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From a young age, Amora had always desired Thor, although she admitted that this was only

because he preferred Sif over her. This caused a bitter rivalry with Sif to ensue after Amora
attempted to seduce Thor in hopes of keeping him for herself. To do this, Amora allied herself
with Loki and the two of them developed a plot in which they manipulated Sif into stealing the
Mirror of Mycha from Karnilla's palace. Once in possession of the mirror, Amora took it so that
she could use its power to have Thor for herself. After their success, Amora and Loki decide that
the mirror must be returned to its rightful place, lest their plot be discovered. However, they
could not do this without the cloth that the mirror was originally draped in, at which point Loki
showed his true colors when he stated that he had no connection to their crime, leaving Amora
to take the blame if the mirror is not returned. Before Amora could chastise Loki, Sif
andBrunnhilda appear, demanding that Amora revert her spell on Thor as payment for the return
of the mirrors cloth. Amora immediately refused, and the four young gods quickly entered into a
brief battle until it is interrupted by Thor who threatened to inform Odin himself about the whole
ordeal. Brunnhilda then shattered the mirror, breaking the spell placed on him. With his mind
clear, Thor admitted he expected no less from Amora, but was disappointed in Sif because she
attempted to use trickery to gain his love, although the two made up before the story's end.

Ages of Thunder
The gods of Asgard have repeated their lives endlessly through the ages; they have lived,
through Ragnarok countless times with their roles and personalities shifting slightly during each
retelling of their story. Amora has been known as Freyja, Iduna, Mardol, and Gefn, though even
in these iterations she always retains her core attributes: control of powerful magic and
unparalleled beauty.
In 'Ages of Thunder', which tells the story of a long-past cycle, Amora is known as Iduna, the
goddess tasked with an immensely important task of collecting the Golden Apples which grew
from Yggdrasil, the life tree. The Golden Appleswere consumed by the Asgardians in order to
maintain their youth and power. The apples would only grow if Iduna were present, and only
she, the essence of feminine perfection, could remove them, unspoiled, from the tree. During
this time, The Enchantress was the object of desire for many. Her beauty caused her to be
sought after by a stonemason who was assigned to repair the great wall which surrounded
Asgard after an attack by the Frost Giants.
In a second story of the same cycle, a lost and wandering Loki bargains the Enchantress to the
Frost-King so that he may find his way to the Bifrost bridge and back to Asgard. After this deal is
struck and the Asgardians are reminded that only the Enchantress can retrieve the Gold Apples
that sustain their power and vitality, the Frost giant is slain by Thor, thus allowing the Goddess
to return to her garden.
Amora also obtained the mythical story that centered around the Nordic Goddess Freyja, where
she gave herself to three Dwarves in order to obtain an exquisite jeweled necklace that they

had created. It was also noted during these stories, that Amora had many lovers and would
openly reject Odin, by refusing to bed with him. This caused him to violently take her newly
acquired necklace while also informing her that she had defiled herself when she gave her body
to the Dwarves. Out of humiliation and anger, Amora cast a spell which caused the dead on
Earth to rise and torture humanity, forcing Thor to intervene and defeat the newly risen army of
the dead.

Masters of Evil
After Amora's initial encounters with Thor left her love-struck, she decided to seduce the God of
Thunder in his Donald Blake identity. Amora also attempted to destroy Thor's love interest, Jane
Foster, so that he would belong to her completely. Even though Amora was often aided by Loki,
her plans were never successful, at least not for long. Amora was soon accompanied by
another man named Skurge, who seemed to have fallen madly in love with her and did anything
that she required. Amora only took advantage of Skurge's willingness by stringing him along
with her feminine wiles, often withholding her favors, and simply using him as her "muscle".
Amora also briefly served as one of Loki's lieutenants when she and Skurge aided him in his
attempt to conquer Asgard. After a streak of crimes against Asgard and Thor, Amora and Skurge
were both banished to Earth, where they joined Baron Zemo's original 'Masters of Evil'. During
this time, Amora and Skurge had allied themselves with Arkon, The Mandarin, and Loki, when
they repeatedly faced off against Thor and the Avengers. Amora was occasionally challenged by
the Scarlet Witch's mutant gift, when she attempted to divert her divine spells.
During her time with the Masters of Evil, Amora is noted for giving other super humans their
original powers, such as Power Man and Barbara Norris who were given the power of Valkyrie.
In order to create the original Power Man, Amora used the deceased Zemo's equipment to
give Erik Josten superhuman powers when he helped her fool the public by making them
believe that the Avengers had gone berserk. When the "mad" Captain America was defeated,
many people began to believe that Amora and Power Man were actual heroes. Eventually an
unknown man attempted to become their agent, which would make them both rich and famous
in the process. However, Power Man admitted their wrong-doing when he confessed that they
were not true heroes. Amora then noticed something strange in the "agents'" briefcase and
forced Power Man to open it, which revealed an active tape recorder. The man revealed himself
to be Captain America and entered into a fight with Power Man, though Power Man quickly
defeated him. Hawkeye,Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch arrived soon after to continue the battle
with Amora. However, Amora, decided to flee after realizing that she had chosen the wrong man
to aid her. Power Man clearly lacked a "killer's" instinct. Without the Enchantress' protection,
Power Man gave himself up, thus allowing the Avengers to clear their name.
Enchantress is soon amused by a man who was able to best her guards and break into her
palace. He reveals to her that his only goal is to worship her and that he would give up his birthright and estate just to do so. Enchantress, grants his wish by turning him into a tree and stating
that "in the spring, the wind rustling through thy leaves will sing my glory. In winter thou shalt

stand in mute admiration of my incomparable beauty." The Enchantress soon travels to the
Fountain of Forever where she learns the location of a dimensional rift that would grant her
mystical power that would rival Odin's. Amora soon travels to the location of the rift, which is
forming inside a Disco club in Manhattan. At the disco, the Enchantress encounters the mutant
known asDazzler for the first time when Amora attempts to take control of the rift by auditioning
as a performer for the club, confident that her voice and physical beauty would easily win her
the part. This would have been the case had Alison Blaire not auditioned as well. The club
manager, though obviously was infatuated with Amora, reluctantly admitted that Dazzler's voice
was indeed superior. Enraged at having her plans thwarted and losing to another woman,
Amora sought both to claim the mystical energies of the rift and destroy her new found rival by
aging Alison to her death during her performance. Unfortunately for the Enchantress, many of
the city's super-powered heroes, who saw Dazzler as one of their own, were in the audience in
order to lend their support to the young woman. They quickly came to her aid, and in the
ensuing battle, Amora was forced to use so much magic that the rift was destabilized. With
ultimate power now beyond her grasp, the Enchantress chose to flee, rather than continue to
fight a pointless battle.
The next time the Enchantress and Dazzler run into each other is at an airport, Dazzler spotted
a tall blonde woman surrounded by a group of admiring men. The woman was of course Amora,
who quickly teleports Dazzler back to Asgardwhere they have a brief conversation until
the Warriors Three take them to the Court of the Vizier. Once there, Amora claims to have been
disrespected by Dazzler and demands a duel, to which Dazzler readily accepts. Although the
duel started out with the two women evenly matched, Dazzler is soon able to gain the upper
hand, forcing Amora to cease "playing" and instead, fight more seriously. She soon begins to
drain Dazzler's life force and would have succeeded had it not been for Odin's timely arrival.
When Odin demands to know what is going on, Amora again claims that Dazzler disrespected
her when she won the singing contest back at the club. Odin then decides to see who truly has
a better voice and sets up another contest, choosing Amora to go first. Although Amora's sirensong mesmerized all of the men in the room, including Odin, Dazzler still proved to be the better
singer when Odin declared her the winner and sent her back to Earth.
At a later point, Amora halts a fight between Hercules and his half-brother Ares by offering both
Gods a drink. It quickly became apparent that this seemingly kind gesture is actually a
conspiracy to take control of Hercules planned by Amora and Ares when Hercules, after taking a
drink from a cup which was filled with water obtained from the Fountain of Eros, begins to
declare his undying love for Amora. With Hercules now under her control, Amora immediately
decided to take Hercules to Earth in order to battle and defeat the Avengers. When the two
Gods arrive, Hercules quickly takes out Quicksilver while the Scarlet Witch sends a help signal
to Hawkeye and Wasp. However, when the two Avengers arrive, they find that Hercules has
already taken down Goliath with ease and the Scarlet Witch had just lost a magical battle with
the Enchantress. Hawkeye then shoots a special arrow in Hercules' face and with the explosion,
Hercules comes back to his senses. Realizing what has occurred, he tells Amora to leave,

otherwise he would unleash his wrath upon her. Amora quickly departs in order to avoid this
consequence. Soon after, Zeusappears and exiles Hercules from Olympus for one years time,
since he left without permission and chose the love of an Asgardian over his place of birth
(although this was told to Zeus by Ares). Hercules quickly opted to become a member of the
Avengers right after. Meanwhile, Amora wonders to herself why she did not stay to engage
Hercules in battle, and in the end, she comes to the conclusion, that she may possibly be in
love with the son of Zeus.
Amora later used her magic to allow Barbara Norris to become the Valkyrie and join the team
known as the Defenders, although at one point, Amora poses as the Valkyrie herself and
attempts to fight the Defenders with her team of Lady Liberators, but was ultimately
Later during the Secret Wars, Amora was placed on the villains side, although she despised the
thought of participating in a gladiatorial event for the amusement of a higher being. Because of
this, Amora joined forces with Thor to simply leave the others behind and return home
to Asgard. However Thor was eventual forced leave in order to help his friends against the
villains. It was here that Thor was was apparently killed by Ultron, and though the Enchantress
helped neither side, she was remorseful over the outcome. Amora soon returns to the side of
the villains and during the final

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