Letter of Recommendations

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Motivating Sudents to Use Higher Order Thinking Skills

you can

write your response in English or BM

I suggest you can use the following format- TQVM


Para 1- Introduce yourself

I am Anis. A teacher in . I have been teaching English for ? years.

Beginning in 20 I became a student under the ?? programme at Faculty
of Education, UiTM Shah alam for my B.Ed (TESL??) Prof. Gurnam taught
me . And was my supervisor for my Action Research project
Para 2 What do you think of me as a lecturer
As a lecturer for Childrens literature . . . .. I found Prof Gurnam to be very knowledgeable
and interesting challenged and encouraged us to thinking students in learning literature
Part 3 Your opinion of my supervision

Prof Gurnam was also my supervisor for the AR project -

during the supervision process

she helped me by providing good signposts and scaffolding The first step was to make us
aware of what a AR constitutes so she gave us an example of AR and an article she had
written I am proud that Prof Gurnam is an accomplished practicing practitioner of AR I
read her AR paper and with her help and mentoring we were able to come up with a better
AR report her superb guidance, mentoring also encouraged us to challenge ourselves to
improve further

All in all I think Prof. Gurnam has encouraged us to exploit our full
potential as she pushed us to do our best by encouraging us to be
creative in our assignment and critical in our literature review. She sure
encourages HOTS in all her assignments and in her students .


Your Full name with student Id number

Letter of Recommendation

To Whom it May Concern:

I am Azimmah Binti Mesvan, a teacher in SK Seri Mawar, Sg Air Tawar, Sabak Bernam. I
have been teaching English for 14 years. Beginning in 2002. I became a student under the
PPG programme at Faculty of Education, UiTM Shah Alam for my B.Ed (TESL) Prof. Dr.
Gurnam taught me Childrens Literature and was my supervisor for my Action Research

As a lecturer for Childrens literature , I found Prof Gurnam to be very knowledgeable

and interesting , challenged and encouraged us to thinking students. In learning literature she
always come with new ideas that never been thought and helped us a lot to attract students
attention in teaching and learning literature.

Prof Gurnam was also my supervisor for the AR project. During the supervision
process she helped me by providing good signposts and scaffolding . The first step was to

make us aware of what a AR constitutes , so she gave us an example of AR and an article she
had written . Deep from bottom of my heart,

I am proud that Prof Gurnam is an

accomplished practicing practitioner of AR. I read her excellent AR paper and with her help
and mentoring we were able to come up with a better AR report. Apart from that, her superb
guidance, mentoring also encouraged us to challenge ourselves to improve further.

All in all I think Prof. Gurnam has encouraged us to exploit our full potential as she
pushed us to do our best by encouraging us to be creative in our assignment and critical in our
literature review. She sure encourages HOTS in all her assignments and in her students.




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