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Digital Media Studio

Course Title: 222.430 Digital Media Studio

Assignment Title: Technical Research
Assignment No: 1 and 2 (Two Parts)
Assessors: Tanya Marriott and Karen Curley
Due Date: Part One: Week 5 Part Two: Week 12
Weighting: 30% and 70%

Digital Media Studio is intended to intensify and consolidate knowledge and technical skills in a specific digital media
area to a high standard, which will then be applied to a design context through evidence of a working prototype.

In this paper you will conduct “technical research” to collect, evaluate, test and consolidate skill. Not only will this
enable you to become fluent in your chosen area, but this learning will contribute towards the workflow of larger
projects. It is therefore a distinct advantage to target the technical research usefully.

This is a personal enquiry which will be different for every student, through students working in related areas will
discuss their research in groups.

Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this paper the student should be able to:
1. Identify, plan and propose an independent research investigation of an area of digital
media, and present this in the form of a project brief.
2. Systematically acquire a coherent body of relevant knowledge that contributes directly to
increase fluency within the chosen area.
3. Independently acquire and develop fluency in a range of advanced techniques and
processes that answer criteria raised in the brief.
4. Critically reflect and present conclusions form design investigation.

Assessment Criteria
1. Clarity of brief that describes the area of technical research and it’s contribution to
personal project development.
2. Extent of knowledge acquisition and the increase of fluency within chosen area.
3. Demonstration of relevant specific advancement techniques.
4. Calibre of articulation and presentation of conclusions from design investigation.

The Assignment
The discipline of digital media design is constantly evolving with amazing and innovative technical advancements
emerging daily. This is your opportunity to research and experiment with innovative techniques an possibilities and
present your research and development within a contextually placed working prototype.

The Brief (Formative Assessment) Due Week 2

You will develop a short brief that outlines your area of study, your intended study methods and outcome: What do you
hope to achieve? You will give a short 5min presentation of your brief to the class, and hand in a digital version to the
1. Introduction
2. Aim
3. Methods and processes
4. Intended outcome
5. Applied to a design context.

Progress Presentation. (30% Assessment) Due Week 5

In week five you will present your progress by way of a digital presentation to the class. You will be expected to give a
clear demonstration of the progress.

Final Presentation. (70% Assessment) Due Week 12

At the end of the paper in week 12 you will give a formal presentation to the class and assessors. This needs to be a
practiced and professional presentation demonstrating a substantial body of technical research, and it’s application to
a design context. Your presentation file and workbook ( Stream + Physical) must be handed in for assessment

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