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CONTENT STANDARD: The learner demonstrates understanding of: distinguishing

the elements of a short story and be familiarized with it.
PERFORMANCE STANDARD: The learner transfers learning by: showing
appreciation for the literary features used in the short story.
At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
a. Distinguish the elements of a short story.
b. Appreciate the literary features of the story.
Skill: Reading Skill
Distinguishing the elements of a short story.
Topic: Elements of a short story
Selection: The Necklace
By: Guy de Maupassant
Reference: English for Better World III
Materials: LIMIT (Used papers, Strips of paper, Puzzle pieces, Old paper plates,
tape, paper

Reading Comprehension
Literary Appreciation
Writing and Composition

A. Pre-reading Activities
1. Speech Improvement
Let the student read the following words correctly.
a. detsted
b. habby
c. atapulted
d. junt
e. ghast

2. Vocabulary Development
Identify the meaning of the underlined words from the given choices below.


Worn out

1. She detested her neighbor for being so mean.

2. Mathilde dashed outside to avoid being seen in her shabby clothes.
3. He was the one who catapulted his friend.
4. They decided to take a jaunt for they are exhausted.
5. Rhea was so aghast to find out that her best friend was dead.
3. Motivation
Group the students into 2 and give them an envelope with puzzle pieces inside and
try to form it on the board. A representative from each group will explain their ideas
about the picture formed.
4. Motive Question
Have you ever borrowed something and lost it?
What did you do to fix the problem?
Silent Reading
1. Engagement Activity
1. Individual Task
1. Why did the invitation displease Madam Loisel?
2. Why did Madam Loisel borrow a necklace from Madam Foreister?
3. What efforts were made to find Madam Foreisters necklace?
4. Describe in your own words how Loisels life changed after they had paid for the
new necklace?
5. What was Madam Foreister reaction when the necklace was returned?

2. Group Task
The class will be divided into 2 groups. We will play a game called Pass the
message Im going to give some questions and try to answer it by passing the
answer to your teammates. The first team to answer will gain a point.

In a sheet of paper, read the selection and distinguish the 5 elements.
1. Characters
2. Setting
3. Plot
4. Conflict
5. Theme
Although Ana was only seven years old, people always wanted to know what she
wanted to be when she grew up. Her response was easy, a teacher. She had a
perfect picture in her mind what her classes would look like and how they would
behave. The only problem was that she didnt have any worksheets or materials to
give to her imaginary class.
In class she watched the teacher walk over to her file cabinet and throw some
unused worksheets in the trash. What a waste! Ana murmured to herself. An idea
suddenly blossomed in her head. She would use the worksheets that had ended up
in the trash. After school, when the halls were clear of students and teachers, she
went to her classroom and grabbed the discarded worksheets. Feeling confident
that she had accomplished her mission, she walked around the corner with the
worksheets under her arms. A loud booming voice startled her as the janitor yelled,
What are you doing here? Go home!
Ana didnt wait to respond to his questions as she ran out of the schools front
doors. A she walked home, she kept looking behind her to see if the janitor followed
her. Safely home, she closed her bedroom door and announced to her imaginary
students, Good morning students. Today, you are going to learn about nouns and
verbs. I am going to pass out a few worksheets and explain the assignment to you.

Read the story titled Catch me a Star and answer comprehension check on page

Although Ana was only seven years old, people always wanted to know
what she wanted to be when she grew up. Her response was easy, a
teacher. She had a perfect picture in her mind what her classes would look
like and how they would behave. The only problem was that she didnt
have any worksheets or materials to give to her imaginary class.
In class she watched the teacher walk over to her file cabinet and throw
some unused worksheets in the trash. What a waste! Ana murmured to
herself. An idea suddenly blossomed in her head. She would use the
worksheets that had ended up in the trash. After school, when the halls
were clear of students and teachers, she went to her classroom and
grabbed the discarded worksheets. Feeling confident that she had
accomplished her mission, she walked around the corner with the
worksheets under her arms. A loud booming voice startled her as the
janitor yelled, What are you doing here? Go home!
Ana didnt wait to respond to his questions as she ran out of the schools
front doors. A she walked home, she kept looking behind her to see if the
janitor followed her. Safely home, she closed her bedroom door and
announced to her imaginary students, Good morning students. Today,
you are going to learn about nouns and verbs. I am going to pass out a
few worksheets and explain the assignment to you.

Although Ana was only seven years old, people always wanted to know
what she wanted to be when she grew up. Her response was easy, a
teacher. She had a perfect picture in her mind what her classes would look
like and how they would behave. The only problem was that she didnt
have any worksheets or materials to give to her imaginary class.
In class she watched the teacher walk over to her file cabinet and throw
some unused worksheets in the trash. What a waste! Ana murmured to
herself. An idea suddenly blossomed in her head. She would use the
worksheets that had ended up in the trash. After school, when the halls
were clear of students and teachers, she went to her classroom and
grabbed the discarded worksheets. Feeling confident that she had
accomplished her mission, she walked around the corner with the
worksheets under her arms. A loud booming voice startled her as the
janitor yelled, What are you doing here? Go home!
Ana didnt wait to respond to his questions as she ran out of the schools
front doors. A she walked home, she kept looking behind her to see if the
janitor followed her. Safely home, she closed her bedroom door and
announced to her imaginary students, Good morning students. Today,
you are going to learn about nouns and verbs. I am going to pass out a
few worksheets and explain the assignment to you.

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