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‘arts on a shoe string’
Collectivising our efforts.

We applied for funding for an Art Gallery

project from V - Inspired.

With this money we turned the reception

room into an Art Gallery to run
Exhibitions and events from.

This required us to paint, renovate

and collaborate.

We created an Identity
‘Kunst Kiosk’.
And ran with it

Here are some pictures

from the renovations.

Jacob Beaney lead the project.

He was in charge of the exhibitions

He built a website and promoted

the event, marketing the event to
local galleries, Arts groups and the Local
creative community

We learnt lots from this event and applied

these lessons to the second event.

We had lots of work submitted to which we

advertised an open call on ‘Arts jobs’.

We chose work from all around the country,

NTU and also some of our own work.

Here are some pictures

from the first exhibition
Marita Recording Sessions
Recording some of Marita’s new solo work
It was a very special evening of recording

Exhibition 2
Exhibition 2
Will Pettipher Solo Exhibition
Maitreya Sessions
Recording Maitreya Album Nature’s Heart was a huge honor to meet
and spend time with him, he is a true teacher and the Album was
great! Here are some picture’s of the sessions and Maitreya Beautiful
Workshopping down at the Mouthy Poets Say Sumthin 7 Event
Providing some live music for their Neat Festival Afterparty
Exhibition 3

‘Arts on Shoe String’

The last of the three art Exhibitions.
This was an epic grand finale
Featuring Art and Sculpture from William Pettipher
An Album release on Cassette by Thomas Harris
An Illustrated book Written by Jacob Louis Beaney
Granted Big Lottery Funding, this time to run Workshops and
Learning Activites at the Meadows Youth Club Nottingham.
We don’t have any pictures of the sessions unfortunately
but we worked with a group of young people in the Meadows
and helping them produce and record an Album of their own
over a course of 6 week sessions

We also ran a series of Workshops in the Rural District of

Coalville at the William Bradford Community College.
We experimented with Sampling and Sound Creation with a
group of young people, using a Wooden box and objects found
in City Parks and Homes , such as Acorns, Coins, Rocks and Mobile
Phones. Also integrated the use of a 4 track cassette player, Sampler
and Mircophones.

Tom spent 3 quarters of the year working in a Brilliant Alternative

Provision school in Nottingham, called Stone Soup Academy.
Employing a lot of the skills learnt from Project S2di0 endeavours.
Working on Stop frame Animations, Poetry, Music Videos and Short Films
With groups of young people, helping them working towards
GCSE qualifications. Stone Soup Academy is an exemplary school
And achieved an Ofsted Outstanding rating for their achievement in 2014.
In collaboration with Guy Jenkins of Allergic Films we delivered a series of Writing and Poetry Workshops lead by Writer
Masuda Snaith. We filmed and documented the project, the Project came through UK Young Artists, Tom was working
with the young people as an Artists and Shadow Writer. The programme was deliever at Kennedy House in Leicester
through Writing East Midlands as part of their ‘Write Here’ Residency Programme, helping aspiring writers deliever
workshops around the Midlands Area. Here are some screenshot from the short film.
In 2014, ‘Thomas Thinks’, became a UK
Young Artists. UK Young Artists supports
original Idea's and the development of
Original idea’s.
We Formed a band called ‘Plynth', and
performed an Audio Visual Set at the UK
Young Artists, Leceister Festival 2014.
Here’s some Shots from our performance at
the festival.
Adrift in Soho - Feature Film

Based on the Novel of Colin Wilson, Director Pablo

Behrens and Producer Owen Drake came together
to produce a feature film, employing over 30
creative’s throughout the City and further afield. The
film is a period drama, depicting the story of two film
makers life’s in Soho in the 1950. The film was
filmed mainly in Nottingham and Parts in London, is
due to be released 2016. We worked as the Sound
Department in the film, Responsible for all Sound
recording Duties of all the scenes shot in
Nottingham and London. here are some pictures
from the film.
The Journey begins at Rough Trade.
After the Film shoot, landed freelance job as
In house Sound Engineer for Brand new Music Venue, Record Store
Bar and event space in Nottingham City Centre.
Rough Trade is an Original London Record Store and Record Label,
and has expanded and opened up more shops,
in New York, Paris and now Nottingham.
Working At Rough Trade, Sound engineering for
World Renowned Artists and Local independent Artists
During 2014-15 we have held hundreds of Gigs
with more and more happening Each Week.
The shop has become part of the Cultural Centre of the City.

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