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Superiority ….

D K Mukherjee and N Ghosh, Bulletin of the Catalysis Society of India, 5 (2006) 155- 163

Superiority of Palladium Nano particles as hydrogenation catalysts over soluble and

polystyrene anchored palladium complexes.

DebKumar Mukherjee* and Nripendranath Ghosh

Department of Chemistry, Ramsaday College, Amta, Howrah-711 401
The search for more efficient catalytic systems that might combine the advantages of
both homogeneous(catalyst modulation) and heterogeneous(catalyst recycling) catalysis
is one of the most exciting challenges of modern chemistry. More recently with the
advances of nanochemistry, it has been possible to prepare soluble analogues of
heterogeneous catalysts. These nanoparticles are generally stabilized against aggregation
into larger particles by electrostatic or steric protection. Herein we demonstrate the use of
palladium nanoparticles as efficient catalysts for the hydrogenation of carbon-carbon
double bonds and application of these catalysts to the selective hydrogenation of internal
or terminal C=C bonds in unsaturated primary alcohols.

Keywords: nanoparticles, selective hydrogenation, agglomeration, particle size, turn over

dendrimers [21], chitosan [22] and
1. Introduction: cyclodextrin [23] have been reported in
Although a large number of literatures. In most of these reports there
investigations deal with palladium has not been any detailed examination
containing systems as catalysts for regarding size control of metal
hydrogenation reactions[1-6], the study nanoparticles, the cause and effect of
of catalytic activity of these palladium metal agglomeration during catalytic
complexes anchored to polymers are runs and whether the nanoparticles can
relatively rare [7-10]. This may be due to be recycled with similar retention of
poor chemical, thermal and mechanical catalytic behaviour. A detailed
properties of the selected polymeric investigation is necessary to address
materials and tendency of the metal to these concerns and to understand the
leave the support on prolonged use mechanism of nanocatalysis better. The
[11,12]. The field of nano catalysis has present paper reports the use of
become active with numerous review tetrabutyl ammonium bromide stabilized
articles published during the last palladium nanoparticles as efficient
decade[13-18]. Metal particles with nano catalysts for olefnic hydrogenation
sizes have been intensely investigated reactions, their superiority over
recently as they have application in conventional soluble and polymer
various fields like optics, electronics, anchored varieties and finally the
magnetic devices, photocatalysts, selective hydrogenation of unsaturated
adsorbents and sensors. The small size alcohols exhibited by this class of
of these particles makes them attractive colloidal nanoparticles. TEM studies
in catalysis due to their large surface to before and after hydrogenation reactions
volume ratio. Palladium nano particles show marked changes in the average size
stabilized with tetra alkyl ammonium and this is reflected in the catalytic
salts [19], polyvinyl pyrollidine [20],

Superiority …. D K Mukherjee and N Ghosh, Bulletin of the Catalysis Society of India, 5 (2006) 155- 163

activity of the nanoparticles upon palladium chloride based nanoparticles

recycling. indicate that the salt tetra-n-butyl
ammonium bromide is only present in
2. Experimental methods the protecting layer of these particles.
2.1 Catalyst preparation: This is further supported by 1H NMR,
Palladium nanoparticles were prepared C NMR and FTIR studies which are in
from palladium chloride as per the fact identical to the spectra of Bu4NBr.
following literature method [24]. A Anal.:found C,53.88%; H, 10.78%; N,
mixture of palladium chloride(101.5mg, 3.86%; Pd, 6.76%; Br, 22.28%.
0.57 mmol) and n-Bu4NBr HNMR(CDCl3,TMS); =1.1(3H,t), 1.4-
(738mg,2.3mmol) was stirred under 1.5(2H,m), 1.6-1.7(2H,m),3.4(2H,br);
vacuum(0.1mbar) at 120OC for 2 hours. 13
C NMR(CDCl3-TMS); 15.1,22.8,
The mixture was then placed under an 26.3,61.1; FTIR (CDCl3 dispersion, cm-
argon atmosphere and n-Bu3N (318mg, ); 925, 1384, 1468, 1488, 2875, 2962.
1.72mmol) was added with the help of a The weight percentage of palladium was
syringe. After stirring the whole at determined by inductively coupled
120OC for an additional period of three plasma(ICP) in a optima 3200 RL
hours, the mixture was cooled to room multichannel Perkin Elmer machine at
temperature and washed with diethyl standard conditions. The value shown is
ether(5mlx4). Drying the residue the average of three determinations
overnight under vacuum produced black made against three blank samples.
crystalline powder (742mg),mpt:109- Strong evidence of the existence of
111OC. nanoparticles in the studied sample
The soluble catalyst trans- comes from Transmission Electron
Pd(C6H5NH2)2Cl2 was prepared from Microscopy conducted on the colloidal
palladium chloride by the method particles suspended in acetonitrile.
described earlier [25]. Aniline(1.5g) was Detailed analysis of the soluble and
added to a hydrochloric acid(100mL) polymer anchored palladium(II)
solution of PdCl2(1.0g). The solution complexes used as hydrogenation
was warmed gently for 30 minutes and catalysts here can be found in our earlier
the yellow crystals of the desired work[25]. The soluble palladium aniline
compound separated out on cooling. complex, the polystyrene anchored
This was recrystallised from acetone. variety and the palladium nanoparticles
Anal: found C,40.2%; H, 3.8%; N,2.5%; prepared from PdCl2 are abbreviated as
Pd, 29.04%. Pds, Pdp and Pdn respectively throughout
For the preparation of polystyrene bound the text.
palladium(II) complex,(Pn-NH2)2PdCl2, 2.3 Hydrogenation procedure:
where Hydrogenation of olefins was performed
Pn= polystyrene moiety, macroporous at atmospheric pressure at 25oC in a
polystyrene crosslinked with divinyl closed 100 mL glass vessel equipped
benzene was first nitrated and then with a magnetic stirrer. Exactly 5 mL
reduced to amines. The amines were solution of colloidal Pd nanoparticles in
then allowed to react with PdCl2 to form methanol was fed into the glass reactor.
the polymer anchored variety[25]. Hydrogen gas was flowed several times
2.2 Catalyst characterization: to eliminate air and the catalyst was
Elemental analysis( average of two activated for 10 minutes with vigorous
concordant determinations) of the stirring. The reaction was started after

Superiority …. D K Mukherjee and N Ghosh, Bulletin of the Catalysis Society of India, 5 (2006) 155- 163

the injection of 0.5mL of the substrate revealed from the TEM pictures after
and hydrogen absorption was measured catalyst recovery.
using a graduated gas reservoir. The Alk-1-enes undergo simultaneous
intermediate samples were withdrawn reduction and isomerization. The
from the reaction mixture at an interval reaction product of Hex-1-ene in all
of 10 minutes and analysed immediately cases was Hexane(major product) and
by Gas Chromatography(Varian 3700) Hex-2-ene(minor product). The reaction
equipped with a carbowax capillary products of 1-octene with palladium
column and Flame ionization detector. complexes (Pds,Pdp and Pdn) were not
Temperature programming was done in only octane but also its isomers 2-octene
the range 600C -1200C at the rate of and 3-octene. The catalytic activities in
50C/min. terms of turn over frequencies(TOFs,
3. Results and Discussion mole product/mole metal, hr -1) and
product distribution has been given in
Both the soluble [trans- Table-1. Normal pressure hydrogenation
Pd(C6H5NH2)2Cl2] and polystyrene of olefins with the three variety of
supported complex of palladium(II) [Pn- catalysts show nearly quantitative
(p-C6H4NH2)2PdCl2] are active as transformation of the substrates into
hydrogenation catalysts so far as products. The initial rates of reduction as
reduction of olefins are concerned. The revealed from initial turn over numbers
catalysts are effective for normal show that styrene and isoprene where the
pressure hydrogenation of Hex-1-ene, 1- double bond is part of a delocalized
octene, cyclohexene, isoprene and system are reduced much more easily
styrene used as substrates at room than alk-1-enes where the double bond is
temperature. The temperature for normal either single or non-conjugated.
pressure hydrogenation should Palladium nanoparticles were found to
invariably be below 300C in order to be superior as far as hydrogenation of
avoid slow decomposition of the soluble olefins is concerned followed by the
variety in hydrogen atmosphere. It has polystyrene anchored palladium aniline
been observed that trans- complex and low rate of conversions
Pd(C6H5NH2)2Cl2 remain indefinitely were noticed for the soluble palladium
stable at room temperature and does not aniline complex (Fig. 1).
show any decomposition even when The soluble catalyst could not be
heated in air at 1000C. The solution of recycled for the reduction of olefins due
the complex in methanol is quite stable to exhaustive decomposition of the
in air but suffers slow decomposition in complex to Pd(0). The yellow solution
presence of hydrogen. The rate of of the complex in methanol turned deep
decomposition increased considerably brown on stirring under hydrogen for 15
with increase in hydrogen pressure and minutes and addition of substrates at this
reaction temperature. The immobilized stage initiates hydrogen absorption at a
variety suspended in methanol is maximum rate. At the end of the reaction
however stable under normal hydrogen period(approximately 60 mins) the black
pressure even at 1000C. Palladium particles collected at the bottom of the
nanoparticles dispersed in methanol reaction vessel show no catalytic activity
however show signs of agglomeration with fresh addition of olefinic substrates.
during the course of hydrogenation as XPS studies on these particles show
unambiguously the presence of Pd(0)

Superiority …. D K Mukherjee and N Ghosh, Bulletin of the Catalysis Society of India, 5 (2006) 155- 163

which were believed to be formed during HCl during hydrogen activation strongly
the course of hydrogenation reaction. suggest partial replacement of Pd-Cl
The polymer anchored variety of the bond by Pd-H during the activation step.
Palladium (II) complex appear to be This brown material is believed to be the
superior so far as the number of active species formed in situ and the
successful substrate reductions are rigid bond positions in the polystyrene
concerned. The deep brown materials matrix may be the reason that prevents
obtained in this case after hydrogen its decomposition during the catalytic
activation were identical in catalytic run. Subsequent use of the polymer
activities and exhibited similar IR anchored variety as hydrogenation
spectra to the corresponding ones left at catalyst with 1-octene as substrate do not
the end of normal pressure show any decomposition of the materials
hydrogenation reaction. IR spectra of to the elemental state. Most of the
deep brown materials collected before palladium from the brown material can
and after substrate reduction exhibit however be extracted by heating with
peaks in the region 3300-3400cm- ethanolic solution of KCN for 24 hours.
(νNH2),1630-1640 cm-1(νNH), 1970- The residual material was then found to
12980 cm-1(νPdH), 450 cm-1(νPdN) and be catalytically inactive indicating the
365cm-1(ν PdCl). Analysis of the brown activity of the brown material to be due
material (Pd:Cl, 1:1.22) and liberation of to Pd(II) complex only.

Table 1. Relative catalytic activity of Palladium complexes in methanol at 25OC.

[Pd] =1.8x10-5 mol,[substrate]=3x10-3 mol, reaction time=60min.

Substrate Product(s)a Product distribution(%) TOFs(h-1)b

in different systems
Pds Pdp Pdn
Pds Pdp Pdn
Hex-1-ene Hexane 84 88 88 232 472 970
Hex-2-ene 15 10 10
1-Octene Octane 66 78 84 288 512 884
2-Octene 22 12 10
3-Octene 10 10 05
Styrene Ethyl benzene 88 88 96 312 766 1083

Isoprene 2-methyl 84 89 95 480 506 982

Cyclohexene Cyclohexane 90 92 92 298 222 516

a determined by Gas Chromatography using standards as reference.

b determined as mol product/mol metal per hour.

Superiority …. D K Mukherjee and N Ghosh, Bulletin of the Catalysis Society of India, 5 (2006) 155- 163

Separation of palladium nanoparticles as far as average particle size

from the system to study their distribution is concerned (Fig.2).
recyclability nature was tedious as they Micrographs reveal considerable
tend to stick to the stirring bar and to the aggregation of the palladium particles on
sides of the reaction vessel.. 1-octene use as hydrogenation catalysts and this is
and Hex-1-ene were reduced to the reflected in the increase in average size
extent of 40% only and the major of the particles. Palladium particles
products were the saturated prepared from PdCl2 had on an average a
hydrocarbons with practically no diameter of 4.1 ±0.98 nm. The particles
isomerisation recorded(Gas collected after first cycle had average Pd
Chromatography) under similar size 8.1 nm with very narrow size
conditions as maintained for the freshly distribution and standard deviation of
used particles. The turn over numbers(h- 0.3. The average size of these palladium
) calculated for the recycled colloidal particles increased to 17.1 nm at the end
nanoparticles show significant decrease of the second cycle. Lower catalytic
in their catalytic activity(Table 2). activity observed with the reused
Transmission Electron microscopy of the particles in solution is due to a lower
nanoparticles collected after the first amount of palladium nanoparticles
hydrogenation reaction and the reused present in solution owing to aggregation
particles(after second catalytic and precipitation of larger particles.
reduction) show significant differences Poisoining of the active sites of these

Superiority …. D K Mukherjee and N Ghosh, Bulletin of the Catalysis Society of India, 5 (2006) 155- 163

nanoparticles by the product octane in the reaction mixture do not

mixture(saturated and isomerised inhibit the catalytic hydrogenation
hydrocarbons) could also be a reason of process and reduction of 1-octene was
decreased catalytic activity. almost quantitative as noted before.
Hydrogenation of 1-octene with addition Surface poisoning of the palladium
of octane (2.0 mmol) as substrate was particles by the hydrogenated products
next performed under similar conditions. has therefore been ruled out.
As seen by GC results, presence of
Table 2. Relative activity of recycled Palladium catalysts for normal pressure hydrogenation of
Hex-1-ene and 1-octene in methanol.
Product Product distribution(%) using TON(h-1)
Substrates used composition Pds Pdp Pdn Pds Pdp Pdn
Hex-1-ene Hexane Recovery 82 42 447 316
Hex-2-ene 12 05
1-Octene Octane Recovery 70 48 503 328
Oct-2-ene 15 05
Oct-3-ene 10 --
1-Octenea Octanea 62 10 461 64.4
Oct-2-ene 14 --
Oct-3-ene 05 --
Reaction performed with palladium complexes collected after second cycle.

Fig.2a TEM pictures of palladium nanoparticles prepared from PdCl2

Superiority …. D K Mukherjee and N Ghosh, Bulletin of the Catalysis Society of India, 5 (2006) 155- 163

Fig.2b Particles collected after Hydrogenation Fig.2c TEM image of the nanoparticles
of 1-octene in methanol after the second cycle

Selective hydrogenation of unsaturated results of the normal pressure

alcohols trans-Hex-2-ene-1ol and Hex-5- hydrogenation of the mixture of two
ene-1-ol unsaturated alcohols at room
in butan-2-ol was next performed using temperature has been shown in Fig.3.
the present class of colloidal
nanoparticles to investigate their field of
application. The kinetics of the reaction
was followed by GC analysis of samples
taken at regular intervals of time. The

Superiority …. D K Mukherjee and N Ghosh, Bulletin of the Catalysis Society of India, 5 (2006) 155- 163

Hydrogenation occurs with formation of olefins is much higher using the nano
hexanol as major product accompanied catalyst, it suffers from the serious
by small amounts of hexanal and drawback of aggregation and
hexane. Analysis of the reaction mixture precipitation from the reaction system.
at intervals of 10 minutes clearly shows Recycling the nanoparticles is a tedious
that hex-5-ene-1-ol is reduced at a much process and shows reduced catalytic
faster rate compared to trans-hex-2-ene- property. Efforts are therefore made to
1-ol where the olefinic bond is close to disperse these particles in a medium
the polar group. It is presumed that this which will suppress the phenomenon of
increase in activity for external double aggregation and maintain the catalytic
bond hydrogenation as compared to the activity of the regenerated forms.
internal double bond is due to the Acknowledgement
presence of butyl ligands on the surface The authors are grateful to the
of the palladium nanoparticles. Since the department of Chemistry, Indian
alkyl groups create a hydrophobic layer Institute of Technology, Kharagpur and
around these particles, it was believed Department of Chemistry, Bengal
that the polar hydroxyl group remains in Engineering and Science University,
the hydrophilic solvent media while the Shibpur, Howrah for instrumental
hydrophobic tail of the substrates support and to the University Grants
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