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Gyan Vihar School of Engineering and Technology

Mahal, Jagatpura, Jaipur

Seminar Report


Quantum Teleportation

Submitted in partial fulfillment for the award of degree of

Bachelor of Technology (Computer Science Engineering)


Rajasthan Technical University, Kota

Session 2009 – 2010

Submitted to: Submitted by:

Mr. Naveen Hemrajani Sudershan Malpani
Head of Computer Science Department B.Tech. VIII Semester
Computer Science
Roll no.: 53
Quantum Teleportation Seminar Report, 2010

Quantum mechanics provides spectacular new information processing
abilities. One of the most unexpected is a procedure called quantum
teleportation that allows the quantum state of a system to be
transported from one location to another, without moving through the
intervening space.

Quantum teleportation provides a means to transport quantum

information efficiently from one location to another, without the
physical transfer of the associated quantum-information carrier. This is
achieved by using the non-local correlations of previously distributed,
entangled quantum bits (qubits). Teleportation is expected to play an
integral role in quantum communication and quantum computation.
Previous experimental demonstrations have been implemented with
optical systems that used both discrete and continuous variables, and
with liquidstate nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR).

Quantum teleportation is technique for moving quantum space around

even in absence of quantum communication channel. It is based on the
“no-cloning” theorem. The only form of teleportation that is currently a
scientific reality and the only form of teleportation in which it is known
that an absolutely perfect copy of the original is created. Quantum
teleportation, an outgrowth of quantum information science, enables
the transfer of a quantum state to an arbitrarily distant location.
However, the so-called "no-cloning theorem" stipulates that, in the
process, the original quantum state is destroyed.

Computer Science Department, GVSET
Quantum Teleportation Seminar Report, 2010

1. Introduction

Ever since the wheel was invented more than 5,000 years ago, people
have been inventing new ways to travel faster from one point to
another. The chariot, bicycle, automobile, airplane and rocket have all
been invented to decrease the amount of time we spend getting to our
desired destinations.

Yet each of these forms of transportation shares the same flaw: They
require us to cross a physical distance, which can take anywhere, from
minutes to many hours depending on the starting and ending points.
There are scientists working right now on such a method of travel,
combining properties of telecommunications and transportation to
achieve a system called teleportation.

Teleportation Technology is the 21st century alternative to travel. It can

save your organization time and money and enhance your internal and
external communication network. These systems are very simple to
use. All you have to do is click to connect and you can appear within a
3-dimensional setting in a chair or behind a lectern on the other side of
the world - almost instantly. The products are designed so that the
technology is invisible. This means you always concentrate on the
person or people you are talking with and not the technology.

Teleportec is developing a global network of teleportation facilities,

which will include most major world cities. Organizations from across
the world have been attracted by the immediate savings and improved
communication that our technology can bring to their organization. For
natural high quality, distance communication there is no substitute. It
really is the closest thing to being there. To find out how Teleportec can
revolutionize the way your organization communicates and reduce your
travel and expenses costs.

Computer Science Department, GVSET
Quantum Teleportation Seminar Report, 2010

No-Cloning Again

• We can’t send a quantum state using classical information alone,

since we can’t know what the state is!
• What about copying the state to a second quantum system and
giving that to Bob (quantum memory stick)
• This is no good either - we can’t copy the state because of the no-
cloning theorem
• We could swap the state into a second system: U . = .
• This is allowed, but then Alice loses the state herself, AND has to
send a whole quantum system to Bob
• If she does this, she might as well send the original system
• Either way, it seems that we can’t just send the state: we have to
send the entire quantum system

Computer Science Department, GVSET
Quantum Teleportation Seminar Report, 2010

2. Quantum Information Processing

In 1993, Charles Bennett (IBM, TJ Watson Research Center) and

colleagues theoretically developed a method for quantum
teleportation. Now, a team of physicists from Caltech, Aarhus
University, and Dr. Sam Braunstein of the University of Wales, Bangor
has successfully achieved quantum teleportation of optical coherent

Quantum teleportation is similar to the far-fetched 'transporter

technology used in the television series 'Star Trek'. "Quantum
teleportation involves the utter destruction of an unknown physical
entity and its reconstruction at a remote location," says Professor H.
Jeff Kimble, the leader of the research group at Caltech, who with
Braunstein conceived the experiment. Using a phenomenon known as
'quantum entanglement', the researchers force a photon of light to
project its unknown state onto another photon, with only a miniscule
amount of information being sent between the two. This is the first
time quantum teleportation has been performed with a high degree of
'fidelity', which means that the output reproduces the input with good
accuracy. Quantum teleportation was announced earlier last year by
two independent labs in Europe, but the low-fidelity results achieved in
these experiments could also be explained away by standard (classical)
optics, without invoking teleportation at all. There has been much
progress in the field, but not an actual demonstration until now.

In the October 23 1998 issue of Science, the physicists described how

they used squeezed-state entanglement to teleport light. In previous
teleportation experiments (announced over the last year by separate
research groups in Austria and Rome), only two-dimensional discrete
variables (e.g. the polarization states of a photon, or the discrete levels
of a two-level atom) were teleported. In this recent experiment,
however, very state, or the entire quadrature phase amplitude, of the
Computer Science Department, GVSET
Quantum Teleportation Seminar Report, 2010

light beam was teleported. In the Science article, the researchers

explain that teleporting optical fields may someday be appropriate for
the use in communication technology.

Computer Science Department, GVSET
Quantum Teleportation Seminar Report, 2010

3. The Definitions of Teleportation

Before proceeding, it is necessary to give a definition for each of the

teleportation concepts that have been identified during the course of
this study:
Θ Teleportation – SciFi: the disembodied transport of persons or
inanimate objects across space by advanced (futuristic)
technological means. We will call this sf-Teleportation.
Θ Teleportation – psychic: the conveyance of persons or inanimate
objects by psychic means. We will call this p-Teleportation.
Θ Teleportation – engineering the vacuum or spacetime metric: the
conveyance of persons or inanimate objects across space by
altering the properties of the spacetime vacuum, or by altering
the spacetime metric (geometry). We will call this vm-
Θ Teleportation – quantum entanglement: the disembodied
transport of the quantum state of a system and its correlations
across space to another system, where system refers to any single
or collective particles of matter or energy such as baryons
(protons, neutrons, etc.), leptons (electrons, etc.), photons,
atoms, ions, etc. We will call this q-Teleportation.
Θ Teleportation – exotic: the conveyance of persons or inanimate
objects by transport through extra space dimensions or parallel
universes. We will call this e-Teleportation.
We will examine only quantum teleportation in detail in the
following chapters.

Computer Science Department, GVSET
Quantum Teleportation Seminar Report, 2010

4. Teleportation: From Fiction to Reality

As delineated above, the concept of teleportation in roughly its present

incarnation is only slightly more than a century old. Yet within that
century, teleportation has evolved from the stuff of dime-store fantasy
into a feasible undertaking. Of obvious importance to the development
of quantum teleportation was the emergence of quantum theory in the
early twentieth century due to the work of, among others, Max Planck,
Albert Einstein, and Niels Bohr. In 1935 Einstein, along with Boris
Podolsky and Nathan Rosen, published a paper questioning whether
the current theory was adequate to explain all possible observations on
the quantum level. In this so-called EPR Paper, the three scientists
basically showed that it was possible to measure the quantum state of
one particle and find that another particle far away possesses the same
state. Thus, they concluded that quantum theory cannot provide a total
description of everything there is to know about a particle. The EPR
paper was an important beginning because it provided grounds for the
notion that actions performed on one particle can somehow affect its
partner even over great distances. This is known as entanglement and
is central to quantum teleportation.

Almost a decade later an event allegedly occurred for which there is to

this day almost no evidence or explanation. According to a variety of
sources, a top secret operation code-named the Philadelphia
Experiment was carried out by the United States Navy in 1943. The
Philadelphia Experiment is supposed to have involved the invisibility
and subsequent teleportation of the destroyer the U.S.S. Eldridge from
Philadelphia to Norfolk, Virginia. Witnesses described the strange
appearance of the ship in Norfolk harbor and a number of odd side-
effects. However, as with most claims of this nature, the “evidence” is
shady, and there is no way to substantiate that such an experiment
ever took place or was even conceived. Not surprisingly, the U.S. Naval
Historical Center denies the claims and offers plausible explanations for
Computer Science Department, GVSET
Quantum Teleportation Seminar Report, 2010

the whereabouts of the ship and the origins of the sensational story.
According to the Navy, the Eldridge was never in Philadelphia during
the period in question, and neither was the merchant ship the Andrew
Furuseth, from which the observations are said to have taken place. The
Navy goes on to speculate that its experiments in degaussing, which
can make a ship magnetically “invisible”, may have triggered more
sensational depictions by the public.

Regardless of its dubious nature, the Philadelphia Experiment continues

to garner attention in certain circles and proves that teleportation was
conceptually tangible as early as the 1940s. Within the more definitive
realm of “real” science, the latter half of the twentieth century
witnessed a steady march towards the actualization of teleportation.
Following the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paper, others continued to pose
theories and experiments refining quantum theory. As a result of this
refinement, it became theoretically possible to teleport a single

Finally, in 1997, a group at the University of Innsbruck in Austria

performed the first successful teleportation of the quantum state of a
photon. Thus, in less than one hundred years, quantum mechanics was
born and matured enough such that the once-fantastic idea of
teleportation moved one step closer to reality.

Computer Science Department, GVSET
Quantum Teleportation Seminar Report, 2010

5. Introduction to Quantum Teleportation

In science‐fiction stories, teleportation often permits travel that is
instantaneous, violating the speed limit set down by Albert Einstein,
who concluded from his theory of relativity that nothing can travel
faster than light.

The procedure for teleportation in science fiction varies from story to

story but generally goes as follows: A device scans the original object to
extract all the information needed to describe it. A transmitter sends
the information to the receiving station, where it is used to obtain an
exact replica of the original. In some cases, the material that made up
the original is also transported to the receiving station, perhaps as
“energy” of some kind; in other cases, the replicas made of atoms and
molecules that were already present at the receiving station. Quantum
mechanics seems to make such a teleportation scheme impossible in

Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle rules that one cannot know both the
precise position of an object and its momentum at the same time. Thus,
one cannot perform a perfect scan of the object to be teleported; the
location or velocity of every atom and electron would be subject to
errors. Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle also applies to other pairs of
quantities, making it impossible to measure the exact, total quantum
state of any object with certainty. Yet such measurements would be
necessary to obtain all the information needed to describe the original

A team of physicists overturned this conventional wisdom in 1993,

when they discovered a way to use quantum mechanics itself for
teleportation. The team—Charles H. Bennett of IBM; Gilles Brassard,
Claude Crépeau and Richard Josza of the University of Montreal; Asher
Peres of Technion–Israel Institute of Technology; and William K.
Computer Science Department, GVSET
Quantum Teleportation Seminar Report, 2010

Wootters of Williams College— found that a peculiar but fundamental

feature of quantum mechanics, entanglement, can be used to
circumvent the limitations imposed by Heisenberg’s uncertainty
principle without violating it.

Computer Science Department, GVSET
Quantum Teleportation Seminar Report, 2010

6. Quantum Teleportation
Quantum teleportation, or entanglement-assisted teleportation, is a
technique used to transfer quantum information from one quantum
system to another. It does not transport the system itself, nor does it
allow communication of information at superluminal (faster than light)
speed. Neither does it concern rearranging the particles of a
macroscopic object to copy the form of another object. Its
distinguishing feature is that it can transmit the information present in
a quantum superposition, useful for quantum communication and

More precisely, quantum teleportation is a quantum protocol by which

a qubit ‘a’ (the basic unit of quantum information) can be transmitted
exactly (in principle) from one location to another. The prerequisites
are a conventional communication channel capable of transmitting two
classical bits (i.e. one of four states), and an entangled pair (b,c) of
qubits, with ‘b’ at the origin and ‘c’ at the destination. (So whereas b
and c are intimately related, a is entirely independent of them other
than being initially collocated with b.)

The protocol has three steps:

(a) Measure a and b jointly to yield two classical bits

(b) Transmit the two bits to the other end of the channel (the only
potentially time-consuming step, due to speed-of-light considerations)

(c) Use the two bits to select one of four ways of recovering c.

The upshot of this protocol is to permute the original arrangement

((a,b),c) to ((b′,c′),a), that is, a moves to where c was and the previously
separated qubits of the Bell pair turn into a new Bell pair (b′,c′) at the

Computer Science Department, GVSET
Quantum Teleportation Seminar Report, 2010

More advanced than video conferencing

Video conferencing has never presented itself as a realistic alternative

to face-to-face meetings because of its severe limitations - only one
person can speak at any one time creating an amplified feeling of
distance between participants. Teleportation allows a more natural
form of conversation due to the lack of latency - people achieve a sense
of presence that cannot be gained from any other technology.

Proven technology

Teleportec has systems installed in cities across the world each utilizing
a range of connectivity options including ISDN, T1, and ATM and over
the Internet. Teleportec is currently developing applications for the
Internet 2 - the most advanced network in the world.

Computer Science Department, GVSET
Quantum Teleportation Seminar Report, 2010

7. Teleportation: Experiments

In 1998, physicists at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech),

along with two European groups, turned the IBM ideas into reality by
successfully teleporting a photon, a particle of energy that carries light.
The Caltech group was able to read the atomic structure of a photon,
send this information across 3.28 feet (about 1 meter) of coaxial cable
and create a replica of the photon. As predicted, the original photon no
longer existed once the replica was made.

In performing the experiment, the Caltech group was able to get

around the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, the main barrier for
teleportation of objects larger than a photon. This principle states that
“you cannot simultaneously know the location and the speed of a
particle”. In order to teleport a photon without violating the
Heisenberg Principle, the Caltech physicists used a phenomenon known
as entanglement. In entanglement, at least three photons are needed
to achieve quantum teleportation:

Photon A: The photon to be teleported

Photon B: The transporting photon
Photon C: The photon that is entangled with photon B

If researchers tried to look too closely at photon A without

entanglement, they would bump it, and thereby change it. By
entangling photons B and C, researchers can extract some information
about photon A, and the remaining information would be passed on to
B by way of entanglement, and then on to photon C. When researchers
apply the information from photon A to photon C, they can create an
exact replica of photon A. However, photon A no longer exists as it did
before the information was sent to photon C.

Computer Science Department, GVSET
Quantum Teleportation Seminar Report, 2010

In other words, when Captain Kirk beams down to an alien planet, an

analysis of his atomic structure is passed through the transporter room
to his desired location, where a replica of Kirk is created and the
original is destroyed.

In 2002, researchers at the Australian National University successfully

teleported a laser beam.

The most recent successful teleportation experiment took place

on October 4, 2006 at the Niels Bohr Institute in Copenhagen,
Denmark. Dr. Eugene Polzik and his team teleported information stored
in a laser beam into a cloud of atoms. According to Polzik, "It is one step
further because for the first time it involves teleportation between light
and matter, two different objects. One is the carrier of information and
the other one is the storage medium". The information was teleported
about 1.6 feet (half a meter).

Quantum teleportation holds promise for quantum computing. These

experiments are important in developing networks that can distribute
quantum information. Professor Samuel Braunstein, of the University
of Wales, Bangor, called such a network a "quantum Internet." This
technology may be used one day to build a quantum computer that has
data transmission rates many times faster than today's most powerful

Computer Science Department, GVSET
Quantum Teleportation Seminar Report, 2010

8. Human Teleportation
We are years away from the development of a teleportation machine
like the transporter room on Star Trek's Enterprise spaceship. The laws
of physics may even make it impossible to create a transporter that
enables a person to be sent instantaneously to another location, which
would require travel at the speed of light.

For a person to be transported, a machine would have to be built that

can pinpoint and analyze all of the 1028 atoms that make up the human
body. That's more than a trillion trillion atoms. This machine would
then have to send this information to another location, where the
person's body would be reconstructed with exact precision. Molecules
couldn't be even a millimeter out of place, lest the person arrive with
some severe neurological or physiological defect.

In the Star Trek episodes, and the spin-off series that followed it,
teleportation was performed by a machine called a transporter. This
was basically a platform that the characters stood on, while switches
are adjusted on the transporter room control boards. The transporter
machine then locked onto each atom of each person on the platform,
and used a transporter carrier wave to transmit those molecules to
wherever the crew wanted to go. Viewers watching at home witnessed
Captain Kirk and his crew dissolving into a shiny glitter before
disappearing, rematerializing instantly on some distant planet.

If such a machine were possible, it's unlikely that the person being
transported would actually be "transported." It would work more like a
fax machine -- a duplicate of the person would be made at the receiving
end, but with much greater precision than a fax machine. But what
would happen to the original? One theory suggests that teleportation
would combine genetic cloning with digitization.

Computer Science Department, GVSET
Quantum Teleportation Seminar Report, 2010

In this biodigital cloning, tele-travelers would have to die, in a sense.

Their original mind and body would no longer exist. Instead, their
atomic structure would be recreated in another location, and
digitization would recreate the travelers' memories, emotions, hopes
and dreams. So the travelers would still exist, but they would do so in a
new body, of the same atomic structure as the original body,
programmed with the same information.

But like all technologies, scientists are sure to continue to improve

upon the ideas of teleportation, to the point that we may one day be
able to avoid such harsh methods.

Computer Science Department, GVSET
Quantum Teleportation Seminar Report, 2010

9. Analogy with Holography

Optical wavefront reconstruction

Hologram [1]

Wave front - quantum state

Correlated reference beams - entangled pair
Interference on film - Bell state measurement
Film - classical information

Computer Science Department, GVSET
Quantum Teleportation Seminar Report, 2010

10. Entanglement (EPR Effect)

Suppose a friend who likes to dabble in physics and party tricks has
brought you a collection of pairs of dice. He lets you roll them once,
one pair at a time. You handle the first pair gingerly, and then finally,
you roll the two dice and get double 3. You roll the next pair. Double 6.
The next: double 1. They always match. The dice in this fable are
behaving as if they were quantum entangled particles. Each die on its
own is random and fair, but its entangled partner somehow always
gives the correct matching outcome. Such behavior has been
demonstrated and intensively studied with real entangled particles. In
typical experiments, pairs of atoms, ions or photons stand in for the
dice, and properties such as polarization stand in for the different faces
of a die.

Consider the case of two photons whose polarizations are entangled to

be random but identical. Beams of light and even individual photons
consist of oscillations of electromagnetic fields, and polarization refers
to the alignment of the electric field oscillations.


Suppose that Alice has one of the entangled photons and Bob has its
partner. When Alice measures her photon to see if it is horizontally or
vertically polarized, each outcome has a 50 percent chance. Bob’s
photon has the same probabilities, but the entanglement ensures that
Computer Science Department, GVSET
Quantum Teleportation Seminar Report, 2010

he will get exactly the same result as Alice. As soon as Alice gets the
result “horizontal,” say, she knows that Bob’s photon will also be
horizontally polarized. Before Alice’s measurement the two photons do
not have individual polarizations; the entangled state specifies only that
a measurement will find that the two polarizations are equal.

An amazing aspect of this process is that it doesn’t matter if Alice and

Bob are far away from each other; the process works so long as their
photons’ entanglement has been preserved. Even if Alice is on Alpha
Centauri and Bob on Earth, their results will agree when they compare

In every case, it is as if Bob’s photon is magically influenced by Alice’s

distant measurement, and vice versa. It might be wonder if we can
explain the entanglement by imagining that each particle carries within
it some recorded instructions. Perhaps when we entangle the two
particles, we synchronize some hidden mechanism within them that
determines what results they will give when they are measured. This
would explain away the mysterious effect of Alice’s measurement on
Bob’s particle. In the 1960s, however, Irish physicist John Bell proved a
theorem that in certain situations any such “hidden variables”
explanation of quantum entanglement would have to produce results
different from those Predicted by standard quantum mechanics.

Experiments have confirmed the predictions of quantum mechanics to

a very high accuracy. Austrian physicist Erwin Schrödinger, one of the
co‐inventors of quantum mechanics, called entanglement “the essential
feature” of quantum physics. Entanglement is often called the EPR
effect and the particles EPR pairs, after Einstein, Boris Podolsky and
Nathan Rosen, who in 1935 analyzed the effects of entanglement acting
across large distances. Einstein talked of it as “spooky action at a
distance.” If one tried to explain the results in terms of signals traveling
between the photons, the signals would have to travel faster than the
Computer Science Department, GVSET
Quantum Teleportation Seminar Report, 2010

speed of light. Naturally, many people have wondered if this effect

could be used to transmit information faster than the speed of light.
Unfortunately, the quantum rules make that impossible. Each local
measurement on a photon, considered in isolation, produces a
completely random result and so can carry no information from the
distant location. It tells you nothing more than that the distant
measurement result probabilities would be, depending on what was
measured there. Nevertheless, we can put entanglement to work in an
ingenious way to achieve quantum teleportation.

Putting Entangles Photons to Work

Alice and Bob anticipate that they will want to teleport a photon in the
future. In preparation, they share an entangled auxiliary pair of
photons, Alice taking photon A and Bob photon B. Instead of measuring
them, they each store their photon without disturbing the delicate
entangled state.

ENTANGLED PHOTON PAIRS are created when a laser beam passes through a crystal such as beta barium borate.
The crystal occasionally converts a single ultraviolet photon into two photons of lower energy, one polarized
vertically (on red cone), one polarized horizontally (on blue cone). If the photons happen to travel along the cone
intersections (green), neither photon has a definite polarization, but their relative polarizations are
complementary; they are then entangled. Colorized image (at right) is a photograph of down-converted light.
Colors do not represent the color of the light.[1]

Computer Science Department, GVSET
Quantum Teleportation Seminar Report, 2010

In due course, Alice has a third photon—call it photon X—that she

wants to teleport to Bob. She does not know what photon X’s state is,
but she wants Bob to have a photon with that same polarization. She
cannot simply measure the photon’s polarization and send Bob the
result. In general, her measurement result would not be identical to the
photon’s original state. This is Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle at
work. Instead, to teleport photon X, Alice measures it jointly with
photon A, without determining their individual polarizations. She might
find, for instance, that their polarizations are “perpendicular” to each
other (she still does not know the absolute polarization of either one,
however). Technically, the joint measurement of photon A and photon
X is called a Bell‐state measurement. Alice’s measurement produces a
subtle effect: it changes Bob’s photon to correlate with a combination
of her measurement result and the state that photon X originally had.
In fact, Bob’s photon now carries her photon X’s state, either exactly or
modified in a simple way.

To complete the teleportation, Alice must send a message to Bob—one

that travels by conventional means, such as a telephone call or a note
on a scrap of paper. After he receives this message, if necessary Bob
can transform his photon B, with the end result that it becomes an
exact replica of the original photon X. Which transformation Bob must
apply depends on the outcome of Alice’s measurement. There are four
possibilities, corresponding to four quantum relations between her
photons A and X. A typical transformation that Bob must apply to his
photon is to alter its polarization by 90 degrees, which he can do by
sending it through a crystal with the appropriate optical properties.

Which of the four possible results Alice obtains is completely random

and independent of photon X’s original state. Bob therefore does not
know how to process his photon until he learns the result of Alice’s
measurement. One can say that Bob’s photon instantaneously contains
all the information from Alice’s original, transported there by quantum
Computer Science Department, GVSET
Quantum Teleportation Seminar Report, 2010

mechanics. Yet to know how to read that information, Bob must wait
for the classical information, consisting of two bits that can travel no
faster than the speed of light.

Skeptics might complain that the only thing teleported is the photon’s
polarization state or, more generally, its quantum state, not the photon
“itself.” But because a photon’s quantum state is its defining
characteristic, teleporting its state is completely equivalent to
teleporting the particle.

Note that quantum teleportation does not result in two copies of

photon X. Classical information can be copied any number of times, but
perfect copying of quantum information is impossible, a result known
as the no‐cloning theorem, which was proved by Wootters and
Wojciech H. Zurek of Los Alamos National Laboratory in 1982. (If we
could clone a quantum state, we could use the clones to violate
Heisenberg’s principle.) Alice’s measurement actually entangles her
photon A with photon X, and photon X loses all memory, one might say,
of its original state. As a member of an entangled pair, it has no
individual polarization state. Thus, the original state of photon X
disappears from Alice’s domain.

Computer Science Department, GVSET
Quantum Teleportation Seminar Report, 2010

Circumventing Heisenberg

Furthermore photon X’s state has been transferred to Bob with neither
alice nor Bob learning anything about what the state is. Alice’s
measurement result, being entirely random, tells them nothing about
the state. This is how the process circumvents Heisenberg’s principle,
which stops us from determining the complete quantum state of a
particle but does not preclude teleporting the complete state so long as
we do not try to see what the state is!

Also, the teleported quantum information does not travel materially

from Alice to Bob. All that travels materially is the message about
Alice’s measurement result, which tells Bob how to process his photon
but carries no information about photon X’s state itself.

In one out of four cases, Alice is lucky with her measurement, and Bob’s
photon immediately becomes an identical replica of Alice’s original. It
might seem as if information has traveled instantly from Alice to Bob,
beating Einstein’s speed limit. Yet this strange feature cannot be used
to send information, because Bob has no way of knowing that his
photon is already an identical replica. Only when he learns the result of
Alice’s Bell‐state measurement, transmitted to him via classical means,
can he exploit the information in the teleported quantum state.
Suppose he tries to guess in which cases teleportation was instantly
successful. He will be wrong 75 percent of the time, and he will not
know which guesses were correct. If he uses the photons based on such
guesses, the results will be the same as if he had taken a beam of
photons with random polarizations. In this way, Einstein’s relativity
prevails; even the spooky instantaneous action at a distance of
quantum mechanics fails to send usable information faster than the
speed of light.

Computer Science Department, GVSET
Quantum Teleportation Seminar Report, 2010

It would seem that the theoretical proposal described above laid out a
clear blueprint for building a teleporter; on the contrary, it presented a
great experimental challenge. Producing entangled pairs of photons has
become routine in physics experiments in the past decade, but carrying
out a Bell‐state measurement on two independent photons had never
been done before.

Computer Science Department, GVSET
Quantum Teleportation Seminar Report, 2010

11. Building a Teleporter


A powerful way to produce entangled pairs of photons is spontaneous

parametric down conversion: a single photon passing through a special
crystal sometimes generates two new photons that are entangled so
that they will show opposite polarization when measured. A much
more difficult problem is to entangle two independent photons that
already exist, as must occur during the operation of a Bell‐state
analyzer. This means that the two photons (A and X) somehow have to
lose their private features. In 1997 a group of Dik Bouwmeester,
Jian‐Wei Pan, Klaus Mattle, Manfred Eibl and Harald Weinfurter, then
at the University of Innsbruck, applied a solution to this problem in our
teleportation experiment. In this experiment, a brief pulse of ultraviolet
light from a laser passes through a crystal and creates the entangled
photons A and B.

Computer Science Department, GVSET
Quantum Teleportation Seminar Report, 2010

One travels to Alice, and the other goes to Bob. A mirror reflects the
ultraviolet pulse back through the crystal again, where it may create
another pair of photons, C and D. (These will also be entangled, but we
don’t use their entanglement.) Photon C goes to a detector, which
alerts us that its partner D is available to be teleported. Photon D
passes through a polarizer, which we can orient in any conceivable way.
The resulting polarized photon is our photon X, the one to be
teleported, and travels on to Alice.

Once it passes through the polarizer, X is an independent photon, no

longer entangled. And although we know its polarization because of
how we set the polarizer, Alice does not. We reuse the same ultraviolet
pulse in this way to ensure that Alice has photons A and X at the same

Now we arrive at the problem of performing the‐state Bell

measurement. To do this, Alice combines her two photons (A and X)
using a semi reflecting mirror, a device that reflects half of the incident
light. An individual photon has a 50–50 chance of passing through or
being reflected. In quantum terms, the photon goes into a
superposition of these two possibilities

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Quantum Teleportation Seminar Report, 2010

BEAM SPLITTER, or semi reflecting mirror (a), reflects half the light that hits it and transmits the other half. An
individual photon has a 50–50 chance of reflection or transmission. If two identical photons strike the beam
splitter at the same time, one from each side (b), the reflected and transmitted parts interfere, and the photons
lose their individual identities. We will detect one photon in each detector 25 percent of the time, and it is then
impossible to say if both photons were reflected or both were transmitted. Only the relative property—that
they went to different detectors—is measured. [18]

Now suppose that two photons strike the mirror from opposite sides,
with their paths aligned so that the reflected path of one photon lies
along the transmitted path of the other, and vice versa. A detector
waits at the end of each path. Ordinarily the two photons would be
reflected independently, and there would be a 50 percent chance of
them arriving in separate detectors. If the photons are indistinguishable
and arrive at the mirror at the same instant, however, quantum
interference takes place: some possibilities cancel out and do not occur,
whereas others reinforce and occur more often.

When the photons interfere, they have only a 25 percent likelihood of

ending up in separate detectors. Furthermore, when that occurs it
corresponds to detecting one of the four possible Bell states of the two
photons—the case that we called “lucky” earlier. The other 75 percent
of the time the two photons both end up in one detector, which
corresponds to the other three Bell states but does not discriminate
among them.

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Quantum Teleportation Seminar Report, 2010

When Alice simultaneously detects one photon in each detector, Bob’s

photon instantly becomes a replica of Alice’s original photon X. We
verified that this teleportation occurred by showing that Bob’s photon
had the polarization that we imposed on photon X. The experiment was
not perfect, but the correct polarization was detected 80 percent of the
time (random photons would achieve 50 percent). We demonstrated
the procedure with a variety of polarizations: vertical, horizontal, linear
at 45 degrees and even a nonlinear kind of polarization called circular
polarization. The most difficult aspect of the Bell state analyzer is
making photons A and X indistinguishable. Even the timing of when the
photons arrive could be used to identify which photon is which, so it is
important to “erase” the time information carried by the particles. In
the experiment, team used a clever trick first suggested by Marek
Zukowski of the University of Gdansk: they sent the photons through
very narrow bandwidth wavelength filters. This process makes the
wavelength of the photons very precise, and by Heisenberg’s
uncertainty relation it smears out the photons in time.

A mind‐boggling case arises when the teleported photon was itself

entangled with another and thus did not have its own individual
polarization. In 1998 my Innsbruck group demonstrated this scenario by
giving Alice photon D without polarizing it, so that it was still entangled
with photon C. We showed that when the teleportation succeeded,
Bob’s photon B ended up entangled with C. Thus, the entanglement
with C had been transmitted from A to B.

Computer Science Department, GVSET
Quantum Teleportation Seminar Report, 2010

12. Bell state measurements

Bell states Measurements[5]

Here we shall prepare pairs of entangled photons with opposite

polarizations; we shall call them E1 and E2. The entanglement means
that if we measure a beam of, say, E1 photons with a polarizer, one‐half
of the incident photons will pass the filter, regardless of the orientation
of the polarizer. Whether a particular photon will pass the filter is

However, if we measure its companion E2 photon with a polarizer

oriented at 90 degrees relative to the first, then if E1 passes its filter E2
will also pass its filter. Similarly if E1 does not pass its filter its
companion E2 will not.

We had half ‐silvered mirrors, which reflect one‐half of the light

incidents on them and transmit the other half without reflection. These
mirrors are sometimes called beam splitters because they split a light
beam into two equal parts.

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Quantum Teleportation Seminar Report, 2010

We shall use a half‐silvered mirror to perform Bell State Measurements.

The name is after the originator of Bell's Theorem. We direct one of the
entangled photons, say E1, to the beam splitter. Meanwhile, we
prepare another photon with a polarization of 450, and direct it to the
same beam splitter from the other side, as shown. This is the photon
whose properties will be transported; we label it K. We time it so that
both E1 and K reach the beam splitter at the same time.

Both E1 and K coming at the same time[19]

The E1 photon incident from above will be reflected by the beam

splitter some of the time and will be transmitted some of the time.
Similarly for the K photon that is incident from below. So sometimes
both photons will end up going up and to the right as shown.

Similarly, sometimes both photons will end up going down and to the

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Quantum Teleportation Seminar Report, 2010

Both upwards[19]

But sometimes one photon will end up going upwards and the other
will be going downwards, as shown. This will occur when either both
photons have been reflected or both photons have been transmitted.

Thus there are three possible arrangements for the photons from the
beam splitter: both upwards, both downwards, or one upwards and
one downwards. Which of these three possibilities has occurred can be
determined if we put detectors in the paths of the photons after they
have left the beam splitter.

However, in the case of one photon going upwards and the other going
downwards, we cannot tell which is which. Perhaps both photons were
reflected by the beam splitter, but perhaps both were transmitted.

This means that the two photons have become entangled. If we have a
large beam of identically prepared photon pairs incident on the beam
splitter, the case of one photon ending up going upwards and the other
downwards occurs, perhaps surprisingly, 25% of the time.
Also somewhat surprisingly, for a single pair of photons incident on the
beam splitter, the photon E1 has now collapsed into a state where its
polarization is ‐450, the opposite polarization of the prepared 450 one.
This is because the photons have become entangled. So although we

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Quantum Teleportation Seminar Report, 2010

don't know which photon is which, we know the polarizations of both

of them.

The explanation of these two somewhat surprising results is beyond the

level of this discussion, but can be explained by the phase shifts the
light experiences when reflected, the mixture of polarization states of
E1, and the consequent interference between the two photons.

One upwards and one downwards[19]

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Quantum Teleportation Seminar Report, 2010

Theoretical and experimental threefold coincidence detection between the two Bell state detectors f1f2 and one
of the detectors monitoring the teleported state. Teleportation is complete when d1f1f2 (+45°) is present in the
absence of d2f1f2(-45°) detection.[2]

Measured coincidence rates[2]

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Quantum Teleportation Seminar Report, 2010

The Teleporter

Now we shall think about the E2 companion to E1. 25 percent of the

time, the Bell‐state measurement resulted in the circumstance shown,
and in these cases we have collapsed the state of the E1 photon into a
state where its polarization is ‐45 0. But since the two photon system E1
and E2 was prepared with opposite polarizations, this means that the
companion to E1, E2, now has a polarization of +450. Thus the state of
the K photon has now been transferred to the E2 photon. We have
teleported the information about the K photon to E2. Although this
collapse of E2 into a 450 polarization state occurs instantaneously, we
haven't achieved teleportation until we communicate that the
Bell‐state measurement has yielded the result shown. Thus the
teleportation does not occur instantaneously.

Note that the teleportation has destroyed the state of the original K
photon. Quantum entanglements such as exist between E1 and E2 in
principle are independent of how far apart the two photons become.
This has been experimentally verified for distances as large as 10km.
Thus, the Quantum Teleportation is similarly independent of the

Computer Science Department, GVSET
Quantum Teleportation Seminar Report, 2010

State K destroyed by E2[19]

The Original State of the Teleported Photon Must Be Destroyed

Above we saw that the K photon's state was destroyed when the E2
photon acquired it. Consider for a moment that this was not the case,
so we end up with two photons with identical polarization states. Then
we could measure the polarization of one of the photons at, say, 450
and the other photon at 22.50. Then we would know the polarization
state of both photons for both of those angles.

As we saw in our discussion of Bell's Theorem, the Heisenberg

Uncertainty Principle says that this is impossible: we can never know
the polarization of a photon for these two angles. Thus any teleporter
must destroy the state of the object being teleported.

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Quantum Teleportation Seminar Report, 2010

13. Concept of teleportation

To better understand the concept of quantum

entanglement/teleportation we will focus on the quantum
wavefunction (a.k.a. quantum state function). Any quantum system
such as a particle that possesses a position in space, energy, angular
and linear momentum, and spin is completely described by a
wavefunction. This is usually symbolized in a variety of ways, and we
choose to represent a generic wavefunction using the traditional “bra-
ket” notation of quantum mechanics: |ϕ〉. Anything that we want to
know about the particle is mathematically encoded within |ϕ〉.

The wavefunction can never be completely known because there is no

measurement that can determine it completely. The only exception to
this is in the special case that the wavefunction has been prepared in
some particular state or some member of a known basis group of states
in advance. By measuring one of the properties of a quantum system,
we can get a glimpse of the overall quantum state that is encoded
within |ϕ〉. According to the quantum uncertainty principle the act of
doing such a measurement will destroy any ability to subsequently
determine the other properties of the quantum system. So the act of
measuring a particle actually destroys some of the information about
its pristine state. This makes it impossible to copy particles and
reproduce them elsewhere via quantum teleportation. However, it
turns out that one can recreate an unmeasured quantum state in
another particle as long as one is prepared to sacrifice the original
particle. The trick is to exploit the EPR process to circumvent the
quantum uncertainty principle.

Suppose Alice has a qubit in some arbitrary quantum state . (A qubit

may be represented as a superposition of states, labeled and .)

Computer Science Department, GVSET
Quantum Teleportation Seminar Report, 2010

Assume that this quantum state is not known to Alice and she would
like to send this state to Bob.

Ostensibly, Alice has the following options:

 She can attempt to physically transport the qubit to Bob.

 She can broadcast this (quantum) information, and Bob can
obtain the information via some suitable receiver.
 She can perhaps measure the unknown qubit in her possession.
The results of this measurement would be communicated to Bob,
who then prepares a qubit in his possession accordingly, to obtain
the desired state. (This hypothetical process is called classical

Option 1 is highly undesirable because quantum states are fragile and

any perturbation en route would corrupt the state.
Option 2 is forbidden by the no-broadcast theorem.
Option 3 (classical teleportation) has also been formally shown to be
impossible. This is another way to say that quantum information cannot
be measured reliably.

Thus, Alice seems to face an impossible problem. A solution was

discovered by Bennett, et al. The components of a maximally entangled
two-qubit state are distributed to Alice and Bob. The protocol then
involves Alice and Bob interacting locally with the qubit(s) in their
possession and Alice sending two classical bits to Bob. In the end, the
qubit in Bob's possession will be in the desired state.

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Quantum Teleportation Seminar Report, 2010


Assume that Alice and Bob share an entangled qubit ‘AB’. That is, Alice
has one half, ‘A’, and Bob has the other half, ‘B’. Let ‘C’ denote the
qubit Alice wishes to transmit to Bob.

Alice applies a unitary operation on the qubits AC and measures the

result to obtain two classical bits. In this process, the two qubits are
destroyed. Bob's qubit, B, now contains information about C; however,
the information is somewhat randomized. More specifically, Bob's qubit
B is in one of four states uniformly chosen at random and Bob cannot
obtain any information about C from his qubit.

Alice provides her two measured classical bits, which indicate which of
the four states Bob possesses. Bob applies a unitary transformation
which depends on the classical bits he obtains from Alice, transforming
his qubit into an identical re-creation of the qubit C.


– Alice has particle 1

– Alice & Bob share EPR pair
– Alice performs BSM causing entanglement between photon
1 and 2
– Alice sends classical information to Bob
– Bob performs unitary transformation
– Teleporting the state not the particle
– Correlations used for data transfer

Computer Science Department, GVSET
Quantum Teleportation Seminar Report, 2010

Showing the process of the Quantum Teleportation[14]

As the figure suggests, the unscanned part of the information is

conveyed from A to C by an intermediary object B, which interacts first
with C and then with A. Can it really be correct to say "first with C and
then with A"? Surely, in order to convey something from A to C, the
delivery vehicle must visit A before C, not the other way around. But
there is a subtle, unscannable kind of information that, unlike any
material cargo, and even unlike ordinary information, can indeed be
delivered in such a backward fashion. This subtle kind of information,
also called "Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) correlation" or
"entanglement", has been at least partly understood since the 1930s
when it was discussed in a famous paper by Albert Einstein, Boris
Podolsky, and Nathan Rosen. In the 1960s, John Bell showed that a pair
of entangled particles, which were once in contact but later move too
far apart to interact directly, can exhibit individually random behavior
that is too strongly correlated to be explained by classical statistics.

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Quantum Teleportation Seminar Report, 2010

Experiments on photons and other particles have repeatedly confirmed

these correlations, thereby providing strong evidence for the validity of
quantum mechanics, which neatly explains them.

Conventional methods

Another well-known fact about EPR correlations is that they cannot by

themselves deliver a meaningful and controllable message. It was
thought that their only usefulness was in proving the validity of
quantum mechanics.

Now it is known that, through the phenomenon of quantum

teleportation, they can deliver exactly that part of the information in an
object, which is too delicate to be scanned out, and delivered by
conventional methods.

Showing conventional methods for Teleportation[14]

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Quantum Teleportation Seminar Report, 2010

This figure compares conventional facsimile transmission with quantum

teleportation (see above). In conventional facsimile transmission, the
original is scanned, extracting partial information about it, but remains
more or less intact after the scanning process. The scanned information
is sent to the receiving station, where it is imprinted on some raw
material (example: paper) to produce an approximate copy of the
original. In quantum teleportation, two objects B and C are first brought
into contact and then separated. Object B is taken to the sending
station, while object C is taken to the receiving station. At the sending
station object B is scanned together with the original object A which
one wishes to teleport, yielding some information and totally disrupting
the state of A and B. The scanned information is sent to the receiving
station, where it is used to select one of several treatments to be
applied to object C, thereby putting C into an exact replica of the
former state of A.

Computer Science Department, GVSET
Quantum Teleportation Seminar Report, 2010


three qubits:

ψ 0 = (a S + b D ) ⊗ (
1 SD + DS )
 
 2
ψinput entangled qubit pair

the maximally entangled ‘Bell State Basis’ is:

β 00 = 1
( SS + DD ), β 01 = 1
( SD + DS )
β10 = 1
( SS − DD ), β11 = 1
( SD − DS )

re-write state of first two qubits using this basis:

ψ 0 = 12 [ β 00 ⊗ (a D + b S ) + β 01 ⊗ (a S + b D )
+ β10 ⊗ (a D − b S ) + β11 ⊗ (a S − b D )]
Bell state analysis: measure which Bell state the first two qubits are
in, projecting third qubit into one of four possible states:

Computer Science Department, GVSET
Quantum Teleportation Seminar Report, 2010

BSA result Output qubit state

β 00 (a D + b S ) = σˆ x ψ input
β 01 (a S + b D ) = ψ input
β10 (a D − b S ) = iσˆ y ψ input
β11 (a S − b D ) = σˆ z ψ input

Computer Science Department, GVSET
Quantum Teleportation Seminar Report, 2010

14. The Innsbruck Experiment

The image depicts the University of Innsbruck experimental setup for

quantum teleportation. In the quantum teleportation process,
physicists take a photon (or any other quantum-scale particle, such as
an electron or an atom) and transfer its properties (such as its
polarization, the direction in which its electric field vibrates) to another
photon—even if the two photons are at remote locations. The scheme
does not teleport the photon itself; only its properties are imparted to
another, remote photon.

At the sending station of the quantum teleporter, Alice encodes a

"messenger" photon (M) with a specific state: 45 degrees polarization.
This travels towards a beamsplitter. Meanwhile, two additional
"entangled" photons (A and B) are created. The polarization of each
photon is in a fuzzy, undetermined state, yet the two photons have a
precisely defined interrelationship. Specifically, they must have
complementary polarizations. For example, if photon A is later
measured to have horizontal (0 degrees) polarization, then the other
photon must "collapse" into the complementary state of vertical (90
degrees) polarization.

Entangled photon A arrives at the beam splitter at the same time as the
message photon M. The beam splitter causes each photon to either
continue toward detector 1 or change course and travel to detector 2.
In 25% of all cases, in which the two photons go off into different
detectors, Alice does not know which photon went to which detector.

Computer Science Department, GVSET
Quantum Teleportation Seminar Report, 2010

The Innsbruck Experimental Setup[13]

This inability for Alice to distinguish between the two photons causes
quantum weirdness to kick in. Just by the very fact that the two
photons are now indistinguishable, the M photon loses its original
identity and becomes entangled with A. The polarization value for each
photon is now indeterminate, but since they, travel toward different
detectors Alice knows that the two photons must have complementary
polarizations.Since message photon M must have complementary
polarization to photon A, then the other entangled photon (B) must
now attain the same polarization value as M. Therefore, teleportation is
successful.Indeed, Bob sees that the polarization value of photon B is
45 degrees: the initial value of the message photon.

Computer Science Department, GVSET
Quantum Teleportation Seminar Report, 2010

15. The Teleportation Circuit

Outline of the circuit[22]

( 01 - 10 ) Ä ( -a 0 - b 1 ) + ( 01 + 10 ) Ä ( -a 0 + b 1 ) +
1 éù
y ×Y -
= êú
( 00 - 11 ) Ä (a 1 + b 0 ) + ( 00 + 11 ) Ä (a 1 - b 0 )
2 êú

é( 01 - 10 ) Ä - y +ù
êú =
y a 0 +b1
1 êú( 01 + 10 ) Ä -Z y +
( 00 + 11 ) Ä X y +
2 êú Y - = ( 01 - 10 ) / 2
( 00 + 11 ) Ä XZ y

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Quantum Teleportation Seminar Report, 2010

Teleportation Circuit[22]

A circuit which implements the teleportation algorithm is:

• In this circuit, the upper two qubits are Alice’s whilst the bottom
qubit is Bob’s
• We include a circuit for generating the entangled pair from |00>
on the lower two qubits
• represents the act of making a measurement
• The result of the measurement feeds into some circuit that Bob
uses to transform his qubit in the correct way

Computer Science Department, GVSET
Quantum Teleportation Seminar Report, 2010

16. Advantages

Teleportation Technology is now being used by organizations across the

world to enable people to be in two (or more) places at once. These
organizations have recognized the substantial communication benefits
of the technology:
• Genuine eye-to-eye contact with individuals or audiences in the
distant location, which means you, can make that personal
connection count wherever you are.
• The quality of the communication means that you are able to see
and respond to the mood and body language of the person you
are speaking with to build trust and understanding.
• There is natural two-way communication with no audio
interference or discernable latency even if the communication is
across twelve time zones.
• You can take control of PowerPoint and other presentation
material, which would be seen by the audience instantly - in real
time as you are talking
• With access to the Teleportec Global Network you just "click to
connect" with any of the Teleportec facilities across the EU, North
America and Australasia via our Operating System.
• The financial benefits are significant too.
• Substantial savings in travel and accommodation costs
• Less non productive travel time means more efficient use of your
valuable human resources
• No expensive training required - The technology is very easy to
• You can be there when travel is impossible.

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Quantum Teleportation Seminar Report, 2010

17. Future aspects of Teleportation

The future applications of teleportation are so immense that they

almost defy imagination. Since the beginnings of science fiction people
have wondered how society would change with such amazing
technology. However, many uses for teleportation have not even been
thoughtfully considered. The reason for this lack of creativity is that
teleportation would affect the very core of society in ways so immense
that no one can even contemplate all the possibilities. Yet, some key
applications can be analyzed to show where society will be headed
once teleportation is a reality.

One of the first applications for quantum teleportation would be in

communications. As of now, scientists are able to teleport single waves
of light and are attempting angular spins of atoms. By implementing
such research into technology, small bits of quanta can move between
two points without moving through the space between these two
points. Furthermore, data can be transferred with this energy and sent
to unique locations that contain a teleportation device at each end.
Data is currently represented in binary as ‘off’s and ‘on’s, but with
energy it would be presented as distinct polarizations of photons.
Therefore, by sending a photon with a positive 45-degree spin, people
could effectively send a binary ‘on’. Teleportation of energy would thus
mean instantaneous communication between two points, since the
time wasted transferring the information is removed. Additionally, data
can be sent twice as fast since each energy transfer contains two bits of
data . Instead of two possible signals, (‘off’ and ‘on’), a quanta can have
four states (0, 45, 90, and –45 degrees corresponding to ‘on, on’, ‘on,
off’, ‘off, on’, and ‘off, off’) and thus can send two ‘on’ and ‘off’ states
at once. Teleportation would give people unparalleled communications
speed with instantaneous data transfer.

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Quantum Teleportation Seminar Report, 2010

Another interesting use of teleportation in communications is data

encryption. Since there are four states for sending data with
teleportation, a hacker needs to spend a good deal of time deciphering
the code used to produce the encryption. Since the receiver of the data
chooses a new code each time, a hacker cannot reapply a previous
decryption to a message and expect it to work. Thus, the hacker would
encounter innumerable problems trying to decrypt the data and never
be able to receive the information. Additionally, the current theories of
teleportation cause changes to the data if someone receives the
information. Thus, “parties at each end can detect [listening in].” The
sender of the quantum could realize someone unwanted is receiving
the information if the quanta are changed unexpectedly. Teleportation
would thus provide instantaneous communication as well as secure

These advances in communication would have a huge effect on today’s

society. Every day people rely more and more on Internet and
telecommunications. Thus, if downloads and data transfers occurred
instantly, society would quickly become based solely on the World
Wide Web. The largest complaint about today’s Internet is the slow
download times. However, many people would soon start to send huge
files via the Internet if no time was wasted sending the data. Also, many
people do not use the Internet for communications because of fear of
hacking. But if hacking were extremely difficult, people would soon
send important information without a second thought. Thus, there
would be a second Internet revolution as people flocked to the Web as
a means to send all types of data. Online business would skyrocket with
safe ways to send credit card numbers and social security ids. Mail
services would also rapidly decline as people send more letters and
faxes through telecommunication. Thus, teleportation would cause
much of society to change due to new reliance on the Internet and data
transfer. Another category of current quantum research is the quantum
computer. Although teleportation plays a lesser role in the construction
Computer Science Department, GVSET
Quantum Teleportation Seminar Report, 2010

of a quantum computer, the techniques of manipulating quanta in

teleportation would enable the mechanics necessary to create such a
machine. Basically, a quantum computer differs from a classical
computer because of the way computations are made. Instead of using
integrated circuits, a quantum computer uses entangled quanta. When
one entangled quantum is altered, a chain reaction occurs through
several quanta that eventually results in a calculation. However, instead
of using just one quantum as in teleportation, a quantum computer
requires thousands of quanta. With so many entanglements, though,
the speed of such computers increases such that a quantum computer
“could go exponentially faster than classical computers.” Therefore,
computer industries would have to completely change in order to meet
the new demand for quicker machines. People would become
undeniably dependent on computers if such fast machines existed.
Currently, prospects of teleportation research are mainly limited to the
transfer of quanta. However, once this step is made scientists will begin
to work on teleporting other types of energy. Present theory states that
the only difference between two unique molecules is the spins of the
electrons on each relative nucleus. Thus, the next stage after the
teleportation of quanta would be the transfer of electron spins. If a
scientist could match the spins of two separate electrons through
entanglement, the two atoms would be exactly the same. Such
research is in fact already on the horizon since teleportation “will
happen soon with ions.” However, this advancement will lead to very
little in practical applications.

Presumably, teleporting matter would eventually follow as a form of

teleportation. The process of teleporting molecules is not as simple as
teleporting many electron spins, however, since the actually mass of
each nucleus would have to be teleported as well. Teleporting matter is
thus closely linked to classical teleportation and unfortunately has
almost no basis in current theory. However, we can optimistically think
that in time these technologies would be possible. If teleportation
Computer Science Department, GVSET
Quantum Teleportation Seminar Report, 2010

research were to continue into the future, scientists would probably be

able to move past teleporting quantum and begin teleporting matter.

The first step in teleporting matter would be the teleportation of

molecules. Although the simplest form of matter, the consequences of
molecular teleportation would be huge. The first major category that
would be affected is freight transport. In today’s economy, tremendous
amounts of chemicals must be shipped from one location to another.
For example, a chemical’s reactants may be mined in one location, sent
to a plant to be mixed, and then sent to a lab to be used. Fortunately,
each of these products is an element or molecule. Therefore, if
chemicals could be quickly teleported between two locations, large
amounts of time and money could be saved from transportation. Safety
would also be highly benefited from teleportation. Many chemical
accidents occur because of improper on site storage or accidents in
transport. For example, the famous chemical spill in Bhopal, India
occurred from bad storage facilities at the factory. Thus, teleportation
would eliminate the need to store chemicals since they could be
instantly teleported when they are needed. Additionally, by using
teleportation instead of conventional transportation traffic can be
decreased. The amount of trucks and planes would lower if items
normally transported on them were teleported instead.

These same benefits can be applied to space exploration. In order to re-

supply a space station with resources, molecules could be teleported to
the astronauts instead of sent by rocket. Thus, the supply of air or
water on board a shuttle would be unlimited since new amounts could
be instantly teleported. This supply chain could also make it feasible to
set up colonies on other planets. A big issue with colonizing Mars is a
lack of natural water on the surface. However, fresh water could easily
be teleported from Earth whenever the colony’s supplies are low. The
ability to teleport molecules would thus be a tremendous asset to
space exploration. Even later in time researchers may be able to
Computer Science Department, GVSET
Quantum Teleportation Seminar Report, 2010

teleport inanimate objects. Although the basis for such technology

evades current theory, it is conceivable that it might eventually be
feasible. If this technology were produced, however, society would
totally change. The effects on freight transport would be incredible.
There would be hardly any need to move items by conventional means
since everything would be teleported. Even more incredible is the idea
that teleportation devices could be cheap enough for the common
person. Thus, items could be teleported directly to a person’s house or
business, eliminating all need for stores or retailers. Just as online
shopping now offers the opportunity to avoid shops, teleportation
would mean instant store-free purchases. Society’s total economy
would change if teleportation allowed the transfer of inanimate

There are certainly many more improvements to society if teleportation

worked on inanimate objects. As mentioned before, space exploration
would be extremely enhanced with the ability to teleport machinery to
shuttles or space colonies. Also, teleportation could be used in areas
such as warfare. Missiles and bombs could be instantly placed in enemy
locations after a soldier set up a teleportation device behind enemy
lines, thus eliminating any ballistics. Additionally, vehicles could be
inserted into hostile locations through teleportation and then used by
present allied soldiers. Almost any activity that requires the movement
of objects would be incredibly enhanced by teleportation.

Ultimately, research would lead to teleporting animate objects. Just as

the teleportation of inanimate objects is tremendously harder than
teleporting elements, teleporting living creatures is exceedingly harder
than teleporting inanimate objects. There will certainly be many ethical
questions involved in this advancement and research may go slowly.
However, the arrival at such teleportation seems inevitable. Once
people see the uses of teleportation in society, they will not want to
stop research until teleportation advancement is exhausted.
Computer Science Department, GVSET
Quantum Teleportation Seminar Report, 2010

17.1 Communication

Teleportation has many promising possibilities in the field of

communication. If teleportation be possible it becomes the fastest
means of Communication. Tremendous amount of chemicals are now
shipped from one location to another, reactants mixed at one location,
sent to another to be used. Since each is a molecule we can teleport
chemicals, saving time and space.

Just as online shopping offers the opportunity to avoid shops.

Teleportation provides instant store free purchase. This teleportation
can be used in military purpose for data Encryption. Space exploration
can be enhanced. We can teleport machinery to space shuttles or space
colonies. Fuels for space stations can also be teleported. Colonizing in
mars is not possible today due to the lack of fresh water, if we can
teleport water directly from earth colonizing in mars is possible. It can
be used in war fare. Missiles and bombs can instantly be placed in
enemy locations.

This can be done by setting a teleporting device at the enemy lines.

Computer Science Department, GVSET
Quantum Teleportation Seminar Report, 2010

17.2 Quantum Cryptography

Cryptography depends on both the sender and receiver of the

encrypted information both knowing a key. The sender uses the key to
encrypt the information and the receiver uses the same key to decrypt

The key can be something very simple, such as both parties knowing
that each letter has been shifted up by 13 places, with letters above the
thirteenth in the alphabet rotated to the beginning. Or they can be very
complex, such as a very very long string of binary digits.

Here is an example of using binary numbers to encrypt and decrypt a

message, in this case the letter A, which we have seen is 1,000,001 in a
binary ASCII encoding. We shall use as the key the number 23, which in
binary is 0,010,111. We will use the key to encode the letter using a
rule that if the corresponding bits of the letter and key are the same,
the result is a 1, and otherwise a 0.

A 1000001
Key 0010111
Encrypted 0 1 0 1 0 0 1

The encrypted value is 41, which in ASCII is the right parenthesis: )

To decrypt the message we use the key and the same procedure:

Encrypted 0 1 0 1 0 0 1
Key 0010111
A 1000001

Any classical encryption scheme is vulnerable on two counts:

• If the "bad guys" get hold of the key they too can decrypt the
message. So-called public key encryption schemes reveals on an

Computer Science Department, GVSET
Quantum Teleportation Seminar Report, 2010

open channel a long string of binary digits which must be

converted to the key by means of a secret procedure; here
security is based on the computational complexity of "cracking"
the secret procedure.
• Because there are patterns in all messages, such as the fact that
the letter e predominates, then if multiple messages are
intercepted using the same key the bad guys can begin to
decipher them.

To be really secure, then, there must be a unique secret key for each
message. So the question becomes how can we generate a unique key
and be sure that the bad guys don't know what it is.

To send a key in Quantum Cryptography, simply send photons in one of

four polarizations: -45, 0, 45, or 90 degrees. As you know, the receiver
can measure, say, whether or not a photon is polarized at 90 degrees
and if it is not then be sure than it was polarized at 0 degrees. Similarly
the receiver can measure whether a photon was polarized at 45
degrees, and if it is not then it is surely polarized at -45 degrees.
However the receiver can not measure both the 0 degree state and 45
degree state, since the first measurement destroys the information of
the second one, regardless of which one is performed first.

The receiver measures the incoming photons, randomly choosing

whether to measure at 90 degrees or 45 degrees, and records the
results but keeps them secret. The receiver contacts the sender and
tells her on an open channel which type of measurement was done for
each, without revealing the result. The sender tells the receiver which
of the measurements were of the correct type. Both the sender and
receiver keep only the qubits that were measured correctly, and they
have now formed the key.

If the bad guys intercept the transmission of photons, measure their

polarizations, and then send them on to the receiver, they will
Computer Science Department, GVSET
Quantum Teleportation Seminar Report, 2010

inevitably introduce errors because they don't know which polarization

measurement to perform. The two legitimate users of the quantum
channel test for eavesdropping by revealing a random subset of the key
bits and checking the error rate on an open channel. Although they
cannot prevent eavesdropping, they will never be fooled by an
eavesdropper because any, however subtle and sophisticated, effort to
tap the channel will be detected. Whenever they are not happy with
the security of the channel they can try to set up the key distribution

By February 2000 a working Quantum Cryptography system using the

above scheme achieved the admittedly modest rates of 10 bits per
second over a 30 cm length.

There is another method of Quantum Cryptography which uses

entangled photons. A sequence of correlated particle pairs is
generated, with one member of each pair being detected by each party
(for example, a pair of photons whose polarisations are measured by
the parties). An eavesdropper on this communication would have to
detect a particle to read the signal, and retransmit it in order for his
presence to remain unknown. However, the act of detection of one
particle of a pair destroys its quantum correlation with the other, and
the two parties can easily verify whether this has been done, without
revealing the results of their own measurements, by communication
over an open channel.

Computer Science Department, GVSET
Quantum Teleportation Seminar Report, 2010

17.3 Quantum Computers

The basic data unit in a conventional (or classical) computer is the bit,
or binary digit .A bit stores a numerical value of either 0 or 1. An
example of how bits are stored is given by a CD Rom: “pits” and “lands”
(absence of a pit) are used to store the binary data. In quantum
computing, the byte is replaced by a single talk to you about the ‘Mona
Lisa’, by just hearing the name, you know what the picture looks like
without having been given the enormous string of 1s and 0s that the
element called a qubit. A qubit is in effect a single entity rather like a
conventional computer’s bit, but actually it is a combination of many
quantum states of atomic or sub atomic particles. In a single qubit it is
possible to carry lot of zeros and ones all together but in a single
quantum bit imagine a picture of Mona Lisa is stored in the computer
as millions of bits. However, if somebody computer needs to redraw it.
In the same way, in a quantum computer, the qubit is the equivalent of
the name ‘Mona Lisa’.

Consequently, quantum computers have the potential ability to carry

and process large amounts of information in parallel and at very high
speeds. It is for this reason that it is believed that they could be useful
in dealing with the most computationally intense tasks, such as code

The key problem facing quantum computer developers is the one of

finding a suitable quantum register, which cannot only be set-up with
the correct input data but can be manipulated with quantum

Computer Science Department, GVSET
Quantum Teleportation Seminar Report, 2010

17.4 Time Travel

The concept of time travel can be explained based on some

assumptions. We see an object when light rays from that object
reaches our eyes. The light rays from the sun take 8 minutes to reach
the earth. So we are seeing the sun in the past. We see stars shining in
the sky, it may have died years before but we still see it because light
rays takes a long time to reach the earth.

Assume that time at point c is same as that of the earth. Consider a boy
at the age of 10 is standing on earth, the light rays from the star
reaches the boy and is reflected from the boy to c. at that point of
reflection from the boy, the boy is traveling towards c with a speed
greater than the velocity of light, he reaches the point c at an
approximate age of 15 and wait there. When the reflected ray reaches
his eyes he can see his image at the age of 10. He is seeing his past.

Computer Science Department, GVSET
Quantum Teleportation Seminar Report, 2010

18. Ethics

As the recent controversy over cloning demonstrates, it is never too

early to consider the moral implications of so-called “science-fiction”
technologies. Important discoveries have a habit of sneaking up on the
world, often resulting in a mix of shock, confusion, and fear. Cloning
created just this situation, since few had ever taken the time to
consider what moral issues the research might bring. Simply put, it is
never too early to exercise moral imagination when it comes to
research. Quantum teleportation may be in its infancy, but there is
much potential for technologies that could one day pose complex moral
and ethical issues.

For most of the public, the idea of teleportation involves physically

moving an object from one place to another, safely and
instantaneously, utilizing some unexplained advanced technology. In
reality, the process is much messier, the key difference being that in
quantum teleportation, the original copy of the teleported object must
be destroyed. For the purposes of discussion, consider a human placed
in a hypothetical teleportation device. His atoms are analyzed, their
spin, locations, and other characteristics passed on to linked particles,
and then reconstructed in a far-off place. Through these processes,
however, the original human has been destroyed. This begs the
question, however, of whether teleportation is actually a form of
murder. Unfortunately, the answer to this question is anything but
straightforward. According to quantum theory, the teleported object
should be an exact duplicate of the original, so at least physically the
two humans are the same. Yet if this duplicate is just that, a copy, the
original human has not been transported as much killed and replaced
with a clone. So is the teleported human the same as the original? It all
depends on one’s definition of identity.

Computer Science Department, GVSET
Quantum Teleportation Seminar Report, 2010

Many religions define a person’s true identity as that of his soul, the
spirit that embodies a person 30 during his lifetime. If a human is
teleported, his material body is destroyed and recreated, exactly as it
was, but it is a matter of opinion whether the soul stays with it. If this is
then considered murder, the act is compounded by the fact that some
religions value burying/preserving the body of the deceased, yet thru
quantum teleportation, the original body is now disintegrated. On a
more basic level, there is also the question of whether the
consciousness of the person teleported would also be reproduced at
the new location. It is still a matter of debate what defines the
consciousness, so there is worry that teleporting a human would create
a physically perfect, yet wholly brain-dead individual at the target
location. Less discussed, but equally important, is what the implications
of a successful teleportation would be for society at large. Namely,
successfully transporting a human, body and mind intact, would imply
that a person could be defined by their physical qualities alone. In other
words, their entire personality, beliefs, memories, indeed life, would be
merely the sum of the spins and positions of the subatomic particles
composing their bodies.

Amid all the concerns, it is tempting to dismiss teleportation of living

things as too morally ambiguous to be practical, but there is another
side to the issue. Physicist Roger Penrose points out that humans are
constantly destroyed and recreated through the natural cell cycles in
their bodies. One’s identity, if it does indeed exist, must therefore not
reside within the cells or tissues of the body, because after all, “We are
each a materially different person from the person we were yesterday”.
From this standpoint, quantum teleportation’s destruction-recreation
process seems almost natural.

Computer Science Department, GVSET
Quantum Teleportation Seminar Report, 2010

Penrose goes on:

"And if teleportation is not traveling, then what is the difference in

principle between it and just walking from one room into another? In
the latter case, are not one's atoms of one moment simply providing the
information for the locations of the atoms of the next moment? ...There
is no significance in preserving the identity of any particular atom. The
question of the identity of any particular atom is not even meaningful.
Does not any moving pattern of atoms simply constitute a kind of wave
of information propagating from one place to another? Where is the
essential difference between propagation of waves which describes our
traveler ambling in a commonplace way from one room to the other
and that which takes place in the teleportation device?"

Penrose makes the important point that distinguishing between the

identity of a person as a whole and as a collection of parts (atoms,
molecules, etc.) is impossible. Humans, just like the rest of the physical
world, are composed of discrete subatomic units, units that are neither
constant nor unique outside of their explicit combinations to form
matter. Thus, when matter is disassembled and recreated at a remote
location through quantum teleportation, it is essentially experiencing
the process of destruction and recreation that it endures everyday.

Beyond the issues surrounding the mechanics of teleportation are

those stemming from the impact the technology could have on the
economy. Millions of jobs would likely disappear, as the need for long-
distance freight would be provided by a handful of teleportation

Computer Science Department, GVSET
Quantum Teleportation Seminar Report, 2010

centers, rather than the extensive shipping network in place today.

Careful consideration would have to be given to how to phase in the
technology without sending the nation into a repression with massive
unemployment. Even further into the future, if teleportation becomes
common enough, the entire consumer-industry infrastructure may
have to be overhauled. Goods and services could be delivered
instantaneously to consumers, making today’s massive, difficult to
navigate stores obsolete. Once again, the effect on the economy could
be astounding, as millions of storeworkers find themselves without a
job. In effect, widespread use of teleportation technologies could
completely change how the world shares resources. The only question
is how to manage this change without completely destabilizing the job

Computer Science Department, GVSET
Quantum Teleportation Seminar Report, 2010

19. Conclusions

Given the incredible advancements that have been made in the

entanglement and teleportation of macroscopic objects the size of 10 28
atoms, we are still very far away from being able to entangle and
teleport human beings (and even simpler biological entities such as
cells, etc.) and bulk inanimate objects (tools, technical equipment,
pencils and pens, weapons platforms, communications devices,
personal hygiene supplies, etc.). There still remain four essential

• One needs an entangled pair of such bulk objects.

• The bulk objects to be entangled and teleported must be in a pure
quantum state (as in a Bose-Einstein condensate, for example).
And pure quantum states are very fragile.
• The bulk objects to be entangled and teleported must be
extremely isolated from the environment to prevent the onset of
• The Bell-state measurement of animate or inanimate objects
during entanglement/teleportation will require extracting an
amount of information (in bits) that equals or exceeds the number
of atoms contained within the object. This infers that the
computer storage and processing requirements to entangle and
teleport a complete bulk object will be astronomically huge.

It is difficult to imagine how we can achieve an extreme level of

environmental isolation for an object, let alone a living being that
breathes air and radiates heat. Experiments with atoms and larger
objects must be done in a high vacuum to avoid collisions with
molecules. Thermal radiation from the walls of a teleportation
apparatus would easily disturb a tiny amount of matter. At present,
decoherence imposes a fundamental limit on quantum entanglement

Computer Science Department, GVSET
Quantum Teleportation Seminar Report, 2010

and teleportation. Decoherence is the primary reason why we do not

routinely see any quantum effects in our everyday world. Research is
continuing on whether decoherence can be reduced, circumvented, or
otherwise be eliminated. And some minor progress has been made in
that direction.

In quantum-Teleportation it is the quantum states of the objects that

are destroyed and recreated, and not the objects themselves.
Therefore, q-Teleportation cannot teleport animate or inanimate
matter (or energy) in its physical entirety. However, some experts argue
that because an object’s quantum state is its defining characteristic,
teleporting its quantum state is completely equivalent to teleporting
the object, even though the original object’s quantum state (and
defining characteristic) was completely destroyed in the process.

This goes to the heart of what is meant by identity. When an object has
all the right properties and features, it will be the same object that one
observes whether it was observed now or 24 hours ago.

Quantum physics reinforces the point that objects of the same type in
the same quantum state are indistinguishable from each other. One
should, according to this quantum principle, be able to swap all the
atoms in a particular object with the same atoms from a mound of raw
materials, and reproduce the original object’s quantum states exactly
with the end result that the new object is identical to the original.

Last, we do not know how to put a human being into a pure quantum
state or what doing so would mean for biological functioning (including
brain function), but we do know how to put 1012 gas atoms / ionsand
a beam of photons into a pure state in practice. Further research will be
required to ascertain whether microbiological and higher-level
biological systems, in addition to bulk inanimate matter, can be put into
pure quantum states and entangled/teleported.
Computer Science Department, GVSET
Quantum Teleportation Seminar Report, 2010

To perform a Bell-state measurement on (bulk) animate or inanimate

objects, during the entanglement / teleportation process, to extract
and encode its information will require extracting an amount of
information (in bits) that equals or exceeds the number of atoms
contained within the object.

An object containing a few grams of matter will require the extraction

of > 1028 bits of data. A simple virus of ≈ 10 7 atoms would require the
extraction of ≥ 10 8 bits of information during the Approved for public
release; distribution unlimited entanglement/teleportation process,
whereas the extraction of a minimum of 1028 kilobytes will be required
to encode and store an entire human being. This is beyond the
capability of present digital electronic computer technology to store
and process. It is difficult to see how far computer technology will
advance towards meeting this requirement. It is difficult to fathom
what will be in store for the teleportation n of human beings given
some possible future technology. What about the effects of the q-
Teleportation process on the human consciousness, memories and
dreams, and the spirit or soul? We know from quantum physics that
“the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.”

So what happens to the fundamental characteristics of a human being

when he/she steps into the teleporter-transmitter, where their
quantum states (i.e., their complete identity) are destroyed during the
quantum entanglement/teleportation process, and then their copy is
created at the teleporter-receiver an instant later? What will things be
like during the entanglement process? Will a teleported individual’s
consciousness, memories and dreams, and spirit/soul be successfully
and accurately teleported or not?

This is a major ethical and technical question that will have to be

addressed by future research.
Computer Science Department, GVSET
Quantum Teleportation Seminar Report, 2010

20. References



df bouvmeester1997








[9]Research papers from --

[10] “Teleportation-Physics-Study” by Eric W. Davis

[11] “QC-furusawa-kimble-teleportation” by Debble L. Pick

[12] Vaidman Teleportation Study 2001

Computer Science Department, GVSET
Quantum Teleportation Seminar Report, 2010

[13] “Quantum Mechanics: The Uncertainty Principle.”

[14] Braunstein, S. L. “A fun talk on teleportation.”


[15] “The ‘Philadelphia Experiment’.”

[16] “How to Sound Like an Expert.”


[17] Virgil. The Aeneid. Trans. John Dryden.

[18] “The EPR Experiments.”

[19] “Quantum Teleportation.”

Computer Science Department, GVSET
Quantum Teleportation Seminar Report, 2010

[20] Deutsch, David and Artur Ekert. “Quantum communication

moves into the unknown.”



[22] Research on “Avoca Teleportation” at Los Alamos

Laboratories by Dr. Daniel F.V. James

[23] Penrose, Roger. Interview quoted in speech.

[24] Bennett, C. and G. Brassard and C. Crêpeau and R. Jozsa and

A. Peres and W. Wootters. “Teleporting an Unknown Quantum

State via Dual Classical and Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Channels.”

Physical Review Letters. Vol. 70. 29 March, 1993

[25] “quantum teleportation - Motivation, The result,

Entanglement swapping, N-state particles, General teleportation

scheme” Cambridge Encyclopedia Vol. 61
Computer Science Department, GVSET
Quantum Teleportation Seminar Report, 2010

[26] Scientific American. Vol 282

[27] Research pages on Entanglement and Quantum

Teleportation on web site


[29] Tony Sudbury, "Instant Teleportation", Nature vol.362, pp

586-587 (1993) (a semi popular account).

[30] Ivars Peterson, Science News, April 10, 1993, p. 229.

(another semi popular account).

Computer Science Department, GVSET

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