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Bronte School

Headmasters Newsletter 61
5 February 2016
Year 5 and 6 Visit to the Houses of Parliament
A great advantage of being on Londons doorstep and almost next door to a well-connected station is
that day trips to the centre of the capital are more than possible. Last Mondays visit, taking place over
the afternoon and early evening, proved to be both exciting and educational, with the children being able
to view what happens in both Houses, which were in session when we arrived. Many of them were
surprised that they were able to witness what is televised live throughout the week.
They learnt about the history of the building and how Westminster Hall is the oldest part of Westminster
Palace, having survived the fire in 1834, which destroyed the rest of the building. They found out about
the three parties which make up Parliament, these being the House of Commons, the House of Lords and
the Queen.
During their tour they were also able to see Pugins stunning architecture, both inside and outside the
Palace, and they also learnt that the tower that houses Big Ben was renamed Elizabeth Tower after the
Queens Jubilee.
After the tour the children took part in workshops. Year 5 had to formulate five constituencies and then
decide upon their manifestos. This was followed by an opportunity to vote and, after a tense few
minutes, a Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister and Chancellor of the Exchequer were duly elected.
Simultaneously, Year 6 were given the opportunity to think of topics to debate in the House of
Commons and the House of Lords, where they debated the sugar tax, with some quite heated
exchanges from both sides of the House.

The children were praised for their exemplary behaviour, with one guide stating that the behaviour
Doesnt get much better than this!, comments which set the seal on an extremely successful visit.
Many thanks to Mrs Prescott, Mrs Baldacci, Mrs Lonergan, Mrs Lippard, and Mrs Botley for navigating the
whole day and doing such great shepherding, and well done to Years 5 and 6.

Headmasters Newsletter 61 / Continued

Netball versus St Josephs


A second match against St Josephs Year 6 squad

did not result in a win but our players of all ages
has demonstrably gained in skills since last time.
It was an excellent session. Thanks to Mrs Rezki,
and to some very supportive parents.

Week 6

Year 1 Visit to Woodlands Park

On Thursday, as part of their Design and
Technology topic, Year 1 visited Woodlands Park,
where they investigated the different types of
playground equipment. They study the materials
used to make them (which is also part of their
science for this term), and how the equipment
They combined this with their afternoon PE
session, by using the equipment as an obstacle
course, and then finally practising their ball skills
on the grassed area of the park. It was a
thoroughly enjoyable and worthwhile afternoon.
Maybe a return visit in the summer?

Monday, 8th February

Year 5 Girls , Year 6 Boys and Girls
Puberty Talk (1.30pm)
Tuesday, 9th February
Year 5 : Visit from Emma Weaver, of St. George's
Church, Gravesend
Shrove Tuesday: pancake races
(2.30pm, tennis courts)
Blood Donor Session in Church
(Please be aware that the Church car park will
be much busier than usual, and there may not be
space there)
Friday, 12th February
School Assembly : taken by Guide Dog trainer &
House cross country - parental support
(1.30pm, Gravesend Cricket Club ground)

Half-Term begins (3.30pm)

Week 7
Monday, 22nd February 8.45am
School re-commences
Tuesday, 23rd February
Reception: first visit to Forest School (morning)
(not Tues 22nd as in Calendar)
Thursday, 25th February
Parent Council Meeting : 4.00pm
Friday, 26th February
Bronte Friends: Pamper Evening
(7.00pm, School Hall)

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