Sma N Z Balige - A, Srama Yayasa) .I Soposurting Sf.I Eksi Ai (Ademik Siswa Baru Kei Ati X A) .Igkataiv) O (Tahun Pei-A.Iaran Zoog / 2o1o

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Mata Pelajaraa BahasaIuggris

Wakhr 9o menit
Jurnlah soal 5o Qimapuluh)
Kode Soal 22

Tulbkan kode soal di lembarJawoban!

l. My parentsaskedme to try the entry-testto

Yasop. A, theydo too C. so aretheY
Thc statementaboveis derivedfrom: B. so do they D. do ttreYtoo
10. Balugu: *l can't cook."
A, My parcntssaidto me: "Try the Yasop
entry-test." Esron:
B. My parentsaskedme did I try the Yasop Balugu:"That's too bad.We're both hungry!"
entry-test A. but I can C. me ncither -
C. My parentsaskme: "Do you try the Yasop- B. eithercanI D, yes, we can
ent4/-test" I l . ln his campaign,Barrack Obarnaoften
D. My parentsaskedme: "Shouldyou try the mentionedthat .... time for a change
Yasop entry-test?" A. it's C. it will
2. Verita: *I think we've met before." B. it D. it had'
Elsa:"........? I canhardlyhearwhatyou 12. Hania: "llow's thesystemof our nation-
jrst said." election?"
A. What Charles:"W!ll, thepeoplenow getto choose
B. May I begyoru pardon' their representati
C. Really What doesCharlesimply?
D. I don't think so A. Thc peoplcarechosenbYthcir
3. Patar:'Korea is sucha lovcly country.By the representotives
way, do you speakKorean?" B. Thesystemof theclectionis cornplicated
lndra:"I wish I ..." C. Thercpresentatives alwaysarcclccted
A. do. c. did directly by the people
B. am D. will D. The representatives are now electcdby the
4. Lanria: "Ale you busyright now?" people
Dewi:'No, what is it?" 13, Thepresidentlwd beenleading thi'rcountry
Lamria:"Oh, let's go to tlte movie,....?" for 3 &cades belore hepassedav'uy.
A. okay C. don't we That statemontindicatesthat ...
B. arewc D. shall we. A. The presidentis still leadingthe country
5. Manypoliticalpartieskept on.... aboutthe B. The presidcntis no longeralive
result of thc national-election C. The coun!ryhad beenleadby the prcsident
A. complaining C. beencomplaining up to now
B. complain D. complains' D. The presidentleadthe countryfor only 3
6. Heriany:*Whathappened lastnight?" years
Sinar:'Well, tbeybeggedm€ to stay,.... I 14. By the end of this month,the candidatesfor
left somehou/' presidentandhis vice for this country.. . ..
A. and C. thts A. will havebeenarutounced
B. so - D. but B. will havcuurouced
7. Oldpcopleoftenuse ... stickto helpthemon C. willannource
their feet D. havabeenannounced
A. walk C. walking 15. lf I .... four eyes,I wouldhaveput thc
B. wallcy l). walker - extrapair on mY back
8. The teacherdoesn'twsnt to go outsideof the A. have C . a m h a v i n g-
classand....... thestudents B. will have D. had
A. neitlrerdoes C. don't either I 6. Both of her parents. . . . underthe sameroof
B. neitherdo D. neither A.lives-
B. is living

- Asramr YeyasanSoposu

t 7 . Ncitlrcr the gtudontsnor thc tescher.... 32. Billy: "Whatnovetareyou readingnow?"

content about the result of the academic-test Lesbon:"The Flfih MountainbY Paulo
A. were C. to be Coelho."
B. was D. arc Billy: "Is it an sdventureor a romance'1"
18.Thecorrectarrangement for thefollowing Lesbon: "....."
jumbledsentence is: A. No,it isn't C. No, they'renot
honestlv-that-say-she'for-boyfr B. [t's both D. Yes,it is .
| 2 34 5 6 7
she*en:t-her For the nextno. 33-35,pleasefill in the following
8910 blanks wittr conect option
A. r-2.3- S/labn't (33),....lately. Herfrietds alsa ugree
B. l-2-4-9-4-8-7-5-10{ tllrlt slre'sbeenactlng strangely.Once,thay asked
l0{ -
c. 4-9-l-3-2-8-7-5- (34) ....wlat tlu problemcouldbe,but smilewas
D. 106-9-3-8-r-2+7-5. all (35)
19.MotherTberesa dedicated herlife .... to the 33. A. her C. hers
Poor B. she D. herself -
A. selflessly C. selfishly' i.f. Ak C.h€rs
B. sclfless D. selfish B. sbc D. h€rsctf-
20. Sopar.'Do you recallfut man'P 35- A.6em C.6€ry-
Kumia: *llo, I don'L Who is he again?" B. their D. theirs
The undedinedword hasthe samemeanhg
wirh: 36. His boss.... him do thepresentation
A. phone C. remember yesterday
B. cal! bask- D. acknowledge A. has C. was
21. Which is not a setof the samegroup: B. is D. had
A. cell phone-TV-computer-radio
B. autunn-summcr-winter-fall For then€xtno. 374},pteasefill in the following
C. Medan-Jakarta-S urabaya-Ambon blankswith corect option
D. coffeetea-road-milk I havesucha (37).....Iriend.Her (38) .... has
22. Which one is not a disorder: spreadeventotiiends nexl town. Rumorhas it
A. pleasure C. bulimia thal sheevenhiresa special(39) ...... ro (40) .....
B. insomnia D. arnnesia' ler evenmore
23. "Malin Kundang"is oneexamplesof: 37.A.beautif, C. beauty
A. rooancc C. shortstory B. beautitul. D. beautician
E. folklore D. thriller- 38. A. beautiS C. bcauty -
24. Sunls the ..... of our solar-system B. beoutiful D. beautician
A.part C. color 39.A. beauti! ' C. beauty
B. central D. only one - B. beautiful D. beautician
25. Henyz*Plcasekeepthis as a secret." 40. A. beauti$ C. beauty
Luana:',.... I won't tell anyone.You can B. beautiful D. beautician
A. Don't worry' C. Really You cananswernextno. 4143, by obscrving
B. No D. Maybe the followine flier:
26. If: chemis0y) chemist Deer:Lrsmrrir
then:math) .....
A. mathcmatics, C. mathematician Pleasekindly cometo my birtMay-party that
B. mathematicsl D. mathemathist wtll be held on:
27. Planee..... aroundthc stur Day/ date: Saturdry, April I I, 2009
A. rotate C. rcvolve- Time: 5 PM (about 2 lpurs of duration)
B. turn D.Involve Locallon:SklngamangaraJaSt,no. ll0, Baltge
28. Putyourtust .... Cod
A. in C. with Yourpresenceis like the gift I lreusure the ntost
B. on D. for - Youhsveto bring present,though..,@
29. Which hasa differentmeaningwith other Il's me,
words: The birthdoy girl,
A. well-off C. well-known Rins
B. rich - D. well-to-do
30. Heoftcnwoodens ..... .ll. Thatflier is a birth&y- ....
A. wbois his b€stfricad A. giff C. invitation
B. his bcstfriend B. card D. leu€r-
C. nrlo his bestfri€od 42. From lhe flier, we can say that:
D. \160 btr bcst frlcadtt 4. t 'smlrie ls cclcbraring hcr binnday -
3 l. We'reall lookingfor a ...... life B. Iasmaria invites Rina
A. wondcrfirl kind of- C. niccly C.Rinacxpecsbirthdaygifl fromLirsmaria
.8.nieelykird D.wonderfully D.htmsris's pr6€nc€mcans nothingtq
SMA N 2Btlige - Asnmr Yryrsrn Soposurung Poge2 of 3
., /,

a3. By thc time whenthc party's over it will be: 49.The following statementis correct,when
.d. night C. aftemoon'
B. moming D. mid night

To answernext no. 4446,read the following


J. J. Thomson(1856-1940),Britishphysicistand
Nobel laureate. Slr JosephJohn Thomsonwas
born ruar Manchester,Englard, and educatedat
OwensCollegeand Trtnlty College, IJniversityof
Cambridge.A theorist as well as an uperimenter,
T'homson dvanced ln 1898tlre "plum-pudding"
iluory ofatomic stnrcture.Thomsonwasknishted
in 1948.(fakenfron: Mbrosofi @ Encarta @ A. it has6 srings -
2007. @1993-2006Microsof Corporation) ,8. onethatplaysit is calledasa bassist
C. it hasstringsfor low and high tones
44. Thomsonwas bom in: D. to play ig you canstrumor pluck it
A. Cambridge C. Manchester- 50. Oneconectstatement aboutpicturcbelowis:
B. England D. Owens
45. Thomsonwasasthe followingbut a/ an....
A. experinenter
B. physioist,
C. vicar
D. theorist
46. The underlinedword relatesdirectly with the
A. physicist C. Nobel -
'i i 4f,'/
B. sir D. college
ir t/f/ '
47. Englishis a ..... language
A. global A. There'sno elec8icalchargein it
C. region
B. intcmadonal- B. lt neverhappens wbenit's raining
D, difficult
Which of the following strtementsis C. It neveroccursin Europe
incorrect basodon tho picturc bolow: D. It comesoften in lndonesiain rainy days

f f r+tt* t**t t t*t+f * t'|;yl:,v:.v^ rv\A&!&,!\^)l:M^':y:y,v\::.:v.viji.,i.r,:,-. :... :.::y:-;v..:,\;::).:)

ii nu CoNFTDENT,
r;i GOODIUCK A ID GODBLESST . .:. .::...::.i.r-:..:.,,

A. They'reequipments for asport

B. Oneis usedto kickothers
C. Both can bc madoof leathcr
D. Basketballplayersusethem in ttreir games-

SMA N 2 Brlige - Asnme Yryesen Soposurung page 3 of J

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