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Greenbacks: Paper money that couldn't be exchanged for silver or gold.

Worth less than hard money of the same supposed value.

Bland Allison Act: of 1878 Law that required government to buy and coin at
least 2 million to 4 million worth of silver monthly.

Oliver Hudson Kelly: Considered to be the Father of the Grange.

Grange also known as the Patrons of Husbandry- a social and educational
organization where farmers attempted to combat the power of railroads and fought
for their rights.

Farmers' Alliances: Groups of farmers or sympathizers of farmers issues who

educated towns about agricultural and rural issues. They wanted low interest rates
on loans and government ownership of banks and railroads.

The Southern Alliance: The largest Farmers' Alliance, which was composed of
white southern farmers.

Populism: The movement of the people; a political movement demanding more

representation of THE PEOPLE in government and to advance interests of farmers
and laborers. Populist party calls for bimetallism, government ownership of banks
and railroads, lower interest rates on loans, and free coinage of silver.

Populists: These people economically wanted an increase in the money supply, so

they'd receive more money for their goods, income tax, & a federal loan program.
Politically, they wanted single terms for the president and vice president, a secret
ballot, election of senators by popular vote, and a secret ballot to end vote fraud.
They wanted an 8-hour work day and immigration restrictions.

Platform: Populist ideals became the Democratic party, and kept alive the concept
that the government is responsible for reforming social injustices.

Panic of 1893: -Farmers had too many debts and loans

-Railroads expand faster than markets, and soon become bankrupt.
-Gold supply depleted due to purchasing silver.
-People panicked and traded money for gold.
-Stock prices fell in Wall Street.
-Price of silver plummets; silver mines close
-Wages, prices, investments, and purchases decline. 3 million people lose jobs;

Republicans: Political party composed of mostly business owners and bankers.


Political party composed of laborers and farmers.

Bimetallism: System in which government would give citizens either gold or

silver for checks or paper currency. This could lead to inflation, where prices rise
(good for farmers), value of money decreases, and more people have money.

Silverites: Those who favored bimetallism, usually farmers of laborers. They

wanted bimetallism b/c their products would be sold at higher prices.

Gold Standard: Backing dollars solely with gold. This could lead to deflationPrices fall, value of money increases, fewer people have money, benefits the rich.

Gold Bugs: Bankers and businessmen who favored the Gold Standard, backing
money with gold. They wanted to follow the gold standard b/c loans would be repaid
in stable money.

Inflation: -Prices rise since value of money decreases

-Everyone has money

Deflation: -Prices fall since value of money increases

-Fewer people have money, so the rich get richer.

Cross of Gold Speech: Speech given by William Jennings Bryan, Democratic

nominee, showing his dislike for the gold standard.

William Jennings Bryan: Democratic nominee who gave the famous Cross of
Gold speech, favored by both Democrats and Populists. His VP was supposed to be
Arthur Sewall, a Maine banker. Populists instead nominated Thomas Watson for VP.

William McKinley: Republican nominee for president, supported gold standard.

His election for president led to the collapse of Populism.

Mary Elizabeth Lease: asserted for farmers to "raise less corn and more hell";
Populist spokeswoman.

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