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Colegio Gimnasio Campestre San

NAME: _______________________________________________ TENTH GRADE [10th]
DATE: ________________________________________TEACHER: David D’ Avila Arce

1. Complete the chart using these verbs in infinitive, simple past and past participle form
Infinitive Past Simple Past Participle
a. be
b. cleaned
c. cooked
d. feel
e. gave
f. had
g. know
h. left
i. put

2. Complete the text using the correct tense (Past simple/ Past continuous)
Last weekend Carmela _______________ (want) to the cinema to see
"The Others". Carmela _______________ (not like) it because it
_______________(be) about ghosts and she is afraid of them. When she
_______________ (be) home with her friend Lola, she
_______________ (feel) very strange.
There _______________ (be) a noise behind them, but they could not
see anyone. It _______________ (rain) a lot and there
_______________ (not be) any taxis on the street, so they _______________ (have) to go home
walking. The noise _______________ (be) still behind them and while they _______________ (try)
to see what or who it _______________ (be), the lights on the street _______________ (go) out and
they _______________ (cry) for five minutes. Do you know what happened next?

3. Write these verbs in Past Participle form.

a. Break: _______________ b. Fall: _______________ c. show: _____________
d. hit: _______________ e. Speak: _______________ f. built: _______________

4. Write these verbs in Infinitive form.

a. chosen: _______________ b. eaten: _______________ c. fit: _______________
d. found: _______________ e. gone: _______________ f. lost: _______________

5. Write sentences in Past Perfect Tense using the information.

a. I/ eat/ Chinese restaurant  I had eaten in the famous Chinese restaurant
b. we/ travel/ USA _________________________________________________________
c. they/ dance/ Andrew’ parties  _____________________________________________
d. she/ steal/ coins  _______________________________________________________
e. it/ play/ park  ___________________________________________________________

6. Complete the letter taking into account the Present Perfect Tense.
I _______________ never _______________ (feel) like this before.
I _______________ (be) in love with you since we met last summer. It was a
sunny day in August. I was on the beach with my friend Jessica when I saw
you. You and your friends talked to us and that evening we went together to the
disco. Since then you _______________ (be) in my heart. We
_______________ (talk) several times after that summer day, we
_______________ (dance) together a few times and you _______________
(be) very friendly to me, too, but I think you _______________ (no realize) that I am deeply in love
with you. I _______________ (tell) my mother about you, but she _______________ (no
understand) my feelings. She thinks that I'm too young. My friend Jessi _______________ (send)
you some secret messages from her mobile phone, but you _______________ (no reply). She
_______________ (help) me a lot because sometimes I feel miserable. I think that you don't like me,
but I _______________ (decide) to write this letter to tell you that I _______________ (love) you
since the day we met and I _______________ (think) of you every night and day. Please, tell me
something, I need to know.



7. Put the verbs in the present simple or the present continuous.

Robert ______________ (be) a young sports journalist. He ______________ (write) very good
articles about the different sports events in the Capital city. On Saturdays he ______________
(watch) baseball games and he ______________ (send) reports and commentaries of the games to
his newspapers. He ______________ (not like) flying but he has to do it for his job. Today he
______________ (watch) the final game of playoff between the Marlins and the Yankees. Right now,
the score is 0-0, but the Yankees ______________ (play) better.

8. Choose the synonym of each underlined letter.

a. Carl Svensson was dizzy about twenty minutes after tried the cigarette.
-seasick -funny -tired -exited

b. After the Minister arrived at the hotel, he unpacked his luggage and went outside.
-food -shoes -pockets -baggage

c. Angie strolled on and on, enjoying that he saw.

-talked -walked -listened -dreamed

d. He was puzzled by the strange with the rare armor.

-confused -helped -loved -learned

9. Write sentences using these words.

a. mutation: ____________________________________________________________
b. health: ______________________________________________________________
c. president: ____________________________________________________________
d. hippie: ___________________________________________________________
e. middle-class home: ____________________________________________________

10. Invent a story using these words: hippie, business, rich, poverty, new.

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Colegio Gimnasio Campestre San
NAME: ____________________________________________ TENTH GRADE [10th]
DATE: ________________________________________TEACHER: David D’ Avila Arce

1. Draw five organs to the body that can be affected by tobacco.

2. Make a poster saying that tobacco is harmful to the health.

3. What is health?
4. Write the negative effects to the tobacco in the human body.
Part of the Body Effects/ Diseases

Digestive system




5. Write true (T) or false (F) about the tobacco.

a. The tobacco contains a high concentration of a powerful neurotoxin. ___________
b. We can use the tobacco by only two forms: chewing and smoking. ___________
c. The World Health Organization estimates tobacco caused just 1,5 million deaths for year.
d. Smoke contains several products that bind the DNA and cause many genetic mutations.
e. Nicotine causes physical and physiological dependency. ___________

6. Write a letter to a friend who could be alcoholic. Suggest him/ her.

7. Answer. Why is important to know the effects to the alcohol?

8. What is AIDS?

9. How AIDS does act in the human body?


10. What would you do if you know a close friend could have AIDS? What do you suggest him/

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Colegio Gimnasio Campestre San
NAME: _______________________________________________ TETH GRADE [10th]
DATE: ________________________________________TEACHER: David D’ Avila Arce

1. Write a paragraph about the positive things of Colombia ____________________


2. Draw four (4) Colombian Symbols and talk about them.

3. Write ten Colombian presidents.

>________________________________ >________________________________
>________________________________ >________________________________
>________________________________ >________________________________
>________________________________ >________________________________
>________________________________ >________________________________

4. Complete the chart about Colombian departments and their corresponding charts.
Department Capital city
Valle del Cauca

5. Draw and answer: What do the colors in the Colombian flag mean?

6. What were the main goals of Andres Pastrana’s government

 _____________________________________________________________________
 _____________________________________________________________________
 _____________________________________________________________________

7. Write True (T) or False (F) according to Gustavo Andres Pastrana.

a. He was the 55th Colombian President. __________
b. His father was a president, too. __________
c. He obtained a postgraduate in Harvard in USA. __________
d. He was kidnapped by the ELN. __________
e. He was a Bogota Mayor, too. __________
f. Pastrana’s government proposed the Plan Colombia. __________
g. Pastrana tried peace negotiations with guerrilla. __________

8. Write what you think about Andres Pastrana Arango.


9. Write solutions to the armed conflict in Colombia with FARC an ELN.


10. What would you do if you were the Colombian president?


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