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Todd Ringler

‘Health’ Joins ‘Green’ as Business Strategy Across Industries

Global Survey Finds Corporate Involvement in Health Drives Trust, Purchases,
Recommendations and Investment

April 13, 2010, Washington, D.C. – The general public expects businesses outside the health
industry – such as retail, entertainment and consumer technology – to be involved in health in
ways that go well beyond the health of their employees, according to the Edelman Health
Engagement Barometer 2010. Nearly three-quarters (72 percent) of people trust a company
more that is effectively engaged in health and two-thirds (65 percent) either recommend or buy
products from those companies. However, 56 percent said business in general is doing only a
fair or poor job in this arena (excludes Mexico*), and only 36 percent trust business to fulfill its
role in addressing health. Findings from the survey were presented today at the 7 th Annual
World Health Care Congress in Washington, D.C.

When asked to consider the health of the public alongside the environment, three out of four
(73 percent) said that it is as important to protect the public’s health as it is to protect the
environment. More than two-thirds (69 percent) pointed to the role business could play in
doing this, saying it should put as much effort into maintaining and improving personal and
public health as it puts into the environment.

“Business has gone ‘Green’—now it’s time to go ‘Health,’” said Nancy Turett, global president,
Health, Edelman. “For a company to be prosperous and relevant in the future, it has to factor
health into its business strategy, not only to fulfill its social contract with all stakeholders but to
realize its full market potential.”

The 11-country, 15,000-person study found that while more than three out of four (77 percent)
believe business should engage in helping employees and their families lead healthier lives,
nine in 10 (92 percent) believe companies should be engaging in other ways, too. For example,
nearly three out of four (71 percent) believe it is important for business to support the health of
its local communities, three-fourths (75 percent) believe it is important for business to educate
the public on health topics related to its products or services, and the same number believe it is
important for business to create new products or services that maintain and improve personal
health. Seventy percent believe business should help to address obesity. The importance of
health as both a business imperative and a business opportunity was powerful worldwide, but
particularly strong in the emerging markets of Brazil, China, India, and Mexico.

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“In the wake of the global economic crisis, trust and transparency are now as important to
corporate reputation as the quality of products and services provided,” said Richard Edelman,
president and CEO, Edelman. “Factoring the fundamentals of health into business strategies is
key to rebuilding confidence.”


The study also explored the public’s expectations of how 10 industries should engage in health.
The industries ranged from those traditionally associated with health – such as biopharma and
medical products, OTC health and personal care products, and healthcare providers – to
consumer technology, banking and finance, food and beverage, retail, and media and

Results indicated that every industry should engage in health, but priorities varied. For

 Food and beverage: Priorities included communicating the health risks of its products or
services (51 percent); educating the public on health topics related to its products or
services (50 percent); helping to address obesity (49 percent); helping employees and
their families lead healthier lives (48 percent); and creating new products or services
that maintain or improve health (47 percent).
 Media and entertainment: Priorities ranged from educating the public on health topics
related to its products and services (49 percent); helping employees and their families
lead healthier lives (44 percent); and supporting the health of local communities (43
 Biopharma and medical products industry: The key priority involved creating new
products or services that maintain or improve health (59 percent). However, a full 50
percent said it has a broader responsibility to contribute to global health. Nearly the
same number (48 percent) said it should support the health of local communities.


The study found that people view health not only as a personal issue but a public one. The vast
majority reported being engaged in their own health (91 percent) and that of their family (89
percent), but many also reported being engaged in the health of their communities (55
percent), nations (56 percent), and the world (49 percent).
Engagement in health as a public issue was particularly high among younger adults. The two
youngest age groups – 18-24-year-olds and 25-34-year-olds – were more likely than older
groups to engage in global health (55 percent).

“When it comes to health, we need to get past thinking of individuals only as patients and
engage them as consumers, voters, employees, investors, caregivers, and citizens,” said Ms.
Turett. “This convergence of personal and public health is relevant for governments,
employers, public health officials, healthcare providers, and others who seek to persuade
people to improve their health and motivate others to do the same.”


The study found that life moments – such as becoming a parent, retiring, or aging – and
changes in or threats to a loved one’s health rank above new information – such as advice from
a healthcare professional, news reports, or learning about new treatment options – as factors
that motivate people to better care for their health. For example, 30 percent of respondents
said aging has motivated them to take better care of their or their family’s health, while
only 18 percent said learning about new prevention or treatment options has been a
motivating factor.

“In effect, there is a ‘health motivation equation’ that combines new information with other
factors,” said Ms. Turett. “Key to motivating real behavior change is to deliver new
information in conjunction with a personal life moment or at a time when a loved one is
facing a health challenge.”

* Due to a translation error in the Mexican version of this survey question, it was removed from the global

About the Edelman Health Engagement Barometer 2010

The Edelman Health Engagement Barometer 2010 is the firm’s second global health study. The
survey was conducted by research firm StrategyOne ( and consisted of
22-minute (average duration) online interviews from February 24 – March 8, 2010. The
Edelman Health Engagement Barometer 2010 sampled 15,257 adults 18 years and older in the
following countries:  Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Mexico, the
United Kingdom, and the United States. Approximately 1,000 interviews were conducted in
each country, with the exception of the United States, where a total of 5,179 interviews were
conducted.  The US, Canada, UK, France, Germany, Italy, and Japan were weighted to be
representative of the total population. Brazil, China, India, and Mexico were weighted to be
representative of the total online population. For more information,

About Edelman
Edelman is the world’s largest independent public relations firm, with 3,200 employees in 52
offices worldwide. Edelman was named Advertising Age’s top-ranked PR firm of the decade;
Adweek’s “2009 Agency of the Year”; PRWeek’s “2009 Agency of the Year” and “UK
Consultancy of the Year”; and Holmes Report’s “Agency of the Decade,” “2009 Best Large
Agency to Work For,” and “2009 Asia Pacific Consultancy of the Year.” Edelman owns specialty
firms Blue (advertising), StrategyOne (research), BioScience Communications (medical
education and publishing), and MATTER (sports and entertainment). Visit
for more information.

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