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1 Introduction 1

2 General Statement of Policy 1

3 Recruitment and Selection Core Elements 2

4 Joint Board Recruitment and Selection Procedures 2

5 Training of Officers and Elected Members Involved in 2

Recruitment and Selection Procedures
6 Allegations of Discriminatory Practices 3

7 Record Keeping 3

8 Exceptions 3

9 Role of Assessor 4

10 Local Agreement 4

APPENDIX A Description of Core Elements 5

APPENDIX B Recruitment & Selection Procedure 9

APPENDIX 1 Termination of Employment Form 17

APPENDIX 2 Job Description – Example 18

APPENDIX 3 Person Specification – Example 19

APPENDIX 4 Draft Advertisement 20

APPENDIX 5 General Information for Applicants 21

APPENDIX 6 Shortlisting Form – Example 24

APPENDIX 7 Interview Assessment Sheet – Example 25

APPENDIX 8 Reference Request Form 26

APPENDIX 8A Reference Request for School/College 27

APPENDIX 9 New Start Pack for Members of Staff 28

APPENDIX 9A New Start Pack for Members of Staff with 29

Management Responsibilities

November 2002

1.1 Lothian Valuation Joint Board aims to achieve a corporate and consistent approach to the critical area
of recruitment and selection, in order to comply with employment legislation and good personnel

1.2 This Recruitment and Selection Policy supports the Joint Board’s Equal Employment Opportunities
Policy, where it is stated that the Joint Board will prevent discrimination, particularly on the grounds of
sex, race, colour, nationality, ethnic origin, marital status, disability, sexuality, age, religious belief,
political belief, trade union activity, responsibility for dependants, employment status or HIV status.

1.3 The Joint Board is committed to ensuring that its employees are drawn from the widest possible
employment market; that fair selection procedures and practices are in operation and that
inappropriate discriminatory practices are eliminated and that employees are appointed on merit.

1.4 The Policy applies equally to recruitment, selection and promotion and the procedures will apply
equally to internal and external job candidates.


2.1 The Joint Board acknowledges anti-discriminatory legislation and codes of practice, and seeks to
follow the recommendations for recruitment, selection and promotion set out in these codes of

2.2 Recruitment and selection procedures adopted will take full account of the particular areas on non-
discrimination specified in the General Statement of the Joint Board’s Equal Employment
Opportunities Policy.

2.3 The main aims of the Policy are to:-

(a) encourage and enable good personnel practice in recruitment, selection and promotion

(b) provide core elements for recruitment and selection which will form the basis of the recruitment
and selection procedures;

(c) establish a set of guidelines for good recruitment and selection practice;

(d) ensure that good personnel practice is widely understood, and that procedures are followed

♦ programmes of training,
♦ monitoring of recruitment and selection procedures and practices; and

(e) ensure that the content of the Policy is made known to all those involved in the recruitment and
selection process and all internal and external applicants.


3.1 The core elements below will be adopted. These are set out in paragraph 3.2 below.

3.2 Recruitment and Selection - Core Elements

♦ Review of Vacant Posts

♦ Job Description
♦ Nomination of Selection Panel
♦ Employee Specification
♦ Vacancy Advertising
♦ Application Forms and Information Packages
♦ Screening of Application Forms
♦ Selection Interview/Alternative forms of Testing
♦ Candidate Assessment
♦ Selection Decision
♦ Health Screening
♦ Criminal Conviction Vetting
♦ Obtaining Employment References
♦ Exit Questionnaires and Exit Interviews.

Appendix A describes the significant aspects of each of the above core elements.

Appendix B forms the detailed recruitment and selection procedure for the Joint Board.


4.1 The Assessor will draw up recruitment and selection procedures in accordance with this Policy
Framework and in consultation with the trade unions locally. Such consultation will be aimed at
securing agreement locally.

4.2 All employees will have access to the recruitment and selection procedure.

4.3 It is recognised that other elements, additional to the core elements outlined above, may form part of
departmental procedures and where this is the case these additional elements must be included in the
consultation process with the trade unions locally. Some examples of additional elements would be;
skills testing, alternative forms of assessment and testing and politically restricted posts.



5.1 Prior to participating in the recruitment and selection process all officers, elected members and others
will have been trained in the application of the Joint Board’s Equal Employment Opportunities Policy
and this policy on Recruitment and Selection.


6.1 Where an allegation of discriminatory practice is made by an external job candidate, it should be
directed to the Assessor in the first instance. If the complainant remains dissatisfied he/she will be
advised of the right to take the complaint to the Chief Executive of the Joint Board. The Chief
Executive will make arrangements for an enquiry, in conjunction with the Joint Board and will keep the
individual informed of the outcome of the investigation(s).

6.2 Where an allegation of discriminatory practice is made by an internal job candidate, the complaint
should be processed using the Joint Board’s Grievance Procedure.

6.3 An allegation of discriminatory practice(s) will not prejudice any other applications for employment or
promotion by the individual concerned, regardless of the outcome of such a complaint.

6.4 Where an allegation of discriminatory practice in the recruitment process is substantiated after
investigation, and where it is concluded that the individual concerned would otherwise have been the
successful job applicant, then the Joint Board will take all reasonable steps to remedy the situation;
wherever practicable through an offer of suitable alternative employment.


7.1 Records of decisions taken, at the screening of application forms and selection interview stages of the
recruitment process will be kept. Results obtained from using alternative forms of testing must also be

7.2 These records will be retained for a minimum period of twelve months from the date of the selection
decision being taken.


8.1 Certain other Joint Board policies create exceptions to the general Recruitment and Selection Policy,
because they give more favourable treatment to the following categories of people, the main ones

(a) Trainees on approved training programmes;

(b) Employees awaiting redeployment, whose work areas have been the subject of policy,
organisational structure or budget reviews; and

(c) Employees being considered for alternative employment on the grounds of ill-health, eg
disability or medical redeployment.

8.2 The recruitment and selection procedure will also include provisions to accommodate disabled
applicants. In particular, the Joint Board will consider reasonable adjustments to job descriptions and
employee specifications to enable disabled applicants to be considered for posts.

8.3 The above lists are not exclusive nor exhaustive and additional exceptions giving more favourable
treatment to specified categories of people, consistent with legislation, may arise out of changes or
additions to Joint Board Policies.

8.4 In accordance with terms and conditions attached to Government Initiatives and Award Schemes
guaranteed interview arrangements for job applicants with disabilities will be operated and will be
reflected in the recruitment and selection procedure.


9.1 The Assessor will prepare recruitment and selection procedures in consultation with the trade unions
locally. This procedure will incorporate the recruitment and selection core elements. Any additional
elements in the Joint Board procedures will be included following consultation, if required, with any
appropriate bodies.

9.2 The Assessor will maintain the Joint Board recruitment and selection procedures and will ensure that
copies of these procedures are accessible to all staff.


10.1 This document is a local collective agreement between the Joint Board and the recognised Trade
Unions. Every effort will be made by both parties to ensure that this document will be maintained as a
local collective agreement and adjusted by agreement to meet changing future needs. In the event of
failure to reach agreement both parties reserve the right to terminate this local agreement by giving
four months notice in writing. In such circumstances the terms of the local agreement will cease to
apply to existing and future employees.


1.1 This Appendix sets out a description of the Core Elements referred to in the Joint Board’s Recruitment
and Selection Policy (paragraph 3.2).


2.1 Review of Vacant Posts

Where a vacancy arises it will not be filled automatically. The Assessor must determine:
(a) if the vacancy needs to be filled at all
(b) if it could be filled in a different way, eg different hours, different duties, different grades etc and
(c) if there are likely to be any changes in the future which will require different or additional skills.

2.2 Job Description

There will be a description of the duties, responsibilities and accountabilities for each job. When a job
falls vacant the job description should be reviewed and revised if necessary. Any revision will be
consistent with the Joint Board’s Policy on Equality of Opportunity in Employment and Policy for
reviewing organisation structure, modifying or altering jobs.

2.3 Nomination of Officer Selection Panels

A selection panel, with a minimum of two officers, will be nominated by the designated Depute
Assessor, for each vacancy. This nomination must be made prior to the screening of application
forms, for which the panel will have full responsibility.

Panel members will normally be selected on the basis of line management responsibility, professional
or technical expertise, or personnel specialisim.

All panel members will have received appropriate training in the Joint Board’s policy and procedures
for recruitment and selection.

Considering the above conditions there may be a pool of potential panel members. If this is the case
the designated Depute Assessor must consider other factors such as the balance of gender
represented, when deciding the composition of the panel.

2.4 Nomination of Elected Member Selection Panels

For appointments at Chief Official level, Recruitment Committees will be established by the Joint
Board. All elected members will have received appropriate training in the Joint Board’s policy and
procedures for recruitment and selection.

2.5 Employee Specification

An employee specification sets out the skills and abilities required in the person who will carry out the

Such a specification must be drawn up, in writing, for each vacant post. It would include where

♦ Education and Training, specifying minimum educational requirements for the post;
♦ Previous relevant experience;
♦ Knowledge;
♦ Personal qualities/skills;
♦ Disposition;
♦ Rehabilitation of Offenders Act (Exceptions) Order Declaration and/or Criminal Conviction Vetting
Status, where appropriate.

Requirements must not be drawn up in such a way as to exclude members of disadvantaged groups
or to limit unnecessarily their chances of employment.

2.6 Vacancy Advertising

Advertisements shall be placed both internally and externally, simultaneously, except where, Section 7
of the Recruitment and Selection Policy applies.

All advertisements must include the appropriate reference to the Joint Board’s Equal Employment
Opportunities Policy.

2.7 Application Forms and Information Packages

Application Forms

Application forms will be completed for each vacant post. All applications will be on a form prepared
for that purpose.

Personal data including age, sex, marital status, dependants, nationality and ethnic origin will normally
not be sought on the application unless specific approved circumstances apply. Certain personal data
will be sought on a separate document for the purposes of monitoring the effectiveness of policy
implementation but this data will not be available to the selection panel.

Information Packages

Each job applicant will receive appropriate information on the Joint Board and vacant post. The
package will also contain an outline of both the Equal Employment Opportunities Policy and its
Recruitment and Selection Policy, together with information regarding the procedure for bringing a
complaint of discriminatory practice against the Joint Board.

2.8 Screening of Application Forms

The panel will meet to draw up an agreed shortleet. Application forms will be screened against the
essential and desirable criteria identified in the employee specification. A record will be kept of the
reason(s) for rejection of each applicant on the employee specification used.

Only the nominated selection panel will be involved in the process.

2.9 Selection Interview/Alternative Forms of Testing

Interviewing will be carried out by the selection panel.

Questions asked at interview must be justifiable in terms of gathering relevant data to enable a
decision to be made on the candidate’s suitability for the post.

Alternative forms of testing and assessment methods may be used by the Panel or other competent
person in determining a candidate’s suitability for the post. Tests must be used according to best
practice guidelines, and criteria used must be directly relevant to criteria identified in the employee

Tests must be used according to best practice guidelines, and criteria used must be directly relevant
to criteria identified in the employee specification.

Testing methods which may be used include:

♦ Skills test, eg typing, word-processing;

♦ Presentations;
♦ Group working;
♦ Psychometric testing;
♦ In-tray exercises, etc.

2.10 Candidate Assessment

Each panel member will complete an individual record of assessment of each candidate after each
interview. The assessment criteria must correspond to the employee specification and should be
recorded on the employee specification form.

2.11 Selection Decision

This decision should be taken only after completion of all interviews for the post. The reasons for the
selection of the successful candidate should be recorded on an employee specification assessment
form and signed by members of the selection panel.

2.12 Health Screening

All successful applicants will be medically screened, either by medical questionnaire or examination,
before a job offer is confirmed.

2.13 Criminal Conviction Vetting

The Personnel Section will maintain a list of all current posts, if any, that are subject to vetting for
criminal convictions and/or which allow substantial and unsupervised access to children or other
vulnerable groups. At the time of compiling this policy (November 2002) no posts have been identified
as necessary for vetting. Such vetting will comply with statutory demands, employment legislation and
pertinent requirements of the post. Proposals to alter the above list should be the subject of
consultation with the recognised Trade Unions.

2.14 Obtaining Employment References

References will be obtained for all appointments to posts within the Joint Board, irrespective of
employment status, eg full time, part time, permanent, temporary, etc.

References will be obtained using an Employment Reference Request Form.

Employment references will only be used as a means of verifying the information provided by a job
applicant during the recruitment and selection process and to confirm the selection decision of the
recruitment panel.

A copy of any employment reference received will be made and kept in the successful employee’s
personnel file.

Where an employment reference casts doubt on the suitability of a job applicant then the selection
panel will rigorously re-examine all the evidence available to them and may decide to reconsider the
selection decision.

2.15 Exit Questionnaires and Exit Interviews

Exit Questionnaires and Exit Interviews will be used to obtain information, which may help senior staff
in determining any need for change to jobs, the management of work area, and/or the need for
organisational review.

All Joint Board employees who resign will be offered the opportunity to attend an interview with a
member of the Personnel and Finance staff which will take place during the normal working day.

(Except Chief Officials)


1.1 Exit interviews are voluntary. However if the staff member agrees then prior to reviewing a post which
is about to become vacant, a member of Personnel and Finance staff should undertake a termination
interview and complete the relevant form.

1.2 It is important to establish why someone is leaving in order to ascertain if there may be any factors
within the workplace which require to be addressed. The Termination Interview should consist of a
broad range of questions from which it should be possible to obtain a better understanding of the
reasons for the departure. An example of this form is attached as Appendix 1.


2.1 When a post becomes vacant the matter will be reported by Personnel and Finance and Section to the
Directorate who will review the position in accordance with item 2.1 Review of Vacant Posts of the
description of core elements at Appendix A. Discussions will also take place with the relevant Line
Manger as appropriate.”

2.2 If the post is to be filled, then the line manager will be advised as will the Personnel and Finance

2.3 In accordance with Joint Board policy, posts will be signalled as job share when deemed to be suitable
by the Assessor.

2.4 In cases where it is proposed that a post is not to be filled, then discussions shall be undertaken with
the Trade Union.


3.1 When a post falls vacant the job description should be reviewed, and revised, if necessary by the line
manager or any other time as appropriate. Consultations should take place with the staff affected and
the trade union representatives. In the creation of a job description, no wording should be used, or
duties specified, which would unnecessarily exclude any person from applying.

3.2 A job description is a “snapshot” of the position at a particular moment. The nature of any job will alter
to some extent over time in response to changing demand. Accordingly, each job description should
contain a statement as follows:-

“This description is indicative of the nature and level and responsibilities associated with this
job. It is not exhaustive and the job holder will be required to undertake other duties and
responsibilities commensurate with the grade”.

3.3 The designated Depute Assessor will consult with any appropriate agencies or organisations about
any alterations to Job Descriptions before the post is advertised. The designated Depute Assessor
will consult with the trade union representatives and other post holders where deemed appropriate
about any alterations to the Job Descriptions before the post is advertised. When this results in the
post being regraded, it will normally not be advertised until the Joint Board approval is given. An
example of a job description is attached as Appendix 2.#


4.1 The definition of a person specification is a detailed statement of the attributes required to carry out a
job satisfactorily. An accurate, properly-used person specification is the key to effective recruitment
and selection.

4.2 A specification should contain two levels of criteria, essential and desirable.

Essential criteria are those qualities which are necessary for performance of the
job at a satisfactory level from the first day in the job. They represent a
ESSENTIAL minimum standard and an applicant lacking an essential criterion should not be
considered for a vacancy.

Desirable criteria are those which would enable an applicant to perform the job
DESIRABLE more effectively.

4.3 Care should be taken not to classify an essential, skills or experience which can be acquired in a
relatively short time following appointment. The over specification can easily lead to the unfair
exclusion of good applicants. An example of a person specification is attached as Appendix 3.


5.1 The designated Depute Assessor will nominate a selection panel which will consist of at least two
people and gender balanced where possible. A representative from Personnel and Finance Section
will be present in all interviews. The Finance and Personnel representative may attend in either an
advisory or a decision making capacity. The nominated chair of the panel should liaise with the
Personnel representative throughout the recruitment process. In cases where the Finance and
Personnel representative will make a contribution in deciding the successful application, then the
selection panel shall comprise at least 2 people. When the Finance and Personnel representative is
attending in an advisory capacity only, then the panel shall comprise at least 3 people. Attendance at
all interviews is essential for any panel member. The nominated chair of the panel should liaise with
the Personnel representative throughout the recruitment process. The role of each member of the
panel should be explained to the person being interviewed.

5.2 The nominations should be made prior to the screening of application forms, for which the panel will
have full responsibility.

5.3 Panel members will be required to stand down immediately it becomes apparent that there may be a
conflict of interest regarding an applicant.

5.4 All members of selection panels will have attended a suitable Recruitment and Selection Course.

5.5 Only panel members will be involved in the recruitment and selection process. However, in the event
of illness etc, a substitution may be made to avoid cancelling the interviews.


6.1 Prior to advertising vacant posts, the panel should consider whether they are suitable for the following
categories of people who are allowed more favourable treatment by other Joint Board policies:-

♦ Trainees on approved training programmes.

♦ Employees awaiting redeployment, whose work areas have been the subject of policy,
organisational structure or budget reviews.

♦ Employees being considered for alternative employment on the grounds of ill-health or disability.

♦ All registered disabled applicants who meet the essential criteria for a post will be guaranteed an
interview and the Joint Board will at all times adhere to the legislation contained within the
Disability Discrimination Act 1995.


7.1 The Personnel and Finance Section will create an advertisement in draft for consideration by the
Depute Assessor. Discussions will also take place in relation to the external publications appropriate
for the level of post and the costs involved. The most frequently used publications are the Scotsman,
Evening News and where appropriate the Estates Gazette. Where there is a possibility of suitable
candidates being available from within the Joint Board, due to the specialist nature of many of the
posts, then vacancy advertising may be restricted to an internal advertisement (on Notice Boards
and/or Lothian Valuation Joint Board Intranet) in the first instance.

7.2 Advertisements will be placed both internally (on Notice Boards) and externally, simultaneously.
Vacancies may also be sent to the Joint Board’s Constituent Councils.

7.3 The advertisement should conform to the Joint Board’s corporate image and contain the following:-

♦ A summary of the main duties and responsibilities of the job.

♦ The qualifications, experience, key skills and abilities required.

♦ The closing date for receipt of applications.

♦ Details of how to obtain an application form and information pack.

♦ Include, where appropriate, “Suitable to Job Share”.

♦ Include the phrase “Committed to Equal Opportunities”.

An example of an advertisement is attached as Appendix 4.


8.1 The Personnel and Finance Section should ensure that there are adequate supplies of application
forms, equal opportunities forms, job descriptions and general information for candidates.

An example of the general information paper for candidates is attached as Appendix 5.


9.1 All application forms received should be date stamped, logged in the register and acknowledged by
the Personnel and Finance Staff within two working days of receipt. On no account, should application
forms be passed to the selection panel before the closing date.


10.1 Following the closing date for receipt of applications, the personnel representative will arrange for
panel members to see the application forms and provide them with a pro forma to assist in drawing up
a short list. This task should be undertaken within two weeks of the closing date.

10.2 Shortlisting may be carried out by all members of the selection panel and by them alone. Panel
members should draw up their own shortlist individually before the panel meets jointly to discuss their
decisions and reach agreement on a final shortlist. Only information contained in the application form
should be used to judge applicants against the person specification.

10.3 In the first instance the shortlist should meet the essential criteria on the person specification. Should
the numbers be excessive then the desirable criteria should be applied to reduce numbers to an
appropriate level for interview purposes.

10.4 A record will be kept of the reason(s) for rejection of each applicant. The Selection Panel should
ensure that all registered disabled applicants who meet the essential criteria for a post will be
guaranteed an interview.

10.5 Those applications who do not meet the essential criteria identified in the employee specification will
be rejected at this stage. Personnel and Finance staff will send out rejection letters to the
unsuccessful candidates.

An example of a shortlisting form is attached as Appendix 6.


11.1 Panel members may consider other selection methods in addition to the interview. Examples include:-

♦ Typing tests

♦ Verbal or numerical skills tests

♦ Individual creative work such as report writing or presentations.

11.2 Candidates will be given as much relevant information as possible, in advance, about tests that are to
be used in the letter inviting candidates for interview.

11..3 Test results will not be the only basis for making the selection and all other criteria should be taken
into account.


12.1 The Personnel and Finance Section will write to short-listed candidates normally giving at least one
weeks notice of the interview date. The letter will contain as much information as possible about the
interview arrangements, the approximate time allocated and details of any tests etc.


13.1 The selection panel will meet in advance of the interviews to confirm the interview arrangements.
Questions must be prepared in advance to ensure that all candidates have an equal opportunity to
answer the same questions. The panel should use the job description and person specification in
conjunction with the applicant’s application form to draw up the list of potential questions and to
identify areas which they may wish to explore in more depth at interview. However, depending on the
answers given by the candidates, panel members will ask further probing questions. It is good
practice for the panel to divide the questions they wish to ask into related subject groups, so that each
member of the panel has particular areas of responsibility in the interview.

13.2 It should be noted that questions asked at interview should be relevant to the job applied for and
justifiable so that a decision can be made on the candidate’s suitability for the post. Interview
questions should be the same for internal and external candidates.

13.3 All interviewers must be familiar with:-

♦ the job description

♦ the advert
♦ the application form
♦ the interview assessment form
♦ the content and structure of the interview process

13.4 The Personnel and Finance staff will ensure that an appropriate room is available for testing and they
will control and monitor the persons undertaking the tests. The tests will then be passed to the
selection panel at the conclusion of ALL interviews.

13.5 In the case of disabled people, there should be an opportunity at the end of the interview for people
who might otherwise be disadvantaged to discuss any necessary arrangements to enable the
candidate to perform the job in question.


14.1 The interview structure should be explained to each applicant prior to the commencement of

♦ Introduce the panel members

♦ Commence the interview with a brief description of the job/section etc

♦ Ask open rather than closed questions. Closed questions normally only require yes/no answers,
whereas open questions will require a more detailed and lengthier answer. For example, ask
“What supervisory responsibilities do you have?” rather than “Do any employees report to you?”.

♦ Ask questions which provide the applicants with the opportunity to give examples of past

♦ Avoid asking leading, marathon or multiple questions.

♦ Be aware that asking questions relating to an applicant’s personal circumstances may be

discriminatory. Questions should relate to the requirements of the post and not to an applicant’s
personal circumstances.

♦ Ensure that the core questions are asked of all applicants with supplementary questions if

♦ Provide the applicant with the opportunity to ask any questions relating to job duties, conditions of
employment etc.

♦ Indicate when and how the applicants will be told of the result of the interviews.

♦ Thank the applicants for applying for the post and attending the interview.


15.1 Each panel member will complete an individual record of assessment of each candidate after each
interview (sample attached as Appendix 7). The assessment criteria must correspond to the person

15.2 Completed forms will be retained by the Personnel and Finance Section together with any other
records for a period of six months from the date of the interview.

15.3 It is important that the job applicants are not compared against each other, but against the criteria
listed in the person specification.


16.1 This decision should only be taken after completion of all interviews. The reasons for the selection
should be recorded and signed by all members of the selection panel and presented to a more senior
authorising officer in the form of a recommendation.


17.1 Written references will normally only be taken up after the interviews for candidates who are under
serious consideration. A letter and reference request form will be issued by Personnel and Finance
Section (sample forms attached as Appendix 8 and 8A). Telephone references are only acceptable
when employing temporary members of staff and a written record should be kept of the conversation.

17.2 Offers of appointment should not be made subject to satisfactory references as this can lead to
problems if an unsatisfactory reference is received after the person is employed.


18.1 Following receipt of satisfactory references the Personnel and Finance Section will send a letter of
offer to the successful candidate. The letter will state that the offer is conditional upon a satisfactory
medical assessment and production of educational certificates.


19.1 Part of the letter of offer will contain information to explain that the appointment is subject to medical
assessment and that the candidate must complete the Medical Assessment Form and return it directly
to the Joint Board’s Occupational Health Physician as quickly as possible.

19.2 Following receipt of a satisfactory medical assessment the Personnel and Finance Section will send
out a letter confirming this and state that they must bring with them their birth and educational
certificates on the first day of work so that copies can be taken and placed in their personal file.


20.1 On confirmation of the appointment, the Personnel and Finance Section will write to all other short-
listed candidates, informing them that they have been unsuccessful.

20.2 Feedback will be given to unsuccessful candidates, on request, by the personnel representative or
other panel members, as appropriate.


21.1 All acting-up vacancies will be subject to review after six months or the post may be filled on a rota
basis for the period, if known. Responsibility allowances will be reviewed as appropriate.


22.1 Vacancies for temporary staff will normally be advertised on notice boards, in job centres, sent to
constituent councils and the local press. Interviews may require to be set up at short notice in
conjunction with the local job centre. Arising from the needs of the organisation, some of the foregoing
procedures may require to be modified because of the time scales involved.

Short term basic grade temporary posts of up to 3 months duration where staff are required at short
notice, seasonal posts and casual posts are excluded from the normal vacancy advertising

22.2 It may be that occasions will arise when emergency cover must be provided (ie during elections or to
meet statutory deadlines). If this is likely to be the case consideration may be given to maintaining a
list of individuals who are available on an emergency basis. As with all other posts, recruitment and
selection of emergency/relief employees should be carried out in a way that ensures equality of

22.3 Any emergency list should be reviewed on a regular basis.


23.1 New employees will attend an “in house” induction course arranged by the Personnel and Finance
staff as soon as practicable after they commence employment.

23.2 They will also be provided with a “new start pack” (See Appendix 9). In addition, new employees with
management responsibilities will receive a “new start pack” which includes the relevant policies and
guidance notes (see Appendix 9A).

23.3 Normally, if previous reckonable service has been confirmed employees will be issued with a
Statement of Particulars immediately which is prepared by the Personnel and Finance Section. Two
statements will be provided; one to be retained by the new member of staff and the other one to be
signed and retained in the personal file.


24.1 Monitoring performance is an essential element of any equal opportunities policy. Statistics must be
gathered to identify trends and patterns over time while individual recruitment exercises must be
monitored to ensure compliance with good practice policy and the law.

24.2 It is essential that this procedure is kept under constant review and that improvements should be
made without delay by the Personnel and Finance staff in consultation with the trade unions and the
designated Depute Assessor.



Name of Employee


Post Title

Start Date Leaving Date

Reason(s) for Leaving

New Employer

Job Title

Type of Work Salary/Wage Level

Employee’s Signature Date

To be completed by officer conducting termination interview (if appropriate).

Comments on reasons for leaving as given above.

Name of Interviewing Officer

Signed Date

Please ensure that ID/Flexi and Security Cards

are returned when employee leaves



Grade: AP 2 (SCP 19-22)

Responsible to: HEAD OF SERVICE



Job Purpose: To ensure the provision of an effective clerical and administrative

support service

1. Supervise staff, allocate work, monitor standards, identify training and
development needs and maintain discipline.

2. Introduce and maintain monitoring/review procedures to ensure service meets

agreed standards/timescales.

3. Assist in preparation and monitoring of revenue budget.

4. Process salaries, orders and invoices and maintain petty cash.

5. Develop and control management information and record systems and provide
management information and reports as required.

6. Maintain stationery supplies.

7. This description is indicative of the nature and level of responsibilities associated

with this post. It is not exhaustive and the postholder may be required to
undertake other appropriate duties and responsibilities.



NOTE: The Person Specification should clearly describe the skills/abilities/personal qualities needed to
undertake the duties of the post. It should be agreed by the Panel and provide the yardstick for
shortlisting and assessment at interview.

GUARANTEED INTERVIEW - Under the “Double Tick” initiative, any disabled applicant who meets the
essential requirements for a vacancy should be offered a guaranteed interview.


PROFESSIONAL/  HNC in Public Administration/SVQ
EDUCATIONAL Level II or equivalent.
RELEVANT WORK/  Supervision of employees.  Basic experience of stock control.
OTHER EXPERIENCE  Managing workloads.  Basic understanding of budget
 Cash handling skills. process.
 Understanding or processing invoices  Basic experience of identifying
for payment. training needs of employees.
 In-depth understanding of salary
PARTICULAR SKILLS/  Ability to undertake basic keyboard  Basic understanding and some
ABILITIES skills. experience of budget process.
(eg technical ability,  In-depth understanding of your
computing skills, other various computer packages eg Excel,
work related skills) Power Point, Word.
 Setting target priorities and
managing workloads.
 Ability to effectively communicate
information verbally to various types
of customers/colleagues/managers.
 Present written information eg
reports, in a clear concise form.
 Management of confidential
PERSONAL QUALITIES  Flexible approach to requirements of
(eg inter-personal skills, post.
attitude, adaptability,  Experience of working unsupervised
motivation, presentation) on own initiative.
ANY ADDITIONAL  Occasional attendance at evening
JOB RELATED meetings.
(eg ability to work
irregular hours, shifts)


TECH 5 - PO 1 (£21,537 - £25,977)

The post involves providing technical support to senior professional staff within the
Joint Board, and in particular, to undertake survey, measurement and valuation of all
categories of property. The postholder will also be responsible for, and to co-ordinate
various tasks in relation to Valuation Roll, Valuation List and Council Tax List.

Candidates must hold the Higher National Certificate in General Surveying and should
have a minimum of four years post qualification experience.

Preference will be given to members of the RICS (Technical).

The closing date for receipt of completed application forms is ** February 2002 which
should be marked Private and Confidential for the attention of the Administrative

For further information and an application form please telephone 0131 469 5609/5610
or e-mail on



Assessor : J A Cardwell, FRICS

The Lothian Valuation Joint Board is split into three sections covered by three geographical
areas in Lothian; East, West and Central. They are usually referred to as Divisions but within
these Divisions the staff are split into administrative and technical areas. The technical staff
carry out all valuation work in relation to Council Tax and the valuation of commercial subjects.
The administrative staff deal with the associated work which is required for the production of
the Valuation Roll and the Council Tax List. In addition, they carry out work in relation to the
compilation of the Electoral Register more commonly known as the Voters Roll. There are also
specialist areas in the office such as personnel and office services, finance and information.

The Joint Board staff are situated in Chesser House, 500 Gorgie Road, Edinburgh and the
various sections are located between the ground floor and levels 6 and 7.


There is a staff restaurant open between the hours of 1200 and 1330 hours for meals and
during morning and afternoon breaks for hot rolls, scones etc. Vending machines which
dispense cold snacks and drinks are located on floors 6 and 7.


The conditions of service are determined by the Scottish Joint Council for Local Government
Employees. The main provisions are as follows:-

1. Your normal working week is one of 35¾ hours and your normal working hours are from
0840 to 1645 hours Monday to Thursday and 0840 to 1550 hours Friday, but the Joint
Board may, following consultation, alter your working arrangements to meet service
requirements and for the provision of cover, as the office is open to the public from
0830 to 1700 hours Monday to Thursday and 0830 to 1605 hours Friday. An unpaid lunch
break of 45 minutes per day will apply. Hours for job sharing posts are by arrangement
(see Paragraph 8).

2. Flexitime - a flexitime system is presently in operation in the office and staff may vary
start and finish of their working day in accordance with the rules of the Scheme of Flexible
Working Hours, subject to the staffing levels determined by the Assessor. Hours of work
are as follows:-


Band width 08.00 - 18.00

Flexible Starting Period 08.00 - 10.00

Flexible Lunch Period (minimum half hour) 12.00 - 14.00

Flexible Finishing Period (Monday to Thursday) 16.00 - 18.00

Flexible Finish Period (Friday) 1515 - 18.00

Core Time (Monday to Thursday) 10.00 - 12.00 and 14.00 - 16.00

Core Time (Friday) 10.00 - 12.00 and 14.00 - 15.15

3. Salary - salaries are paid monthly by bank credit transfer and initial placings on the scale
will take into account qualifications and experience.

4. Overtime - staff may be requested to work overtime although the amount and frequency
varies in different areas. The rate of pay is time and half Monday to Saturday and double
time on Sundays and public holidays. Staff who receive a salary in excess of the AP5
grade may not be eligible for premium overtime rates.

5. Annual Leave - the leave year runs from 1 January to 31 December and employees with
one full year service will be entitled to 22 days annual leave (and pro rata for less than
one years service). Staff with 5 years reckonable service are entitled to an extra 5 days
annual leave and a further 3 days after 10 years continuous service. In addition, there are
10 fixed public holidays per year.

6. Superannuation - under statute you are required to make provision for your pension. One
option is membership of the Local Government Superannuation scheme. Unless you opt
not to join, membership of the scheme is automatic from the date of commencement of
employment, providing you are at least 16 years old and work for 15 hours or more per
week. Membership, however, is not a condition of employment and although you are
strongly recommended to participate, you have the right to opt out.

7. Sickness - an employee’s entitlement to sickness allowance will depend upon length of

continuous service ie if you have less than 26 weeks service, no allowance will be paid.

8. Job Sharing - is defined as two people voluntarily sharing the responsibilities of one
existing full-time job. The salary and benefits are divided among the job sharers
according to the time they work, and each person holds a permanent post.

The post on offer may be signalled as suitable to job share and if you are interested you
should mark the application form clearly “JOB SHARE POST”. However, all staff can apply
for job sharing when in post and all applications will be given due consideration by the
Assessor. An example of job share working hours is as follows:

Partner 1 - Monday 08.30 - 16.00 (lunch 12.30 - 13.00)

Tuesday 08.30 - 16.00 (lunch 12.30 - 13.00)
Wednesday 08.30 - 12.30

Partner 2 - Wednesday 12.00 - 16.00

Thursday 08.30 - 16.00 (lunch 12.30 - 13.00)
Friday 08.30 - 16.00 (lunch 12.30 - 13.00)

9. The Joint Board encourages the use of cycles for short business trips (not more than 10
miles for a return journey). Prior authorisation is required by the Assessor. The mileage
rate is 23 pence per mile at the present time and is subject to review.

10. Relocation Expenses - the scheme shall apply in whole or in part, to APT & C staff and
Chief Officials recruited or promoted to the service of the Joint Board who, because of their
new appointment, require to move their place of residence. The overall maximum level of
reimbursement available under the scheme is £5,896 with effect from 21 June 1999.

11. Control of Smoking at Work Policy - there is a total ban on smoking indoors on Joint Board
premises which includes meeting/training rooms, toilets, lifts, stairs, corridors, canteens,
rest areas etc.

12. Recruitment and Selection Policy - the Joint Board aims to achieve a corporate and
consistent approach in the critical area of recruitment and selection, in order to comply
with employment legislation and good personnel practice.

If you have a complaint regarding discriminatory practice you should, in the first instance,
write to the Assessor stating your case.

An allegation of discriminatory practice(s) will not prejudice any future applications for
employment regardless of the outcome.

13. Equal Employment Opportunities Policy - Lothian Valuation Joint Board is an equal
opportunities employer and will prevent discrimination, particularly on the grounds of sex,
race, colour, nationality, ethnic origin, marital status, disability, sexuality, age, religious
belief, political belief, trade union activity, responsibility for dependants, employment
status or HIV status.

14. Disabled Persons Employment - any applicant who is disabled (you do not have to be
registered) and who meets the minimum criteria for the job, is guaranteed an interview.
You must, therefore, clearly mark your application form “Disabled Person”.

The above information is given for the benefit of prospective applicants. The successful
candidate will receive an offer of employment which will give full details of conditions of service
in the form of a contract of employment. If you require any information on any point of detail
regarding conditions of service, please contact Mrs J Campbell, Administrative Officer,
telephone number (0131) 469-5585.

- Personnel and Finance Section

Chesser House
500 Gorgie Road
Tel: 0131 455 7455
Fax: 0131 469 5599
E-mail :
Visit our website at :

Updated November 2002





Advert Ref No: Pay:


or Names of Applicants

Professional/Educational. Qualifications: (state recent acceptable equivalent)

 HNC in Pubic Administration/SVQ in D
Level II or equivalent
Relevant Work/Other Experiences:
 Supervision of employees E
 Managing workloads E
 Cash handling skills E
 Understanding of processing invoices E
for payment
 In-depth understanding of salary E
 Basic experiences of stock control D
 Basic understanding and experience of D
operating a budgetary system
 Basic experience of establishing D
training needs of employees.
Particular Skills/Abilities: (eg Technical ability, computing skills, any other work related skills)
 Ability to undertake basic keyboard E
 In-depth understanding of various E
software packages eg Excel, Word,
Power Point
 Setting priorities and managing targets E
and workloads
 Ability to effectively communicate E
information verbally to customers
 Presentation of written information eg E
reports, in a clear, concise form
 Management of confidential information E
Particular Skills/Abilities (eg inter-personal skills, motivation, attitude, adaptability, presentation)
 Flexible approach to requirements of E
 Experience of working unsupervised E
and on own initiative
Any Other Job Related Requirements:-
 Occasional attendance at evening D
INTERVIEW Y… N… Y… N… Y… N… Y… N… Y… N…

Panel Chairperson: Date:


Name of Applicant:


Advert Ref No: Scheduled Time for Interview:

Department: Actual Start: Actual Finish:

INSTRUCTIONS - Complete this form IMMEDIATELY AFTER the interview.

Applicants should be compared with the attributes indicated in the person specification.

Desirable MET MET MET
Professional/Educational Qualifications:
 HNC in Pubic Administration/SVQ in D
level II or equivalent
Relevant Work/Other Experiences:
 Supervision of employees E
 Managing workloads E
 Cash handling skills E
 Understanding of processing invoices E
for payment
 In-depth understanding of salary E
 Basic experiences of stock control D
 Basic understanding and experience of D
operating a budgetary system
 Basic experience of identifying training D
needs for employees.
Particular Skills/Abilities:
 Ability to undertake basic keyboard E
 In-depth understanding of various E
software packages eg Excel, Word,
Power Point
 Setting priorities and managing targets E
and workloads
 Ability to effectively communicate E
information verbally to customers
 Presentation of written information eg E
reports, in a clear, concise form
 Management of confidential information E
Personal Qualities
 Flexible approach to requirements of E
 Experience of working unsupervised E
and on own initiative
Any Additional Job Related Requirements:-
 Occasional attendance at evening D

Overall Assessment


PO Box 467, Chesser House, 500 Gorgie Road, Edinburgh, EH11 3YJ

Name of Employee

Employed From To

Designation of Employee

Was the applicant’s service satisfactory in the following respects?




Attendance Record (number of days absent in last 2 years)

Why did the applicant leave your employment? (if appropriate)

Would you re-employ if a suitable vacancy arose? YES … NO …

Any other comments


Position Date



PO Box 467, Chesser House, 500 Gorgie Road, Edinburgh, EH11 3YJ

Name of Student

From To

Name of School/College

Was the applicant’s service satisfactory in the following respects?




Attendance Record (number of days absent in last 2 years)

Comments on their interpersonal skills

Comments on their communication skills


Position Date




 Policy on Absence Management

 Control of Smoking at Work
 Equal Opportunities Policy
 Harassment at Work Policy
 Harassment at Work Guide
 Training & Education Scheme - General
 Training & Education Scheme - Joint Board
 Violence to Employees Policy


 Annual Leave (available from Personnel & Finance Section)

 Disciplinary Procedure (issued with Contract of Employment)
 Flexible Working Hours (issued with Contract of Employment)
 Grievance Procedure (issued with Contract of Employment)
 Health & Safety Policy (copy available on Section)
 Job Sharing Scheme (available from Personnel & Finance Section)
 Employee Redeployment & Transfer (available from Personnel & Finance
 Leave for Family Care Purposes (available from Personnel & Finance
 Staff Car Scheme (available from Personnel & Finance Section)
 Salary/Pay Advance Scheme for the Purchase of Public Transport Season
Tickets (available from Personnel & Finance Section)

NOTE: Copies of many of the policies and agreements

and blank forms can also be accessed on the Staff Intranet.


 Policy on Absence Management

 Procedure for Managing Sickness Absence
 Control of Smoking at Work
 Equal Opportunities Policy
 Harassment at Work Policy
 Harassment at Work Guide
 Training & Education Scheme - General
 Training & Education Scheme - Joint Board
 Violence to Employees Policy


 Annual Leave (available from Personnel & Finance Section)

 Disciplinary Procedure (issued with Contract of Employment)
 Flexible Working Hours (issued with Contract of Employment)
 Grievance Procedure (issued with Contract of Employment)
 Health & Safety Policy (copy available on Section)
 Job Sharing Scheme (available from Personnel & Finance Section)
 Employee Redeployment & Transfer (available from Personnel & Finance
 Leave for Family Care Purposes (available from Personnel & Finance
 Staff Car Scheme (available from Personnel & Finance Section)
 Salary/Pay Advance Scheme for the Purchase of Public Transport Season
Tickets (available from Personnel & Finance Section)

NOTE: Copies of many of the policies and agreements

and blank forms can also be accessed on the Staff Intranet.


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