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3/29/2009 Long-Range Technology Plan

Please refer to page 10 for Rivera High School STaR Chart 1

Preparing Students, Teachers and the Community for the 21st Century.

For students:
Provide the technological environment to enhance students’ academic performance as well as an engaging
instruction and real life experience.
Endow students with valuable instruction, state of the art technology and support for the preparation of
becoming productive citizens in an evolving and competitive global economy.
For parents
Provide the platform for participation and cooperation for the enhancement and support of the students’
academic and technological development; as well as access to learning opportunities with technology.
Maintain constant communication of students’ academic performance as well as discipline and attendance.
For educators
Provide educators with the state of the art technology for the enrichment of curriculum and instruction.
Ensure educators that they will be equipped with the necessary hardware, software tools, resources and
unconditional technology support.
Prepare educators with the necessary technology training, workshops and professional development sessions
throughout the academic school year.
For the community and school board members
Provide a competent and professional utilization of all monetary and human resources. Undertake complete
participation and cooperation in educational evaluations processes.

Through the use of the instrumental measuring tools such as the STaR Chart, districts are able to determine
the development and progress of the educational technology goals. For Rivera High School, many goals
have been accomplished, some are in the process, but others have not. In order to implement a technology
development plan, challenges need to be recognized and addressed. The STaR Chart 2008-2009 presented
many areas where improvements were demonstrated. For starters, Rivera High School targeted the
Technology applications in TEKS Implementation as well as the Internet Access/Connectivity in the
infrastructure for Technology section; due to a state of the art of technology network technology
infrastructure and 30 count internet drops per classroom, wireless on campus and field, with three servers for
data management. Rivera High School exhibited advance technology in capabilities of educators as well as

Please refer to page 10 for Rivera High School STaR Chart 2

levels of understanding and use of patterns. In addition, advance technology was scored in leadership and
support of on-line learning. In reviewing the existing chart for Rivera High School, evidently there were
several key points to identify and develop new goals.

For our campus, it is important to cultivate a positive collaboration between teacher, students, parents and
administration to assist in the academic enhancement and maximize the potential of every student at Rivera
High School.

Teaching and Learning: Rivera High School needs to provide teachers’ with web-base learning activities as
well as the necessary software for students’ skills to be reinforcement. Major problem areas include the lack
of on-line learning as well as the patterns of technology usage in the classroom.

Goal 1: To incorporate Internet access in all instructional areas for all students to improve their academic

Goal 2: To provide a technologically integrated academic instruction for every student so that they may be
successful in acquiring academic knowledge.

Educator Preparation and Development: Rivera High School needs to entirely incorporate technology in
their professional development to provide the necessary knowledge for the mastery of techniques as well as
access to online trainings.

Goal 3: To support faculty with collaborative and interactive training session indispensable to guarantee
mastery in technology procedures.

Goal 4: To provide online trainings and conferences that model the most current forms of technology.

Leadership, Administration and Instructional Support: Rivera High School needs to coordinate the
incorporation and cooperation of administrator’s functions and decision making to fully integrate technology
in the campus and needs to share campus technology plans with its faculty.

Goal 5: To communicate and expand campus technology plan with faculty members.

Goal 6: To implement full-time personnel for technical support.

Infrastructure for Technology: The only setback Rivera High School demonstrated in the STaR Chart was in
Infrastructure for Technology under the technical support section. Rivera High School needs to provide every
student and teacher with the necessary hardware for academic success as well as a strong and continuous
technical support.

Goal 7: To increase the amount of hardware for student usage to a 1:1 ratio

Please refer to page 10 for Rivera High School STaR Chart 3

Action Time Party Responsible Evaluation Other notes
To increase the number of Campus ning
students in the participation Administrators
May 2009 Lesson Plan
and utilization of internet
July 2012
IT Administrator
activities (virtual field trips, Technology Support Area:
Walk Through
interactive assignments, Teachers Teaching
collaborative projects). MTT
Library Personnel Learning
Teachers Library and Goal #1 &
The integration of Internet as May 2009 2:
Technology Support resource lab
an instructional resource for July 2012
Teachers summary of use
teachers and students. Estimated
Resource Lab
Personnel Amount:
$ 25,

Focus Area: Educator Preparation and Development Goal #3 & 4:

Estimated Amount: $22,500.00

Action Time Party responsible Evaluation Other notes

Please refer to page 10 for Rivera High School STaR Chart 4

To increase training sessions
for teachers, administrators, and IT Administrator
paraprofessionals in basic May 2009 Lead Teachers
computer and technology July 2012 Department Head
related. TST

To develop a proficient training

web page and notify campus
administrators, faculty, staff IT Administrator Log-In Records
and community of technology May 2009 Lead Teachers Evaluation
training sessions and seminar as July 2012 Department Head License/certificates
well as website evaluations for TST
user feedback.

Action Time Party responsible Evaluation Other notes

To provide each new and

existing teachers, with an IT Administrator Online registration
orientation of the district’s Lead Teacher Onsite Log-In
Instructional Technology May 2009
Department Head Professional
program, biannually. July 2012
Professional Development
Development Evaluations
Goal #5 &
Estimated Amount: $22,300.00

Please refer to page 10 for Rivera High School STaR Chart 5

To provide and maintain a
TST Technology
full time Technology IT Administrator
Support Log
Support Teacher (TST) to May 2009 TST
TST Evaluations
support, maintain and July 2012 Office of Personnel
Human Resource
manage technology

Focus Area: Infrastructure for Technology Goal #7:

Estimated Amount: $40,200.00

Action Time Party responsible Evaluation Other notes

IT Administrator
Campus Administrator
Provide a student to May 2009 Inventory
computer ratio of 1:1. July 2012
Administrator Total
estimated amount for Long-Range Technology Plan is approximately $110,000.00 per year.

Essentially, the realization of the Long-Range Technology Plan depends on the thorough and consistent
participation and collaboration of administrators, teachers, staff, students and parents. Various actions must
be taken such as implementation, appraisal and evaluation of the efficiency and effectiveness of the long-
range technology plan by each member.

In order to integrate the Internet as an instructional resource for teachers and students and increase the number of
students in the participation and utilization of internet actives initial responsibilities must be assigned. Prior
Please refer to page 10 for Rivera High School STaR Chart 6
to implementation of Long-Range Technology plan, Campus Administrator, IT Administrator, TST,
MTT/Library Personnel must recognize students’ technology competencies. The parties mentioned above
must regularly meet to communicate and analyze objectives developed.

A. Campus Administrator will meet with:

1. IT Administrator
2. TST
3. MTT/Library Personnel

Consecutively, the Instructional Administrator, Lead Teachers, TST and Department Heads will begin by
distinguishing faculty’s competencies in the integration of technology in instruction and will gather
information on instruction and administration of educational tools (hardware, software, and website) to be
obtained as well as the development of evaluation for staff feedback.

B. IT Administration will meet with:

1. Lead Teachers
2. TST
3. Department Heads

Furthermore, the Instructional Administrator, Lead Teachers, Department Head and Professional
Development Department will ensure every existing and new hired teacher will be provided with the district’s
Instructional Technology program in August and January during staff development or in-service days. In
addition, the IT Administrator along with Office of Personnel employ and appoint a full time TST specifically to
manage, maintain, and support all the utilization of technology resources of the campus.

C. IT Administrator will meet with:

1. Lead Teachers
2. Department Head
3. Professional Development Department

Instructional and Campus Administrators, TST, Inventory Administrator will initiate an up-to-date hardware and
software needs improvement plan, which will include a ratio of one computer per student objective. Initially a
budget must be developed in order to purchase all the necessary hardware and software and provide the necessary

D. Campus Administrator will meet with:

1. IT Administrator
2. TST
3. Inventory Administrator

The implementation and progress of the Long-Range Technology Plan will entire depend on the effective
communication, collaboration, and responsibilities of all parties involved. Revision and constant updates will
assist in the evaluation progress as well as the effectiveness of the Long-Range Technology Plan. Each
individuals input, suggestions, and support will tremendously influence the outcome of the Long-Range
Technology Plan. Most importantly, all findings will be posted on BISD’s website for parent, teacher,
student, administrator and staff access.

Please refer to page 10 for Rivera High School STaR Chart 7

The purpose of the evaluation is to determine if the Long Range Technology Plan reflected the goals
established. The Texas STaR Chart allows the district to monitor each of these components. The Texas
STaR Chart will be analyzed thoroughly by various departments, including the Instructional Technology
Department, in order to determine targeted areas as well as early technology areas of improvement. In
addition, the Texas STaR Chart will assist in the development of goals and key areas for future technology
plans. However, other recommendations may be applicable for the evaluation of the long range technology
plan. Initially, the development of a technology committee by campus administrators, consisting of teachers,
administrators, and technology personnel will meet to determine and develop new strategies. The technology
committee’s responsibilities include the review of the result of the Texas STaR Chart and determine key
areas of improvement for a new long range technology plan. The new plan can be posted in the district’s
website and may be reviewed by faculty and the community to allow suggestions and revisions. In
conjunction with administration, the technology committee will assist and formulate a final formal review.
Essentially, either evaluation process must maintain open communication with campuses, departments, and
administration to determine a financial plan as well as any developing concerns regarding technology. In
addition, each campus should have continuous support from administration as well as continuous monitoring
from Lead Teachers to persuade and influence the use of technology by faculty for curriculum and

Other forms of evaluation include lesson plan documentation, PDAS evaluations, walk-through, as well as
library and resource lab summary of use to reveal growth in the use of internet in the class room as an
instructional and resource tool for students and teachers. In order to determine if education and professional
development was successful, teachers will acquire a license or a certificate by performing an assessment at
the end of the training. In addition, log-in records as well as the evaluations of the trainings must be
reviewed and reveal if in fact faculty did gain knowledge through the trainings.

Please refer to page 10 for Rivera High School STaR Chart 8

Long-Range Technology Plan Addendum
Administrator: Dr. Arturo Puga

Mrs. A. Gonzalez,

As I read your Long-Range Technology Plan, I was very impressed with the content and the organization of
your diagrams. I am particularly amaze with the technological environment and the enhancement of
academic performance support that this plan provides for all students, parents, faculty and staff. In addition,
I strongly believe that the availability of the plan will allow faculty and community to provide suggestions
and adjustments which it an important part of the plan’s future success. However, there were some concerns
on your implementation plan. Although you express emphasis on collaboration and communication of
parties involved, how are you going to ensure attendance and participation of all members?

However, if you would like specific suggestions or need additional information for your supervisors and/or
professors, please let me know and I will be please to provide my professional views.


Dr. Jose Arturo Puga

NOTES: Your Long Range Technology Plan is in your box

Please refer to page 10 for Rivera High School STaR Chart 9

2008-09 STaR Chart Campus Report
Simon Rivera High School


1 Patterns of 2 3 Content 4 Technology 5 Student Mastery of Technology 6 Online

Classroom Frequency/Design Area Applications Applications (TA) TEKS Learning
Use of Instructional Connections (TA) TEKS
Setting Using Implementation
Digital Content (TAC Chapter

2 3 3 4 3 2


1 Content of 2 Models of 3 4 Access to 5 Levels of Understanding and 6 Professional
Professional Professional Capabilities Professional Patterns of Use Development for
Development Development of Educators Development Online Learning

2 2 3 2 3 2


1 Leadership 2 Planning 3 4 5 Budget 6 Leadership
and Vision Instructional Communication and Support for
Support and Online Learning

2 2 2 2 2 3


1 Students 2 Internet Access 3 Other 4 Technical 5 Local Area Network Wide Area 6 Distance
per Connectivity/Speed Classroom Support Network Learning
Computer Technology Capacity

2 4 3 1 2 2


Key Area Key Area Total Key Area STaR Classification

I. Teaching and Learning 17 Advance Tech

II. Educator Preparation and Development 14 Developing Tech
III. Leadership, Admin., Instructional Support 13 Developing Tech
IV. Infrastructure for Technology 14 Developing Tech

Refer to page 10 for Rivera High School STaR Chart Results. 10

Preparing Students, Teachers and the Community for the 21st Century.

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