps were built for
degaussing of Dam & Fill done on Onboard
Controller (OBC) ASICs for TRC & TCU.

Ground Check-Out Unit for TCU: TCU-GCU (Tile

Control Unit Ground Checkout Unit) was built for
automated test setup of TCUs in production line.
Complete conditions were simulated and automated
reports of each TCU were generated. Apart from IBT
it was used in every stage of testing including
Thermovac, Vibration and EMI/EMC.

Production of RF Cables: Flexible group-delay

matched RF Cables (blue colour cables visible in
photograph of RISAT-1 tile) were produced in large
quantities (~3000 Nos.) by Komoline for RISAT-1

Tile Control Unit (TCU) for RISAT-1 Radar:

Production (fabrication, assembly & Environmental
Testing) of Tile Control Unit (TCU) for RISAT-1 radar
was done at Komoline.


Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011

Ambimats Contributions to Space Activities

We also take great satisfaction and pride to enlist our
significant contributions in the following technical
projects of SAC/ISRO in the last decade :

Ambimat Electronics was founded in 1982 by Shri

Durgesh Shah, who himself was an Ex-employee of
Space Applications Centre, Ahmedabad. Over these
years, Ambimat has acquired in-house capabilities of
design, development and testing of electronics
subsystems. Since last more than two decades, it has
been actively contributing towards various technical
support requirements of the Dept of Space, Govt. of

Ambimat has been involved in the execution of

projects involving electronics subsystems for ground
support and check-out instrumentation related to
various Remote Sensing and Communication
payloads onboard ISROs satellites like IRS-1 & P
series, RISAT-1, OCEANSAT-2, Megha Tropiques etc.
and has gained more than 20 years of experience.

The other contributions made by M/s. Ambimat

Electronics for various Onbaord Subsystems for
Payloads as well as ground check-out equipments are
as follows:

Multi-Layered PCB Layout Designs For

Different Projects Through Contracts;
Design , Development , Fabrication And
Testing Of Custom Built Electronic Equipment
For Ground Use
Including Necessary
Packaging As Per Requirements On Turnkey
Basis ;
Contributing To Technical Services By
Providing Suitably Trained Engineering And
Technical Support Personnel To Carry Out
And Support Following Activities At Sac
Analog And Digital Electronics Design,
Development & Testing
For Ground / Onboard
RF and Microwave Electronics Related
RF and DC Harness Fabrication For On
Board Applications
Mechanical Design & Drafting

Spacecraft Interface Simulator (command &

monitoring unit)
Data Handling units for IRS ground check-out
Detector Head Assembly (DHA) test units
Signal Processing units
QPSK modulator units
Payload Status iIdicator units
Online Monitors for check-out & integration
Fabrication & testing of Payload Controller
Design and Fabrication of cable harness tester
Design & Fabrication of Control unit for Cband up-converter
Design & Fabrication of Control unit for Kuband up converter
Design & Fabrication of tracking chain
selection units
Fabrication of spacecraft interface simulator
for INSAT payload (Imager P/L) / (Sounder
P/L) with active online monitors
Design & Fabrication of signal select units and
test signal select units for Antrix corporation
FPGA test system capable of program
development and testing of FPGAs.
Development and Supply of interface unit for
Automatic Weather Station (AWS) data
Fabrication of Data Acquisition Interface with

The photographs below give a glimpse of the products

and subsystems successfully fabricated, tested and
delivered by Ambimat in last few years.
Electronics, are also committed to create for our team

Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011
an environment conducive to progressive and
innovative thinking by facilitating learning through
continuous exposure to evolving technologies. We
also take pride in all our achievements while working

with SAC/ISRO and strive to excel in timely

delivering of excellent quality products and services
to justify the faith our esteemed customers like
SAC/ISRO have bestowed on us.





Call for Articles

Readers are requested to contribute short articles for publication in the forthcoming issues in their own
words, preferably as per the editorial calendar given on page-4, either as a brief survey of state of the art or
as articles on specific work carried out by them, or as novel concepts related to the specific theme(s). The
deadline for inclusion in the next issue on Atmospheric & Oceanic Remote Sensing is Sept 20, 2011.
- Editorial Team


Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011


Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011


Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011

Integrating Relationships
Suresh Mirchandani Director, Bryka.
It gives me immense pleasure to write this article on
our association with Space Scientist & Engineers at
organisations like SAC/ISRO which spans over a
decade now.

as per the Government guideline was through an

official public tender. Through proven technical
capability and commercially competent solution, yet
again Aeroflex was selected for the fabrication of the
Onboard Controller (OBC) ASIC.

Bryka/Aeroflex has been associated with various

projects for multiple Hi-Rel Products. However,
developing ASIC has been nothing short of a
Herculean task. Aeroflex is SMD, QML Q and QML V
supplier of Microelectronics. They have a DSCC
(Defense Supply Centre Columbus) certified
Radiation Hardness Assurance Program. Aeroflex
produces components that are qualified to Military
Performance Specifications such as MIL-PRF-38534
and MIL-PRF-38535.

We understand that multiple such OBC ASICs have

been used Central Data Management and antenna
beam control Unit of RISAT-1, which is a Remote
Sensing Earth Observation Satellite designed to
provide services in the areas of Natural Resource
Management of Agriculture, Forestry, Water
Observations over Tropical Countries. The major
features of OBC ASIC are mentioned below:

With the advancement in technology and increasing

complexities of Space Hardware, the emphasis was
very much on VLSI. Keeping pace with the trends in
technology, Aeroflex at that time was already
developing and supplying Hi-Rel ASICs for various
customers across the globe. India being successfully
developing and launching Satellites caught the
attention of Aeroflex. Being aware of the technical
expertise of ISRO, Aeroflex was very much keen in
participating with the development of ASICs. To
minimize the size, weight and the effective cost for the
launch of bulky Space Hardware, ISRO too decided to
opt for RadHard ASICs.

Functional Features of OBC ASIC:

8 bit embedded microcontroller (DW8051)

3 Timers and 5 Interrupts

4 asynchronous serial I/O ports (UART)

3 synchronous serial Transmitter/ Receiver


10 parallel I/O ports (80 bits)

16 programmable timing signal generation


Two 8 bit Delta Sigma ADC modules

Watchdog Timer for Software hang detection

Power saving by Selectively clock enable


On chip monitor program for debug test

1K Bytes of on chip SRAM

All Flip flops are radiation Hard

JTAG boundary scan chain

Multiple meetings, endless discussions, late evening

teleconferences earmarked the beginning of the first
RadHard ASICs for ISRO during 2003-04. With the
passage of time and more exposure to the design
tools, simulators and process technologies; the
requirements for more complex ASICs were already
on the cards. The development of 6 different ASICs
for ISRO by 2006-07, demonstrated Aeroflexs
superior product and service. By this time there
were other new entrants to the RadHard ASIC
market. The selection of fabricator for the OBC ASIC

Technological Feature of ASIC:


Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011

CMOS pure digital implementation

0.6 CMOS RadHard Gate Array Technology
5 Volts I/O with 5 Volts Core
Ceramic Flat Pack (CQFP) with 256 pins , 224
User I/Os
Testability features like SCAN and ATPG with
logic Fault Coverage of > 95%
Radiation: TID > 100Krad, SEL LET > 125
SEU no upset,per storage element 1 x 10-10
errors/bit day
Screening : Optimized QML-V
ESD sensitivity level of the device: as per test
method 3015 (2KV).
Max Clock Frequency: 16 MHz
300K NAND2 equivalent gates (~900K
Transistor Pairs)

There were Preliminary Design Reviews (PDRs),

Critical Design Reviews (CDRs) and Final Design
Reviews (FDRs) prior to the sign-off and fabrication

approval. The transition from a mere design

requirement to a fully functional ASIC was definitely
the outcome of the uncompromising support and help
extended by ever-so talented Senior Scientists and QA
Officers and Program Managers.
With the emergence of powerful digital signal
processors implemented in CMOS VLSI technology
and high-resolution Analog to digital (A/D)
converters that can be used as an interface between
the digital and the analog world, there is much
emphasis on Mixed-Signal ASICs. Aeroflex has
already begun fabrication and supplies of Mixed
Signal ASICs for various prestigious mission
worldwide and is keen on participating for
opportunities with ISRO.
Bryka/Aeroflex strongly desires to maintain excellent
business relationship with ISRO and is looking
forward for future requirements to work together.

Engineering Capabilities of Spur Microwave Inc

Spur Microwave Inc
Spur Microwave Inc is a technical marketing
company providing services and solutions in the
area of space, defense, avionics and other harsh
environment applications where reliability is

RF & microwave components & sub systems

Offices at important locations in India and abroad
within proximity reach of the customers.
Vision: To become market leader of products,
services, and solutions in supporting the Indian
space, defense and avionics industry Spur India
committed to realize this vision with four dedicated
endeavor: growth, operational excellence, financial
stability and continuous education.

Our engineering capability has been established and

proven over a decade to provide adequate expertise
in the area of high reliability components, RF &
microwave components and subsystems.
Strengths: High reliability components & sub


Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011


Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011

Data Patterns Participation in Space Programme

Data Patterns (India) Private Limited, Chennai
Phone: 044-4741 4000, Fax: 044-4741 4000
Data Patterns is glad to be part of many of the Space
programs. These enabled us to enhance our analytical
and technological strengths through interactions and
to contribute successfully with our state of the art
design and manufacturing technologies.
Data Patterns specializes in the development,
manufacturing and support of Defence and
Aerospace systems. Data Patterns has core
Navigation & Control, Fire control, RF & Microwave,
Automatic Test Equipment and associated Embedded
and Application software packages. The Company
provides solutions for land, sea and air platform
applications for Defence segment and for satellite and
launch Vehicles in space segment. Data Patterns is an
ISO 9001-2008 and AS 9100 company. It is also an
approved Design and Test agency for Airborne
Electronics Products by CEMILAC. Data Patterns has
a total talented manpower of 400 + out of which 200+
engineers are in product development and
engineering. 100000 Sq Ft of modern Development
and Production facilities has been set up in Chennai.
The sections below describe some of the projects
executed for SAC by Data Patterns, Chennai.

High Precision Data Acquisition System (HPDAS)

Data Patterns has developed Design verification
model of a modular high precision data acquisition
system for Megha-Tropiques project. Detailed design
analysis, detailed circuit design, worst case error
analysis by applying progression of errors,
refinement of performance specifications at ambient,
hot and cold environments, mechanical design, PCB
design, component procurement, assembly, test in
ambient, hot and cold temperatures were carried out
Data Patterns could contribute significantly jointly
with the help of SAC on the theoretical analysis as
well as realization of the unit, with constraints that
two units are to be made identical in function and
performance, but with Core FPGAs from two
different vendors viz. Xilinx and Actel. The highlights
are the common design to work with FPGA from two
different vendors, 11.8 bits ENOB performance using
a 12-bit ADC, temperature measurement with 0.5
degree accuracy, pulsed current source to avoid self
heating of thermistors during measurement, and
component selection with devices having same
footprints for MIL and RAD Hard devices as for
industrial devices used in DVM. Another important
aspect was the signal to be acquired, was actually a

Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011
Guassian Noise, and apart from testing the modules
for standard static, dynamic and temperature tests,
the performance and ability to measure Guassian
noise with 11.8 ENOB performances had to be
demonstrated, which required synthesis of Guassian
noise within the signal dynamic range, using Matlab
generation of data and generation using function
generators of the data set.

The Ground Checkout Unit of the Transmit Receive

Control module (TRC-GCU) for RISAT-1 radar, was
built using off-the-shelf cPCI I/O boards and cPCI
chassis and system integration was carried out
along with application software that was delivered
as a turn-key solution. The checkout is capable
testing functionally 12 TRCs in a single setup daisy
chained. The programming data generation,
communication via serial I/O in custom formats of
programming data outputs and simulation of
Thermistor measured voltages for calibration
performance against temperature were verified
using this checkout and 400 UUTs have been tested

The system has nine high precision analog input

channels that acquire and process signals from
passive microwave radiometer sensors. In addition it
acquires temperature data from multiple thermistors.
It is realized in five modules Multi Channel Digitizer
module, Temperature Data Acquisition module,
Digital Integration and Control Module, Power
conditioning module and a mother board, each
module with its own chassis and I/O. The MCDM is
built using Xilinx FPGA (MCDM I) and Actel
FPGA(MCDM II). Data Patterns is proud to have
participated and thankful to SAC for the opportunity
to demonstrate the ability to carry out high reliable,
high performance, rugged design and the ability to
theoretically predict and achieve the predicted
performance and also the acceptance being completed
smoothly without any hitch for the DVM using the
checkout, which was also developed by Data

Conclusion: Apart from the above projects, we

have supplied a range of test systems to other ISRO
laboratories for Launch vehicles, Onboard satellite
package etc. Our manufacturing facility is also
certified for Space package production.

Ground Checkout Units for HPDAS and Transmit

Receive Control Module

We believe that we can offer solutions using cutting

edge technologies in various domains like Signal
Processing, RF & Microwave, Digital IF and FPGA
solution, Communication, Control & Navigation,
Displays, Product development and Software.

The checkouts offered were turnkey solutions

where the constituent boards and instruments,
system integration and the software development
were with Data Patterns. The development of a key
I/O general purpose interface board, DP-3510 with
an uncommitted Xilinx XCV300 FPGA, was
employed for the checkout of the system along
with other instruments and standard off the shelf
cPCI boards and cPCI chassis from Data Patterns.

Data Patterns expresses its sincere thanks for the

opportunities, active participation, co-operation
and technical guidance from SAC.


Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011

Xilinx FPGAs: the X-link of Space Applications

Rajesh Subramanian, Neeraj Varma

There has been a paradigm shift in space applications.

Todays spaceborne payloads are required to deliver
complex applications with ever increasing demand
a) Speed
b) Bandwidth
c) Reliability
d) lower power

Aerospace industry community is constantly trying to

derive a semiconductor, which can match the above
requirements. However, when the specifications are
worked out to create that perfect semiconductor; they
finally end-up making an Applications Specific
Standard Product (ASSP), which again fulfills
Programmable Logic Devices (PLDs) help the
engineering community to build their Application
Specific or Centric Standard System which can be reused as a System or can be a subsystem for future
upgrade. Execution/Implementation of complex
applications puts a lot of stress on the engineers.
Engineers are always looking at a device- which has
following features;
a) Reduce time to market
b) Cost effective
c) Re-using of the custom IP
d) Easy of use
e) Reduce risk

Easier prototyping
Re-programmability of the FPGA is a major asset
for innovative reconfigurable or adaptative
system designs (not all space FPGAs)
Transforming commercial components into
space qualified ones: use of commercial IPs
IP on an FPGA: rich portfolio, solves

Xilinx offers flexibility to the engineering

community by its tool set which allows, varities of
Xilinx users to utilize it in their own domain of
expertise, as mentioned below :
Matlab or System users: can use Xilinx System
Generator to do their designs
Embedded users: can use Xilinx Platform Studio
to do their embedded design
Common user: can use Xilinx ISE to implement
their custom logics
Test engineers: can use Xilinx Chipscope on-chip
debug tool or Xilinx ISIM for simulation
Advanced users: can mix and match all the
above tools and use platform studio.
Xilinx has been associated with SAC for many years
now. Xilinx is proud to be part of few of the most
advanced and complex payloads developed by
Scatterometer, GSAT-4 regenerative Payload and
Airborne DMSAR. Therein Xilinx Virtex-XQVR600
FPGAs were used to interface with high speed data
converters like ADC & DAC subsystems. Xilinx
FPGAs were used to implement Fast Fourier
Transform (FFT) for simultaneous estimation of Signal
and noise-only energies. FPGA were also used for
application based on signal processing tasks like
digital integration, filtering and offset/gain
corrections, custom timing & control logic. Xilinxs
rich heritage of the usage of various IPs in other

Xilinx plays the X-link (cross-connect) to connect the

need and execution of such demanding projects.
Xilinx FPGAs, which once used to be part of the VLSI
domain are now merged into the Embedded systems
domain due to their flexibility to offer System-on-Chip
Xilinx FPGAs also offer many System-level
advantages for driving applications mainly;
Reducing system dimensions
Innovative & complex architectures associating
on a same chip (P cores, memory blocks and
specific logic functions)

Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011
market domains like communications brings in more
confidence as it is tested all along for many years.
Xilinx has always lived on applications, Application
engineering team works very closely with SAC
Engineers/Scientists by providing technical support
for component selection, resolving of application
implementation issues and constantly helping them to
scale the imaginative power of the scientist for actual
implementation within a short time.

resistors required for impendence matching by

implementing inside FPGA
e) Creating internal high speed clocks using
f) XTMR tool helps implement selective TMR
design at a click of button
g) Xilinx ICAP and Partial reconfiguration helping
satellite ground station to upload a new
application to a distant space payload without
interruption of current application

Xilinx Virtex, Virtex-4 & Virtex-5 FPGAs are currently

being used or planned for complex payload which
a) Interfacing high speed data convertors ADC &
DAC of sampling rate more than 1 Gsps using
Xilinx FPGA resources like IOSERDES
b) Moving from parallel I/Os to serial I/Os for
better signal integrity using Xilinx LVDS helping
used to communicate speeds upto 1 Gsps
c) Very High speed SERDES for data transfer more
than 1 Gbps
d) Digitally Controlled Impendence (DCI) helps the
system engineer to cut down on external

Xilinx have recently introduced Virtex-5 RadHard

FPGAs (Single upset Immune Re-configurable FPGA)
devices, which will hopefully change the architecture
of all future communication and Remote Sensing
payloads. We at Xilinx are committed to work with
SAC/ISRO for future payloads which will make India
as greatest super-power in 21st century.

Call for Articles

Readers are requested to contribute short articles for publication in the forthcoming issues in their own
words, preferably as per the editorial calendar given on page-4, either as a brief survey of state of the art or
as articles on specific work carried out by them, or as novel concepts related to the specific theme(s). The
deadline for inclusion in the next issue on Atmospheric & Oceanic Remote Sensing is Sept 20, 2011.
- Editorial Team


Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011

With Best Compliments


ISCON Plaza, Opp. Home
Tower, Satellite,
Mr. C R Vaidya

Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011


Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011

FPGA & ASIC Design Services from CoreEL Technologies

Programmable Solutions) have been associated with
SAC/ISRO on various projects. CoreEL offers end to
end FPGA & ASIC Design Services for its customers
across various Industry Verticals. Being one of the
early starters in India; we have continuously
enhanced our skills and have kept pace with the
changing programmable logic technology. The design
methodology evolved over the years has made us
robust and capable of handling designs of any
complexity. Our ability to meet customer expectations

in terms of FPGA performance and cost in a timely

manner is our key differentiator.
CoreEL technologies have done major Front-end
design of On Board Controller-1 (OBC-1) ASIC for
RISAT-1 radar project. It included functional
verification of RTL designs provided by SAC,
synthesis, STA, formal verification, Scan and JTAG
insertion and final generation of gate level netlist
ready for back-end design. The Figure below shows
OBC-1 ASIC Front-End design flow.

The major functional features of OBC-1 ASIC, which

were exhaustively verified by Corel and SAC design
teams are as follows:

8 bit embedded microcontroller (DW8051)

3 Timers and 5 Interrupts

4 asynchronous serial I/O ports (UART)

3 synchronous serial Transmitter/ Receiver


10 parallel I/O ports (80 bits) (out of which 6

ports are event controllable)
16 programmable timing signal generation
256 bytes of auxiliary data transmitter/receiver
Two 8 bit Delta Sigma ADC modules for
digitization of slow varying analog signals
Watchdog Timer for Software hang detection
Power saving by Selectively clock enable

Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011


On chip monitor program for debug test

1K Bytes of on chip SRAM
All Flip flops are radiation Hard
JTAG boundary scan chain

The table-1 shows different activities carried out by us

for OBC-1 ASIC design in coordination with
SAC/ISROs ASIC design team.
The Top-level functional verification was carried out
very exhaustively with total 431 test cases to test all
possible modes and corner cases of OBC ASIC.
CoreEL technologies have done all this activites in
close-association with SAC design team engineers.
There were regular interactions and mutual visits
between SAC engineers and CG-CoreEL, Bangalore
design team during various design phases of OBC
ASIC. Regular monthly progress reviews were
provided by CG-CoreEL. Preliminary Design
Reviews (PDRs) and Critical Design Reviews (CDRs)
were conducted prior to the ASIC netlist sign-off for
the back-end designer and foundry services.


Tool Name



Lint Check

Vncheck 2005.03

Code Coverage

Vncheck 2005.03


DesignWare Lib.

Scan Insertion

DFT Advisor

LRC Rule check

Aeroflex toolkit

Formal Verification




SDF Generation

Aeroflex toolkit




BSD Architect

CoreEL technologies are proud to be associated with

such a complex and challenging ASIC design and
look forward to take up similar design projects as
well as board and subsystem level design projects for
SACs future payloads. We also wish success to
ISROs future space programmes.

Call for Articles

Readers are requested to contribute short articles for publication in the forthcoming issues in their own
words, preferably as per the editorial calendar given on page-4, either as a brief survey of state of the art or
as articles on specific work carried out by them, or as novel concepts related to the specific theme(s). The
deadline for inclusion in the next issue on Atmospheric & Oceanic Remote Sensing is Sept 20, 2011.
- Editorial Team


Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011


Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011


Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011

Digital Signal Processing Unit for Space Use

Trident Infosol Private Limited
Trident Infosol Private Limited was set-up with a
mission to bring to the Indian embedded market the
best-in-class solutions in COTS hardware and
application development tools. Since 2000, it has been
successfully delivering cost-effective solutions to the
product developer. We support a wide range of
applications in aerospace and defense, consumer and
Automation, Transportation, Automative and Medical
Electronics. With offices in Bangalore, New Delhi,
Hyderabad, Chennai, Kolkata, Thiruvananthhapuram
and New Mumbai, it has more than 20 years of
experience of in-house design, development, test and
manufacturing for various types of digital subsystems
based on COTS solutions along with chassis and
enclosures, including ruggedized units for aerospace
applications. The ability to provide a complete end-toend solution over a product development cycle with
extensive application support is our distinct hallmark.

IEEE 1101.10/11 standards, enclosures give advanced

EMC shielding protection and are available with a
wide range of options. Based on a modular packaging
approach the system can be configured by selecting
the backplane, PSU device modules and the number
of slots. Engineered for superior cooling chassis is
available with bottom airflow. The chassis will accept
6U cards mounted vertically. cPCI system is
configured with Front I/O & rear I/O card cage. The
basic chassis features powder coated covers for a
scratch resistant, attractive finish with standard
handles on most models.
6U CompactPCI Single Board Computer (SBC) : It is
@2.16 GHz Intel Core Duo processor T7400 board
occupying single cPCI slot and with dual PMC sites
and upto 4GBytes of DDR2-400 ECC SDRAM and
standard interfaces like 10/100/1000Mbps Ethernet,
option for PICMG 2.16, Packet Switch backplane, USB
2.0 interfaces, Serial ATA150 HDD interfaces, Onboard EIDE interfaces (up to UDMA100) and
Graphics, keyboard and mouse interfaces. It has board
support packages for
Windows XP/ XPE/
2000/Server 2003, Linux, VxWorks and QNX

For some of SAC/ISROs prestigious remote sensing

programmes like Oceansat-II, IRS Series, RISAT and
Megha Tropiques, Trident Infosol Pvt. Ltd., has been
associated in one way or the other. Over last ten or
more years, we had been providing COTS cPCI and
PCI boards and cPCI chassis for the development of
Ground Check-Out units for these programmes. One
such challenging task was the delivery of Digital
Signal processing unit for SACs radar projects. It
included design, development and delivery of the
following modules/units for this very complex

6U cPCI Octal TigerSHARC DSP Boards: The T2-6UcPCI (T26U) is a 6U CompactPCI board featuring
eight ADSP-TS201 TigerSHARC DSPs from Analog
Devices. To take full advantage of the high
performance TigerSHARC, the T26U implements
BittWares ATLANTiS, which combines robust
TigerSHARC processing with the versatile Xilinx
Virtex-II Pro FPGA to offer ultra high performance
and unprecedented I/O bandwidth. T26U is an Ideal
choice for high-performance applications, such as
radar and sonar and it combines the ADSP-TS201
TigerSHARCs and FPGAs with High-bandwidth, lowlatency off-board I/O, reconfigurable for nearly any
communications to facilitate scalability, SharcFIN
bridge for integrating DSPs with PCI bus and
peripherals and Comprehensive software for ease-of-

1) Chassis for
16 Slot 6U cPCI Cards with
1500watt Power Supply
2) 6U CompactPCI Single Board Computer(SBC) :
Dual-Core CPU, Single Slot , Dual PMC sites
3) 6U cPCI Octal TigerSHARC DSP Board
Chassis for 16-Slot 6U cPCI Cards with 1500watt
Power Supply : The cPCI enclosure provided is
elegant and versatile platform for packaging desktop
or rack mount Compact PCI applications. Designed to

Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011
use. It has Two clusters of four ADSP-TS201 DSPs @
up to 500 MHz and delivers 28.8 GFLOPS (3.6
GFLOPS of floating-point power per DSP). The T26U
is part of BittWares T2 board family, which features
the ADSP-TS201 TigerSHARC DSP on a variety of
platforms. The boards all feature a common, scalable
architecture - ATLANTiS - and are available in PCI-X
plug-in, PMC, 3U cPCI, 3U VPX, 6U VME, and 6U
CompactPCI form factors.
We understand that using the above systems and
COTS DSP and other boards supplied by Trident
Infosol, SAC/ISROs DSP design team is configuring
radar signal processing system for its various
spaceborne and Airborne Radar projects. The total
computing power, memory bandwidth and
RAID/JBOD data storage requirements for these
systems are of the order of 2-120 TFLOP, 3-8Gbytes

16-Slot cPCI Enclosure

and 2 Tbytes respectively, with a sustained

throughput of 6-8 GFLOPS. The overall configuration
necessitates about 80 to 100 TigerSHARC DSPs @
250/500 MHz. It is being housed in a single 16-slot
cPCI chassis, consisting of about 6-8 boards and
TigerSHARC based PMC modules.
The figure below shows the above-mentioned COTS
and Other modules supplied by M/s. Trident Infosol
Pvt. Ltd. For this Digital Signal Processing system.
Trident Infosol Pvt. Limited is very happy to learn
about these DSP system related developments and
takes pride in being associated with such an important
and prestigious project of SAC/ISRO. We wish the
project team all the success in their efforts and assure
them of our full cooperation, technical and application
development related support.

SBC cPCI module

6U Tigersharc DSP Board

Call for Articles

Readers are requested to contribute short articles for publication in the forthcoming issues in their own
words, preferably as per the editorial calendar given on page-4, either as a brief survey of state of the art or
as articles on specific work carried out by them, or as novel concepts related to the specific theme(s). The
deadline for inclusion in the next issue on Atmospheric & Oceanic Remote Sensing is Sept 20, 2011.
- Editorial Team


Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011


Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011
RS Payload Hardware- Product Development Tools

Product Development System with PTC Windchill

Production-proven content and process management
software: Whether your organization is a global
conglomerate, a regional supplier, or a small service
bureau, you face many obstacles trying to manage
product content and development processes. The fact
is, your organizations success relies on having
efficient business processes and effective development
of complex information assets, including product
designs, service documentation, and regulatory
Windchill, PTC's Product Lifecycle Management
(PLM) software for managing product content and
processes, offers a powerful, proven solution. Fast,
secure, and Web-based, this business collaboration
software enables companies to streamline product
development processes and deliver superior physical
goods and information products.
Features & Benefits
Single source of product information/content
enables development efficiencies, reduces errors and

Complete product definition and collaboration

understanding of information - regardless of source

Repeatable, end-to-end process support and

automation speeds time-to-market and reduces
development cost .secure, industry-standard Internet
architecture delivers a safe, high-performing
technology platform.

processes. The result: you can finally align product

development with strategic corporate goals, and
improve your business results.

Windchill PDMLink not only captures, conFig. s and

manages product information during every step of the
product lifecycle, but it also effectively supports your
companys initiatives to optimize key business

Key Benefits
Improve product quality: With a single, complete
digital product definition, Windchill PDMLink
enhances product quality by eliminating mistakes
associated with duplicate or incomplete data.
Potential problems can now be identified earlier in the
process. With all levels of contentfrom final assembly
structures to individual components conFig. d,
managed and stored in a one central repository,
everyone within the enterprise can now immediately
access the same product information.


Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011

Reduce process errors and engineering rework:

Windchill PDMLink includes a comprehensive
Change Management process that can both fast-track
your simple, low cost changes and full-track
extensive modifications, all while automatically
documenting revision and iteration histories.
Windchill PDMLink gives global manufacturers the
ability to consolidate scattered product information
and bring order to chaotic development processes.
With its powerful content, configuration and change
management capabilities, Windchill PDMLink helps
you drive product success.

location, activities and events can now be monitored,

allowing you to identify potential bottlenecks or
duplicate tasks.
About PTC: PTC (Nasdaq: PMTC) provides discrete
manufacturers with software and services to meet the
efficiency objectives of product development. For
About Adroitec: Adroitec Engineering Solutions (P)
Ltd is an ISO 9001 Certified Global Engineering
Solutions provider. With a team of over 300+ highly
qualified and experienced professionals, Adroitec
delivers, implements solutions and services which are
design-throughmanufacturing strategies of its global manufacturing
customers, crashing cycle times and reducing costs.

Support global product development: Windchill

PDMLink was designed to support distributed
product development with a Web-based architecture
that can coordinate replicated databases around the
world. Now anyone, anywhere within the enterprise
or extended supply chain can communicate and
collaborate on product development. Regardless of


Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011
Jaivel Congratulates ISRS Ahmedabad Chapter for its contribution towards society and
continuous effort for betterment of people using Remote Sensing Technology.

About Jaivel:
Jaivel is a leading supplier to the Aerospace Industry of End to End Manufacturing Engineering Solutions. Jaivel
collaborates with its customers and assists them to achieve a superior service performance, through effective
and efficient implementation of technology and innovation. The company currently has three global centers of
excellence in India and United Kingdom. Jaivel enables swift and efficient New Product Introduction (NPI)
within a clients manufacturing facility and also supports the entire manufacturing lifecycle of the products when
necessary, delivering continuous process improvements therefore assisting the customer to meet the OEMs
year on year cost reductions.
For more information about Jaivels Engineering Solutions, visit

Jaivel Synergies Pvt. Ltd. Rajkot(India)

P: +912812364004 E: W:


Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011


Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011

With Best Compliments from

Innovative CAD/CAM Services

Adhana Estate
Samrat Indl.Area-12,
Gokuldham Main Road,


Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011
Remote Sensing Satellite Launch & Test Facilities

Taking Part in Indian Space Dream

Shankar Ghosh, Shell-N-Tube, Pune - 411040
Thirty years ago, on July 18, 1980, with the successful
flight of Satellite Launch Vehicle-3, India became one
of the few countries capable of launching satellites.
The venture was not intended as a way of breaking
into an exclusive club. Rather, it was a necessary and
important step towards realizing the dream of
Vikram Sarabhai, the visionary who established the
Indian space programme and imbued it with a great
constructive mission. "We must be second to none in
the application of advanced technologies to the
problem of man and society which we find in our
country," he declared.
communications and broadcasting in a vast country
like India with poorly developed infrastructure; earth
imagery would permit efficient management of its
natural resources; and space- based cameras could
keep constant watch on the weather. Technology must
not be imported as a black box, and India must both
build its own satellites and put them in orbit on its
rockets, insisted Dr. Sarabhai. It took ten years to
develop SLV-3, a launcher with modest capabilities
modeled on the Scout rocket of the United States. This
was the breakthrough event. After another
experimental rocket, the Augmented Satellite Launch
Vehicle (ASLV), the Indian Space Research
Organization built the Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle
(PSLV). This now launches operational earth imaging
satellites (Fig. 1) and propelled the Chandrayaan-I
spacecraft on the first leg of its journey to the Moon.
The Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle (GSLV)
is successfully launching communication satellites and
a more powerful version of it, the GSLV Mark III, is
under development.

Fig. 1: PSLV C-16 Lift Off

the indigenous Indian Remote Sensing (IRS)

satellite program to support the national economy
in the areas of agriculture, water resources, forestry
and ecology, geology, water sheds, marine fisheries
and coastal management.
Towards this end, India established the National
Natural Resources Management System (NNRMS)
for which the Department of Space (DOS) is the
nodal agency, providing operational remote
sensing data services. Data from the IRS satellites is
received and disseminated by several countries all
over the world. With the advent of high-resolution
satellites new applications in the areas of urban
sprawl, infrastructure planning and other large
scale applications for mapping have been initiated.
The IRS system is the largest constellation of
remote sensing satellites for civilian use in
operation today in the world. With the launch of
RESOURCESAT-2, the constellation now has
eleven satellites in operation IRS-1D,
OCEANSAT-1 & 2, Technology Experiment
CARTOSAT-1, 2, 2A & 2B and IMS-1. All these are
placed in polar sun-synchronous orbit and

Following the successful demonstration flights of

Bhaskara-1 and Bhaskara-2 satellites launched in
1979 and 1981 respectively, India began to develop

Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011
provide data in a variety of spatial, spectral and
temporal resolutions.

the fleet of IRS satellites and widening their

The journey was not always smooth obstacles
had to be overcome solutions found to

Fig. 2: Liquid Hydrogen Level Sensor Bath

Data from Indian Remote Sensing satellites are used

for various applications of resources survey and
management under the National Natural Resources
Management System (NNRMS). Following is the list
of those applications:
Pre harvest crop area and production estimation of
major crops.
Drought monitoring and assessment based on
vegetation condition.
Flood risk zone mapping and flood damage
underground water resources for drilling well.
Irrigation command area status monitoring
Snow-melt run-off estimates for planning water
use in downstream projects
Land use and land cover mapping
Urban planning
Forest survey
Wetland mapping
Environmental impact analysis
Mineral Prospecting
Coastal studies
Integrated Mission for Sustainable development
(initiated in 1992) for generating locale-specific
prescriptions for integrated land and water resources
development in 174 districts.
OCEANSAT-3 are the remote sensing satellites
planned by ISRO to be launched next strengthening


Fig. 4: Liquid Nitrogen to Helium Gas Heat Exchanger

situations and problems for the first time, Indian

industries had to be involved as it became obvious
to the planners of Indian space program that there
is no substitute to development of our own
technology since importing technology particularly
in areas such as cryogenics, optics, propulsion will
not be shared by any member of the existing space
club. No incident symbolizes this overt act of
technology denial to Indian space industry like
when Soviet Union under US pressure refused to
transfer the technology of cryogenic engines along
with the engines ordered. So the technology had to
be developed in the country jointly by Indian space
research organization and Indian industries in the
private sector.
It was in fact a blessing in disguise to a plethora of
Indian Industries like Shell-N-Tube (SNT) who
joined in to fulfill the technical challenges and meet
the national objective of developing a self sufficient
sustainable space program built on home built
technical solutions in all key technical areas.
Our involvement started with supply of first
Indian manufactured multilayer insulated vacuum
jacketed piping and stainless steel ambient heated
liquid nitrogen vaporizer to SHAR launch complex
way back in 90s (Fig. 2, 3).

Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011
When the US instigated technology denial regime
came into being for cryogenic technology, SNT got a
challenging opportunity for getting involved in
cryogenic upper stage project or CUSP as ISRO took
steps to make indigenous cryogenic engine with 7 ton
thrust to be used in the Geo-Synchronous Launch
Vehicles GSLV MK-II. ISRO needed a composite heat
exchanger to cool liquid oxygen and helium gas with
liquid nitrogen as expendable refrigerant. This
involved development of multi layer insulation
technology, low conductivity support system for
cryogenic vessels, high efficiency pool type cryogenic
heat exchange equipment and of course development
of high vacuum and mass spectrometer leak testing
capability with 100% indigenous equipment and

One of the major challenges for this gigantic launch

vehicle is the development of C-25 engine capable
of generating 20 ton thrust using liquid oxygen and
liquid hydrogen as propellant. To test this massive
cryogenic engine, an elaborate test facility is being
set up in Mahendragiri and Shell-N-Tube has
participated in the venture by successful
development of the following cryogenic systems.

We developed this exchanger successfully in the

project schedule time frame. This was the first such
heat exchanger in India. This LOX-GHe cooler is still
being used at LPSC steering engine test facility for
nearly 15 years without any problem (Fig. 4). Also we
designed and successfully supplied multi-layer
insulated vacuum jacketed cryogenic pipeline
systems suitable for working pressure up to 81 bar
another first in the country.
This was followed by getting involved with SAC
Ahmadabad for designing and supplying an efficient
cryogenic pipe line system to feed their thermovacuum test chambers which was done successfully
and in record time.

150 mm multi-layer insulated vacuum jacketed

piping for feeding liquid oxygen and liquid
hydrogen to C-25 turbo pumps in the turbopump test facility. The integrated piping
system is already in operation.
48 g/sec dual pressure circuit liquid nitrogen to
helium gas cooler (pool type heat exchanger)
with multi-layer vacuum insulation.
48 g/sec dual pressure circuit liquid hydrogen
to helium gas cooler (pool type heat exchanger).

- Multi-layer insulated vacuum jacketed liquid

hydrogen bath for level sensor calibration/
command gas bottle validation etc.
But this, we believe, is just the beginning. As ISRO
sets its sights higher, we are sure industry
participation in all its activities including remote
sensing will only go deeper and wider.

As the communication need of the nation grew so did

the demand for heavier communication satellites and
consequently larger satellite launch vehicles came into
reality like GSLV MK 3 capable of putting a 4-6 ton
satellite into geosynchronous orbit.


Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011


Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011

Upgradation of Instrumentation Control & Data Acquisition

System for 5.5 m Thermal vacuum Chamber
Prima Automation (India) Pvt. Ltd.
1. Existing system before up-gradation task: This
system was installed in year 2002 having Hot
Redundant, Fault tolerant mode consisting of Main
(vacuum) PLC systems of 400 series (CPU 417-4H)
and Thermal PLC system 300 series (CPU 315-2DP)
with 1100 and 300 distributed Analog & Digital
Inputs & Outputs respectively through Profibus
network. Other instrument having serial data were
interfaced through Industrial PC with PLC for data
acquisition from different field instruments. Three
WinCC Ver5 based Servers (no client configuration)
for Operation
& Visualization,
data storage
retrieval for Report Generation was developed with
VB and Crystal Reporter. Considering experience in
operational requirements, to take care of future
needs, as well as computer hardware getting
obsolete, required Upgradation taken up.

of old Software with latest one,

SCADA in WinCC Ver7.

Now system is having Two Servers & Three Clients

(one client located near plant), System Operation &
Visualization (from Servers as well as Clients) with
enhanced feature like Menu Driven Screen
Navigation, Sub-system wise Process Screen
development with different layers and enhanced
graphics through standard WinCC library tools (
resulted into 33% of total number of screens
compared to earlier one ), Improved Event / Alarm
/ Data Storage of Analog & Digital data (for 1200
data), Graphical Plotting 400 analog data,
development of system wise Data tables to view
historical data and extract into CSV format, Report
generation into Excel formats, through Data Monitor
tool (into 200 predefined templates). Security
modeling for each operator /user is traced by using
Security modeling for Log-in/Log-out from
terminals. The look of the entire control room has
now changed as new stations are high end machines
with much bigger size, speed and aesthetic appeal.

2. Contribution in System Upgradation: In the year

of 2010, Prima Automation (India) Pvt. Ltd. was
entrusted for this task of Upgradation of
Instrumentation, Control & Data Acquisition System
for 5.5m Thermal Vacuum Chamber at Space
Application Centre, Ahmedabad. Task included
Supply, Installation & Commissioning, of PCs and
SCADA, Networking of PLCs & PCs, up-gradation

View of 5.5m TVC control console

development of

Menu driven navigation screen on one terminal


Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011

Payloads for Resourcesat-2

Himanshu K Dave
Space Applications Centre, Ahmedabad-380015
1. Introduction: This article describes the
improvements with respect to Resourcesat-1,
performance observed during payload development
and also includes their in-orbit performance.
Resourcesat-2 (RS-2) is a follow-on spacecraft for the
Resourcesat-1 (RS-1) and is configured to provide
continuity of data along with enhanced performance.
RS-2 has an objective to support data services on an
operational basis for integrated land and water
resources management. It will also be used for
studies like improved crop discrimination, crop
yield, crop stress, pest disease surveillance, disaster
management etc. Resourcesat-2 was launched on
April 20, 2011 from Shriharikota. The spacecraft was
put into a sun synchronous polar orbit at an altitude
of 817 km. After initial spacecraft operations,
payloads were operated from April 28, 2011 onwards.
Payloads have been providing excellent imageries,
since then.
Three tier imaging spacecraft Resourcesat-2 carries
electro-optical payloads namely LISS-4, LISS-3* and
AWiFS. All the three payloads are multi-spectral
push-broom scanners with linear array CCDs as
detectors. The high resolution imaging with IGFOV
of 5.8 meters is carried out in 3 spectral bands by
LISS-4 camera and medium resolution images with
IGFOV of 23.5 meters is available in 4 spectral bands
through LISS-3* camera. AWiFS camera provides
high temporal resolution data in 4 spectral bands
with an IGFOV of about 56 meters.
2. Brief description of the payloads:
LISS-4 Payload: LISS 4 is a high resolution
multispectral camera with three spectral bands viz
B2, B3 & B4. LISS-4 Camera is facilitated with offnadir viewing capability in across-track direction (
26 deg). This helps in reducing the revisit period to 5
days. It has 16 in-flight calibration levels. It is

designed in such a way that any single point failure

will not jeopardize the multispectral imaging
capability. LISS 4 can be operated both in Mx mode
and mono mode based on the user requirement.
Using increased onboard storage, it is now feasible to
provide full 70 km swath of all three bands of LISS-4
as compared to 23.5 km in Resourcesat-1.
LISS-4 is realized using 12K Linear CCD having 8
ports with a pixel size of 7 X 7. The drive
electronics is placed very close to the CCD. The
payload electronics consists of timing logic, video
processing, calibration and interface electronics. The
timing logic is realized using FPGAs to cater to the
CCD clock requirements as well as synchronization
clocks for digitization and calibration. The video
processor consists of amplifiers, ADC, and FPGA for
digital signal processing. It receives analog video
signal from the CCD and digitizes to 12 bits and
generates 10 bit video data which after compression
(DPCM) is available as 7 bits for transmission. In
addition, the payload electronics also generates the
controls for onboard calibration by varying exposure
control of CCD. Camera electronics has been
miniaturized and there by mass, power and volume
have been significantly reduced. During Resourcesat1 there were nine packages which are now only four
packages. The weight is reduced to 9 kg from 31 kg.
Radiometric improvements have also been carried
out. LISS-4 camera uses 10 bit digitization, however,
to match the data transmission, 7 bits were utilized.
In view of this, in Resourcesat-1, bit sliding (selection
of 7 bits out of 10) was chosen based on the radiance
settings requirement. This has been overcome in
Resoursesat-2 using the DPCM compression
technique where 10 bit data is compressed to 7 bits
for transmission which is reconstructed to 10 bits on
ground. Because of this, simultaneous data can be
acquired which is made independent of scene

Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011

Fig. 1 Configuration Schematic of RS-2 Payloads

Fig. 2 A Schematic of RS-2 Payload Ground Coverage

Performance achieved during integrated payload

tests is given below:


SNR @Saturation


LISS-3* Payload: LISS 3* payload has four spectral

bands i.e, B2, B3, B4 & B5 with independent optical
assemblies and a linear array detector for each chain
providing identical IGFOV of 23.5 meter. All bands
provide 100% albedo coverage with 1023 levels of
quantization. LISS 3* uses refractive optics for all four
spectral bands. Each optical assembly consists of 8
refractive lens elements with the interference filter
and the thermal filter. LISS-3* camera has an in-flight
calibration using LEDs. It is designed in such a way
that any single point failure will not jeopardize
multispectral imaging capability.
The detector used for each VNIR band is a 6000
element CCD with a pixel size of 10 micron * 7
micron on a pixel pitch of 10 microns and has two
ports. The detector for SWIR band is a 6000 element
CCD with a pixel size of 13 micron X 13 micron on a
pixel pitch of 13 microns having two ports.

have been done in RS-2 in terms of radiometric

resolution i.e, 10 bits instead of 7 bits. Moreover
DPCM technique is used like in LISS 4 to transmit 10
bit information using 7 bits; to ensure backward
compatibility with RS-1 for the data interface with
Base band data handling system. The VNIR Camera
Electronics packages are mounted on the electrooptic module structure while SWIR electronics
package is mounted on the spacecraft deck. Camera
electronics has been miniaturized and there by mass,
power and volume have been significantly reduced.
During Resourcesat-1 there were eight packages
which are now only four packages.

Fig. 3 LISS-3* Band-2 Radiance Discriminability

Radiometric improvements have been carried out.

LISS 3* camera uses 10 bit digitization in
Resourcesat-2 and mapped to 7 bits using DPCM
algorithm. Subsequently, reconstructed to 10 bits on
Also the sensors capability has been
enhanced to 100% albedo. NESR has improved to
0.05 mW/cm2/Sr/ with respect to 0.25
mW/cm2/Sr/ in RS-1 as shown in Fig. 3. The
discriminability of the target is enhanced to photon

The camera electronics consists of bias generation

electronics, clock driver circuits, video processing,
timing & control logic, calibration logic, calibration
drivers and interface electronics. Enhancements

Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011
noise limited.
In-flight calibration device has been changed which
has reduced the mass on detector head assembly and
avoided complexities which were present in
Performance achieved during integrated payload
tests is given below:


SNR @Saturation


power and volume have been significantly reduced.

During Resourcesat- 1 there were 12 packages which
are now only seven packages. AWiFS payload uses
12 bit digitization (as against 10 bits during
Resourcesat-1) and provides 10 bits for data
transmission so as to maintain data rate. This has
been achieved using multi linear gain (MLG). This
scheme provides enhanced radiometric resolution at
lower scene radiances.
Performance achieved during integrated payload
tests is given below:

AWiFS Payloads: The Advanced Wide Field Sensor

(AWiFS) payload is designed to cater to the high
temporal resolution requirement of RS-2 mission
with revisit period of 5 days. It has IGFOV of 56
meter at nadir from an altitude of 817 km. AWiFS
has four spectral bands, three in the visible and near
IR (B2, B3 and B4) and one in the short wave infrared
(SWIR, i.e., B5) similar to AWiFS of RS-1.
The AWiFS camera is configured as a set of two
identical payloads i.e., AWiFS 'A' and AWiFS 'B'
squinted with respect to nadir to provide a swath
larger than 700 km. It has an in-flight calibration
available using LEDs. 16 intensity levels for VNIR
bands and 6 intensity levels for SWIR are available to
cover the dynamic range. Full albedo coverage is
available with single gain. In addition, provision
exists to tune the radiance value onboard using
exposure width selection. Failure of any chain is not
catastrophic. It reduces the swath by a factor of 0.5.



SNR @Saturation


Miniaturisation of electronics: As explained earlier

in each camera, the miniaturisation of electronics
has been carried out. The camera electronics
hardware is realized using passive SMDs, FPGAs
and extensive use of multiplayer PCBs resulting in
significant improvement in terms of size, weight
and power. A total mass reduction of ~70 kg, and
power of ~30% is achieved. The improvements were
implemented initially in the bread-board model and
adequacy established. Subsequently, these have
undergone qualification tests and validation of the
performances in extreme environmental condition.
Following this, flight model hardware development
have been carried out and tested.
In-orbit Launch Performance: After the launch, inorbit performance evaluation of all payloads have
been carried out and it has been observed that the
cameras are performing exceedingly well. Payload
operating temperature and gradients for all cameras
are found to be as expected. Voltage telemetry
parameters are found to be consistent. First day
images have been analyzed and found to be
matching with ground performance. SNR for LISS3* is found to be ~600 and more. The LISS-4 camera
image analysis indicates that more than 90%

Each camera has four independent lens assemblies,

detectors and associated electronics catering to the
four bands. The imaging concept is based on push
broom scanning like in the other two payloads ie
LISS 4 and LISS 3* and uses a linear array CCD
placed in the focal plane of the optics. An overlap of
150 20 pixels is kept for swath continuity.
The camera and detector electronics for each
detector chain is separate and independent. Camera
electronics has been miniaturized and there by mass,

Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011
dynamic range has been covered simultaneously.
AWiFS shows high radiometric performance as
expected. Sample images received from each
payload are included below.

Acknowledgements: The author is grateful to Dr. R

R Navalgund, Director, SAC for providing the
opportunity and permission to write this paper. The
author thanks Shri A S Kiran Kumar, AD, SAC for
his encouragement in bringing out this paper. The
author appreciates the keen efforts taken by Shri
D.R.M. Samudraiah, DD-SEDA for his guidance in
making this paper. The author also thanks the GHs,
Heads and Managers of various divisions of SEDA,
MESA, SRA and Facilities in SAC. Finally, the
author is grateful to the dedicated team of Scientist
and Engineers who have contributed for developing
the state of the art flight worthy Resourcesat-2
Payloads. The author also thanks Data Products
team for providing the ground support.

Fig. 4 Comparison of SWIR Electronics packages of RS-1

& RS-2

Specifications of LISS-4, LISS-3 & AWiFS camera are

given in Table-1.
Table-1: Specifications of LISS-4, LISS-3 & AWiFS cameras
Ground Sampling Distance (m)
Swath (km)
Spectral Bandwidths ()
Quantization Bits
Signal to Noise Ratio @
camera saturation
Saturation Radiance
Square Wave Response (%)


23.5(at nadir)

56 (at nadir), 70 (offnadir)
70 (Mono and Mx mode)
0.52- 0.62-0.68 0.77-0.86 0.52- 0.62- 0.77- 1.55- 0.52- 0.62- 0.77- 1.550.59
0.59 0.68 0.86 1.7 0.59 0.68 0.86 1.7
10 (7 bits after DPCM) 10 (7 bit Tx after DPCM) 12 (10 bit Tx with MLG)









> 512 (for all bands)

















Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011



Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011

Oct 17-19, 2011

Forthcoming Remote Sensing Related Conferences

Asia Geospatial Forum,

Nov 8, 2011

Bhopal, India

ISPRS WG VIII/6, VIII/8 & ISRS Joint international Workshop

ON Earth Observation for Terrestrial Ecosystems,
Web site: and

Nov 9-11, 2011

Bhopal, India

Aug 25- Sep 01



ISRS-2011, National Symposium on Empowering Rural India

through Space Technology & Annual Convention of ISRS,
XXII International Society for Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing
Congress, Contact:


Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011

Microwave Remote Sensing Signatures of Precipitation and

its Retrieval over Land and Oceans
R.M. Gairola
Space Applications Centre, Ahmedabad-380015
1. Introduction: Satellite microwave remote sensing
has been successfully used to monitor the temporal
and spatial variations of sea surface and
atmospheric properties on global scale since the
launch of the Soviet Cosmos-243 instrument in 1969.
Microwaves, due to their long wavelengths, achieve
better penetration and interact strongly with the
cloud. These measurements provide a direct
physical basis for parameter estimation. In the
beginning, algorithm for oceanic parameter retrieval
was developed for observations from Nimbus-5
Electrically Scanning Microwave Radiometer
(ESMR) by Wilheit et al.(1977) and Wilheit & Chang
(1980). India launched the first remote sensing
satellite Bhaskara-I in 1981 followed by Bhaskara-II
in 1983 with a Satellite Microwave Radiometer
(SAMIR). With the advent of this satellite, a lot of
expertise has been gained for the retrieval of oceanatmospheric parameters from microwave sensors.
Despite the obvious limitations associated with the
low sampling frequency of orbiting platforms
carrying microwave sensors and well known beam
filling problem which is assumed to be the largest
error source in instantaneous retrieval of
parameters, the successful use of passive
applications from various fields, encourages the
continuation of efforts towards the development of
more advanced retrieval algorithms. The recent
availability of detailed precipitation observations
jointly obtained by the first space-borne microwave
precipitation radar (PR) and a multi-frequency
passive microwave radiometer, TMI, on NASA JAXAs TRMM satellite offers such an excellent
opportunity for studying the three dimensional
structures of rainfall (Simpson et al. ).
Among many atmospheric and oceanic parameters,
quantitative assessment of precipitation continues to
be one of the most difficult problems of
meteorology, oceanography and hydrology. Satellite

based assessment of rainfall, thus become inevitable.

This leads us to a plethora of problems starting from
calibration of the sensors measuring the radiant
intensity at the top of the atmosphere (TOA),
development of retrieval algorithms that relate the
TOA radiances to the vertical structure of the
rainfall and other hydrometeors and the use of
cloud resolving models so that realistic conditions of
the atmosphere are used in the estimation of the
geophysical parameters. Microwave measurements
from space can provide estimates of water vapor,
ocean surface winds, sea surface temperature, sea
ice concentration & several parameters such as,
rainfall, soil moisture etc., as a function of the TOA
radiances. Out of this number of parameters, for
brevity we exemplify retrieval of rainfall from active
and passive microwave measurements here.
Passive Microwave Characteristics of Rainfall Land and Oceans: The issue of rainfall estimation
over the land and oceans is of high importance due
to the large differences in monitoring capabilities.
While the ocean surface has a low microwave
emissivity ~0.5 that produces good contrast of
atmospheric phenomena against a low brightness
temperature background, the land surface
emissivities are usually close to unity, making
atmospheric features more difficult to identify
against higher brightness temperature background.
In addition, the land surface emissivities are not
only variable in space and time but also very
complex to model since they are modulated by
vegetation, topography, flooding and snow, among
other factors.
Limitations also originate in the multiple
hydrometeor profiles that can be associated with a
set of multi-frequency microwave measurements
(i.e. lack of a unique solution). The indeterminacy
over land retrievals is also due to the warm

Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011
background brightness temperatures that limit the
low frequency observations (i.e. 10, 19 and 22 GHz).
In addition, the atmospheric events produce
polarization and the polarization difference can be
identified under various weather conditions from
satellite microwave measurements. The polarization
processes from the surface and atmosphere can be
simulated using various radiative transfer models.
Surface polarization can be taken into account by
using different surface emissivities for vertical and
horizontal polarizations.

discrimination of passive microwave measurements
from space, it has been successfully demonstrated
that satisfactory rainfall retrievals both over land
and oceanic areas are feasible with the sensors like
ESMR onboard Nimbus-5, SMMR of Seasat, SSM/I
on DMSP and TRMM, having frequencies around
6.925, 10.65, 18.7, 22.235 and 85 GHz. The flow
charts for both empirical and physically based
rainfall algorithms are provided below in Fig. 3a
and 3b.

Microwave characteristics of ocean and land are

shown in Fig 1. at standard frequencies of TRMM
radiometer as an example.

Fig. 1 Microwave characteristics of

ocean and land are shown for 10, 19, 21,
37 and 85 GHz frequencies of TRMM


Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011

Fig. 2 TRMM-TMI Spatial variation of BT(85.5 GHz) for convective and stratiform region and (b)
Corresponding vertical cross section of Radar Reflectivity (dBZ)

Fig 3.a Conceptual Diagram for Retrieval- algorithm Empirically Based


Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011

Fig. 3b Conceptual Diagram for Retrieval- algorithm RT Based

Examples of Rainfall Retrievals:

IRS-P4-MSMR: Oceansat-1, also known as Indian
Remote Sensing Satellite IRS-P4 was launched by
India on 26th May 1999. This satellite carried a
Multichannel Scanning Microwave Radiometer
(MSMR) and an Ocean Colour Monitor (OCM)
onboard. MSMR provided measurements of
brightness temperatures at 6.6, 10, 18 and 21 GHz
frequencies in both horizontal and vertical
polarizations. The operational geophysical parameters

available from MSMR measurements were wind

speed, cloud liquid water, water vapour and surface
temperatures over the global oceans (Gohil et al.,
2001). MSMR frequencies and channels are nearly
similar to those of radiometers flown on Seasat,
Nimbus satellites. Attempts have been made for
rainfall estimation from MSMR, (Fig 4) taking
advantage of the signal dominantly from microwave
absorption/emission of clouds and rain systems
(Varma et al. 2002).


Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011

Fig. 4 Rainfall retrieved from IRS-P4-MSMR and TRMM-PR

brightness temperatures from radiometer and ground
based radar, rain gauges and space based radar like
characteristics of rain can be developed using
PR are used as in a following functional form
combination of the 19, 22 and 85 GHz channel, both
over Indian land and oceanic regions separately, by
RR (mm/h) = f(SI, PCT)
establishing a relationship between the scattering
index and the rain rate using the combination of
Number of algorithms have been attempted by
passive microwave (SSM/I-TBs) and active TRMM PR
various investigators so far. For brevity the results of
rainfall (Mishra et al. 2009, Gairola et al. 2010). Since
the mentioned algorithm are presented below using
the 19 and 22-GHz channels are relatively unaffected
SSM/I data on global passes for a day based present
by scattering, these observations from SSM/I are used
and NOAA based algorithms for comparison and
for estimation of 85 GHz brightness temperatures
assessment (Fig 5). Currently, several techniques are
during non-scattering conditions.
being used for rainfall retrieval like non-linear
regression, Bayesian approach and neural network
Rainfall can be estimated as a function of both
Scattering Index (SI) and Polarization Corrected
Temperature (PCT) over land and oceans separately.
For this purpose a large data base of collocated


Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011

Fig. 5 Examples of rain rate using present (a) and NOAA (b) algorithms for SSM/I
Rainfall from TRMM Radiometer (TMI) and
Precipitation Radar (PR): The TRMM includes three
principal types of instruments. The first and most
innovative of the three is the first quantitative
precipitation radar (PR) in space, providing height
profile of precipitation content from which the profile
of latent heat release can be estimated. The second
type of instrument is a combination of cross track
scanning multichannel dual polarization passive

TRMM Microwave Imaging radiometer (TMI) with a

complementary VIS and IR sensor for rain estimation
called VIRS. The complete description of sensor
package of TRMM and some of the performance
characteristics of the TMI channels are provided by
Kummerow et al. 1998. An example of Rainfall
retrieved from TRMM radiometer (a) and Radar (b) by
NASA, and by algorithm from SAC (c) is shown in
Fig. 6.


Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011

Fig. 7 TRMM Rainfall for July 2002 and 2003 over Indian land and oceans
Finally it is important to assess the algorithms by
it is well established that the most appropriate
applying in certain process studies and applications.
instrument is a multi channel imaging microwave
By generating monthly maps of rainfall the
radiometer. The Megha-Tropiques (MT) is an Indoperformance of monsoon could be assessed. As an
French mission planned for the study of tropical water
example, Fig 7 below shows the July rainfall for two
cycle and convective systems. The mission scheduled
consecutive years of 2002 (bad monsoon year) and
for the year 2011. The unique low inclination orbit of
2003 (a good monsoon year).
20 deg of the satellite ensures adequate coverage of
the tropical regions with high repitivity (Raju et al. ) In
Information gap and Future Scope (MeghaMT the especial emphasis will be the oceanTropiques and GPM): Even though much work has
atmosphere interactions, the energy and water
been done in geophysical retrievals, physically based
exchanges in the tropical atmosphere, with the special
microwave radiative transfer packages coupled with a
stress on clouds and precipitation.
fast and robust retrieval algorithm are still in
In MT, the proposed MADRAS (Microwave Analysis
developing phase. Furthermore, large gaps exist in
and Detection of Rain and Atmospheric Structures)
databases in respect of atmospheric states and
system is a five-channel, self-calibrating, microwave
hydrometeor profiles over the Indian region (both
radiometer system. This radiometer is designed to
over the land and the ocean). With monsoons and
estimate atmospheric water parameters in the tropical
tropical cyclones being India specific, some of the
belt. The choice of the channels has been driven by
future missions would be able to address these
their potential contribution to the measurement of the
parameters defined above, from the experience of
processing other radiometer data. Table 1 below
To estimate atmospheric water parameters (like,
shows the brief description of MADRAS sensor.
rainfall, total water vapor, cloud liquid water, ice etc.),
Table 1: Channel of MADRAS and their related mission objectives
l No.



0.5 K


Rain above oceans

18.7 GHz



23.8 GHz

0.5 K


Integrated water vapour


36.5 GHz


0.5 K


Liquid water in clouds, rain

above sea


Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011

89 GHz


1.0 K



157 GHz


1.0 K


The inadequacy of the present data sets are reflected

by the partially documented studies of the life cycle of
tropical mesoscale convective systems, constraints in
the definition of specific mission etc. The answer to
these problems lies in the repetition of the
measurements in the tropics. TRMM follow-on
missions are now oriented exclusively on Global

Convective rain areas over land

and sea
Ice at cloud tops

Precipitation Measurement (GPM). For the GPM, a

constellation of polar satellites with TMI type of
sensors is suggested, and one mother satellite carrying
a Precipitation Radar. Megha-Tropiques is also an
integral part of GPM to encompass the above
mentioned objectives.

Fig. 8 The GPM Constellation

Acknowledgements: Various levels of TRMM and
SSM/I, data products from NASA-GSFC, used in the
present text are thankfully acknowledged.
[1] R. M. Gairola, et al., SAC/EPSA/AOSG/M-T/SR48/2010
[2] Iguchi, T., et al., 2000: Journal of Applied
Meteorology, 39, 2038-2052.
[3] Kununerow, C., et al. 1998, J. Atmos. Ocean.
Technol., IS. 809-817.

[4] Mishra, A., R. M. Gairola, A. K. Varma and V. K.

Agarwal, 2010: Journal of Geophysical Research, 115,
D08106, doi:10.1029/2009JD012157.
[5] Raju, G. and N. Karouche, 2009: International
Conference on Megha-Tropiques Science and
Applications, March 23-25, Bangalore, India.
[6] Simpson, J., C. Kummerow, W. -K. Tao and R. F.
Adler, 1996: Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics,
60, 19-36, doi: 10.1007/BF01029783.


Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011

New ISRS-AC Members (April 2010 to March 2011)

Jaimin B Rami
Anugag Verma
Dilipkumar R Patel
Yogesh Verma
Neeraj Mathur
Jolly Agrawal
Parul Singh
Axshay Anand
Anish R Saxena
Somya S Sarkar
Amitvikram Kurulkar
Manish Saxena
Ashish Srivastava
Vishnukumar D patel
Rohan P Thakker
Moumita Dutta
Varunika Jain
Dr. Arun Bhardwaj
Barkha Gupta
Munn Vinayak Shukla
Manik Mahapatra
Nilesh M Desai
Dharmendrakumar Pandey
Sukamal Kumar Pal
B. Narasiha Sharma
Dr. Tanumi Kumar
Mitesh M Nadiadwal
Arunima Dasgupta

Aug 6, 2011

Professor, Botany Dept.GU
Scientist, GM-EnTF/ESSA
Scientist, SPEC/SIPA
Tech. Asstt., OSG/SEDA/SAC
Student, CEPT Uni Ahmedabad
Scientist, SSD/EOSG/SEDA
Scientist, SFED/SEG/SEDA
Student, Botany Dept, Guj Uni
Scientist , RFOD/EOSG/SEDA
Scientist, SSD/EOSG/SEDA
Scientist, ASD/AOSG/EPSA
Scientist, MSDG/MRSA
Scientist, AID/ATDG/EPSA
Scientist, SFED/SEG/SEDA
Scientist, EHD/ABHG/EPSA


Forthcoming Chapter Activities

National Remote Sensing Day Celebrations at Shri Seva Samaj Sharda
Mandir, Varnama, District Vadodara

Sep 2011

L N Calla Memorial Lecture

Sep Oct, 2011

Seminar for Chapter Members

Nov-Dec 2011

Educational Excursion


Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011
DOS Adopts Remote Sensing Data Policy: RSDP- 2011
Recognising that Remote Sensing data provides much
essential and critical information - which is an input
for developmental activities at different levels, and is
also of benefit to society;

2. For acquisition/ distribution of remote sensing

data within India, license/permission from the
Government of India, through the nodal agency,
shall be necessary.

Noting that a large number of users - both within and

outside government, use Remote Sensing data from
Indian and foreign remote sensing satellites for
various developmental applications;

a) Government reserves the right to select and permit

agencies to acquire/ distribute satellite remote
sensing data in India. DOS shall be competent to
decide on the procedure for granting license/
permission for dissemination of such data, and for
the levy of necessary fees.
b) To cater to the developmental needs of the
country, the National Remote Sensing Centre
(NRSC) of the Indian Space Research Organisation
(ISRO)/ DOS is vested with the authority to
acquire and disseminate all satellite remote
sensing data in India, both from Indian and
foreign satellites.

Taking into consideration the recent availability of

very high-resolution images, from foreign and
commercial remote sensing satellites, and noting the
need for proper and better management of the data
acquisition/ distribution from these satellites in India;
Recognising that national interest is paramount, and
that security consideration of the country needs to be
given utmost importance; The Government of India
adopts the Remote Sensing Data Policy (RSDP) -2011
containing modalities for managing and/ or
permitting the acquisition/dissemination of remote
sensing data in support of developmental activities.



Department of Space (DOS) of the Government of

India shall be the nodal agency for all actions under
this policy, unless otherwise stated.
1. For operating a remote sensing satellite from
India, license and/ or permission of the
Government, through the nodal agency, shall be
a) As a national commitment and as a public good,
Government assures a continuous and improved
observing/ imaging capability from its own
b) The Government, through the nodal agency, shall
be the sole and exclusive owner of all data
collected/ received from IRS. All users will be
provided with only a license to use the said data,
and add value to the satellite data.
c) Government reserves the right to impose control
over imaging tasks and distribution of data from
IRS or any other Indian remote sensing satellite,
when it is of the opinion that national security
and/ or international obligations and/ or foreign
policies of the Government so require.


NRSC shall enter into appropriate arrangements

with DOS for acquiring/ distributing data from
IRS within the visibility circle of NRSCs
receiving station(s).
NRSC and/ or Antrix Corporation Ltd., shall be
competent to enter into agreements with foreign
satellite operator(s) for acquisition/distribution
of foreign satellite data in India. However, NRSC
will distribute the data as per terms agreed to
with Antrix Corporation Ltd.
NRSC shall maintain a systematic National
Remote Sensing Data Archive, and a log of all
acquisitions/ sales of data for all satellites.

3. For acquisition and distribution of IRS data for use

in countries other than India, the Government of
India, through the nodal agency, shall grant
license to such bodies/ agencies of those countries
as are interested in the acquisition/ distribution of
IRS data, as per specific procedures.
a) The Antrix Corporation Ltd. (of DOS) is vested
with the authority for receiving the applications
for grant of license for acquisition/ distribution of
IRS data outside of India; to consider and decide
on the granting of license within the policy
considerations of the Government, and to enter
into licensing agreements with the prospective
users on behalf of the Government. Antrix

Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011

Corporation Ltd. shall also be competent to levy

such fees for granting licenses as may be
considered appropriate by it. It shall also be
responsible, where necessary, for rendering any
further help/ guidance needed by the license.
b) The Government reserves right to impose
restrictions over imaging tasks and distribution of
IRS data in any country when it is of the opinion
that national security and/ or international
obligations and/ or foreign policies of the
Government so require.
4. The Government prescribes the following
guidelines to be adopted for dissemination of
satellite remote sensing data in India:
a) All data of resolutions up to 1 m shall be
distributed on a nondiscriminatory basis and on
as requested basis.
b) With a view to protect national security interests,
all data of better than 1 m resolution shall be
screened and cleared by the appropriate agency
prior to distribution; and the following procedure
shall be followed:





Government users namely, Ministries/

Departments/ Public Sector/ Autonomous
Bodies/ Government R&D institutions/
Institutions, can obtain the data without any
further clearance.
Private sector agencies, recommended at least
by one Government agency, for supporting
development activities, can obtain the data
without any further clearance.
Other private, foreign and other users,
including web based service providers, can
obtain the data after further clearance from an
interagency High Resolution Image Clearance
Committee (HRC), already in place.
Specific requests for data of sensitive areas, by
any user, can be serviced only after obtaining
clearance from the HRC.
Specific sale/ non-disclosure agreements to be
concluded between NRSC and other users for
data of better than 1 m resolution.

5. This Policy (RSDP-2011) comes into effect

immediately, and may be reviewed from time-totime-by Government.

Call for Articles

Readers are requested to contribute short articles for publication in the forthcoming issues in their own
words, preferably as per the editorial calendar given on page-4, either as a brief survey of state of the art or
as articles on specific work carried out by them, or as novel concepts related to the specific theme(s). The
deadline for inclusion in the next issue on Atmospheric & Oceanic Remote Sensing is Sept 20, 2011.
- Editorial Team


Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011
Signing off
Dear Reader,
A dedicated small team of enthusiastic members including the editorial team from ISRSAhmedabad Chapter have facilitated the compilation of a number of articles and advertisements
from industry professionals for this special issue of signatures. Their efforts are sincerely
acknowledged. Specifically the efforts of Shri. Nilesh M Desai, Dr. (Ms) Abha Chhabra, Shri KP
Bharucha, Shri. DNVSSN Murty, Shri. R P Prajapati, Shri. K G Domadia, Shri. Nitin Thacker,
Shri C.P. Dewan, Shri. D R Patel, Shri. S Sarkar, Ms. Sunanda Trivedi, Shri. RK Arora, Smt.
Arundhati Misra, Shri. Y P Rana, Shri Amit Shukla, Shri Yogesh Verma & Shri. Subodh P
Kachhella are to be particularly mentioned for the considerable number of industry contributions to
this issue.
The size of the Newsletter has been gradually increasing and has now crossed 180 pages. However,
thanks to the advertising agencies, we are able to bring out this issue as a print volume in colour
for the benefit of our readers.
We thank the past & present Presidents of ISRS, namely Dr. Shailesh Nayak & Dr. R. R.
Navalgund apart from Dr. V. S. Hegde, Chairman & Managing Director, Antrix Cooperation, Dr. T.
K. Alex, Director, ISRO Satellite Centre & Dr. V. K. Dadhwal, Director, National Remote Sensing
Centre for sending their messages & our past chairman of ISRS-AC Shri. A S Kiran Kumar for
writing a preface for this issue. We thank Dr. R. R. Navalgund, President, ISRS & the two
industry leaders for sparing their time for interviews by Signatures team, all contributing
authors, the ISRS-AC office bearers for their support and particularly thank our Secretary Smt.
Parul Patel and Chairman Shri. DRM Samudraiah for their active support & suggestions.
Each member of the Editorial Team has contributed in some way or other in bringing out this Issue.
Shri. Yogesh Verma has particularly contributed in formatting this voluminous issue.
We thank Shri. R P Dubey, SAC for conveying his views on our past issue.
Please send in your contributions for our future issues and any feedbacks on the current issue to
the email: Themes for the forthcoming issues are listed in page-4 of
this issue.

For the Editorial Team,

R. Nandakumar


Signatures, Newsletter of the ISRSAC, Vol. 23, No.1 & 2, Jan-Jul 2011

Newsletter of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing Ahmedabad Chapter
Volume: 23, No.1 & 2, January - July 2011

ISRS-Ahmedabad Chapter
Room No-4372,
Space Applications Centre (SAC),
Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO),
Ahmedabad-380015, Gujarat,
Phone: +91 79 2691 4372

Editorial Team
R Nandakumar, SAC
Subodh Kachhela, SAC
Shweta Sharma, SAC
Amit Shukla, SAC
Yogesh Verma, SAC


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