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 APRIL 12, 2010

How to Fight the IRS

Brace yourself: The chances of being audited are rising.
So if it happens to you, here's what to do—and what not
to do.


Get ready for increased scrutiny by the Internal Revenue Service.

With Washington searching for ways to cut the budget deficit, IRS officials face intense
pressure to collect more revenue. The agency plans more audits, especially of taxpayers
in high brackets or those who are self-employed and deal in large amounts of cash. The
IRS also has turned up the heat in such areas as offshore tax evasion, including
undisclosed foreign bank accounts.

More Americans may be audited by the IRS this year, thanks to new pressure on the
agency to collect from laggard taxpayers. The Wall Street Journal's former tax columnist
Tom Herman explains to Kelsey Hubbard some smart -- and not-so-smart -- ways to fight

If you become an IRS target, what should you do?

For many people, the answer may seem simple: Surrender as quickly as possible, no
matter how good a case you have.

Even if you are sure you are right and have all the records to prove it, fighting the IRS,
one of the most powerful government bureaucracies on the planet, can be the ultimate
nightmare. Seemingly routine struggles can drag on for years, leading to endless
frustration and sleepless nights. Even those who eventually triumph may wonder if the
fight was worth all the time, effort and expense.

But if you're ready for the challenge, there are many smart ways to fight back—and win.
Start by keeping comprehensive, well-organized documents. Always scour the IRS's
claims for mistakes. Don't get discouraged when dealing with tax officials. If you are
convinced you are correct, consider pushing your case up the chain of command. Try the
IRS appeals division. You may also get valuable help from the IRS's taxpayer advocate
service. Or go to court.

At the same time, there are some classically dumb mistakes to avoid—everything from
simply ignoring the IRS to arguing that it somehow is voluntary to pay federal income

Here are some combat tips from lawyers, accountants and "enrolled agents," who are
federally licensed tax experts authorized to represent taxpayers at all levels of the IRS.
Dumb Moves

Journal Report

See the full Wealth Adviser report.

Hire the wrong tax preparer: Beware of someone who asks you to sign a blank tax return.
Or whose fee is based on a percentage of how much you save in taxes. Or who promises
to get you a significantly higher refund than anyone else can. People like these are likely
to prepare outrageous returns that will land you in deep trouble with the IRS.

The Ostrich approach: One of the biggest mistakes is to bury your head in the sand and
ignore IRS notices and letters, hoping the tax collectors eventually will lose interest and
go away. "When dealing with the IRS, the best thing someone can do is to maintain
regular communication, " says Charles P. Rettig, a tax lawyer at Hochman, Salkin, Rettig,
Toscher & Perez P.C., in Beverly Hills, Calif. "Whether during an audit or in the tax-
collection process, ignoring the IRS is simply a bad idea."

Act professionally throughout the process and reply to IRS correspondence on time. The
IRS is very serious about deadlines. Also, "keep a record of all communications and
correspondence with the IRS, including proof of delivery, and keep your records
organized," says Caroline D. Ciraolo, a tax lawyer at Rosenberg Martin Greenberg LLP
in Baltimore.

Frivolity: Some people tell the IRS and judges that it somehow is voluntary to file a
federal income-tax return and pay taxes. Or that their wages, tips and other income for
personal services aren't taxable. Or that they are residents of a state but not of the United
States. Or variations of these themes.

Don't even think of making any of those claims. Tax Court judges routinely label these as
"frivolous" arguments, delaying tactics or both. More important, judges often impose stiff
monetary penalties on those foolish enough to persist.
Ross MacDonald

Bribery: This is even dumber—and far more dangerous—than frivolity. In a case last
year, for instance, a Houston-area resident was sentenced to prison for two years for
trying to bribe an IRS agent, according to a report by the Treasury Inspector General for
Tax Administration. The U.S. Attorney's office in the southern district of Texas said the
man offered the agent $2,500 to reduce his tax liability to around $500 from $49,000. In
addition, the man "repeatedly offered the agent pizza from his restaurant as part of the

Automatic Surrender: Just because the IRS says you owe money doesn't mean that's
correct. The agency makes mistakes—plenty of them, even in computing penalties and
interest. "I have had several clients receive notices regarding unreported securities sales,"
says Stephen W. DeFilippis, the owner of West Suburban Income Tax Service in
Wheaton, Ill., and an enrolled agent. "In these cases, the clients exchanged mutual funds
one for another and didn't realize that's a taxable event." The IRS, he says, sent a notice
"including the gross proceeds in income and assessing tax on the additional income."

But the IRS missed a vital point, he says: "The clients brought me these notices, and in
each case the mutual-fund exchanges resulted in a loss. So instead of owing a large sum
to the IRS, the clients got a refund."

This story shows how foolish it can be to pay what the IRS says you owe without
"thoroughly investigating" the subject, says Mr. DeFilippis.

But if the amount in question is relatively small and the issue is confusing, some may
conclude it isn't worth the time, trouble and expense of challenging the IRS and may
decide to pay in order to make the problem disappear. It depends on the details of each
case, including how confident you are of victory and how much time and expense you are
willing to devote to the battle.
Smart Moves
GET HELP: Having a smart, well-prepared tax expert on your side can be a tremendous
advantage. Not only will they know the ins and outs of the tax code, but also they can
take over the often-exhausting job of dealing with the IRS —and help you decide how far
to push a fight.

Take the case of Elizabeth Chapman, a 66-year-old poet and writing consultant in
northern California. Nearly three years ago, the IRS notified Ms. Chapman that her 2005
federal income-tax return was to be examined. Fortunately, Ms. Chapman had chosen an
experienced and highly regarded tax professional, Claudia Hill, an enrolled agent and the
owner of a tax-preparation and advisory firm in Cupertino, Calif.

Ms. Hill arranged a meeting with the IRS so that she could present evidence on behalf of
Ms. Chapman. Even before that meeting, Ms. Chapman received a note from the IRS
saying its calculations showed she owed more than $15,900, Ms. Hill says.

Ms. Hill finally met with the IRS, laid out Ms. Chapman's case, and later sent more
material by mail. The IRS eventually responded with a letter saying its new calculations
showed Ms. Chapman owed only $151. But Ms. Hill felt confident the correct answer
was zero. She asked the IRS agent's manager to intervene—"but to no avail," she says.

Ms. Hill didn't give up. Eventually, an IRS appeals officer concluded Ms. Chapman didn't
owe a penny.

Ms. Chapman won another battle in U.S. Tax Court. After hearing about the difficulties
she had encountered, the judge ordered the IRS to pay $3,475.06 in fees that Ms.
Chapman had incurred. In his opinion, handed down last October, the judge concluded
that the IRS had "presented no evidence showing it was reasonable to determine" that Ms.
Chapman owed anything. (An IRS spokesman declined comment on Ms. Chapman's

The IRS check finally arrived in March of this year, Ms. Hill says. She says Ms.
Chapman "is amazed," adding: "I'm pleased."

Become a Pack rat: Generally, you should keep returns and all supporting documents for
at least three years from the original due date, including extensions. Even better, save all
records for at least six or seven years. The reason: If you didn't report income that should
have been reported, and if it is more than 25% of the income shown on the return, the
time period doesn't run out until six years after the return was filed, according to an IRS

But be warned that there is no time limit on the IRS if someone hasn't filed a return, or
files a return that is "false" or "fraudulent with intent to evade tax." You should save
some records even longer. For example, keep indefinitely documents showing what you
paid for investments that you own and haven't yet sold—such as stocks, bonds, mutual
funds, art objects or a home, including improvements.
It may be a nuisance, but all that paper could be vitally important if you are challenged by
the IRS. The more complete and well-organized your record keeping, the better your
chances of prevailing. The case of Ms. Chapman illustrates this lesson. Judge Gerber of
the U.S. Tax Court wrote that Ms. Chapman had given the IRS "documentation that
reflected that she was entitled to deductions in an amount that was in excess of the
amount respondent questioned."

Appeal: If you feel you have a bulletproof case but are getting nowhere with an auditor,
stay calm—and consider asking to speak to that person's manager. If that doesn't help
either, consider taking your case to an IRS appeals office. An IRS publication says "most
differences" between taxpayers and the IRS that reach the appeals level are settled. For
details, see IRS Publication 556.

TRY THE ADVOCATE: You may also consider taking your case to the IRS Taxpayer
Advocate Service, or TAS, an organization within the IRS created to help taxpayers
resolve problems, as well as advocate for changes in the system.

You may be eligible for help if you have tried to resolve your tax problems through
normal IRS channels and haven't gotten anywhere, or if you believe an IRS procedure
isn't working as it should, such as an amended return that hasn't been processed, an
advocate spokesman says.

The service also may be able to help taxpayers whose problems are causing financial
woes or significant cost, including the expense of hiring a pro to represent them. Among
the classic types of cases accepted by the TAS are those in which a taxpayer is
experiencing, or is about to experience, a financial hardship due to an IRS action, such as
a lien, levy or seizure, or some IRS inaction, such as a delayed or lost refund check, a
spokesman says. For details, see the IRS Web site ( advocate) and IRS
Publication 1546, or call 877-777-4778.

Partial Pay: If you can't pay everything you agree that you owe, consider arranging to pay
through an installment plan. Try the online payment agreement option on the IRS Web
site to see whether you qualify.

If you are facing a financial crisis and have no hope of repaying everything you owe,
consider asking the IRS to settle for some lesser amount. Getting the IRS to agree to an
"offer in compromise" usually is difficult. But the IRS recently announced "new
flexibility" in considering offers from taxpayers facing "economic troubles, including the
recently unemployed."

Specifically, IRS employees "will be permitted to consider a taxpayer's current income

and potential for future income when negotiating an offer in compromise," the IRS said.
"Normally, the standard practice is to judge an offer amount on a taxpayer's earnings in
prior years." However, the IRS said it may also require the taxpayer to agree to pay more
"if the taxpayer's financial situation improves significantly. "
More broadly, an IRS spokesman says the agency is "continually working to reduce
taxpayer burden by seeing to it that tax issues are resolved in the least costly and most
expeditious manner possible."

He points out that the IRS earlier this year "began rolling out a series of streamlined and
simplified notices, designed to reduce the potential for confusion."

GO TO COURT: Most people who decide to slug it out with the IRS in court do so by
filing a petition with the U.S. Tax Court, which is based in Washington, D.C., but holds
trials in many cities around the nation. If you pick this court, you usually don't need to
pay the amount in dispute while your case is pending there, according to the court's Web
site (www.ustaxcourt. gov). That site has details on how to get your day in Tax Court,
what types of cases the court accepts and answers to other frequently asked questions.

"In many cities, there are low-income-taxpayer clinics that will offer free representation
in tax disputes," says Ms. Ciraolo of Rosenberg Martin Greenberg. "Also check to see if
there is a U.S. Tax Court pro bono program" in your area.

If the Tax Court decides you do owe some tax, or if you settle or agree to some tax
liability, the law generally says interest runs on unpaid tax from the date it was originally
due until paid in full, the court says. "Interest also runs on some penalties."

But the Tax Court isn't your only option. Instead, you could choose to go to federal
district court or the U.S. Court of Federal Claims. Generally, though, those courts will
hear tax cases only after you have paid the contested amount and filed a refund claim
with the IRS. See IRS Publication 5.

Picking the right court can be tricky. The answer will depend on the intricacies of your
dispute and other factors, such as prior decisions made by those courts on the issues in
your case.

Lobby Congress: This is a very long shot. But occasionally, someone comes up with a
compelling story that attracts press coverage and leads to tax-law changes. During the
1990s, Congress approved changes in the "innocent-spouse law" after lawmakers were
moved by the plight of numerous divorced or separated couples who had filed joint
returns and where one, usually the woman, later argued she was being saddled with taxes
that rightly should be paid by the other person. The changes were designed to make it
easier, in certain circumstances, for one spouse to be relieved of the liability.

Mr. Herman, a former Wall Street Journal tax columnist, is a writer in New York. He can
be reached at reports@wsj. com.

Copyright 2009 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved

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 Rhode Island Municipal Finance: Legislation

The Municipal Memo is a Legislative Reference Service completed by the Office of Local Government Assistance. Bills are grouped by category (ie. Schools, Cities and Towns). Bart Bertholic You can view any of the... - 9K
 85%Rhode Island Municipal Finance: Contact Us

Division of Municipal Finance One Capitol Hill, 4th Floor Providence, R.I. 02908-5873 Office of Local Government Assistance One Capitol Hill, 3rd Floor Providence, R.I. - 7K
 78%Rhode Island Municipal Finance: 

Welcome to the website for the Division of Municipal Finance, formerly known as the Office of Municipal Affairs. To provide assistance and guidance to municipalities in complying with state law, to... - 8K
 76%Rhode Island Municipal Finance: Municipalities

Download a community's municipal contract by clicking on the individual contract link below:   Note: All "Municipal Contract" files are in PDF format and require the Acrobat Reader to view and/or...Bart Bertholic - 26K
 75%RI DEM/Strategic Planning and Policy- Rules and Regulations for Reduction and Recycling of... - 40K
 73%Rhode Island Municipal Finance: Reports - 6K
 70%Rhode Island Municipal Finance: Municipalities

Download a community's information from the "2010 Directory of City/Town Officials" by clicking on the Town below or visit their Website by clicking on the address beside their name. The third... - 21K
 70%Rhode Island Municipal Finance: Finances

Please choose from the following options: Property Tax Information Property Value Information Property Tax Exemptions Municipal Budget Information Other Information - 8K
 70%RI DEM/Water Resources- Pawtuxet River Water Quality Fund - 35K
 70%RI DEM/Strategic Planning and Policy- Rules and Regulations for Reduction and Recycling of... - 56K
 69%Rhode Island Municipal Finance: Forms

To work with the following forms first download an individual form to your local hard drive by clicking on the form and choosing the Save option. Once saved to your hard drive you may begin... - 9K
 69%Rhode Island Municipal Finance: Publications

Directory of City & Town Officials 2010 Please note: The 2010 edition is an Electronic Version Only Section 1 - Barrington to Woonsocket Section 2 - State and Municipal Changes to the 2010 Directory Bart Bertholic( - 22K
 69%RI DEM/Water Resources- Rules and Regulations for the Grant Program for Municipalities within the... - 51K
 67%Rhode Island Municipal Finance: State Aid - 6K
 67%Rhode Island Municipal Finance: Communications

Please choose from the following options: Property Tax Cap and Disclosure Mandates Other Information    - 7K
 64%Summary of Rhode Island Municipal Onsite Wastewater Programs - 91K
 62%Press Municipalities Economic Stimulus Project Proposals Jan 2009.pdf - 189K
 58%State of Rhode Island: Ethics Commission: Code of Ethics

The Code of Ethics is comprised of a set of statutory and regulatory provisions which regulate the ethical conduct of elected and appointed public officials as well as state and municipal employees... - 71K
 57%RI DEM/Final ISDS Permit Streamlining Task Force Report, March 2002

 Municipal Renewable Energy Investment Program | RIEDC

RIEDC For questions or further details please contact Jennifer Paolino, Program Manager for the Renewable Energy Fund at 401-278-9126 or eval(unescape('%64%6f%63%75%6d%65%6e%74%2e%77%72%69%74%65%28... - 13K
 56%Office of the Secretary of State: A. Ralph Mollis: State Archives

State Archives 337 Westminster Street Providence, RI 02903 Phone: (401) 222-2353 Fax: (401) 222-3199 TTY: 711 Email Open to the public Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m... - 14K
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 : Rhode Island Government : Governor Names Susanne Greschner to Lead Division of Municipal...

Governor Donald L. Carcieri and Rosemary Booth Gallogly, Director of the Department of Revenue, announced today that Susanne Greschner of Warwick, Rhode Island will be joining the Department of... - 17K
 54%Office of the Secretary of State: A. Ralph Mollis: State Archives

State Archives 337 Westminster Street Providence, RI 02903 Phone: (401) 222-2353 Fax: (401) 222-3199 TTY: 711 Email Open to the public Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m... - 15K
 54%Auditor General of Rhode Island

Home Mission Statement About The OAG Audit Reports Preparing For An Audit Information For Municipalities Training Opportunities and Registration Directions Employment Opportunities Links Information... - 42K
 52%Microsoft Word - Final 11_24_08 - RULES AND REGULATIONS RE RENEWABLE ENERGY.DOC - 256K
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 50%What RI DEM Does for Municipalities

What DEM Does for Municipalities                           Water Quality  Rhode Island Community Nonpoint Source Pollution Management Guide recommends methods to prevent non-point pollution... - 16K
 49%RI DEM/Water Resources- Regulations for the Rhode Island Pollutant Discharge Elimination System... - 3165K
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 49%Governor's Task Force on Dam Safety and Maintenance Final Report, January 2001 - 172K
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