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Dear Mr Patton


Thank you for your request received on 11 January 2016.
In the first instance, the Council is required to confirm or deny whether it holds the
information you requested.

The contracts between GL Hearn and GBC for the analysis of housing need for the
purpose of the West Surrey SHMA and the SHMA relating solely to Guildford
Please see the attached contracts one for Guildford SHMA one for West Surrey

The contracts between J Gardner consulting and GBC for the purposes of the same
analysis and SHMAs
Guildford Borough Council only hold contract with GL Hearn, please see the attached

The terms of business which GLH and JGC have agreed if not set out in the
Their quotation includes some commentary about their partnership

The scenario testing undertaken by GBC of the housing need figures produced by J
Gardner Consulting
We do not hold this information

The legal advice which GBC has taken regarding whether it holds a copy of the J
Gardner Consulting model
We do not hold this information

A copy of the J Gardner housing need model used for the West Surrey SHMA
including all its assumptions and arithmetic
We do not hold this information.

The GBC audit of the JGC housing model.

We do not hold this information.

This request is partially exempt under the Data Protection Act 1998 Regulation 13(1) & (2)(a)
(i), personal data is exempt from disclosure as the disclosure would breach data protection
Copyright and re-use of information

Please be aware that copyright may exist on information that we provide in response to
requests, including attachments. Therefore, please check with us by writing to if you plan to re-use the information or if you are not sure whether
copyright will be an issue.
Your right to ask for an internal review
I trust the above addresses your enquiry. However, if you do not agree with the way I have
dealt with your request, you may write to ask the Council to review my decision. Another
officer will carry out a review and they will then write to you, letting you know whether they
agree with my decision or whether they have reached a different conclusion.
You should write to, Customer Services, Guildford Borough Council, Millmead House,
Millmead, Guildford GU2 4BB ( It is important that you clearly state
that you are asking for an Internal Review and provide a copy of your correspondence with
the Council about this request. We recommend that you include the FOI reference number
and Internal Review in the email or letter header to help avoid delays.
Your right to appeal to the Information Commissioner
You also have the right to contact the Information Commissioner if you believe we have
failed to meet our obligations to deal with your request for information. Please remember
that they will usually only consider appeals after the Council has had the opportunity to carry
out an internal review. More guidance about your rights is available on the Information
Commissioners website at
Yours sincerely
Sarah-Jane Willmott
Development Management Support Team Leader
Planning Services
Telephone: 01483 444608
Guildford Borough Council
Millmead House
Surrey GU2 4BB

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