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Counter Rocket,

Artillery & Mortar

The Terma Terma’s CRAM system is designed to identify, track, and engage
any incoming RAM threat enabling preventive measures to be taken.
CRAM system With the relevant sensors and weapons, the system also has the
capability to destroy the threat while minimizing collateral damage.
The Terma CRAM system is designed in line with the seven identified
pillars in the DAMA concept.

The basic Sense & Warn system consists of one sensor, one warning
system and a simple Command & Control system. The system can
operate in manned or autonomous mode, and it can be installed in a
building or in a mobile shelter according to needs.
The basic Sence & Warn system is scalable from the single Sense &
Warn solution with one sensor and one zone over the basic and
standard up to the multi Sense, Warn & Counter solution incl. multiple
sensors, zones and user defined rule sets.

Ensure survival Neutralize incoming ammunition before impact

- Warn as early as possible - Detect grenade and grenade path

- Indicate Point of Impact as early and as precise as possible - Slew suitable weapon(s) to grenade
to allow personnel to take cover instantly.

Minimize risk and damage Trace firing place(s) and fire back to stop attack

- Guide personnel to run to safe zones - Detect grenade and grenade path
- If time allows guide personnel to bunker installations if any - Slew suitable weapon(s) to enemy at Point of Origin
- If time allows guide personnel to move high value equipment
out of impact zone
CRAM features - Sensor areas displayed on map
- Sensor control & status
- Warning areas displayed on map
- Warning control & status
- Ultra fast detection warning timing
- Interceptor range displayed on map
1. Prevent - Interceptor control status 4. Intercept 7. Command
& control
- Tracking data, POO, POI
- Selective area warnings 3. Warn
2. Detect
- Real voice warning
- Doctrine tool / desicion support 5. Protect

6. Attack

CRAM system Standard  Option


Single site

Multi-Site coordination and logging

Single RAM sensor interface


Multiple RAM sensor interfaces

Custom sensor interface

Sensor Fusion

Siren system activator control 5 sirens 10 sirens 20 sirens 20 sirens / Site


Two way interface for Siren status tell back No; one way relay

Multiple siren/effector interfaces

Custom siren/effector interface

Zones 1 2 4 Multiple

Airspace Monitoring

Threat Evaluation

Intelligence package
RuleSentry™ Automated rules framework

2D Situational display

3D Situational display

Data communication infrastructure

Interoperability package DAMA C2/NFFI/

LINK-11/16/ASTERIX/AWCIES / 4418 / 08.09
Ground Systems
Ground Systems develops and builds C4IS systems for ground-based
applications. We supply complete turnkey platform systems to end-
users, sub-systems for partner projects, and licensed software packages
for third party development. We also provide life-time support and
maintenance of all kinds of C4IS systems.
Our key business concept is building new Command & Control Systems
by integrating our customers’ existing sensors and effectors with new
equipment, thus providing new automated functionalities and improving
efficiency – while maintaining a familiar user environment.
This concept ensures short development time, highly competitive prices,
and reduces risk as well as the need for elaborate re-training of personnel.
Ground Systems has been delivering C4IS systems for more than 30
years. With a product portfolio of proven success stories, we offer
to design and implement command and control systems of any scale
– from simple Battle Management Systems to advanced, multi-level
C4IS systems.

Terma A/S
Ground Systems
Hovmarken 4
Images HSS Engineering
8520 Lystrup
Photo Courtesy of
U.S. Army, Cpl. Ryan C. Heiser Denmark
Hærens Operative Kommando T +45 8743 6000
Per A. Rasmussen F +45 8743 6001

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