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Thomas Jefferson’s Presidency (continued)

Foreign Affairs

 Jefferson declares neutrality in Napoleonic Wars

o France and Britain attack ships going to each other’s ports
o British force American sailors to fight for British-IMPRESSMENT
 Chesapeake-Leopard Affair
o Chesapeake- United States ship
o Leopard- British ship
o Leopard attacks Chesapeake at coast of Virginia
o Sailors are killed, wounded, and impressed
o Response:
 Embargo Act- U.S. stops all trade with foreign countries
o Hurt united states, so congress passes
 Non-Intercourse act- U.S. may trade with any country except France and Britain
o If France or Britain accepts U.S. neutrality, U.S. will trade with them again
o Helps a little with the economy
o Neither country ends up accepting neutrality

James Madison (president 1809-1817)

Election of 1808: Madison (R) and George Clinton

Charles Pinckney (F) and Rufus King

U.S. officials were worried about Tecumseh’s actions because he attempted to create an
Indian Confederation. It seemed as if Tecumseh would be able to halt the migration of
American settlers to western territories. He posed a serious threat to the United States,
because the united forces of the Native Americans might have been able to overthrow the
United States. Alarm spread throughout the new country as Tecumseh gathered a
following. Canadian British supplied Indians with weapons to fight the U.S. November
1811- Battle of Tippecanoe Creek- U.S. army led by W.H. Harrison defeat Tecumseh’s
War Hawks

- Congressmen from mostly south and west

- Leaders:

o Henry Clay- Kentucky

o John Calhoun- South Carolina

- Want war against Britain because

o Impressments

o British arming native Americans

o Capture Canada- expand north

o Upset about trade restrictions that hurt

 Southern plantations

 Western farms

Election of 1812-

James Madison and Elbridge Gerry defeat Federalists DeWitt Clinton and Jared Ingersoll

War of 1812

At that point in time, the country was not united and support of such a war was split in the U.S.
Militarily, the U.S. was not prepared, because, as president, Jefferson had slashed military
spending and cut the budget. Economically, it was a bad idea- the United States was still in its
infancy at the time, and the economy was down because of the Embargo Act and Non-
Intercourse Act. The United States was not prepared for it. The war deeply divided the nation
and cause more tension between the North and the South. It was a costly war that seemingly
offered nothing but stalemate, and could have been have been avoided by creating a kind of
treaty with Britain in 1812, before declaring war, which is what they did do in the end after it
was already too late.
In 1812 and 1813, altogether, the war was not going well for America. They were losing
many battles on land, including the battle over the Detroit region, which was won back in
September 1813. At sea, some of the single-ship engagement battles were going well for
the U.S., but then Britain tightened a blockade around America’s coasts, and trade was
ruined and the entire coastline was vulnerable to British attack.

In 1814, the British came into Washington, D.C. and burned most of the public buildings and
building associated with the government, including the Senate House and President’s

United States does not capture any Canadian land

British attack at Lake Erie

o Captain Oliver Perry- U.S. military leader sent to President Madison, “we
have met the enemy and they are ours.”

Washington D.C. is burned

British blockade U.S. Coastline

Battle of NO (New Orleans)

o Andrew Jackson (“Old Hickory”)

o Unnecessary battle, as war had already ended

o Jackson fought valiantly and led his troops to victory.

Fort McHenry: Francis Scott Key sees American flag-writes Star Spangled Banner

o Francis Scott Key was an American lawyer, author, and amateur poet,

from Georgetown, who wrote the words to the United States' national
anthem, "The Star-Spangled Banner." Key was there to negotiate the
release of prisoners, one being Dr. William Beanes.

o Waiting in the predawn darkness, Key waited for the sight of General
Armistead’s great new American flag blowing. When at last daylight
came, the flag was still there! Therefore, in his poem, he included the
verse, “…and the flag was still there….”
USS Constitution “Old Ironsides”

o One of first ships in U.S. navy

o A sailor reportedly exclaimed "Huzzah! Her sides are made of iron!" Thus, the

USS Constitution acquired the nickname "Old Ironsides".

o In the War of 1812, the USS Constitution defeated five major British
warships. This was a big deal, because at that time, the British had the
strongest Navy in the world.

o The USS Constitution can be called a national ship because she was a
warship in times of distress and war for our country at more than one point
in time. She brought tremendous national pride to the United States and
symbolized patriotism and representated nationalism and pride in the

Treaty of Ghent

o Ends war- fighting

o Doesn’t really change any of the issues

Effects of war

o National pride and unity- NATIONALISM

Election of 1816-

Republicans James Monroe and Daniel D. Tompkins defeat Federalists Rufus King and John
Eager Howard.

James Monroe (president 1817-1825)

 Adams-Onis Treaty with Spain

o U.S. gets most of Florida


o Nationalism- a feeling of pride, unity, and loyalty to nation

o Sectionalism- disagreements between regions

o Ex: tarrifs- North=yes South=No and slavery- North= no South=yes

 Election of 1820

Republicans James Monroe and Daniel D. Tompkins defeat Republicans J.Q. Adams and
Richard Rush.

 Missouri applies for statehood as a slave state

o Problem: there are currently 11 free, 11 slave states

o Missouri Compromise-

 Missouri = slave state

 Maine= free state

 Anybody who applies to be a state above 36 30 line is a free state

 Anybody who applies to be a state below 36 30 line MAY be a slave state

Election of 1824-

Republicans J.Q. Adams and John C. Calhoun defeat Republicans Andrew Jackson and
Nathaniel Macon. Jackson won the popular vote. When none of the four candidates received
an electoral majority, the election, as in 1800, moved into the House of Representatives.
There, adams won the election with the support of Congressman Henry Clay, even though
Jackson had more electoral and popular votes. Adams then made Clay Secretary of State,
leading Jackson to call the deal a “corrupt argain” to steal the election. Nothing is ever

(Jackson later joins new Democratic Party and wins presidency in 1828)

Good Luck!!

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