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Project 2: Request For Proposal

Evaluation Rubric

5 3 0 Weighting Score
Criteria Comments
Exemplary Adequate Missing Factor
Clearly and Written in a clear and Needs clarification. Score 10 Overall, good job describing the scope of
concisely describes concise manner. Few No specific details x2 the project. It was clear and concise.
the scope of the details on the scope are given for scope.
Abstract project. are given.
(300 words) IMPORTANT: Make sure that you properly
cite the source for the Mission Statement
and any data (like school statistics) used in
the creation of this project.
Describes, in a Few details are given Fails to adequately Score 10 The need was clearly and concisely
clear and concise on the nature of the describe the nature x2 articulated. The innovative nature of the
manner, the project, key activities of the project, key project, key activities of teachers and
innovative nature of of teachers and activities of teachers students, and how the project impacts
Statement of
the project, key students, and/or how and students, and/or students were clearly presented.
activities of the project impacts how the project
(300 words)
teachers and students. impacts students. Did you misspell TAKS? Or is TASK a new
students, and how assessment. You typed TASK in several
the project impacts places.
Clearly and Describes the goals Fails to describe the Score 10 The project goal and objectives were clearly
concisely describes of the project and project goals and/or x2 stated.
the goals of the explains how they explain how they are
Project Goals project and explains are appropriate to the appropriate to the
how they are project but does not project.
appropriate for the provide specific
project. details.
Measurable Identifies 3-5 Identifies 3-5 Fails to describe how Score 10 Your objectives are learner-centered and
Objectives measurable measurable the objectives relate x2 measurable. They address specific things
performance performance to project goals. that learners will be doing.
objectives and objectives, but they Objectives are vague
explains how the are not student- and/or not student-
objectives are centered and/or centered or
learner-centered measurable. measurable.
and measurable.
Describes the Describes the Fails to describe the Score 5 You adequately described the population
population that will population that will population and/or x1 that will be served including grade level(s)
be served including be served but does number of students and number of students that will be
Population grade level(s) and not provide specific impacted. impacted.
number of students details and/or impact
that will be is limited.
Lists the subject Lists the subject Fails to list subject Score 5 Your RFP lists the subject areas impacted
areas impacted by areas impacted by areas impacted x1 by the project and gives examples of
the project and the project but lacks and/or examples of learning activities students would engage in.
gives examples of examples of learning learning activities
learning activities activities students students would
students would would engage in. engage in.
engage in.
Provides clear and Timeline shows a Timeline is given but Score 5 Your timeline is clear and logical from start
logical timeline of moderate degree of shows gaps, is x1 to finish.
proposed project planning but details disorganized, or lack
activities from start are too general. proper formatting.
to finish.
Specifically states Partially states how Fails to state how Score 3 Your RFP partially states how student
how student student learning will student learning will x1 learning will be assessed.
of Outcomes
learning will be be assessed. be assessed.
(150 words)
Teaching Demonstrates Few details are given Fails to demonstrate Score 5 Your RFP adequately demonstrates how
Outcomes through examples on how educational how educational x1 educational telecommunications supports
(300 words) how educational telecommunications telecommunications the teaching process, and/or how the impact
telecommunications supports the teaching supports the teaching of the project on the teaching process will
supports the process, and how the process, and/or how be measured.
teaching process, impact of the project the impact of the
and how the impact on the teaching project on the
of the project on the process will be teaching process will
teaching process measured. be measured.
will be measured.
Identifies 5 or more Identifies at least 3-4 Identifies 1-2 Score 5 You adequately identified 5 or more
teachers, or less teachers, teachers, x1 teachers, administrators, and/or support
administrators, administrators, administrators, staff responsible for carrying out the project.
and/or support staff and/or support staff and/or support staff
responsible for responsible for responsible for
Project Team carrying out the carrying out the carrying out the
project. Includes project. Includes project, and/or does
name, current name, current not Include name,
position, role, and position, role, and current position, role,
responsibilities responsibilities and responsibilities
during the project. during the project. during the project.
The schematic The schematic The schematic does Score 6 The schematic illustrates the layout of the
clearly and illustrates the layout not accurately x2 classroom and equipment and wiring but
accurately of the classroom and illustrate the layout of details are too general or inaccurate.
Schematic illustrates the layout equipment and wiring the classroom and/or
of the classroom but details are too equipment and
and equipment and general or wiring.
wiring. inaccurate.
The budget clearly The budget itemizes The budget makes Score 6 The budget itemizes budget items, by
itemizes budget budget items, by no sense and/or x2 description, number of items, source, and
items, by description, number does not support cost but some items are missing—namely
description, number of items, source, and project activities. your networking hardware (switches,
of items, source, cost but some items routers, hubs, etc).
and cost. are questionable.
The purchasing The purchasing Description of how Score 5 The purchasing justification is reasonable
justification is justification is the funds will be x1 and makes sense.
reasonable and reasonable but some used is vague and
makes sense. items do not make poorly justified.
Topology and Accurately Attempts to identify Fails to correctly Score 5 You accurately determined the type of
Architecture determines type of correct type of determine type of x1 network, network topology, hardware
Justification network, network network, network network, network software and cabling, and network security
topology, hardware topology, hardware topology, hardware issues.
software and software and cabling, software and cabling,
cabling, and and network security and/or network
network security issues but has errors. security issues.
Total Points: 90 Overall, you did a good job on this project,
For your e-Portfolio, you will need to modify
the elements that were missing or weak.
You may consider making these
modifications during the summer while the
project is still fresh in your mind. Otherwise,
you will have a lot of work to do in the end
when you submit your e-Portfolio for

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