Nicole Moon Portfolio

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nicole moon

Contact Information
Phone: 949. 584.6827
Address: 23468 Sandstone, Mission Viejo, CA 92692

Table of Contents

San Francisco Logo
Verve Records Logo
Eli Blaire Logo
Postmarked Portugal Logo
Event Ad - Stache Dash
Event ad - Auction
Business Card
Web Page
Photo Design
Print ad
Gift tag

A two sided (duplex) folding brochure
Audience: Young travelers and families
Objective: Entice people to visit San Francisco
Process: This was a really fun project for me. It was something I loved to think
about and work on. I started by picking a subject. I decided on doing a
travel brochure for one of my favorite cities, San Francisco. Then I did a
painful amount of research figuring out the top things that my target audience
would want to do in the city and then found pictures of those activities.
Originally I intended to do a trifold brochure, but early on discovered that I
did not have enough space to do what I wanted with this project. So I
transitioned into this booklet style. I used several mock-ups and worked
through several designs on paper before moving into the digital world. Once I
was satisfied with the layout and content, I used Photoshop to create the cover
and alter the colors on one of the pictures, and Illustrator to create the logo. I
spent a majority of my time in InDesign organizing and finalizing the layout.
I struggled with the printing aspect of the project, I set up camp in the print
shop and printed it several times before I was happy with the outcome.

An inspirational montage made by the blending of two or
more images, and the use of typography.
Audience: LDS families, or anyone who needs a reminder of who and where they can
look to for peace.
Objective: It is through Christ that we can find a remission of our sins.
Process: I started off with one of my favorite scriptures which is 2 Nephi 25:26. It is
about how we do all things in Christ because it is through Him that we can find a
remission for our sins and ultimately true joy in this life and the life to come. I
wanted a picture that depicts Christs love for us. I thought of Greg Olsen and I
looked at a lot of his artwork but was unsure about the copyright protocol for that.
Then I went on and looked through their free images of Christ and came
across the one I used for the background photo. I loved how close he sat to the child
and gave the little boy his full attention and I thought it was perfect. Then I found
this picture of His hands and I opened them both in Photoshop Elements 12. I edited
the base image and then used the lasso and feather tools to pull the hands onto the
base image. After I applied the mask and adjusted it how I liked it, I added the text
for the scripture.
Top Thing Learned: Masking
Color scheme and color names: Analagous lime, yellow, lime, green, teal.
Title Font Name & Category: Baskerville Old Style
Copy Font Name & Category: Myriad Pro Sans Serif

Audience: Families (primarily parents) or Young travelers
Objective: Visit San Francisco
Process: Because I was doing the San Francisco travel brochure, I thought it
would be appropriate to recreate and incorporate the Golden Gate into the
logo. I found a picture of the bridge on google, and I broke it down into basic
shapes on a piece of paper. In Illustrator, I mostly used the shape builder tool
and the pen tool to build the bridge. I went through a couple of stages where I
played with the outer shape of the logo and finally decided that the circle went
best with the flow of the brochure. I had a lot of rectangles going on, so the
occasional circles broke that up a little bit.
Top Thing Learned: I learned a lot about color schemes from this project.
Originally it was in a red and white box but then I thought that the contrast
would be stronger with a navy background.
Between the dark background and the bright ring around it, the logo catches
the viewers eye.
Title Font Name & Category: Perpetua Titling (Modern)

Audience: People in the music industry.
Message: Record label
Process: This project was the first time id ever created a logo and so it was very
long and a little bit frustrating for me as I struggled through Illustrator. I began
by doing lots of sketches. I started with a much more complicated version of
this logo, and I didnt have the skills yet in Illustrator to make it happen. So I
moved back to the drawing board and liked the idea of using the circle
symbolic of a record (which I knew how to make in Illustrator) which I made
a constant in most of the later sketches. And at that point I rethought and
changed the type-faces a lot as well as the color scheme. I like the simplicity of
the blue logo which would be easy to recreate and recognizable, but I also like
the colored version because it draws in your attention.
Top Thing Learned: How important sketching is to the creative process.
Title Font Name & Category: Cheddar Jack (Creative)
Copy Font Name & Category: Euphemia UCAS (Sans Serif)

Passion Project
Audience: Businesses that need to employ a marketing firm
Message: Creative, young, and succesful marketing firm.
Process: This is a logo I started creating before I decided to take the
brochure project in a different direction. I made a list of characteristics you
need to have to be successful at marketing. I thought of creativity, flexibility,
relevance, imaginative, and innovative. Its kindove cliche but I thought that
a lightbulb best projected that message. So accompanied with modern font
choices and bright colors, I think it conveys the message effectively. Doing
this in Illustrator was definitely a learning experience for me. I worked a lot
with anchor points and the shape builder tool which was very frustrating at
the beginning but its a skill that will be beneficial to know for future
Top Thing Learned: Illustrator
Title Font Name & Category: Modern No.20 (Modern) and Microsoft Yi
Baiti (Sans Serif)

Passion Project
Audience: Portuguese people, or those that like Portuguese goods.
Message: Company that ships high quality Portuguese goods.
Process: For a long time my Dad has talked about opening up an online store
that would sell handmade Portuguese goods. He got really serious about it
over 4th of July weekend and roped me into helping with some aspects of company branding. We started from the bottom and we did some segmentation to
focus on our
audience. After deciding on a company name (Postmarked Portugal) I knew
pretty immediately that I wanted to pull from postage stamps
for inspiration. I didnt have to do a lot of sketching before I came up with a
design that I thought well represented this company we were trying to build.
In Illustrator I built the rooster out of shapes and tears because it was very
frustrating for me. But once that was done I created the stamped waves and I
wanted them to look frayed and imperfect the way a stamp does.
Top Thing Learned: I got a lot better at using the Shape Builder tool in Illustrator.
Title Font Name & Category: Cambria (Oldface) and Avenir Black (Sans Serif)

Event Ad
Ad for a charity event sponsored by a company.
Audience: Families (primarily parents)
Message: Have a fun day and donate to a good cause
Process: Because we werent given any base information, thats where I
began my creative process. I came up with an event that I personally would
want to attend, a cook-off and a basket auction at a lake. From there I
recognized that my audience was going to be primarily families. However
I tailored the flier more to parents, because they are the ones who would
most likely initiate the idea of having a family day picnicking at the lake.
So I picked a more mature sandwich as the poster food for the event, and I
thought the auction would also incentivize parental attendance. I
established a hierarchy with the text and worked to draw specific attention
to the fact that the event was going to raise money for Autism. This flier was
created entirely in Microsoft Word.
Top Thing Learned: Alignment was something I struggled with on this
project, but after very helpful critiques from new sets of eyes, I think I understand alignment better now.
Title Font Name & Category: Cambria (Oldface) and Avenir Black (Sans
Copy Font Name & Category: Cambria (Oldface) and Avenir Black (Sans





June 20

Mission Viejo Lake

Bring a blanket and a friend and
come enjoy an afternoon of food and
fun for a great cause.

All Proceeds will go to


Sponsored by A p p l i e d M e d i c a l

11 4

Event Ad

Passion Project

Black & White promotional flier to advertising a

leadership conference for recent graduates with
Audience: College students, people with special needs
Message: The goals of the event were to raise awareness of the special needs
community that we have on campus, to provide a fun and social activity for
those with special needs, and to raise awareness of the Special Needs Service
Activities committee on campus and the other weekly activities we put on for
the kids to be able to learn, grow, and succeed together in a fun environment.
Process: I started out by identifying my audience as being college students.
We tried to organize this event to be something that would be enjoyable for
both volunteers and people with special needs. I then wrote out all the
information that I needed to put on the ads and gave them a hierarchy of
importance. After that I decided on a colour scheme, and went with highly
saturated versions of the team colors we picked. Then I went into Illustrator
to make the mustaches then brought it all into InDesign. I sketched for a long
time and when I found a design I was excited about, I put it together in
* I was in charge of all the marketing efforts for this event. I came up with the
poster design, managed the facebook pages, made the registration website
and found a local sponsor who was willing to donate prizes for the winning
team. The event brought in over 150 participants.

Matching letterhead and business card designed
using a personally designed logo.
Audience: Those in the movie business or people looking to rent the theater
Message: High Class movie theater experience
Process: I started by picking Cinepolis to be the company. I thought about
what they are known for and thats where I got the idea for the logo of the
waiter holding the projector on a tray. I started off with a lot of sketches,
trying to figure out the exact orientation of the waiter. When I was satisfied
with it, I moved into Illustrator. In the program I used basic shapes and the
Shape Builder tool to subtract shapes as well. I wanted to use classic movie
theater colors, red and black. The elements that I repeated on the business
card are the fonts, the colors, and the lines.
Top Thing Learned: Gestalt, making sure I had repeating elements in both
the business card and the letterhead.
Color scheme and color names: Black, Red, and White
Title Font Name & Category: Perpetua Titling MT: Modern
Copy Font Name & Category: Century Gothic: sans serif

Business card
Matching letterhead and business card designed
using a personally designed logo
Audience: Those in the movie business or people looking to rent the theater
Message: High Class movie theater experience
Process: I started by picking Cinepolis to be the company. I thought about
what they are known for and thats where I got the idea for the logo of the
waiter holding the projector on a tray. I started off with a lot of sketches,
trying to figure out the exact orientation of the waiter. When I was satisfied
with it, I moved into Illustrator. In the program I used basic shapes and the
Shape Builder tool to subtract shapes as well. I wanted to use classic movie
theater colors, red and black. The elements that I repeated on the business
card are the fonts, the colors, and the lines.
Top Thing Learned: Gestalt, making sure I had repeating elements in both
the business card and the letterhead.

Web Page
A web page designed to showcase a personally
created logo
Audience: People with higher disposable incomes, or people who are looking
to have a special experience.
Message: This is a high end movie watching experience.
Process: I started in TextWrangler with the html document and took care of
all the infrastructure aspects of the project. I created the title, header
hierarchy, included a list feature I knew I would need, and inserted the logo.
Then I wrote the text summarizing the process of creating the logo. Once
the bones were created I moved on to the external css document. I started by
changing the width of the body to 1000px, and setting the fonts to Baskerville
Old Face and Calibri. At this point I went on google and found a textured red
banner, and lightly textured black background which I used as the header
background and the page background. I matched the red used in the logo
with the red used in the header and I did that in Photoshop.
HTML/CSS: Changed Title from Serifed font to sans-serif, matched all the
reds used, and I proofread the text.

Demonstrate good photography and image editing
Process: I shoot with a Canon 50D and edit all my photos on Photoshop,
Lightroom, and occasionally on VSCO.


Print Ad
Black & White promotional flier to advertising a
leadership conference for recent graduates with
Audience: Consumers of high tech tactile sensor products.
Message: Sleek, high end,
Process: I started by working with my group to identify a target market.
Working alongside the commercial production team, we decided on a
brand image so that all of our advertising efforts would be cohesive and
recognizable. We wanted sleek,
Programs Used: Illustrator, InDesign,
Notes: This was created as part of a marketing unit in B211. We needed to
come up with a print ad, slogan,

Tactile Sensors

Andrews Co.

distributed by Apple

Look for the Abatre sensor in all Apple products

Life at Your Fingertips

All Abatre sensors purchased before December 13, 2015

will include a 2 year warranty
The custom-made electrostatic grid in our products was designed for the needs of the high tech
consumer. A high concentration of electrodes and intricate weaving of dielectrics measures each
touch with precision and accuracy in nano seconds. The sophisticated micro-controller
conserves battery power while also managing sensor temperature.

$43.00 per sensor

Gift tags
Black & White promotional flier to advertising a
leadership conference for recent graduates with
Audience: Neighbors and close family friends of my client.
Process: I began by speaking to my client and seeing some tag designs that
she picked out, identifying elements that she liked on each. Then I sketched
out an overall layout design. After that, I designed the snowflakes and the
ornaments then created them in Illustrator. When I was happy with the
vector graphics, I brought it all into InDesign where I sized the tags and
experimented with fonts. The font choice was something that my client was
very particular about so I made a couple of different options and she selected
this more minimalist design. From there I experimented with a few different
paper options and picked a glossy cardstock.
Programs used: Illustrator, InDesign
Notes: The light blue dots indicate where the tag should be cut.

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