Noah Ark Found

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The Holy Bible, New International Version. Pradis CD-ROM:Ge 6:1.

The Flood
Ge 6:1

When men began to increase in number on the earth q and daughters were
born to them,
Ge 6:2
the sons of God r saw that the daughters of men s were beautiful, t and they
married u any of them they chose.
Ge 6:3
Then the LORD said, My Spirit v will not contend with 32 man forever, w for he
is mortal 33 ; x his days will be a hundred and twenty years.
Ge 6:4
The Nephilim y were on the earth in those daysand also afterwardwhen
the sons of God went to the daughters of men z and had children by them. They
were the heroes of old, men of renown. a
Ge 6:5
The LORD saw how great mans wickedness on the earth had become, b
and that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil all the time. c
Ge 6:6
The LORD was grieved d that he had made man on the earth, and his heart
was filled with pain.
Ge 6:7
So the LORD said, I will wipe mankind, whom I have created, from the face
of the earth e men and animals, and creatures that move along the ground, and
birds of the airfor I am grieved that I have made them. f
Ge 6:8
But Noah g found favor in the eyes of the LORD. h
Ge 6:9

This is the account i of Noah.

Noah was a righteous man, blameless j among the people of his time, k and he
walked with God. l
Ge 6:10
Noah had three sons: Shem, m Ham and Japheth. n
Ge 6:11
Now the earth was corrupt o in Gods sight and was full of violence. p
Ge 6:12
God saw how corrupt q the earth had become, for all the people on earth
had corrupted their ways. r
Ge 6:13
So God said to Noah, I am going to put an end to all people, for the earth is
filled with violence because of them. I am surely going to destroy s both them and
the earth. t
Ge 6:14
So make yourself an ark of cypress 34 wood; u make rooms in it and coat it
with pitch v inside and out.
Ge 6:15
This is how you are to build it: The ark is to be 450 feet long, 75 feet wide
and 45 feet high. 35
Ge 6:16
Make a roof for it and finish 36 the ark to within 18 inches 37 of the top. Put a
door in the side of the ark and make lower, middle and upper decks.
Ge 6:17
I am going to bring floodwaters w on the earth to destroy all life under the
heavens, every creature that has the breath of life in it. Everything on earth will
perish. x
Ge 6:18
But I will establish my covenant with you, y and you will enter the ark z you
and your sons and your wife and your sons wives with you.
Ge 6:19
You are to bring into the ark two of all living creatures, male and female, to
keep them alive with you. a

Ge 6:20

Two b of every kind of bird, of every kind of animal and of every kind c of
creature that moves along the ground will come to you to be kept alive. d
Ge 6:21
You are to take every kind of food that is to be eaten and store it away as
food for you and for them.
Ge 6:22
Noah did everything just as God commanded him. e
Ge 7:1
The LORD then said to Noah, Go into the ark, you and your whole family, f
because I have found you righteous g in this generation.
Ge 7:2
Take with you seven 38 of every kind of clean h animal, a male and its mate,
and two of every kind of unclean animal, a male and its mate,
Ge 7:3
and also seven of every kind of bird, male and female, to keep their various
kinds alive i throughout the earth.
Ge 7:4
Seven days from now I will send rain j on the earth k for forty days l and forty
nights, m and I will wipe from the face of the earth every living creature I have
made. n
Ge 7:5
And Noah did all that the LORD commanded him. o
Ge 7:6
Noah was six hundred years old p when the floodwaters came on the earth.
Ge 7:7
And Noah and his sons and his wife and his sons wives entered the ark q to
escape the waters of the flood.
Ge 7:8
Pairs of clean and unclean r animals, of birds and of all creatures that move
along the ground,
Ge 7:9
male and female, came to Noah and entered the ark, as God had
commanded Noah. s
Ge 7:10
And after the seven days t the floodwaters came on the earth.
Ge 7:11
In the six hundredth year of Noahs life, u on the seventeenth day of the
second month v on that day all the springs of the great deep w burst forth, and
the floodgates of the heavens x were opened.
Ge 7:12
And rain fell on the earth forty days and forty nights. y
Ge 7:13
On that very day Noah and his sons, z Shem, Ham and Japheth, together
with his wife and the wives of his three sons, entered the ark. a
Ge 7:14
They had with them every wild animal according to its kind, all livestock
according to their kinds, every creature that moves along the ground according to
its kind and every bird according to its kind, b everything with wings.
Ge 7:15
Pairs of all creatures that have the breath of life in them came to Noah and
entered the ark. c
Ge 7:16
The animals going in were male and female of every living thing, as God
had commanded Noah. d Then the LORD shut him in.
Ge 7:17
For forty days e the flood kept coming on the earth, and as the waters
increased they lifted the ark high above the earth.
Ge 7:18
The waters rose and increased greatly on the earth, and the ark floated on
the surface of the water.
Ge 7:19
They rose greatly on the earth, and all the high mountains under the entire
heavens were covered. f
Ge 7:20
The waters rose and covered the mountains to a depth of more than twenty
39 40 g
Ge 7:21
Every living thing that moved on the earth perishedbirds, livestock, wild
animals, all the creatures that swarm over the earth, and all mankind. h

Ge 7:22

Everything on dry land that had the breath of life i in its nostrils died.
Ge 7:23
Every living thing on the face of the earth was wiped out; men and animals
and the creatures that move along the ground and the birds of the air were wiped
from the earth. j Only Noah was left, and those with him in the ark. k
Ge 7:24
The waters flooded the earth for a hundred and fifty days. l
Ge 8:1
But God remembered m Noah and all the wild animals and the livestock that
were with him in the ark, and he sent a wind over the earth, n and the waters
Ge 8:2
Now the springs of the deep and the floodgates of the heavens o had been
closed, and the rain p had stopped falling from the sky.
Ge 8:3
The water receded steadily from the earth. At the end of the hundred and
fifty days q the water had gone down,
Ge 8:4
and on the seventeenth day of the seventh month r the ark came to rest on
the mountains s of Ararat. t
Ge 8:5
The waters continued to recede until the tenth month, and on the first day of
the tenth month the tops of the mountains became visible.
Ge 8:6
After forty days u Noah opened the window he had made in the ark
Ge 8:7
and sent out a raven, v and it kept flying back and forth until the water had
dried up from the earth. w
Ge 8:8
Then he sent out a dove x to see if the water had receded from the surface
of the ground.
Ge 8:9
But the dove could find no place to set its feet because there was water over
all the surface of the earth; so it returned to Noah in the ark. He reached out his
hand and took the dove and brought it back to himself in the ark.
Ge 8:10
He waited seven more days and again sent out the dove from the ark.
Ge 8:11
When the dove returned to him in the evening, there in its beak was a
freshly plucked olive leaf! Then Noah knew that the water had receded from the
earth. y
Ge 8:12
He waited seven more days and sent the dove out again, but this time it did
not return to him.
Ge 8:13
By the first day of the first month of Noahs six hundred and first year, z the
water had dried up from the earth. Noah then removed the covering from the ark
and saw that the surface of the ground was dry.
Ge 8:14
By the twenty-seventh day of the second month a the earth was completely
Ge 8:15
Then God said to Noah,
Ge 8:16
Come out of the ark, you and your wife and your sons and their wives. b
Ge 8:17
Bring out every kind of living creature that is with youthe birds, the
animals, and all the creatures that move along the groundso they can multiply
on the earth and be fruitful and increase in number upon it. c
Ge 8:18
So Noah came out, together with his sons and his wife and his sons wives.
Ge 8:19

All the animals and all the creatures that move along the ground and all the
birdseverything that moves on the earthcame out of the ark, one kind after

Ge 8:20

Then Noah built an altar to the LORD e and, taking some of all the clean
animals and clean f birds, he sacrificed burnt offerings g on it.
Ge 8:21
The LORD smelled the pleasing aroma h and said in his heart: Never again
will I curse the ground i because of man, even though 41 every inclination of his
heart is evil from childhood. j And never again will I destroy k all living creatures, l
as I have done.
Ge 8:22
As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, m cold and heat,
summer and winter, n day and night will never cease. o
The Holy Bible, New International Version. Pradis CD-ROM:Ge 9:1.

Gods Covenant With Noah

Ge 9:1

Then God blessed Noah and his sons, saying to them, Be fruitful and
increase in number and fill the earth. p
Ge 9:2
The fear and dread of you will fall upon all the beasts of the earth and all the
birds of the air, upon every creature that moves along the ground, and upon all
the fish of the sea; they are given into your hands. q
Ge 9:3
Everything that lives and moves will be food for you. r Just as I gave you the
green plants, I now give you everything. s
Ge 9:4
But you must not eat meat that has its lifeblood still in it. t
Ge 9:5
And for your lifeblood I will surely demand an accounting. u I will demand an
accounting from every animal. v And from each man, too, I will demand an
accounting for the life of his fellow man. w
Ge 9:6
Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed; x for in
the image of God y has God made man.
Ge 9:7

As for you, be fruitful and increase in number; multiply on the earth and
increase upon it. z
Ge 9:8
Then God said to Noah and to his sons with him:
Ge 9:9
I now establish my covenant with you a and with your descendants after you
Ge 9:10
and with every living creature that was with youthe birds, the livestock
and all the wild animals, all those that came out of the ark with you
every living creature on earth.
Ge 9:11
I establish my covenant b with you: c Never again will all life be cut off by the
waters of a flood; never again will there be a flood to destroy the
earth. d
Ge 9:12
And God said, This is the sign of the covenant e I am making between me
and you and every living creature with you, a covenant for all
generations to come: f
Ge 9:13
I have set my rainbow g in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant
between me and the earth.
Ge 9:14
Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow h appears in the

Ge 9:15

I will remember my covenant i between me and you and all living creatures
of every kind. Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy
all life. j
Ge 9:16
Whenever the rainbow k appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember
the everlasting covenant l between God and all living creatures of
every kind on the earth.
Ge 9:17
So God said to Noah, This is the sign of the covenant m I have established
between me and all life on the earth.

Noahs Ark?
For Real
By Brannon S. Howse
Brannon S. Howse
June 16th, 2006
How many times have you yawned at the claim Noahs Ark Has Been
Discovered? Right, you say, and Elvis has been sighted again, too. People who hoped to
find the famous vessel and the legendary voice have been pretty much in the same boat
(so to speak)No proof. Until today.
Led by explorer, adventurer, and featured Worldview Weekend speaker Dr. Bob
Cornuke, a fourteen man crew returned this week from Iran bearing stunning evidence
that theirs is the long-anticipated even coveted discovery of the remains of Noahs Ark.
Bobs team consisted of a Whos Who of business, law, and ministry leaders including
Barry Rand (former CEO of Avis), the author and Christian apologist Josh McDowell,
Frank Turek (co-author with Norm Geisler of I Dont Have Enough Faith to be an
Atheist), Boone Powell (former CEO of Baylor Medical Systems), and Arch Bonnema
(president of Joshua Financial).
The unusual object is perched on a slope 13,120 feet above sea level. After
studying the discovery site, Bonnema observed, These beams not only look like petrified
wood, they are so impressive that they look like real woodthis is an amazing discovery
that may be the oldest shipwreck in recorded history.
Reg Lyle, oil and gas geologist said the object appears to be a basalt dike, however, it is
absolutely uncanny that the object looks like hand hewn timbers, even the grain and color
look just like petrified wood.I really need to keep an open mind about this.
The team returned to the U.S. from rugged mountains in Iran with astonishing
video footage of a monstrous black formation which looks like rock but bears the
amazing image of hundreds of massive, wooden, hand-hewn beams. Could it be the lost
ark on which two of every animal once sailed with their human rescuer?
Bob Cornuke, president of the BASE Institute, is a veteran of nearly 30 expeditions
looking for yet-to-be-discovered locations and artifacts described by the Bible. He is
cautiouslybut enthusiasticallyoptimistic about the find: We have no way of
confirming for sure that this object is Noahs Ark, but it is probably the most interesting
and baffling object ever found by ark sure gets my heart to pumping just
thinking of what it could be.
The arkish object is about 400 feet long and consists of rocks that look
remarkably like blackened wood beams while other rock in the area is distinctively

brown. And one visible piece is cut at 90-degree angle. Even more intriguing, some of
the wood-like rocks were tested just this week and actually proved to be petrified wood,
and it is noteworthy that Scripture recounts Noah sealed his ark with pitcha decidedly
black substance. Upon being cut open, one of these rocks also divulged a marine fossil
that could have only originated undersea.
Scouring the mountains all around the object, team participant Steve Crampton
found thousands of fossilized sea shells blanketing the landscape. Cornuke brought back
a one inch thick rock slab choked with fossilized clams.
High above the ark suspect, the team also found wood splinters and broken
pottery shards under snow and rock at the 15,300 foot level. It showed evidence that
ancients had thought this an important worship site for hundredsif not thousandsof
years. The landing location would also be an unusually hospitable place to live. The team
notes that every ecosystem helpful to humans and the animals is reachable within a 25mile radius of the arks location.
Cornuke initially got involved in the search for the ark after meeting Apollo 15,
moon walking astronaut Jim Irwin. In the 1980s Cornuke participated with Irwin in
several searches on Mount Ararat in Turkey but was disappointed with the results. After
several years of frustrating expeditions, Cornuke started looking elsewhere for the ark.
Cornuke found clues in the Bible that the ark might be on a mountain other than
the famed Mount Ararat of Turkey. His observation was based on the Genesis 11 account
that says descendants of Noah came to the Mesopotamian valley from the east. According
to Cornuke, that would put the Biblical mountains of Ararat somewhere in the northern
reaches of Iran. He also cited ancient historians such as Nicholas of Damascus and
Flavius Josephus who wrote just before and after Christ that timbers of the ark had
survived in what would today be the higher mountains of Iran.
Although his research is by far the most definitive ever, Dr. Cornuke is not the
first to suggest Noahs Ark came to rest in Iran rather than Turkey. In 1943 an army
observer named Ed Davis said he saw the ark on a high mountain in Iran. Sergeant Davis
was a road construction engineer in Iran during World War II, building army highways
from the Persian Gulf to the Caspian Sea. During his tour of duty there, some Iranian
friends told Davis of the ark and led him to the site. After the war, Sgt. Davis passed a lie
detector test affirming his testimony about actually seeing timbers from an ark-like object
high in the mountains of Iran.
Before his death, Davis became acquainted with Bob Cornuke and gave him a
map showing the way to the object. It was right where Ed said it was in his map,
Cornuke relayed, After seeing it from a distance I thought it at first unimpressive, but
once we stood on the object we were all amazed at how it looked just like a huge pile of
black and brown stone beams.

Mary Irwin, wife of late Apollo 15 astronaut Jim Irwin, viewed the evidence and
stated that it was compelling and certainly could be the actual Ark of Noah.
Many Christians will be eager to see the pictures and video footage, and hear the
Biblical evidence for why Noahs Ark and the mountains of Ararat must be in Iran.
Unfortunately, I also expect that Dr. Cornuke will be venomously attacked by both
Christians and non-Christians. His discovery will greatly distress evolutionists who do
not want the story of Noah and a worldwide flood to be verified. And many Christians
that have spent years and millions of dollars searching on Mt. Ararat in Turkey will be
quick to dismiss Cornukes discovery out of jealousy (and perhaps a bit of embarrassment
that they spent so much time looking in the wrong place).
Dr. Cornuke has used the Bible as his primary guidebook to one Biblical location
and artifact after another. Has he once again overcome huge odds to make what is
arguably one of the greatest archeological discoveries of all time? Has this crime-sceneinvestigator-turned-explorer pieced together clues from years of examination and
discovered the remains of Noahs Ark?
Some of Americas leading businessmen, an attorney who has argued several
cases before the U.S. Supreme Court, and two leading apologists believed the evidence
was compelling enough that they made a daring trip to the politically volatile state of Iran
and climbed a harsh mountain to see the object firsthand. Now that theyve returned, they
seem anything but disappointed. Elvis may have long since left the building, but it looks
as if the Ark may have just appeared at the door.


If we cant trust EVOLUTION or the scientists who support the ridiculous
theories of Darwins theories, then we cant trust a lot of scientists who say: This might
have, may have, or must have been, because everything in science is subjected to
I believe it is possible that this archaeologist could be correct in placing the
mountains of Ararat somewhere else other than Turkey. All the evidence that ever came
from Ararat in Turkey was a wooden beam and anyone can take a wooden beam from
history and call it Noahs Ark, so that evidence was not really compelling or legitimate.
The satellite photos of Ararat are quite compelling.
HOWEVER, this evidence in Iran is striking, although we might conclude that
some historical person might have simply built a house made of wood on top of the
mountain and this house fell down in an avalanche. That would explain the wooden
beams quite adequately. What if Noahs ark really is up on Ararat in Turkey? How
would finding Noahs ark on Ararat explain what they have found in the Iranian
If its not a house or a tree, then yes, we could conclude it was a boat, mainly
Noahs ark. For if its not on Ararat, then these photos are showing where the ark really
These photos would not be evidence of the whole ark, but certainly part of it.
Could this petrified wood simply be a huge tree or a house that was on top of the
mountain in history? When we study the Redwood forests of Northern California, those
trees are huge! Could a huge tree from on top of the mountain fallen in a landslide and
been petrified? Possibly. But these photos are showing evidence of human design and
not natural design. These are actually beams that look like they were built by human
hands and petrified.
There are a lot of hoaxes today and of course we should question as to whether
this is another hoax or not. I really dont need these photos to believe that the whole
world was once flooded exactly as God did in Genesis 6. The scientific evidence,
geologically, proves the whole world was once under water, so I dont really need photos
of pieces of Noahs Ark to tell me the flood happened or to prove that Noahs Ark existed.
I just simply believe what the Bible tells me.
Jesus said, Blessed are those who havent seen me, but have believed in me.
The same is true of any Biblical story: Blessed are those who dont need to be a doubting
Thomas and believed without having to see! We live by faith and not by sight!

We really would need Noahs Ark or the Ark of Covenant to prove Biblical
history. The evidence is in our hearts and minds, which is where the Holy Spirit begins
when He counsels us to believe in Jesus and trust in God through His Name.
I just recently purchased an ARCHAEOLOGICAL NIV STUDY BIBLE
published by Zondervan. Its really a beautiful Bible showing many colorful illustrations
of archeological evidence that supports Biblical history. Although I was not impressed by
their presentations in the Book of Revelation as they conveniently put the interpretation
of Rome in Revelation 17, 18, & 19, the rest of the Bible has many beautiful artifacts
from Biblical history to give us a view of historical places and things of antiquity. Proof
and evidence are important no doubt. Indeed, the evidence in my heart that the Bible was
true was all there as a teenager when I accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior. I got that as a
child and I still have that child-like faith within me.
But I will never downplay the importance of a historical education, nor will I rule
out certain possibilities if it sounds plausible.
In these photos, I would have to concur that these beams of petrified wood in the
mountains of Iran very well might be part of Noahs Ark. I wouldnt exactly be able to
PROVE that its Noahs Ark as it could merely be just a huge tree that fell in an
avalanche. But if it is indeed part of Noahs Ark, then this is indeed an awesome find.
Now we must ask if Ararat was in Turkey or if it was in Iran and whether modern
interpretation for where the ark settled is reliable or not?
At a time when nuclear war with Iran is imminent, such a historical find could be a
warning to earth to repent before the coming floods of Revelation salt the earth with fire.
Iran is certainly part of Ezekiel 38 among the nations who attack Israel in the last days
and such attacks against Israel will bring global fire throughout the world.
The Holy Bible, New International Version. Pradis CD-ROM:Lk 17:26.
Lk 17:26

Just as it was in the days of Noah, x so also will it be in the days of the Son
of Man.
Lk 17:27
People were eating, drinking, marrying and being given in marriage up to
the day Noah entered the ark. Then the flood came and destroyed them all.
Lk 17:28
It was the same in the days of Lot. y People were eating and drinking,
buying and selling, planting and building.
Lk 17:29
But the day Lot left Sodom, fire and sulfur rained down from heaven and
destroyed them all.
Lk 17:30
It will be just like this on the day the Son of Man is revealed. z
The Holy Bible, New International Version. Pradis CD-ROM:2Pe 3:3.
2Pe 3:3

First of all, you must understand that in the last days m scoffers will come,
scoffing and following their own evil desires. n

2Pe 3:4

They will say, Where is this coming he promised? o Ever since our fathers
died, everything goes on as it has since the beginning of creation. p
2Pe 3:5
But they deliberately forget that long ago by Gods word q the heavens
existed and the earth was formed out of water and by water. r
2Pe 3:6
By these waters also the world of that time s was deluged and destroyed. t
2Pe 3:7
By the same word the present heavens and earth are reserved for fire, u
being kept for the day of judgment v and destruction of ungodly men.
2Pe 3:8
But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a
thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day. w
2Pe 3:9
The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, x as some understand
slowness. He is patient y with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to
come to repentance. z
2Pe 3:10
But the day of the Lord will come like a thief. a The heavens will disappear
with a roar; b the elements will be destroyed by fire, c and the earth and
everything in it will be laid bare. 8 d
2Pe 3:11
Since everything will be destroyed in this way, what kind of people ought
you to be? You ought to live holy and godly lives
2Pe 3:12
as you look forward e to the day of God and speed its coming. 9 f That day
will bring about the destruction of the heavens by fire, and the elements will melt
in the heat. g
2Pe 3:13
But in keeping with his promise we are looking forward to a new heaven
and a new earth, h the home of righteousness.

Archaeologists: We Found Noah's Ark

Exploring more than 13,000 feet high in the rugged Elburz mountain range
northwest of Tehran, a team of archaeologists from Texas believe they have
found the remains of Noah's Ark. "I can't imagine what it could be if it is not the
Ark," Arch Bonnema of the Christian-based Bible Archaeology Search and
Exploration (Base) Institute, told ABC News.
The black wood thought to be the remains of Noah's Ark sticks out in
stark contrast to the rest of the mountain. (Photo: Base Institute)
The team found the object nestled on the side of a hill, but at first they didn't
think it was the Ark. Still, they wondered--and hoped. "We found something that
has my heart skipping a beat," archaeologist and team leader Robert Cornuke
told ABC. "It wasn't impressive at first. Certainly didn't think it to be Noah's Ark.
But when we got close, we were amazed. It looked similar to wood." On the
downside, it wasn't all that distinctive since it looked very much like the deck of
a modern boat.
Here is a close-up shot of the petrified wood found high atop a rugged
mountain range in Iran. (Photo: Base Institute)
The Bible gives the only clues:
--It is located in the mountains of Ararat, which theologians say is hundreds of
miles long. Although many have thought the ark, if it were to be found at all,
would be on Mount Ararat in Turkey, the Base Institute team says the Iranian
location is consistent with the Bible's geographical evidence.
--The Ark is 300 cubits by 50 cubits, which is large enough to rival the size of a
small aircraft carrier. This discovery fits that size and scale. "It is provocative to
think that this could be the lost ark of Noah," Cornuke told ABC.
--The Ark is made of gopher wood. This is the big gotcha. No one knows what
gopher wood is!
This photo shot atop the Elburz mountain range takes a longer view than
the one above. (Photo: Base Institute)
What they found is about 400 feet long and consists of rocks that look
remarkably like blackened wood beams while other rock in the area is
distinctively brown, according to a news release issued by the Base Institute.
One visible piece is "cut" at a 90-degree angle. Even more intriguing, some of
the wood-like rocks were tested just this week and actually proved to be
petrified wood. Go to the Bible and you'll read that Noah sealed his ark with
pitch, which is a black substance. Upon being cut open, one of these "rocks"
also divulged a marine fossil that could have only originated undersea.
See how the wood blends in with the mountaintop. (Photo: Base Institute)

Why do so many want to find the ark? "There's this idea, if we can prove that
the ark existed, then we can prove that the story existed, and more importantly,
we can prove that God existed," Bruce Feiler, author of "Where God Was
Born," explained to ABC.
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tomb near Jerusalem. They've been proven real. Find out what that
Can it be proven that this really is Noah's Ark? The team took some of the
physical evidence to labs in Texas and Florida for scientific analysis. Team
leader Cornuke says he is cautiously--but enthusiastically--optimistic about the
Find out how a newly discovered village near Jerusalem could markedly
change biblical history.

Team believes it found Noah's Ark

Returns from Iranian mountain with petrified wood, marine fossils
Posted: June 30, 2006
1:00 a.m. Eastern


A 14-man crew that included evangelical apologist Josh McDowell says

it returned from a trek to a mountain in Iran with possible evidence of
the remains of Noah's Ark.
The group, led by explorer Bob Cornuke, found an unusual object
perched on a slope 13,120 feet above sea level.
Cornuke, president of the archeological Base Institute and a veteran of
nearly 30 expeditions in search of Bible artifacts and locations, said he
is cautiously, but enthusiastically, optimistic about the find.
Some of the team's photos can be seen here.
Also on the team were Barry Rand, former CEO of Avis; Boone Powell,
former CEO of Baylor Medical Systems; and Arch Bonnema, president
of Joshua Financial.

The team returned with video footage of a large black formation, about
400 feet long the length of the ark, according to the Bible that looks
like rock but bears the image of hundreds of massive, wooden, handhewn beams.
Bonnema observed: "These beams not only look like petrified wood,
they are so impressive that they look like real wood this is an
amazing discovery that may be the oldest shipwreck in recorded
The team said one piece of the blackened rock is "cut" at 90-degree
Sealed with pitch
Even more intriguing, they said, some of the wood-like rocks tested
this week proved to be petrified wood.
It's noteworthy, they pointed out, that the Bible recounts Noah sealed
his ark with pitch, a black substance.
When the retrieved pieces were cut open, a marine fossil was
discovered. In the area around the object, the team found thousands of
fossilized sea shells, and Cornuke brought back a one-inch thick rock
slab replete with fossilized clams.
With the discovery of wood splinters and broken pottery at the remote
15,300-foot level, the team says it also found evidence that ancients
considered it an important worship site for hundreds, if not thousands
of years.
Cornuke became involved in the search for the ark after meeting Apollo
15 astronaut James Irwin, participating with him in several searches on
Mount Ararat in Turkey, but with disappointing results.
Cornuke began looking elsewhere, after finding clues in the Bible such
as Genesis 11's reference to descendants of Noah coming to the
Mesopotamian valley from the east. Cornuke believes that would put
the biblical mountains of Ararat somewhere in northern Iran.
He also points to ancient historians such as Nicholas of Damascus and
Flavius Josephus who wrote, just before and after Christ, that timbers
of the ark had survived in the higher mountains of present-day Iran.
Cornuke noted that during World War II, an American Army officer and
road construction engineer in Iran named Ed Davis said he saw the ark

on a high mountain in the country after being led there by Iranian

friends. After the war, according to Cornuke, Davis passed a lie
detector test affirming he saw timbers from an ark-like object.
Before his death, Davis gave Cornuke a map showing the way to the
"It was right where Ed said it was in his map," Cornuke said. "After
seeing it from a distance, I thought it at first unimpressive, but once we
stood on the object we were all amazed at how it looked just like a
huge pile of black and brown stone beams."
Noah tours
Cornuke's is the latest of many expeditions most of them at Turkey's
Mount Ararat in search of Noah's Ark.
As WorldNetDaily reported, a new travel website is promoting summer
tours to a Turkish site near Mount Ararat believed by many to be the
fossilized remains of Noah's Ark.

Many believe this is Noah's Ark, already found on a mountain next to Mt.
Ararat (courtesy:

Noah's Ark Holidays, which bills itself as an "ethical travel referral

website" is behind the offer, with a pitch for the location in
Dogubayazit, Turkey.
The late Ron Wyatt, whose Tennessee-based foundation, Wyatt
Archaeological Research, also believed the ark is located at
Dogubayazit, some 12-15 miles from Ararat.
Meanwhile, as WorldNetDaily reported in March, others who believe the
vessel is on Ararat itself became excited with the release of a new,
high-resolution digital image of what has become known as the "Ararat

Satellite image of 'Ararat Anomaly,' taken by DigitalGlobe's QuickBird Satellite in 2003 and made public for the first
time in March 2006 (courtesy: DigitalGlobe)

The location of the anomaly on the mountain's northwest corner has

been under investigation from afar by ark hunters for years, but it has
remained unexplored, with the government of Turkey not granting any
scientific expedition permission to explore on site.
In both the Old and New Testaments, the Bible speaks of Noah and the
ark, and Jesus Christ and the apostles Paul and Peter all make
reference to Noah's flood as an actual historical event.
According to Genesis, Noah was a righteous man who was instructed
by God to construct a large vessel to hold his family and many species
of animals, as a massive deluge was coming to purify the world which
had become corrupt.

'Noah's Ark' by Pennsylvania artist Edward Hicks, 1846

Genesis 6:5 states: "And God saw that the wickedness of man was
great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his
heart was only evil continually."
Noah was told by God to take aboard seven pairs of each of the "clean"
animals that is to say, those permissible to eat and two each of the
"unclean" variety. (Gen. 7:2)
Though the Bible says it rained for 40 days and 40 nights, it also
mentions "the waters prevailed upon the earth a hundred and fifty
The ark then "rested" upon the mountains of Ararat, but it was still
months before Noah and his family his wife, his three sons and the
sons' wives were able to leave the ark and begin replenishing the


If we are to conclude the Iranian mountain as not being Noahs ark, but simply an ancient
wooden house fallen in an avalanche, then perhaps Noahs ark really is on top of Ararat?

Photo by Chuck Aaron and Bob Garbe 1989

Photo by Ahmet Ali Arslan 1989 via Robin Simmons

Ray Anderson is interested in a door-shaped object on the eastern summit peak,

and another object he found in a slide from Dr. Hewitt approximately 1000 feet
below in the Abich II Glacier. He believes these may be two sections of Noah's
Ark, and is in agreement with the Ed Davis account. [Note: This location is much
higher than Ed Davis originally stated] The middle object at approximately 15,500

feet (and other objects in the Abich II) are also of interest to ark researcher Dr.
Don Shockey. In 1990, I was with Dr. Shockey when we were allowed numerous
helicopter flights to survey the entire mountain. The Abich II Glacier and the
object in the above Ahmet Ali Arslan photo were our top priority.
Elfred Lee and others have an interest in the "saddle" area between the two
summit peaks. According to Lee, this is the area that George Hagopian claimed
to have visited the Ark on 2 separate occasions in the early 1900's. In 1988, the
Willis expedition eliminated the eastern summit region and the center (80 feet in
both north and south directions) of the "saddle" area using subsurface radar. This
means "if" the ark originally landed in the "saddle," that it must have moved down
into the Abich II. A landing in this area would have considerably obstructed
Noah's view. If the ark did not land in the "saddle," then the large western plateau
would be the most likely area.
If Noah's Ark landed on Mount Ararat, a summit or near-summit landing would
seem likely given the Biblical account mentioning that it took over 70 days for
Noah to see other mountain peaks. This could also imply a restricted view. [See
John Comber's web site on the subject of receding water] For there to be portions of
Noah's Ark still intact in the Abich II Glacier, one would have to assume that the
ark was already petrified like rock, prior to the slow journey down the Abich II
Glacier, otherwise the glacial forces would have ground the ark to bits. If this
assumption were true, it could explain the major ice disruption we see in the
Abich II Glacier.

The Bible
There is only one verse in the Bible which gives us a hint of where we the ark came to
rest, "the ark rested...upon the mountains of Ararat." Genesis 8:4. Where is Ararat? The
name Ararat is a large area or ancient country covering eastern Turkey, western Iran and
western Russia, as shown in yellow below.

"The name Ararat, as it appears in the Bible, is the Hebrew equivalent of ...Urartu,
ancient country of southwest Asia...mentioned in Assyrian sources from the early 13th
century BC" Encyclopaedia Britanica 15th ed. Some have mistakenly assumed the
Bible meant the ark came to rest on Mount Ararat (Agri Dagh), but that is not the case.
Mount Ararat is 17,000 feet tall, and is a post-Flood volcanic mountain that gained its
height after the Flood, therefore there is no reason to assume it is a more likely candidate
for the resting place of the ark, instead it is a less likely candidate. The ark came to rest
in the mountains of the ancient country of Urartu, not on Mt. Ararat.

The Ancient Historical Record

Flavius Josephus, c. 90 AD, the famous Jewish historian stated, "Its remains are shown
there by the inhabitants to this day." He quotes Berosus the Chaldean, c. 290 BC, who
indicated tourists would take home pieces of the ark for making good-luck charms, "It is
said there is still some part of this ship in Armenia, at the mountain of the Cordyaeans;
and that some people carry off pieces of the bitumen, which they take away, and use
chiefly as amulets for the averting of mischiefs." These comments tend to indicate its
location would not be in an inaccessible area. At some point, the ark was covered by a
mud and lava flow which caused future generations to lose its location.

Life Magazine 1960

The 1960 expedition to the ark found a formation whose top sides were even with
ground level as seen in the photos above. The site researched by Ron Wyatt is 18.2 miles
south of Mount Ararat at the elevation of 6,524 ft., in the "mountains of Ararat." A
Turkish captain, Llhan Durupinar, was reviewing NATO Geodetic Survey photographs of
the area in 1959, and noticed a boat shaped formation. Others in the U.S. then analyzed
the photograph including Dr. Arthur J. Brandenburger, world famous expert in
photogrammetry, who said "I have no doubt at all that this object is a ship. In my entire
career I have never seen an object like this on a stereo photo. Even the approximate
length of the object fits" The Ark File, p118. An expedition sponsored by a party from
the U.S. included among others, Rene Noorbergen, later author of The Ark File; and
George Vandeman, evangelist, and Dr. Brandenburger. They made a visual inspection of
the site and conducted no scientific studies, only some digging and dynamiting of the ark
and and mistakenly concluded this site was just an "odd geological formation." The
expedition was expecting to find on the surface of the ark "petrified beams" The Ark File,
p126, by digging in a few places. An article then appeared in the September 5th, 1960,
Life magazine, shown above, revealing a very impressive aerial photo of an extremely
large boat-shaped object, plus two photos taken by the expedition. Seventeen years later
in 1977, Mr. Wyatt made his first of 24 trips to the ark, and he was impressed that this
really was the remains of Noah's Ark! In the research he performed over the next 15
years, Mr. Wyatt successfully performed metal detection tests and subsurface radar scans
of the site, and he proved this site really IS the mud-and-lava covered remains of Noah's

Pre-earthquake photo
The photo above shows the ark deeply embedded in the surrounding terrain. In 1978,
when Mr. Wyatt was returning to Nashville, he prayed that God would send an
earthquake to "excavate" the site. When arriving in Nashville the headlines read,
"Earthquake in Eastern Turkey." The earth dropped from around the sides of the ark,
defining the formation more clearly and making it more accessible for research.

Metal Used in the Ark!

The ark contains a large amount of metal fittings used to secure the large timbers
together. These two photos below are from our October 2000, trip to the site. Notice
how there was once two large rivet fasteners, but now only one is left. A large metal
plate was positioned behind the rivets. I received a positive metal reading when passing
the metal detector over the rivets. We should not be surprised to find metal alloys used in
the ark, because Genesis 4:22 states, "Tubal-Cain, an instructor of every craftsman in
bronze and iron."

(Left) Ron Wyatt found a

beautiful specimen of one of the
metal rivets used on the ark. It
was tested and found to contain
high-tech metal alloys, such as
titanium, magnesium, and
aluminum, etc. Critics have said
Ron did not find this fine
specimen on the ark but just
manufactured it. Well, as you
will see below, we found the
same objects and had them
tested. They too proved to have

the same metals, in the same percentages! (Below) Two rough rivets in lower portion of

Our Own Metal Samples Tested

Lab Report Shows Fossilized Rivet Contains ManMade Metals!

Below is what appears to be part of a large washer that would have been slipped over a
shaft and then secured on the shaft by flaring out the end of the shaft. We have drawn
circles on the photo to demonstrate the circular effect in the specimen. The surrounding
material on the side of the ark around this object had a greenish color. Assuming a
circular shape, this sample would be the same size as the rivet found by Mr. Wyatt. (The
photo at right is of the rivet as we found it on the ark)

Galbraith Laboratories of Knoxville Tennessee has tested the specimen for three metals I
requested. I asked them to test for aluminum, iron, and titanium. It costs $60 to test for
each metal requested. The results show 8.35 % iron, 8.35% aluminum, and 1.59%
titanium. These results are similar to those produced in the analysis of the rivet found by
Mr. Wyatt. Since the specimen is fossilized, it is assumed a large portion of it is now
silica replacement, reducing the percentage of metal that was originally in it when it was
made. These rivets are found in several locations on the outside of the Ark, and are
probably buried inside the Ark by the hundreds or thousands. In comparison to others,
this specimen is in poor condition.

Second specimen is also man-made with aluminum


The second item I had tested by the lab reveals that is is also man-made. It was found on
the side of the ark. It gave me a positive metal reading with my metal detector when I
was at the site. Later in Istanbul, I tested it with a magnet which produced an attraction
to it. It appears to have been flared out (left photo) by pounding the center. The left photo
is facing us the way it appeared on the starboard side of the Ark. Notice the side view
(right view) which shows the tapering effect. Test results from Galbraith Labs,
completed in June 2001, reveal it has man-made aluminum metal in it! It contains 8.08
percent aluminum, 8.24 percent iron, 1.34 percent titanium, and 3.82 percent
magnesium. Click on thumbnail to read lab report.

This may be the end of a metal rod. Turkish officials reported removing four foot long
metal rods from the site.

Metal Bracket
In May, 1985, Dr. John Baumgardner of Los Alomas Labs, was inspecting the ark with a
metal detector when he became startled and said, "Undecomposed Iron!" A rectangular
beam was protruding from the side of the ark, with iron flakes. He found a beautiful right
angled wrought iron bracket which had been stretched and hammered, showing
preferential gradiance. John tested it at Los Alomas Labs and it was found to be 91.84%
iron FE203.


Below is a suspected piece of metal ballast that may have been thrown into the bottom of
the ark when the craftsmen were through forming metal brackets and had metal waste left
over. Notice the concave features on almost every side, where other pieces of ballast
were pressed against it when it was still hot. I found this near the ark. (Two photos of
same item.)

Metal Wedge?
This appears to be some manganese ballast which was poured into the hull in a liquid
then hardened and took the curvature of the hull (right photo). It has a coating on the
convex side, while the flat side appears to be metal. Found a few feet away from the ark.

Ballast Found by Wyatt

This is an example of the metal ballast that has been found
in the hull of the ark. It is made up of manganese
primarily, which is a by-product of forming magnesium
that was used in the metal rivets. Found by Ron Wyatt.

Square Object with "X" Impression

The western side of the ark had this square object that had the appearance of metal on its
top and three sides.. It also contained an impression in it, much like it had been struck
while it was hot. It was at a higher level where I could not measure it. It may have been
8 inches in diameter.'s_ark.htm

Vertical Rib Timbers on the Sides

The western, starboard side of the ark boasts the most defined rib timbers, four of which
are clearly visible above.

The port or eastern side of the ark, near the front, was scraped off by Ron in an effort to
view the timbers without loose, crumbling material in the way. This process revealed the
lighter color rib timbers in a systematic, vertical pattern. You can see a darker, curved
pattern across the top, which represents the remnants of a large keelson. (photo courtesy

Deck Posts

The western, starboard, inside of the ark, boasts these horizontal deck support posts
extending above the matrix material in the left and right portions of this photo.

Convex Symmetrical Deck

(Above) The right portion of this photo shows the convex deck, looking toward the rear
of the ark, while the left portion shows the western inside of the ark. This photo was
taken in the same area as the previous photo. The "Valley of Eight" is in the distance.
We are looking toward Mt. Ararat.

The Petrified Wood

This example of the petrified wood shows distinct right angles and the
wood grain of the wood. Specimen found by Ron Wyatt.

This is a photo of a large deck plank unearthed before Turkish officials by

Ron Wyatt and features three distinct layers of wood with glue protruding
from the end. It was tested and proved to be petrified wood. It is 18
inches in length and has a few visible nails. It is speculated that this
layering of wood is considered "gophering" as described in the biblical account. This
deck timber was analyzed at Galbraith Labs in Knoxville, Tennessee, and was found to

have a total carbon content of 0.7100%. From this figure you would deduct the inorganic
carbon of 0.0081%, leaving 0.7019% organic carbon, indicating this was once living

A possible section of petrified wood with a dark layer on top. 3.5 inches long.
Notice straight edge along bottom. It was found near the ark.

Original Location

Graphics courtesy Mark Johnson

The ark originally came to rest higher on the mountain after the Flood. At some point in
the first two thousand years of resting in the mountains of Ararat, a volcano erupted
above the ark and moved the ark further down the mountain and then impaled it on a rock
outcropping where it rests today.
The ark rests on Cesnakidag Mountain, which is interpreted as "Doomsday" Mountain.
The Flood would be considered a real "doomsday" since it destroyed the world. The

mountain is made of sedimentary cretaceous water laid rock, which means it was formed
by the Flood waters and is not a post Flood formation.

Artifacts found inside the Ark

Core Drill by Ron Wyatt

A look inside Noah's Ark!

This is a look through the six inch diameter core drill Ron Wyatt performed years ago. It
leads to a chamber which contained petrified animal dung coprolite (below), cat hair, the
base of an antler (below), human hair, and man-made fiber that is similar to fiber optic.
Ron closed it up to prevent contamination inside.

Various Pictures

Crumbling Apart
This photo was taken of the side of the ark. You will find petrified wood and mud matrix

(Left) Perhaps a petrified piece of fruit, or some other object, 3 1/2" diameter, found in
the bow of the deck. (Right) Black seeds? at top of fruit.

GPS Readings for the Ark

While on our October 2000, tour to Noah's Ark, Michael Bonilla
recorded GPS and elevation readings for the ark.

In November 2000, a separate group takes GPS readings to calculate the

length of the ark

Visit Kazan and the Anchor Stones

See More pictures of our trip to the ark:

Go to the Tour Page for More Photos

Watch short video on Noah's Ark 56k
Watch pt. 1 of 2 hour video on Noah's Ark 56k
Watch pt. 2 of 2 hour video on Noah's Ark 56k

What's Next?
An excavation permit to dig into the ark has never been issued by the Turkish
government, preventing thorough documentation of the site. Future plans to excavate the
ark mandate a building must first be constructed over the entire 515 ft. long structure,
with the entire project estimated to cost $3-4 million. The money has yet to be raised.
Partial documentation of this site has periodically appeared on The 700 Club, 20/20, The
Discovery Channel, The Learning Channel, CNN, Encounters, and various local
Christian TV stations, but Ron Wyatt never had his own documentary shown on national

DigitalGlobe's QuickBird commercial remote sensing satellite imaged the Mt. Ararat "anomaly" in
2003. This image has never seen by the public until now. The anomaly is surrounded below by
very rugged-looking strato-volcanic rock; however, the texture of the feature in question is
relatively smooth and appears to be made of a different substance. Credit: DigitalGlobe.
EXCLUSIVE: Satellite Sleuth Closes in
on Noah's Ark Mystery
By Leonard David
Senior Space Writer
posted: 09 March 2006
06:34 am ET

High on Mt. Ararat in eastern Turkey, there is a baffling mountainside "anomaly," a feature that one
researcher claims may be something of biblical proportions.
Images taken by aircraft, intelligence-gathering satellites and commercial remote-sensing spacecraft are
fueling an intensive study of the intriguing oddity. But whether the anomaly is some geological quirk of
nature, playful shadows, a human-made structure of some sort, or simply nothing at allthat remains to be
Whatever it is, the anomaly of interest rests at 15,300 feet (4,663 meters) on the northwest corner of Mt.
Ararat, and is nearly submerged in glacial ice. It would be easy to call it merely a strange rock formation.

But at least one man wonders if it could be the remains of Noah's Arka vessel said to have been built to
save people and selected animals from the Great Flood, the 40 days and 40 nights of deluge as detailed in
the Book of Genesis.
The Genesis blueprint of the Ark detailed the structure as 6:1 length to width ratio (300 cubits by 50 cubits).
The anomaly, as viewed by satellite, is close to that 6:1 proportion.
Newfound optimism
Identifying the Ararat anomaly has been a 13-year-long quest of Porcher Taylor, an associate professor in
paralegal studies at the University of Richmond's School of Continuing Studies in Virginia.
Taylor has been a national security analyst for more than 30 years, also serving as a senior associate for
five years at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) in Washington, D.C.
"I've got new found optimism ... as far as my continuing push to have the intelligence community declassify
some of the more definitive-type imagery," Taylor told He points to a "new and
significant development," a high-resolution image taken by DigitalGlobe's impressive QuickBird satellite and
shown here publicly for the first time [alternate version with no annotation].
"I'm calling this my satellite archeology project," Taylor said. It's an effort that has now included use of
QuickBird, GeoEye's Ikonos spacecraft, Canada's Radarsat 1, as well as declassified aerial and satellite
images taken by the various U.S. intelligence agencies.
Making the mountain transparent
Taylor said his goal is straightforward: Combining this imagery to make the Ararat anomaly transparent to
the public, as well as to the discerning, dispassionate eyes of scientists, imagery analysts, and other
"I had no preconceived notions or agendas when I began this in 1993 as to what I was looking for," Taylor
As for the saga of Noah's Ark, he is quick to note that there are those who say it is fable while some take it
as truth.
Nevertheless, the anomaly may not be a ridge line of ice, snow and possibly rock, but an artificial ridge line,
Taylor said. "I maintain that if it is the remains of something manmade and potentially nautical, then it's
potentially something of biblical proportions."
While chiding the intelligence communities to release more of their closely guarded satellite imagery, Taylor
said that soon-to-fly commercial remote sensing spacecraft are sure to help his archeological undertaking.
"We've got three new birds that are going up. I'm using all my clout, rapport and lobbying to, hopefully, have
them at least fly calibration runs over Mt. Ararat," Taylor said. Those images would make the mountain even
more transparent, he said.
Will it float?
Meanwhile, Taylor has an ever-expanding network of experts to help tease out the truth about the anomaly.
For example, satellite imagery analyst Rod Franz of SunTek Media Group/RiteImage, Inc., located in
Henderson, Nevada, has taken a look at imagery provided by Taylor of the Ararat anomaly and carried out
additional analysis of the area. As director of training for the firm, Franz sharpened his skills by serving
nearly 25 years as a military intelligence imagery analyst.

For the anomaly assessment, the same software tools used for studying government and commercial
remote sensing data were employed, Franz told Ground distances and scales of
the anomaly were determined. That software also has the ability to adjust brightness, haze, sharpness,
contrast and other factors of the area of interest, he said.
"Along with many other image manipulation functions ... I also used the pseudo-color function trying to
determine if I could detect anything under the ice and snow," Franz said.
The face of the anomaly measured 1,015 feet (309 meters) across, Franz said. "I also found the shape of
the anomaly appears to fit on a circle. I am not sure what this means, if anything, but I find it curious."
Given that length, Taylor pointed out, the anomaly dwarfs the Titanic and Bismarck in size, and equals the
size of the largest modern aircraft carrier. That analysis would seem to call into question whether the
anomaly is a wooden ship and raises a key question: If a boat were truly that huge, would it float?
There are also experts in remote sensing who offer a skeptical view.
"Image interpretation is an art," said Farouk El-Baz, Director of the Boston University Center for Remote
"One has to be familiar with Sun lighting effects on the shape of observed features," El-Baz said. "Very slight
changes in slope modify shadow shapes that affect the interpretations. Up to this time, all the images I have
seen can be interpreted as natural landforms. The feature that has been interpreted as the 'Ararat Anomaly'
is to me a ledge of rock in partial shadow, with varied thickness of snow and ice cover.
Visual truth serum
Thanks to more satellite imagery in the offing, as well as other studies underway, Taylor said his remote
archeological research is on the upswing.
There is an ultimate end-game. That is, on-the-spot ground truth ... and Taylor hopes his research findings
will catalyze a top-notch expedition to the area. "It is whatever it is," he said.
But for now, satellite remote sensing to carry out archeological "digs" from space will fill in for an in-the-field
Just a few weeks ago, for example, NASA scientists utilizing space- and aircraft-based remote sensing
hardware and techniques uncovered Maya ruins hidden in the rainforests of Central America for more than
1,000 years.
"For explorers, imagery from GeoEye's Ikonos satellite married with Global Positioning System (GPS)
satellite data has become as indispensable as water and freeze dried food for any expedition. One does not
want to leave home without it," said Mark Brender, GeoEye Vice President for communications and
marketing, headquartered in Dulles, Virginia.
For researchers, imagery from space like those provided by GeoEye provides "the ultimate high shot" and a
contextual view you could never get from observations on the ground or even from a plane, Brender told "It's visual truth serum."

Satellite Search Underway For Noah's

By Leonard David
Senior Space Writer
posted: 07:40 am ET
30 August 2002

A puzzling mountain-side object in Turkey is the target of a hide-and-seek game of biblical

The high-flying and super-powerful commercial QuickBird satellite has begun snapping imagery
of Mount Ararat in eastern Turkey - in a quest to spot the possible remains of what is believed to
be Noah's Ark.
Aircraft pictures taken in the late 1940s, as well as more recent secret spy satellite shots of the
area do show something odd - a bit of strangeness that has earned the title of the "Ararat
The search is on to identify that peculiar blemish in photographs.
Perhaps it's little more than a natural, albeit eye catching, geological formation. On the other
hand, that anomaly could have a classic tale to tell, one that reaches back into biblical times.
On the lookout trail
Most Biblical scholars and Near Eastern archeologists and historians regard the Biblical
accounting of Noah's Ark and a world-devastating flood as a story handed down by oral tradition.
As told in the Bible, Noah constructed a large boat to house his family and sets of animals, saving
them from flood waters due to 40 days and 40 nights of deluge. Once this Great Flood retreated,
as depicted in the Book of Genesis, the ark settled down on the mountains of Ararat.
On the lookout trail for the real deal is Porcher Taylor, a senior associate (nonresident) at the
prominent think tank, the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) in Washington,
D.C. He is an expert on satellite intelligence gathering and diplomacy.
Taylor has worked for years to compel the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to declassify
satellite images and other information related to the unidentified feature perched on Mt. Ararat in
Indeed, the secrecy wraps have come off a partial set of aerial images taken over that location in
June 1949. They do show something at the 15,500-foot level on the mountain's Northwestern
In later years, Taylor contends, two high-powered intelligence-gathering satellites -- the Keyhole-9
in 1973 and the Keyhole-11 in 1976 -- aimed their cameras at the mountain. What those photo
shoots purportedly show created a stir amongst photo interpreters.
The anomaly is more than 600-feet long (183 meters), Taylor said, at least the section visible in
aerial and satellite imagery. Photo interpretation specialists, he said, do think they perceive actual
boat structure in the pictures.
Yet those images remain classified at the moment. Remaining unclassified, however, is Taylor's
"I want to solve the enduring mystery of the Ararat Anomaly, no matter what it may be," he told
Peeking at the peak

Thanks to the advent of commercial remote sensing satellites, taking a peek at the object on Mt.
Ararat for a fee is feasible.
In October 1999 into the summer of 2000, images of the mountain and the object in question
were snapped by the IKONOS spacecraft, owned and operated by Space Imaging, based in
Thornton, Colorado. Those pictures didn't resolve the issue, one way or the other, however.
Now the lenses of another commercial satellite, QuickBird, operated by DigitalGlobe of
Longmont, Colorado is on the prowl. "QuickBird is capable of shedding more light on what the
anomaly may or may not be," Taylor said.
QuickBird was lofted in October 2001 and is billed as the world's highest resolution commercial
imaging satellite. It can see things 2-feet (61-centimeters) across.
"We have acquired four images of Mt. Ararat and all have been cloud covered to date," said
Chuck Herring, Director of Marketing Communications for DigitalGlobe. "We continue to task this
event and will get Porcher Taylor an image as soon as we get a good image," he told
Clear sailing
Taylor is anxiously awaiting clear sailing by QuickBird over Mt. Ararat.
"Because of constant cloud cover it's tough. Where this thing is, whatever it isit's basically a
glacier, a permanent ice cap at 15,000 feet up on the mountain. It is a unique and unexplored site
on Mt. Ararat. You're going to have to have ideal weather conditions and a lot of luck when you're
flying over to see it," Taylor said.
Meanwhile, Taylor anticipates that when QuickBird does produce the imagery goods, he'll have
more leverage to convince U.S. President Bush and his administration to declassify those earlier
Keyhole satellite shots.
Taylor may not have to wait too long.
Next month, the National Imagery and Mapping Agency unveils a load of vintage Keyhole-7 and
Keyhole-9 pictures, declassifying the images and making them available for public scrutiny. He
hopes Mt. Ararat photos are among those being released.
Imagery team
Taylor has at the ready a "world class" imagery team, ready to huddle over any new QuickBird
images or older Keyhole photos.
A leader in that team is Farouk El-Baz, research professor and founding director of Boston
University's Center for Remote Sensing.
El-Baz first gained world attention for his work on the Apollo program. He served as secretary of
the lunar landing site selection committee, chairman of the astronaut training group, and principal
investigator for visual observations and photography.
A native of Egypt, El-Baz later served as a science advisor to Egyptian President Anwar Sadat
and to King Hussein of Jordan.

He has been a pioneer in developing the field of remote sensing and is offering his expertise to
what's truly resident on Mt. Ararat.
"There is absolutely enough hearsayenough discussion about the topic to warrant looking into
this, to see whether there is something tangible or not," El-Baz told
Unveil the truth
El-Baz recounted his conversations with former Apollo 15 moonwalker James Irwin. The
astronaut, now deceased, mounted six expeditions to Mt. Ararat in a search for the ark. Those
treks were done through his High Flight Foundation, a non-profit evangelical organization based
in Colorado Springs.
"Irwin told me he saw something. He felt it was an imprint on the land of the boat that was turned
upside downperhaps with some soil on top. So there was something there in his mind," El-Baz
El-Baz himself remains true to his training, waiting for scientific data to become available and help
unveil the true nature of the Ararat object.
"There is absolutely nothing in all the pictures that we have seen up to now that is questionable in
my mind. I can explain each and everything as a natural snow banka shadow. There is nothing,"
El-Baz said. But given the interest and the historical nature of such a find, the search is worth
conducting, he added.
"From all the points of view, there is definitely enough in this to warrant spending time to resolve
the issue, one way or the other. So I don't consider it a waste of time," El-Baz said.
Satellite closes in on Noah's Ark mystery
( -- High on Mount Ararat in eastern Turkey, there is a baffling
mountainside "anomaly," a feature that one researcher claims may be something of
biblical proportions.
Images taken by aircraft, intelligence-gathering satellites and commercial remote-sensing spacecraft are
fueling an intensive study of the intriguing oddity. But whether the anomaly is some geological quirk of
nature, playful shadows, a human-made structure of some sort, or simply nothing at all remains to be seen.
Whatever it is, the anomaly of interest rests at 15,300 feet (4,663 meters) on the northwest corner of Mount
Ararat, and is nearly submerged in glacial ice. It would be easy to call it merely a strange rock formation.
But at least one man wonders if it could be the remains of Noah's Ark, a vessel said to have been built to
save people and selected animals from the Great Flood, the 40 days and 40 nights of deluge as detailed in
the Book of Genesis.
The Genesis blueprint of the Ark detailed the structure as 6:1 length to width ratio (300 cubits by 50 cubits).
The anomaly, as viewed by satellite, is close to that 6:1 proportion.

Newfound optimism
Identifying the Ararat anomaly has been a 13-year quest of Porcher Taylor, an associate professor in
paralegal studies at the University of Richmond's School of Continuing Studies in Virginia.
Taylor has been a national security analyst for more than 30 years, also serving as a senior associate for
five years at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) in Washington, D.C.
"I've got newfound optimism ... as far as my continuing push to have the intelligence community declassify
some of the more definitive-type imagery," Taylor told He points to a "new and
significant development," a high-resolution image taken by DigitalGlobe's impressive QuickBird satellite and
shown here publicly for the first time [alternate version with no annotation].
"I'm calling this my satellite archeology project," Taylor said. It's an effort that has now included use of
QuickBird, GeoEye's Ikonos spacecraft, Canada's Radarsat 1, as well as declassified aerial and satellite
images taken by the various U.S. intelligence agencies.

Making the mountain transparent

Taylor said his goal is straightforward: Combining this imagery to make the Ararat anomaly transparent to
the public, as well as to the discerning, dispassionate eyes of scientists, imagery analysts, and other
"I had no preconceived notions or agendas when I began this in 1993 as to what I was looking for," Taylor
As for the saga of Noah's Ark, he is quick to note that there are those who say it is fable while some take it
as truth.

Nevertheless, the anomaly may not be a ridge line of ice, snow and possibly rock, but an artificial ridge line,
Taylor said. "I maintain that if it is the remains of something manmade and potentially nautical, then it's
potentially something of biblical proportions."
While chiding the intelligence communities to release more of their closely guarded satellite imagery, Taylor
said that soon-to-fly commercial remote sensing spacecraft are sure to help his archeological undertaking.
"We've got three new birds that are going up. I'm using all my clout, rapport and lobbying to, hopefully, have
them at least fly calibration runs over Mount Ararat," Taylor said. Those images would make the mountain
even more transparent, he said.

Will it float?
Meanwhile, Taylor has an ever-expanding network of experts to help tease out the truth about the anomaly.
For example, satellite imagery analyst Rod Franz of SunTek Media Group/RiteImage, Inc., located in
Henderson, Nevada, has taken a look at imagery provided by Taylor of the Ararat anomaly and carried out
additional analysis of the area. As director of training for the firm, Franz sharpened his skills by serving
nearly 25 years as a military intelligence imagery analyst.
For the anomaly assessment, the same software tools used for studying government and commercial
remote sensing data were employed, Franz told Ground distances and scales of
the anomaly were determined. That software also has the ability to adjust brightness, haze, sharpness,
contrast and other factors of the area of interest, he said.
"Along with many other image manipulation functions ... I also used the pseudo-color function trying to
determine if I could detect anything under the ice and snow," Franz said.
The face of the anomaly measured 1,015 feet (309 meters) across, Franz said. "I also found the shape of
the anomaly appears to fit on a circle. I am not sure what this means, if anything, but I find it curious."
Given that length, Taylor pointed out, the anomaly dwarfs the Titanic and Bismarck in size, and equals the
size of the largest modern aircraft carrier. That analysis would seem to call into question whether the
anomaly is a wooden ship and raises a key question: If a boat were truly that huge, would it float?
There are also experts in remote sensing who offer a skeptical view. "Image interpretation is an art," said
Farouk El-Baz, Director of the Boston University Center for Remote Sensing.
"One has to be familiar with sun lighting effects on the shape of observed features," El-Baz said. "Very slight
changes in slope modify shadow shapes that affect the interpretations. Up to this time, all the images I have
seen can be interpreted as natural landforms. The feature that has been interpreted as the 'Ararat Anomaly'
is to me a ledge of rock in partial shadow, with varied thickness of snow and ice cover.

Visual truth serum

Thanks to more satellite imagery in the offing, as well as other studies under way, Taylor said his remote
archaeological research is on the upswing.
There is an ultimate end-game. That is, on-the-spot ground truth --and Taylor hopes his research findings
will catalyze a top-notch expedition to the area. "It is whatever it is," he said.
But for now, satellite remote sensing to carry out archaeological "digs" from space will fill in for an in-the-field

Just a few weeks ago, for example, NASA scientists utilizing space- and aircraft-based remote sensing
hardware and techniques uncovered Maya ruins hidden in the rainforests of Central America for more than
1,000 years.
"For explorers, imagery from GeoEye's Ikonos satellite married with Global Positioning System (GPS)
satellite data has become as indispensable as water and freeze-dried food for any expedition. One does not
want to leave home without it," said Mark Brender, GeoEye vice president for communications and
marketing, headquartered in Dulles, Virginia.
For researchers, images from space like those provided by GeoEye provide "the ultimate high shot" and a
contextual view that couldn't be had from observations on the ground or even from a plane, Brender told "It's visual truth serum."

DigitalGlobe's QuickBird commercial remote sensing satellite imaged the Mount Ararat "anomaly" in 2003.

The Holy Bible, New International Version. Pradis CD-ROM:Lk 17:20.

The Coming of the Kingdom of God

17:26, 27 ppMt 24:37-39
Lk 17:20

Once, having been asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God
would come, o Jesus replied, The kingdom of God does not come with your
careful observation,
Lk 17:21
nor will people say, Here it is, or There it is, p because the kingdom of
God is within 68 you.
Lk 17:22
Then he said to his disciples, The time is coming when you will long to see
one of the days of the Son of Man, q but you will not see it. r

Lk 17:23

Men will tell you, There he is! or Here he is! Do not go running off after

them. s
Lk 17:24
For the Son of Man in his day 69 will be like the lightning, t which flashes and
lights up the sky from one end to the other.
Lk 17:25
But first he must suffer many things u and be rejected v by this generation. w
Lk 17:26
Just as it was in the days of Noah, x so also will it be in the days of the Son
of Man.
Lk 17:27
People were eating, drinking, marrying and being given in marriage up to
the day Noah entered the ark. Then the flood came and destroyed them all.
Lk 17:28
It was the same in the days of Lot. y People were eating and drinking,
buying and selling, planting and building.
Lk 17:29
But the day Lot left Sodom, fire and sulfur rained down from heaven and
destroyed them all.
Lk 17:30
It will be just like this on the day the Son of Man is revealed. z
Lk 17:31
On that day no one who is on the roof of his house, with his goods inside,
should go down to get them. Likewise, no one in the field should go back for
anything. a
Lk 17:32
Remember Lots wife! b
Lk 17:33
Whoever tries to keep his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life will
preserve it. c
Lk 17:34
I tell you, on that night two people will be in one bed; one will be taken and
the other left.
Lk 17:35
Two women will be grinding grain together; one will be taken and the other
left. d
Lk 17:37
Where, Lord? they asked. He replied, Where there is a dead body, there
the vultures will gather. e _

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